Chocolate fondant color. How to make chocolate fondant with liquid filling

chocolate fondant- a delicious dessert that has gained great popularity, spreading throughout Europe and beyond. The homeland of this dish is France, which is famous for its culinary highlights. Translated from the original "fondant au chocolat" - "melting chocolate", that is, the liquid middle must be mandatory.

In the process of preparing a dessert at home, you need to pay special attention to the temperature regime and baking time in the oven, because if you do not follow the parameters, you will get a real cake or a thick liquid mass.

Despite the fact that the dish is made of chocolate, and therefore its calorie content is quite high, no one can resist it. Even lovers of diets and those who are not connoisseurs of sweet delicacies are tempted. Fondant is an amazing dessert that resembles a combination of a chocolate muffin with liquid chocolate.

Making a classic chocolate fondant with a liquid center at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance: it only takes a little time, patience and effort. How exactly to make this dessert, you will learn from our simple step-by-step recipe with a photo.

KBJU and composition for the whole dish



    We prepare the ingredients necessary to create our wonderful dessert: we get flour, chicken eggs, butter, cocoa, sugar and chocolate. Speaking of the last component, you can choose black bitter or milky. Turn on the oven and set the temperature to 200 degrees.

    We begin the implementation of this recipe by melting the butter and chocolate. You can do this in a microwave or steam bath. We break the eggs into a separate container, sugar them. As soon as the temperature of the melted chocolate reaches room temperature, add it to the mixture of eggs and sugar. We mix everything thoroughly.

    In the prepared composition, sift the flour through a small strainer. We start kneading the dough.

    We take baking molds, grease them with liquid butter and sprinkle cocoa on the walls and bottom, as shown in the photo.

    We pour the dough into molds, put them on a baking sheet and send them to an already preheated oven. We recommend that you bake only one cupcake first, in order to understand how long it takes for the dish to come to a state of complete readiness. The center of the chocolate fondant should be liquid, while the outer part of the "cupcake" should be dense. The preparation time for the dessert can vary from 5 to 12 minutes, depending on how thick the walls of the molds you take are.

    We take out the baking sheet with the "cupcake". Leave it for 2 minutes to cool down. It remains only to remove the chocolate fondant from the mold, and you can start tasting. So, we press the plate tightly to the form and turn it over. That's all - "cupcake" on a saucer. To make the taste of the classic dessert even more refined, serve it warm on the table with ice cream sprinkled with caramel. As you can see, at home you can cook such delicious and unusual French pastries with liquid filling like chocolate fondant. This, without exaggeration, the best recipe with step-by-step photos is really simple and clearly describes the technology of making a dessert. And now, while it has not cooled down, and the ice cream, on the contrary, has not warmed up and melted, it's time to try what happened and enjoy the unforgettable taste of a sweet treat. Bon Appetit!

Chocolate fondant is translated from French as "melting chocolate". This original and very tasty dessert is a chocolate cupcake with liquid chocolate inside. Sometimes it is called lava cake - “cake with lava”, the names “chocolate volcano” and “chocolate lava” are very popular. When cutting a cake, chocolate flows out of it, and it is very difficult to resist this gastronomic temptation.

It is interesting that the first fondant was baked by French confectioners quite by accident - somehow the cupcakes were taken out of the oven ahead of time, and they remained a little damp inside. with a surprise can become a festive table decoration, so if you want to surprise your guests, you will have to learn how to make chocolate fondant. Get acquainted with culinary secrets, subtleties and learn a step-by-step recipe, and then delight guests and loved ones with another masterpiece.

Solid outside, liquid inside

In French cuisine, there are two versions of this cake - fondant au chocolat ("melting chocolate") and moelleux au chocolat ("soft chocolate"). In the first case, the chocolate filling is very liquid, in the second - soft and airy. Naturally, in these recipes for chocolate fondant, different proportions of products are used, the cooking time and temperature vary. It is very important not to overexpose the dessert in the oven, otherwise the liquid filling will harden and you will get a regular cupcake.

Fondane is made from chocolate biscuit dough, which is made from butter, sugar, eggs, flour, cocoa or chocolate. First, eggs and sugar are mixed, then butter and chocolate, and then both mixtures are combined together. The dessert recipe is quite simple, the most important thing is to follow the exact proportions, and everything will work out! In the cooking process, cream, white chocolate, alcohol, aromatic herbs and spices are often used.

Secrets, subtleties, tricks - cook with a twist!

