How to make wine from apple pomace. How to make apple cider at home

Apple wine or cider is very common among the inhabitants of Great Britain, France, Germany and Normandy. It is prepared both independently and in factories. In Russia, this drink has not received much popularity, although apple cider has a very simple homemade recipe. The fruit, on the basis of which this wine is fermented, is very accessible, as it grows in everyone's garden or vegetable garden.

Cider at home is very soft, easy to drink and with pleasure. His fortress in different countries happens different. It depends on the method of preparation and exposure of the base. But in any case, it does not take a lot of money and effort to make apple cider.

The popularity of cider is in its simple cooking. Apple cider is a drink that does not have a lot of strength, obtained from natural fermentation apples, pears or their juice. Most often, sugar is not added to the drink. It is champagne, has a golden honey color, sometimes with a greenish tinge. It has a light nectar taste, without a sharp hint of alcohol. The drink may not contain alcohol.

Different countries have different percentages fruit juice in a drink. It cannot be less than 35%, but generally contains from 50 to 90%. Homemade apple cider is made from apples. various kinds, with a rare addition of water and sugar to taste. Drink home production may have a cloudy tint, but the taste does not deteriorate in any way.

The nutritional value

Apple wine is very safe and even beneficial in moderation. Due to the fact that the main ingredient is apples, cider contains a large number of vitamin C. This is 4% percent of the total norm required by an adult organism. It contains the most carbohydrates compared to proteins and fats. In addition, cider contains many trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. The calorie content of wine is not large - about 50 kcal per 100 ml.

Despite beneficial features, do not forget that cider is alcoholic drink. In order not to harm health, it is allowed to use only in small quantities. The best option is 1-2 glasses.

How to make homemade cider?

Homemade apple cider begins with the selection and preparation of raw materials. It is important to select good, not rotten fruits. We make good cider only from quality apples. Unripe fruits should not be used. From them, the drink will be very sour and astringent. Overripe fruits lose their juiciness and are also not suitable for manufacturing. To give a piquant and multifaceted taste, cider is made from several varieties of apples.

Making this drink with your own hands is a rather long process. The raw material is crushed and infused in a closed container for several months. Only in this way the taste is rich and fully revealed. Cider can be brewed with or without sugar. In any case, you will have to be patient to wait for full readiness.


It is not difficult to guess what apple cider is made from. It consists of:

  1. Apples are the main ingredient. For the manufacture of a large volume, from 5 to 10 kilograms of ranetki or antonovka will be required.
  2. Sugar is added in the ratio of 150 grams of sand per 1 kg of fruit. Sweetening the drink is not always required. The sweeter the variety of apples, the less sugar will be needed.
  3. Water is poured in to dilute the apple juice. It is added to taste.
  4. Yeast. Most often, recipes do without them, since on the surface of the peel of apples there are elements that cause the fermentation process. naturally. But sometimes it may be necessary to add yeast to enhance the process.

An integral part of any recipe are only fruits. Other ingredients are added in exceptional cases and to taste.

Crushing of raw materials

The fruits of the fruits used are crushed before preparing the drink to almost homogeneous mass. For this, a meat grinder or a food processor is mainly used. With the widespread emergence of household appliances for crushing apples, it has become more convenient to use a blender. Regardless of the method of grinding, apples are brought to a homogeneous gruel along with seeds and peel. This mass can be used to make cider.

Cooking process

At home, we make apple cider in several stages. First, clean dishes must be doused with boiling water and dried for sterilization. After that, they are filled with crushed raw materials for 2/3 of the total volume. This space is left for the formation of foam and carbon dioxide during the fermentation process. It is best to use containers that can be closed tightly after filling with gauze or cloth.

The next step is the preparation of the wort. Bottles are left for 4 days in a warm, dark place. After this period, foam and a characteristic hiss will appear due to gas formation. After insisting, you need to filter the mass through gauze or a sieve to get rid of sediment and pour the juice into a fermentation tank. In this container, the cider will be infused until fully cooked. Put a water seal on the fermentation tank or put on a medical glove. A small hole is pierced in one of the fingers with a needle. It removes carbon dioxide and prevents oxygen from entering.

