Kissel from hercules for the stomach. Oatmeal jelly from oatmeal. Kissel - Russian balm

Oatmeal jelly is one of the pillars of Russian cuisine. It deserved its second name - "Russian balm" - thanks to its unique, very delicate, mild taste and the benefits that it brings to the body.

Healing properties of "Russian balm"

Gastritis, ulcers, indigestion, colitis, stomach dysbacteriosis - oatmeal jelly will cope with all these misfortunes, the benefits of which have been proven throughout its more than a thousand-year history. It saturates the body with vitamins, amino acids and minerals, improves metabolism, improves immunity, promotes longevity. It is extremely useful not only for diseases of the stomach, but also for diabetes and hypertension.

Kissel is good because it has practically no serious contraindications (with the exception of individual intolerance to oats). However, those who suffer from renal and heart failure should use jelly with great caution, and if in doubt, a specialist consultation is highly desirable. The excessive use of jelly can lead to the fact that the mucus contained in it will begin to accumulate in the body, moreover, in the form of a fatty layer and extra pounds. Even so useful product requires moderation and a rational approach.

Gentle joy for the stomach: weekdays and holidays

For fast food Kissel will need very little, namely:

  • 200 g oatmeal;
  • 2-3 cups of boiling water.

Flakes should be poured with boiling water, after 10-15 minutes, when they swell, they must be rubbed through a sieve and transferred to a saucepan (preferably enameled). Add another 3-4 cups of warm water, put on slow fire and cook until tender, stirring constantly to break up lumps. The mixture should thicken. It is drunk, diluted with low-fat milk or freshly squeezed fruit juices.

The dessert version of jelly - bright and festive - will delight those who cannot imagine life without sweets. So, oatmeal jelly is a recipe especially for the sweet tooth:

  • 300 g of oatmeal;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 1 sachet of vanillin or 2 vanilla pods;
  • cinnamon;
  • 1 liter of water.

Flakes for the night should be filled with water and left to “ripen” at room temperature. In the morning, strain the mass through a sieve, transfer to a saucepan, add sugar, vanillin, cinnamon, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Then pour into cups, decorate with mint leaves, whipped cream, berries, lightly fried flakes. In such a dessert, the taste of oatmeal is practically not felt, so it is great for children.

Visiting an old Russian fairy tale

Although it may seem a little strange in our hectic era, the classic old-fashioned jelly is solid. It should not be drunk, but cut with a knife and eat with a spoon. Cooking oatmeal jelly according to an old recipe will take quite a lot of time, but you will get the same jelly from which, according to legend, the banks of the mythical milk rivers were built. To find yourself in a fairy tale, you will need:

  • 200-300 g of oatmeal;
  • 0.5 l of warm water;
  • hump of black bread.

Flakes need to be poured warm water, add the pink salmon and put for 1-2 days in a warm place. At the same time, from time to time you need to stir the mass, making sure that it is not too sour and wandering. Finished base should have a mild acidity. Next, drain the liquid, lightly salt, boil - and the dish is ready.

Such a dish has one and only drawback - not a very attractive appearance, so it turns out gray color. It is very easy to fix this by putting jelly in beautiful multi-colored plates, decorating with fresh or frozen berries and thin slices of fruit. It can be used with baked milk, with jam, raisins, honey. Men are more likely to enjoy pork rinds and fried onions as a side dish.

Kissel for beauty, harmony and health

Oatmeal jelly is able to become a true ally in the worthy and difficult task of combating overweight. Most distinguished nutritionists are of the opinion that the "sour" diet is one of the safest, healthiest and most effective ways lose weight. Kissel is low-calorie, but at the same time nutritious, which will allow you not to suffer from an acute feeling of hunger. Due to its mild laxative effect, it helps to remove toxins and excess fluid from the body.

In order to prepare dietary oatmeal jelly for weight loss, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 100 g of oatmeal;
  • 200 g of unpeeled oats;
  • 200 g of fresh low-fat kefir.

Flakes and oats should be placed in a glass jar, pour kefir, mix well and let stand for a day in a warm place. Then strain, discard the grain, add 1.5 pure water to the remaining liquid and boil well. The calorie content of 200 g of such a drink is 60 kcal.

To feel the healing effect, you need to consume at least 450 g of this drink per day, dividing it into approximately three equal portions, and it is advisable to use the first one in the morning instead of breakfast. The second portion is drunk 1-1.5 hours before dinner - to reduce appetite. The third - in the evening a few hours before bedtime. Drinking jelly right before bedtime is undesirable, as it is very invigorating.

By itself, such a drink is quite satisfying, but if you still feel hungry, you can add 100 g of oatmeal, half a jar of yogurt or pieces of fruit to a serving. It won't hurt. The “jelly” diet should last at least 30 days, while it is extremely important not to neglect other aspects healthy eating: eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, eat lean beef and chicken, lean fish.

Kissel from oatmeal is a real elixir of health, simple, satisfying, completely inexpensive dish. Both as an exquisite dessert and as a daily meal, it will bring pleasure and benefit.

Kissel recipe developer virologist V. K. Izotov I tried the effect of the drink on myself. After an illness due to a bite of an encephalitic tick, the doctor was treated for a long time, he was forced to take many medications for a long time. Drug allergy was added to the "planted" immunity. The doctor managed to get rid of the acquired disease and completely restore health by taking kissel, the healing properties of which Izotov studied even before he became very ill.

