Three interesting and easy Spanish tapas recipes. Tapas - cuisine and spirit of Spain in a simple appetizer


(heat, heat, ardor) - the system of asceticism in Hinduism. The origin of the term seems to be connected, firstly, with the widespread practice of heating, "drying" the body (for example, in the form of "standing between five fires", i.e. between four fires, under the sun at its zenith) and , secondly, with the idea of ​​​​a special internal heat or dust accumulated in asceticism, with the help of which the ascetic is able to magically. influence the environment. In the "Rigveda" T. (heat) appears in some "philosophical" hymns as a cosmogonic. factor. However, the practice of T. is known to us primarily as an element of the folk religion of the late Vedic and post-Vedic eras. The Mahabharata contains numerous descriptions of the exploits of T., performed by wandering ascetics, the power of which others are afraid of; the highest goal of ascetics is to achieve posthumous bliss in one of the heavenly worlds (an ascetic who has accumulated an exceptional "treasure of T." is even able to temporarily replace Indra on the throne of the king of the gods). But with t. sp. In the emerging soteriological religions, this ideal, as it does not give salvation, a way out of the circle of rebirths, turns out to be clearly insufficient. It is known that at the beginning of his spiritual path, the Buddha practiced cruel self-torture together with his first five disciples, but then rejected it, having developed his own "middle path", alien to extremes and leading to salvation - nirvana. The Hindu yoga of Patanjali recognizes T. as one of the necessary elements of the "yoga of action" ( cm."YOGA SUTRAS" II. 1) and one of the principles (implying the observance of fasts, vows, etc.) included in the 2nd link (niyama) of his "eight-link yoga" (11.31). The Bhagavad Gita distinguishes three types of good ("sattvic") austerities: T. of the body (purity, chastity, worship of gods, brahmins, elders, gurus, etc.), T. of speech (recitation of the Vedas, truthfulness, etc.) .), T. of the heart (friendliness to all living things, peace of mind, etc.) But if T. is done for the sake of fame or other self-interest, it is no longer imbued with sattva, but with the mode of "passion" - rajas; if austerity turns into self-torture or is practiced to the detriment of other people, then it is imbued with the tamas guna and is unconditionally condemned. Nevertheless, it is self-torture that remains to this day the main. the practice of many Hindu wandering ascetics (sadhus).
Ya. Vasilkov

Hinduism. Jainism. Sikhism: Dictionary. - M.: Republic. M. F. Albedil, A. M. Dubyansky. 1996 .


See what "TAPAS" is in other dictionaries:

    In Spain, assorted cold appetizers ("o dovr") or appetizers for cocktails, usually served with Malaga, cherry or Manzanilla. The habit of "killing a worm" by taking an aperitif, especially in the evenings, is common in local bars and ... ... Culinary Dictionary

    - (other ind. Tapas, own. "warmth", "heat", "ardor", "torment", etc.), in ancient Indian mythology, cosmic heat as a universal cosmogonic principle. It also lies at the basis of the universe (law and truth, night, the ocean were born from T., a year from the ocean, ... ... Encyclopedia of mythology

    - (from Sanskrit tana heat, warming up, ardor), specific. and the characteristic form of ind. asceticism, distinguished. a feature of which are active methods of suppressing the flesh (exhausting postures, torture by fire, water, etc.), increased bodily ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    - (Skt. heat), in Vedic and Hindu mythology, 1) cosmic heat that generates the world. 2) Religious vow, performing ascetic rites... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Exist., number of synonyms: 2 piety (11) snack (23) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    This term has other meanings, see Tapas (meanings). Tapas (Sanskrit तपस्, Tapas IAST, "warmth", "heat", "torture", "austerity") in ancient Indian mythology, cosmic heat as a universal cosmogonic principle underlying and ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Skt.) Distraction, meditation. To do tapas means to sit for the purpose of contemplation. Therefore, ascetics are often called tapas. Source: Theosophical Dictionary... Religious terms

    TAPAS- (Skt.) Distraction, meditation. To do tapas means to sit for the purpose of contemplation. Therefore ascetics are often called tapas... Theosophical Dictionary

    tapas- (Tapas) One of the rites (see Niyama) that a yogi should perform in daily worldly life. The word tapas comes from the root, which means to heat, glow, that is, it means zeal and fullness of effort. Sometimes it is considered as cleansing ... Yoga Dictionary

    - (Skt. Tapas self-torture, ascetic exercises, repentance) in Idian mythology, the personification of piety and ascetic zeal, already mentioned in the Rig Veda along with Manyu (anger); they both protect their fans and beat up their enemies.… … Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Tapas is an appetizer for an alcoholic drink. But not everything is so simple. Tapas reflects the whole philosophy, lifestyle, habits of the native Spaniard. Let's figure out what tapas can be called, how it is cooked, eaten and washed down.

