Kefir smoothies - cleanse the body after the New Year holidays. Smoothies for weight loss on kefir - slimming delicious

Smoothies prepared from fruits, berries with the addition of fermented milk drinks, juices. Often served with ice cubes. - thick drink, which is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Interestingly, in industrial nutrition, smoothies began to be sold around the thirties in California. Many years have passed since that moment, and during this time the popularity as a vitamin and tonic drink has spread throughout the globe. It can be prepared from any fruits, berries and vegetables. Of course, fruit and berry smoothies are more popular than vegetables.

Today I suggest you prepare a fruit mix of cranberries, black currants, raspberries and strawberries and fill this vitamin cocktail nothing but kefir. Just imagine how many vitamins are in berries and fruits, and if you supplement them with kefir, then such a drink can be considered just a mixture of useful elements.

The second plus after the benefit, which deserves attention, is the speed of preparation of the drink. You will spend no more than 10 minutes on everything. Then it should be remembered that such a drink is still very nutritious, so it can safely replace a meal if necessary. And for the children berry smoothie it may well replace store-bought yogurt, because it is in no way inferior in taste, but it significantly benefits in terms of benefits.


  • kefir (2.5% fat) - 250-300 ml,
  • cranberries (frozen) - 30 grams,
  • blackcurrant - 30 grams,
  • strawberries (large) - 5-7 pcs.,
  • raspberries - 15-17 pcs.,
  • cherry (pitted) - 5-10 pcs.,
  • sugar (or honey) - to taste.

Berry smoothie with kefir - recipe

Pour kefir into the bowl in which you are going to prepare smoothies using a blender, or into a grinder.

Pour clean blackcurrants into the chopper.

Wash the cranberries and put them in a bowl.

Wash the strawberries, remove the stems and place in a bowl.

Put in a bowl and fresh raspberries.

Peel the cherries, wash and put in a bowl.

Pour in sugar to taste. You can replace it with honey if you like this taste, but it should be liquid and of high quality.

Cover the chopper with a special lid and turn on the device for 1-2 minutes. You should get a homogeneous mass. If this does not happen, then turn on the device for another 1 minute. Pour the finished drink into glasses and serve. Depending on who the drink is for, you can put a few cubes berry ice or ordinary. If the drink is for children, then serve without ice.

A smoothie is a drink with a thick consistency that is made very simply by mixing berries, fruits with milk or juice. This dessert is far from being a novelty in Russia, only its name is unusual: after all, with the advent of mixers, everyone used to cook delicious treat from available products.

The main "chip" of a smoothie is to thoroughly beat the ingredients and make it as healthy as possible.

fruit smoothie

Therefore, in the dishes adherents healthy eating often add not only delicious food- honey, sugar, chocolate, jam, ice cream, nuts, but they are also made from dietary components - vegetables, herbs, herbs, spices, natural yogurt, muesli. To create a refreshing drink in the summer heat, adding ice after preparation will help.

An incredible number of varieties of smoothies are the result of the experiments of the chefs of the most fashionable restaurants. The delicacy is served not only in vegetarian cafes, but also becomes part of the “image” of promoted fitness clubs: after all, what can be healthier than everything best products for the health of the body and spirit "in one bottle". Abroad, and even in large cities of Russia, there are even specialized smoothie cafes that offer so much “yummy” that your head is spinning. Fast food restaurants and ordinary supermarkets are not far behind them, however, in them one can rarely find such dietary “exotics” as celery, broccoli and spinach smoothies. These sellers make the main "emphasis" on the great taste and low price of the drink.

The smoothie mania began in California in the 1930s. The first recipes were based on bananas and pineapples. Later, the culinary passions of American housewives made it possible to diversify the drink, and the trend reached Europe and Russia.

Useful properties and advantages of smoothies

The popularity of the drink is very high and is easily explained by the following facts:

