Tomatoes for the winter “as fresh. Tomatoes as fresh for the winter

With the purchase of a summer house, I also comprehended science long-term storage not only a tomato, but also other vegetables, for example, eggplant, which I already wrote about here. Tomatoes are a more capricious vegetable, but its shelf life can be extended for a long time.

When picking tomatoes, you do not need to remove the stalks. So they will last longer. Roll up canned food, cook tomato juice. But on New Year's table I would like to have a salad fresh vegetables grown by hand. We will try to figure out how to properly store fruits and blanks so that our labors are not in vain.

How to store tomatoes?

Vegetables that we are not going to process in the near future need to be sorted out and decomposed according to the degree of maturity. The method of storage depends on the color of the plucked tomato.

Rules for storing red tomatoes

Ripe tomatoes are not subject to long-term storage, especially for fruits with thin skins. More can be saved brown tomatoes. But still, we will describe a few main points.

The refrigerator is a great place to easily maintain the desired temperature and humidity. But it is for this red-sided vegetable that the conditions are not suitable.

At low temperatures, tomatoes lose the taste and smell for which we love them, and begin to produce harmful substances. Therefore, do not keep them in the refrigerator for more than 5 days.

It is better to put them in the freshness zone, in the absence of such, the top shelf will do, but the product must be placed in plastic bag. You can also use the vegetable box for a few days, lining each layer of tomatoes with paper.

Even harder to save ripe tomatoes in an ordinary apartment. If you need to keep red tomatoes for more than 4 days, you can’t do without special preparation. You can use the following methods:

  1. Put in a bowl, pour vegetable oil so that the top layer was not less than a centimeter.
  2. Pour the washed vegetables into a solution of 8 parts water, 1 part vinegar and 1 part salt.
  3. Put the tomatoes with their stalks up in pre-sterilized and dried jars, the bottom of which is covered with mustard powder. Each layer also needs to be sprinkled with mustard. In no case do not tamp the vegetables!
  4. Place vegetables in a vacuum container.

Attention! First of all, the tomatoes must be carefully sorted out, discarding overripe or damaged ones, washed and dried.

What to do with green tomatoes?

It is green, unripe fruits that are suitable for long-term storage. And with the right approach, it’s not difficult to surprise your guests in New Year's celebration delicious meals from fresh tomatoes, For example, .

The main guarantee of success is harvested on time. This should be done right before the first frost. If your tomatoes grow in a greenhouse, then it’s a little easier, but if you have to carefully monitor the weather forecasts on the ground.

Carefully inspect each vegetable. If the peel is intact, there are no dark spots on it - the main sign of phytophthora - feel free to send it to the bins. Spoiled tomatoes must be thrown away immediately, otherwise they will infect all the vegetables in the neighborhood.

Sort the tomatoes by size, because small fruits take longer to ripen than large ones.

The storage container must be wiped with alcohol for disinfection and dried properly, the bottom should be covered with sawdust. Put the vegetables with the stalks up and lay with clean paper or shavings so that they do not touch each other. You can wrap each tomato with dark paper, then they will lie down even longer.

Important! It is necessary to provide vegetables with access to oxygen, so you should not choose boxes with solid walls.

We will choose a place for storage. It should be a well-ventilated dark room, with a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees Celsius and a humidity of 80-90%. If the country house is far away, and there is no way to keep supplies in the basement, a closet on the loggia is quite suitable, where the tomatoes lie for several weeks, remaining green. Periodically sort through the tomatoes, pull out ripe or spoiled ones.

On the twentieth of December, put green vegetables to ripen in a dark place at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius. In bright light, the tomatoes will ripen much faster, in just three days, but reaching in the dark, they will be evenly colored and look more beautiful. As a child, I was lucky enough to spend the summer with my grandmother and I remember how she filled felt boots with green tomatoes, not forgetting to put one red to them.

Indeed, in order for the tomatoes to ripen faster, you should put a red vegetable to the green counterparts. Ethylene, which is released by the ready-to-eat tomato, speeds up the ripening of vegetables. By the way, a ripe apple is also suitable for these purposes.

How to store homemade tomato preparations?

Another storage method is to roll tomatoes into jars. There are thousands of recipes! There are plenty to choose from according to your taste. In my family are especially popular, and

Each type of blanks has its own storage features:

Pickled tomatoes keep well room temperature. It is only important to remember that this is not wine, it will not get better in 10 years. Moreover, if you store canned food for more than a year, they may deteriorate. Write the production date on each jar and dispose of expired products in time.

Sun-dried tomatoes can be stored in a kitchen cabinet, packaged in cotton bags. There is another way to store - put in a plastic food container with a lid, pour olive oil and put it on the shelf in the refrigerator. When stored in freezer Sun-dried tomatoes will lose color.