"Cover" of manners, or the philosophy of tapas

Tapas is Spanish for "lid". Where does the appetizer get its name from? There are several versions of this. According to one of the most popular, King Philip III forbade serving alcoholic drinks in taverns without snacks so that people would be less drunk and behave decently. The appetizer was put simply on a mug with a drink. According to another, more prosaic version, the vessels with drinks were covered with bread or ham, so that flies swarming in the heat would not get into them.

Later, the concept of tapear appeared in Spanish, meaning literally walking with friends from one bar to another in order to repeatedly drink, eat well and chat a lot. This scheme is still in effect today. In one evening, a Madrid office worker can visit 3-5 bars.

Light snacks are conducive to informal conversation and unhurried rest. They served on a common plate, without cutlery, size - for one bite. No shyness, no manners, no protocol.

Russian salad or fried squid - what's on the plate?

Any dish can act as tapas, whether it be chips or a saucer of snails. Each bar or restaurant has its own signature recipe. tapas. And the Spanish hostess will easily collect a snack from what she has in the refrigerator. What is most commonly served as tapas?

  • or chorizo;
  • a plate of olives;
  • grilled vegetables;
  • fried potatoes with sauce;
  • squid, mussels or anchovies;
  • Ensaladilla rusa - Russian salad (like our winter one);
  • small sandwiches or canapes;
  • small portions of national dishes, for example,.

Especially popular is pintxos - a mini sandwich with various ingredients, for convenience, pinned on a skewer.

Julia, Moscow:

“During our trip to Spain, we found the largest variety of pintxos in the north. In the towns there, on every corner, they only do what they cut and prick on toothpicks whatever their heart desires. A pintxos costs about 4 euros. 3-5 pieces for me personally replaced a full meal. Of course, you won’t be so full every day, but for a snack on a hot afternoon with a glass of beer, that’s it.”

The art of making tapas is regularly competed by the chefs of tiny eateries and fashionable restaurants in tapas competitions and festivals that take place in every Spanish province. The manner of serving tapas, by the way, differs not only in different parts of Spain, but even in establishments adjacent to each other.

One tapa (snack portion) is always small, 3-5 small pieces. Depending on the size of the company, you can order tapas of different sizes. Tapas, designed for a large group of friends, is called raciones.

Cooking tapas - here are a couple of recipes for you

Fried shrimp with garlic

For 15 large shrimp - 100 ml of olive oil, 4-6 cloves of garlic, 1 chili, 2-3 sprigs of parsley, salt, 1 tsp. brandy.

Marinate the peeled shrimp in olive oil with garlic cloves, salt and chilli. Then heat up a frying pan with plenty of oil, quickly fry the shrimp and add some brandy. After a minute, remove from heat, serve in the oil in which the shrimp were fried, sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Bread with tomatoes

Grill or toast bread slices in the oven. While hot, rub them with a clove of garlic and tomato pulp, cutting the tomato in half. Salt and season with olive oil.

Irina, Ulyanovsk:

“After traveling around Catalonia, I was looking for a cookbook for a long time with recipes for those same sandwiches with a variety of ingredients. I came across a book by the famous Spanish chef Adrian Quetglas "Tapas". The topic of snacks is revealed in it even wider than I expected. These are not just recipes, but an interesting culinary journey.”

What to drink tapas with?

In the bar tapas is ordered with low alcohol with a light taste. When drinking, it is important for a Spaniard to feel not only the taste of the drink, but also the taste of the food.

Traditional drinks for tapas:

  • cider;
  • sherry;
  • table white wine;
  • cava - Spanish sparkling wine;
  • vermouth;
  • beer.

Of course, you can order with tapas and a soft drink or eat a portion, just to satisfy your hunger. For this, no one will look askance at you.

Until recently, tapas was served with drinks for free, but today in most establishments, snacks have to be ordered separately. The institution reserves the right to treat the client in gratitude for a large order or frequent visits.