  • Smoothies made from sweet foods are delicious. It is not surprising, because fruits, berries, nuts, syrups, juices and dairy foods are themselves consumed with pleasure by both adults and children. If you mix the ingredients, you can get a "mix" with a unique taste and aroma.
  • The drink can be prepared at home from available products. In addition, the passion for smoothie cooking gives a wide scope for imagination.
  • To make a smoothie healthy, you just need to refuse the addition of sugar and enrich the drink. natural juice, yogurt, green tea, decoctions of herbs, spices, etc. It is so simple!
  • The benefits of smoothies are undeniable: for the manufacture of the drink, mainly fresh products of plant origin are used, which retain all the vitamins, alimentary fiber, minerals.
  • A huge amount of antioxidants makes the drink also healing: it will help to cope with many diseases and becomes an excellent prevention.
  • Smoothies are much healthier than juice due to the fact that all the pulp of fruits and vegetables remains in it, therefore, there are more healing components and vegetable fiber. Therefore, to improve digestion and cleanse the intestines with a drink is not a problem.
  • With smoothies it is easy to survive even Great Lent: a variety of tastes of vegetables and fruits will help to avoid stress and breakdown. A particular attraction for vegetarians is the ability to include soy products, such as tofu or soy cream, in the dish.
  • It is not for nothing that the drink is included in the fitness menu: it gives a lot of energy, reinforcing athletes during and after training, while not creating a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • And most importantly for modern women: the smoothie diet has every chance of becoming one of the most delicious, healthy, balanced and effective for weight loss. After consuming the drink, the body will not experience hunger for a long time, so it is great for fighting extra pounds. In addition, the inclusion in the composition of milk and fermented milk productsa good option enrich the menu with protein food.

How to eat on a smoothie diet?

The basic principle of nutrition- replace harmful, fatty, high-calorie food for proteins and healthy carbohydrates.

That is, in addition to smoothies, the diet must contain fish and meat dishes. Due to the fact that there is no salt in the smoothie, the stagnation of fluid in the body gradually decreases, cellulite disappears. Small portions, but their frequent consumption leads to the formation correct mode nutrition, so the intestines begin to work, "like a clock."

In the absence of contraindications, with the help of such a diet, you can lose weight by 1-1.5 kg. a week or more. Nevertheless, it is recommended to eat ordinary food at least once a day - for example, steamed vegetables, cereals, whole wheat bread and don't forget about vegetable oils cold pressed. If it is not possible to prepare a fresh drink regularly, you can eat it only for breakfast and dinner: the results will still please!

Smoothie recipes on kefir

There is nothing easier than making kefir-based slimming smoothies.

You need to take 400 ml. low-fat kefir and any suitable fruits or berries. After beating with a blender for 10-15 seconds, other ingredients can be added to the drink to taste, for example, nuts, honey. Practitioners of bowel cleansing are advised to pour a spoonful of bran or dry vegetable fiber, wait until it is "steamed" and drink.

The easiest way to make smoothies is from kefir and banana. Due to the increased calorie content of this fruit, it is better to drink the drink as a full-fledged snack (for example, for breakfast or afternoon snack). For 400 ml. kefir is enough one fragrant ripe banana. If desired, you can add ice to the smoothie, making it fresh and cooling. If the drink is prepared for breakfast, it will not be superfluous to add a handful of oatmeal flakes or muesli to it.

There are also drinks that are less palatable, but no poorer in composition and benefits for weight loss: drinks based on kefir and vegetables. For example, celery and kefir smoothies:

  • a glass of chopped celery;
  • 300 ml. kefir.

Blend the ingredients in a blender until a puree is obtained. You can pre-grind celery to gruel, and then combine it with kefir. If the drink seems completely "unfit" for consumption, it is not forbidden to add a little honey or fruit syrup to it.

Vegetable Smoothie Recipes

Most popular recipes making smoothies based on vegetables and herbs:

  1. "Green Cocktail". Take the greens of dill, basil, parsley, cilantro (in total - the middle bunch) and peel it from the stems. Combine the ingredients with 100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese and 150 ml. milk, half a diced cucumber. Beat everything in a mixer until smooth, homogeneous mass.
  2. "Green smoothie", or "Zelenka". You will need 1 large cucumber, half a peeled lime, a spoonful of honey, a couple of mint leaves. Mix in a blender and enjoy great fresh taste!
  3. Fruit and vegetable smoothie. In this refined and interesting recipe 1 carrot and 4 broccoli florets (finely chopped) are used, as well as 1 apple, 80 gr. spinach and 250 ml. orange juice. First, everything is crushed with a blender solid ingredients, then the mass is mixed with juice and whipped until smooth.
  4. Apple and lettuce smoothie. Prepare a drink according to standard technology, including 400 ml. mineral water, 1 tsp honey, half an apple and 4 lettuce leaves. You can "dilute" the vegetable mix not with mineral water, but with natural yogurt.

Delicious smoothie recipes for weight loss and more

You can pamper yourself with a variety of tastes, aromas and colors by preparing such simple dishes:

It must be remembered that it is still not worth abusing such food: if there is no work left for the teeth, they can get sick. The same applies to the stomach, so everything is good in moderation!

