How to cook fragrant strawberry jam. How to make strawberry jam with whole berries

How to cook strawberry jam so that the berries remain whole, many hostesses know, right? But how to make strawberry jam without boiling berries, I will tell and show you today. This easy recipe produces fragrant, whole berries in a sweet and thick syrup - a fabulous treat for the whole family!

A prerequisite for any delicious strawberry jam can be safely called high-quality raw materials, that is, berries. In this case, try to choose fragrant strawberries of a small size (closer to small), whole, dense and elastic. Crumpled or very large berries will not work - they will not keep their shape and even fall apart in mashed potatoes. Spoiled ones will completely cause fermentation in the jar - the sweet billet will have to be thrown away.

I would not recommend reducing the amount of granulated sugar for strawberry jam without cooking, since this is a preservative. In addition, various spices (cinnamon, cardamom and others) personally for our family do not go well with this dessert: my family loves, so to speak, the pure taste and aroma of this fragrant berry.

In total, from the indicated amount of necessary ingredients, about 1 liter of strawberry jam is obtained without cooking. You can pick up jars of the volume that suits you best. I used 3 jars with a capacity of 200 milliliters each and 1 half-liter jar, in which I separately closed the thick strawberry syrup.


Cooking step by step with photos:

The berries for this recipe are suitable for medium-sized, elastic and excellent quality. We sort out the strawberries (substandard, that is, wrinkled, can be used to make strawberry jam or marshmallow, and safely throw away the spoiled ones) and mine. To do this, we collect cold water in a large container, put berries in it and let them swim for just a minute - this way the sand will sink to the bottom. Gently mix the strawberries with your hands, then remove and transfer to a colander. It is important not to remove the stalks until the berries are clean. Otherwise, strawberries will absorb a large amount of water and become sour.

We remove the stalks and put the clean berries in a suitable container. The weight of strawberries (1 kilogram) is indicated in the already prepared form.

Now let's start preparing sugar syrup, which we will subsequently pour strawberries into. To do this, pour 800 grams of sugar into a small saucepan with a thick bottom or a saucepan and pour 150 milliliters of water there (you can cold, you can hot - as you like).

We put the dishes on a strong fire and, stirring, bring the contents to a boil. When all the sugar has dissolved and the syrup boils, make medium heat and cook for about 5-6 minutes. Don't forget to remove the foam!

Pour the strawberries with boiling syrup, slightly melting the berries with a spoon or spatula. No need to stir strawberries!

In this position, leave the strawberries in syrup at room temperature until completely cooled - this may take a couple of hours. In the process of cooling, strawberries will give the syrup their juice, color and aroma. The berries themselves will become a little lighter and compacted.

Carefully pour the syrup back into the saucepan, bring to a boil and cook over medium heat for 5-6 minutes (remove the foam). During this time, the sugar syrup will thicken slightly due to the evaporation of moisture.

A similar procedure should be carried out 1-2 more times (a total of 3-4 fillings are obtained). The photo shows already cooled strawberries in syrup after 3 fillings with syrup.

Now it remains to close the strawberry jam without cooking for the winter. To do this, you need to carefully prepare the jar and lids in advance in any way convenient for you. I like to do it in the microwave the best - for this preparation I use 3 jars, each with a capacity of 200 milliliters, and 1 jar, with a capacity of 500 milliliters. Thoroughly wash the jars with soda or detergent, then rinse in cold water and pour 2 fingers of water into the bottom of each. We put it in the microwave and steam everything together at the highest power for about 6-7 minutes. I just wash the lids, put them in a saucepan, pour water (to completely cover the lids) and boil for about 5 minutes. We put the berries in three prepared 200-ml jars. A half-liter jar will be needed a little later.

Now jam can be bought at any grocery store, and its range is quite wide. But many housewives prefer to cook their jam, believing that only at home it turns out to be the most delicious and fragrant.

Strawberries are very delicate berries. Within a few hours, its fruits lose their shape, secrete juice and acquire an unpleasant wine flavor. Therefore, they try to process strawberries as quickly as possible and put them into action.