Tapas bar - the atmosphere of Spain

You can try the most delicious tapas and plunge into the atmosphere of Spanish ease in tapas bars. There are many such establishments in Barcelona and Madrid today. These are usually small, noisy and smoky places where tapas is eaten right behind the bar. Here there is no menu, and the entire assortment is presented simply in the window. It is not customary to sit dignifiedly here, so there are a minimum of tables in the tapas bar.

Since each tapas bar has its own rules and etiquette, in order not to get into trouble, you should ask the waiter to help you with the choice. You can simply point with your finger that you want to order how much and mention how much you are willing to spend on it. The chef or waiter will surely offer you the best and most delicious.

One of the oldest bars in Barcelona - Quimet & Quimet at Poeta Cabanyes 25. A small, family-run establishment serving traditional Spanish tapas.

Denis, St. Petersburg:

“We came here on purpose, after reading rave reviews from tourists. Everything was not in vain! Small bar with amazing atmosphere, original food and fast service. A portion of three tapas costs about 2.5 euros. I advise you to try beans with cod and shrimp with red pepper.

Worth a look in Madrid De 1911 at Plazuela de San Gines 5. The name of the tapas bar contains the year of its foundation, and this says a lot.

Feel the atmosphere of Spain in Moscow you can in institutions: El Basco, Cork Wine and Tapas Bar, Tapa Rillas, Tapas Marbella.

Spanish dishes are distinguished by sonorous short names and a taste that cannot be confused with any other. The Spaniards themselves are proud of the quality and variety of products that the fertile lands of this sunny country generously share. Those who come to Spain for the first time are unlikely to refuse the famous gazpacho soup or the special smoked gourmet ham - jamon. And certainly not to pass by the numerous bars and eateries, where along with wine or beer is served signature snack - tapas.

According to legend, tapas originated in the 13th century thanks to the decree of Alfonso the Wise. The King of León and Castile issued a law requiring the inns to serve refreshments with alcohol, hoping to preserve the decorum of visitors and prevent aggression caused by excessive drinking. Obedient owners of taverns began to bring jugs of strong drinks, covering them with a small snack. This is how the name "tapas" appeared, which in Spanish means "lid" - "tapa".

For most Spaniards, tapas are not just food, they are a way of life: going from bar to bar, chatting with friends, meeting new people. And it's not about drinking wine and eating snacks, just such an open people - the Spaniards. They even came up with a term for them - tapear (taper - a tapas lover in the company). And how can you refuse tapas with marinated or grilled vegetables, classic jamon or chorizo ​​(raw smoked sausage), potato or rice meatballs, pickled mushrooms, fried squid and mussels?

Incredibly popular are tortillas (the most common of them is a tortilla in which an omelette with potatoes is wrapped) and banderilla (a mini-barbecue with meat, seafood, vegetables, olives, etc.).

Tortilla, by the way, is considered the queen of tapas. This is the most beloved and versatile dish of the Spaniards - "from the poor to the kings." Spinach, jamon, tuna, peppers, onions, mushrooms and everything else that the chef's fantasy suggests are suitable as fillings. You can eat hot and cold, with salads, soups and even for dessert.

Arrange an incendiary tapas party - let the colors of hot Andalusia into your home!

Several tapas recipes

So, a few tapas recipes (they are no longer covered with jugs, but served on skewers, plates, in tortillas, and even on bread) for four cheerful amigos invited to visit:

  1. Shrimps in Spanish white wine. They need to be fried in vegetable oil (moderate fire, like the beginning of a Catalan sardana) with chopped garlic, dill and Tabasco sauce for one to two minutes. Then salt, add dry wine and simmer for another 5 minutes.
  2. Chicken fillet with basil, tomatoes and green beans. Fry the fillet chilled and cut into small cubes in a hot frying pan until golden, like the Spanish sun, crust. Next to the bird, drip exactly 8 drops of Tabasco and mix a little later. Add the tomato pulp, salt and wait until the sauce thickens.
  3. Patatas bravas. Deep-fry potatoes cut into small cubes until tender, dry on a paper towel and lightly salt. Ground cumin, dry red paprika, mayonnaise, ketchup and wine vinegar, dilute a little with water and mix. Pour this sauce generously over the potatoes so that they look like the stones of the Costa Verde protruding from the sea waters.
  4. Pincho with jamon and parmesan. Mix chopped garlic, tomatoes, paprika and mushrooms, season with olive oil and mix. Spread eight slices of baguette with this “hellish” mixture, put jamon on top, sprinkle with parmesan and send to the oven as hot as jota.
  5. Tortilla. Pour the fried potatoes with onions with the egg-milk mixture, salt, pepper and fry until thick and golden brown. Then cover the pan with a large plate, use it to quickly turn the tortilla over and fry again until golden brown, but on the other side.