If you make a smoothie in a blender for weight loss using available vegetables and fruits, then you will get delicious hearty meal, which will help not only to throw off excess weight but also to improve the body. The benefits of smoothies for weight loss:

  1. Good job digestive system. Kefir is a valuable source of beneficial bacteria that help the intestines to function normally. Smoothie on kefir does not leave a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. The presence of dietary fiber in vegetables and fruits is an additional reason to pay attention to this drink.
  2. Enrichment of the body with vitamins and minerals. The addition of vegetables or fruits to smoothies, the absence of sugar make this dish a real storehouse. useful substances.
  3. Body cleansing. Smoothies are a source of antioxidants, substances that counter the action of free radicals and toxins that negatively affect health.
  4. Variety of flavors. Smoothies can be made with any vegetables or fruits you have on hand. Depending on the “filling”, you will get either a main course, a snack or a dessert. You can also make a drink with the addition of milk.
  5. Adjustment to the characteristics of the body. Thanks to a large selection of products, this dish can be prepared, starting from the individual problems of the body. Want to improve your eyesight and lose weight at the same time? Smoothie on kefir with carrots is what you need.
  6. Ease of preparation. Just a few actions with a knife, pressing the blender button and the drink is ready.

Smoothie recipes on kefir for weight loss

Smoothie making is fun. You never know what taste will come out after mixing an apple, pineapple or tomato with broccoli and herbs. Experiment, fantasize, but do not forget about a beautiful presentation. Sweet versions of the drink are recommended to be served in glasses or tall glasses with strung fruit slices or a straw. For thicker smoothies for weight loss, take creamers. Vegetable purees can be garnished with green onion stalks, parsley leaves, tomato slices.

Smoothie with banana and kefir

This classic version diet drink with the addition of a small amount of nuts. As the latter, it is better to use almonds, walnuts, cashews. The calorie content of such a smoothie for weight loss is 70 kcal per 100 grams of food. Such a healthy drink is perfect for a snack for the whole family.


  • banana - 0.5 pcs.;
  • strawberries - 2-3 berries;
  • kefir - 150 ml;
  • chopped nuts - a small handful.

Cooking method:

  1. In a blender glass, load the pulp of half a banana, cut into pieces.
  2. Pour in a fermented milk drink and add finely chopped nuts with strawberries.
  3. Puree everything with a blender and pour into a tall glass.

With vegetables

For smoothies, you can use not only fresh or frozen fruits. This drink can also be made with vegetables. It can be broccoli, cucumber, carrot, Bell pepper. Don't forget herbs and spices. Delicate taste fermented milk drink will dilute the broccoli and bell pepper. Aroma vegetable puree, whose calorie content is 38 kcal / 100 g, will add dried spices, for example, " Italian herbs».


  • kefir - 150 ml;
  • bell pepper - 50 g;
  • broccoli - 50 g;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil broccoli and bell pepper until half cooked. Cool down.
  2. Remove the skin from the pepper.
  3. Cut vegetables into pieces.
  4. Pour in kefir and add spices to your taste.
  5. Shake and pour the resulting smoothie into a bowl.

Connoisseurs of dairy products will like the following smoothie option. It does not contain fruits and vegetables, but there are a lot of other delicious additions. Honey will make the drink sweet, lemon zest will give freshness, and vanilla will ennoble it. As with kefir, use the low-fat version of milk. The calorie content of such a snack is 45 kcal / 100 g.


  • kefir - 100 ml;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • lemon zest - to taste;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • vanilla sugar- one sachet.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour kefir and milk into a glass.
  2. Add a little lemon zest, honey, vanilla to the mixture.
  3. Shake with a blender and pour into a glass.

Fruit and vegetable smoothie

Slimming cocktail can be prepared with both vegetables and fruits in one glass. Remember vitamin salad from childhood, consisting of a grated apple and carrots. You can pre-bake the apple, and boil the carrots until half cooked. So a fruit and vegetable smoothie for weight loss with a calorie content of 40 kcal / 100 g will be more tender. Sesame seeds will give extra vitality and energy.