Now you know how to make chocolate fondant, it remains to familiarize yourself with some of the subtleties, thanks to which the dessert will turn out delicious, properly baked and beautiful. Use only soft butter - in this case, the dough will be homogeneous, so the product will bake well. It is better to take bitter chocolate, with a high percentage of cocoa, since it is considered more natural, and desserts with it have a refined taste. It is better to cool the eggs before beating to make the foam lighter and more airy, and if you want to achieve a special splendor of the dough, add a little salt to the eggs during the beating process. It is better to beat the yolks and proteins separately, and then combine them in a total mass.

In some recipes, cocoa is added instead of flour, and in this case, the baking turns out to be more weightless and tender. You should take the fondant out of the oven as soon as a film appears on it. This means that he has reached the desired degree of readiness. Chocolate fondant can also be baked in the microwave, slow cooker and air grill.

Chocolate fondant recipe step by step

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Let's try to cook at home using step-by-step instructions and the secrets of French chefs. You will succeed, the main thing is to use fresh and high-quality products, and also be confident in yourself!

Ingredients: butter - 50 g, dark chocolate - 100 g, eggs - 3 pcs., wheat flour - 75 g (3 tablespoons), sugar - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Break the chocolate into small pieces.
  2. Cut butter into cubes.
  3. Mix butter and chocolate in a bowl.
  4. Put the container in a water bath and wait until all the ingredients are melted.
  5. Stir the mass and remove it from the fire.
  6. Combine eggs with sugar and beat for a few minutes until fluffy and increased in volume.
  7. Add flour to eggs and mix well until smooth.
  8. Combine the cooled, but still warm chocolate mass with beaten eggs. The eggs should be slightly boiled, but not curdled.
  9. Mix all ingredients well.
  10. Grease cupcake or muffin tins with butter, sprinkle them with cocoa, semolina or flour.
  11. Pour the dough into the molds, taking into account that it will not rise very high.
  12. Preheat the oven to 180°C and put the dough molds in there for 8 minutes.
  13. As soon as a film appears on the surface, take out the cupcakes and serve!

Chocolate fondant is a royal dessert for any occasion. Now do you agree with this?

Chocolate fondant with nuts

Nuts give the biscuit dough a special tenderness and new shades of taste. Try this recipe if you want to cook something special, bright and interesting. Please note that there is no flour among the ingredients, it is replaced by cocoa and chopped nuts.

Melt 100 g of dark chocolate and 30 g of butter in a water bath, chop half a glass of walnuts in a blender. Beat 2 eggs and 50 g sugar until fluffy, carefully add 30 g (2 tsp) cocoa and mix well. Pour the nuts into the butter-chocolate mixture, and then combine it with beaten eggs.

Put the dough into greased molds, you can paper, and bake for 5-8 minutes. The smaller the molds, the shorter the cooking time, and over time you will learn how to accurately determine it.

Put the fondant on a plate, place a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top and enjoy the chocolate delicacy!

Chocolate fondant with sea buckthorn sauce

Pleasant berry sourness is amazingly combined with the bitter sweetness of chocolate delicacy. This recipe would be the envy of the best confectioners in France!

Break into pieces 100 g of dark chocolate and cut into cubes 100 g of butter, and then melt them in a water bath. Mix 2 eggs, 75 g sugar and 1 tsp. vanilla sugar (optional), and then beat the mass well with a whisk. Pour 50 g of flour into the mass and stir well so that no lumps remain. Combine chocolate with beaten eggs and mix well again.

Lubricate the molds with butter, sprinkle with cocoa, lay out the dough and bake in the oven, heated to 200 ° C. Baking time - no more than 10 minutes, although it all depends on the size of the molds.

For the sauce, cook sea buckthorn with sugar - in any proportions, so that it is tasty and sweet enough. This will take 10 minutes. Wipe the berries through a sieve and pour sauce over the fondant, laid out on a saucer. Put a scoop of ice cream next to it and sprinkle the dessert with powdered sugar.

Fondant with cognac and prunes

Not exactly a common combination, right? And yet this chocolate dessert will surprise you with a bright and unpredictable taste. So, soak 100 g of prunes in 40 g of cognac for two hours. Melt 150 g of chocolate broken into pieces and 150 g of butter cut into cubes in a water bath. Beat 3 eggs and 75 g of powdered sugar until fluffy foam, add the chocolate mixture to the eggs and sift 30-35 g of wheat flour to the resulting mass.

Mix the dough with prunes and cognac. Lubricate the molds with butter, sprinkle with cocoa and put the dough into them. Bake for 10 minutes at 200°C. Serve the dessert with the most delicate whipped cream.

