How is cocoa with milk made? Delicious powdered drink

Many of us know that cocoa is a very healthy and tasty drink. Therefore, it is advisable to know how to cook cocoa correctly in order to cook this fragrant and chocolate drink. So, for those who are going to cook this delicacy for the first time, let's try to dot the "e" in the question of how to cook cocoa correctly.

How to cook cocoa?

To prepare cocoa, you need milk, ideally homemade cow milk, a small amount of sugar and, of course, cocoa powder.

Pour a small amount of water into the pan in which cocoa will be boiled, so that the bottom is completely covered. As soon as the water boils, pour the milk into the pan. At this time, cocoa powder and sugar should be thoroughly mixed in a cup, then a little water should be added there and thoroughly mixed so that a homogeneous thick chocolate mixture without lumps is obtained.

The next stage of preparation is the connection chocolate mix and milk. To do this, constantly stirring the milk, a mixture with cocoa is introduced into it, then the contents of the pan are brought to a boil and simmered for three minutes, after which the gas is turned off.

The proportion of cocoa preparation: for 2 liters of milk, you need to take 6 tablespoons of cocoa powder and 4 tablespoons of granulated sugar.

When the cocoa is removed from the heat, it is poured into cups or glasses without cooling, and served with crackers, cookies, biscuits and muffins.

The preparation described above is considered classic cocoa recipe However, there are other, more interesting and original ways. This article will mention three of them: cocoa with egg yolk, cocoa with whipped cream, cold cocoa with ice cream.

To prepare cocoa with egg yolk, cocoa is brewed traditional recipe. Then grind the yolk (one yolk for two servings of cocoa) with sugar and cocoa powder and pour into the pan with the finished cocoa. After that, the drink is whipped with a whisk and immediately served in glasses or cups.

For cocoa with whipped cream they also use cocoa brewed according to the classic recipe, it is poured into prepared glasses so that they are half filled. Then whip the cream with powdered sugar and spread one tablespoon on cocoa.

Cold cocoa with ice cream prepared as follows. Having prepared cocoa regular prescription, it is cooled down. Then put a ball of chocolate ice cream in a glass and pour cocoa on top. The top of the glass or glass in which this dessert is served can be garnished with whipped cream or fresh berries.

Cocoa consists of three ingredients - cocoa powder, sugar and milk. In some cases, if, for example, you are allergic to milk, you can replace it with water, but this will affect the taste of the drink. Spices can be added to cocoa to make it taste more interesting. Most often used for this purpose nutmeg, cinnamon, pink or black pepper and other spices. You can add a little cocoa butter or even a piece of chocolate to cocoa, this will make its taste more intense. IN ready drink you can add yolk quail egg, this will help to cope with cough and sore throat, besides, it will make the taste of the drink more tender.

Cocoa can be prepared in any suitable pan. It is very important that during the cooking process the sugar has time to completely dissolve, so in some cases the drink can be kept on fire for a longer time, this will not affect its taste in any way. According to the basic recipe for one serving, you need to take 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder, 250 ml of milk and sugar to taste, usually 2-3 teaspoons are taken. First you need to grind the cocoa powder with sugar in the selected saucepan, at this stage you need to add the selected spices, then you need to pour in a few tablespoons of hot milk and mix well, getting rid of the lumps. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, you need to add the rest of the milk into it and cook over low heat, stirring constantly. Cocoa is considered ready when the sugar has completely dissolved, usually it is enough to bring the mixture to a boil.

Recipe Options

If cocoa seems too sweet and "childish" to you, try changing it. Take two tablespoons of cocoa powder per serving and cut out the sugar. Cooked with milk without the addition of sweeteners, cocoa has a rich bitter taste, to add a "chocolate" drink, add a little dark chocolate to it, it is best to grate it, then it will completely melt in a hot drink.

To bring cocoa closer in taste and consistency to hot chocolate, take more sugar for 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder (up to 4 tablespoons). Such a drink is ideal for sweet and chocolate lovers, it is very high in calories, so it is best to drink it for breakfast to energize the body for the whole day. Such strong cocoa is not always liked by children, but to the taste of most adults.

