How to bake a duck so that it is juicy. Fragrant duck in orange sauce in the oven

If you only have a frozen carcass, then you don’t have to choose. You need to defrost the carcass according to all the rules so that in the end the finished dish does not disappoint you. First put the frozen carcass in the refrigerator, maybe even overnight, then take it out and complete the defrosting process at room temperature. Rinse the prepared duck with running water and dry it by wiping it with a towel or paper napkins.

Prepare the filling and spices:

Before baking the duck in the oven, you need to rub the prepared carcass with crushed garlic cloves, salt, and spices. You can brush it with liquid honey and sprinkle with lemon juice, as in one of our recipes. It will be better if the duck is marinated in this form for several hours or even overnight. Pre-marinated duck will taste different from the one you baked right away. But in any case it will turn out delicious, if you don’t have time to wait, don’t worry that the dish won’t turn out.

It is known that duck is a fatty bird; most of the fat is in its skin. So that it melts and the skin contains only connective tissue, we suggest making shallow cuts on the breast. The skin will become thin and crispy, and the rendered duck fat can then simply be drained off.

Apples need to be washed and cut into slices. It is better to remove the core with seeds. A couple of fruits can be left whole and baked for decoration.

Place the apples in the duck with a bunch of herbs on them. If desired, you can fasten the edges of the abdomen in any convenient way (threads, toothpicks). Our step by step photo The recipe skips this point.

Place the duck in the roasting sleeve and tie the edges of the sleeve at both ends. You can bake the bird not only in a sleeve, but also in a special bag for roasting chicken; the material is identical. But if the duck is large (long), then you may need two sleeves (if they are short). In this case, there is no need to fix the edges of the sleeves, just stretch the bags with a stocking from different sides, overlapping.

Don't forget to make holes in the bag or sleeve for steam to escape. It is better to make them on top so that the fat and duck juices remain inside and do not burn in the oven during baking.

If apples and duck are a familiar combination, then oranges can add an oriental taste and aroma to this dish. So, stuffed duck can also be cooked with citrus fruits.

We will cut one orange into thin rings and bake it in the oven on the lower tier. Makes beautiful orange chips that can be used for decoration and serving. ready-made dish.

The duck with apples in the sleeve is baked in a well-heated oven for at least 90 minutes at a temperature oven 180-200 degrees.

In order for the finished duck to acquire an appetizing ruddy skin tone, the sleeve must be cut 15 minutes before the end of baking - the crust will become a rich color, closer to light brown.

I didn’t do this today, the color was just right and the crust was tender.

As described above, the fat can be easily skimmed off and your pan will remain clean.

Remove the apples from the carcass and use them as a side dish or an addition to it.

Duck baked with apples in the oven

If you decide to bake the duck in the oven in a regular baking dish, then in this case there are very few differences in the cooking scheme. For stuffing duck, it is advisable to take apples that are sour or sweet and sour, with firm flesh. “Simirenko” or “Antonovka” will do. Rinse the fruits thoroughly and cut off the peel if desired. Then remove the seed pod by cutting the apple into several segments. After this, chop the apples into thin slices or cubes. To prevent apples from oxidizing in the open air, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice.

Next you need to prepare the duck carcass. Take a suitable deep dish - a bowl or pan. Peel the garlic and pass through a press. Make a mixture for rubbing the carcass - combine vegetable oil, salt, spices and crushed garlic. Rub the resulting mixture thoroughly onto the duck. The ends of the wings can be trimmed and removed for noodles with giblets.

Now stuff the bird with apple pieces. After the last piece of apple is placed in the duck, the edges can be fixed - sewn or fastened with toothpicks. You can make cuts on the sides of the duck and place the wings there - this way the bird will retain its original shape during the baking process.

Place the duck, ready for baking, in the pan, breast side up. Add water to the mold. If you have any apples left, place them right there around the bird. Place the contents in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake for 15 minutes on the lower or middle tier. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake the duck for another 1.5 hours - the bird will acquire an appetizing golden brown crust.