Taste the fondant within 10 minutes after being ready, as then the filling hardens and the dessert loses its zest. Chocolate fondant is served on a separate plate, sprinkled with powdered sugar, chocolate chips, fresh berries or nuts. According to an established tradition, a scoop of ice cream is also placed on the plate. Isn't it amazing? On the site you will find chocolate fondant from Yulia Vysotskaya and many recipes from site users. Try new things and don't forget the classics!

  1. Girls! And boys! Then everything is just so that it's hard to believe. Look, all the ingredients are in front of you. From this they make the same chocolate fondant with a liquid center.
  2. We start by greasing the ramekins. If you do not have such individual ceramic molds, it does not matter. Take silicone molds for muffins. Take cocottes, at worst. Just be careful with the temperature of the chocolate fondant with liquid filling, because the ramekins are slightly larger than the muffin molds.
  3. Why bother with such a multi-stage lubrication of forms? So that later the chocolate fondant slips out easily, because it will be tender and soft. So melt 50 g of butter on the stove or in the microwave. The main thing is that it does not exfoliate. So melt it for a short time and not to a boil. In the microwave it takes 15 seconds.
  4. We take a brush and thoroughly grease each mold from the inside with oil. We put the form in the refrigerator.
  5. Now melt the chocolate with butter in a water bath. The idea is to have a soft, creamy cake inside, so we need to make the chocolate liquid. You can drown on direct fire, but a water bath will secure the process. Recommend. We take a pot, pour water, boil.
  6. We put a bowl on top (metal or glass, it doesn’t matter). The bowl is heated by the heat from the pot and never overheats.
  7. Put 200 g of chocolate and 150 g of butter in a bowl.
  8. Stir occasionally, wait for it to melt.
  9. When melted, remove from heat and let cool for 7 minutes.
  10. In the meantime, take the molds out of the refrigerator and grease them with a second layer of oil. The first froze like varnish, put the second. And back to the fridge.
  11. Beat 4 yolks and 1 whole egg with sugar. Beat thoroughly so that the yolks take the sugar.
  12. Whisking constantly, pour in the cooled chocolate mixture. If you let the mixture cool for too long, it will harden, so pour in the hot mixture.
  13. Then pour flour through a sieve. A sieve is needed for aeration.
  14. We mix. The chocolate fondant dough is ready.
  15. We take out the forms from the refrigerator, sprinkle with cocoa powder, shake off the excess.
  16. We spread the dough to 2/3 of the volume. And back to the refrigerator. In this form, the dough will wait for its finest hour up to a day. If you need to postpone baking for a longer time, it is better to freeze the dough in the molds.
  17. When it's time, preheat the oven to 190 degrees. We put the forms with the dough directly from the refrigerator into the hot oven and bake for 7 minutes (if from the freezer directly, then add 5-7 minutes).
  18. We get it.
  19. We turn over. Gently shake out of the hot mold straight. Add caramel sauce and ice cream. Serve chocolate fondants immediately. Hot.
  20. The trick is that on the outside they are hard and baked, and inside they are full of soft liquid chocolate.
  21. My chocolate fondant with a liquid center is not very flowing, while it was preparing for a photo shoot, it began to cool. Now you have the correct step by step recipe and you will succeed.
  22. It’s beautiful, but it’s already taken, and it could flow out (it’s filmed for a million viewers), like the yolk from a poached egg. Look for your ideal! Cook for health and pleasure!

Culinary Etude 22.07.2018

There are recipes that are passed down from generation to generation and exist outside of time. In the national cuisine of France, a place of honor is occupied by chocolate fondant, which is considered a masterpiece of confectionery art.

Today we will talk, dear readers, how to make such a chocolate fondant at home. After all, sometimes you want to pamper yourself and your loved ones. Don't think it's hard! A biscuit crispy crust with a liquid filling inside, and even quick baking, will not leave many indifferent! And we are slowly approaching the French masterpieces.

World history of dessert

Chocolate fondant (from French Le fondant au chocolat - melting chocolate) was invented in 1981 in the center of France by the famous chef Michel Bras, the owner of the highest culinary award - 3 Michelin stars. Later, he recalled this time and came to the conclusion that all masterpieces are created under the influence of emotions.

On that day, the chef of the Laguille restaurant took the dessert out of the oven ahead of time, which is why the middle did not have time to bake. This inspired Michel and his team to keep experimenting with taste. And two years later, chocolate fondant was born, brought to perfection.