Tomato juice own production especially tasty and rich in very useful succinic acid, if it is squeezed from overripe tomatoes. Freshly squeezed juice can be poured into glasses and stored for several months in the freezer. If the drink is sterilized, it will not lose its properties for three years, placed in a cool dark place.

Can you keep tomatoes fresh in a jar?

If you have been interested in the issue of tomato storage for a long time, then you have probably met unusual ways e.g. storage in jars without liquids, heat treatments, etc. The essence of these methods is that oxygen burns out in a hermetically sealed container with tomatoes. Like in this video:

There are recommendations with both alcohol and a candle. Allegedly, it preserves for several months. Theoretically, it seems to be plausible, but in practice, personally, I and all my friends have not yet succeeded. The experiments ended in failure - after a few weeks, the contents of the jars deteriorated.
Have you tried that?

In the competition for the most a simple workpiece by winter, these tomatoes would certainly have taken first place. Because it really can't be easier. Ingredients: tomatoes and water. Everything! Not even salt or sugar. The whole process of preparation is laying in jars and sterilization.

These tomatoes can be put in soups, fry scrambled eggs with them, prepare sauces and bake delicious pizza. But not only. The recipe tomatoes are almost as fresh, so you can simply season them with your favorite sauce and onions and eat them as a snack. Very cool and very comfortable! Tasteless "herbal" winter tomatoes they definitely don't compare.

Ingredients for winter harvesting:
- fresh tomatoes (any variety and size),
- purified drinking water.

We wash fresh tomatoes, wipe them gently dry with a kitchen towel. Or just leave it on the laid out napkins so that the remaining water is absorbed. With a knife, cut out dark circles from the stem. Cut the tomatoes into large slices.

We boil drinking water in a kettle or other utensils and set it to cool. Sterilize glass jars and lids. We cool them down. We lay out slices of fresh tomatoes in sterile jars. Fill them with completely cooled boiled water.

Now we need to sterilize the tomatoes. Let's prepare a simple "device" for sterilization. To do this, take a wide pan, lay a fabric folded several times on its bottom. The fabric should be cotton or linen. Go for it and kitchen towel. We put cans of tomatoes on a rag, cover them with lids, but do not roll them up. Pour the jars in the pan approximately on their shoulders. We turn on the stove and wait for the water to boil in the pan. After boiling, we withstand half-liter jars from 10 to 15 minutes, liter jars from 15 to 20 minutes.

Then we carefully take out the jars and twist the lids. Invert onto lids and leave to cool.

We remove the jars of tomatoes for storage in a cool place. You can open such tomatoes at any time, since they do not need to sit down and pickle. At least the next day, at least a week later, if such a need suddenly arose. To serve tomatoes on the table, you just need to filter them from water and season with something. You can garlic and vegetable oil. Or onions and mayonnaise. Salt and pepper to taste. Good appetite! Eat for health! No less delicious

Tomatoes for the winter, like fresh - tomatoes and water ... everything! Not even salt or sugar!

These are not frozen tomatoes, and not pickled. We will close fresh tomatoes in a jar, and the tomatoes will be fresh for the winter when we open the jar. In the competition for the simplest preparation for the winter, these tomatoes would certainly have won first place. Because it really can't be easier. Ingredients: tomatoes and water. Everything! Not even salt or sugar. The whole process of preparation is laying in jars and sterilization. Now I will tell you how to keep tomatoes fresh for the winter.

These tomatoes can be put in soups, fry scrambled eggs with them, prepare sauces and bake delicious pizza. But not only. Tomatoes according to the recipe are obtained almost as fresh, so you can simply season them with your favorite sauce and onions and eat them as a salad for a snack. Very cool and very comfortable! Tasteless "herbal" winter tomatoes definitely can't be compared with them.

- fresh tomatoes (any variety and size),
- purified drinking water.

We wash fresh tomatoes, wipe them gently dry with a kitchen towel. Or just leave it on the laid out napkins so that the remaining water is absorbed. With a knife, cut out dark circles from the stem. Cut the tomatoes into large slices.

We boil drinking water in a kettle or other utensils and set it to cool.
Sterilize glass jars and lids. We cool them down.
We lay out slices of fresh tomatoes in sterile jars. Fill them with completely cooled boiled water.

Now we need to sterilize the tomatoes. Let's prepare a simple "device" for sterilization. To do this, take a wide pan, lay a fabric folded several times on its bottom. The fabric should be cotton or linen. A kitchen towel will do for this. We put cans of tomatoes on a rag, cover them with lids, but do not roll them up. Pour the jars in the pan approximately on their shoulders. We turn on the stove and wait for the water to boil in the pan.
After boiling, we withstand half-liter jars from 10 to 15 minutes, liter jars from 15 to 20 minutes.

