Dried fruit for beauty, health and longevity. Dried apricot at home or How to get dried apricots from your own garden

Apricot is garden tree, belonging to the almond family, its fruits are widely used in food, canning and confectionery industry. Both the pulp and the kernel (seed) are used. Apricot is a fruit that contains many beneficial substances and vitamins for the body.

In Byzantium it was believed that it had healing and rejuvenating properties, and in Asia that it prolonged life.

Dried fruits from fresh fruit, they retain about 30% of vitamins and more than 80% of minerals.

Contraindications to the consumption of these wonderful amber fruits are minor:

  • should not be consumed on an empty stomach or in large quantities, it may cause stomach upset;
  • for gastritis and ulcers, it is not advisable to use fresh;
  • if you have liver disease, do not abuse it;
  • You should avoid apricots if you have low thyroid function, if you have diabetes, as they contain a lot of sugar, and if you have an individual intolerance.

Types of dried fruits from apricots

Apricot fruits are easy to dry. There are several types of dried apricots, their differences are in the drying method:

  • – dried, pitted, cut in half or into quarters;
  • Kaisa – dried whole fruit without seeds;
  • – dried with pit;
  • Sheptala - an apricot with a stone, dried in the sun, is rare today;
  • – , dried pitted. Ideally, dried jardela is a beautiful golden-orange color.

Dried apricots are the most popular type of dried apricots. This dried fruit is very healthy, it contains calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, minerals, organic acids, vitamins (PP, A, B, C, E), beta-carotene. Sweetness comes from the high content of glucose, sucrose and fructose.

For dried apricots you need a large, ripe, fleshy and intact fruit; it should not be of a very juicy variety. Varieties from Central Asia. It is necessary to rinse it well before drying, so as not to wash it in the form of dried fruit, as many vitamins are lost. The apricot is cut into two halves and dried without the pit, this is what is obtained - dried apricots.

The weight of the dried fruit is reduced by five times. Dry in warm weather, in a well-ventilated place with access to sunlight.

Dried apricots have less vitamin content when compared to apricots, but they are superior in appearance. It can be given a beautiful amber color. To obtain a marketable appearance and preserve color, apricots are treated with sulfur dioxide. Although the method is permitted, it is still not environmentally friendly. At home, you can use another completely safe way to preserve the color of the sun:

An apricot is a fruit that has been dried, including the whole seed. It remains on the tree until it is completely free of moisture. Counts valuable product, containing a lot of sugar, vitamins, and minerals. He healthier than dried apricots, although inconspicuous in appearance, as it dries out naturally right on the tree.

Eating apricots will give you a great boost of energy. The magnesium contained in apricots helps improve performance digestive system. In addition, apricot regulates blood pressure, and its beta-carotene content has a positive effect on vision. Not a little important role plays in burning fat, and, therefore, in losing weight.

Kaisa are apricots dried in the sun, like dried apricots, but the pit is squeezed out of them with virtually no damage to the skin. There are fewer nutrients in kais than in apricots.

How to prepare dried apricots at home and how to store dried apricots?

If you don’t have space for drying, you can prepare dried apricots at home using special household appliances. The technology is becoming more and more advanced every year, and as a result, the quality of dried fruits is higher.

Each device has instructions, but the principle is the same:

  • lay out the halves so that they do not touch each other, otherwise they will stick together;
  • first you need to dry it at a temperature of 45-50 degrees for 2-3 hours;
  • in the middle of the process, increase to 60 degrees;
  • drying time - 10 hours, sometimes 12.

If you don’t have special household appliances, you can use the oven, but you need to constantly monitor the process. There is no ventilation in the oven, so the temperature should be immediately higher, 60-65 degrees, and periodically open the door to allow moisture to escape. Finally, it is advisable to lower the temperature a little.

Using these methods, the apricot may dry unevenly; to even it out, the slices are placed in cardboard or wooden boxes for several days to “steam.” During this time, moisture is evenly distributed throughout the product.

Another way to cook dried apricots Houses:

The apricots are ready, their consistency is like soft dried apricots.

You can tell when dried apricots are ready:

  1. To the touch. In a well-dried apricot, only 10% of water remains. Dried apricots are dry, elastic and pleasant to the touch. It should not be hard or make a sound when tapped.
  2. Throw into the water. High-quality dried apricots will swell in hot water.
  3. By color. A good dried fruit is moderately yellow or orange in color, maybe dull brown. Very bright, rich colors are a sign not of quality, but of the presence of chemistry.