Cocoa is a special powder that is made from cocoa beans. Ready cocoa is used to make a delicious drink that is loved by both children and adults. However, do not forget about its calorie content.

Cocoa is used in cooking in the form of a rich powder. chocolate color which is made from cocoa beans. Cocoa is the main ingredient in the manufacture of chocolate and various products with its content.

Nutritional properties of cocoa

Cocoa powder, obtained from cocoa beans by grinding them, is usually characterized by a fairly high nutritional value. So, 100 grams of this substance can contain about 24 grams of protein, about 28 grams of carbohydrates and up to 18 grams of fat. Such a rich composition provides this product with a fairly high energy value: cocoa with the specified content of the main food components can reach 380 kilocalories per 100 grams.

However, in order to meet the demand for cocoa from people who, for one reason or another, prefer products with a reduced fat content, manufacturers have begun to use beans that have a lower amount of fat in their composition in the production of cocoa powder, or simply degrease the finished product. As a result, such cocoa powder can only contain about 11 grams of fat per 100 grams. finished product, which provides him with significantly more low calorie- about 240 kilocalories per 100 grams.

Cooking cocoa

However, it should be borne in mind that in pure form cocoa is practically not used. So, standard cooking a favorite drink made from cocoa powder is as follows: you need to dilute 1-2 teaspoons of cocoa powder a small amount hot water or milk, mix thoroughly, then pour into a cup required amount liquid and bring to a boil. After that, add sugar, honey or other sweetener to taste. For people who avoid sugar, such as those who watch their figure or have any medical conditions, sugar or honey can be replaced with a suitable artificial sweetener.

It should be borne in mind that one teaspoon contains about 5 grams of cocoa powder. Thus, the minimum calorie content of a low-fat cocoa drink prepared in this way - on one teaspoon of powder using water and a sweetener - will be only about 15 kilocalories. However, replacing water with milk, adding sugar or honey, using two tablespoons of full-fat cocoa instead of one are ways to bring the calorie content of one cup of this delicious drink to 150-200 kilocalories. Therefore, its use by those who seek to control the amount of calories consumed should be considered in the overall daily rate.

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Cocoa gives vitality, energy and health. Many people think that this product is quite high-calorie. But solid content useful substances makes it always popular.

You will need

  • - cocoa powder;
  • - milk;
  • - cream;
  • – water;
  • - sugar;
  • - nutmeg;
  • - cinnamon;
  • - vanilla;
  • - cocoa butter;
  • - quail egg yolk.


Cocoa regenerates, restores the strength of the body after illnesses. It contains potassium, which is good for the heart and the prevention of strokes. Also present in cocoa unsaturated acids that regulate cholesterol.

Who should not drink cocoa:
- Patients with gout or suffering from kidney disease;
- children under three years old;
- it is better for no one to drink cocoa at night;
- with indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, cocoa is also not recommended.

Cocoa is considered high in calories. Cocoa powder contains 289 calories per 100 g. A teaspoon of dry cocoa powder contains 9 calories. If you drink cocoa with water and without sugar, this drink does not have a high calorie content. But if you drink it with cream and sugar, its calorie content will be about 345 calories per 100 g of the finished drink. 100 g of cocoa in milk with sugar contains 245 calories. And 100 g of cocoa with milk without sugar contains 90 calories.

The calorie content of a product prepared with milk (cream) and sugar is used to satisfy hunger. Cocoa without milk and sugar is an excellent vitamin and mineral supplement for people sitting on an unbalanced diet.

Today, another delicious page on my website - I will tell you how to cook cocoa powder in milk or water at home from powder and share recipes for a great drink. There is an undeniable truth: hearty breakfast is the key to a successful day. And if it is also tasty, then it will not be worth the price! And of course, when we hear the word breakfast, the first thing that comes to mind is coffee. But even, even the most delicious, sometimes you want to replace something with something. And a miracle comes to our aid - a cocoa drink.

The history of making a delicious drink is so old that it is amazing. Even before our era, 1500 years ago, the Indians of Central America prepared thick spicy drink from cocoa beans. It was a ritual drink of the Mayan and Aztec Indians, helping them, as they believed, to gain wisdom, longevity and strength.