The jar, trying not to mix the sediment, is placed in a dark room with a warm room, with a temperature of about 20-27 degrees. The mixture will infuse for about 2 months. Readiness is determined by the fall of the glove and the change in color of the liquid to a lighter one.

After that, the liquid must be poured into a container of a smaller volume. It is best to use the floor liter bottles that can be closed with a cork. They need to be filled to the very neck and tightly corked. Leave to ripen for 8-10 weeks. During this time, the taste of the drink will be fully revealed.

How to make cider carbonated

Non-carbonated cider is very similar to Apple juice or wine. For the formation of gas, it is necessary to age the cider after the end of fermentation in plastic container. The bottles should leave an empty space a few centimeters high. Thanks to this cavity, the gas formed in the drink will remain.

Making cider requires creativity. It has its own subtleties and nuances, depending on which each time they get a different taste of the drink. The following tips will help you prepare it:

  • After picking, the fruits should lie down for a while in a dark place to ripen enough.
  • Before cooking, apples do not need to be thoroughly washed with water. So you can remove the natural yeast from the peel of the fruit. It is enough to wipe them with a dry cloth.
  • For achievement good taste it is better to combine sour and sweet varieties of apples. The ideal ratio is 1:2.
  • When insisting, you need to monitor the maintenance of the optimum temperature.
  • For storage, it is better to use dark plastic or glass bottles. Darkening the walls of the vessel saves from exposure to ultraviolet rays, which change the taste and quality of the cider.

Popular Recipes

There are many ways to make cider at home. Most popular recipe- apple cider. In addition, wine can be made from apple juice or pears. Recipes from this fundamentally do not change. The drink is obtained by fermentation. Any cider at home can be made knowing step by step way fast food.

Easy apple cider recipe

Apple cider recipe does not require additional ingredients and special skills. For 5 liters of drink you will need:

  • 10 kilograms of apples,
  • 1.5 kilograms of sugar.

Grind clean fruits. Washed and scalded with boiling water three liter jars pour the resulting mixture into three-quarters of the entire volume of the container. Pour about 400 grams of sugar into the container. This takes into account the sweetness of the apple variety. Puree should be sweet enough, not cloying, but not sour. Close the necks of the jars with a cloth and infuse for 4 days, stirring daily.

After that, strain the juice into another container, squeeze out the cake and seal the liquid with a water seal. In this state, the fermentation process should proceed for another 1.5 months. When the drink brightens, filter it and bottle it. In them, insist another 3 months until fully cooked.

This simplest way making apple cider at home. Such a simple recipe is available to everyone and results in a very tasty refreshing drink.

Sugar free apple cider

The process of making cider from apple juice is slightly different from the classic one. It will require only fruit fruits.

It is necessary to squeeze the fresh juice and stand without cooling. Then filter it into a jar and close it with a water seal. In this way, it is infused for about 1.5 months. After fermentation, pour the juice into bottles. This must be done carefully so that the sediment does not get into the juice. Infuse the mixture until fully cooked for about 4 more months.

Cider made from apple juice without sugar will be more acidic and fresher than a drink made from sweetened fruit.

pear cider

This cider tastes different from apple cider. It is more viscous, with honey and pear notes. To prepare it, you need pears and a little sugar.

The fruits are crushed and processed into juice. It is poured into a container and infused covered with a cloth for 3 days. After the formation of foam and a characteristic hiss, sugar is added to the liquid. The juice is mixed, closed with a water seal and infused for 20 days.

The last step is pouring the juice into separate bottles. 1 tablespoon of sugar is added to each and 5 cm of space free from liquid is left. The bottles are tightly closed, and the cider is infused until the process is complete for about two more weeks.

Non-alcoholic cider

Apple lovers who do not support alcohol consumption can also enjoy this drink. Such a cider will have a sweet taste with fruity notes and quick recipe, due to the lack of fermentation process.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 liter apple juice
  • orange,
  • cinnamon sticks,
  • small ginger root
  • 2 liters of sparkling water without additives.

The peeled and sliced ​​orange is placed in a saucepan along with ginger and cinnamon. Pour all the ingredients with juice and bring the mixture to a boil. Cook over low heat for 20-30 minutes. The resulting liquid is filtered and cooled. To serve, mix boiled juice and sparkling water in a glass in half.