Checking the readiness of meat traditional way pierced with a knife. The appearance of transparent fat indicates that the meat is ready. If fat with a pinkish tint is released, this indicates that the duck is not ready yet and it is too early to take it out of the oven. There is no danger of ending up with over-dried meat, since apples contain quite a lot of liquid. But if the apples around the duck start to burn, you need to immediately add a little water.

The finished stuffed duck should be carefully transferred to a plate and the toothpicks (threads) removed. It is better not to eat pieces of apples that were baked near the carcass, as they have absorbed fat.

Usually a whole carcass is prepared specifically for festive table, and on weekdays you can cut up the duck and fry or stew it with gravy.

If the holidays are approaching, it’s better to choose in advance what filling to choose for stuffed duck. Besides classical methods, you can stuff your belly with porridge, vegetables (with stewed sauerkraut it will be very tasty), dried apricots and prunes, oranges and quince. The filling is usually consumed together with meat.

If you are worried that the finished bird may not have a very pleasant taste or smell, then play it safe and marinate the bird several hours before stuffing and baking. Don't forget to cut off the tail and then marinate the duck in lemon juice, vinegar, wine, herbs and spices. Duck meat becomes more tender and flavorful.

Experienced housewives recommend boiling the duck for about 20 minutes before baking - the duck should be half cooked. Then, during baking, you need to periodically pour broth over it. This tactic will allow the poultry meat to simply “fall away” from the bones at the first touch. Needless to say, you have hardly tasted juicier and more flavorful meat. Experiment with marinades, ingredients for spreading the carcass and stuffing and you will certainly find out which recipe is ideal for you.

Another baking option is in dough.

How to cook duck in dough

If you want to complicate your task and at the same time surprise your guests and family, bake a duck stuffed with something in dough. Fragrant, fragrant bread soaked in duck fat will not leave anyone indifferent.

I won't repeat myself

Best regards, Anyuta.

Step 1: prepare the duck.

First of all, you need to prepare the duck well for the cooking process! First, put a deep saucepan filled with purified water on high heat. Add salt and bring the liquid to a boil.

Then we take the bird carcass, rinse it thoroughly inside and outside under cold running water and dry it with paper towels. kitchen towels. After this, place the duck on a cutting board, trim off excess fat, use tweezers to pull out the remaining feathers from the skin, rinse again, dry and place in a deep bowl.

When the liquid in the pan boils, reduce the temperature of the stove to a medium level, carefully lower the duck carcass into the pan so that it is completely immersed in water, and boil it 3 minutes.

Next, using a slotted spoon, transfer the bird back into a bowl or deep colander, wipe it dry with a waffle towel and leave it in this form to cool for 30 – 35 minutes. This process is necessary so that the pores on the duck skin close and the meat does not release juice during baking.

Step 2: bake the duck - stage one.

While the bird is cooling, preheat the oven up to 150 degrees Celsius and cover a non-stick baking sheet with a sheet of aluminum food foil.

After 30 - 35 minutes, we often prick the duck skin with a sharp toothpick, paying special attention to places where there is a lot of subcutaneous fat: legs, breast and back.

Then we transfer the bird to a metal grill (breast side down), place it on the bottom of the prepared baking sheet and place the resulting structure in a preheated oven on 1 hour 30 minutes.

After the required time has passed, increase the oven temperature to 170 degrees Celsius, turn the duck on its back and leave it to bake 1 hour 10 minutes.

After this we raise the temperature again up to 190 degrees Celsius, carefully move the bird to the middle rack and cook it some more 25 minutes, periodically pouring over the juice that has accumulated at the bottom of the pan.

Step 3: prepare the marinade.

After 3 hours of intensive baking, you can start preparing the marinade. Place in a small bowl required quantity honey

Pour in sherry vinegar or dry white wine.