The Indians made cocoa thick and not sweet, and they appreciated not the taste, but the useful qualities in it. They drank, by the way, always cold. Added hot peppers and maize grains, and then for a long time the drink was poured from one bowl to another until it was whipped into foam.

Of the Europeans, Columbus was the first to try the drink, but fellow countrymen did not appreciate the taste. And only in 1519, the conquistador Hernando Cortes managed to convince the Spanish nobility of the benefits of cocoa and the nobility of taste. At first, the drink began to be boiled and consumed hot, chili soon disappeared, but sugar, cinnamon and nuts were added instead.

By the way, thanks to the experiments of European chefs with the preparation of a cocoa drink, we now have chocolate, sweets with chocolate filling And variety of options drinks.

How to brew cocoa from powder

To cook cocoa powder at home, you must first learn how to choose the right powder. In our stores, instant cocoa powder is the most popular. To prepare, just throw a spoon into hot water, and the drink is ready. But often you can find a substitute natural product, so be vigilant and carefully read the composition of the powder.

  • Sometimes you can find natural cocoa powder, but, unlike instant cocoa, it requires mandatory cooking.
  • High-quality powder, if rubbed with fingers, does not crumble with dust, completely, and part remains on the fingers.
  • Grinding should be the smallest, into powder, without the slightest grains.
  • Choose any dish for cooking. You can cook both in a saucepan and in a Turk, this does not affect the taste, and the process will not change.

Some cocoa connoisseurs will tell you that the drink is good on its own, without any decorations. They may be right, but I am a lover of new taste sensations.

Drink additives:

The classic cooking recipe does not involve additives. But no one will forbid us to diversify the taste of our favorite drink. In cocoa, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanillin are appropriate - they will give joy to the soul and cheerfulness to the body. Gourmets put finely chopped bananas or peaches into a ready-made drink, decorate on top. (be sure to read the recipes in another article). There are cooking options on cocoa powder with the addition of coffee and fruit broth.

Cocoa with milk - a classic recipe

Of course, product powder and milk are the most common duo! The recipe I proposed is considered a classic. Watch your figure - be sure to dilute the milk with water.

You will need:

  • Powder - 2 tsp
  • Sugar - to taste.
  • Milk - 250 ml.

Step by step recipe:

  1. 1. Take a small saucepan or Turk, pour milk into it. Heat the milk to a boil.
  2. 2. Pour the powder into the milk and mix everything well, leaving no lumps.
  3. Want to add to cocoa ground cinnamon, vanilla and nutmeg, now is the time and don't forget the sugar.
  4. 5. Bring the resulting drink to a boil.
  5. Your favorite drink is ready.

How to make cocoa from condensed milk powder - recipe

Recipe for gourmets. First, dilute the condensed milk with boiling water, and then proceed, in the usual way. Do not put sugar right away, try it first, and add if not enough.

Cocoa Mocha Recipe

An option for preparing a delicious drink brewed with milk or water.

  • Mix a tablespoon of powder with a teaspoon instant coffee, plus a pinch of nutmeg. Pour in a glass of cold water and stir the ingredients.
  • Let it boil very slowly. You can add cream here, or cook instead of water in milk.

Homemade cocoa without milk

Like to experiment - I advise you to cook cocoa without milk, on a fruit broth.

  • In the evening, prepare a regular fruit compote from your favorite fruits. When it is infused, strain and brew the drink according to the classic recipe.

By the way, there is another version of cocoa without milk for those who do not like and cannot tolerate this product - with soy milk.

How to cook delicious cocoa with soy milk

Soy milk - wonderful alternative preparation of cocoa powder without milk. Cook according to the traditional recipe, but with the observance of small nuances:

  • Put sugar immediately into cold milk.
  • Heat the milk very slowly.
  • Boiled - remove from heat.

Recipe for making cocoa powder from water

Can be welded magic drink and on the water, just take into account some of the nuances of cooking. A drink is usually brewed on water to reduce calories. But you can, to make it a little tastier, dilute milk with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

There are two options for making cocoa with water.

The first is when cocoa is added to cold water, and the second when the powder is added to boiling water. The method is associated with lumps. Everyone gets rid of them in their own way. But the first method is not correct - with prolonged heat treatment, the drink is not so fragrant, and there is much less benefit in it.