The final chord will be the legendary "Barcelona", which can be sung during the distribution of raincoats and mantillas to the guests.

With recipes, conjure as you like.

Tapas are a variety of small but hearty dishes that are great for a quick bite to eat, as well as snacks during lunch or a party with friends at a bar or at home. Tapas is made from everything: vegetables, cheese, fish, bread, meat and so on. The main thing is that snacks are of such a size that they can immediately fit in the mouth.

History of appearance

Tapas did not appear in Spanish cuisine immediately. The inhabitants of Spain love to tell legends about the appearance of this dish. For example, that the peasants supported their strength with wine and cheese or corned beef while working, or that one day a certain innkeeper came across an unsuccessful batch of wine, and he decided to hide its taste by serving him free cheese and sausage. There are many options, but the most popular and most plausible among them are two.

According to one version, the tradition of such snacks was started by King Alfonso X, when doctors prescribed him several glasses of wine a day to maintain health. In order not to get drunk and keep a clear head, the king seized wine with a small amount of food. Subsequently, he issued a decree ordering innkeepers to serve wine only accompanied by a certain amount of food, so that the people, especially the soldiers of his royal majesty, would not get drunk. Of course, the owners of the taverns did not like that they were subjected to such a gastronomic tax, so they contrived and began to serve as much food as could fit on a mug.

According to another version, another king, Alfonso XIII, who somehow went into a tavern and asked for wine, had a hand in creating tapas. The day was hot, dust hung in the air and clouds of insects frolicked. So that there would be no unauthorized items in the wine, the glass for the king was covered with a slice of ham. The king liked this serving: you can immediately drink and have a snack, and he made it a tradition. "Tapa" is Spanish for "cover". Since then, jugs of wine in taverns have been served covered with slices of ham, bread, cheese, etc. Over time, edible lids have been replaced by regular plates, but the tradition of serving drinks along with snacks has survived. Appetizers were transformed into an independent dish. Now it can be olives, small sandwiches with different fillings, paella, tortilla, cheese, vegetables, mushrooms and so on.

Tapas atmosphere

Thus, in the Spanish dictionary for "tapas" a new meaning appeared - a light snack served with wine or beer. Tapas have become very popular in Spain, moreover, they have become a symbol of Spanish cuisine. Residents of sunny Spain adore gatherings in a bar with family and friends with drinks and a variety of tapas: portions are easy to share among themselves. The atmosphere in tapas bars is always very cheerful, friendly and relaxed: what a tired person needs after a working day. Each bar tries to stand out from the rest and serves its own set of tapas.

Tapas is taken so seriously in Spain that they regularly hold festivals and competitions dedicated to tapas. All establishments take part in the competitions, from the smallest cafes with two tables and a bar to serious restaurants where a famous chef conjures up a tapas menu, inventing more and more new combinations for snacks.

Types of tapas:

Hot or cold tapas are a variety of dishes served in small portions on small clay plates.

Montaditos - small closed sandwiches with filling, the filling can be very diverse.

Pichos - a piece of bread, with cheese, fruits, vegetables, meat, fish and other snacks, chopped on skewers.

In Spain, you can get tapas at any time of the day, in many establishments snacks are served free of charge with wine or beer.

For some reason, it is generally accepted that tapas and pinchos are an appetizer. Such a traditional Spanish snack that you can buy in any bar or cafe like nuts or chips. This is partly true - you can really buy them literally everywhere. Even where there is no actual kitchen, as such. That is, going into any Spanish bar in Tmutarakan, the owners will always have something to offer to have a bite. And it doesn’t matter that you don’t get enough of pickled olives or that you already have sandwiches across your throat. This is purely Spanish cuisine of Spain, and since you are here, bon appetit. But the fact that this is just an appetizer let me disagree. 2-4 tapas or pinchos and that's it, the stomach stops squeaking from hunger saying that it's already full.