How to store dried fruits to enjoy them for as long as possible:

And how to store someone who has a small apartment - a simple and proven way, in the refrigerator. Dried apricots can be stored in this way. good quality up to 2 years.

How to store dried dried apricots - unfortunately, they do not last long, as they contain more moisture than other dried apricot fruits. Dried apricot is not only a delicacy, but also a means for prevention and treatment. Enjoy the fruits of the sun and be healthy!

Spring warmth spring mood– this is joy and positive emotions. But with spring comes seasonal problems: vitamin deficiency, exacerbation of chronic diseases, disruption of biological rhythms, fatigue.

To help our body cope with these problems, we need to make adjustments to our diet. For example, nutritionists insist on increasing the amount of dried fruit in the daily diet: apples, figs, apricots, pears or plums.

All these fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, but dried apricots are considered the healthiest. We will talk about them in this article.

Ancient apricot culture

Not everyone knows that this fruit has traveled thousands of years to finally end up on our table. Its wild varieties still grow today in the homeland of apricot - in the Tien Shan mountains, and the cultivated plant from Central Asia came to Iran, then to Ancient Greece and Rome.

The Byzantines considered it a healing, rejuvenating agent; Asians were sure that apricot fruits and juice prolong life. The miracle fruit was appreciated in Europe, and from the mid-17th century – in Russia.

Amazing fact: representatives of the Hunza tribe (Pakistan) all year round They eat mainly apricots. They practically do not get sick, and live on average almost 120 years.

Different kinds

We know these dried fruits under several names, so it makes sense to clarify them. The most popular name is dried apricots.

These are apricots that have been halved and pitted and dried. Dried apricots can always be recognized on the shelves by the bright, sunny color of the fruit, although this brightness is deceptive and has a chemical origin.

To obtain such beauty, apricots are pre-treated with sulfur dioxide and then dried in special cabinets or ovens. But the inconspicuous, at first glance, gray-brown dried apricots are dried naturally, so it is not as beautiful, but brings more benefits.

Another type of dried pitted apricots is called kaisa. Before drying, the fruit is not divided into halves, it is slightly dried, and then the seed is squeezed out through a small hole near the stalk and the kaisa is dried.

Uryuk is the favorite type of dried fruit of all residents of Central Asia. They believe that only it contains the entire palette of useful substances, because apricot is obtained as a result natural drying, without removing the pit. Ripe apricots are simply left on the trees until they are completely dehydrated, and then picked.

Beneficial features

What properties have made this fruit so popular among different peoples? It turns out that the benefits of apricots, kaisa or dried apricots are explained by both the calorie content and the content of the mass of elements needed by the body in the apricot itself. Pay attention to this table (per 100g of product) - and you yourself will understand that it is no coincidence that this fruit is called a gift from Allah in Asia.

But even more surprising is that after drying, apricot not only does not lose its properties, but even increases them. Eating this fruit in dried form is much healthier than fresh.

Apricots, dried apricots or kaisa help in the treatment and prevention of many diseases, namely:

  • the presence of iron makes them useful for anemia and during pregnancy;
  • potassium salts help treat cardiovascular diseases;
  • decoctions or compotes of these dried fruits act as a diuretic and treat constipation;
  • A large proportion of vitamin A benefits the skin and improves our vision.

The list goes on and on, mentioning beneficial influence dried fruits for memory, performance, gastrointestinal function, problems of diabetics.

Note: regular use dried apricot fruit even slows down the growth of cancer cells.

Can they cause harm to health? In moderate doses there are practically no contraindications.

The only thing that should not be forgotten is the methods of drying dried apricots. Since some manufacturers do not spare chemicals, you can end up with an allergy to the chemicals.

Home drying and storage of dried apricots

To avoid problems with purchased dried apricots, you can learn how to dry apricots at home. It's not very difficult, you just need to learn a few rules:

1. The best varieties for dried fruits – these are Zeravshan and Fergana. They are quite large, meaty, dense and not particularly juicy.

2. It is best to dry dried apricots in natural conditions; for this you need to choose a ventilated and unshaded place.

Gardening advice: Apricot kernels do not need to be thrown away; they can be used in confectionery when chopped.