Subtleties of cooking

  • For jam, it is best to take berries of the same size, since the cooking time for large and small strawberries is different. If you want the berries to retain their shape after cooking, use small strawberries, since large berries take longer to cook and at the same time boil soft.
  • Berries should not be underripe. Unripe fruits have neither taste nor aroma. Overripe berries are very soft during cooking, so they are only suitable for jam.
  • Before cooking, the berries are sorted out, debris is removed.
  • Strawberries are washed by immersing them in a colander in a pot or basin of cold water. So that the jam does not turn out to be liquid, the berries must be dried from moisture, laid out on a dry, clean cloth. Then the sepals are removed.
  • For 1 kg of berries, 1.3-1.5 kg of sugar is required. You should not save on it, because due to the high sugar content, microorganisms, due to which the product turns sour, do not develop in the jam. With less sugar, the jam may ferment or become moldy.
  • To preserve most of the nutrients that are in strawberries, cooking jam should not be delayed for a long time. The best way is to pre-sprinkle the berries with sugar. After a few hours, the strawberries will release juice, which will significantly reduce the cooking time.
  • The quality of jam depends on how quickly sugar penetrates into the berries during cooking. So that the berries do not boil soft and remain whole, they must be soaked with sugar gradually. To do this, there is cooking jam in several stages. For example, strawberries are first dipped in hot syrup, kept in it for several hours, and then proceed to further cooking.
  • It is advisable to cook strawberry jam in portions of no more than 3 kg, since a large number of berries increases the cooking time, which affects the quality of the product. Prolonged heat treatment worsens not only the appearance of the jam, but also its beneficial properties.
  • The jam packaged in jars is closed with lids only after it has completely cooled. If you close a jar of hot jam with a lid, then after cooling, condensation accumulates on the back of the lid. It drips into the jam, thereby creating the prerequisites for its souring.
  • Jars for jam should be thoroughly washed, heated in the oven or over steam and dried. The lids also need to be washed and boiled, put in a saucepan.

Strawberry jam with whole berries: recipe one

  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2.6 kg;
  • citric acid - 3 g.

Cooking method

  • Sort the strawberries, remove green and spoiled berries.
  • Rinse by placing in batches in a colander and dipping it several times in water. Remove the sepals.
  • Put all the strawberries in an enamel pan and sprinkle with sugar in layers.
  • Leave the berry prepared in this way overnight in a cool place.
  • The next day, put the strawberries, together with the released juice, into a brass basin and put on a slow fire. Stir occasionally until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Then increase the fire and cook the jam for 20-25 minutes from the moment of boiling. Be sure to remove the foam that appears on the surface with a slotted spoon. To improve the taste at the end of cooking, add citric acid to the jam.
  • Cool the finished jam and pour into glass jars. Close with lids or parchment paper.

Jam with whole berries: recipe two

Ingredients for five 0.5 l containers:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.4 kg;
  • water - 500 ml.

Cooking method

  • Sort the strawberries, removing debris, unripe or spoiled berries. Wash it by dipping it in a colander several times in cold water. Remove the sepals.
  • Pour a kilogram of sugar into the basin. Pour water. Boil the syrup.
  • Remove the bowl from the fire. Pour the berries into the syrup and leave for 4 hours.
  • After this time, put the berries back on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove foam and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from stove. Leave the jam to infuse for 8 hours.
  • Add 200 g of sugar, mix, put on fire again. Boil for 10 more minutes. Remove the basin from the stove and leave to infuse for 4 hours.
  • Pour 200 g of sugar, mix, put on fire. Bring to a boil and cook over low heat until tender.
  • Cool the jam. Pour cold into glass jars.

Recipe three

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method

  • Sort the strawberries, rinse, fold in a colander. Remove the sepals.
  • Pour sugar into the basin, add water. Boil the syrup.
  • Pour in the berries, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, removing the foam with a slotted spoon.
  • Remove the bowl from the heat and leave to infuse for 15 minutes.
  • Place back on the stove and bring to a boil. Cook over moderate heat for 15 minutes.
  • Repeat the same procedure 3 more times.
  • Pour the jam syrup through a colander into another bowl.
  • Arrange the berries remaining in a colander in clean and dried jars.
  • Put the syrup on the fire and cook for 15 minutes. Pour hot syrup over berries. Cool the jam. Close with lids.

Very juicy strawberry jam

Ingredients for five 0.5 l containers:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method

  • Sort the strawberries, wash, remove the tails.
  • Put it in an enamel bowl. Pour in a kilo of sugar. Leave for 12 hours. During this time, a large amount of juice will stand out.
  • Pour the juice into the cooking bowl. Add another pound of sugar. Put on fire and boil the syrup until the sugar dissolves.
  • Pour in the berries. Cook over moderate heat, skimming off the foam, until fully cooked.
  • Cool the jam. Transfer to clean and dry jars. Close with lids.