Served in every cafe and restaurant in France, the highlight of this cake is its crispy biscuit crust and liquid filling.

And his recipes are in all cookbooks and glossy magazines, which only confirms the worldwide popularity of the dish. A dessert with a frozen core is no longer fondant, and is called “moelleux”, which means soft in French.

Step-by-step recipe with photo of chocolate fondant with a liquid center

The classic version by Michel Bras, which is by no means easy, is based on the use of two different textures. For the filling, the famous chef used cream ganache, which he first froze and then added to the biscuit dough.


  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 2 medium eggs;
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of flour;
  • 60-70 g butter;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of natural cocoa powder;
  • 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

For this dessert, be sure to choose dark chocolate, which will contain at least 72% cocoa. Ordinary flour can be replaced with almond or wheat flour, and if you don’t have powdered sugar at home, then regular sugar will do. To bring out the rich chocolate flavor, I recommend adding a pinch of salt, and this time I used Himalayan Pink

First, chop the chocolate, put it in a bowl and put it in a water bath to melt. Do not forget to constantly stir the mass so that it does not burn. At this stage, the aroma of dark chocolate spreads throughout the kitchen, to which all relatives come together with interest.

Add the butter to the pan and continue to knead on the stove until smooth. Allow the chocolate mixture to cool slightly and add one egg at a time, then add the sugar. Beat the mass thoroughly so that no lumps remain.

When preparing desserts, it is important to remember the basic rule - first you need to add liquid products to the dough, and then dry ones. And now it's time to season the mixture with 2 tablespoons of cocoa and vanilla sugar.

Pour 2 tablespoons of flour into a bowl and begin to mix thoroughly with a spatula. The result should be a thick and sticky dough.

This time I decided to bake the first batch of chocolate melting cupcakes in silicone molds. To do this, grease them with a little butter, sprinkle with cocoa and transfer the chocolate dough. Do not fill the molds to the brim, as the dessert will rise a lot during baking.

Put the fondant in the oven and bake at 180 degrees. After 6 minutes, the French dessert will be ready.

I served it with canned mango wedges and a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Peach, raspberry, strawberry go well with chocolate fondant, or you can just enjoy its amazing taste without additives.

How to make chocolate fondant according to the recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya

This version of the dessert is different from the classic, but also deserves attention. The dish turns out airy with a loose texture, and the nut paste brings zest to the familiar taste.


  • 100 g dark chocolate;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of softened butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • 3 g of food baking powder;
  • 2 tablespoons of premium flour;
  • 1 tablespoon of nut paste;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 50 g hazelnuts for decoration.

As in the previous recipe, we start by melting the chocolate in a water bath. Then you need to remove the bowl from the heat, add the butter and nut paste. Heat the mixture again over low heat.

At this time, beat the eggs with powdered sugar with a mixer or whisk. Add the sifted flour, baking powder, cocoa and a pinch of salt to the mixture. Now it remains to mix the chocolate and egg mass and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Grease silicone or ceramic molds with butter and fill with chocolate batter. Send the dessert to bake in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 7 minutes.

While the chocolate fondant is being prepared, grind the hazelnuts in a blender. It is important not to overexpose the dish in the oven, otherwise the filling will harden.

Set the timer and after the appropriate signal, take out the pastries. Let the chocolate fondant cool down a bit. This will make it easier to take it out of the mold. Decorate the finished dish with nut crumbs.

How to make chocolate fondant in the microwave

Do not be upset if the first time you did not manage to make a liquid filling in the dessert. The result largely depends on the power of your oven. Try this delicacy in the microwave and see how easy it is.


  • 40 g of premium flour;
  • 60 ml of milk;
  • 40 g dark chocolate;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar and vegetable oil;
  • 1-2 tablespoons of natural cocoa;
  • baking powder on the tip of a knife.

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl: flour, cocoa, sugar, baking powder. Pour milk, vegetable oil and knead with a spatula until smooth.

Many people make this dessert in a mug. Try this interesting method too! Just grease the walls with butter, shift the viscous dough.

In the center, you can add a few slices of dark chocolate. Bake the dessert in the microwave for no longer than 2 minutes. Sprinkle the finished cupcake with powdered sugar and hurry to enjoy its taste.

Over the years, many chefs have been inventive and altered the classic French dessert recipe. Marshmallows, nut crumbs, fruit puree began to be used as a filling. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with an interesting recipe for making fondant with a caramel liquid center.


