How to make delicious cocoa with milk. Step by step preparation of aromatic drink

When we talk about cocoa, a taste familiar from early childhood involuntarily pops up in our memory. It was served in kindergartens and schools, chocolate is made from it. It is unlikely that anyone thought about the properties of cocoa, how to cook it and in general where it came from, enjoying the taste and aroma of the drink. Scientists have carefully studied cocoa fruits and found many useful substances in them. Cocoa is an excellent antidepressant, like coffee, it has an exciting effect on the body, only softer than caffeine. It can be drunk even for those to whom coffee is strictly contraindicated, including children.

For breakfast, cocoa is the most nutritious drink for a child going to school. When drunk cold, it helps to restore muscles after training or hard physical work. In Switzerland, cardiologists consider chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa to be “sweet aspirin”, since the product contains antioxidants that protect the body and heart. vascular system from free radicals that cause premature aging and development of oncology.

Cocoa - high-calorie product, per 100 g accounts for up to 400 kcal. I will consider popular recipes. Main ingredients: milk, cocoa powder, sugar, water.


  • milk,
  • cocoa powder,
  • sugar,


  1. Boil water, add sugar (to taste) and cocoa (6-8 tablespoons of powder are taken per liter of water or milk).
  2. Beat with a whisk (if you beat with a whisk, the drink will turn out with air foam).
  3. At the end of cooking, add hot milk with at least 3.5% fat content and boil a little.

Recipe with milk


  • milk,
  • cocoa
  • and sugar.


  1. Rinse the saucepan cold water and pour a liter of milk. While the milk is on fire, mix cocoa powder (4 tablespoons) with sugar (4 tablespoons), take warm milk from the pan and stir to avoid lumps.
  2. received homogeneous mass pour into boiled milk and hold on fire for 5-7 minutes.
  3. It is better to pour into cups hot. The drink is served with cookies, biscuits, muffins, sweet crackers, bread and butter. Most do not like the foam that forms after cooling, so they boil it in water, and hot heavy cream is already added to the cups.

cocoa chocolate


  • Cocoa - 2 tsp
  • Chocolate - 30 g
  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Vanilla and cinnamon - to taste


  1. In a saucepan, mix cocoa, sugar, cinnamon and vanilla, add 3 tbsp. milk, stir.
  2. Add milk, stir constantly.
  3. Put on fire, bring to a boil, add chocolate, cook for 3 minutes.
  4. spill hot chocolate in cups and serve immediately. The drink goes well with cookies, pastries and even New Year's cakes.

cocoa with ice cream

Ingredients for 1 serving

  • Cocoa - 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Ice cream - 50 g (without filler)


  1. Combine cocoa with sugar, pour in a little hot milk, mix well. Pour in the rest of the milk and stir a little.
  2. After cooling and pour into a vase with ice cream.

Cocoa with egg yolks


  • Milk - 800 g
  • Sugar - 120 g
  • Cocoa - 25 g
  • Yolk - 2 pcs.


  1. Cook cocoa according to the classic recipe. Carefully separate the yolks from the proteins and grind with sugar, pour in warm cocoa.
  2. Put the resulting mixture on fire and heat, without boiling, beat with a mixer and pour into cups.

Cocoa with cherry juice


  • Milk - a little less than a glass
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tsp
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Natural cherry juice - 20 g
  • Cinnamon - to taste, the usual rate - on the tip of a knife


  1. Mix cocoa with sugar and add a small amount of milk, then pour the rest of the milk and juice. Beat the mass with a mixer.
  2. It will turn out a pleasant-tasting drink that will appeal to children and adults.
  3. Serve with a straw in cocktail glasses, topping each glass with a little cinnamon and powdered sugar.

Cocoa with condensed milk and cream


  • High fat cream - half a liter
  • Condensed milk - 8 tablespoons
  • Cocoa powder - 4 tbsp.
  • Chocolate - to taste


  1. Cool the cream, beat until a strong foam is formed, gradually introduce condensed milk and cocoa.
  2. Divide the resulting cream into bowls, sprinkle on top chocolate chips(Chocolate pre-rub on a fine grater). Another dessert is ready!