Add salt and potato starch.

Add finely grated ginger root.

And using a wooden kitchen spatula, thoroughly mix these ingredients until homogeneous consistency– the marinade is ready!

Step 4: bring the duck to full readiness.

Now open the oven, use a baking brush to coat the surface of the bird on all sides with marinade and bake it 5 minutes.

We repeat this process three more times., each time carefully turning the duck from side to side and applying the aromatic honey mixture to it.

Step 5: Serve the baked duck with a crispy crust.

Roasted duck with a crispy crust and served hot. It is served on a large flat dish, pre-decorated if desired. fresh vegetables or fruit. This dish can be served as a side dish mashed potatoes, salads, porridges from various cereals, as well as boiled or steamed rice. Enjoy!
Bon appetit!

The juice that has accumulated at the bottom of the baking sheet can be poured over the duck or side dish;

The marinade can be supplemented with two types of pepper: black and allspice;

Instead of a baking sheet, you can use a heat-resistant or non-stick tray;

Frozen honey must be melted in a water bath or in microwave oven until liquid consistency.

Duck meat is rich in vitamins and microelements. This meat is very healthy for human body, and a deliciously cooked duck will decorate any holiday table. This article will answer the question of how to cook duck in the oven so that it is soft and juicy.

Duck fat - required product, which helps a person improve metabolism, complexion and visual function of the eyes. In addition, the acids contained in duck meat have a positive effect on male potency and improve metabolism. Duck meat helps with anemia, and if you consume duck meat with lettuce leaves, then useful material will be quickly absorbed, and fats will not accumulate in the body.

Duck meat is fatty and makes it harder for the body to digest. This applies to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in the body healthy person Duck meat is easily digestible.

How to choose duck meat

In supermarkets, duck meat is sold mainly from foreign producers, so to buy locally produced duck you will have to go to the market.

The duck should have elastic skin, a shiny yellowish surface without a sticky layer. The meat should have a bright red color. The duck should not be too thin.

Fresh meat will quickly restore its former position when pressed; the fat of the duck should be transparent, this will be evidence that the duck is young. An old duck has a specific smell.

Duck meat can be fried, stewed, boiled, or salted. The main thing is not to abuse this fairly high-calorie product.

How to cook duck in the oven so that it is soft

Duck often turns out tough or dry when cooked; to avoid this you need to know a few secrets of cooking such meat.

Duck can be baked in the oven in pieces or whole. Duck cooked whole is considered a more festive dish. It's great to cook for family holidays. This cooking takes longer than cooking cut meat.

If the duck is baked whole, they try to improve its taste with berries, fruits, spices and various marinades.

Whole duck with apples in the oven


duck carcass;

spices to taste (turmeric, rosemary, oregano, pepper, salt)

vegetable oil.

The duck carcass is washed and wiped with napkins. Salt is mixed with spices. Rub the resulting mixture onto the duck inside and out. Next, the duck is stuffed with chopped apples and nuts. The next step is to sew the bird up, grease it with vegetable oil and rub it with turmeric. This composition will make the crust golden. The duck should be placed in a deep baking tray and baked in the oven. The main thing is not to overcook the meat, otherwise it will lose its juiciness and become tough. The average roasting time for poultry should be 1.5 – 2 hours. You need to check readiness with a knife. If, after piercing the thickest part, you can see clear duck juice flowing out and the surface of the duck has a golden hue, then we can talk about the duck being ready. It is also worth focusing on the power of the oven and the size of the bird.

How to marinate duck for roasting in the oven

Juicy duck in citrus marinade

Fruit acid helps duck meat become more juicy and tender; in addition, it breaks down protein and helps the meat cook faster.

First you need to marinate the duck. To do this, it is immersed in orange juice mixed with lemon juice, or only in orange juice. The bird must be left in the juice for at least an hour, constantly pouring juice over it.

