Cocoa - varieties, benefits of products (butter, powder, cocoa beans), use in medicine, harm and contraindications, drink recipe. Photo of chocolate tree and cocoa fruits

Everyone probably remembers the cocoa that they loved to serve us in kindergarten and school. A beautiful brown liquid in a faceted glass was always covered with an unpleasant film, blowing off which you could drink a delicious drink. But it is precisely for this that cocoa is valued - for its magical delicious foam. We will not find fault with school chefs - after all, they had neither the ability nor the desire to prepare this delicious drink in accordance with all the rules. But we can do it now.

Cooking cocoa

To make a really tasty drink, we need cocoa powder itself, water, sugar, milk and a mixer (or whisk). Sugar (to taste) and cocoa are poured into boiled water and everything is thoroughly mixed with a mixer. At the end, be sure to add hot milk to the drink (fat content of 3.5% or more). If you do this without a mixer, then cocoa will still turn out tasty, but it will be just a homogeneous drink, without the slightest hint of airy foam, thanks to which this drink has been valued by millions of people for more than a century.

Did you know that cocoa is a modern drink that was only made in the 19th century? Of course, cocoa beans have been known to people for a long time. Previously, they were used exclusively for making hot chocolate, which to this day someone confuses with cocoa. Drinking chocolate is prepared only with milk: milk, bar chocolate, vanilla, sugar and cinnamon. And it also foams up.

Cocoa beans are grains chocolate tree, which are hidden in the pulp of its fruits. The beans themselves have no particular taste or smell. In order to get the taste and aroma characteristic of cocoa powder and chocolate, cocoa beans undergo technological processing.

What is useful cocoa

The fact that cocoa has the ability to stimulate the release of endorphins (the hormone of joy), increase vitality and improve mood is no secret to anyone. It is not for nothing that even scientists became interested in him, proving that cocoa contains biologically active substances that have a positive effect on working capacity and mental activity.

Products containing cocoa are recommended for hypertensive patients, because due to the large amount of cocoa polyphenols, it has the ability to lower blood pressure. And the procyanidins contained in it allow you to relieve stress, increase skin tone and elasticity, and protect it from premature aging.

Cocoa is a valuable raw material for confectionery industry. Apart from their palatability it has healing and tonic properties.

Cocoa is also used in pharmaceuticals, perfumery and cosmetology. For example, a mask with cocoa helps to cope with peeling and tightness of the skin, giving it tenderness and softness. In order to prepare it, you need to dilute cocoa powder with milk and add a drop of any vegetable oil. Apply the resulting pasty mixture to the face and neck, and after 20 minutes remove with a cotton pad and water.

Composition of cocoa

Cocoa has a complex chemical composition, it includes proteins, carbohydrates, organic, mineral, coloring, tanning and aromatic substances, theobromine and caffeine.

Caffeine has a stimulating effect on both the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system. Theobromine helps to reduce spasms of the heart vessels and cerebral vessels. In addition, theobromine helps suppress the cough reflex, so it's always a good idea to drink a cup or two of cocoa if you have a bad cough.

According to recent studies, one cup of cocoa contains five times more antioxidants than black tea, three times more than green tea, and twice as much red wine. So, a cup of cocoa a day improves health and prolongs life!

How much cocoa can you drink?

Don't be too afraid to get fat if you like drinking cocoa. After all, it is absolutely not necessary to drink it with sugar. Cocoa does not negative impact on the figure, which cannot be said about the chocolate in which it is contained. But the temptation to replace a cup of hot cocoa with a sweet bar is great! But simple arithmetic will help here - saturated fat in one mug of cocoa is 0.3 grams, but in a 100-gram bar of chocolate - as much as 20 grams.

And despite the fact that cocoa is high-calorie product(per 100 grams from 250 to 400 kcal), its use will not bring obesity, because a small portion is enough to feel full.

Although, despite the fact that cocoa helps to prolong life and health, you should not drink more than two cups a day.

If a person is engaged in active mental activity or physical work, then cocoa must be present in his diet.

