Preparation of frozen snails. Easy homemade snails or a French escargot dish.

Grape snails are associated with an aquarium or with a summer house, the sea, but certainly not with cooking. Meanwhile, snail dishes are very useful for the human body, and almost all over the world they have already won love.

The process of making grape snails came to us from french cuisine. The dish is considered exotic and has a refined taste.

In order to cook a grape snail at home, you can buy ready-made marinated or frozen snails in a store or market. But for some recipes, canned snails will not work, but you will need to grow your own or buy live ones.

Cooking snails is a rather complicated process, but interesting. If you decide to completely cook the snails yourself, then you need to be a non-squeamish person.

The recipe for making grape snails is quite ancient. In Europe and Asia, for example, snails are generally a familiar and common item on the menu of almost all restaurants, while for us, for now, grape snails are a curiosity. But more and more restaurants are already striving to pamper a Russian citizen with such an exotic and exquisite dish. The most common in Russia and around the world is the recipe for cooking snails in French, which we will consider below. The French also call it escargot. Mine unusual taste it acquires due to the fact that the shells are filled with garlic sauce with the addition of butter, due to which the snails acquire a special delicate taste.

In general, there are a lot of recipes for cooking snails, for different tastes. Snails can be marinated. To do this, they are boiled and then added to a mixture of soy sauce and wine. Also, snails can be cooked with various sauces:, cottage cheese. In addition, a salad of snails and a roast of fried and boiled snails, or baked.

Recipes and dishes of various nations are firmly included in our cuisine. And we adjust them for ourselves, adding something, and removing something. Thus, preparing and bringing the snails closer to our usual taste.

Below we will consider the preparation of canned grape snails.

Grape snails - recipe


  • canned grape snails - 1 kg;
  • fresh baguette - 1 pc.;
  • butter- 300 gr.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • lemon juice;
  • parsley, herbs, salt - to taste.


We take out the snails from the shells, remove all the insides. Next, fry the meat in a pan. In empty and dried shells snails add fried meat. Then we take the butter, cut it into pieces, add the squeezed garlic, lemon juice and herbs. All this salt, pepper and grind with a blender. Add the resulting mixture to the shells. Next, preheat the oven and put our snails on a baking sheet so that they all lie butter side up. In the oven, they cook for about 2-3 minutes.

Cut the baguette into thin slices and remove the finished snails from the oven.

Can be served at the table. We take out the meat with a toothpick, eat it, and eat it with bread.

Having read once again that Latvia has a "good harvest of snails" this year,

I thought -Why aren't we French? And in general, they are eaten in many countries!

I studied everything about them and compiled a selection for you.

Read, cook and "enjoy the unique taste" as the saying goes:

A good article about snails with pictures (so as not to be confused with anyone!) - PRESS!

In many countries meat snails is considered not only an exquisite and tasty delicacy, but also medicinal (especially for men's health). They began to use them in ancient Rome and, fortunately, this glorious tradition has survived to this day.

The ancient Romans attributed the following medicinal properties to snails. properties: the ability to stop bleeding, treat gastrointestinal disorders, heal wounds, etc. Meat is especially indicated snails those who need to restore the calcium balance in the body, as well as those who suffer from collagenosis and chondrosis. snails well normalize the metabolic balance in the body, has a calming effect on nervous system and normalizes bowel function. Only a few types of snails are eaten. For instance: snails grape, Burgundy snail, Roman, etc. They grow quite slowly and individuals that have reached 2-3 years of age can be eaten. : Here I will collect recipes for cooking snails. I’m unlikely to be able to eat them myself (most likely - I won’t drink as much as in that joke), but note to gourmets ... Preparation of grape snails. Since ancient times, snail meat has been considered dietary product. It is much better absorbed by the body and does not cause heaviness in the stomach. One of the most common snail recipes is grape snails in garlic sauce. Ingredients: meat snails- 100 gr, lemon - 1 pc, butter - 100 gr, 3 cloves of garlic, parsley, vegetable oil, salt and black pepper - to taste. Preparation: thawed grapes snails fry in a hot frying pan in oil with salt. Cook in a separate bowl garlic Sause: Mix finely grated garlic with butter, lemon juice, salt, pepper and finely chopped parsley. Put garlic oil into portioned forms, put one snail on top and bake the dish in the oven for 3-5 minutes. The oven should be preheated (180C). Serve hot.

So, to start:

And here ours - Latvians from "local" snails have prepared.

Pictures - tin!

Today we are going to cook grape snails.

I'll warn you right now that you should not mess with this recipe

eif you have an increased sense of disgust

. During the preparation process, we will encounter not the most appetizing things.

And keep in mind that this process is extremely time consuming,

and buy 9 snails for 4 lats in the store - it's cheaper for yourself.

But the store is not our choice, and difficulties do not scare us, so let's get down to business!

First, the snails must be collected.

In Latvia, this is not a problem, it is enough to get out into the garden or park away from Riga.

By the way, collecting snails is a fascinating thing. Try it, you won't regret it :)

After we collected them and brought them home,
they must be thoroughly washed from the sand,

stuck leaves and other debris.

After that, stuff them into the pan, and cover with a lid, but not tight, but so,

to leave a crack for air access. We don't need dead snails at all.

We leave them in this state for 3 days.

Once a day, we take out the snails from the pan and rinse thoroughly in the shower.

In three days, snails completely cleanse the body of what we do not want to eat ...

And now, after three days, we start actually cooking.

Rinse again, fill with water and send to a strong fire.

The water should heat up very quickly, but not boil!

If it boils, then they will be difficult pull out from shells.

When such foam forms, remove from heat.

