Is it good to eat soup? Liquid nutrition benefit or harm

There are many myths about broths and soups. We collected all of them and turned to the doctors with a request to explain whether this is true or not.

Myth 1

Gastroenterologists and pediatricians say that the first courses dilute the gastric juice and reduce the concentration of digestive enzymes, that is, worsen the absorption of food.


The work of the stomach is arranged in such a way that the liquid leaves it immediately, and sometimes solid food remains for several hours, “grinding” into a liquid slurry (chyme) with particles 1-1.2 mm in size - larger ones do not go further into the duodenum. And all this time, gastric juice is secreted with acid and with only one type of enzyme - proteases, which break down only proteins, and only partially. Neither fats nor carbohydrates are digested in the stomach.

The main digestion occurs after the stomach - in the duodenum, where pancreatic enzymes enter, and further - in the small intestine. And the concentration of enzymes due to the soup is not reduced here. Digestion occurs only in a liquid medium, and if there is not enough water, the small intestine "sucks" it, and if there is a lot of it, it pumps it out. So a liquid first course only facilitates digestion.

Myth 2

The meat broth is quickly absorbed by the intestines, and the liver does not have time to master such an amount of "liquid" - as a result, meat extracts in the form of unsplit poisons bypass the liver and begin a "journey" throughout the body, causing harm to internal organs.


In the full portion of the first about 300 ml of water - this is not a burden on the liver. Extracts too. First, they are naturally present in meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms, and other foods from which you make the first. And, therefore, if you make a second dish out of them, you will use them in the same way.

Secondly, extracts are natural biological compounds that do not pose a big load on the liver. Among them are many useful substances, some are even produced in the form of dietary supplements. There are not very useful material, which are formed in the body and excreted by the kidneys. And, if the kidneys are severely damaged, toxins can accumulate.

Myth 3

Heat treatment, numerous boils, which soup ingredients are subjected to, reduce the amount of nutrients.


Boiling is one of the healthiest and most gentle cooking methods. The temperature with it is much lower than when baking, and even more so when grilling or charcoal.

During cooking, many minerals are released into the broth. And in the case of first courses, they are not lost, but consumed. But when cooking potatoes, pasta or vegetables, a lot of useful things are poured out with water. For example, in relation to boiled potatoes, we can talk about the loss of a large amount of the most useful potassium.

broth for colds

Can you remember the recipe? chicken broth, which writers Peter Vail and Alexander Genis call "Jewish penicillin". In their famous book "Russian Cuisine in Exile" they write: "The broth is not devoid of some sobriety and even Jewish commercialism: having cooked it, you get the first and second at once." Indeed, a great idea: for the first - broth, for the second - chicken. But few people know that Russian peasants did the same with cabbage soup or borscht. First, they ate a liquid base with vegetables, and then, for the second, meat. This is a good technique for proper and balanced nutrition, which is suitable for a lot of diets.

Endocrinologist-nutritionist, creator of the author's nutrition program Vadim Krylov:

I am often asked: should the liquid contained in the first courses be considered a drink? Equate it with tea, coffee, plain water and include it in those 2-3 liters of water that most people recommend drinking. healthy people? The answer is unequivocal - include. These are liquid dishes, their basis is water. These volumes do not include only the so-called hidden water, which is found in almost all products. Somewhere there is a lot of it, as, for example, in vegetables and fruits, somewhere less - as in meat or poultry. But it is almost everywhere.

Gastroenterologist, specialist in liver diseases, doctor of medical sciences, professor of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.I. I. M. Sechenov Alexey Bueverov:

The first dishes have the so-called juice effect. This means that they contribute to the production of digestive juices - gastric and pancreatic, duodenal juice, and bile. First, this good preparation to the digestion of proteins and fats that will come with food later. I can’t say that first courses are harmful in general and for the liver in particular. Of course, if, for example, cabbage soup is very fatty or oversalted, or a lot of sour cream is added to them, this is not useful. But as such, first courses are not harmful, but in many ways are useful. For example, it is often said that the vegetables that are added to them have few useful substances. Naturally, some of the vitamins are destroyed during cooking, but not all, besides them, there are other useful substances that remain - these are fiber, antioxidants. And therefore, vegetables, herbs, spices and spices used in cooking are useful.

Secondly, full-fledged proteins of meat, poultry and fish are useful - depending on what you add to the first dish.

Thirdly, the first is the source of the liquid. This is good for healthy people. Excess fluid is contraindicated only in hypertension, heart or kidney failure, liver failure with ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity) and edema.

Soup for weight loss

Are soups and diet compatible? They often say no. In fact, soups are great for diet food. And that's why:

1. You can put lean meat in them.

2. There is a secret how to make the soup fat-free: put the dish in the refrigerator and then just skim off the frozen fat from the surface.

3. You can make vegetable soup or soup without meat or poultry, without adding cereals, flour, noodles or vermicelli. Get low-calorie hearty meal. The famous diet of Madame Zhestan is based on a similar soup.