Since cocoa belongs to energy drinks, it is better to drink it at breakfast. During the day, it will give you vigor. And if you drink it at night, then you risk not getting enough sleep, because one cup of cocoa contains 5 mg of caffeine.

Is cocoa drink harmful?

Many horror stories are associated with cocoa. In most countries where cocoa trees grow and are exported, the sanitary situation is poor. First of all, these are the tropical countries of Asia, America and Africa. Cacao fruits and beans are the favorite food of cockroaches living there. As a result, cockroach carcasses go with them into grinding and processing, because it is impossible to completely clean the beans from cockroaches.

This is the basis of frequent allergies to cocoa products. Chitin is guilty of this - a highly allergenic substance that makes up the cockroach shell. For example, in Thailand, where cockroaches are eaten, the shell must be removed from them before cooking to avoid allergic reactions.

For the first time, information that allergies are caused not by substances contained in cocoa beans, but by chitinous shells, first caught my eye about ten years ago. After that, within a few months, cocoa products were eliminated from the diet. But then everything returned to normal, although it is not known - because of common sense or lowering the threshold of disgust.

In order to get rid of cockroaches in the mass of cocoa beans, containers with them are now treated with chemicals, according to raw cocoa suppliers. It looks like this: first they are sieved, then brushed, then air-cleaned in a cyclone, they undergo a separation that allows you to remove stones, sand, jute fibers, unripe and sprouted cocoa beans.

But here's the question - if the sand is removed, then why can't the cockroach mummies be completely removed even before the bean grinding stage?

According to raw cocoa suppliers, cocoa powder can be contaminated with pesticide residues, insect fragments and mycotoxins. This usually happens if the cocoa product was made from poor quality cocoa beans and was purchased from unverified suppliers.

If reputable firms are engaged in the production of cocoa products, then, most likely, the control over sterility in their production is arranged at the proper level.

Rules for choosing cocoa

The quality of cocoa powder should be judged as appearance, and the state of the packaging, the aroma and taste of the drink itself. Poor quality products are obtained from stale cocoa powder that has lost its taste and aroma.

The cocoa mixture should be finely ground (no grains, but not dust) and have a rich color.

Cocoa is one of the most popular drinks in the world. He is loved by both children and adults. It is saturated with vitamins and charges everyone with cheerfulness and good mood.

The history of the drink

Chocolate originated with the Aztecs, who lived in what is now Mexico. Growing cocoa trees, the Aztecs made powder from their fruits. A drink made from this powder, gave strength, energy and vigor. He was especially popular among men.

The Spanish conquerors appreciated the delicious drink and brought cocoa fruits home to Europe, teaching their compatriots how to make chocolate. It was a drink very reminiscent of modern chocolate, in which sugar and vanilla are generously added. Chocolate spread throughout Europe in a short time, and Europeans managed to learn how to make chocolate. In France, Switzerland and England, they were especially successful in this. And nowadays the high quality of their drinks is known. But Russia did not lag behind European countries: at the beginning of the last century, Russian chocolate was highly valued on the world market.

The benefits of the drink

Cocoa beans grow on a chocolate tree that reaches 10 meters in height. 30-40 beans are hidden in the pulp of its fruit. They contain almost 300 substances that have different effects on human body. The variety of components can bring health not only benefits, but also harm. How useful is cocoa? It includes many beneficial trace elements. These are vegetable protein, carbohydrates, organic acids, alimentary fiber, fat, sugar, saturated fatty acid, starch. This drink is rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as folic acid.

Cocoa will help restore lost strength to people who have had a cold. Also, scientists came to the conclusion that this drink contributes to longevity, because beneficial features cocoa beans - antioxidants - help to delay the aging of the body.

Therefore, fashionable energy drinks that are unsafe for human health should be replaced delicious cocoa. What is the benefit of cocoa? It will give energy and will nourish the cells of the body without harming the body.