Next, spices are prepared to taste. For spices you can take black ground pepper, ginger, turmeric. You will also need to prepare honey and vegetable oil for this recipe. The quantity of products must be calculated based on the size of the bird. For a medium-sized duck, 1.5 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of oil and the juice of 3 oranges and 1 lemon will be enough.

The duck soaked in juice should be rubbed with salt, honey and spices, and the skin should be greased with oil. Game can be cooked whole or cut into portions according to this recipe. If the duck is cooked whole, it will need to be sewn up or secured with toothpicks.

You need to bake the duck in a deep dish, constantly pouring the juice that will form during the cooking process. The duck will cook according to this recipe within a few hours. The meat will be juicy with a citrus aroma shaded by spices.

This dish is a decoration for the holiday table and will especially appeal to lovers of exotic tastes.

Duck baked with vegetables

This recipe is quite satisfying and nutritious.

You need to prepare:


duck carcass;

spices to taste;

The duck is rubbed with spices mixed with salt and oil. Sliced ​​potatoes and onions with garlic small cube and sent inside the duck.

The secret to this recipe is cooking the bird in foil. It is long-term baking and foil that can make even old duck meat juicy and soft.

The fully coated and stuffed duck is wrapped in foil and placed in a deep baking pan. It takes several hours to bake a duck in the oven. For old meat you need 4-5 hours, for a young duck 2-3 is enough. You can also use two baking sheets. One will contain the duck in foil, and the other will contain water. Such a duck will be steamed, and the meat will not lose its juiciness.

Chefs' secrets on how to bake a duck

The most important rule is the marinade. It is best to marinate meat a day in advance. This is when the meat will become more tender and less stringy. The marinade can be fruit, oil and spices, honey and soy sauce. Baked piece duck meat poultry will be more tender than a duck raised in the wild.

Double marinade for such a bird is the best option preparations. First, the duck needs to be rubbed with a bite solution with water 1k 1. You need to rub this marinade several times over 4 hours, and then the meat needs to be soaked in kefir for another 4 hours. After this, the game is baked with honey, spices and fruits. Then the meat turns out tender, juicy, melting in your mouth.

How to cook wild duck

Experts in the field of hunting say that before preparing duck meat, it is worth gutting the duck, removing all signs of shot in it and leaving the duck in the cold for several days. It is this procedure that can rid meat of an unpleasant odor.

How to cook delicious wild duck

It turns out that the wild duck is not friendly with the bay leaf and big amount spices, so when preparing it it is best to use salt and pepper. A cooked piece of meat with spices may have an unpleasant odor.

A duck weighing 1.5 kg should be baked at a temperature of 240 degrees for no less than 1.5 hours. A fully prepared carcass is rubbed with salt and pepper, both inside and outside, and sent to the grill. Place a deep baking tray under the grill to catch the fat from the poultry. You need to constantly baste the meat with this fat, that’s when it will turn out juicy and tender.

You can also bake the duck in a deep pan. An hour before cooking, you can add onions and potatoes to the pan, which will be soaked in duck fat and will be tasty and nutritious.

You can serve the meat with lingonberry or cranberry jam and any desired side dish. This meat goes well with buckwheat or potatoes.

Hunters also say that in order for the wild duck to be soft, it needs to be boiled before baking. And use the broth when baking the carcass. You can serve this duck with slices of lemon and plenty of herbs.

Duck in sour cream

The duck is cut into portioned pieces and fried in a frying pan until golden crust in butter. After this, the game needs to be put in a duck pot, filled with water and added 500 grams of sour cream. Onions are added to the duck, after which the bird is stewed over low heat for at least 2 hours. Cooking time will depend on the age of the duck and the size of the pieces. Don't forget to salt and pepper the meat. You can add spices if desired.

When stewing poultry, you can also add smoked prunes. This dry fruit will make the meat taste richer and more aromatic.

To make the duck according to this recipe more tender, you can pre-marinate it using vinegar and kefir.