But if you add the powder directly to boiling water, lumps do not form. The main thing is to mix quickly and thoroughly.

And, of course, pay attention to the quality of cocoa. Cocoa powder prepared with water is subject to much higher requirements. It must be fresh, completely natural - without the addition of extraneous additives.


  • Powder - 2-3 tsp
  • Sugar - to taste.
  • Water - 250 ml.
  1. Boil water in a small pot or pot.
  2. Pour powder and sugar into it. Stir well.
  3. Bring to a boil and turn off.
  4. You can add a little milk and cream to the cup.

Delicious hot chocolate made from cocoa powder - recipe

cocoa and hot chocolate two names for the same drink. Only classic cocoa is brewed for more simple recipe, and chocolate suggests some gastronomic delights. He has many fans around the world and cooking recipes, you can follow the link with them.


  • Cream 10% - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Milk - 3.5 tbsp.
  • Water - 1/3 tbsp.
  • Powder - 1/3 tbsp.
  • Sugar - ¾ tbsp.
  • Salt is on the tip of a knife.
  • Vanilla extract - to taste.

Step by step hot chocolate recipe:

  1. First, pour water into a saucepan and boil it.
  2. While the water is boiling, mix dry ingredients - cocoa, sugar and salt.
  3. When the water boils, pour the dry mixture into it and mix thoroughly. Bring this mixture to a boil, and cook for a couple of minutes, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
  4. Now that the sugar has dissolved, pour in the milk and cream. Wait until they heat up, but do not bring to a boil.
  5. Turn off heat and add vanilla extract.
  6. Pour into cups. Do not serve the chocolate right away, it should cool down a bit.
  7. If you want - decorate with marshmallows, chocolate chips and cinnamon.

Many people forget about a wonderful drink. And in vain! It, the composition is rich in various trace elements and vitamins, gives vigor, but does not contain caffeine, with hypertension a huge plus. Moreover, cocoa lowers blood pressure. It has a beneficial effect on our skin and hair, strengthens blood vessels and the heart. I wrote about everything in my article about the benefits noble drink, please read it.

In addition, it is well known that the product contains substances that promote the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin. So it’s good for them to treat bad mood and blues. The plus side is that it makes you feel full.

Personally, I brew my favorite drink when I am not in a very good mood, and there is no one to complain to - I am treated and relaxed. During the diet, the drink helps me survive longing and hunger. It is clear that I do not put sugar, but this does not spoil the taste of the drink.

And they say cocoa makes you smarter. And then I think ... what am I ...

I found the last recipe for making cocoa from milk powder on the Internet - watch the video. I have tried it and am satisfied. May you be well, my dears. With love… Galina Nekrasova.

Many of us in childhood drank a delicious and nutritious drink - cocoa. Ah, the taste and aroma! But for some reason, for many, cocoa has gone along with a carefree childhood. But it is very, very useful. But it is important to choose it correctly and prepare it correctly.

What it is?

Where does this brown powder come from? It should be noted right away that it has nothing to do with coffee. This unique fruit grows on trees that grow in just a few countries around the world: Malaysia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Ghana, Cameroon, Brazil, Venezuela and Côte d'Ivoire.

The fruit itself looks like a large pod, seeds are located inside it. It is from these seeds that cocoa powder, familiar to almost everyone, is made by grinding them.

In general, there are three types of cocoa:

  • industrial production. The fruits are grown using fertilizers.
  • Organic industrial. In this case, cocoa is grown in unnatural conditions, but without the use of fertilizers.
  • And finally, completely natural. It is considered the most valuable and, accordingly, expensive.

The Aztecs were the first to use the fruits, then cocoa gradually began to travel around the world and reached Europe.


The composition of cocoa is truly unique. It contains a lot of vitamins, trace elements and minerals: potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, iron, molybdenum, zinc fluorine, vitamins E, A, group B, PP and others. The composition also includes various organic acids, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, starch, fiber, monosaccharides and disaccharides.

Cooked natural drink cannot be counted as calories. So, for 100 grams of dry powder there are about 380-400 calories, that is, in one teaspoon there are only 25-30 calories, which is not so much.