100 grams of cocoa powder contains 200 - 400 kilocalories. There are less fats and carbohydrates in one cup than in a slice of chocolate. Drink remarkably saturates the body. Those who wish to lose weight may not avoid cocoa. Of course, you need to have a sense of proportion. It is preferable to drink a drink in the morning to recharge your batteries for the whole day.

For the cardiovascular system

Chocolate, containing more than 70% cocoa, has such beneficial properties as bioactive components. They can block the adhesion of platelets. What cocoa is useful for is its antioxidant properties, which are many times greater than those of orange juice, apples, black and even green tea. Flavanols have a good effect on metabolic phenomena in the body and prevent damage to blood vessels. Regular use this drink contributes to a more productive work of the brain. What are the benefits of cocoa powder? Flavanol, an antioxidant found in cocoa beans, will help improve cerebral circulation and normalize blood pressure. Therefore, this drink, like chocolate, is useful for those who have poor blood flow in the vessels of the brain.

Patients suffering from heart failure, this drink can help, as it contains a lot of potassium.

For muscles

If you use high-quality, not subjected heat treatment product, you can maximize the process of muscle recovery after heavy loads.

For the general condition of the body

The drink contains endorphins - substances that stimulate the production of hormones of joy. Therefore, after a person drinks it, his mood improves and the person feels cheerful and energetic.

Another useful property of cocoa is the substance epicatechin, which helps reduce the risk of the onset and development of diseases such as diabetes, stroke, stomach ulcers, cancer, heart attack. Also, scientists have found that wounds heal faster from this drink, and the skin rejuvenates. And all this thanks to procyanidin - a substance responsible for the health and elasticity of the skin. The natural pigment melanin is another benefit of cocoa. It protects the skin from harmful UV rays.

The polyphenols contained in cocoa beans do not allow free radicals to accumulate in the body, thereby preventing the onset of cancer.

Can pregnant women drink this drink?

But there are not only useful properties of cocoa. And the contraindication is pregnancy. Despite the fact that the drink contains many useful properties, during pregnancy it would be best to limit its use or refuse altogether. This is because this drink interferes with the absorption of calcium. But calcium is a vital element that ensures the normal development of the baby. A lack of calcium can harm the health of both the baby and the mother. In addition, the drink can provoke allergies.

Malicious Properties

The drink contains a small amount of caffeine (approximately 0.2%). But this must be taken into account, especially in the case of its use by children. There is a lot of conflicting information about caffeine. Since its benefits have not been proven, it is necessary to give cocoa to children with caution, as well as to those who have contraindications to the use of caffeine.

About the processing of cocoa beans

Countries that grow cocoa beans are known for poor sanitation. Of course, this cannot but affect products that contain cocoa. And cockroaches live in beans. Getting rid of them is almost impossible. In tropical countries, large plantations are treated with pesticides and fertilizers in in large numbers. Cocoa is the most pesticide-intensive crop in the world. The beans are industrially subjected to a strong radiological treatment to remove pests. And this raw material is used to produce 99% of the world's chocolate!

The harmful effects of chemicals and radiation on human health cannot be underestimated. Of course, all manufacturers claim: their product is thoroughly cleaned and processed. But in practice, it is almost impossible to identify chocolate and powder that are made to accepted standards.

Who should not use

This drink should not be drunk by children under the age of three, as well as people suffering from such diseases:





Kidney diseases.

People suffering from excess weight, cocoa is better not to drink because of its high calorie content. Those who are under stress or suffer from diseases of the nervous system are also not recommended to use cocoa.


Cocoa has 3 main varieties:

Product industrial production. Similar cocoa is grown using a variety of fertilizers;

Industrial organic product. It is grown without the use of fertilizers, so this type of cocoa is the most valuable;

Live product with high quality and price. It is harvested from wild trees by hand. His qualities are unique.

How to choose a quality product

It is not easy for an ordinary consumer to understand the quality of this drink. But it is possible to determine the general characteristics of a quality product. most valuable natural product contains at least 15% fat. Natural powder of light brown or brown color without impurities. If you rub the powder between your fingers, then the product good quality will not leave lumps and will not crumble. During the brewing process, you can check the sediment: healthy and high-quality cocoa will almost not leave it.