Soup Madame Gestan

Take 6 medium onions, a few tomatoes, a head of cabbage, 2 bell peppers, a bunch of celery and a cube of vegetable broth (any low-fat broth you make yourself can be used). Cut everything into small and medium pieces, cover with water, season with a little salt and pepper (you can curry), boil for 10 minutes over high heat and then cook over low until the vegetables are soft. You can eat this soup whenever you want and as much as you want: if you feel hungry - eat soup and lose weight.

To begin with, we will turn all solid food into liquid, food that does not need to be chewed.
Meat and fish in meat and fish broths.
Fruits and vegetables in their juices.
Cereals in boiled broths.
Milk and derivatives in the liquid state.
Raw egg.
Sunflower oil in liquid form.
Salt in broths.
Sugar in juices.
Herbs in decoctions and infusions.
Cocoa, tea and coffee are liquids.

Liquid eating is a very rare form of nutrition.
Let's analyze one example and determine what a person eats when eating boiled food.
If you put a vegetable in cold water and leave it for a while, the vegetable will absorb the cold water into itself. This is clearly seen on the example of peas and legumes. But as soon as you put it on fire, the reverse process occurs. The vegetable will begin to give all its juices to hot water. Having boiled completely in the body of the vegetable, nothing remains but the boiled mass. The body of the vegetable becomes empty and useless.
The cook, making mashed potatoes, pours the broth into the sink, and makes a potato side dish from the empty potato body. Everything that the cook puts in water and boils is boiled and the substances are given to the water and the water turns into broth. In this case, the broth becomes a valuable drink, and everything that is boiled can be safely given to animals or birds.
Each person eats liquid food, but he does not think about the details of the intake of liquid, does not attach importance to this process. A person does not eat liquid, but drinks in large quantities with glasses, mugs, glasses, as a result, drinking every day a large number of different fluids, creating excessive pressure on the kidneys, liver, heart, and this is again stress, nervousness, illness.
As usual, a person drinks water, but he drinks all liquids derived from water, because they are liquids that do not need to be chewed.
Traditionally, people are accustomed to eating and drinking in quantitative terms. By and large, people are engaged in gluttony, which has become a bad habit and an addiction to the stomach.
Gluttony is considered one of the seven deadly sins. Eating large amounts of food has become a habit and has shaped the lifestyle and diet.
Why liquid should be eaten and not drunk?
Why should liquid be chewed?
If you simply drink a liquid in a small amount, then neither enjoyment nor satiety with taste will work. You have to drink a large amount of liquid in order to get temporary saturation and pleasure.
Pleasure, saturation, glut, satiation occurs only in the mouth. In the stomach, only the process of digestion of food takes place. Stomach filling large quantity liquid and solid food, it is just filling, which makes it difficult for the stomach and the entire gastrointestinal tract. There is slagging of the walls of the intestines. The stomach cannot physically cope with a large amount of food and the food begins to rot and produce decay products, i.e. toxins that poison the entire body.
What happens in a person's mouth?
There are two very important process, this is pleasure and satiety with what has fallen into the mouth. Speaking of liquid food, I must say that it must also be chewed, because without the chewing process, you will have to drink a lot of liquid and put a lot of stress on the kidneys, liver and heart.
The quality of liquid food is collected in one SIP. The amount of liquid food consists of the number of sips or the container in which the liquid is poured. For example:
200 gr. orange juice.
How does all this happen?
I take a sip of juice into my mouth and keep it in my mouth without swallowing or mixing with saliva. I connect here taste buds tongue and feel the taste of juice, enjoy the taste. As soon as I start to get tired of enjoying the taste, I start chewing this juice, mixing it with saliva and chewing until the sensation of taste disappears. The juice should completely mix with saliva and lose its taste.
Loss of taste sensation is called satiety.
At this moment, you can swallow this tasteless juice liquid mixture. While I'm chewing in my mouth, the following happens:
If it was cold juice, it warms up to +36.6 degrees, if hot, it cools down to +36.6 degrees.
If you immediately drink 200 gr. cold juice, then the stomach will first have to spend energy on warming it up, and this is an unnecessary waste of energy, so all this must be done in the mouth.
Gradually, a person needs to move away from quantitative food intake and move on to quality. This is very important in old age, when an old person, eating a large amount of food, spends a large amount of energy on digestion, which in old age is barely enough for movement.
What is quality food?
You need to know that you can enjoy and be fed up with a small intake of food.
For example:
One sip contains all the substances that are in 1 liter of juice. You don't have to drink all liter jar straightaway. It is not necessary to load your stomach completely, so that even breathing becomes difficult. One meaningful and conscious sip, exactly, chewed completely will become like a glass of juice. This will not happen right away, it takes practice and a strong desire to be clean, healthy and young.
What is the practical significance of a swallow of chewed liquid?