Thick strawberry jam

Ingredients for six 0.5 l containers:

  • strawberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method

  • Sort the strawberries, remove debris, unripe and spoiled berries. Rinse by dipping several times in a colander in cold water. Let the liquid drain. To do this, you can put the berries on a clean cloth. And only now carefully tear off the sepals.
  • Put the berries in a basin, add sugar. Place the dishes in a cool place for 5-6 hours so that the strawberries give juice.
  • Put the basin on medium heat and, gently stirring the contents of the dish, wait for the sugar to dissolve completely.
  • After boiling, boil the berries for 10 minutes. Be sure to remove the emerging foam with a slotted spoon.
  • Then, using the same slotted spoon, catch the berries and place in another container. And continue to boil the syrup for an hour.
  • Then add finely chopped lemon along with the zest, after removing the seeds. Boil everything together over moderate heat for another hour.
  • Put the previously caught berries into the syrup and cook the jam for about an hour, making the fire as small as possible.
  • While the jam is cooking, wash the jars. Bake them in the oven or rinse with boiling water, and then dry them well by turning them over on a towel.
  • Pour hot jam into jars. Leave uncovered until completely cool. Cover with lids or parchment paper.

Strawberry jam "Five minutes"

Ingredients for four 0.5 l containers:

  • strawberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 800-1000 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method

  • Sort out the strawberries. Remove any unripe or spoiled berries.
  • Wash it by immersing it in small batches in a bowl of clean cold water.
  • When the liquid drains, carefully tear off the stalks.
  • Place the strawberries in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Leave in a cool place for 6-8 hours so that it gives juice.
  • Prepare jars and lids for rolling. Wash the jars thoroughly. This recipe requires them to be sterilized so that the jam does not sour during storage.
  • After the specified time, put the basin on a small fire and, stirring, bring to a boil.
  • Then increase the fire and cook the berries for exactly 5 minutes, removing the foam that appears. Pour in the lemon juice.
  • Pour hot jam into jars and immediately seal with tin lids. Turn upside down and chill.

Note: if you want to get a thicker jam, after a five-minute boil, let it brew for 5-6 hours, then put the jam back on the stove and cook for another 5 minutes. Some housewives repeat this procedure three times. Then hot jam is poured into jars and rolled up.

Note to the owner

The readiness of jam can be determined as follows:

  • A drop of syrup on a saucer does not spread, but retains its shape.
  • When the jam is ready, the foam does not diverge to the edges of the dish, but accumulates in the middle.
  • The berries are evenly distributed in the syrup.
  • In high-quality jam, the berries are well soaked in syrup.
  • The syrup should be clear, light, not caramel in color.
  • Jam should not smell like burnt sugar.

With whole berries is not as difficult as it seems from the very beginning. In addition, the process of preparing delicacies is greatly simplified by the fact that you do not need to crush the berries with a pusher or beat them with a blender. You only need to carefully sort and wash the strawberries, and then heat them with sugar.

general information

The recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries should be known to all housewives. After all, with proper preparation, such a delicacy turns out to be very tasty and fragrant.

As you know, jam is a traditional dessert of the Transcaucasian and East Slavic peoples. It is made by boiling various ingredients (for example, fruits, berries, as well as vegetables, pine cones and even rose petals).

During the cooking process, such a delicacy acquires a heterogeneous consistency, which consists of pieces of fruit and syrup.

Most housewives prefer to cook with whole berries. Such processing allows the fruits to retain their aroma and natural taste, making the delicacy more useful and beautiful in appearance.

Strawberry jam with whole berries is very popular with children. The absorption of individual fruits along with sweet syrup allows them not only to enjoy the pleasant taste of homemade dessert, but also to maintain their immunity at the proper level, especially in the winter season.

Despite the fact that strawberries hold their shape well during heat treatment, cooks still need to follow some rules to get the desired result.

To make delicious strawberry jam with whole berries, fruits for dessert must be harvested only in dry weather. Overripe berries should not be used. At the same time, it is desirable to cook jam on the day of assembly.

During the heat treatment, the jam should not be actively stirred with a spoon, otherwise the strawberries may soften. It is best to shake the dishes in which the dessert is cooked, and, of course, strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the recipe.

Making thick strawberry jam with whole berries

In fact, there is nothing complicated in preparing such a delicacy. It is only necessary to use the right ingredients in the right proportions and carefully monitor the heat treatment.

So, for cooking at home, we need the following components:

  • fresh strawberries, elastic - about 1 kg;
  • white sugar sand - about 1 kg;
  • lemon juice - no more than 15 g.