When buying cocoa, you need to pay attention to the country of origin. There must be a chocolate tree.

How to cook

To make the drink tasty and reveal all the beneficial properties of cocoa butter, you need to add a teaspoon of sugar to three tablespoons of cocoa powder. Boil a liter of milk, and then add cocoa and sugar. And cook for at least three minutes over low heat. And what could be tastier and healthier than cocoa with milk?

But you can prepare the drink differently. Boil water first. Then pour sugar and cocoa into it and shake with a whisk to get an airy foam. At the end, add hot milk with a fat content of 3.5%. You can add a pinch of vanilla and salt.

This drink is very healthy and tasty. But its abuse, like any other product, can harm the body. If you do not lose a sense of proportion, it will only bring pleasure and benefit.

You will need

  • - cocoa powder;
  • - milk or cream;
  • - sugar or honey;
  • - vanillin;
  • - cinnamon;
  • - whipped cream;
  • - liquor;
  • - marshmallows;
  • - grated chocolate.


There are many recipes for making cocoa. You can cook diet on water or cook very high-calorie cocoa on fat milk. Children are treated to a dessert with whipped cream and marshmallows, while adults can treat themselves to a drink with the addition of. Choose the option that's right for you. Please note that do not drink cocoa immediately before bedtime - it is, and there is a chance that you simply will not be able to fall asleep.

Be sure to try the classic cocoa with milk. A properly brewed drink has nothing to do with the liquid that is poured in a kindergarten from large pots. Prepare a small saucepan with a handle or a coffee pot. Pour 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder into it, add 3 teaspoons of sugar. In a separate bowl, heat a glass with a fat content of at least 3.5%. If you like a higher calorie option, you can use cream instead of milk. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of hot milk into cocoa and rub thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Add the rest of the milk, stir and bring the mixture to a boil.

After the milk boils, reduce the heat and cook the cocoa for no more than 2 minutes, stirring constantly. The finished drink should thicken slightly and become completely homogeneous. Pour the cocoa into pre-warmed mugs and serve with shortbread cookies or homemade biscuits.

Children love cocoa with whipped cream. Pour the drink brewed according to the main recipe into a tall mug, without adding 2-3 centimeters to the edge. Squeeze whipped cream from a can on top, sprinkle with grated or ground nuts. The top of the dessert can be decorated with marshmallows - this is a type of marshmallow. Serve with a teaspoon and paper towel.

Adults should try at least delicious option with added alcohol. Prepare cocoa, pour it into tumbler with a handle. Add a tablespoon of Cointreau or Baileys to each glass. Serve after dinner with dry biscuits and a straw.

Do you like milk and sugar? Boil cocoa in water and flavor it or go without sweetener at all. Grated dark chocolate added to the finished drink will add piquancy to unsweetened cocoa. Instead of chocolate, you can try cinnamon - cocoa will get a new, very original taste. Well, for those who cannot consume lactose, it is worth preparing cocoa for soy milk. The product will turn out to be absolutely dietary. Such cocoa should be served for breakfast - it will charge you with energy for the whole day.

Good day, dear guests of the blog "I am a villager." Almost everyone loves sweets, and the topic we have today is cocoa powder, health benefits and harms. Even those who are indifferent to sweets do not refuse to treat themselves to chocolate from time to time. Chocolate contains cocoa.

From our conversation today, we will find out whether cocoa is useful, what harm it can do. We will talk about the use and application of cocoa, learn how it is obtained.

The fruits from which cocoa powder and butter are obtained grow on a tree, it is often called a chocolate tree. These fruits resemble a lemon in shape, and they are quite large, 15-20 cm in length. Ripe fruits are bright yellow.

Their skin is quite tough, but it can be cut with an ordinary knife. Inside the fruit is white pulp and seeds, the pulp has a pleasant sour taste. In production, only ripe fruits are used, they are carefully cut off without touching the rest.