3. If you live in an apartment, then it would be more correct to use household appliances specially designed for drying fruit.

4. The readiness of the fruit can be checked by touch. It should be dry but elastic (about 10% moisture).

5. It is best to store dried fruits in the refrigerator.

If you read this article to the end (and we hope you did), then you understand the conclusion: different kinds dried apricot should be used not only as a delicacy, but also as a preventative, even remedy. Enjoy the taste of miracle fruits and be healthy!

Below, we invite you to watch a video about the benefits and harms of dried apricots (dried apricots):

Apricot is known and loved in its various forms. In fresh, boiled form, and in the form of dried fruits, which is divided into several other types.

Uryuk is a whole dried apricot fruit with a pit that has retained a very rich taste.

Dried apricots are halves of sun-dried fruits, fumigated with sulfur dioxide, so that they do not darken and various bugs do not grow in them.

Kaisa is also a dried, pitted fruit, fumigated with sulfur dioxide.

Sheptala - slightly dried large seedless fruits, Uzbek and Tajik varieties, with a sugar content of 80%.

Cultivated Armenian varieties of apricots, which are distinguished by large juicy fruits, are very good.

Benefits and properties of apricots

Eating apricot fruits, both fresh, dried and processed, has a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person. But it is especially recommended to pay attention to apricots for people suffering from diseases of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract and excess weight.

Apricot fruits will help with hypo-vitaminosis, and for patients with anemia, as they affect the process of hematopoiesis. Apricot is indispensable for heavy metal intoxication; it also supports the health of cancer patients. This beautiful, appetizing fruit helps increase the body's resistance to various diseases and restore vital body functions.

For obesity, apricot should be taken as a dietary food.

Nutritionists around the world agreed, declaring the apricot to be very useful product for metabolism and digestive processes.

If you consume only 100 grams of fruit pulp every day, you can ensure regular bowel movements and get rid of gases in the intestines.

Thanks to high content iron, just one hundred grams of apricots affect the process of hematopoiesis in the same way as 250 grams of fresh liver. Apricots are very useful for anemia.

And for the active functioning of the brain, these fruits, rich in magnesium and phosphorus, are needed. The high magnesium content also helps to remove quickly high blood pressure. If you suffer from hypertension, then eat as many apricots as possible during their ripening season.

Chemical composition of dried apricots

Apricots, picked at the peak of the summer growing season and dried outside in the blazing sun, look as if the golden rays of the sun have been captured by the sweet, tart fruit. A handful of dried apricots is a very simple way to give your body a rich scattering of nutrients; This snack, which can transport you back to the warmth of summer even on the coldest winter day.

One piece of dried apricots contains approximately 11 calories, of which eight calories come from sugar. A 10-piece serving contains about 108 calories, of which 73 calories come from sugar.


One piece of dried apricots contains approximately 4 grams of carbohydrates, including about 0.3 grams of dietary fiber, and 1.7 grams of sugar. Accordingly, a 10-piece serving contains 40 grams of carbohydrates, 3 grams of fiber, and 17 grams of sugar—the equivalent of three teaspoons of refined sugar, almost a third of the recommended amount. daily value, based on the 2000 calories needed in essence.


Dried apricots are rich in vitamin A, which helps improve skin health and support vision. Apricots are also good source vitamin C, which strengthens immune system. Ten pieces of dried apricots provide 9 percent of the recommended daily norm vitamin A and 13 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C.


One dried apricot provides nearly 2 percent of your daily value for calcium, a mineral that helps maintain strong bones and prevent osteoporosis. A handful of dried apricots (10 pieces) provides 20 percent of the recommended daily dose calcium.

Sulphur dioxide

According to fruit drying technologies, dried apricots are treated with sulfur dioxide at the beginning of the drying process. This preservative helps it retain its natural orange color. Although the use of sulfur dioxide in food processing, for example, is considered safe in the United States, some dried apricot lovers want to reduce their exposure to sulfur dioxide. There is some evidence that this substance may have negative health effects, especially if inhaled. Many dried apricot producers have responded to consumer concerns and have now switched to producing organic dried apricots. These dried apricots do not have a bright orange color, their color is darker, with an orange-brown tint.

Types of dried apricots: dried apricots, apricots and kaisa

Dried apricots are divided into three types: dried apricots - dried fruit halves; kaisa - whole dried apricots. In these species, the bone is removed before drying, and they are dried different ways, including the use of chemicals.