And we proceed to the separation of flies from snail cutlets from shells.

We'll get a bowl of the future delicacy.

Later sharp knife we separate the snail fillet (the leg of which it crawls)

from the stomach and what else she has in there ... From 50 snails, an average fillet is obtained.

Everything. We send this fillet to the pan to cook for 40-50 minutes,

adding onion and spices to taste.

After 40 minutes, drain the broth,

andrepeatprocedure with a new onion and spices for another 40 minutes.

We boil the shells in salt water in order to rid them of mucus.

While everything is cooked there, let's start the filling.

Beat a large bunch of dill, onion, 5-6 large cloves of garlic.

All this is crushed with a blender into a puree.

We drive a pack of butter into this puree with a blender. If the snails are healthy, then 1.5 packs.

Salt to taste.

As a result, we get such a green, delicious-smelling mass.

We wash the boiled shells and dry them on a towel.

And we start stuffing them.

First, we stuff our green oil into the sink with our finger,

put the cooked snail fillet, and seal on top with the same oil.

Push it tighter, don't mess around :) Here it is, the long-awaited semi-finished product.

We send it to the refrigerator until the guests arrive.

cover with foil and lay the snails so that they do not roll.

Sprinkle some shredded cheese on top. but not the whole snail

but onlywhere you can see the oil and put in the oven for minutes

15-20 at 180 degrees.

When we see that the cheese is browned, we take it out.
We gobble up puffed out cheeks and bulging eyes :)

Don't forget to drink white wine.

Pickled snails

Rinse the snails thoroughly. Boil in water over low heat for about half an hour. Take out and dry. mix soy sauce, vinegar, wine, add finely chopped garlic and red hot pepper, sugar. Let stand for 24 hours and serve. The mixture should cover the snails; if this is not the case, increase the volume of the mixture or stir the snails every hour so that they are all marinated.

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Snails "Napoleon"

snails pour cold water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook for 10 minutes. Then drain in a colander and cool under running water. cold water. Remove the snails from the shells, remove the horns, black stripe and two hard glands. Pour the prepared snails vegetable broth prepared from a cube and cook at a low boil for 3 hours.
Scald the almonds, peel and finely chop. Mushrooms cut into slices, fry in oil. Then combine with almonds, spices and chopped herbs. Put the mushroom mixture in the form of a ring in a greased form, put the snails in the middle, pour over tomato sauce and bake in the oven until done.
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Strassburg snails

Wash snail shells hot water and let it drain. Fill each shell with half a teaspoon of liquid from the jar, insert the snails back into the shells. Melt the butter. Peel and finely chop the onion, garlic, throw into the oil with parsley and mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Fill the shells with the resulting oil with herbs and place in a flat refractory dish. Put in an oven preheated to 225-250 C, bake for 20 minutes. Serve with a baguette.
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Snails with Roquefort cheese

Finely chop the onion and fry in butter. Add the snails and wine to the onion, let it simmer until the wine has reduced by 3/4.
Rub Roquefort with butter, parsley, cream, add sugar, pepper to the snails and mix thoroughly. Arrange the snails in bowls and put in an oven heated to 250 C for 4-5 minutes. Serve with a baguette.
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Escargot a la Somyer

To warm olive oil, add chopped shallots, ham, walnuts, anchovies, fry 3 min.
Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin and seeds, cut into cubes and add to the previous mixture.
Add snails, season to taste with sugar, black and cayenne pepper, salt if necessary, and cook for 2 minutes.
Mix 2 types of flour mashed potatoes and eggs. Add yeast diluted in warm milk. 2 hours to go. Fry 2 biscuits for 5 minutes on each side.
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Snail gratin with porcini mushrooms

Finely chop the onion and fry in 50 g of butter until translucent. Add finely chopped mushrooms and keep on medium heat, stirring occasionally for 20 minutes, adding cream at the end. Remove mushrooms from heat. Salt, pepper, and put in a blender, add the remaining oil and chop. Arrange the snails in portioned dishes, put the mushroom mixture on top, and put in the oven preheated to 250 C for 5-7 minutes.
If dry mushrooms are used, they should be soaked in warm water and then boil for 10 minutes. You can also use chanterelles, mushrooms or other mushrooms to taste.
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Avocado stuffed with snails

Wash the avocados, pat dry, cut in half lengthwise and remove the pits. Sprinkle cut lines of avocado halves lemon juice(1 teaspoon) so that the fruit pulp does not darken. Peel the grapefruit and cut into slices. Place the grapefruit and snail slices on the avocado halves. Mix mayonnaise with yogurt, ground almonds, remaining lemon juice, salt, white ground pepper and curry. Place 1 tbsp on each stuffed avocado half. sauce spoon. You can scrape the pulp from the avocado halves with a teaspoon, cut it small cubes and in last turn mix it into the sauce.
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Snails a la sussarello

Sprinkle the snails with coarse salt, pour with vinegar. Soak for 2 hours, then rinse in several waters.
Put them in large frying pan with boiling water, blanch for 5 minutes. Take it out, let the water drain.
Prepare a decoction: boil washed and chopped vegetables in 2 liters of water, add flavoring seasoning, salt and pepper. After 10 minutes, put the snails there and cook for 2 hours (so that they can be easily removed from the shells).
Prepare the sauce: Pour the olive oil into a large skillet. Peel the onion, chop and put in a pan, sprinkle with a tablespoon of flour. Stir. Add peeled and chopped tomatoes, peeled garlic. Salt, pepper. Put the snails there, add 1 cup of broth. Simmer for 20 minutes over low heat and serve. To make it easier to remove the snails, punch the bottom of the shell and, blowing from the other side, remove the snail.
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Risotto primavera with snail ragout

Finely chop shallots and fry in 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Add pic. Pour in a glass of wine and let it evaporate; continue to cook rice, adding a little broth and grated cheese. Remove from heat a few minutes before doneness and divide the risotto into small individual molds.
Make a stew. Fry two chopped shallots in oil, add boiled and finely chopped snails and fry everything well. Add tomato puree from tomatoes (without seeds) and after 2 minutes lightly boiled nettles.
Remove from heat and add nuts. Invert the risotto molds onto the hot plates and top with the stew.
Read the rest of this entry » For 5 min. until the onion is ready in a saucepan, dissolve the remaining butter, put the snails, fry over low heat, add heat to evaporate the water.