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Once you have purchased fresh game, it should be prepared for cooking. Remove internal fat and cut off any excess. If there are hairs on the duck, singe them over the fire. Then rinse the carcass thoroughly under running water. That's all, the duck is ready to cook. The baked duckling will be very tasty.

We will show you how to cook duck, and to make it soft and juicy in the oven, use our tips. Below we will provide some of the most popular ways to cook duck. Now study a few useful tips for a good start.

Experienced masters share their secrets with novice cooks. Read their tips before you start cooking.

1. Try to choose a young specimen for cooking and bake it whole in the oven, then the meat will turn out soft and not too fatty. It is advisable to buy a duck that weighs about 2.5 kilograms.
2. In order to add juiciness to the dish, you should stuff it with fruits, rice or mushrooms.
3. Delicious aroma will help remove the natural duck odor. You need to marinate the meat for about 3 hours. When cutting, the rump is removed.
4. If you have frozen meat, then you should defrost it slowly naturally. You cannot use the microwave.
5. Don't know how to cook wild duck? A special baking sleeve or foil will help you. As the fat renders, they should pour it over the top of the meat so that the top does not remain dry. If you want to get golden brown meat, cut off the top layer of foil half an hour before cooking.
6. When placing the duck on the grill, do not forget to put something underneath, otherwise all the fat will drain off.
7. It is allowed to pre-boil the duck. This way you will be on the safe side and the meat will not be raw inside.

Delicious marinades

The duck can be oiled traditionally. That is, coat the carcass with mayonnaise mixed with store-bought seasoning. But there are several recipes for popular marinades that you can easily prepare yourself. Now we will tell you how to bake a duck and give it an unusual taste.

The marinade can be prepared from:

Sour cream, yolk, pepper, garlic and salt;
curry seasonings, olive oil, ginger, garlic, lemon juice and salt;
mayonnaise, garlic, mustard, pepper, vodka and salt;
white wine, liquid honey, lemon juice, soy sauce, garlic and salt;
citrus juice, liquid honey, white wine, soy sauce, chili pepper, garlic and salt.

As you can see, the main components in everything remain garlic and salt, all other ingredients change. You can experiment and discover your own recipe marinade

Various options for preparing delicious duck

Well, let's move from words to actions?! Now you know how to marinate a duck for roasting in the oven. All that remains is to find out how to cook a wild duck or a farm carcass in the oven. This is what we will deal with now.

Traditional recipe

Now we will tell you how to bake a duck in the oven according to classic recipe. Prepare this dish for dinner, and no one in your family will remain indifferent.

Required Products:

Duck (2.5 kilograms);
ginger (30 grams);
lemon (1 piece);
May honey (large spoon);
rock salt(small spoon);
Semerenko variety apples (2 pieces);
vegetable oil (2 large spoons);
soy sauce(3 large spoons);
pepper to taste.


The first step is to prepare the carcass. Now you know how it's done. After processing, be sure to dry the duck with kitchen paper towels. Rub the carcass with salt and pepper. Place the duck in a cup and place in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Peel the ginger and grate it on a fine grater. In a separate bowl, mix it with soy sauce, oil and May honey. Mix everything well. Add some lemon juice there. That's it, the marinade is ready. This is what allows you to get soft and juicy meat. Lubricate the entire carcass inside and out with the prepared mixture.

Now start preparing the apples. Choose fruits with a slight sourness. They must be firm, otherwise they will simply fall apart in the oven. Cut the apples into quarters and stuff the duck with them.

The hole must be covered with hanging skin and secured with a toothpick. Then cook as you like. You can simply place the duck on a baking sheet, or put it in a sleeve or foil. If there are any apples left, place them around the bird.

Send the duck to bake. 15 minutes before cooking, remove the foil or open the sleeve slightly to allow the duck to brown a little. The finished duck can be brought to the table. If desired, cut it into portions. You can serve the carcass with a side dish. Potatoes go well with duck.