Useful facts

  • Cocoa is boiled in any convenient container: a saucepan, a teapot with a wide mouth. The powder does not absorb water well, therefore, during cooking, it is necessary to stir constantly so that it dissolves evenly in water and does not clump.
  • When choosing a powder, you should pay attention to the smell: it should be pleasant and chocolatey, so that you immediately have a desire to quickly prepare a fragrant and delicious drink.
  • There should be no lumps in the powder. Tracking in lumps indicates poor-quality products. When rubbing the powder with your fingers, a feeling of oiliness, not dust, should remain.
  • Cocoa contains a substance - the "hormone of joy and happiness" - serotonin and caffeine, which invigorates and increases efficiency.
  • The product contains a lot of iron and zinc, which are necessary for health, in particular, improving hormonal balance. Cocoa prolongs youth thanks to antioxidants, lowers blood pressure, improves performance and blood supply to the brain.

How much cocoa can you drink?

Some are afraid to drink cocoa, taking care of the figure. It's in vain! It is impossible to get fat from him! Unlike chocolate, cocoa does not affect the figure. It does not contain such an amount of saturated fat as in chocolate (in chocolate per 100 g of product - 20 g of fat), in a cup of cocoa fat is only 0.3 g.

Or (as it is called in America) hot chocolate, has ancient history origin. A few thousand years ago, only the indigenous population of South America knew how to brew cocoa, which they called "xocoatl". Actually, we owe them the word "chocolate". It was part of their daily diet, and the seeds of cocoa trees were used in mutual settlements as money. units.Later, already in the 16th century, the colonialists brought the seeds and the drink recipe to the large continent.And since then, first the noble population (new in those days was valued very dearly), and only then the rest tried the bright, slightly tart taste of cocoa. when preparing it, they did not use milk or cream, and only then, from about the 19th century, they began to add these ingredients that are familiar to us.Today, there are many ready-made soluble species cocoa. But is it possible to do real drink, using a powder from a jar, where, in addition to the main component, there are definitely flavors and other not-so-useful substances! It is much better to prepare a drink from a natural powder in the early morning. How to cook cocoa, read further in our article.

Cooking cocoa

The preparation of this drink will not take you much time, and the taste will delight. From childhood, we remember the fragrant powder, sealed in 250-gram packages. Everyone knew how to cook cocoa with milk, it was one of the few available and delicious drinks Soviet times. To prepare 1 cup, you need to take a glass of milk or low-fat cream, 1-2 tablespoons of natural cocoa powder (which can still be found in stores) and sugar to taste.

Pour all the cocoa powder and sugar into the Turk - if you do not add it, you will get a slightly bitter, pronounced taste of chocolate. Mix well and then pour in hot milk. Place over medium heat and stir constantly to break up lumps. Keep in mind that cocoa is not coffee, small granules of powder are not able to absorb all the liquid at once, so you need to control the process from start to finish. Bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the heat slightly and simmer for about 1-2 minutes. Watch carefully - the drink should not "run away". It will become slightly thick, without inclusions of lumps. When ready, pour into a large mug, cool slightly and enjoy. You can add a little more sugar if needed. If you know how to brew cocoa with milk, you will never need to buy expensive imported substitutes in a jar.

How to make chocolate from cocoa

At the beginning of the article it was mentioned that the term "cocoa" most closely corresponds to the American definition of the drink "hot chocolate", but there is still a slight difference. Usually the latter is still more dense and dense, with a pronounced creamy taste. To make a real cup of hot chocolate, you will need:

4-5 art. tablespoons of natural cocoa powder;
- half, or a little less, if you prefer the drink to be bitter, a glass of sugar;
- 3 tbsp. tablespoons of fat sour cream;
- 50 g of butter;
- a little white rum or cognac.