How to catch up with a grape snail - we eat escargot

French cuisine helped to become popular beautiful names dishes. The incomprehensible word "escargot", for example, means the most common snails that feed on grape leaves.

In the hands of culinary masters, snails have become a delicacy.
Usually snails are classified as seafood, although they have nothing to do with the sea. But, like their related oysters and scallops, they contain a lot useful substances, treat atherosclerosis and even improve potency.
It is easy to get them, at least in France. There snails prefer to collect in own garden(if there is one), where they crawl in hundreds after the rain. In parts where they are not found, escargots are sold frozen in supermarkets, but they do not taste the same.


There are two main types of edible snails found in restaurants and supermarkets. The first is Helix pomatia Linne, or Burgundy escargot, with a convex light brown shell 40-50 mm in diameter. In another species - Helix aspera, or "Petit Gris" - the shell is flatter, dark brown, 15-20 mm in diameter. Both live in Western Europe, South America, Africa. These snails are called garden snails or grape snails because their favorite food is grape leaves. However, they are happy to eat any juicy greens, causing considerable damage to gardens.

Snails are hermaphrodites, each of them lays 40-60 eggs in spring by itself. The gluttonous offspring grows quickly and gains commercial weight in a year and a half. Breeding snails is profitable: on the world market, 1 kilogram of the delicacy costs $7, and in restaurants the price of a dozen reaches $20. About 80% of the shellfish eaten by gourmets is grown on farms, the rest are “game”. "Wild" snails are kept on a diet of flour with red wine for two weeks before consumption.


Since time immemorial, snails have saved the poor from starvation and delighted the jaded rich. They began to breed them in ancient Rome - for patrician feasts. Knowing that shellfish facilitate digestion, the Romans served them at the end of the meal. Legionnaires took them on campaigns as live canned food. In the Middle Ages, snails became even more popular, as they were allowed to be eaten on the strictest fast. The monks fed them with special herbs, from which the meat acquired a special flavor.

Snails were eaten all over Europe, but the French were and remain their main connoisseurs. It is believed that the "snail" season begins in spring and ends under New Year. During the Christmas week alone, 200 tons of snails are eaten in Paris, and all of France annually "sentences" 65 thousand tons of this delicacy. More than 15 thousand tons of them are imported. Countries such as Austria, Romania and Serbia have turned shellfish farming into a profitable business. Snails are bred in China, but the French consider their cape too rough.


There are three ways to cook snails: fried, boiled in sauce and stuffed. In France, they are fried on a grill over an open fire, dipped in a mixture of salt and pepper before that. In urban conditions, it is easier to use another method: pour olive oil into a deep saucepan, put the snails there with the hole up and fry over medium heat. For flavor, you can add a little white wine to the oil. Instead of a stewpan, the French use an escargot pan with 12 or 24 holes (it is customary to count snails and eat them in dozens).

If you decide to cook snails, it is better to pre-soak them in vinegar for 12 hours. Then, after washing thoroughly, throw into boiling water and boil well. For the sauce, fry finely chopped onions, tomatoes, herbs and two or three crushed cloves of garlic in olive oil. In the south of France they prefer garlic mayonnaise"aioli" (crushed head of garlic, raw egg yolk, a little red pepper and olive oil). Pour a glass of white wine into the sauce, put the snails and add water so that they are completely covered with it (snails are boiled and stewed in white wine to beat off their natural smell, which not everyone likes). It doesn't take long to cook. Serve along with the sauce.

The most refined and difficult dish to prepare is burre snails, that is, stuffed. The clams are washed and dipped for five minutes in boiling water. Then they are removed from the shells with a long needle. Empty sinks drip for a long time with soda. The clams themselves are boiled over low heat with spices. During this time, the filling is being prepared, which certainly includes shallots, butter, garlic and parsley (you can stuff the shell with all this, or you can just seize the tender flesh of the mollusk). In addition, they can be put in the sink spicy cheese, fish pate, foie gras. The procedure is as follows: push a little filling inside, put a snail on top, and again fill the rest of the place to the very edge of the shell with pate.

How they eat

Snails are eaten with a special two-pronged fork and tweezers that hold the shell. Pieces white bread dipped in the sauce left over from the snails.

In restaurants, snails in their shells are served in a 12- or 24-hole escargot pan. They also rely on large tweezers, which hold the shell, and a two-pronged fork, which is used to remove the mollusk in order to put it in the mouth. In small taverns, a sharp wooden stick replaces the fork.

In France, more than a hundred recipes for cooking snails are known: escargot in Burgundy, gargolada in Roussillon, Charente bourre, etc. In Burgundy, they are stuffed with a filling of butter, garlic and herbs; in Alsace, they are stewed with shallots in white wine. The Parisian knows her recipes haute cuisine- here snails are baked in dough with mushrooms and Camembert. They are sometimes served raw, like oysters, although connoisseurs believe that this is not the best option.