Preparing the Ingredients

Before making strawberry jam with whole berries, the collected fruits are sorted and cleaned of the stalks. Then they are laid out in a colander and washed several times in cold water. After drying the berries, having previously laid them out on paper towels, they are placed in a large enameled pan or basin.

Heat treatment

For a quick dessert, each layer of strawberries is generously sprinkled. After all the components are in the bowl, they are covered with a newspaper and left at room temperature for 9-10 hours. This time is enough for the strawberries to give their juice and soak well with sugar.

After a while, the dishes with sweets are put on the stove and slowly brought to a boil. Periodically, the basin with berries is rhythmically shaken off.

After boiling, the jam is removed from the heat, covered with a newspaper or towel and left aside for exactly a day. At the same time, it is extremely undesirable to interfere with the berries, so as not to damage their integrity.

The next day, the heat treatment procedure is repeated. In a similar way, the jam is brought to a boil about four times. On the fifth - strawberries in sugar syrup are allowed to cook for about 20 minutes. Lemon juice is also added to the jam.

Seaming process

After all the steps described, the finished strawberry jam with whole berries is removed from the stove and allowed to cool for 20 minutes. Later, the dessert is poured into sterilized and still warm jars using a clean soup ladle.

Having rolled up the containers with boiled metal lids, they are turned over, wrapped in a blanket and left for a day to cool.

You can store such a healthy delicacy at room temperature, and preferably in a pantry, cellar or underground.

Cooking strawberry jam with whole berries (“five-minute”)

There are many recipes that can make it delicious. However, there are not very many ways to prepare such a delicacy with whole berries. Therefore, recipes for such desserts are of great value to culinary specialists.

If you do not want to stretch the process of preparing this delicacy for several days, then we suggest using a quick method called the "five-minute". To implement it at home, we need the following products:

  • fresh strawberries elastic - about 2 kg;
  • sand sugar light fine - about 3 kg;
  • drinking water at room temperature - no more than 500 ml.

Preparing the Components

Some cooks make strawberry jam with whole berries in a slow cooker. But if you decide to prepare a large amount of homemade treats, then such a device will not work for you, since all the necessary ingredients simply will not fit in it.

Before starting to prepare a delicious dessert, freshly picked strawberries are sorted out, peeled of sepals, put in a colander and washed well in cool water. Then the fruits are slightly shaken and proceed to their heat treatment.

Cooking dessert on the stove

Jam "Five minutes" should be cooked in a large enameled saucepan. Drinking water is poured into it, sugar is added and put on the stove. Stirring regularly, the ingredients are slowly brought to a boil.

After you have formed a thick syrup, all previously prepared berries are immediately laid out in it. Gently mixing the components with a slotted spoon, they are allowed to boil again.

Over high heat, strawberries in sugar syrup are boiled for exactly five minutes. After the specified time, the pan is removed from the heat, covered with a lid, and then wrapped in a thick blanket.

How to close?

Having prepared homemade jam called "five minutes", it is left closed until completely cooled. Only after that, the strawberry delicacy is poured into pre-sterilized jars. Filled containers are closed with plastic lids or tied with thick paper.

It is not recommended to store such jam at room temperature, as it deteriorates very quickly. It is best to keep loosely closed jars in the refrigerator.

The main advantage of this method of preparing strawberry jam is that, thanks to gentle heat treatment, it does not lose its beneficial properties and retains a bright aroma and fresh taste.

Eat jam with whole strawberries preferably with tea. Although often such a delicacy is used to make a delicious and sweet fruit drink, which quenches thirst in summer and supports immunity in winter.

I will not write anything newfangled and modern. I will write how my great-grandmother cooked strawberry jam. This means that there will be nothing superfluous in the ingredients - only strawberries and sugar.

At the same time, I have absolutely nothing against the use of special seasonings for jam, they are called differently (“Five-minute Jam”, “Zhelfix”, etc.), but the essence is the same: jam can be boiled only once by adding this seasoning thickener. But we will cook jam like grandmother's.

First you need to sort out the berries. Usually we buy a lot of strawberries and immediately cook a bowl of jam. Therefore, we sit down to sort through strawberries together, under a pleasant conversation, time will fly by unnoticed. Still unwashed berries need to be sorted. Usually I put several bowls at once. In one we put berries for food, in the other - for jam, in the third - those that are somewhat unripe, for compote. Only those strawberries that are intended for food are left with tails and not washed. This is important, because after prolonged contact with water, the berries become more acidic, because they are saturated with water.