Useful and medicinal properties

The enveloping properties of Izotov's jelly are useful for each section of the gastrointestinal tract.

Once inside the stomach, drink:

  • Gently cleanses mucous membranes.
  • Suppresses inflammatory processes due to the formation of a film that prevents gastric acid from further corroding the damaged surface of the organ; normalizes the intestinal microflora.
  • Solves the problem of constipation; does not allow the liver to overgrow with fat; stabilizes the work of the pancreas (prevention of diabetes and support for the health of people who are already sick).
  • Has an anti-sclerotic effect; reduces the amount of cholesterol.
  • Normalizes stool (diarrhea, constipation pass).

The food that enters the stomach is better digested. As a result, the body is able to extract more from it. useful substances, vitamins.

Chemical composition

Kisel Izotova you can safely eat to everyone sitting on. A significant amount of vitamins will not deplete the body, and the available complex carbohydrates curb your appetite for a long time. After a glass of jelly sweetened with a quarter teaspoon of honey, you don’t feel like eating at all for about two hours.

In 100 g ready meal present:

Vitamin composition of jelly:

Microelement composition of the drink:

Kissel and diet

Use 250 ml warm jelly gives a feeling of satiety for many hours, so it can be recommended to people who are on a diet and have difficulty losing weight due to the haunting feeling of hunger during the diet.

Stabilization of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver due to the therapeutic effect of the drink also helps to deal with excess weight, since the production of enzymes improves, the qualitative breakdown of food is established which makes it easier to understand.

Use in healthy and medicinal nutrition

In order not to disturb the healing processes in the stomach after taking jelly, it is better not to drink the drink at the same time as any other, albeit useful, products. A lean taste with a barely perceptible sourness will be softened by a spoon. After half an hour, you can eat any familiar food, if you are not on some kind of diet.

Step by step cooking recipe

To prepare jelly you need:
  • 3 liter glass jar.
  • A pack of oatmeal - 400 - 500 g.
  • 2.5 liters of boiled water, cooled to 37 degrees (the state of freshly milked fresh milk).
  • 100 g
  • A crust of black bread.

If it is possible to get whole or whole oatmeal, then a handful of well-washed and ground grains can be added to the sourdough.

Algorithm for preparing the base for Izotov jelly:

  • Rinse the bank.
  • Pour all the cereal into it.
  • Pour into a jar warm water and kefir at room temperature.
  • Mix the mass with a spoon.
  • Throw a bread crust into the jar.
  • Close the container with a plastic lid.
  • Wrap the jar and put in a warm place for two days.

In a jar with a finished product, three-layer mass: water (oat kvass), white loose substance and flakes.

To extract the base for brewing a drink from the resulting mixture, you need to prepare: clean boiled and cooled water, a clean tube (if any), a clean container for collecting sediment, a colander, a saucepan, a spoon.

Procedure separating jelly from solid fractions and liquid:

  • Drain the water (you can use a clean dropper tube).
  • Put the remaining mass in a large colander inserted into a clean large saucepan.
  • The first escaped liquid must be drained into a clean jar.
  • Pour the remaining mass with a portion of clean water and mix well (due to this, it will be possible to separate some more jelly blanks from the flakes).
  • The flake mass must be poured several more times (until the liquid running into the pan is almost as clean as ordinary water).

The collected sediment with water must be allowed to settle for 12 hours. Then the upper transparent liquid is drained, and the remaining mass is poured into a smaller container. Store the workpiece in the refrigerator (it is possible on a shelf in the door).

Kissel is boiled from settled sediment, taking it in a glass of water up to 3 tablespoons(maybe twice as much). The mass is first stirred in water, and then boiled for several minutes. Ready jelly is drunk or eaten with a spoon, with the addition of honey, salt, or without anything. At the same time, you can eat a slice of black bread, if there are no contraindications.

The expressed clear liquid can be drunk. Some use it in the heat instead of kvass or use it as a substitute for kefir when baking fritters, muffins.

Cookies, bread with cereals are baked from washed oat flakes.

Video step by step recipe for oatmeal Izotov

To more clearly understand the intricacies of preparing oatmeal jelly, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video. The video demonstrates the jelly recipe using the Izotov method.

How to choose a good product

Oat flakes need ordinary, not quickly boiled. Kefir should be fresh, with a short shelf life.

How to use the product

In the morning, on an empty stomach, with or without a crust of black bread. After not eating for 30 minutes or more.

Product storage features

The base for jelly is stored in the refrigerator for up to three weeks.

Harm and contraindications


I began to cook and use jelly on the advice of a friend, when problems with the thyroid gland began. A month later, after passing and checking the tests, I heard from the doctor that all the indicators had improved. At the same time, the condition of the knee joints improved: she began to climb stairs as in her youth.

Kissel helped to lose three extra pounds in a month without much feat on my part. After it, I don’t feel like eating at all, so I replaced breakfasts and dinners with a portion of jelly with a drop of honey. At the same time, it improved the complexion and did not harm the body at all - the drink contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients.


March 23, 2017 1258

Kissel is a drink that is familiar to all people without exception. It was brewed as a dessert drink, cured many various diseases(including gastrointestinal disorders). This drink is not only an addition to a set of dishes, but is also used for a full-fledged snack, as it is thick and satisfying.