During ceremonial dinners, escargots are served hot immediately after fish snacks before the main course. To enhance the taste, you can sprinkle the escargot with lemon and eat with a sprig of parsley. Wash down the delicacy with dry white wine or a glass of aniseed Pernod. There will be no hangover - snails are also useful because they adsorb alcohol. However, even if they were harmful, the French would still eat them. After all, escargot is their national culinary pride.

How to cook snails? Perhaps some supporters of a healthy lifestyle have already tried dandelion salad and nettle soup. Healthy, delicious, inexpensive. But there are products that are of particular interest to fans of not only a healthy lifestyle, but also connoisseurs of life's joys. Aphrodisiacs are products of natural origin that stimulate sexual desire and activity. Most of these products are highly nutritional value, contain many trace elements and vitamins that help produce a large number of hormones in the human body.

The name comes from the name of the Greek goddess Aphrodite - the goddess of love.

The most popular aphrodisiacs are: ginseng, ginger, caviar, bananas. But the most effective are aphrodisiacs of animal origin. These include: caviar, shrimp, mussels, oysters, and even, one might think, ordinary snails. Yes, exactly those who eat greens in our gardens and orchards. Snails are the most numerous class of molluscs, the hallmark of which is the presence of a spiral shell.

The most common are grape and garden snails. Both of them are used for food. But grape snails are slightly larger (shell diameter up to 4 cm), and therefore they are specially grown for gastronomic purposes on special snail farms.

However, garden snails are also eaten and even bought for more than 5 euros per kilogram.

Snail meat contains up to 10% protein, which is more than chicken egg. In addition, it is rich in iron, calcium, magnesium and B vitamins.

Great connoisseurs of delicacies - the French, eat tons of snails. The pride of French cuisine is escargot. Snail meat cooked directly in the shell vegetable oil and seasoned with parsley.

We are not French, and for some reason we consider it unworthy to absorb what crawls under our feet. But in vain!

Cooking snails "in Russian"

The poor French (Depardieu is no longer counted), they buy snails from us, freeze them, and only after a while they appear in Parisian restaurants, where they are thawed and only then cooked from them. We have a clear advantage. We will collect them fresh and alive. Moreover, the bourgeoisie do not even know what the delicacies were fed on, and we will clean our ventricles. Personally, I am calm for mine. They eat ecological grass on my hacienda, and if I don’t notice, then cabbage, and sorrel and other delights. If you collect snails in parks, wastelands, in the forest, then you need to clean them digestive system. After all, we do not know what kind of grass the snail ate - maybe she ate hemp or tasted fly agaric. These products are of no use to us. We are for a healthy lifestyle.

When to collect snails

Snails are nocturnal. It is most convenient to hunt them in the early morning or after rain. From point of view palatability, then the best time May, early June is considered to be used for eating snails. At this time, their meat is especially tender and nutritious.

We clean the stomach of snails

Having collected a couple of dozen snails, we place them in large saucepan or a basin for a simple diet. Pour a little flour on the bottom of the container (2 tablespoons per 1 kg of snails). They will not refuse such a treat. On the first day, snails are given flour from the same calculation - 2 tablespoons per 1 kg of snails. On the second day, the amount of flour should be halved. On the third day, the snails are given nothing at all. We close the container so that our future delicacy does not run away, leaving a crack for air to enter.

In 3 days, our snails will be like cucumbers, however, you need to sprinkle them with water once a day, they love humidity.

After a forced “fast”, we wash them with cold water and place them in a container for two hours, the bottom of which is sprinkled with a thin layer of salt. The foot of the snail is very sensitive and the snail will feel very uncomfortable on the salt and will start secreting mucus profusely. Then we wash again.

That's all. The snails are ready to be cooked.

cooking snails

There are two ways to cook snails "in Russian".

If you are in the country or in your backyard, then it is best to fry them on an ordinary barbecue grill using a grill. We wash the snails. Then dip them in a mixture of coarse salt and hot pepper, put the shells up on the grate with the hole up and put on a pre-made fire from dry grape twigs (you can also from birch). Then we listen to the “singing of snails” (in fact, these are the cries of unfortunate mollusks), and when they “shoot” with a reddish liquid, you can sprinkle it with bacon planted on a skewer. The process should take 7-10 minutes.

The second cooking method is at home. In this case, your possibilities are expanded, since the most various options sauces.

As in the first case, salt and pepper the snails. We take a deep frying pan, pour a little olive oil and a little butter, add a couple of tablespoons of white wine. We put the pan on medium heat for 7-8 minutes,

The dish is ready!

You can also cook boiled snails, or, which is aerobatics, stuffed snails - escargot. To do this, it is necessary to separate the snail meat from the shells, cook them in a special way, and then place them back in the shells.

Snail sauce: finely chop the onion, 3 cloves of garlic, chop 50 g of parsley, 25 g of salt and 5 g of ground pepper, 500 g of soft butter. Mix everything thoroughly.

How do they eat snails

Snails cooked right in the shell are eaten with special cutlery: tweezers and a fork with two teeth. Washed down with chilled dry white wine.

Dare, and do not miss the chance to taste an exquisite delicacy.

I'll probably make a video for clarity. You can look and smile. But be indulgent, I'm just a beginner video filmmaker.

First, the snails are washed several times in running water, completely cleaned of dirt and mucus. For cleaning it is better to use a brush. In old recipes, it is recommended to cover the snails with salt to clear the mucus. Today, this is not always done, for reasons of humanity. And besides, salt greatly changes the taste of snails, and not for the better. So it's best to just wash them very thoroughly.