And only the third type, apricot, contains a seed, because it is dried under natural conditions: the fruits are left on the tree until they completely lose water. It is clear that in this case they retain everything valuable and useful that Mother Nature gave apricots: vitamins, minerals, sugars, organic acids, etc.

Dried apricots and kaisa, unlike apricots, dry out, having no connection with the tree on which they grew, and therefore less nutrients are retained in them. The integrity of the fruit is also important: the apricot is not cut and its structure is not damaged. Small apricots are usually dried for apricots, and large ones are used to prepare other types of dried fruits.

Beneficial features dried apricots

The beneficial properties of dried apricots are preserved in it after transformation from apricot. It is rich in potassium salts, sucrose, citric, nicotinic, salicylic and other organic acids, contains vitamins C, B1, B2, P, as well as trace elements - iron, copper, manganese, cobalt.

Nutritional value of dried apricots per 100g: calorie content 214.8 kcal, water 20.0 g, proteins 5.2 g, fats 0.3 g, carbohydrates 51.0 g; unsaturated fatty acid 0.1 g, mono- and disaccharides 48.0 g, starch 3.0 g; alimentary fiber 18.0 g, organic acids 1.5 g, ash 4.0 g, vitamin A 3.5 mg, vitamin B1 0.1 mg, vitamin B2 0.2 mg, vitamin C 4.0 mg, vitamin PP 0.3 mg, iron 3.2 mg, potassium 1717.0 mg, calcium 160.0 mg, magnesium 105.0 mg, sodium 17.0 mg, phosphorus 146.0 mg.

In dried form, apricot regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract well, and most importantly, being, as mentioned above, an indispensable source of potassium, winter time very useful for cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.

However, eating dried apricots may not always go unpunished. Dried apricots are contraindicated for diabetes mellitus (dried apricots contain up to 84% sugars). Fresh fruits harmful for acute gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice.

They can also do a lot of harm to those who suffer from peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. It is advisable to avoid treatment with apricots in case of certain liver diseases and pancreatitis. It should be remembered that provitamin A (carotene) contained in apricots is not absorbed by people with reduced thyroid function.

In such cases, it is advisable for patients to be prescribed medicinal pure vitamin A. You should not eat apricots, and therefore dried apricots, on an empty stomach, especially on an empty stomach, or after barbecue, pilaf or other difficult-to-digest food. Do not try to drink cold water immediately after eating apricots - you will experience diarrhea.

Fans of nuts from seeds should not forget that among several thousand varieties of apricots, especially wild ones, there are some whose seeds may contain the strongest poison - hydrocyanic acid. A single dose of more than 20 g can cause poisoning.

Useful properties of apricots

Experts say that the properties of apricots will help with circulatory disorders and anemia, and it is also a delightful anti-aging, tonic and will help with poor eyesight.

Magnesium salts found in apricots reduce and gradually restore blood pressure; this is an excellent medicine for hypertensive patients.

For certain forms of anemia that occur due to poor nutrition and hypertension, special magnesium diets based on the consumption of apricots are carried out.

It has been noted that in those regions where apricots are often eaten, local residents very rarely experience fractures and skin diseases. Apricot is the “fruit of beauty”; it brings our hair, nails and skin to an excellent healthy state and effectively strengthens bone tissue.

By consuming apricots, you prevent and carry out prophylaxis against cancer; for this, a sufficient dose is 100 grams of apricots per day. Apricots have diuretic properties on the body, and its decoction eliminates swelling.

Do you want to learn how to choose dried apricots correctly? Did you know that dried apricots without pits are called dried apricots, and with pits - apricots? Let's talk about this.

In order to characterize such a fruit crop as apricot, or rather, a type of dried apricot - dried apricots, let's turn to dictionaries. “Dictionary of Natural Science”, “BES”, “Biological Dictionary” characterizes apricot, which includes 10 species, as a woody plant of the rose family, growing wild mainly in the mountainous regions of the temperate zone of Asia. Tree up to 8 m high, durable, light-loving, heat-resistant, drought-resistant. It bears fruit in the 3-4th year after planting. The flowers are white or pink and bloom before the leaves. Fruits with a stone inside, juicy, aromatic, velvety fluffy, spherical or ovoid, yellow or orange, often reddish on one side. The crop is propagated by grafting, using apricot, cherry plum, almond, and peach seedlings as a rootstock. In Russia, apricot is grown in the southern regions and the Far East. The fruits are used in fresh, processed (jam, jam, etc.) and dried form. Dried apricot fruits in the form of seedless halves are called dried apricots; fruits from which the seed has been squeezed out - kaisa and dried apricot fruits with a pit - apricot.