Learning how to cook it is not difficult, it just takes a little attention and patience to get it on the table. In addition to fruits, berries, jams, jelly is also prepared from oats, which makes it possible to obtain not only a tasty, but also a healthy product that is involved in the treatment of many diseases, included in a number of diets and therapeutic nutrition programs.

Composition, benefits and medicinal properties

The benefits and medicinal properties of oatmeal jelly have been studied very well, which allowed doctors to use it as an auxiliary drug in the treatment process. Oats act in this jelly as a substitute for the usual starch.

The benefit and therapeutic effect goes into the drink from this ingredient. The peculiarity is the complete assimilation of all useful substances that are present in the finished product.

There are no age restrictions - jelly can be used as food and included in the therapeutic program for both babies and adults (including the elderly and debilitated people who have undergone complex operations).

Often, jelly made using oats becomes a must-have food. It is recommended to include a drink in the menu (daily) in case of diagnosing the following diseases:

  • insomnia;
  • mental and psychological disorders (including various depressions);
  • weakness, apathy, general breakdown;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • hepatitis (all types);
  • diabetes;
  • cholecystitis;
  • swelling;
  • weight loss;
  • convulsions (night);
  • dropsy;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • pain (including in the stomach);
  • colic;
  • overweight;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • elevated (or unstable) cholesterol;
  • flatulence and bloating;
  • deterioration of memory and concentration.

Also, for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, oatmeal jelly is recommended as part of the daily menu, if there are prerequisites for the development of atherosclerosis or thrombophlebitis. In the treatment of skin diseases and allergies, it is also very actively used. beneficial features.

For the elderly, this drink is a source vitality and cheerfulness. It restores strength, has a positive effect on the body, increasing its resistance to various diseases. The composition of the drink includes the following substances and trace elements:

  • vitamins (B, PP, A and E);
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • fluorine;
  • potassium;
  • calcium.

The drink is balanced by the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Harm and contraindications for use

oatmeal jelly has no pronounced contraindications and does not harm the body. The only exception is the fact that it is not recommended to drink it in large quantities(1 glass a day is optimal) as mucus can accumulate.

Also, those people who have intolerance to a certain ingredient (food allergy to the product) will have to refuse or limit the use of the drink. In general, jelly is useful for all people.

A simple cooking recipe

Cooking oatmeal jelly according to this recipe will allow the hostess to quickly learn the process. To play, you will need a set of the following ingredients:

  • water (purified drinking water, can be pre-filtered) - 1 l;
  • oat flakes - 200 g (glass).

Cooking time for oatmeal jelly is 55 minutes.

Calorie content of the product (100 g) -33 kcal.

Cooking steps:

Before serving, cool the drink to room temperature.

How to cook oatmeal jelly in milk

This option for making jelly will be interesting for everyone, as it combines pleasant taste and soft texture. To prepare a drink, you need a set of simple and affordable ingredients for everyone:

  • milk (cow, whole) - 400-500 ml;
  • oatmeal - 100 g (or ½ cup);
  • starch (potato) - 10 g;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet (if desired, you can exclude from the recipe);
  • sugar (you can use both white and brown) - 20 g.

Cooking time oatmeal - milk jelly - 35 minutes.

Calories (100 g) ready drink- 35 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Warm the milk a little (up to 40 0);
  2. Pour oatmeal over them and leave to infuse for 25 minutes (or until swelling);
  3. The resulting infusion must be filtered (into a separate container);
  4. The remaining flakes can either be rubbed through a sieve (pass through a blender) and mixed with liquid, or not used in a drink at all;
  5. Divide the resulting liquid into two equal halves (dilute starch in one of them);
  6. Put the other half on medium heat. Add sugar and optional vanilla, mix well;
  7. At the moment of boiling (formation of a characteristic white foam on the surface), add the second half of the liquid (with diluted starch) to the milk, mix thoroughly, bring to a boil and reduce heat;
  8. Stirring constantly, cook until thickened (2-3 minutes);
  9. Remove the formed foam.

When serving, pour sugar into a glass and mix. It is important to remember that the drink must be well cooled before drinking. You can also decorate the dessert fresh berries, fruits or mint leaves (melissa).

Izotov's recipe

  • oatmeal (finely ground) - 0.5 kg;
  • oat grains (peeled) - 20 g;
  • kefir (fresh, without additives) - 100 ml;
  • water -1.5 l.

Product preparation time -30 minutes + 84 hours (fermentation process).

Kissel calorie content (100 g) - 52 kcal.

Steps for making oatmeal jelly:

  1. At the bottom of the container ( glass jar 3 l) should be laid oatmeal;
  2. Add peeled oat grains (next layer);
  3. Add kefir to oats;
  4. Heat water (up to 40 0) and pour into a container (up to the sides);
  5. Remove for 48 hours in a warm place;
  6. After that, the resulting muddy white mixture should be filtered, and rub the flakes and grains through a sieve;
  7. Leave the liquid in a warm place for another 36 hours (the liquid will be separated into two fractions - for jelly you will need to use the bottom layer);
  8. Separation is carried out by pouring the top layer into a separate container;
  9. The bottom layer (sourdough) should be used for further preparation, taking 2 tbsp (the rest is stored in the refrigerator);
  10. The sourdough should be diluted in a glass of water and boiled over low heat (about 5 minutes), stirring occasionally.