First you need to combine cocoa, sour cream, sugar and cognac (or rum) and, stirring, bring to a boil in a small saucepan or cezve. Then add butter and stir. If you think your chocolate is too thick, add some water. This recipe also works well as a topping for cakes or other baked goods. Knowing how to brew cocoa or chocolate will make a great and healthy breakfast for the whole family. A cup of an invigorating drink and your favorite sandwich will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

If you find it difficult to wake up in the morning, then not only coffee will help to cheer up. A cup of hot cocoa tones and cheers up, because cocoa is an excellent antidepressant. It also contains a lot beneficial substances, vitamins and fatty acids and very nutritious. That is why cocoa is indispensable for children's breakfasts, and every mother simply must be able to cook it.

How to cook cocoa? This is one of the most searched searches for a recipe. magic drink. In fact, cocoa should not be boiled - you risk losing most of its useful properties. You just need to bring to a boil and pour into cups. And if this is too easy for you - add a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon, garnish with whipped cream, marshmallows or grated chocolate (but not all at once!). Adults can experiment with rum or cognac, add cardamom or red hot pepper. Enjoy!

How to make cocoa with milk?


  • cocoa - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • milk - 1/2 l;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


We send the milk to the stove (we make sure that it does not run away!). At the same time, mix cocoa powder with sugar in a cup, add a few tablespoons of warm milk and mix thoroughly, rub the lumps. Pour this mixture into the main milk and, stirring, bring to a boil. Pour the finished cocoa into mugs. Even easier - brew cocoa powder with boiling water and add dry or condensed milk, to taste.

How to cook delicious cocoa?

In Indonesia, on the island of Bali, ginger is added to the preparation of cocoa. Try it!


  • cocoa - 2 teaspoons;
  • milk - 1 tbsp.;
  • ginger (root) - 0.5 cm;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • bitter chocolate - 1 slice.


We heat milk with ginger until foam rises. After we remove from heat, we catch ginger and pour cocoa and sugar mixed in a cup (it is better to first dilute the mixture with a spoonful of warm milk so that lumps do not appear). Mix everything and sprinkle with chocolate chips on top.

How to cook "hot chocolate" from cocoa powder?


  • cocoa - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • oil - 20 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • cinnamon, vanilla - to taste.


While stirring, bring the sour cream to a boil, add a piece of butter (it will give the "hot chocolate" elasticity). In a thin stream, stirring all the time, pour in the cocoa and sugar mixture. Cook for a few minutes until the drink thickens. We take it off the fire. If desired, add a pinch of vanilla or cinnamon, decorate with whipped cream.

How to make icing from cocoa?


  • cocoa - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sugar - 1/2 tbsp.


We mix all the ingredients and heat over a very low heat, or better - in a water bath. Stir continuously until the mixture is smooth and thick. Apply the icing on the cake while still warm.

How to make cocoa without milk?

Not everyone loves cocoa because of the formation of "foam" on the surface, and someone does not tolerate milk in any form. But this is not a reason to refuse the divine drink. Cocoa with a pinch of vanilla, even without sugar, is simply poured with boiling water - the taste is no worse than that of an ordinary drink.

And everything, absolutely everything depends on the quality of the cocoa powder. It must be 100% , with minimal processing and have a fat content! (indicated on the package) not less than 20%. Then the Aztec version (only cocoa powder) will not disappoint you.

The drink comes from childhood… Tasty, fragrant, with a taste of chocolate and cinnamon, cocoa will energize and positive. Pleasantly warm on a cold evening or invigorate in the early morning. Cocoa is one of the rare drinks taste qualities which is not inferior to him useful properties for the body. The vitamins and macronutrients contained in it are recommended for use, both for children and adults.

In our product age fast food Few people know how to make real cocoa. Usually the basis of the drink is milk, but auxiliary ingredients are also welcome to reveal the depth of taste and make it more refined.

The traditional way of preparing cocoa is to use milk, cocoa powder, sugar or a substitute. The average calorie content of cocoa with milk is 102.8 kcal, which allows it to be consumed by people on a diet.

If high-fat milk is selected, then it is allowed to dilute it with water in the following proportions:

  • for adults - one part of milk accounts for one part of water;
  • For children, use two parts water for one part milk.