Cooking duck in the sleeve

If you want to get not only soft, but also juicy meat, it is better to cook it in a sleeve. Let's start cooking.

Required Products:

Duck (2.5 kilograms);
green apples (5-6 pieces, medium);
favorite dried fruits (310 grams);
lemon (1 piece);
May honey (2 large spoons);
soy sauce (large spoon);
favorite marinade (155 grams);
butter(large spoon).


Prepare and marinate the duck according to your favorite recipe. Be sure to make cuts. Rub the carcass with marinade not only from the outside, but also from the inside. Let's start preparing the filling. Wash the apples thoroughly and remove the core. Cut the fruit into quarters. Soak dried fruits in water for half an hour.

Grate half a lemon along with the zest using a grater with small holes. Transfer the finished shavings to the apples. Add dried fruits there. Add liquid honey and mix everything well.

Stuff the prepared mixture onto the duck, cover the hole with a hanging skin and secure with a toothpick. If desired, the joint can be sewn up.

Now you should cook special sauce to add juiciness to the dish. Take half of the grated lemon, a spoonful of liquid honey, melted butter and soy sauce. Rub the prepared mixture over the entire surface of the duck and place it in the sleeve. Tie it and place it on a baking sheet.

Roast the duck for about an hour. Then turn the carcass over and pierce the entire back with a fork. Ultimately, after 1.5 hours, your duck will be ready. If red juice comes out, the meat is not cooked yet. Wait for clear liquid. Serve to the table, decorating the dish. You can prepare it using the same recipe.

Roast duck with mushrooms

You can cook a very tasty baked duck with mushrooms. If few people eat apples after baking, then the mushrooms will simply fly apart. Let's try.

Required Products:

Duck (2 kilograms);
champignon mushrooms (310 grams);
potatoes (500 grams);
onion (155 grams);
salt and black pepper to taste.


First, peel and rinse the onion. Grind it into small cubes. Rinse the mushrooms under running water. Cut them into thin slices.

Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes. Then the chopped onion needs to be fried in oil in a frying pan. Add mushrooms there too. Add salt to taste and continue frying for another 5 minutes.

Then combine the mushrooms and onions with the potatoes. Taste, if there is not enough salt, add and pepper. Continue frying until done.

Prepare the carcass and wash it. Dry with a paper towel and stuff with the prepared mixture. Sew up the hole and place the duck in a special roasting sleeve. Place it on a baking sheet and bake. After 2 hours the duck should be cooked.

Cooking Peking duck

Real Peking duck It won’t be possible to cook it, as the Chinese prepare the carcass in a special way. But according to this recipe you will cook something like a real Peking duck.

Required Products:

Duck (2.5 kilograms);
rock salt (large spoon);
white wine (110 ml);
May honey (145 grams + large spoon for sauce);
ginger (30 grams);
sesame oil (large spoon);
soy sauce (large spoon + 1 tbsp for sauce);
ground pepper (large spoon).


Tackle the duck first. If there are any hairs left, remove them over the fire. Wash the carcass thoroughly and dry with a paper towel.

Then cook delicious marinade. For this we need wine with salt. Rub the bird with these ingredients and place it on a jar, place it on a tray. Place the duck in the refrigerator overnight.

Next, remove the duck and brush it with May honey. If it is sugared, then melt the honey in a water bath. Then send the bird to a cold place for half a day. In the evening, wrap the duck in foil and bake for 2 hours. Peel the ginger root and grate it with fine holes. Mix all the ingredients needed for the sauce.

Remove the duck and remove the foil. Coat it with the prepared sauce. Cook the carcass for another 15-20 minutes. Mix honey and soy sauce. Pour the mixture over the duck and cook until golden brown. When serving, divide the carcass into portions. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top of the meat. You can decorate with greens and can serve on or any other holiday.