Serve the resulting drink should be cooled to room temperature. The liquid (top layer) can be left, as it perfectly quenches thirst (honey is added to taste).

How to cook live oatmeal jelly for treatment

The preparation of jelly intended for treatment begins with the selection of the appropriate ingredients:

  • oat seeds (sprouted) - 950 g;
  • starch - 3 tbsp;
  • water (prepared for use) -2.5 l.

Cooking time - 75 minutes.

Calorie content of the dish (100 g) - 34 kcal.

Cooking steps (taking into account that already germinated grains are used):

  1. Seeds must first be filled with water and left to infuse for 1 hour;
  2. After that (in the same water) you should boil them on medium heat (until boiling);
  3. Then add starch to the broth and stir, cook until it thickens (2 minutes).

Serve jelly cooled to room temperature. You can add juice to it berry juice, syrup from cooking or regular sugar. The quantity is chosen according to taste.

Oatmeal jelly for the pancreas

Kissel based on oats is effective in the process of therapy and prevention (use is recommended at the first signs of the disease) inflammation of the pancreas. To prepare 1 serving, you will need the following ingredients:

  • oatmeal (boiled in water) - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 200-250 ml (glass).

Cooking time is - 5 minutes + 1 hour to insist.

Calories per 100 g -37 kcal

Cooking steps:

  1. Boiled flakes (porridge without milk and sugar) pour a glass of water;
  2. Cook over medium heat after boiling for 5 minutes;
  3. The resulting mixture should be insisted before use for at least 1 hour.

The antiseptic and enveloping actions of ready-made oatmeal jelly will help get rid of problems with the pancreas in a short time.
An old recipe for oatmeal jelly to cleanse the liver

Oatmeal jelly, which will later be used to cleanse the liver, is not difficult to prepare. You will need a set of simple ingredients:

  • unpeeled oats (whole grain) - 100-125 g (depending on the volume of the glass, as ½ of the total is required);
  • water - 250 ml.

The time for preparing a healing and cleansing jelly is 1.5 hours + 12 hours for swelling.

Kissel calorie content (per 100 g) - 38 kcal.

Drink preparation steps:

  1. Rinse grains in cold water;
  2. Heat water (250 ml) and pour over oats with it, leave to swell for 12 hours;
  3. Then put on medium heat and cook for 1 hour 20 minutes under a closed lid (this way you can save the maximum amount of useful substances);
  4. The finished liquid should be filtered.

Serve chilled. For the purposes of prevention and treatment, it is recommended to use 200 ml of the drink 3 times a day, the reception lasts 18-19 days.

Whole grain oatmeal for weight loss

Kissel prepared on the basis of oats promotes fast and safe weight loss. To prepare such a drink, you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • kefir - 70 ml;
  • water - 2 l;
  • oats (groats) - 350-400 g.

Preparation time - 48 hours (infusion) + 24 hours (in the refrigerator).

Calorie content of the drink (100 g) - 34 kcal.

Cooking steps:

  1. Pour oats into a jar (or other 3 liter glass container);
  2. Pour it with water and kefir;
  3. Leave the mixture to infuse for 48 hours in a warm place (close the jar with gauze).
  4. After that, strain the infusion;
  5. Put the liquid in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Use the sediment to prepare jelly, diluting in a ratio of 1: 3. The liquid will need to be brought to a boil, cool, then drink 3 times a day / 7 days.

Cooking containers should have a thick bottom. Optimally choose non-stick cookware. For medical or baby jelly, it is best to use corn starch, as well as oat flour instead of whole grains.

According to doctors, one of the causes of some ailments, poor health, deterioration in the appearance of the skin and hair is a lack of vitamins. You can replenish the reserves of nutrients by taking, but this method has a big drawback: the body does not absorb vitamins that come into it from food. Nutritionists believe that the body absorbs vitamins contained in foods and drinks much better. Oatmeal jelly contains many substances and trace elements necessary for human health. Want to know how this drink is prepared?

Benefits of oatmeal for human health

Oatmeal jelly in its composition and principle of preparation is very different from the usual sweet drink containing berries and fruits. For the preparation of jelly, crushed oat grains are used, and the oats must be fermented. The fat content in an oatmeal drink does not exceed 7%, but there are much more proteins in it - up to 20%, so the drink is successfully used for weight loss. Oatmeal also has the following beneficial properties:

  • The drink contains a high content of substances useful for the body - vitamins and microelements that improve appearance hair, skin. The vitamins contained in oatmeal jelly will have a strengthening effect on the body, which helps to cure diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Regular use of oatmeal-based jelly improves the activity of the stomach, intestines, and occurs. This drink is recommended for people suffering from ulcers, gastritis, and other diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  • Kissel based on oats contributes to the normalization of blood composition, eliminates hormonal imbalance.
  • Oatmeal jelly is recommended to be consumed by people who wish.
  • It has been proven that oatmeal drink helps to cleanse the body.

How to cook oatmeal jelly - recipes with photos

In order for oat-based jelly not to lose its healing properties must be cooked properly. To prepare a drink classic recipe some time is needed: it is necessary for the liquid to ferment. With cooking healing drink even a novice cook can handle it, you just need to follow all the instructions original recipes.