Apricot fruits contain up to 20% sugars, organic acids, vitamins and others useful material for the human body. Thanks to this composition, different diets, especially for cardiovascular diseases, include apricots, kaisa, and dried apricots. 100 g of apricots contain as much iron as 250 g of fresh liver. The calorie content of 100 g of fresh apricots is 45-50 kcal, dried apricots - 215 kcal. It is recommended to eat dried apricot fruits for anemia, postoperative patients, intestinal atony and constipation, as well as for pregnant and lactating women. Helps patients suffering from angina pectoris, reduces cardiac and renal edema. This product must be included in the diet of adolescents at the beginning of puberty.

Gastroenterologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences Inna Pavlik warns that natural dried apricots are flattened and wrinkled, while bright and juicy ones are stuffed with dye and can cause allergies. Students, for example, are recommended to take two pieces of dried apricots, raisins, walnuts and one date. This breakfast is healthy and nutritious. But it is important to know that it is advisable to scald dried fruits with boiling water first, because the folds may contain microbes, worm eggs and Giardia.

Choosing dried apricots

Important! Dried apricot after natural drying has a dark or grayish color. Do not buy fruits that are bright orange-reddish in color.

  • The beneficial properties of apricots are superior to dried apricots, as they are subject to less processing. Do not forget that drying of fruits can be done directly in the sun without fumigation or in mechanized dryers with whole fruits with stones with preliminary fumigation of the fruits with sulfur. Fruits in color from light orange to reddish-brown are fumigated with sulfur dioxide, and from light brown to dark brown - unsmoked.
  • Dried apricots dried by natural drying should have a natural fruity smell. The presence of gasoline or other foreign odor indicates that the fruit was dried using gas, gasoline burners or a tunnel oven powered by diesel fuel. Therefore, when buying dried apricots, try to smell them.

Before use, dried apricots must first be soaked in cold water for about 5-10 minutes, then drain the water, rinse thoroughly under running water and rinse with boiling water, because the folds of the dried product may contain microbes, worm eggs and lamblia.

Apricot is a healthy and nutritious fruit that saturates the body with all essential microelements. But how long can you preserve it if the juicy pulp quickly deteriorates and disappears? To do this, they learned to preserve the fruits and make dried apricots, which are not inferior in quality to fresh ones.

There are several names for the dried fruit. Depending on the method of its preparation, the following varieties are distinguished:

  1. Uryuk is the name given to dried apricots with pits. Dry naturally.
  2. Dried apricots are called dried apricots without pits. Ripe fruits are cut into two parts, the pit is removed and dried in hot weather in the shade. To obtain a marketable appearance, sulfur dioxide is used; without it, dried apricots will be pale brown.
  3. Kaisa - whole dried fruit apricot without a pit; it is carefully removed through the stalk.
  4. Shepala - the apricot is not picked from the branch, but dried directly on it. The result is a dried product.
  5. Ashtak is a dried apricot that is different from all the others. The seed is carefully removed, the kernel is taken out, at this time the fruit is dried, then the kernel is inserted into it.

Any apricot drying process takes time and is very labor-intensive. Each fruit must be turned over in a timely manner, and the temperature must be monitored to prevent mold from forming. But finished product very unusual, healthy and tasty, so it’s worth the expense.

How to dry an apricot

The consumer does not see the difference between dried apricots and dried apricots. In fact, the difference between them is not only in the method of preparation, but also in taste.

How to dry apricots

This does not require any devices or special electric dryers. It is enough to prepare the wooden flooring and cover it natural fabric or a newspaper. The fruits are laid out on the surface and wait until they dry. in a natural way. The moisture from the pulp gradually evaporates and the fruit takes on a wrinkled appearance.

Important! Apricots should not be dried in direct sunlight at lunchtime; it is better to place them in the shade so that the fruits do not “burn.” Best time– morning and afternoon.

If you don’t have a lot of time to pick the fruits, then you can leave them on the branches and wait until they wither naturally to become Sheptala, then collect and store in plastic bag.