You take an ordinary sip of juice into your mouth, only one sip, but do not swallow it, but begin to chew it carefully, consciously mixing it with saliva. Along with a sip of juice, you take a breath of air and hold your breath while chewing the juice. In the oral cavity you will have three components - juice, air and saliva. While holding your breath, you chew the juice, mixing it with saliva and air. After making 25-30 chewing movements, you will feel that there is more liquid in your mouth. This is due to the accumulation of saliva. Then you swallow part of the liquid, and start chewing the rest again with a new breath of air while holding your breath. Again the fluid in your mouth will increase and you swallow some of it again. That. one sip of juice can be turned into 10, 20 sips of oxygenated and saliva-enriched liquid. A person can eat with one sip of liquid food. The use of liquid food, this is what can be called self-cleansing in a natural way from the inside.
How does this happen?
The body is a self-cleansing system that, with the help of liquid, moisturizes all the slagged walls of the intestines and at the same time softens. The slag will fall off and be expelled from the body naturally. In this case, there will be no need to use enemas. An enema is not a very pleasant cleansing procedure, it must be admitted.
Although juices and broths are liquid food, but when drinking juice with pulp and fatty rich broths, there is work for the stomach. Liquid foods can also be made thinner, less oily, and the range of these foods can also be reduced. This is something to work on.
The stool from liquid food will be ordinary, but rarer and in a small amount, so to speak, lightened.
In general, the entire meal from chewing to sip should be conscious. Only conscious actions will have an effect.


Milk is without a doubt valuable and nutritional product especially for a newly born baby. I was freed from milk just a full 4 months ago after another 10-day abstinence from solid food, from February 2, 2010. Before that, I tinted water for a whole year with milk 20% milk and 80% water. Believe me, I grew up on goat's milk. My parents kept a few goats, but I didn't like goat milk. I was drawn to cow's milk. I drank milk all the time with pleasure. Now, from the height of my experience and knowledge, I will say that milk should be eaten only at the age when the child was just born and can only suck on the mother's breast. After the child grows up and is removed from the breast, milk must be completely removed from the child's diet. The child switches to solid food, various cereals, milk formulas and dairy products excluding pure milk.
Small child should only eat the milk of his natural mother. The milk of another woman may not suit him.
Why am I talking about the exclusion of pure milk from the diet of an adult child?
Milk is the only product that forms mucus in the digestive system, which in turn envelops the esophagus, stomach and intestines. Mucus accumulates in large quantities and interferes with the absorption of essential substances through the walls of the intestines. Milk is a fatty food and fatter milk the tastier it is. Simply put, a fatty mucous layer from the inside accumulates in the body, interfering normal functioning digestive system. Yogis came up with their own way of cleaning the esophagus from mucus. They swallow a special rope twisted from a bandage to the stomach, and so on. milky mucus sticks to the rope. The procedure is unusual and not at all pleasant. But yogis can do it. I spoke with a yogi who cleanses his esophagus in this way that it would not be easier to free himself from taking milk. Because he loves milk very much, then he drinks it and periodically cleanses himself in this way. Now I don't crave dairy products at all. Now my body is free from milk, or rather my mind is free from milk. So I naturally cleared of mucus, without various yogic problems. When I stopped eating dairy products, I found an argument against drinking milk. I fixed in my mind the image that milk is harmful and we need to get rid of it, which I eventually did.
Anyone who still drinks milk will find arguments that milk is healthy and will continue to use it. So in each food product, a person determines the benefits and harms. Everything is easy to justify and easy to blame.
I do not go into other useful or harmful properties milk, but I freed myself from eating milk.
This is my gradual transition from one way of eating to another, the gradual release of various fluids and the arrival of one water. This is exactly what happens to me. I am blissful that I am gradually freeing myself from the use of solid and liquid food, and this is my indicator of a conscious coming to sun-eating. I do what I do and I do it even gradually, but the work goes in this direction, as planned by the Highest Teachers, according to their earthly program for the realization of me as a spiritual entity. Time after time I get closer to the implementation of my program, which makes me absolutely happy. After all, I am on the right path of my spiritual realization. Victorian, keep it up!

Both in solid nutrition and in liquid, you can exclude some liquid products. Remaining a liquid eater, you can free yourself from carbonated drinks, tea, coffee, cocoa, milk, meat and fish broths, i.e. and in a liquid diet, one can also gradually free oneself from heavy and thick broths, etc. You just need to be aware of these things. The force of habit will form new attitudes towards the intake of liquid food and food in general.
A person, guided by his taste preferences, and so uses a large amount of various liquids.
With time and self-awareness, liquid nutrition will be reduced to its maximum minimum and only one water, pure water, will remain.

Liquid nutrition is the second stage of transformation nutrition, which promotes rejuvenation and regeneration of the body! Read the details...

1. What is liquid nutrition?
2. What are the pros and cons of liquid nutrition?
3. Liquid food recipes

What is Liquid Nutrition?

In the Vedic tales of ancient India, the great sages rishis ate only liquid food. Liquid food is considered to be food that needs to be drunk and not chewed. This is the most subtle and high-frequency power.

The composition of liquid nutrition includes pure water, various dairy products (milk, natural yogurt, kefir, curdled milk, liquid sour cream, etc.), natural freshly squeezed juices, various vegetable and fruit cocktails, puree soups, honey, coconut milk, etc.