From oatmeal in milk

We will need:

  • oatmeal (flakes) - 100 g;
  • milk - 0.4 liters;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • starch - 20 g;
  • vanillin.


  1. Heat the milk to 40 degrees, pour the flakes with milk, leave for a quarter of an hour to swell.
  2. Strain the oats with cheesecloth so that there is no liquid left in the groats.
  3. Divide the liquid into two parts, dilute starch in one of them.
  4. Put the second part of the milk on fire, add sugar and vanillin.
  5. After boiling, pour in milk with starch, mix.
  6. Bring the drink to a boil, reduce the heat, cook until jelly.

An old recipe for jelly on the water

We will need:

  • water - 1 l;
  • black dry bread - 50 g;
  • salt.


  1. Pour cereal and bread with water, leave for 2-3 days to swell. Oatmeal must be stirred every 5-6 hours.
  2. Strain, squeeze the liquid mass through a double layer of gauze.
  3. Boil, salt the jelly.
  4. Cook over low heat until the jelly becomes thick.

How to cook it in a slow cooker?

We will need:

  • oatmeal (flakes) - 0.3 kg;
  • water - 1 l;
  • zest of one lemon.


  1. Pour oats with water, leave for 10 hours.
  2. Squeeze the oatmeal through a double layer of gauze, pour the liquid into the multicooker bowl.
  3. Turn on the “Baking” mode, cook until the jelly becomes thick.
  4. The drink is served hot or cold, whichever you prefer.

Video recipe for making jelly on kefir

A drink based on oats and kefir is distinguished by excellent taste and benefits. Cooking it is quite simple, but for some housewives it is more convenient to master new recipe, focusing on the video instruction, which tells in detail about all the intricacies of preparing a dish or drink. After watching the video, even a novice cook will get the skill of making oatmeal jelly on kefir, and will be able to prepare a drink on their own.

How to cook medicinal jelly

To treat some ailments, it is not necessary to go to a pharmacy and buy expensive medicines: an oatmeal drink prepared according to the recipes of Momotov, Bolotov, Izotov can improve the functioning of the stomach, intestines, normalize the work of the heart and. The drink is especially useful for the pancreas, liver and gallbladder.

With pancreatitis - Momotov's recipe

We will need:

  • kefir - 0.1 l;
  • boiled chilled water - 4.5 l;

Preparation (prepared for three days):

The first day

  1. Pour cereal into a jar with a capacity of 3 liters, fill it with water (2.5 l) and kefir.

Second day

  1. Drain the liquid through a double layer of gauze. Fluid is not needed to treat pancreatitis.
  2. Rinse the flakes in two liters of water, drain the liquid into a 2 liter jar.
  3. Put the jar in a warm place for 20-40 hours.

Day Three

  1. The contents of a two-liter jar will be a sediment (concentrate) and a liquid that must be carefully drained.
  2. Carefully collect the concentrate, pour it into a separate bowl.
  3. Boil 0.2 liters of water.
  4. Dilute 50 grams of concentrate in a small amount water, add this liquid to boiling water.
  5. Stir, bring to a boil.

With a stomach ulcer - Izotov's recipe

We will need:

  • oatmeal (flakes) - 0.5 kg;
  • kefir - 0.1 l;
  • rye bread - 50 g;
  • boiled chilled water - 6 l;


  1. Pour cereals, bread into a jar with a capacity of 3 liters, pour these ingredients with water (3 liters) and kefir.
  2. Mix the ingredients, close the jar with a lid or rubber glove(which is preferable).
  3. Put the jar in a warm place for 20-40 hours.
  4. Drain the liquid into a saucepan with a capacity of at least 6 liters.
  5. Rinse the flakes with water (3 liters).
  6. The resulting mixture (2 three-liter jars) defend 12-16 hours.
  7. After this period, drain the liquid (kvass) so as not to shake the sediment (concentrate). These ingredients must be stored in the refrigerator or a cool place, and jelly should be prepared from them in the right quantities.
  8. Next, you need to prepare the jelly. Two tablespoons of the concentrate should be mixed with 0.25 liters of kvass.
  9. Bring this mixture to a boil.
  10. After boiling, reduce heat, cook until thickened.
  11. Drink several sips throughout the day.

What is useful oatmeal jelly for weight loss?

For two main reasons: it does not contain a large number of fats, but it is rich in proteins, vitamins and other substances that are beneficial to the body. The calorie content of jelly is low, it goes well with many diets. Benefit thick drink from oatmeal is also that the flakes are rich in fiber, which contributes to the rapid, which contributes to the accelerated loss of extra pounds.

Harm and contraindications

A drink based on oat grains (flakes) does not contain any harmful substances that can harm health, even if consumed in large quantities. On the contrary, oatmeal, kefir and water are substances and products necessary for the life of the body. The only thing to be wary of is excessive consumption of oatmeal jelly: if you overeat, there is a chance that your stomach will hurt for several hours.

Kissel made from oats has long been able to establish itself as an ideal remedy for the treatment of many diseases. But cook right. this drink not easy. Read more about the properties and recipes of oatmeal jelly below.

Oatmeal jelly: benefits and harms

To prepare oatmeal jelly, you need to have some skills and free time, but the result is worth the effort.