It is usually customary to bake a duck for the holiday. But why not make such a dish on a regular day?! Surprise your family. Now you know how to make duck juicy and tasty. It is important to choose the right carcass and marinade recipe. Exists great amount ways to cook duck in the oven. Choose any recipe you like and cook the bird in an unusual way.

Of course, a farm duck is significantly different from a hunting duck. The wild carcass turns out dry. But this can happen if cooked incorrectly. If you bake it in a sleeve with a special marinade, the duck will remain juicy and soft. If you took a bird that is too large and are afraid that it will be raw inside, then boil it first. Before you start cooking, be sure to read the rules experienced chefs, which we provided at the beginning of the article.

The recipes are so simple that even inexperienced housewives can handle cooking duck. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment. After all, the same thing gets boring over time, so sooner or later you need to learn how to cook other dishes. Enrich your knowledge with roast duck cooking skills. You will succeed, good luck!

Christmas duck baked in the oven - excellent holiday dish, which was prepared in ancient times. Just imagine how you will put a ruddy duck on the table and amaze the whole family with mouth-watering aromas. We have selected recipes according to which you can prepare this dish without sugar, honey and alcoholic drinks, With minimum quantity ingredients and original fillings.

Duck baked in the oven with lemons and pumpkin


  • duck 2–2.5 kilograms – 1 pc.
  • lemon – 2 pcs.
  • pumpkin – 600 g
  • dry thyme – 1/2 tsp.
  • Teriyaki sauce – 50 ml
  • olive oil– 2 tbsp.
  • salt and pepper - to taste

How to cook?

  1. Remove any remaining fluff from the duck, if there is any, singe it if necessary. Salt and pepper the carcass outside and inside. Place lemons cut into quarters inside the duck.
  2. Tie the duck tightly with thread. This is necessary so that the bird retains its shape and loses as little juice as possible. Place in a greased pan, breast side down.
  3. Place the duck in an oven preheated to 250 degrees for 15 minutes. Then remove and turn breast side up.
  4. Reduce the oven temperature to 170 degrees and bake until done, about 70-80 minutes. Periodically baste the duck with the fat that is rendered from it.
  5. Cut the pumpkin into large cubes, place in a bowl, add salt, thyme, olive oil and stir.
  6. 40 minutes after reducing the temperature, place the pumpkin in the mold with the duck. Place back in the oven.
  7. About 15 minutes before cooking, increase the heat again to 220 degrees and start brushing the duck with teriyaki sauce at 4-5 minute intervals.
  8. Check the duck for doneness. To do this, pierce the carcass at the junction of the thigh and the body and look at the flowing juice - it should be transparent. Remove the finished duck from the pan, cover with foil and let rest for 10–15 minutes.

Duck with apples


  • duck 2 kg – 1 pc.
  • sweet and sour apple – 4–5 pcs.
  • medium potatoes – 8 pcs.
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste

How to cook?

  1. Wash the duck and pat it dry. Season with salt and pepper inside and out.
  2. Core the apples and cut into slices.
  3. Place the apples inside the duck and sew it up or pin it with toothpicks.
  4. Tie the legs and wings of the duck tightly to the body - this will provide a more aesthetically pleasing appearance and retain more juices when baking.
  5. Place the duck in a mold, place in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake for 15 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees, add the potatoes cut into slices and bake for about 70-80 minutes.
  6. During the roasting process, constantly baste the duck with any fat that is released. The duck can be considered ready if clear juice flows from the puncture between the leg and the body.
  7. Remove the thread or toothpicks from the finished dish, remove the apples and mix them with the potatoes.

Christmas duck with orange, dried fruits and apples


  • duck 1.5 kg – 1 pc.
  • large orange – 1 pc.
  • prunes, dried apricots, dark raisins – 100 g
  • sour apple – 1 pc.
  • potatoes – 1 kg
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml
  • garlic – 2 cloves
  • black pepper – 1 tsp.
  • paprika – 1 tsp.
  • seasoning for potato dishes – 1 tsp.
  • salt – 2 tsp.