There are 2 types of liquid nutrition:

  • liquid-coarse (includes the pulp of fruits and vegetables)
  • liquid-thin (only juices).

Liquid nutrition is most suitable for people engaged in intellectual work that does not require physical exertion.

Liquid nutrition must be accompanied by yoga or qigong and breathing practices!

What are the pros and cons of liquid nutrition?

Benefits of liquid nutrition

Liquid nutrition reduces weight, gives a feeling of lightness, is easy to digest, improves memory and increases the level of intelligence, slows down all processes in the body (including the aging process).

Cons of liquid nutrition

During the first three days of a liquid diet, diarrhea may occur. Many people feel irritation, anger, hunger, a desire to chew something and severe weakness during this period. However, after three days, the body gets used to liquid food, and these negative manifestations disappear.

In two weeks, a person fully adapts and gets used to a liquid diet.

The transition to this type of nutrition should also be carried out gradually!
It is possible to completely switch to the use of liquid food only within 5-10 years.

Nevertheless, it is useful for each person to arrange periodic unloading “liquid days”. It significantly rejuvenates, gives lightness and cleanses the body well.

Also, when switching to a liquid diet, it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages inherent in vegetarianism¹ in general.

Liquid food recipes

Liquid nutrition includes, first of all, juices from vegetables and fruits.
They are very helpful for human body.

  • Natural juices contain a large number of essential macro- and microelements and vitamins.
  • Food based on juices is rich in fructose, enzymes, pectins, and contains structured water necessary for a person.
  • Vegetable and fruit juices cleanse blood vessels and blood from cholesterol and other harmful substances.

Drinking such drinks is useful not only for adherents of liquid food, but also for ordinary people, as they favorably affect the health of the whole organism. Especially favorably freshly squeezed juices act on the gastrointestinal tract.

If you decide to switch to vegetarian food and liquid food in particular, then it is recommended to start this process with juices.

They will give the necessary boost of energy and facilitate the transition to "new food".

Consider the most popular juices that can be prepared at home.


The information below is not nutritional advice and does not replace the advice of a dietitian. The diet plan should be selected individually by the attending physician or nutritionist. There may be contraindications!

Red beet juice

Red beets have a large amount of iron, which is easily absorbed by our body. Therefore, this juice is very useful for people suffering from anemia. Furthermore, beetroot juice increases the content of red blood cells in human blood, as a result of which the flow of oxygen to tissues and organs increases. A large amount of sodium contained in this juice helps to remove deposits of calcium salts from the body. Beets also have the ability to naturally thin the blood and lower blood pressure.

But you should know that out of habit, even a glass of pure beetroot juice can provoke nausea, dizziness and vomiting, because after taking it, cleansing processes immediately start in the body, first of all, lymphoid tissue, gallbladder, kidneys and liver are cleaned.

This combination of juices is especially useful for women during menopause, as it helps to normalize hormonal levels.

By combining beetroot and carrot juice and coconut milk, you will get a drink that is excellent in its regenerative properties.

The combination of juices from beets, carrots and cucumber perfectly heals the body, and if you add lemon juice dissolved in one glass of not boiling, but hot water, you can naturally remove stones from the kidneys. To do this, you need to drink such a cocktail three to four times a day. If you have large kidney stones, then there may be significant pain during their removal, but it will not last more than an hour, during which time all the stones will be removed.

cabbage juice

Fresh cabbage juice can cure many diseases - duodenal ulcer, tumors of various etiologies, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. Cabbage juice also helps with diseases of the respiratory organs, helps to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, and helps to normalize weight.

Often, when taking cabbage juice, people note the release of gases.

This indicates contamination of the body with toxins, which the cabbage juice dissolves and removes from the body. For the best effect in such cases, it is recommended to combine cabbage juice with carrot juice, cleansing enemas are also indicated.

Moreover, the juice of cabbage and carrots improves immunity, as it contains a large amount of vitamin C.

carrot juice

Carrot juice effectively cleanses and heals internal organs, removes toxic substances from the body, and dissolves tumors. It contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, carotene and iron.

Carrot juice restores the energy balance of the body, normalizes the work of the endocrine glands, restores the nervous system, improves immunity, relieves various inflammatory processes. Due to the high calcium content, carrot juice is recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

celery juice

Celery is very useful for the human body. It contains a large amount of sodium, which does not allow calcium salts to accumulate in the body.

Therefore, the juice from this plant is useful for people who do not adhere to a dietary diet, whose diet includes a large amount of meat, easily digestible. high-calorie foods containing a large amount of sugar and various muffins.

Celery juice thins the blood and cleanses the lymphatic tissues, thus healing the entire body.

It is good to take such juice in extreme heat, as it normalizes body temperature. A mixture of carrot and celery juice can cure various diseases circulatory and nervous systems.

Cucumber juice

This juice has excellent diuretic properties, due to which it relieves puffiness and helps to reduce pressure. A large amount of potassium in cucumber juice normalizes cardiac activity, improves the condition of hair, gums and teeth.

long time ago cucumber juice applied in cosmetic purposes- brightening the skin, it eliminates unwanted pigmentation, helps regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Fresh tomato juice

Tomato juice contains oxalic acid, which contributes to the normalization of metabolism. A large number of elements such as potassium, calcium and sodium contained in tomatoes treat many cardiovascular diseases. However, it is juice from fresh tomatoes that has useful properties.