Consider five reasons why you definitely need to cook oatmeal jelly:

  • If you constantly use this drink, your health will improve, because jelly contains great amount vitamins and various minerals.
  • Those vitamins that are contained in the drink will have positive influence on your skin: it will become smoother and much softer. As for the hair, it will strengthen and become shiny.
  • Thanks to oatmeal jelly, your metabolism will improve and regular use drink you will become more graceful. Many nutritionists advise drinking this drink during a diet.
  • Oatmeal jelly will help you prolong youth and stop the aging process.
  • Also, the drink will save you from many diseases.

Kissel made from oats is considered very nutritious product. It is quite easily and completely absorbed by the body. Due to the fact that the drink contains a lot of starch, it benefits the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. That is why oatmeal jelly is often prescribed for:

  • stomach ulcer
  • gastritis
  • pancreatitis
  • cirrhosis
  1. Kissel is recommended to use after poisoning
  2. It also has a positive effect on the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.
  3. Kissel reduces the risk of sudden onset of atherosclerosis
  4. The drink is also recommended to be consumed during weight loss, as it normalizes the performance of metabolic processes, helps burn fat cells.

Kissel is especially beneficial for the pancreas. Very often, the problems associated with this organ appear by the age of 40: there is heaviness, there is an unpleasant belching and pain in the hypochondrium on the right side. If you start drinking oatmeal jelly on time, after a couple of months you can ease the pain and eliminate all these symptoms.

These were the positive aspects of oatmeal jelly. Concerning harmful qualities, they are almost non-existent. We can only note a few factors:

  • Individual intolerance to oatmeal may be present.
  • After overeating jelly, pain in the stomach often appears. This is because jelly is a nutritious product, so you can’t eat a lot of it. However, this happens only in those people who decide to fast weight loss. Fans of a graceful waist suffer when they use jelly in very large portions.
  • It is advisable to use oatmeal jelly in the morning, as it adds vigor. Accordingly, it is desirable to refuse it in the evening.

How to cook oatmeal jelly?

There are many variations of oatmeal jelly. We offer you to cook the most delicious and popular of them.

Oatmeal jelly, prepared on a simple water

This recipe is considered the easiest and most affordable to prepare. It is very tasty and healthy. You can use it if you do not particularly like milk or during fasting. To prepare this recipe, take the following ingredients:

  • Oatmeal - 1/2 tbsp
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Honey (to taste)
  • Salt (to taste)
  • A small amount of cinnamon for a pleasant aroma

  • Before cooking, sprinkle the cereal on a baking sheet and brown them in the oven
  • Then fill them with cool water.
  • In 10 minutes. put on fire
  • Bring to a boil, season with salt and simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes.
  • Strain the resulting mass, add honey and cinnamon to it.
  • Use this jelly in the morning instead of breakfast

Oatmeal jelly cooked with milk

Unlike the first option, this recipe turns out to be thicker and more creamy taste. True, it has more calories. To prepare this oatmeal jelly, take:

  • Milk - 1 l.
  • Oat flakes - 100 g
  • Sugar - 1.5 cup
  • Butter - 30 g
  • Nuts and raisins to taste

Brown the cereal in advance in the oven. Then:

  • Boil milk, add raisins, oatmeal and sugar to it
  • Boil the mass for 5 minutes. and pour it into glasses
  • Eat jelly warm

Oatmeal jelly cooked with beets

Use this jelly as the main dish during the diet. By cooking it with beets, you will give the jelly a brighter taste. For cooking, take the following components:

  • Oat flakes - 100 g
  • small beets
  • Water - 1 tbsp
  • Salt and sugar to taste


  • Peel the beets, rub them on a grater
  • Combine the beetroot with cereal and cover with water
  • Bring the mass to a boil, salt and add sugar
  • Boil for 20 min. constantly stirring
  • Consume in the morning or all day as a substitute for other meals
  • store finished product 2 days

Oatmeal jelly with prunes

Use this jelly if you have digestive problems. Take these components:

  • Oatmeal - 1 tbsp
  • Cold water - 2 liters
  • Prunes

  • Fill the flour with water
  • Add some prunes to these ingredients
  • Bring the mass to a boil and boil it over low heat for about 15 minutes.
  • Take composition as remedy before eating

Solid oatmeal:

To prepare this recipe for oatmeal jelly, take molds and the following ingredients:

  • Oatmeal - 1 tbsp
  • Warm water - 2 or 3 tbsp

  • Soak cereal in water
  • Then strain them through a sieve
  • Boil the liquid over low heat until it becomes thick.
  • Add salt and sugar to taste, plus butter
  • Pour the jelly into molds
  • Serve with honey, bun and milk

Oatmeal jelly from hercules

Kissel made from hercules turns out to be very satisfying. It can be used during weight loss. And to spice up the jelly, you can add a little raisins and almonds. To prepare this recipe, take the following ingredients:

  • Cold water - 1 tbsp
  • Hercules - 250 g
  • Black bread - crust

  • Fill the Hercules with water in the evening
  • Add a crust of bread to these ingredients
  • In the morning, take it out of the cereal, and strain the oatmeal itself through a sieve
  • Put the resulting mass on a small fire
  • Add water if needed
  • After boiling, put out the fire and remove the jelly from the stove
  • Wait a little for the jelly to cool down
  • Approximately 30 min. you can use it
  • The drink is combined with salads and meatballs

Kissel from oatmeal

This recipe for oatmeal jelly was prepared by our grandmothers. If you cook it, you will definitely like it. But in order to get the kissel right, you need to follow all our tips.