The preparation procedure is as follows:

  1. bring the prepared milk to a boil;
  2. pour a small amount of milk into a separate container and add fruit powder chocolate tree. This is done to achieve complete solubility of the ingredients and avoid lumps;
  3. Mix the resulting concentrate with sugar. To obtain real taste, are guided by the following rule: how much cocoa powder, so much sugar;
  4. add the prepared mixture, stirring, in a thin stream to the main part of the milk;
  5. bring to a boil again, wait a couple of minutes and remove from heat.

Beginners in the preparation of the drink may be puzzled in the recipe by the meanings: “with milk” and “in milk”. The only difference is whether the drink is prepared exclusively with milk or with the addition of water (in this case, the term “with milk” is used).

Several delicious recipes

Cooking with condensed milk

If not at hand fresh milk, and you really want to enjoy your favorite drink, you can make cocoa from a jar of condensed milk. In this case, very little or no sugar is used.

Cooking will take a minimum of time:

  1. dilute the contents of the jar with boiling water at the rate of 1 to 3;
  2. add powder to a small amount of the resulting mixture, mix thoroughly;
  3. sweet lovers can make a richer concentrate by adding sugar;
  4. add the resulting mixture to the diluted condensed milk and boil for 1 minute;
  5. cooled down a bit healthy treat ready to use.

Soy milk preparation

People with food allergies often have to limit their intake of animal milk. But this is no reason to refuse delicious and healthy drink. It is enough to slightly change the recipe, replacing cow's milk for soy. Use in process classic version cooking, taking into account some nuances:

  1. heat soy milk very slowly;
  2. add sugar directly to milk when heated;
  3. boil for no more than one minute, otherwise the structure of the drink may be broken.

In the winter cold, a warming drink with fragrant spices. Preparing such cocoa is quite simple, it is enough to add a pinch of cinnamon or vanilla a couple of minutes before removing the drink from the stove. Nutmeg on the tip of the knife will give a touch of celebration, and pink pepper- piquancy.

Recipe not for sweet tooth

lovers strong coffee and dark chocolate, cocoa prepared according to the following recipe will be a great variety. In technology standard cooking a serving of cocoa powder is doubled. How much sugar to add this case It doesn't matter, it's just a matter of personal preference. A special ingredient will be the addition of half a teaspoon of cocoa butter, which gives the drink a deeper taste, similar to melted chocolate.

"Adult" cocoa

Treating guests with tea is one of the manifestations of hospitality. But to surprise guests with fragrant cocoa with liquor is the calling of attentive hosts. It will not be difficult to prepare a treat even for a novice cook, after completely dissolving cocoa powder and sugar in milk, add 1 - 2 tbsp. l. Baileys or Sheridan liqueur. Keep the drink on fire for a couple of minutes, then lightly season with cinnamon. Served with cocoa marshmallows, the best way to emphasize the exquisite taste!

photo:, rozmarina

In the winter cold, you can warm up perfectly by drinking a cup of your favorite cocoa with milk. And it is better if it is prepared according to the classic recipe. It has more benefits, unlike instant cocoa, which has a lot of unnecessary, sometimes even harmful additives. Especially since hot drink easy to cook at home. All you need is cocoa, milk, sugar and some free time.

Classic recipe

For a drink according to a classic recipe, it is very important that all proportions and quality are observed. original products. Therefore, you should especially carefully choose cocoa powder in the store. It should be natural and without additives. Milk is suitable only fresh, preferably rustic. This will make the drink really tasty and fragrant.

In a saucepan or heavy-bottomed ladle, mix 4 teaspoons of cocoa powder and granulated sugar, add 2 tablespoons hot water and, stirring, put on fire. This is necessary so that there are no lumps in the finished drink. Bring the mass to a boil and boil a little. Carefully pour in 400 ml of hot milk and stir. Bring the mixture almost to a boil, but do not boil. Remove from heat and whisk until light foam appears. It's not only classic recipe cocoa in milk, but also the simplest.

Cocoa, like in kindergarten

However, for many, cocoa is from childhood. at school and kindergarten it is served for breakfast or an afternoon snack. Therefore, people are mainly interested in how to cook cocoa with milk in order to get just such a taste and light foam on the surface.