Washed snails are thrown into slightly boiling water, salted and blanched at a low boil for five to ten minutes. The snail houses will open. Then they are taken out, allowed to drain, quickly rinsed in running cold water. Then they are taken out of the house (it is better to do this with a bacon needle) and the gastric tract is separated at the end of the snail, the head is cut off.

The snails are again placed in a shallow flat saucepan into which water and white wine are poured in a ratio of 1:1. It is recommended to put in a saucepan per liter of liquid: 1 medium-sized carrot, 1 onion, 2 shallots - all cut into circles and rings, and one bunch of greens: 10 sprigs of parsley, a sprig of thyme, parsley leaf, a pinch of black pepper and 8 g of salt. Water with snails should boil, the foam must be removed, boil them on a low heat for 3 hours. Then pour into a shallow dish and leave the snails to cool directly in the broth.

Then the snails, depending on the recipe, will either be put back into the houses, or a stew will be cooked from them. If houses are used, they must be washed very well and then boiled in in large numbers water, you can add a little soda to the water. The houses are then allowed to drain, rinsed and dried. Such recommendations are given, for example, by the famous French chef Bocuse.

A textbook edited by Pauli (for cooks in Switzerland, Austria and Germany) advises after ten minutes of boiling to remove the mucus, rub the snails many times with coarse salt and put them on melting ice. Some German books advise using salt and flour for cleaning. And then the snail, already without a head and a stomach, is stewed for about three hours in shallots and garlic, in a mixture of white wine and concentrated veal broth. It, in some German recipes, can be replaced with beef. But use meat broth not typical for all recipes.

Classic snail dishes

French snails.
Two regions of France are famous for snails: Burgundy and Alsace, and therefore the two main recipes are Burgundy snails and Alsatian snails. The essence of all these recipes is that the prepared snails are put back into the house, it is covered with butter with shallots and herbs, and baked. And served hot, with white bread, which is dipped in hot butter with herbs.
Interestingly, the sweet Crimean onion is also a shallot.
Although almost every French region has its own recipes, snails in Provencal, Strasbourg, Dijon are very famous. They are cooked in truffle oil, in anchovy oil with nuts, in parmesan oil. Most often, Chablis is served with snails - this is Pinot blanc with natural gassing of wine. But any white young and uncomplicated wines go well with snails, they are different in each region. You do not need to use expensive wines for their preparation.

Snails in Burgundy (escargots a la bourguignonne)

Components for 8 people:
48 house snails prepared as above
10g garlic
30g shallots,
20g parsley,
2g ground black pepper
250g butter,
Breadcrumbs made from white bread.

Finely crush the garlic, chop shallots and parsley very finely, mix everything with salt and pepper and mash with butter.
Put a snail into each house and cover it with a piece of butter the size of a hazelnut. Press a piece of butter deeply into the house. Lubricate the shell houses with the rest of the oil. Grease a plate with special recesses for baking shells or just a baking dish with a little water, lay out the shells, sprinkle them a little breadcrumbs and bake in the oven for 8 minutes. The oven temperature during baking is 200-220 0 C, the butter should boil slightly and foam. Serve hot. This classic recipe from Bocuse.

Pauli's tutorial gives a slightly different recipe for snail oil. For 120 snails, or 10 servings: 300g butter, 40g shallots, 15g garlic, 30g parsley, salt and pepper to taste, and extra 5g thyme, 5g marjoram, 15g ml. cognac and 100 ml. not too cold cream.

In the cooking variant of Chablis (escargots a la mode de chablis) snail oil is not used, and the shell is closed with chopped shallots, you need about half a teaspoon per shell and the snails are stewed in white wine.

Alsatian snails (escargots a l alsacienne)

The preliminary preparation of the snails is the same as in the Burgundy snails, but the snails themselves are prepared differently. When they are washed, blanched and freed from the intestines, they are boiled completely a small amount liquid that barely covers them. A fresh piece is put into this liquid for snails. pork skin both a piece of veal shank and snails are boiled in a very concentrated and saturated gelatin broth. And when the snails are put into the shell, they leave a little jelly in it. Then they are covered with butter, and when baking, a little broth is added and also sprinkled with breading and baked.

Swiss snails

The Swiss cook snails without houses. Neuburg snails (Jacquerie neuchateloise) prepared as follows: already prepared snails are heated in butter and white wine, spread on top sauerkraut, add snail oil and bake in a salamander. Salamander is a special device that gives a baked crust on the surface. Sometimes it works out well to bake on the top baking sheet of the oven or under the spiral of the microwave. They are served with boiled potatoes.

Snails in rieslig (escargots au riesling) prepared like this: first they are stewed in Riesling, then napping Riesling sauce and heavy cream, put pieces of snail oil in the sauce and glaze in a salamander. Napping- pouring and saturation with sauce.

german snails

V German cuisine snails were eaten by the poor in Baden and Upper Swabia, but cooked a little more simply. They simply destroyed the membrane, washed it very well and covered the snails with a mixture of salt, vinegar and flour for several days. Then they simply blanched for five minutes in boiling water, separated the stomach and dark back, rubbed with salt and stewed in a mixture of white wine and beef broth or water, adding roots and herbs that were at hand. When later the aristocracy began to imitate haute cuisine, they began to keep the houses, boil them with soda and put snails in them. There is even a mocking expression of the peasants which translates as "our pastor eats snails." Collected snails naturally in the winter in the vineyard. They were just dug out from under the snow. Germans often add snails to salads.