How to cook?

  1. Thaw the carcass in advance so that the duck is not too cold or not completely defrosted. Cut off all unnecessary parts (offal, neck, extreme phalanx, wings)
  2. Prepare a mixture for rubbing the duck skin and belly: mix salt, pepper and paprika, pour in a little oil, stir. Squeeze two cloves of garlic, mix well again.
  3. Rub the prepared carcass on all sides, including the abdomen and limbs. Ideally, the duck should be in this state in the cold for about a day, but if you don’t have time, soak the duck in spices for 2-3 hours.
  4. Remove the zest from the orange, chop the orange pulp coarsely. Add chopped dried fruits to the orange: prunes, dried apricots and dark sweet raisins.
  5. Cut the apple into slices, removing the seeds from the core. Mix the apple with dried fruits and add the peeled zest.
  6. Place the fruit mixture into the duck's belly. Secure the edges of the skin near the belly with toothpicks, wrap the duck's legs with foil.
  7. Peel the potatoes, cut into large pieces, mix with salt and seasoning potato dishes. Place the potatoes on the bottom of the baking sleeve. Place the duck on top of the potatoes.
  8. Tie both sides of the sleeve with clips and place the duck in an oven preheated to 200–220 degrees. Baking time at 200–220 degrees is 15–25 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for 1-2 hours, depending on the weight of the carcass. The total baking time is calculated as follows: for each kilogram of duck, 1 hour in the oven and another 30 minutes for the whole carcass.
  9. Before the end of baking, open the duck and pour fat over the breastbone.
  10. Remove the duck from the oven and let it rest.

New Year's stuffed duck


  • duck – 2 pcs.
  • salt – 3 tbsp.
  • hot paprika – 1 tbsp.
  • sweet paprika – 3 tbsp. + 2 tsp. (For filling)
  • dried garlic – 1 tbsp. + 1 tsp. (For filling)
  • rice “Amber” – 2 cups
  • water – 600 ml
  • carrots – 2 pcs.
  • prunes – 200 g
  • leeks – 100
  • zira – ½ tsp.
  • salt and herbs - to taste

How to cook?

  1. Rinse the duck and dry it. Mix salt and spices and rub the mixture all over the duck and inside.
  2. Place the duck in a roasting bag, seal the ends and leave in the refrigerator for 1 day.
  3. After a day, prepare the filling. Chop the carrots into large strips, prunes and onions into thin strips.
  4. Pour water into the multicooker, add rice, spices for the filling and salt and herbs to taste. You can cook the rice in a saucepan on the stove.
  5. Add vegetables and prunes to the rice, stir and simmer for 15–20 minutes until half cooked. The rice should still be raw, just puffed up a little.
  6. Take out the duck, open the sleeve on one side and stuff it tightly with minced meat. Secure the edges with toothpicks.
  7. Pack the duck back into the sleeve (to allow air to escape, do not close the ends too tightly). Cook in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 2.5–3 hours.
  8. 10-15 minutes before cooking, cut the top of the sleeve and brown the duck until crispy.

Duck in date sauce with rosemary


  • duck 2.5 kg – 1 pc.
  • date syrup – 4 tbsp.
  • light soy sauce – 2 tbsp.
  • tangerine – 2 pcs.
  • garlic – 5 cloves
  • Baharat spice – 1 tbsp.
  • rosemary – 3 sprigs
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste

How to cook?

  1. Wash the duck and chop into 4 parts.
  2. Mix tangerine and lemon juice, pour it over the duck and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Mix date syrup, spices, and pressed garlic in a bowl. Coat the duck with this marinade and leave it in the marinade for 1 hour.
  4. After this, place the duck and rosemary in a baking bag, close it, and make several slits at the top of the bag.
  5. Bake at 180 degrees for about 1–1.5 hours.
  6. Cut the bag and bake until done.