Then we carefully take out the jars and twist the lids. Invert onto lids and leave to cool.

We remove the jars of tomatoes for storage in a cool place.
You can open such tomatoes at any time, since they do not need to sit down and pickle. At least the next day, at least a week later, if such a need suddenly arose.
To serve tomatoes on the table, you just need to filter them from water and season with something. You can garlic and vegetable oil. Or onions and mayonnaise. Salt and pepper to taste.
Good appetite! Eat for health!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

If you want to have fresh tomatoes on your menu in winter, then our recipe will help you with this. This method of harvesting tomatoes for the winter is perhaps the easiest and most unknown. Because every time I treat someone to such an amazing snack in the winter, and they ask me for the recipe, I see genuine amazement in the look and hear the only question: is it really possible to preserve it like that?
Yes, my dears, it’s really possible and even necessary to preserve tomatoes so that they are fresh in winter. Imagine opening a jar of such tomatoes, add chopped onions, finely chopped greens and season with sauce (sour cream or mayonnaise). The taste of this salad is simply amazing, because it is based on canned in a natural way chopped tomato fruits.
It is also interesting that during conservation we do not use spices and salt, so the tomatoes are obtained with an exceptionally natural taste. And the fact that we fill the cut fruits with cold boiled water and only after that we subject the jars to the sterilization process, suggests that this method helps to save as much as possible palatability and useful substances in canned tomatoes.
It is only important to prepare glass containers for tomatoes well so that the jars are clean and sterilized - after all, we do not add preservatives, so the conditions for harvesting must be ideal.

- ripe tomato fruits,
- water (boiled).

Step by step recipe with photo:

How to keep tomatoes fresh for the winter?
Washing the fruits of the tomato warm water and then wipe dry. After that, cut the tomatoes enough large slices so that the juice does not flow out. By the way, for this method of canning, it is best to take fleshy varieties.

In the prepared jars, we put chopped tomatoes tightly enough, but carefully so as not to crush them. I add another pinch of salt.

Fill jars with tomatoes with cold boiled water so that the water completely covers the fruit.

Now we put a towel at the bottom of a large saucepan and put our jars there. Pour in warm water so that it reaches almost to the top of the cans. We cover them with lids and put them on fire. As soon as the water in the pan starts to boil, we detect 10-15 minutes - for jars with a capacity of 500 ml and 15-20 minutes - for 1 liter.

Then carefully remove the jars from the pan and close the lids. You can use ordinary metal ones, or you can use euro covers of the twist-off system (it seems to me that this is much more convenient).
We do not wrap the jars, but as soon as they cool down, we immediately take them out for storage.

Bon Appetit!
And for a change, I advise you to cook.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

The tomato is an incredibly popular vegetable. It is eaten fresh, used to make salads, first and second courses, stews, sauces, and there are simply an incredible amount of recipes for preserving for the winter. Sometimes the hostesses do not dare to try new recipes due to the complexity of cooking, time-consuming or huge amount additional components. The variant of preservation of a tomato brought to your attention, as fresh wedges for the winter. It is very simple, even elementary, and the tomatoes taste like fresh ones. In winter, you can add onion and butter, or mayonnaise to them - and fragrant salad ready! And this blank can be used for scrambled eggs, pizza, various pies and much more. Tomatoes according to this recipe are not capricious and the jars do not explode. Be sure to try.
- tomatoes,
- water,
- sugar,
- salt.
Please note that salt and sugar can be omitted, but rolled up only with water.

Recipe with photo step by step:

My half-liter jars, put them in the sun for an hour, so that they undergo natural sterilization, and at this time we prepare the tomatoes for seaming. You need to select elastic fruits, without spots and damage

Rinse thoroughly under running water, cut the tomatoes in half

Pour 2/3 tablespoon of salt and half a spoon of sugar into each jar

We spread the slices of tomatoes on top, just do not press down hard so as not to crush them

Fill to the top with cold, but always boiled water

Now you need to prepare a container for sterilizing jars. You can take a large bowl, or a wide pan. We put a stand on the bottom, put a towel or a cloth napkin on top and put the jars
Pour water, so that it was jars on the shoulders. After boiling water, sterilize the tomatoes for 5-7 minutes and immediately roll them up.

If you canned liter jars, they will need to be kept in boiling water twice as long, i.e. 10-14 minutes.
Sometimes sugar and salt do not dissolve completely, so the jars can be shaken a little after spinning, but only very carefully so as not to damage the tomato slices.
You can store the seaming in the cellar, pantry, in the refrigerator, or on the balcony.
Be sure to try. In winter, fragrant whole slices of tomatoes will be waiting for you, which will not differ in taste from those fresh ones that we have the opportunity to eat in the summer.
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