Boiled tomato juice has the exact opposite effect on the body!

potato juice

Raw potato juice is very good for all digestive organs. It normalizes acidity and relieves various inflammations. digestive system. The starch contained in raw potatoes is good for treating burns and various skin diseases, including those of fungal origin.

A mixture of raw potato and carrot juices helps cleanse the body. Cucumber, carrot, celery and potato juices treat disorders of the digestive and nervous systems, stop bleeding, and reduce inflammation.

pumpkin juice

Pumpkin juice normalizes metabolism (therefore, it is indicated for people who are overweight and diabetes), treats diseases of the pancreas, relieves inflammation genitourinary system, is used as a medicine in the presence of worms.

Pumpkin juice promotes nutrition and cleansing of the body and is very suitable for people who decide to switch to a liquid nutrition system. Pumpkin juice can be replaced with squash, as their properties are similar. It is very useful to combine pumpkin juice with other vegetable and fruit juices.

Other liquid food recipes

In addition to the above juices, people practicing liquid nutrition can consume:

  • clean water (both cold and hot),
  • olive oil,
  • warmed tomato juice, to which spices can be added,
  • fried onions and grated cheese,
  • grape and other juices,
  • various teas - black, green, herbal,
  • fruit, vegetable and milkshakes,
  • cocoa,
  • ice cream,
  • jelly.

Also useful food for liquid eaters is kefir in combination with a few tablespoons of buckwheat, bran, pea or other flour (it is easy to make with a coffee grinder).

Let's take a closer look at a few more liquid food recipes.

Milk from seeds and nuts

Take a handful of almonds or any other nuts or seeds and soak them in water for 24 hours. Then washed and crushed in a blender, adding 50 ml of warm (40-50 degrees) water. The resulting mixture is filtered - nutritious and tasty milk is ready! You can make milk from peas and soy, the main thing is to increase the temperature of the added water to 70 degrees.

Ripe tomato soup

Juicy ripe tomatoes are mixed in a blender with parsley and celery, add a little ginger (fresh or in powder). Then cool water is added (to one part of the mixture 2 parts of water) and everything is mixed again. You can add sea salt if you like. unrefined oil and a spoonful of yogurt enriched with bifidobacteria. To keep the soup free of pulp, it can be strained.

Cold soup with tomatoes and fresh cucumbers

Grind in a blender tomato juice, fresh cucumbers, onion and cool water (1:2). Bio-yogurt and sea salt are added to taste. Strain if desired.

Combine 1 part of kefir and 1 part of water, optionally add chopped pickled cucumbers, dill, salt, dried apricots, honey.

Tang from tomato

Mix water and kefir in equal parts, add 3 ripe tomatoes, finely chopped dill, salt and pepper.

Live yogurt

In India, this drink is called lassi. Prepare it like this. Milk is brought to a boil (it is better to choose in soft bags with a short shelf life), add sour cream, bring to a boil again. Cool for an hour, then beat with a mixer or blender. Soon the mixture will begin to ferment. After two days, live yogurt is ready.

Kissel from buckwheat

Pour a glass (250 ml) of water into a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Separately, mix one teaspoon of buckwheat groats ground into flour and a glass cold water. Pour the resulting mixture into boiling water and bring to a boil again. Turn off the fire and let the jelly cool down and infuse.

It is good to add honey and chopped nuts to it before taking it.

Beet-based kvass

This drink is prepared in the evening, and in the morning it is ready to drink.

Placed in three-liter jar one finely chopped beetroot and pour it with boiled cold water. To this is added to taste a little sugar (a few tablespoons) or honey, a crust of burnt bread (for this, the bread is put in the oven) and dry yeast - about one fourth of a teaspoon. Close the jar tightly with a lid and leave overnight.

It is better to drink such kvass in the first half of the day, as it gives the body extraordinary vigor. Sometimes, instead of kvass, jelly can turn out, while beneficial features such a drink will only increase.

Kissel from flax

This drink normalizes digestion and treats various inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare such a jelly, take a tablespoon of flaxseeds and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. Cover the container tightly with a lid and place on water bath for two hours.

The resulting jelly does not need to be filtered, it is drunk with seeds. This will give you the most benefit.

Kissel from oatmeal

Mix a glass of water and a tablespoon of oatmeal in a saucepan and cook, stirring constantly, over low heat until the mass thickens. Strain and add honey or salt to the resulting jelly to taste.

Kissel with mushrooms and oatmeal

As in the case of the usual oatmeal jelly take a glass of water and a tablespoon herculean flakes, add 2-3 mushrooms (you can use fresh, dry or frozen). Salt to taste and cook until thickened. Chilled jelly is filtered.

Kissel from oatmeal and dried fruits

Mix a glass of water, a tablespoon of herculean flakes and any dried fruits. Put everything on a small fire and cook, stirring from time to time, until the mass thickens. Strain the chilled drink and add honey if desired.