But the classic of Baden cuisine is Baden soup with snails (Badische Schneckensuppe)

24 prepared snails or canned snails
4 shallots,
40g butter,
250ml dry white wine
1 liter of meat broth, preferably veal,
20g carrots, celery and leeks, chopped
a pinch of salt,
250g cream
2 yolks,
2 tablespoons chopped parsley.

Finely chop the shallots, finely chop half of the snails and stew with onions in butter. Salt, pour wine and meat broth, boil. Add the rest of the snails, straws and simmer for ten minutes until the roots are soft. At the end, mix the yolks and cream and pour into the soup that has almost stopped boiling, sprinkle with parsley.

Austrian snails

In 1858, the famous cookbook by Katharina Prato was published. This book was reprinted 79 times until 1960. In it, as dishes for fasting, there are six recipes for snails. There are many recipes in high Viennese cuisine. The Austrians, for example, fry snail halves in butter, adding bone marrow.

And of course they do (Wiener Schneckengulasch)

200g prepared snails
2 onions cut into small cubes
a little olive oil
garlic clove (thin slices)
125ml paprikamus: finely ground eggplant caviar with red peppers
1 tablespoon sweet paprika
250ml beef broth
1 tablespoon of tomato paste,
a little finely ground marjoram, thyme, rosemary and cumin, salt and black pepper.

Fry onion and garlic in vegetable oil, add paprikamus and tomato paste and put out. Pour in the broth, add salt and spices, leave for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Add snails, boil again and leave to brew.

Other recipes with snails

Many recipes for snails have been preserved in Italian cuisine, especially in the north of Thalia. They are cooked with cheeses and bacon, in lemon sauce. The Spaniards make tapas and paella from snails. Many new recipes with snails are also created by modern chefs.

In 2005, the Austrian publishing house Stocker published a book in German called "Schneckenkochbuch" (Cookbook of snails), ISBN-10: 3702010939. The book has 245 pages and great amount recipes!

Bon Appetit! 🙂

Having read once again that Latvia has a "good harvest of snails" this year,

I thought -Why aren't we French? And in general, they are eaten in many countries!

I studied everything about them and compiled a selection for you.

Read, cook and "enjoy the unique taste" as the saying goes:

A good article about snails with pictures (so as not to be confused with anyone!) - PRESS!

In many countries meat snails It is considered not only an exquisite and tasty delicacy, but also medicinal (especially for men's health). They began to use them in ancient Rome and, fortunately, this glorious tradition has survived to this day.

The ancient Romans attributed the following medicinal properties to snails. properties: the ability to stop bleeding, treat gastrointestinal disorders, heal wounds, etc. Meat is especially indicated snails those who need to restore the calcium balance in the body, as well as those who suffer from collagenosis and chondrosis. snails well normalize the metabolic balance in the body, has a calming effect on the nervous system and normalizes bowel function. Only a few types of snails are eaten. For instance: snails grape, Burgundy snail, Roman, etc. They grow quite slowly and individuals that have reached 2-3 years of age can be eaten. : Here I will collect recipes for cooking snails. I’m unlikely to be able to eat them myself (most likely - I won’t drink as much as in that joke), but note to gourmets ... Preparation of grape snails. Snail meat has long been considered a dietary product. It is much better absorbed by the body and does not cause heaviness in the stomach. One of the most common snail recipes is grape snails in garlic sauce. Ingredients: meat snails- 100 gr, lemon - 1 pc, butter - 100 gr, 3 cloves of garlic, parsley, vegetable oil, salt and black pepper - to taste. Preparation: thawed grapes snails fry in a hot frying pan in oil with salt. In a separate bowl, prepare garlic sauce: mix finely grated garlic with butter, lemon juice, salt, pepper and finely chopped parsley. Put garlic oil into portioned forms, put one snail on top and bake the dish in the oven for 3-5 minutes. The oven should be preheated (180C). Serve hot.

So, to start:

And here ours - Latvians from "local" snails have prepared.

Pictures - tin!

Today we are going to cook grape snails.

I'll warn you right now that you should not mess with this recipe

eif you have an increased sense of disgust

. During the preparation process, we will encounter not the most appetizing things.

And keep in mind that this process is extremely time consuming,

and buy 9 snails for 4 lats in the store - it's cheaper for yourself.

But the store is not our choice, and difficulties do not scare us, so let's get down to business!

First, the snails must be collected.

In Latvia, this is not a problem, it is enough to get out into the garden or park away from Riga.

By the way, collecting snails is a fascinating thing. Try it, you won't regret it :)

After we collected them and brought them home,
they must be thoroughly washed from the sand,

stuck leaves and other debris.

After that, stuff them into the pan, and cover with a lid, but not tight, but so,

to leave a crack for air access. We don't need dead snails at all.

We leave them in this state for 3 days.

Once a day, we take out the snails from the pan and rinse thoroughly in the shower.

In three days, snails completely cleanse the body of what we do not want to eat ...

And now, after three days, we start actually cooking.

Rinse again, fill with water and send to a strong fire.

The water should heat up very quickly, but not boil!

If it boils, then they will be difficult pull out from shells.

When such foam forms, remove from heat.

And we proceed to the separation of flies from snail cutlets from shells.

We'll get a bowl of the future delicacy.

Then, with a sharp knife, we separate the snail fillet (the leg of which it crawls)

from the stomach and what else she has in there ... From 50 snails, an average fillet is obtained.

Everything. We send this fillet to the pan to cook for 40-50 minutes,

adding onion and spices to taste.

After 40 minutes, drain the broth,

andrepeatprocedure with a new onion and spices for another 40 minutes.

We boil the shells in salt water in order to rid them of mucus.

While everything is cooked there, let's start the filling.