  • Pour into prepared dishes 2 tbsp. flakes. Fill them with cool water and add the crust rye bread to ferment faster. Set aside the mass for 1 day, while the lid should not cover the pan very tightly.
  • After a day, the smell of the mass will change. If you smell a sour aroma from fermentation, then it's time to strain the mass.
  • Wipe the cereal and bread themselves thoroughly so that only solid raw materials remain. Press again the components.

  • Put the liquid on a small fire, boil it for 2 minutes. During cooking, stir the composition so that the starch does not end up at the bottom of the dish.
  • Add 2 tbsp cranberries (wipe them with sugar beforehand). You will get a pleasant sweet and sour taste.
  • Drink hot jelly with honey, currants (in this case, do not add cranberries) for breakfast.

Whole oatmeal oatmeal

Oatmeal jelly can be prepared not only from oatmeal, but also from whole oatmeal. If you want to make just such a drink, then buy it in advance at the pharmacy, crush the oats and follow the following instructions:

  • Rinse the oats thoroughly and dry them.
  • Grind the grains, rinse 2 more times, dry again.
  • In a 3-liter bottle, add water, crushed oat grains and kefir. Set aside the mass for 2 days so that it ferments.

  • Drain the liquid. Rinse the cake, strain it again. Drain the liquid into a 5 liter saucepan. Cover the dish with gauze.
  • Put the pan for 1 day so that the liquid is infused. After that, you will notice the precipitate that has formed - this is an oatmeal jelly concentrate. Transfer it to a 1 liter jar. From this liquid you can cook jelly.

To prepare the jelly itself, do the following:

  • Take oat concentrate - 10 tsp.
  • Mix it with water (2 tbsp.). Bring the composition to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.
  • Cool the mass, add a little salt, butter and eat with rye bread.

Oatmeal jelly for weight loss

Many people believe that with the help of oatmeal jelly it will be possible to lose weight. But with numerous positive qualities, this drink does not remove extra pounds on its own.

But there are those people who are sure that only this drink, without any additional dishes, helped them acquire a graceful figure. The thing is that oatmeal contains minimal amount calories. It can replace an ordinary breakfast and a main course for lunch.

If you do just that, plus reduce the number of calories consumed during the day, then you will notice a good result very soon. In addition, this drink will help you cleanse your body of toxins, neutralize excess fat cells, saturate your body with vitamins and minerals.

If you want to drop excess weight Then our two recipes will definitely come in handy for you. The first version of oatmeal jelly for weight loss:

To prepare this recipe, take the following ingredients:

  • Whole grain oats - 1 tbsp
  • Water - 1 l


  • Rinse the grain, fill it with water and bring to a boil
  • Boil the oats for at least 4 hours over low heat
  • After this, take out the grains and grind to make a slurry
  • Mix it with broth and refrigerate

The second version of oatmeal jelly for weight loss:

To prepare this recipe, take:

  • Oat grains - 1 tbsp
  • Low-fat kefir - 125 ml
  • Black bread - crust
  • Water - 1500 ml


  • Mix all the ingredients in a glass bowl, close it with a lid
  • Set aside the composition for 3 days in a warm place so that it ferments
  • After strain it, filter, bring to a boil and turn off
  • Drink a drink after 3 hours, 50 g
  • You can replace them with one meal

Oatmeal jelly for pancreatitis

Trying to cure pancreatitis with a variety of medicines, many doctors have been disappointed in them more than once. That is why they often advise patients to use oatmeal jelly.

If you have been touched by this disease, then prepare this miraculous drink too. To prepare it, take the following ingredients:

  • Chopped oat flakes (hercules can be) - 250 g
  • Regular oatmeal - 4 tbsp. l
  • Kefir - 75 ml

Prepare the jelly this way:

  • Fill a third of a 3 liter bottle with crushed flakes.
  • Add 4 tbsp. l. regular cereal.
  • Fill the composition with kefir.
  • Add warm water to these components to the “shoulders” and mix thoroughly.
  • Close the container with a lid and leave it for 2 days to infuse.
  • The mass that ferments, stir and strain. The resulting composition is a filtrate in hyperacidity.
  • Take the sediment, wash it on a sieve with water. Filter the liquid - in the end you will get a filtrate with low acidity.

To prepare oatmeal jelly for pancreatitis, take the second version of the filtrate. Pour it into a saucepan, bring to a boil and boil for 3 minutes.

The recipe is very simple and affordable. Now we offer you recommendations on how to use this drink correctly:

  • Eat oatmeal jelly for 3 months, no less.
  • Do not use filtration with high acidity to prepare oatmeal jelly.
  • Drink jelly warm in the morning. After that, eat only after 3 hours.

Izotov's oatmeal jelly: a step by step recipe

The famous doctor Izotov tested the quality of oatmeal jelly on himself when he was sick. Thanks to the drink, he defeated the disease and was then able to patent his recipe in 1992.