For 5 servings you will need half a glass of water, 800 ml of milk, 3 tablespoons of sugar, the same amount of cocoa and vanilla sugar taste. In a small bowl, mix all dry ingredients and set aside for now. Boil water on the stove in a ladle or saucepan. Add milk and bring to a boil. But don't cook! In this, milk is similar to the classic one. Remove from heat and, stirring with a whisk, add the dry mixture. Let it cool down a bit and you can pour it into cups. A great addition to this drink would be cottage cheese casserole or oatmeal cookies.

Cocoa in the microwave

Of course, knowing how to cook cocoa with milk, I would like to cook it more often. But in the morning, unfortunately, every minute counts. Plus, you don't always need a lot of water. In this case, a microwave oven can help out. With its help, a glass of excellent cocoa with milk will be ready in 2-3 minutes.

For 1 serving, take 200 ml of fresh milk, 2 teaspoons chocolate powder and the same amount of sugar. Mix sugar and cocoa directly in a glass, adding a little milk. Mix everything until the mass becomes smooth and shiny. Then add half of the remaining milk. Stir and put in the microwave for 1.5 minutes at maximum power. Then if needed warm drink just add milk. And if you like hot or almost scalding more, then put it in the microwave for another 1.5 minutes.

Cocoa in a slow cooker

Of course, for those who are used to cooking everything in a slow cooker, there is a recipe for how to cook cocoa in milk. True, unlike other options, the drink takes much longer to prepare. But the hostess is not standing at the stove. Surely this method is suitable if you need to cook it a lot and do not have time to constantly stir.

In a cup, mix 5 tablespoons of cocoa powder, 4 tablespoons of sugar and vanilla to taste. Gradually adding warm milk, dilute the dry mixture in it. Unfortunately, cocoa does not dissolve well, and this may take time. To speed up the process a little, you can beat everything with a blender. Pour in the rest of the milk (you will need 1 liter in total) and mix everything well. Pour into a multicooker pan, set the "Extinguishing" mode and cook for 1 hour. After the signal, strain the drink through a sieve, as sediment may form. Everything, you can serve it right away.

Viennese cocoa

However, even the most favorite drink can seem monotonous. In addition, it is hardly possible to serve ordinary cocoa with milk to guests. The photo shows that it looks, although appetizing, but very ordinary. However, you can make it a real holiday dessert if you cook it Viennese. All you have to do is add whipped cream. How to cook cocoa in milk according to this recipe? For example, you can do it like this.

Place a saucepan of milk on the fire and bring to a boil. For one serving you need to take 200 ml of liquid. Mix in a separate bowl equal amounts cocoa and sugar, 1 teaspoon for every 200 ml. Dilute the mixture a small amount hot milk and pour back into the saucepan. Bring to a boil and pour into cups. Ready drink garnish with whipped cream. You can take ready-made, from a can. But it's better to cook them yourself. Whipping cream must have at least 30% fat. Each serving will take about 2 tablespoons.

Kissel from cocoa

Knowing more than one recipe for how to cook cocoa in milk, you can make another one from the same powder delicious dessert. It's jelly or pudding. It's no less delicious than classic drink, but it can be served with tea or just with pleasure to have a snack between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner. Whoever likes it.

Pour one and a half cups of milk into a saucepan and add 2 tablespoons of sugar and vanilla. It is better to use the crushed seeds from the pod to get more bright aroma. If it was not possible to buy such, you can replace with vanilla to taste. Put on medium heat and wait for the milk to boil. In the meantime, sift 2 tablespoons of starch into 100 ml of milk and stir well.

As soon as the milk boils on the stove, sift a heaping tablespoon of cocoa into it and mix. Bring to a boil again. Boil one more minute. Then, stirring with a whisk, pour in milk with starch in a thin stream. This mass must be mixed again before adding. Bring to a boil again and simmer for one minute over low heat. Then pour into bowls, glasses and vases - any container will do. Decorate with crushed nuts, berries or fruits. Cool down at room temperature- and you can enjoy delicious and healthy chocolate jelly.

And in the end...

It is important not only to know how to cook cocoa with milk, but also to be able to choose the right ingredients for it. Only high-quality and fresh products will help to make the drink tasty and fragrant. Don't forget about it.