This drink can be consumed large quantities. Due to the lack of alcohol, it will not harm health.

How to drink cider

Cider is poured into wine glasses or any tall glasses. Before serving, it is recommended to cool it for two days in a refrigerator or a special cellar. Drink apple wine slowly, enjoying every sip. Appetizers for cider are the same as for champagne: cheeses, seafood, light desserts and fruits. To feel all the notes of taste, it is better not to eat cider.

Useful properties and harm of apple cider

Each drink has positive and negative effects. Cider is almost 100% fruit. They contain many vitamins and other substances that have a beneficial effect on immunity and digestion. Since apples are not thermally processed, all their beneficial properties are transferred to the drink. The main thing to remember is that traditional cider contains alcohol. Abuse not only invalidates everything positive properties but it can also worsen your health.

Having all the ingredients at home is the best way to prepare this flavored drink yourself than to buy bottles with unknown contents in the store. Factory cider is no match for home-made cider.

Apples are the most popular and loved by all fruit, which is grown in almost every garden. After harvesting, very often there are a lot of apples left on the ground that are not suitable for storing and preparing home-made preparations, and many owners have to simply throw them away. So that fragrant fruits do not go to waste, you can make homemade apple cider.

Traditional fresh apple cider recipe

This method is quite laborious, but the result will certainly not disappoint you and you will not be sorry for the time and effort spent.

Before making cider from apples, you should sort out the fruits very carefully. The most suitable for this drink are apples. winter varieties. All fruits should be well ripe, with no obvious signs of rot.

Prepared fruits must be crushed to prepare the wort. To do this, you can use an ordinary manual grater, meat grinder, blender or juicer. When using a juicer, do not throw away the pulp - making cider from apples will be much faster with it.

Mix juice and pulp, add a little sugar, mix and put in any container for fermentation. The wort can be prepared in any enamel saucepan, milk can or glass jars. Using this recipe homemade cider from apples, you can do without sugar, but then the fermentation process will be much longer, and the strength of the resulting drink will be significantly lower.

Be sure, before making apple cider, think about how and where you will store it. If you are going to prepare a large amount of drink, then prepare a special room in which you will prepare the brew and age the finished cider. The must must be put for 3-4 days in a warm place - the temperature should not be lower than room temperature.

The must for apple cider at home should be stirred daily and carefully monitored for the moment when fermentation begins. As soon as the first signs of fermentation appear on the surface, the pulp will need to be squeezed out through a fine sieve or several layers of gauze. Pour the resulting juice into three to five liter jars, install a water seal on them or put on ordinary rubber gloves. Using gloves, make a small puncture on one of the fingers - so that excess carbon dioxide comes out through it.

It is possible to make cider from apples as a weak alcoholic drink without adding sugar, but in this case the must will ferment for several days longer.

Place jars of cider in a cool dark place where they will stand for 1-2 months. When fermentation stops completely, the drink will need to be drained from the sediment. You can strain the resulting cider with several layers of gauze.

Pour homemade apple cider into small containers - it is best to use half a liter bottles, close and refrigerate. Pour the drink to the very neck and close tightly, otherwise due to the ingress of oxygen, the cider may turn into fruit vinegar.

Apple cider prepared according to this recipe can be stored for three years. The longer the drink stands, the tastier and more aromatic it will be.

The easiest apple cider recipe

If you do not have a lot of apples, but want to try making a delicious flavored drink, then you can use an easier way to make it. The easiest recipe for apple cider is to put the apple juice in a warm place and let it ferment.

Unfortunately, juice fermentation naturally is possible only if there is a special variety of apples and strict adherence to technology. Using ordinary apples, the cooking process can take several months, so it is advisable to add sugar and yeast.

Despite the fact that in industrial production cider yeast is not used for making house drink this will be perfectly acceptable.

A cheaper and more affordable option for owners of small gardens and home gardens - natural juice preserve for the winter, and make cider from the remnants of the pulp.

Fill clean three-liter jars with juice pomace - about a third. Add a little white raisins or yeast to each jar, a glass of sugar and top up with cold clean water.

Before preparing cider from apples, prepare a water seal or rubber gloves - this is done so that the containers with the drink are protected from oxygen.