  • kefir - 150 ml;
  • apple - 0.5 pcs.;
  • carrots - 0.5 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - to taste;
  • sesame seeds - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Take half an apple, remove the seeds and peel. Chop into pieces.
  2. Peel the carrots. Cut into rings.
  3. Grind sesame seeds in a coffee grinder.
  4. Put everything in a blender glass, fill with fermented milk drink, add cinnamon. Shake and pour into a serving glass.

with cranberries

Berry has big amount beneficial vitamins, therefore, slimming smoothies with cranberries are recommended for those who want to strengthen their immunity and fill the body with vitamins and minerals. These berries are rarely found in fresh, but more often they are sold frozen. The calorie content of this drink is 55-60 kcal / 100 g.


  • kefir - 150 ml;
  • cranberries - 6-7 berries;
  • blueberries - 3-4 berries;
  • honey - 1 teaspoon;
  • fruit yogurt- 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the berries into a blender glass.
  2. Fill them with kefir.
  3. Add honey and fruit yogurt.
  4. Blend everything into a puree and pour into a glass.

With oranges

A sweet citrus fruit makes for a delicious smoothie, but the dessert might not be thick enough. To give a drink with a juicy orange the necessary consistency, nutritionists and chefs advise adding a little cottage cheese or a slice of banana to the dish. This recipe uses cottage cheese. The calorie content of a drink for weight loss with oranges is 60 kcal per 100 grams of food.


  • kefir - 150 ml;
  • cottage cheese - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • dry ginger - 0.5 tsp;
  • orange - 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Take the pulp of an orange, cut into large pieces, put on the bottom of the glass from under the blender.
  2. Pour in a fermented milk drink, add cottage cheese and ginger.
  3. Puree everything and pour the finished smoothie into a glass.

with apricots

Apricot pulp is very tender and sweet. This perfect option for a delicious smoothie for weight loss with a low calorie content (45 kcal / 100 g). You can add other fruits to the cocktail, for example, banana, melon, cherry, lingonberry. Apricot pairs well with peach. This dessert is perfect for a summer snack.


  • kefir - 150 ml;
  • apricots - 3 pcs.;
  • peach - 0.5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Place apricot pulp and half a peach, cut into several pieces, in the bottom of a blender glass.
  2. Pour fruit with kefir, beat with a blender.
  3. Pour the mixture into a serving glass.

with hercules

Cereals adjust the work of the intestines in the right way, give strength, energy. From cereals you can get a delicious smoothie for weight loss on kefir with the addition of a small amount of honey, raisins, sweet dried apricots. The calorie content of such a treat will be 70 kcal / 100 g. This great option for a delicious and nutritious breakfast.


  • kefir - 150 ml;
  • cottage cheese - 30 g;
  • Hercules - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • raisins - a small handful;
  • dried apricots - 3 pcs.;
  • honey - 2 teaspoons.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour in oatmeal a small amount boiling water.
  2. Cut the dried apricots into pieces. Put the raisins to steam in hot water to keep it soft.
  3. Mix everything with cottage cheese and honey in a glass. Pour in kefir, whisk.
  4. Pour over ready mix into a serving glass.

with grapefruit

Grapefruit lovers with a bittersweet taste will love this recipe. In addition to this fruit, the dish contains tangerine and pear. You can diversify smoothies with other delicious exotic fruits, such as kiwi. Such a dish will help to lose weight - the calorie content of the drink is only 40 kcal / 100 g.


  • kefir - 150 ml;
  • grapefruit - the third part;
  • pear - the third part;
  • tangerine - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the pulp of grapefruit and pear into large pieces, and tangerine into slices.
  2. Put citrus fruit into the blender container. Fill with kefir.
  3. Puree everything and strain into a tall glass or glass.

With tomatoes and herbs

Smoothie with tomatoes and greens - a nutritious drink will not only help you get rid of unnecessary kilograms, but also saturate the body with vitamins and other beneficial substances due to the abundance of greens in the composition. The calorie content of such vegetable drink for weight loss is only 35 kcal / 100 g.


  • kefir - 150 ml;
  • tomato - 0.5 pcs.;
  • basil - a few branches;
  • parsley - a few branches;
  • dill - several branches;
  • salt - a small pinch;

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the tomato into slices, put in a glass for a blender.
  2. Add chopped greens to the tomato, salt.
  3. Fill with kefir.
  4. Puree everything with a blender, pour into a glass for serving.

With spinach and avocado

When choosing lettuce leaves for smoothies, pay attention to the color and density of green leaves. Spinach spoils quickly, but it loses its vitamins and minerals faster. For the consistency of a spinach cocktail, it is recommended to add a little avocado. The drink is ideal for a snack when losing weight, the calorie content of which is 55 kcal per 100 g.