This jelly is very tasty and healthy, it is especially good to use it for indigestion.


Take in equal parts cinnamon, cloves, black pepper and ginger powder (or rub a little natural root). Grind all ingredients in a coffee grinder. Such a mixture (at the tip of a knife) is poured with a glass of boiling water and a teaspoon of honey is added.

In India, a similar drink is called masala, but milk is also added to it. In Russia, sbiten was drunk before the wedding night and given to soldiers before the battle. It warms well and increases energy, cleanses the body of foreign bodies.

bitter chocolate

Melt chocolate (preferably bitter) by placing it in a water bath or using a microwave (about 15-20 seconds). Gently pour liquid chocolate in a mug and enjoy!

Berry juice

Take 150 grams of any berries (fresh or defrosted) and squeeze juice out of them. The resulting waste is poured with a liter of water and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Allow the resulting broth to cool, then filter it and add the previously prepared juice. Add lemon and sugar to taste. Cool down in the refrigerator.

coffee cocktail

Mix in a mixer half a glass of cooled brewed coffee, a teaspoon of rum and sugar, half a glass of ice cream and two teaspoons of apple or lemon juice. Delicious coffee cocktail is ready!

cabbage soup from sauerkraut

Boiled in a saucepan a small amount of sauerkraut. Cool and strain or beat in a blender. Add salt and a spoonful of sour cream to taste.

pomegranate mix

Natural pomegranate juice it is good to drink both on its own and with the addition of dill, green onions and sour cream, while to taste the juice can be diluted with water and add a little salt and sugar.


For one serving, mix a glass of water and a tablespoon of grated pickles. Boil for a while, add salt and sour cream to taste.

pumpkin soup

Cut the pumpkin into small cubes and pour them with boiling water for two minutes. Then crush the pumpkin with water to a puree state and add a little cream and chopped greens.

Okroshka mineral

AT mineral water add a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to make it slightly sour. Add sour cream and herbs, salt and sugar to taste.

Sorrel chiller

A pinch of salt is added to half a liter of water and brought to a boil, finely chopped sorrel is added, and allowed to cool. Topped with sour cream before serving.

Beetroot and curdled milk drink

Beat the pre-chilled yogurt with a mixer, gradually adding beetroot juice to it (approximately at the rate of 3: 1), then add finely chopped parsley, salt, sugar and honey (to taste)

Yogurt fizz

Cold yogurt is whipped with a mixer, gradually adding any sweet syrup. Fill half a glass with this mixture and add carbonated mineral water. It is necessary to drink such a drink immediately, while gas bubbles come out.

The food of the gods is liquid bread

This method can be considered as an alternative to food and bread.

Sprouted wheat (sprouts should be no more than 1.5 mm.) Grind in a blender with the addition of water.

This cocktail contains almost all the necessary substances.

If a person eats only liquid food, then you can eat exclusively this cocktail - there will be no shortage of substances. The entire periodic table is found in grains and sprouts of germinated wheat. It is believed that thanks to such nutrition, all diseases disappear, the body rejuvenates, and a complete transformation of the body occurs. It's true unique recipe, which contains the entire natural pharmacy.

nutritional value and chemical composition sprouted wheat:

The nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of the edible portion is given below.

  • proteins - 7.49 gr;
  • fats - 1.27 gr;
  • carbohydrates - 41.43 gr;
  • dietary fiber - 1.1 gr;
  • ash - 0.96 gr;
  • water - 47.75 gr;
  • rich fatty acid- 0.206 gr.


  • vitamin - B1 (thiamine) - 0.225 mg;
  • vitamin - B2 (riboflavin) - 0.155 mg;
  • vitamin - B5 (pantothenic) - 0.947 mg;
  • vitamin - B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.265 mg;
  • vitamin - B9 (folic) - 38 mcg;
  • vitamin - C2.6 mg;
  • vitamin - PP (niacin equivalent) 3.087 mg.


  • calcium - 28 mg;
  • magnesium - 82 mg;
  • sodium - 16 mg;
  • potassium - 169 mg;
  • phosphorus - 200 mg.

Trace elements:

  • iron - 2.14 mg;
  • zinc - 1.65 mg;
  • copper - 261 mcg;
  • manganese - 1.858 mg;
  • selenium.

Useful and medicinal properties"liquid bread" from germinated wheat:

  • removes poisons, cholesterol and other harmful substances from the human body;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • immunity increases;
  • prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • regulates and restores important body functions;
  • normalizes the intestinal microflora;
  • restores hair and nail plates;
  • increases the level of cold endurance;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • helps to get rid of excess weight;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • reduces the likelihood of the formation of toxins in the body;
  • stabilizes all body systems: respiratory, nervous, circulatory, etc.;
  • saturates the blood with oxygen;
  • restores color and natural density of hair;
  • promotes resorption of neoplasms: polyps, benign and malignant tumors, cysts, fibroids and wen.

People who eat sprouted wheat every day saturate their body with the necessary nutrients.