Selected berries for jam (they are already without tails) must be thoroughly washed. I usually wash my strawberries in 2-3 waters to make sure there is no sand or earth. We put the washed strawberries in a bowl in which we will cook jam and fall asleep with sugar. It would be nice to pour sugar in stages: a layer of strawberries - a layer of sugar, again strawberries - again sugar, etc.

As for the amount of sugar, this is a very controversial issue. There is a common formula: 1 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar. But for our taste, it is too sweet and cloying. For the last 10-15 years, I have not weighed sugar for preparations, I pour it immediately into a bowl “by eye”. But I know for sure that for 1 kg of berries I put about 700-750 g of sugar. We have enough sweetness, and jam with this amount of sugar is perfectly stored.

Now a few words about dishes. I usually cook jam in huge enamel bowls. If suddenly (suddenly!) There are not enough berries, then I cook in a small bowl or in a saucepan. Dishes must be enameled or ceramic. But from experience I will say that in ceramic and glassware there is a high risk of jam sticking to the bottom.

So, we leave the berry covered with sugar for several hours so that it starts up the juice. After that, put the bowl on the fire and bring to a boil, boil for about 5 minutes and turn off the stove. The jam must be completely cool. By the way, in the photo is a small bowl. This time I cooked in two bowls at once, because my normal bowl for jam would not fit in the frame (for reference, jam was cooked from 10 kg of strawberries in one go).

After complete cooling, put the jam on the fire again, cook again for a very short time and turn off the stove again. Such manipulations will have to be repeated almost until the strawberry jam is ready. Why do you need to complicate the process so much, you ask. I will answer: this is the only natural way to keep the berries whole.

How to check the readiness of jam? Everything is extremely simple, there is a test called "drop". Spoon some jam from the bowl and pour onto a saucer. Does the drop spread? Need to boil more. If the drop holds its shape perfectly, then the jam is ready and it can be rolled into jars.

By the way, pay attention to the color of the jam. Compare this photo and the previous one. At the beginning of cooking, the jam is light, then, as it boils, it becomes darker, but does not lose its appetizing appearance. The overcooked jam will be too dark, you will hardly be able to distinguish the berries in the almost black syrup.

If you feel that there is only one stage of cooking left, then it's time to prepare the jars for seaming. I usually sterilize jars in the microwave. This is a quick and easy way: pour 2 tablespoons of cold water into the bottom of the jar, place the jars in the microwave, turn it on at full power for a couple of minutes. Everything, the jars are sterilized, it remains to shake off the remaining water from them. But this time I cooked jam in the country, and there, unfortunately, there is no microwave oven. Therefore, I used the old proven method.

Pour water into the kettle and put it on the fire, bring to a boil, remove the lid of the kettle, put on the jar and continue to boil. Have you noticed that I have a kettle with a whistle in my country house? This is not very convenient, so that there is no whistle, I raise the whistle lid. But we are faced with another problem: precious steam escapes through the spout of the kettle. I act mega simply: I fold a blank sheet of paper several times, forming a cork, and plug the spout of the teapot. Here is such an improvisation in summer conditions. I note that I sterilize each jar for about 5 minutes (it can be longer if the volume of the jar is large).

I put the lids for jars in a saucepan and boil, thus we get both jars and lids sterilized.

I'm used to using screw caps, and to be honest, I use them several times.

The jars are sterilized, the lids are prepared, the jam is cooked. Roll up. We put hot, boiling jam with a large spoon into jars almost with a slide, cover with a lid, twist. We wipe the jar with a damp cloth, removing possible sweet drops, and leave the jars to cool. I never wrap the jam, the jars remain right on the street table, gradually cool down, and I put the chilled ones in the pantry. Not in the refrigerator. Because they will be perfectly stored in the pantry, because the jam is cooked correctly!

Yes, do not forget to involve the children, instruct them to make beautiful stickers on the jars, where you must put down the year of seaming. So you can easily manage your workpieces.

We got a wonderful jam: fragrant, bright, beautiful, appetizing. We generously put it on hot pancakes or add it to an ice cream bowl, or ... there are many ways, help yourself to your health!

Homemade strawberry jam is one of the most popular sweet preparations for the winter. And in fact, what could be tastier than fragrant and fragrant strawberry jam, carefully prepared in season by a thrifty hostess? Today I will tell you how to cook strawberry jam so that the berries remain whole, the dessert itself is appetizing, and its taste is excellent.