The production process of powder and oil is completely natural. First, the fruits are split into several parts and laid out in the sun. They start to ferment and alcohol is released, so they become less bitter.

While cocoa beans are dried, they acquire a pleasant and characteristic aroma, color and taste. After drying, the beans are pressed, and an oil is obtained, which is used for the production of chocolate and in cosmetology, and a powder is made from the dry residues.

As I said, the fruits dry completely naturally, because often there is not enough money for production machines and weather conditions allow all procedures to be carried out outside. In general, machines can worsen the taste.

The hot climate makes it possible to grow cocoa trees in Africa and Central America, Indonesia also occupies an honorable place, in particular the island of Bali near the city of Ubud. Malaysia, Colombia, Ecuador and others are also engaged in the production of cocoa.

What are the health benefits and harms

The benefits or harms of cocoa

Cocoa is included different goodies and chocolate, but in addition to it, the composition includes various harmful additives, thickeners and flavors. So drink cocoa pure form much more useful.

There has long been a debate about the harm and benefits of this product. Indeed, he has quite significant contraindications.

It is necessary to carefully choose cocoa powder, it must be natural. And be sure to comply with all contraindications, not forgetting the dosage.

The most harmful powder and oil is produced in China. It does not grow there, so a low-quality product is bought from the places of production and processed.

As you already understood, it is not the fruits themselves and their composition that cause harm, but the treatment with pesticides and pests. Therefore, only a natural product will be useful.

Cocoa can be prepared with milk or water. It should be borne in mind that with milk the drink will be more high-calorie.

Another powder is often used in the kitchen, for the preparation of all sorts of goodies. Or in cosmetology, excellent masks can be obtained from powder or oil.


The calorie content of cocoa powder is up to 380 kcal per 100 grams of product. Agree, this is a rather high-calorie product.

But you won’t eat cocoa with spoons, let’s find out how many calories are in a regular 200 ml mug ready drink. If you add 3 teaspoons of powder and two tablespoons of sugar to one mug:

  1. Cocoa with milk Nesquik - 80 kcal;
  2. Cocoa drink with milk and sugar - 85 kcal;
  3. Cocoa with milk without sugar - 65 kcal.

For children's health

Baby is easier to feed healthy drink, if it is made specifically for children, and on the cover of his favorite character. So I want to analyze the benefits and harms of the Nesquik drink.

Basically, there is nothing harmful in this drink, it is created according to existing standards and has slightly different properties. It's a drink fast food and it dissolves easily in water. Cocoa in its composition is only 17%, sugar takes up a lot of space, minerals, emulsifier, salt, flavor and of course vitamins.

It is very problematic to determine the sugar content in a drink, but there is nothing to worry about. Minerals and vitamins, of course, will help fill the body with useful substances. And 1-2 cups of drink per day will not cause harm, but it is better to use natural products.

For men's health

Scientists have received new evidence that regular consumption of cocoa helps lower blood pressure and reduces mortality from cardiovascular diseases in men.

The use of cocoa increases the level of insulin-like hormone, which helps to reduce the risk of prostatitis by several times.

Video - all about cocoa

Is it possible to drink cocoa with diabetes?

Diabetics carefully monitor their diet, trying to regulate their sugar levels with the right diet. The use of cocoa drinks by type 1 and type 2 diabetics, thanks to the flavonoids contained in it, has a beneficial effect on the body.

Cocoa contains more than three hundred types of antioxidant substances, they have an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the body, which is very useful for diabetics.

Of course, you should discuss this with your doctor.


What harm can cause cocoa?