2. In no case should you give sprouted wheat to children under 12 years of age.

3. Adults who have undergone surgery should also not eat sprouted wheat until they are fully recovered.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Vegetarianism - eating plant foods with the rejection of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood and the meat of any other animal) (

In this article, I will tell you if you need to eat soups, borscht, etc.)). Are they useful, if so, what? as in general soups, borscht, etc. affect the human body and much more ...

In the post-Soviet space, all of us (well, or the absolute majority) were taught from childhood to eat (traditionally for lunch), first the 1st, and only then the 2nd)). That is why, for us (I mean our people, well, maybe not all, but the vast majority) - soups, borscht, etc. this is a familiar and tasty thing)), passing from generation to generation, and with which you will not surprise anyone ...

To be honest, I'm even afraid to talk negatively about this case, they'll still throw stones, hehe)). But I'm not going to hide the truth, as always.

In soups, borscht, etc.- contains mostly LIQUID(water, about 50% if memory serves) and VEGETABLES(well, for example, in borscht there are beets (beetroot), carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, beans, tomatoes (tomatoes)), in some there are also COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES (for example, or).

For those who don't know, fruits and vegetables- vital (needed), because are essential components of a balanced diet and are not inferior in importance to other essential substances (, ), because. they contain vitamins and minerals and fiber.

  • I don’t think it’s worth talking about vitamins and minerals, because. and so you all understand that they are extremely important (vital) to every organ, every gland, every muscle and cell of our body for a balanced and not only work of the whole organism.
  • But few people know about fiber ... and it, in turn, is extremely important, because. absorbs accumulated slags and toxins and removes them from the body, contributes to the absence of constipation, etc.; promotes better digestion of food; binds cholesterol and tactfully removes it from the body, and thus, the cholesterol level decreases, and with it the risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases; and also has many other extremely useful features.

But be that as it may, soups and borscht- not the best product (in my opinion) possible. In short, soups, borscht, etc. are the worst quality alternative (analogue) of fresh VEGETABLES and FRUITS! Why? Yes, because in soup, borscht, etc. will contain much, I emphasize, MUCH less vitamins and minerals and fiber than in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Who is not aware heat treatment(in soups, borscht, etc. it is present) kills vitamins and minerals, which cannot be said about fresh fruits and vegetables (and therefore better).

Here it is, in a nutshell. In many foreign countries, people do not use any soups, borscht, etc. at all. and what now, they all have ulcers, colitis, gastritis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, digestion, etc.?))

Of course not ... And all because people simply simply)) have the opportunity to eat all year round(well, if not a whole year, then in any case, much more often than ours) FIBER ( fresh vegetables and fruits), respectively, they do not need an alternative (a replacement, like ours). That's it (the whole secret).

We (in our countries) do not have such an opportunity in the cold season (in winter). Accordingly, to compensate for this (lack of fiber, vitamins and minerals), the worst quality alternative (analog) is used, i.e. those same soups, borscht, etc.

  • In general, if you have the opportunity to eat fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES all year round, then you can easily not use SOUPS, BORSHCH, etc. GENERALLY not afraid that you will have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, etc. fictional garbage (proof of this is the huge number of countries that do not consume soups, borscht, etc. GENERALLY, for example, England, Italy and etc.).
  • If you do not have the opportunity to eat vegetables and fruits all year round (for example, in the cold season, i.e. in winter), then SOUPS, BORSHCH, etc. in my opinion, they are even necessary, because it is still BETTER than nothing at all. Those. so you get at least some vitamins and minerals, at least some of their number, and, accordingly, at least some kind of fiber. Do you understand?

Those. in other words, fresh VEGETABLES and FRUITS 100 times better than soups, borscht, etc. but if you don’t have them, then at least something is better (soups, borscht, etc.) than nothing at all ...

Talk about the fact that soups, borscht, etc. are something unrealistically useful, and everyone should use them daily, otherwise there will be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, digestion, etc. , - in no case will I (it is impossible). This is not even close. But don't get me wrong, I'm also not saying that soups, borscht, etc. - this is categorically BAD, and they should not be eaten. This is also not close. Although, there are exceptions.

Many experts argue that meat or chicken soup / broth, etc. can be potentially hazardous to health. The fact is that soups (liquid food) are very quickly absorbed by the intestines, unlike solid ones. And this, in turn, does not allow the liver to have time to process the meat extracts contained in them (after all, who does not know, meat is not only good for the body, it also contains harmful substances), as a result, toxins not broken down by the liver get into blood and can harm many internal organs 🙁 so draw your own conclusions.

P.s. my advice to you regarding meat / chicken soups / broths, etc. promoted by doctors. Meat can also be in the soup, but it is better to boil it separately and only then add it to the dish; the soup itself should be vegetable broth... (useful for those who cannot live without soups).

By the way, I am accustomed (like most of our people) to soups, borscht, etc. And I eat when I have and I'm not going to change anything. I’m high, besides, all this can serve as an excellent variety or pushing agent)) when there is buckwheat or rice, I’m already fed up ... But! I also eat separately and fresh fruits and vegetables DAILY, in the quantities I need, but in any case, everyone decides for himself.