To prepare sourdough for jelly according to Izotov's recipe, you need to perform the following processes:

  • Fall asleep at 3 liter jar pre-shredded oatmeal. You can take oatmeal. If you want the fermentation process to speed up, add more ground oatmeal(2 tablespoons). Add to bowl 1/2 tbsp. kefir and boiled, slightly warm water.
  • Put the jar for 2 days so that the mass goes through the fermentation process. The finished composition will emit bubbles and give off a sour smell. But you should make sure that the jelly does not ferment.
  • As soon as fermentation is over, strain the mass through a sieve. It will remain thick - rinse it with water, while squeezing out the liquid.
  • Set aside the liquid so that it is completely settled. After a certain time, a dense sediment will collect at the bottom of the dish, which you must use as a starter.
  • Drain the liquid composition gently from another jar. Transfer the solid mass to another jar and store in the refrigerator. You will need it to prepare the next portion of oatmeal jelly.

To prepare the jelly itself, do this:

  • Take 5 tablespoons of sourdough
  • Fill it with 2 tbsp. cool water
  • Mix thoroughly and put on fire.
  • Bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes
  • If you want the jelly to be thicker, boil it a little longer.

Kissel from oatmeal

We offer you two recipes for oatmeal jelly, for the preparation of which you will need the simplest products.

First recipe:

According to this recipe, you will prepare jelly, which can replace breakfast for you. Take these components:

  • Oatmeal - 2 tbsp
  • Honey - 3 tbsp
  • Water - 6 tbsp
  • Milk - 3 tbsp

The cooking process is:

  • Select flour best quality which does not contain additives. Sift it before use so that it can be saturated with oxygen. Boil water, cool.
  • Transfer the oatmeal to a bowl, add water and mix well. Close the dishes with a lid, put away all night in a warm place. Then strain the composition. Add warmed milk and stir again.
  • Bring the resulting mass to a boil, add salt, boil the composition over low heat for 2 minutes
  • Add honey to the jelly that has cooled down a little (optional). You can also add chocolate.

Second recipe:

For this jelly, take:

  • Oatmeal - 1.5 tbsp
  • Kefir - 60 ml
  • Warm water - 2 liters


  • Pour the flour into a 3 liter jar.
  • Add kefir and water.
  • Mix the composition well and cover the jar with gauze.
  • Leave it for 2 days to insist.
  • Next time you can not use kefir.
  • Just add a few tablespoons of the resulting concentrate.
  • As soon as the composition is infused, strain it and transfer it to another jar for 1 day.
  • After that, take the bottom sediment that forms at the bottom of the jar, and prepare jelly from it: dilute it in this proportion - 1: 3, put the composition on fire, bring to a boil.

Oatmeal jelly Momotova

Momotov is a famous infectious disease doctor. His recipe is very similar to Dr. Izotov's, but slightly modified. To prepare it, take:

  • Small oatmeal - 300 g
  • Large oatmeal - 80 g
  • Low-fat kefir or biokefir - 70 ml
  • Water - 2 l

On prescription:

  • Pour oatmeal into a 3 liter jar
  • Add kefir and slightly warmed water to it.
  • Mix well the mixture and set aside for 2 days for fermentation
  • After that, mix the composition, strain through a colander
  • You will get a liquid with a high acid content
  • Rinse the flakes that you have left with water - this way you will get a liquid with low acidity
  • Pour both the first and second filtrate into jars and leave to infuse for 12 hours

Kissel according to Momotov's recipe is different in that during the preparation of jelly, both the concentrate and the liquid itself obtained from the filtrate can be used.

Treatment with oatmeal

It is treated with oatmeal jelly very easily - take it in the morning instead of breakfast. During the reception, it is better not to add seasonings and sugar. Replace these components with honey, sour cream, berries, a crust of black bread.

Before use, be sure to consult with your doctor so that allergies and serious consequences do not occur. Now consider the most common qualities of jelly that help to treat a certain disease:

  • Kissel helps to recover very quickly after surgery. For example, after the gallbladder was removed.
  • Oatmeal jelly has a positive effect on the intestinal flora, for example, with dysbacteriosis.
  • If there is no antipyretic medicine at hand, oatmeal jelly will help.
  • Kissel is recommended for gastritis and stomach ulcers.

  • If you constantly use jelly, cholesterol will disappear very quickly.
  • With the help of oatmeal jelly, toxins and toxins can be removed.
  • Kissel is considered a wonderful remedy that relieves swelling on the legs.
  • Oatmeal is great for weight loss.
  • Kissel helps to normalize the performance of the pancreas. It also relieves the discomfort caused from her inflammation.
  • Many doctors advise kissel during stomach pains.
  • Oatmeal jelly improves the performance of the nervous system.

Oatmeal jelly: reviews

“I cook oatmeal jelly for the whole family. Personally, he helped me lose weight, and very quickly. Svetlana.

“My husband had severe pain in the stomach area. I started to cook jelly for him according to Izotov's recipe. The pains are gone. In addition, my husband's health has improved significantly, his complexion has changed. Olga.

“As a child, my grandmother cooked oatmeal for me. She claimed that this drink gives energy in the morning. Now I prepare such a drink in the morning for my children. During cooking, add a little raisins, dried fruits, honey, milk. Every day I get a new recipe. All family members are satisfied, even the spouse. For him, I cook oatmeal jelly, with the addition of vegetables and rye bread. Tatyana.

Video: Cooking oatmeal jelly. Medicinal properties of the product