Natural cocoa has a wide variety of beneficial properties. We list some of them:

  • First of all, it is worth noting that this wonderful powder contains substances that cause our body to produce the so-called "hormone of joy" - endorphin. That is, if you regularly drink cocoa, then depression and apathy will not be terrible.
  • The drink allows you to keep the skin young and beautiful, because the composition of the substance responsible for its elasticity.
  • Cocoa is useful for hypertensive patients, as it can lower blood pressure.
  • This drink has a positive effect on brain activity. In particular, it is able to improve memory, as well as concentration. Therefore, cocoa is so often given in schools and kindergartens.
  • Job of cardio-vascular system is also improving. For example, some substances are able to strengthen the heart muscle.
  • Surprisingly, cocoa can protect against diabetes.
  • If you suffer from anemia, you just need to drink this drink regularly, because it helps to increase the level of hemoglobin.
  • Magnesium present in the composition is able to increase nervous stability and helps fight tension and stress. In addition, the muscles relax, reducing the risk of seizures.
  • Cocoa is a boost of energy! After drinking just a cup, you will get the required amount of energy and will not feel hungry.
  • It contains a substance similar in composition to caffeine, but safer. So drink cocoa instead of coffee.
  • This drink is a good means of preventing cancer.

Harm and contraindications

Can such a drink be harmful? Yes, if it is wrong to choose and store it. Yes, in some shop products under the name "Cocoa" includes not only cocoa powder, but also a host of other additives that do nothing good for the body won't give. Excessive amount sugar is a direct path to obesity. No preservatives are needed either.

This product has some contraindications:

  • children's age (up to 3 years);
  • allergic reactions (cocoa is a fairly strong allergen);
  • some diseases of the nervous system;
  • diabetes;
  • sclerosis and atherosclerosis;
  • constipation;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys.

How to choose and how to store?

When buying, carefully study the composition, there should not be anything superfluous. Pay attention to the supplier country, remember where such a tree grows. The packaging must be sealed, it contains all the information about the manufacturer (contacts, addresses).

In addition, it is important to properly store the powder, pests can start in it. Pour cocoa into an opaque container, which should be tightly closed with a lid. Put the jar in a dry place.

How to use?

How to cook cocoa correctly? The easiest way is to simply dissolve the powder in hot water(in just boiled, to be more precise). Usually one or two teaspoons of cocoa and about the same amount of sugar are taken per glass of boiling water, and many people drink the drink with milk. There are those who dilute the powder in pure milk, it is tasty and healthy.

But some advise cocoa to cook. In fact, there is no urgent need for this; such actions do not affect the taste in any way. This may be required if you are using unboiled milk or raw water. In this case, pour milk or water into the pan, add cocoa, bring the liquid to a boil and boil for 5-7 minutes. Don't forget to stir constantly!

But you can cook something more interesting from cocoa powder. Here are the recipes:

  • Hot chocolate. To prepare it, take 2 cups of milk, 3 tablespoons of cocoa, one bag of vanilla, a pinch of cinnamon. Pour milk into a saucepan, start heating. When the steam begins to rise, start gradually adding the mixed cocoa and sugar, stirring everything thoroughly and vigorously. Remove the pan from the heat, add the cinnamon and vanilla. Ready!
  • Cocoa frosting. You will need: 4 tablespoons of cocoa, ¾ cup of milk, half a cup of sugar, 50-70 grams butter, vanillin, three tablespoons of flour. First mix flour, cocoa, sugar and vanilla. warm, dissolve all dry ingredients in it. Then add butter and heat everything until it melts. Ready!

Also, the powder can be added to pastries, ice cream and various other desserts.

We use cocoa in cosmetology

  1. Mask for weakened hair. Mix two tablespoons of cocoa, the same olive oil, 1 tablespoon of kefir and one egg yolk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until smooth. Apply the composition on the head, rubbing into the roots, distribute through the hair. Wrap your head with a film and cover for half an hour. Wash away the mass warm water with shampoo.
  2. for the face: mix cocoa with water to make thick porridge. Massage the composition onto your face, then rinse with warm water.