For those almost two weeks that we traveled around Spain by car, it doesn’t matter whether it’s Aragon scorched by the sun, the proud Basque country or Madrid rebuilt with the money of the colonies, tapas and pintxos were the same. With their own zest, characteristic only of a certain place, but still very, very similar.

My photo selection of Spanish appetizers is shown below, although it is impossible to capture all Spanish tapas in a photo. There is too much variety.

This is a quick and easy meal. Yes, snack. But in our understanding, fried potatoes, for example, are completely independent dishes, and they have an appetizer. But it cooks quickly, which means you can have a snack with it. Tapas can be either a plate with olives, or chopped jamon, bravo deep-fried potatoes or chorizo ​​sausages fried in oil, julienne in shells or just a slice of bread with olive oil grated with tomatoes. Everything that is enough for imagination and that can be found in the fridge and there will be tapas!

There is a legend according to which King Alfonso XIII, while in Cadiz, sat down in some tavern to drink a little with ustka. A strong wind rose and the owner of the tavern put a piece of jamon on the king's glass, covering the wine from the sand that had risen from the wind. The king liked this appetizer and asked for more. It's a beautiful legend, but no one serves drinks with topas these days.

Tapas cost from 2 to 10 euros depending on what you order. Olive nuts will cost only 1 euro, and deep-fried squid will cost 10. It is absolutely not necessary to look for a tapas bar in Spain, since tapas are everywhere.

The simplest Spanish appetizer is nuts and olives.
Sliced ​​raw smoked sausage. Anytime and anywhere.

Jamon itself is tapas. But it’s expensive to eat it just like that, so something with jamon is often offered. For example, patatas brava, aka fried potatoes. On top of the planed jamon and uevos, they are eggs. It is written huevos but the first X is not readable in Spanish. And then it sounds quite plausible with her)

Ham and potatoes. They are jamon and patatas brava.

All kinds of dried sausages are used in tapas everywhere. Either planed as is, or they are fried in oil.

Potatoes and sausages. Patatas bravo and chorizo ​​rojo.
Octopus in Galician. Pulpo Gaego.

Shrimps in Spain, like seafood in general, are loved. Even if they cost more than a fried potato, let's say not 4, but 10 euros, but at the same time, the diversity is much greater. The same shrimps are cooked in sauces and on the grill. Grilled food always tastes better. Ask for a la plancha, not frito. Of course, they are fried in a pan, but they taste better on the grill.

Shrimps are always a good snack. To all.
Shrimps are always a good snack.

My favorite tapas and personal drug are pimientos padrone or peppers. It is believed that every tenth pepper is very hot. I only ever got one. The Spaniards said that I was very happy. I do not argue)

My favorite Spanish appetizer.

Where the sea is close and the fishing port works, you can always eat mussels or mihienes. It is very tasty, but always small. And it costs about 8 euros.

Mejienes or mussels.

Chipirons are also popular among seafood. These are small deep-fried squids.

Chipirons are small squids.

But you can take traditional squid rings and chopped squid into rings. There are differences, but not fundamental)

Spanish omelette, also known as tortilla, is not only just an appetizer, but also an element of pintxos, if you put it on bread.

Tortilla is a Spanish omelet with potatoes. Also tapas.

What is pintxos?

This is the same appetizer, only strung on a stick. Even a sandwich with a traditional "toothpick" would be considered pintxos. Like tapas on bread in the photo above.

Pintxos cost about 4 euros, regardless of the filling. Well, plus or minus euro. After eating 4-6 pieces and drinking a couple of beers, you can assume that you didn’t have a bite, but ate a full meal. It's kind of fast food.

Pinchos is very popular in the Basque country and in the north. The biggest variety can be found in the old town in Bilbao. There, entire streets do nothing but cut and chop snacks on sticks. That is, the pintxos recipe is simple - prick everything that your soul desires on a stick.

Assorted pintxos from Bermel.
Sandwich with a stick - already pintxos!
These were with quail egg and shrimp.

Pintxos from the banks of the Douro River were cold, although in julienne shells.

I liked this one, but strangely, it tasted and looked like eggplant, and the seller claimed that it was kalabasin, that is, zucchini.

Tapas and pintxos are certainly boring after a two-week trip. And sometimes you just want soup, or something hot. But in fact, in the heat it is very good food. And for the upcoming summer, you can adopt a couple of recipes, I think)

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