Beat a large bunch of dill, onion, 5-6 large cloves of garlic.

All this is crushed with a blender into a puree.

We drive a pack of butter into this puree with a blender. If the snails are healthy, then 1.5 packs.

Salt to taste.

As a result, we get such a green, delicious-smelling mass.

We wash the boiled shells and dry them on a towel.

And we start stuffing them.

First, we stuff our green oil into the sink with our finger,

put the cooked snail fillet, and seal on top with the same oil.

Push it tighter, don't mess around :) Here it is, the long-awaited semi-finished product.

We send it to the refrigerator until the guests arrive.

cover with foil and lay the snails so that they do not roll.

Sprinkle some shredded cheese on top. but not the whole snail

but onlywhere you can see the oil and put in the oven for minutes

15-20 at 180 degrees.

When we see that the cheese is browned, we take it out.
We gobble up puffed out cheeks and bulging eyes :)

Don't forget to drink white wine.

Pickled snails

Rinse the snails thoroughly. Boil in water over low heat for about half an hour. Take out and dry. Mix soy sauce, vinegar, wine, add finely chopped garlic and red hot pepper, sugar. Let stand for 24 hours and serve. The mixture should cover the snails; if this is not the case, increase the volume of the mixture or stir the snails every hour so that they are all marinated.

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Snails "Napoleon"

Pour the snails with cold water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook for 10 minutes. Then drain in a colander and cool under running cold water. Remove the snails from the shells, remove the horns, black stripe and two hard glands. Pour prepared snails with vegetable broth prepared from a cube and cook at a low boil for 3 hours.
Scald the almonds, peel and finely chop. Mushrooms cut into slices, fry in oil. Then combine with almonds, spices and chopped herbs. Place the mushroom mixture in the form of a ring in a greased form, put the snails in the middle, pour over the tomato sauce and bake in the oven until tender.
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Strassburg snails

Wash snail shells in hot water and drain. Fill each shell with half a teaspoon of liquid from the jar, insert the snails back into the shells. Melt the butter. Peel and finely chop the onion, garlic, throw into the oil with parsley and mix well. Add salt and pepper to taste.
Fill the shells with the resulting oil with herbs and place in a flat refractory dish. Put in an oven preheated to 225-250 C, bake for 20 minutes. Serve with a baguette.
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Snails with Roquefort cheese

Finely chop the onion and fry in butter. Add the snails and wine to the onion, let it simmer until the wine has reduced by 3/4.
Rub Roquefort with butter, parsley, cream, add sugar, pepper to the snails and mix thoroughly. Arrange the snails in bowls and put in an oven heated to 250 C for 4-5 minutes. Serve with a baguette.
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Escargot a la Somyer

Heat olive oil, add chopped shallots, ham, walnuts, anchovies, fry for 3 minutes.
Blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin and seeds, cut into cubes and add to the previous mixture.
Add snails, season to taste with sugar, black and cayenne pepper, salt if necessary, and cook for 2 minutes.
Mix 2 types of flour, mashed potatoes and eggs. Add yeast diluted in warm milk. 2 hours to go. Fry 2 biscuits for 5 minutes on each side.
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Snail gratin with porcini mushrooms

Finely chop the onion and fry in 50 g of butter until translucent. Add finely chopped mushrooms and keep on medium heat, stirring occasionally for 20 minutes, adding cream at the end. Remove mushrooms from heat. Salt, pepper, and put in a blender, add the remaining oil and chop. Arrange the snails in portioned dishes, put the mushroom mixture on top, and put in the oven preheated to 250 C for 5-7 minutes.
In the case of using dried mushrooms, they should be pre-soaked in warm water, and then boiled for 10 minutes. You can also use chanterelles, mushrooms or other mushrooms to taste.
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Avocado stuffed with snails

Wash the avocados, pat dry, cut in half lengthwise and remove the pits. Sprinkle the cut lines of the avocado halves with lemon juice (1 teaspoon) so that the fruit pulp does not darken. Peel the grapefruit and cut into slices. Place the grapefruit and snail slices on the avocado halves. Mix mayonnaise with yogurt, ground almonds, remaining lemon juice, salt, ground white pepper and curry. Place 1 tbsp on each stuffed avocado half. sauce spoon. You can scrape the flesh out of the avocado halves with a teaspoon, cut it into small cubes and mix it into the sauce last.
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Snails a la sussarello

Sprinkle the snails with coarse salt, pour with vinegar. Soak for 2 hours, then rinse in several waters.
Place them in a large pan of simmering water and blanch for 5 minutes. Take it out, let the water drain.
Prepare a decoction: boil washed and chopped vegetables in 2 liters of water, add flavoring seasoning, salt and pepper. After 10 minutes, put the snails there and cook for 2 hours (so that they can be easily removed from the shells).
Prepare the sauce: Pour the olive oil into a large skillet. Peel the onion, chop and put in a pan, sprinkle with a tablespoon of flour. Stir. Add peeled and chopped tomatoes, peeled garlic. Salt, pepper. Put the snails there, add 1 cup of broth. Simmer for 20 minutes over low heat and serve. To make it easier to remove the snails, punch the bottom of the shell and, blowing from the other side, remove the snail.
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Risotto primavera with snail ragout

Finely chop shallots and fry in 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Add pic. Pour in a glass of wine and let it evaporate; continue to cook rice, adding a little broth and grated cheese. Remove from heat a few minutes before doneness and divide the risotto into small individual molds.
Make a stew. Fry two chopped shallots in oil, add boiled and finely chopped snails and fry everything well. Add tomato puree from tomatoes (without seeds) and after 2 minutes lightly boiled nettles.
Remove from heat and add nuts. Invert the risotto molds onto the hot plates and top with the stew.
Read the rest of this entry » For 5 min. until the onion is ready in a saucepan, dissolve the remaining butter, put the snails, fry over low heat, add heat to evaporate the water.