Cover jars and put in a warm place for 5-6 days - until fermentation stops.

With the help of gauze, you need to carefully strain and drain the resulting drink into glass jars or bottles. The cider must be poured very slowly so that the sediment that has fallen to the bottom does not rise.

Fill containers up to the neck and seal tightly with lids.

Apple cider prepared according to this recipe can be drunk immediately. Keep the drink in the refrigerator only in closed bottles, so it is advisable to use containers no larger than one liter.

Every winemaker has his own special recipe homemade apple cider. Homemade cider can be dry and sweet, with little or no alcohol content. Can be used fresh apples or homemade apple juice, you can make a drink with the addition of yeast, raisins or other fruits. Can be mixed as desired different varieties apples in various proportions and each time get new tastes and aromas for every taste.

There is no special technology for making this drink, so you can become the author of a unique exclusive drink that can compete even with the most famous cider varieties made in the elite wineries of the world.

A sunny drink called cider is known to everyone today. Some call it apple wine, but this is not entirely correct, because it is not allowed to fully ferment, it must remain young and foamy in order to be authentic. The recipe for homemade cider is available to everyone, no special equipment is required to make it, and raw materials, that is, apples, can be purchased inexpensively at any time of the year. Let's figure out together how to make a light alcoholic drink that tastes good, and is also useful in small doses.

His Majesty Cider: Recipes at Home

Light apple wine, with the inscription "Cider" on the label, appeared in our stores relatively recently, since its production was debugged in the post-Soviet space only at the beginning of the 2000s. However, it will hardly be possible to call it real, since the shelf life of the drink is rather short, and with the addition of preservatives, emulsifiers, dyes and other chemical “filling”, its naturalness decreases proportionally. Best to find good recipe cider and prepare for yourself and your family this amazing freshness and taste of alcohol for a special occasion, or maybe just like that.


Real cider came to us directly from the orchards of Normandy, where it is prepared without the addition of any third-party ingredients, exclusively from sour, sweet-sour and bitter apple varieties. There is a list of one hundred and fifty positions, but French winemakers usually use only 48-50 options, proven and well-proven.

Professionals say that those varieties that are especially rich in tannin are best suited for making cider. This is a tannin and you can determine its presence by taste. The more it is in the fruits, the more they are tart. It is better to refuse green or overripe apples, the former are not sweet and saturated enough, while the latter have already lost their juiciness, but have acquired an excess of pectins. It is best to stop at juicy and slightly tart, late varieties, such as Antonovka or pear, which fit into any cider recipe in the best possible way.

Classic cider without sugar

The technology for making this drink is extremely simple. It does not require anything at all, except for pre-selected apples. If possible, it is worth taking a little sweet, but more sour and tart fruits, ripe, but not too much.


  • Sour apples - 60%.
  • Sweet apples - 10%.
  • Tart apples - 20%.
  • Bitter apples - 10%.

Cooking method

If you haven't been able to pick apples in the perfect proportion, don't be discouraged, the best cider can come from even a single variety, if you approach the matter correctly. Be sure to consider the fact that the fruits should never be washed before making a drink. Water will surely wash away from their surface wild yeast and the fermentation process may not even start. Therefore, with small quantities, you can rub them with a soft cloth to remove dirt and dust, but when there are a lot of apples, you can do without it.

  • Using a household press or a regular juicer, process all the apples, and discard the pulp (pulp) or use it for making apple brandy(moonshine). Make sure that the juice at the exit is as clean as possible.
  • Pour the liquid into glass or ceramic containers and cover with several layers of gauze. Leave in a dry and dark place for several days, usually two or three is enough for the first signs of fermentation to appear.
  • Pour the juice, trying not to shake it too much, into other containers where you can put a water seal. Bottles with juice should be installed in a dark room, where the temperature is not lower than 22-27 degrees Celsius.
  • After the bubbles stop coming out of the straw, pour off your future cider, being careful not to touch the sediment. It is optimal to do this with a regular tube from a dropper from a pharmacy.
  • Pour the finished drink into bottles, cork very tightly and store in the cellar for three or four months, after which the process can be considered complete.