  • 90 g flour;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 120 g extra dark chocolate;
  • 120 g butter;
  • caramel sweets;
  • 70 g of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Place the chopped chocolate and butter into a bowl. Put the container in a water bath, and melt the mixture, stirring it constantly. After that, you need to beat the eggs with sugar until a thick and strong foam, which will help the biscuit dough to rise and remain fluffy.

Gradually add the chocolate mass to the egg mixture, add the sifted flour. Take ceramic or silicone molds, grease them with butter and transfer the dough. In the middle of each fondant, lightly press -2 caramel sweets, which will give a liquid filling when baking.

Send the dessert to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. In 10 minutes, the masterpiece of French cuisine is ready!

I suggest watching a detailed video recipe for fondant based on white chocolate.

Cooking dessert chocolate fondant according to the recipe of Lisa Glinskaya

This version of the melting cake is prepared according to the technology of Michel Bras. Many chefs believe that even inexperienced chefs will succeed with this recipe.


  • 5 chicken eggs;
  • 170 g dark chocolate;
  • 150 g butter for dough and lubrication;
  • 70 g of sugar;
  • 70 g of premium wheat flour;
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder.

Place a pot of water over medium heat and bring it to a boil. Place a bowl on top (you can take a refractory glass bowl) with butter and chocolate pieces. The melted mixture of a homogeneous consistency must be removed from the water bath and cooled to 30 degrees.

At this time, beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer or whisk until the grains are completely dissolved. Then combine the egg mixture with chocolate, add flour and mix thoroughly.

Now the fun begins - pour part of the dough into ice molds and place in the freezer to freeze. Lubricate the baking molds with butter, sprinkle with cocoa and fill with chocolate mass, and lower the frozen filling cube in the middle.

Bake at 180 degrees for 8-10 minutes. Allow the dessert to cool slightly to make it easier to remove from the molds, and serve with tea.

Gordon Ramsay chocolate fondant recipe

Another popular chef could not ignore this French delicacy. Gordon Ramsay improved the classic recipe by adding coffee liqueur to it.


  • 50 g flour;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 50 g of dark chocolate;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 2 tablespoons of coffee liqueur;
  • 60 g sugar.

Place molds greased with butter in the freezer for 2-3 minutes. Take it out, sprinkle some cocoa powder and send them to freeze again.

A bar of chocolate should be chopped into pieces with a knife and melted in a water bath. Add the butter to the bowl and continue to stir the mixture until you get a smooth consistency.

While the chocolate mass is cooling, start preparing the dough. To do this, beat the eggs with sugar with a whisk, and then pour in the chocolate mixture in parts. Add 2 tablespoons of coffee liqueur, which you can substitute with rum or cognac. Alcohol in this baking will not be felt, but will give an unusual aroma and zest in taste. Now it remains to add the sifted premium flour and mix the mixture thoroughly.

Pour batter into chilled molds, filling halfway. Bake the fondant in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 8-9 minutes. As soon as you notice. When the top of the cake rises, it's time to take it out of the oven.

Sprinkle cocoa or grated chocolate on top. You can serve it in ceramic molds, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.

  1. Cooking chocolate fondant depends on the power of your oven. The ideal condition is the presence of convection, when hot air is evenly distributed. Due to this, the walls of the dessert are baked, and the middle remains liquid. Try baking one cupcake first to adjust the temperature.
  2. The baking time varies depending on the material of the mold: in metal and ceramic it is 9-10 minutes, and in silicone it is 6-8.
  3. The temperature also affects the speed of baking. At 180 degrees, the dessert will be ready in 8 minutes, and at 220 - 4-6.
  4. The density of chocolate fondant depends on the number of chicken eggs in the dough. And the more you add them, the denser the texture of the biscuit will be.
  5. Forms for baking can be taken in any shape.
  6. By the rising cap of the cake, you can determine in advance the readiness. If small gaps in the dough have already formed on the surface of the dessert, then the filling inside is no longer liquid.
  7. Do not fill the molds to the brim with dough so that it has room to rise.
  8. Serve chocolate fondant with ice cream. The combination of hot and cold will appeal to all gourmets. As additives, you can use fresh or canned fruits, nut crumbs, cocoa, powdered sugar.

I love this French dessert because it has virtually no flour, which makes it such a soft and airy texture. Such a large number of recipes allows you to experiment with flavors and improve on your own this melt-in-your-mouth cupcake.

Authentic French fondant is a delicate, small-sized cake with a crispy chocolate crust and liquid filling that oozes out of the warm pastry when cut. It is this filling that gives the dish the right to be called "fondane".