Some useful tips:

  • Do not drink cocoa at night, it is better to do it in the morning.
  • Don't add too much sugar, you won't taste or feel the benefits.
  • Do not spare money for this drink, give preference to quality!
  • Cocoa has an expiration date, so don't use "mom's stock" powder.

Drink cocoa, enjoy the taste, health and beauty!

Surprising but true: many of us do not know the taste of real cocoa.

Representatives of the older generation still remember how in kindergarten for them, a magic drink was poured from a teapot into mugs. But younger people are used to brewing various ready mixes, which sometimes have a very distant relation to natural cocoa.

It is believed that the whole point is the lack of time, they say, there is a lot of fuss with natural powder. According to experts, this is not so.

To weld delicious cocoa at home, it will take a few minutes. Provided that you know the technology of making a drink well.

You can read about the homeland of cocoa, how it grows, what benefits and harm it brings to the body.

How many grams of cocoa in a tablespoon and a teaspoon

To follow the recipe exactly, it is useful to know how correctly measure the required amount of cocoa powder. A tablespoon holds 25 grams, a teaspoon holds 9.

It is also important to know the calorie content of the product in order to reduce or increase its amount per serving as desired.

For example, fat-free cocoa powder is low in calories - 89 kcal per hundred grams of the product, in the usual (clean from additives and impurities) - 290 kcal.

Recipes for making cocoa from cocoa powder at home

The word "boil" in relation to cocoa is not entirely appropriate. High temperatures are detrimental to useful properties of this product and is able to turn a diet drink into an ordinary, albeit tasty drink.

That is why most recipes are focused on so that cocoa does not have to be kept on the stove for too long.

The drink can be prepared both according to the classic recipe and according to the original ones, for example, with ginger (this will be a cough recipe), with a banana and even with pepper.

Classic milk recipe

Mastering the "classics" is a must. This - basic recipe , on the basis of which you can try some other options and fantasize.

You need to take a saucepan and pour cocoa into it (1-2 teaspoons per serving) and granulated sugar (two teaspoons). The mixture is poured with hot water.

You don’t need to pour a lot of it - your “semi-finished product” will have to resemble liquid sour cream in consistency. But you need to stir it properly so that not a single lump remains.

So, continuing to work with a spoon, pour hot milk into the saucepan, then put the dishes on the fire and bring to a boil.

delicious drink(many people know this from their own experience) has for children, and for adults, one drawback - it is covered with milk foam. There are ways to get rid of it.

Firstly, you can beat the finished cocoa until foam forms (not to be confused with foam), you need to do this with a whisk for 20 seconds. Secondly, you can boil cocoa in water, and add pre-heated cream to the mug.

How to cook with water

The method of making cocoa without milk is quite simple. Boil water (at the rate of 200-250 ml per serving).

Pour a teaspoon of cocoa powder and 1-2 tablespoons of sugar (for each serving) into another container, pour a little boiling water there, stir, then pour in the remaining water and put on fire for a couple of minutes, without ceasing to stir.

This drink goes well with condensed milk., however, in this case, it is better to cook cocoa without sugar. Condensed milk is added already in cups, to taste.


The cooking technology practically does not differ from the classic recipe: sugar and cocoa are poured with a small amount of warm milk.

They fight lumps, and then pour milk into the mixture and put on the stove.

Cinnamon is added before the liquid boils. and cook for two minutes, stirring occasionally. It is advisable to beat the finished drink with a whisk to saturate it with oxygen and get a delicious lush foam.

With banana and ice cream

Banana cocoa - pretty original version The kids will definitely love it. To prepare it, you need a blender: with it, bananas and milk are whipped.

The resulting mixture is poured with hot cocoa. And to make the drink absolutely festive, they put a tablespoon of vanilla ice cream in each cup.

With liquor

Cocoa, sugar and a pinch of salt are poured with boiling water and put on fire. Add milk and remove from stove. Then comes the turn of liquor (for example, orange) - it is poured into cocoa that begins to cool.

With honey

For one drink you need half a tablespoon of honey. It must be mixed with cocoa powder.

Then hot milk is added to the mixture and kept on low heat, stirring constantly.