First of all, it is important to observe the indicated proportions: for 1 kilogram of selected strawberries (take a ripe, dense medium-sized berry), 1 kilogram of white granulated sugar is required. This recipe for strawberry jam involves cooking in three steps, due to which the berries in the finished dish are whole and do not turn into mashed potatoes.

If you follow the recommendations, homemade strawberry jam will delight you not only with its magical taste, but also with aesthetic pleasure. Whole berries in fragrant berry syrup will be a worthy reward for your efforts!


Cooking step by step with photos:

The first step is to process the berries. To do this, we sort through them (non-standard, that is, wrinkled, can be used to make strawberry jam, and safely discard the spoiled ones). Wash strawberries thoroughly. To do this, we collect cold water in a large container, put the berries in it and let them swim for just a minute. Gently mix them with your hands, then remove and transfer to a colander. It is important not to remove the stalks until the berries are clean. Otherwise, strawberries will absorb a large amount of water, and excess moisture in the jam is useless. After that, let the berries dry completely - transfer the strawberries to a towel. We tear off the stalks and put the dried berries in a bowl in which you are going to make jam.

We fall asleep berries with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1. Do not mix the strawberries, but simply shake the contents of the dish (for this purpose, choose a large bowl or pan), otherwise the berries will be wrinkled.

As a result, granulated sugar will evenly cover the strawberries. We cover the dishes with gauze and leave for several hours so that the berries release the juice. It is best to leave the strawberries with sugar overnight if they fell asleep in the evening.

I had a little time, so the strawberries managed to stand only 4 hours - the sugar had not completely dissolved. However, half the strawberries were already floating in the syrup.

We put the dishes on a quiet fire and let the sugar with strawberry juice completely turn into syrup. You can cover the bowl (pan) with a lid for this time. It is advisable not to interfere with the berries and sugar with a spoon, but only slightly shake the dishes from side to side. This is necessary for the strawberries to retain their integrity. Bring the contents of the bowl to a boil and simmer over low-medium heat for about 5 minutes. Do not forget to remove the foam (this is the most delicious for children when cooking any jam). After 5 minutes of boiling, turn off the heat and allow the strawberry jam to cool COMPLETELY at room temperature. There is absolutely no need to rush, so you can leave the delicacy to rest for at least 5, at least for 12 hours. During this time, the strawberries will give even more juice, and the berries will thicken, due to which they will keep their shape. Then heat the jam a second time and cook again for 5 minutes. Let cool completely.

After the second cooking and cooling, my strawberry jam looked like this: in a large amount of saturated syrup, the berries remained intact. In general, the amount of syrup depends not only on the variety and juiciness of the berries, but even on the weather in which the strawberries were picked. So, for cooking jam, it is recommended to harvest in dry sunny weather so that the strawberries are not oversaturated with moisture. If desired, add a pinch of citric acid (a teaspoon of lemon juice) and put the jam on the fire again. Acid in this case acts not only as a preservative, but also helps to preserve the beautiful and bright color of the finished dessert.

Bring everything to a boil and cook for the last 5 minutes, not forgetting to remove the foam. Fragrant strawberry jam with whole berries is ready, all that remains is to close it for the winter.

Pour the still boiling strawberry jam into pre-prepared jars, not reaching the edge of about 1-1.5 centimeters. Each hostess has her own favorite method, and I do it in the microwave - I wash the jars in a soda solution, rinse and pour about 100 ml of cold water into each. I steam in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. I boil the lids on the stove for five minutes too. By the way, last year I saw for the first time how my mother sterilizes jars in the microwave, but without water. Empty. I often met notes by hostesses on this subject, but I was always afraid that the banks would burst. They didn't burst. None. Everything happened with me. But personally, at home, I did not dare to repeat it - I steam it, as before, with water.

Immediately close (or twist the screw caps) the jars. We turn them upside down, wrap them with something warm and let them cool completely. I got 2 full half-liter jars of strawberry jam and another incomplete jar of strawberry syrup. By the way, in this strawberry jam, I especially appreciate not the berries, but this is the syrup itself. It turns out to be very rich in taste, unusually aromatic and moderately thick. An excellent addition to ice cream, pancakes, pancakes and cheesecakes. If you want the syrup to be thicker, you need to boil it longer, but I don’t like it that way. In addition, from prolonged cooking, the jam becomes not only thicker, but also much darker.

Store strawberry jam prepared according to this simple recipe in a cool, dry place - a basement or cellar. Where you usually store your wonderful preparations for the winter. Tasty and fragrant strawberry jam, friends!