How to dry dried apricots

On store shelves, dried apricots look very appetizing, as they have a delicate orange color with a shine. This way it is obtained as a result of treatment with a special sulfur composition, which is very harmful to the body. Home-cooked dried apricots are brown in color without shine.

Important! When you buy a processed product on the market, you bring home a threat to the health of your loved ones, especially children.

How to cook dried apricots at home, in natural conditions:

  1. Sort through the apricot fruits, remove spoiled, rotten, unripe, or damaged by pests.
  2. Rinse several times under running water.
  3. Divide each fruit into two halves and remove the pit.

Dry on prepared trays, stirring from time to time for uniform drying.

Interesting! From 5 kg of fresh apricot you get 1 kg of dried apricots.

Under production conditions, after preparing the fruit, dividing it into halves and removing the pit, the apricot is immersed in boiling water for 2 minutes. Then they are laid out on the surface and fumigated with sulfur dioxide.

What does it give:

  • bacteria, mold, fungi are destroyed;
  • imparts a commercial orange color;
  • the product's shelf life is extended.

Then the dried apricots are dried in the open air, or in a special oven in which the temperature is maintained at 50-60 C, air circulation occurs.

Interesting! At home, dried apricots take up to 7 days to prepare, in industrial conditions – 18 hours.

Some conscientious producers do not fumigate apricots with sulfur; they appear to have a gray-yellow or brown tint without shine. This product is safe for health and will not harm the body (sulfur can accumulate, which is fraught with consequences).

The most useful dried fruit- this is an apricot. Ease of preparation allows you to preserve the maximum amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Despite the fact that there are more of them in fresh apricots, dried ones also contain micro- and macroelements in sufficient quantities.

Nutritional value per 100 g:

  • proteins 0.9 g;
  • fats 0.1 g;
  • carbohydrates 9 g;
  • dietary fiber 2.1 g;
  • water 86.2 g.

Energy value 44 kcal.

Important! The calorie content of 100 g of dried apricots is 215 calories.

When consuming 100 g of the product, the body receives:

  • potassium 305 mg;
  • calcium 28 mg;
  • phosphorus 26 mg;
  • magnesium 8 mg;
  • silicon 5 mg;
  • sodium 3 mg.

In winter, prepared fruit is a way to completely replenish the body, give strength, and satisfy hunger.

Benefits for children

You can start giving fresh apricots from one year old, half a teaspoon. If no allergic reaction is observed, increase to 50 g. In dried form, you can cook compote (300 g of dried apricots in 2.5 liters of water, cook for 7-10 minutes), which helps cope with colds, strengthens the immune system, and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract .

For children over 3 years old, dried apricot can be given instead of sweets, chocolate or caramel; it will be much healthier.

Benefit for adults

The beneficial properties of dried fruits are obvious for men and women. The fruits can enhance male potency and libido due to large quantity in the content of magnesium and potassium.

  • vitamin A – improves vision;
  • iron – prevention of anemia, compensates for the lack of iron in the body;
  • fiber – prevents the formation of constipation, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • potassium, magnesium – normalizes the functioning of the heart and vascular system;
  • fruit acids – have a beneficial effect on the skin, making it elastic and fresh.

Is there any harm? The only contraindication for use is an allergy to apricot. To people suffering diabetes mellitus, you should eat dried apricots with caution. Although it can replace sweets, it a large number of Sugar content, when consumed in large quantities, can negatively affect health.

Important! Dried apricots, apricots and kaisa lower blood pressure, so they are contraindicated for hypotensive patients, but recommended for hypertensive patients.

How to store dried apricot

Storage methods depend on the amount of dried fruit. If purchased a small amount of in the store, you can store it in a glass container or in a plastic bag in the refrigerator.

To store large quantities of dried apricot fruits, it is recommended to follow certain rules:

  • there should be no access to air in the container;
  • keep the room dry and ventilated to prevent the formation of mold;
  • air temperature – 10-12 C;
  • exposure to direct sunlight is contraindicated.

If the conditions are met, the shelf life of dried fruits is 1 year.

When choosing a product on the market, pay attention in the store appearance fruit. Bright, rich colors indicate thermal and chemical treatment. Dried apricots, kaisa, ashtak should be of a natural brownish tint. Free from insect damage, diaper rash and rot, such dried fruits are not suitable for consumption and are hazardous to health.