  1. Cocoa contains caffeine in its composition. Therefore, the debate about the benefits and harms of this product has been going on for a very long time. Children should be especially careful to eat cocoa so that there is no negative effect of caffeine on the body.
  2. This product is the most processed by pesticides from all others. It is also subjected to radiological treatment, which kills pests.
  3. The disadvantage of cocoa is that the sanitary conditions in the countries in which it is produced leave much to be desired. In addition, cockroaches live in the fruits, which are difficult to get rid of.
  4. An allergic reaction to a product occurs quite often. And not because the product itself contains substances that cause allergies, but just because of the cockroaches that live in the fruits.
  5. Excessive consumption of the product can cause kidney and bladder diseases, joint problems. It is also contraindicated in exacerbation of gout.
  6. It is not recommended to drink the drink for children under three years of age. Its use may adversely affect nervous system child.
  7. It is also not recommended to use the product for constipation, atherosclerosis.
  8. For pregnant women, cocoa is not a recommended drink, it reduces the absorption of calcium by the fetus.

To drink cocoa or not to drink, it's up to you to choose. Undoubtedly, it has a lot of useful things, but the choice of a product should be taken seriously. Another advantage of it is low calorie, so you can use it for your diet for people who are trying to lose weight.

Expectant mothers so want to sometimes (or often) treat themselves to some yummy. But the question immediately arises: “Can I do it now?”. So with delicious drink childhood - cocoa. If a woman loved this drink to an interesting position, now doubts arise beyond her will. So, let's try to figure out the benefits and harms of cocoa in general and during pregnancy.

Why is cocoa useful during pregnancy?

Cocoa is a tree from the tropical zones of America. Nowadays, it is cultivated all over the world in order to obtain seeds that have found their application in cooking and medicine. Cocoa is a part of medicines, cosmetics, dietary supplements.

Science has proven: this product has more useful substances than in or green tea. The first beneficial properties of cocoa were noticed by the ancient Indians. They used it to fight diseases. Cocoa beans contain a lot of antioxidants, which made cocoa a preventive measure against many diseases, including human aging. The beans of this tree are useful for the brain, as a stimulant of creative activity, which is often used by people in creative professions. A piece of chocolate in the morning - and the brains are charged with creativity, and the body is saturated with joy, because the product contains the hormone of joy endorphin. Cocoa also lowers the amount of cholesterol. It contains many vitamins and minerals (zinc, iron), it has antibacterial properties. Doctors advise drinking cocoa as a prophylactic for the development of malignant neoplasms.

Cocoa also contains the antidepressant phenylephylamine. That is why after drinking a portion of the drink, the soul becomes warmer.

As for pregnancy, cocoa also contains folic acid, which is necessary for expectant mothers, and protein, which is necessary for the formation of the child's body.

A cup of this drink is invigorating. It can slightly increase blood pressure, which is usually low in pregnant women. The drink helps maintain skin elasticity, which is especially important before childbirth to prevent perineal tears.

Can you drink cocoa during pregnancy?

Many expectant mothers consumed cocoa before pregnancy and continue to do so with the birth of a new life in their womb. Doctors cannot give a definite answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink cocoa during pregnancy. Of course you can, if in moderation. After all, restrictions on normal nutrition or a categorical ban on foods that a woman loved before will not bring any benefit. Measure and only measure! And a lot depends on individual tolerance.

Contraindications for use and risks

The main reason why doctors are wary of the use of cocoa by pregnant women is allergies. Cocoa is a strong allergen. Given that pregnancy increases the sensitivity of the body to certain foods and substances, there may be an allergic reaction to cocoa. And this drink is able to wash out of the body. The use of caffeine in the composition of coffee, chocolate, cocoa by expectant mothers can constrict the vessels of the uterus and thus lead to a decrease in fetal nutrition, lack of oxygen. Caffeine also improves the tone of the uterus. And these are the risks of miscarriage.

This drink is also contraindicated at high blood pressure in pregnant women. Cocoa interferes with the absorption of calcium in the body future mother in the right amount. In such cases, the fetus draws calcium from the mother's body, which for her is fraught with a deterioration in the condition of her teeth and bones. That's why to this useful product during pregnancy should be treated with caution.

So, to drink or not to drink cocoa? So you can not put the question to a pregnant woman. If you really want to, then a cup of drink or half a cup a day will not lead to all the risks mentioned at once. Don't drink too much cocoa and listen to your body. And then everything will be fine!

Specially for Elena TOLOCHIK