With cream

To prepare this type of cocoa you will need 720 g of milk, 25 g of cocoa, 100 g of sugar and 120 g of cream.

The drink is brewed according to the classic recipe and a “cap” of whipped cream is built in each cup.

With egg yolk

First, “classic” cocoa is prepared based on 800 g of milk. Then take two eggs and separate the yolks from the whites.

This recipe only requires egg yolks., they are ground with sugar and diluted with hot enough cocoa. Put on the stove, heat, but do not boil. Shake and fill cups.

with pepper

This drink is partly a tribute to traditions, because in ancient times cocoa was prepared with pepper.

Homemade cocoa is certainly not as spicy, and yet a quarter teaspoon of chili pepper (ground) for a couple of cups of milk is quite extreme.

Cocoa, pepper, sugar and a little cinnamon and salt are added to the milk., put on fire and even let it boil, and then keep it on low heat for several minutes. Marshmallows are added to the finished drink.

With coffee

Ground coffee and cocoa (in a ratio of 2: 1) are poured into a coffee pot and poured with boiling water.

When the drink is brought to a boil, it is covered with a towel and insisted for about three minutes. The drink already poured into cups is sprinkled with cinnamon.

For weight loss

Cocoa for weight loss will be right cook not with milk, but with water, from a natural ground, and not from a soluble product, which may contain many different unwanted additives.

It is better not to use sugar, but a spoonful of honey will be quite appropriate.

Condensed cocoa

Condensed milk with cocoa is a convenient product for fast food delicious drink.

It is produced by many companies Food Industry, it is only important to choose the brand that represents the highest quality semi-finished product.

Cocoa is prepared like this: put two or three tablespoons in a mug and pour boiling water over it, stir and drink.

How to cook in a slow cooker and microwave

According to reviews on the Internet, cocoa cooked in a slow cooker is an unusually tasty, rich drink.

It is cooked in the “quenching” mode from 45 minutes to one hour. 5 tablespoons of cocoa are consumed per liter of milk, sugar - a little less. And still need vanillin.

The mixed ingredients are sent to the multicooker bowl cold, and since it is very difficult to dissolve the powder in a cold liquid, it is better to do this in advance using a blender or mixer.

By the way, the whipped mixture allows you to make a drink especially tasty.

Can make cocoa in the microwave. Ingredients - as in classic recipe but the technology is different.

First, a thick liquid, in which half of the milk required by the recipe is used, is put in the microwave for half a minute (power - 750).

Then you can choose one of two options for completing the preparation of the drink: dilute it with milk, which was boiled in the traditional way, on the stove, or add milk to a container that was taken out of the microwave, mix and send it there until the process is completed.

Serving a drink

At enterprises Catering cocoa is usually served in large cups, designed for 250 ml of drink. Dessert is offered in addition to cocoa.- biscuit, cake, cookies.

Sometimes the procedure is arranged more elegantly: the visitor is offered a jug of hot cocoa boiled in water and a jug of milk. They also put a heated tea cup and a saucer with lump sugar on the table.

In summer, cafe visitors often order chilled cocoa. In this case, it is served in tall glass with a straw and put a scoop of ice cream.

Can I drink it at night

In answer to this question doctors do not have an unambiguous opinion, but this point of view prevails: cocoa, drunk during the day, activates the brain, and consumed in the evening provides a person with a calm, good sleep.

This is the result of a substance called “theobromine”, which is able to act on the brain gently, but prolonged, can help both a person experiencing stress and those who are depressed.

In general, experts emphasize, a lot depends on how each individual person reacts to the product, and the reaction may turn out to be the most unexpected.

What can be made from cocoa

Cocoa is a product that confectioners and cooks love very much. It is used in the preparation of various desserts: cakes, muffins, soufflés, pastries.

ABOUT various drinks based on cocoa can be found in the article about hot chocolate. Here are a couple more original ideas.

You can try to cook milkshake with cocoa, in which the ingredients (milk, cocoa powder, cherry juice, sugar, cinnamon) are whipped with a mixer, or cocoa cream (cream, condensed milk, cocoa, chocolate), which is also whipped, and until foam is formed, and served at the dessert plate, sprinkled with grated chocolate. Real jam.