How to catch up with a grape snail - we eat escargot

Beautiful names of dishes have helped to become popular in French cuisine. The incomprehensible word "escargot", for example, means the most common snails that feed on grape leaves.

In the hands of culinary masters, snails have become a delicacy.
Usually snails are classified as seafood, although they have nothing to do with the sea. But, like their related oysters and scallops, they contain a lot of useful substances, treat atherosclerosis and even improve potency.
It is easy to get them, at least in France. There, they prefer to collect snails in their own garden (if any), where they crawl in hundreds after rain. In parts where they are not found, escargots are sold frozen in supermarkets, but they do not taste the same.


There are two main types of edible snails found in restaurants and supermarkets. The first is Helix pomatia Linne, or Burgundy escargot, with a convex light brown shell 40-50 mm in diameter. In another species - Helix aspera, or "Petit Gris" - the shell is flatter, dark brown, 15-20 mm in diameter. Both live in Western Europe, South America, Africa. These snails are called garden snails or grape snails because their favorite food is grape leaves. However, they are happy to eat any juicy greens, causing considerable damage to gardens.

Snails are hermaphrodites, each of them lays 40-60 eggs in spring by itself. The gluttonous offspring grows quickly and gains commercial weight in a year and a half. Breeding snails is profitable: on the world market, 1 kilogram of the delicacy costs $7, and in restaurants the price of a dozen reaches $20. About 80% of the shellfish eaten by gourmets is grown on farms, the rest are “game”. "Wild" snails are kept on a diet of flour with red wine for two weeks before consumption.


Since time immemorial, snails have saved the poor from starvation and delighted the jaded rich. They began to breed them in ancient Rome - for patrician feasts. Knowing that shellfish facilitate digestion, the Romans served them at the end of the meal. Legionnaires took them on campaigns as live canned food. In the Middle Ages, snails became even more popular, as they were allowed to be eaten on the strictest fast. The monks fed them with special herbs, from which the meat acquired a special flavor.

Snails were eaten all over Europe, but the French were and remain their main connoisseurs. It is believed that the "snail" season begins in spring and ends on New Year's Eve. During the Christmas week alone, 200 tons of snails are eaten in Paris, and all of France annually "sentences" 65 thousand tons of this delicacy. More than 15 thousand tons of them are imported. Countries such as Austria, Romania and Serbia have turned shellfish farming into a profitable business. Snails are bred in China, but the French consider their cape too rough.


There are three ways to cook snails: fried, boiled in sauce and stuffed. In France, they are fried on a grill over an open fire, dipped in a mixture of salt and pepper before that. In urban conditions, it is easier to use another method: pour olive oil into a deep saucepan, put the snails there with the hole up and fry over medium heat. For flavor, you can add a little white wine to the oil. Instead of a stewpan, the French use an escargot pan with 12 or 24 holes (it is customary to count snails and eat them in dozens).

If you decide to cook snails, it is better to pre-soak them in vinegar for 12 hours. Then, after washing thoroughly, throw into boiling water and boil well. For the sauce, fry finely chopped onions, tomatoes, herbs and two or three crushed cloves of garlic in olive oil. In the south of France, garlic mayonnaise "aioli" (crushed head of garlic, raw egg yolk, a little red pepper and olive oil) is preferred. Pour a glass of white wine into the sauce, put the snails and add water so that they are completely covered with it (snails are boiled and stewed in white wine to beat off their natural smell, which not everyone likes). It doesn't take long to cook. Serve along with the sauce.

The most refined and difficult dish to prepare is burre snails, that is, stuffed. The clams are washed and dipped for five minutes in boiling water. Then they are removed from the shells with a long needle. Empty sinks drip for a long time with soda. The clams themselves are boiled over low heat with spices. During this time, the filling is being prepared, which certainly includes shallots, butter, garlic and parsley (you can stuff the shell with all this, or you can just seize the tender flesh of the mollusk). In addition to them, you can put spicy cheese, fish paste, foie gras in the sink. The procedure is as follows: push a little filling inside, put a snail on top, and again fill the rest of the place to the very edge of the shell with pate.

How they eat

Snails are eaten with a special two-pronged fork and tweezers that hold the shell. Pieces of white bread are dipped in the sauce left over from the snails.

In restaurants, snails in their shells are served in a 12- or 24-hole escargot pan. They also rely on large tweezers, which hold the shell, and a two-pronged fork, which is used to remove the mollusk in order to put it in the mouth. In small taverns, a sharp wooden stick replaces the fork.

In France, more than a hundred recipes for cooking snails are known: escargot in Burgundy, gargolada in Roussillon, Charente bourre, etc. In Burgundy, they are stuffed with a filling of butter, garlic and herbs; in Alsace, they are stewed with shallots in white wine. Parisian haute cuisine knows its recipes - here snails are baked in dough with mushrooms and Camembert. They are sometimes served raw, like oysters, although connoisseurs believe that this is not the best option.

During ceremonial dinners, escargot is served hot immediately after the fish appetizers, before the main course. To enhance the taste, you can sprinkle the escargot with lemon and eat with a sprig of parsley. Wash down the delicacy with dry white wine or a glass of aniseed Pernod. There will be no hangover - snails are also useful because they adsorb alcohol. However, even if they were harmful, the French would still eat them. After all, escargot is their national culinary pride.