Sincerely, administrator.

Napoleon loved chestnut soup. Elvis Presley and Hitler preferred vegetable. And Nekrasov asked that as much dill as possible be put into the soup. Endocrinologist, nutritionist, Herbalife brand expert Alla Shilina tells what the right soup should be like and why it is important for a balanced diet.

The first question is why is it important and necessary to eat soup?

Soup promotes the active secretion of gastric juice and prepares the body for the process of digestion. The soup restores the balance of liquid, helps to digest other dishes, and in the cold season perfectly warms. In addition, it is a bulk food: we are quickly saturated, while receiving a minimum of calories.

What is the healthiest soup?

Every soup has pros and cons. For example, meat soup high in protein, but low in fiber and high in hidden fats.

AT fish soup there is protein, there are practically no hidden fats, but there, again, an insufficient amount fiber.

The most favorite product of nutritionists is vegetable soup. It contains high amounts of antioxidants and vegetable fiber, while it is low in fat and has a low calorie content. That is why nutritionists recommend regularly including vegetable soups in the diet, especially for those who are watching their weight.

However, in vegetable soups there is a minus - a lack of protein.

Why is protein so important to us?

It is from amino acids that immunoglobulins (the main protective proteins of the body), enzymes, and hormones are built.

Protein keeps you feeling full longer. If you ate a product that has a lot of carbohydrates, after a while you will again be drawn to “eat”. Because carbohydrates stimulate the pancreas, it releases insulin, which increases appetite. Protein has no such action.

We need protein to build muscle mass. And how well developed muscle mass is, so much a person is resistant to external factors. Just imagine this picture: a person went out into the cold - the body immediately releases adrenaline, cortisol. Yes, we can have a normal body temperature, normal pulse and pressure. But these hormones are catabolic, they destroy muscle mass. Protein builds muscle mass. It is important that the body constantly receives protein food and physical activity- in order for hormone metabolites to be excreted from the body faster.

How much protein does the body need?

About 85-90 grams per day is the minimum that a person should receive during the day. 100 grams of meat contains 25 grams of protein. In fish - 17 grams. In cottage cheese - about 20 grams.

Vegetable soups are high in fiber. Tell us about its benefits.

For the formation of immunoglobulins, one protein is not enough. We need fiber - a source for the vital activity of lacto- and bifidobacteria. We underestimate fiber - we think that it is needed only for peristalsis and digestion. And it also removes incompletely oxidized substances, participates in the metabolism of cholesterol.

Today there is no such thing as dysbacteriosis. But there is the concept of "syndrome of excessive bacterial growth." There are several groups of bacteria in the intestines: beneficial lactobacteria and bifidobacteria, conditionally pathogenic flora (does not harm in moderation) and, finally, pathogenic flora. It is important that there are more bifidus and lactobacilli in the body, and less conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic flora. And for this, we need fiber, which is an energy source for beneficial bacteria.

The diet of our ancestors consisted of 2/3 plant foods, and 1/3 wild animal meat (contains less fat). Today we eat mainly refined food, so we need to include fresh vegetables and herbs in the diet to the maximum - there is a lot of fiber.

Why is it important to eat vegetable soups more often?

I would like to draw your attention to the elimination of acidosis (a shift in the acid-base balance of the body towards an increase in acidity (a decrease in pH)) and the removal of accumulated metabolic products.

Most often, we consider products from the position of macronutrients - how many proteins, fats, carbohydrates are in them. American scientists have introduced such a thing as acid load. This means that in the process of splitting any product, either an acidic, or alkaline, or neutral environment is formed. Our body as a whole has a slightly alkaline environment. And in the stomach, the environment is acidic, in the duodenum - slightly alkaline. Protein, splitting, forms a more acidic environment. Therefore, it is important that it is combined in a plate with foods that, when split, form an alkaline reaction - that is, with vegetables and herbs. Vegetable soup is also very useful.

1. Combine fiber-rich vegetables and lean varieties meat or fish to provide enough protein.

2. Use stainless steel for cleaning, chopping and mashing vegetables.

3. Put vegetables in boiling water, taking into account the cooking time of a particular product:

  • whole potatoes - 25-30 minutes, chopped - 15 minutes;
  • carrots whole - 25 minutes, chopped - 15 minutes;
  • whole beets - 3-4 hours, chopped - 30 minutes;
  • beans - 1.5-3 hours;
  • peas - 1-2.5 hours.

4. Don't let it boil violently, as air circulation destroys nutrients.

5. Eat vegetable soup on the day of preparation.

To the point

After an interview with Alla Shilina, we tasted tomato soup with basil, presented by Herbalife. And they were pleasantly surprised. Firstly, it is easy to prepare it: fill it with water, and after a minute you can already take a sample. Secondly, you can experiment: add croutons, olive oil, sour cream, spinach, bell pepper, chicken meat and other ingredients. And you can not add anything - because the soup already contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the first course, a sufficient amount dietary fiber and squirrel.

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