  • kefir - 150 ml;
  • spinach - 50 g;
  • avocado - one third.

Cooking method:

  1. Coarsely chop the spinach leaves.
  2. Cut the avocado into cubes.
  3. Load everything into a blender container, pour kefir.
  4. Puree.
  5. Pour the finished smoothie into a glass.


Kefir is fermented milk drink which are made from cow's milk by alcoholic and sour-milk fermentation with kefir fungi. This drink is extremely popular in our area. Kefir is very useful, therefore it is an integral part of the diet of all people who adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Today we will talk about smoothie recipes with kefir, with other dairy products! And, as a bonus, smoothie recipes with milk, which is not milk at all!

Thanks to kefir, you can restore the natural balance of the body. Smoothie on kefir contains many beneficial microorganisms and trace elements, vitamins and proteins. Kefir is able to quickly normalize metabolism. This is very important, because metabolic disorders are always the cause of unpleasant diseases. As a rule, metabolism is disturbed due to malnutrition, lack of sleep, and a sedentary lifestyle. Violations of this process can be seen in several ways:

  • constant feeling of fatigue;
  • excess weight;
  • bleeding gums;
  • dry skin.

A healthy and balanced diet will help to correct the situation. Despite the abundance useful properties, you should not consider smoothies prepared on kefir as a panacea for all diseases. The body needs a daily supply of certain nutrients that are found in various foods.

Kefir and cottage cheese smoothies will be extremely useful for athletes, because these drinks have a good effect on the muscular system. Also, smoothies from fresh kefir have a beneficial effect on the body when diabetes. With dysbacteriosis, kefir will kill harmful bacteria and restore the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. With this disease, it is better to drink it before meals and in small quantities.

Delicious kefir smoothie recipes

Smoothie with kefir and banana


  • Kefir - 250 g
  • Cookies - 2 pcs.
  • Bananas - 0.5 pcs.
  • Honey - 1 tsp


  1. Banana peel and cut. Crumble cookies;
  2. Mix all the ingredients in a blender and enjoy an excellent smoothie of sweets and kefir.

Smoothies with milk and kefir


  • Kefir - 1 glass;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Pears - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Almond flakes - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Grind almond flakes in a blender;
  2. Peel the pears and cut into small pieces;
  3. In a blender, mix all the ingredients and cool the drink;
  4. Can add walnut or cinnamon.

Milk Smoothie Recipes

Smoothie with cottage cheese


  • Curd - 70 g
  • Orange - 0.5 pcs.
  • Banana - 1 pc.


  1. Peel the orange from the zest and thin peel, remove the seeds;
  2. Banana peeled and chopped;
  3. Blend the orange with the banana and cottage cheese in a blender. Cottage cheese smoothie is very satisfying, so it can be used as a breakfast.

ice cream smoothie recipe


  • Ice cream - 2 cups;
  • Kiwi - 4 pcs.
  • Banana - 3 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp


  1. To make a vanilla ice cream smoothie, you need to cut all the fruits into pieces;
  2. Place the kiwi in a blender and beat for a few seconds. After that, decompose the mass into bowls;
  3. Next, grind bananas with cinnamon in a blender and spread over kiwi;
  4. Put a fragrant milk ice cream on top of the fruit.

Easy yogurt smoothie recipe


  • Low-fat yogurt - 500 ml;
  • Milk 1% - 1.5 cups;
  • Banana - 2 pcs.
  • Nutmeg (ground) - a pinch;
  • Cinnamon - a pinch.


  1. This yogurt smoothie takes just five minutes to prepare. To do this, you need to peel and cut bananas, then send them to the freezer;
  2. In a blender, beat all the ingredients and pour into tall glasses;
  3. Garnish cocktails with mint leaves and banana slices.

Smoothie with nut milk

Smoothie with almond milk and dried fruit


  • Almond milk - 2 cups;
  • Dark raisins - 0.5 cups;
  • Dried apricots - 0.5 cups;
  • Oatmeal - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Dried fruits in raw form are not suitable for this drink, so they must be washed and poured with hot water;
  2. After the dried fruits become soft, throw them into a blender and mix with almond milk, flakes and honey;
  3. Cool cocktails and pour into tall glasses.

coconut milk smoothie recipe


  • Coconut milk - 0.5 cups;
  • Condensed milk - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Vanillin - 0.5 tsp.
  • Ice - 1 glass


  1. Avocado is used raw. It must be divided into two halves and the bone removed;
  2. All ingredients along with coconut milk mix in a blender until smooth.