Just below are some of the simplest recipes for a dish that came from France, which has a beautiful name - fondant. However, experienced housewives know that in order to achieve the perfect result, you will have to try.

Real chocolate fondant at home - photo recipe step by step

Baking is very easy to prepare, but requires precision in cooking. If you overexpose it in the oven, then the middle will become hard and you will get an ordinary cupcake. Therefore, it is advisable to practice on the first product in order to correctly determine the baking time.

Cooking time: 35 minutes

Quantity: 2 servings


  • Chocolate black bitter: 120 g
  • Butter: 50 g
  • Sugar: 50 g
  • Flour: 40 g
  • Egg: 2 pcs.
  • Cocoa: 1 tbsp. .l

Cooking instructions

How to make liquid center chocolate fondant

One of the most popular recipes is chocolate fondant, and ice cream, creamy, chocolate, fruit cream can serve as an addition to it. But first, you should try making the simplest chocolate fondant.


  • Dark chocolate (70-90%) - 150 gr.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Fresh chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 50 gr.
  • Flour (highest grade, wheat) - 30-40 gr.

Action algorithm:

  1. This portion of products should be enough for 4 cupcakes, just in time to surprise the family for dinner. At the first stage, you need to combine chocolate with butter, and eggs with sugar.
  2. Break the chocolate into pieces, put in a fireproof container, add butter. Place the container in a water bath and heat, stirring, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Cool down.
  3. Beat eggs with sugar, the easiest way to do this is with a mixer. Sugar-egg mass should increase several times, resemble foam in consistency.
  4. Now add the butter-chocolate mass to it. Sprinkle flour and mix.
  5. The dough should be thick but fall off the spoon. It needs to be laid out in molds, which are pre-lubricated with oil and sprinkled with flour (you can take cocoa powder instead).
  6. Put in the oven, preheat it. Set the temperature to 180°C. Baking time is 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the oven and molds.
  7. Remove the fondant from the oven, leave for a while and carefully remove from the molds. Turn over and serve while warm.

Perhaps for the first time it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect - so that there is a cupcake on the outside, and liquid chocolate cream inside. But a stubborn housewife will find the optimal conditions to really impress her family with her skill.

Chocolate fondant in the microwave

Initially, the microwave oven was intended only for heating food. But skilled housewives very soon discovered that with its help you can work wonders in the kitchen. Below is the chocolate fondant recipe.


  • Chocolate (bitter, 75%) - 100 gr.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Chicken egg (fresh) - 2 pcs.
  • Granulated sugar - 80 gr.
  • Flour (wheat, the highest grade) - 60 gr.

Action algorithm:

  1. The process of making this chocolate fondant is slightly different from the previous one. The first step is to beat the eggs with the sugar.
  2. Sift the flour into a separate container so that it is “filled” with air, then the baking will also be more airy.
  3. Add flour to the egg-sugar mixture, you can mix with the same mixer.
  4. Melt chocolate and butter in a separate container, a microwave oven is also suitable for this process.
  5. Mix well, cool slightly, add to the egg-sugar mass.
  6. Forms that are suitable for a microwave oven, grease with oil, sprinkle with flour. Lay out the dough.
  7. Put in the microwave for 10 minutes. Remove, cool, invert onto serving bowls.

Serve with scoops of ice cream, looks spectacular and tastes amazing!

The main thing in this business is to settle down in your own oven or microwave oven, to understand how long it takes to get a real fondant - with a crispy appetizing crust on the outside and liquid, chocolate cream.

The cooking technology is primitively simple - eggs and sugar are mixed in one container, butter and chocolate in another. But there are little secrets.

  1. For example, the oil should be left for a while at room temperature, then when kneading the mixture will be more homogeneous.
  2. Chocolate for fondant is taken bitter, from 70%, it has a pleasant aroma, bitterness will not be felt, since sugar is used.
  3. In order for the eggs to beat easily, they need to be cooled. You can add a few grains of salt, experienced chefs say that this also facilitates the whipping process.
  4. The classic way of whipping is to first separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks with a little sugar. Separately, beat the whites with sugar, then combine everything together, beat again.
  5. In some recipes, there is no flour at all, cocoa plays its role. To improve the flavor of fondant, you can add a little vanilla or use vanilla sugar to beat with eggs.

In general, fondant is a fairly simple dish, but leaves a lot of room for culinary experiments. And this applies not only to the ingredients or the choice of baking method, but also to serving and using various additives.