The best place to store bottles is the cellar, where the humidity is constant, dark, and the temperature fluctuates slightly throughout the year between 11-17 degrees. This is the easiest homemade cider recipe that is the most similar to the original. The taste of the drink largely depends on the varieties of apples used, as does the strength, which is usually about 4-6%.

Classic with sugar

Another option for making cider at home involves adding a small amount Sahara. We do not pretend to special authenticity, therefore a little sweetness definitely does not hurt. Such a drink turns out to be only slightly intoxicating, light and fresh. You should definitely try to cook it.


  • Apples - 5 kilograms (any).
  • Sugar - 0.75 kilograms.

Cooking method

For this recipe, it is important to choose the right right apples And never wash them either. Antonovka, Simirenko, anise, ranetki, melba and many others go well in this set. It does not hurt, depending on the variety, to make a discount on sugar. If your set turned out to be very sour, let them take the full amount, but if the apples are already sweet, then you can add less sugar.

  • Wipe the fruits with a soft and clean cloth, if necessary, and place in a warm room for several days. It will be great to leave them right in the box in which they were stored earlier.
  • After two or three days, remove the stalks from the apples, cut them into four parts and mash them. You can use a standard juicer or press for this, but you can also get by with a household meat grinder.
  • Place in pre-prepared containers applesauce. Do not forget that jars or bottles cannot be filled to the top, as you need to leave room for foam that will appear during fermentation. Therefore, it is optimal to fill them no more than two-thirds.
  • Pour a little sugar into each container, depending on the volume, at the rate of 120-150 grams per kilogram of feedstock.
  • Stir it all very thoroughly, tie the neck of a dish folded several times with gauze, and leave your cider to ferment.
  • On the second or third day, abundant foam will appear, a hiss will be heard, which means that it is time to move on to the next steps. Filter the juice from the pulp, using ordinary gauze or make a special cotton-gauze filter. The cake should be squeezed well so that there is no liquid left in it. You can immediately throw it away, it will no longer be useful.
  • Pour the filtered juice back into the fermentation vessel, close it with a water seal and leave for a period of at least forty days. Sometimes this time is not enough, and some craftsmen generally believe that if the drink has not stood for exactly seventy days, then it is no good.

When the cider clears up and stops emitting carbon dioxide, it needs to be filtered again, even more thoroughly. Pour the resulting liquid into dark bottles, seal it well, for example, with sealing wax, and leave it in the cellar for storage until the right moment. Not worth taking plastic bottles in order for the drink to stand in them, firstly, they swell and shrink when the pressure changes from the inside, thereby damaging the integrity of the lid, and secondly, they are stretched with plastic.

Make sure that air does not get under the covers, and the temperature does not rise above eighteen degrees. This homemade cider recipe is perfect if you want a more intoxicating and Reviver, since this figure can reach 8-10%, which is quite a lot. Do not be upset if it turned out to be slightly cloudy, additional clarification is not required here, it will be pleasant to drink it anyway.

"Dragon's blood"

If you want to get the same classic cider, but make it unusual to surprise your guests, then try making a drink with the beautiful and romantic name "Dragon's Blood". The color of this drink will be given by cherries added to the recipe, and extraordinary taste sure to please both women and men.


  • Juicy sweet and sour apples - 2 kilograms.
  • Ripe cherries - 2 kilograms.
  • Sugar - 2 kilograms.
  • Purified water - 2 liters.

Cooking method

The variety of cherries does not play any role at all. Even those that often grow near roads and produce tiny, extremely sour fruits will do.

  • Do not wash apples and cherries, but sort them out, separate the debris, leaves and stalks, wipe with a cloth if necessary.
  • Remove the pits, mash the pulp of the cherries with a pestle, and cut the apples into quarters and puree using any method available to you. You can use a regular grater, meat grinder, blender or juicer. A household press is also suitable, but then the squeezed juice must be mixed again with the pulp.
  • Mix all this stuff, pour it into a fermentation container and leave it for two or three days in a warm, dark place for pre-fermentation.
  • Squeeze the juice, filter it and add all the sugar according to the recipe. Mix everything well so that it dissolves completely, and it is easier to do this by shaking the jar or bottle with the contents.
  • Install a water seal on the container, but if there is none, you can get by with a tube lowered into a glass of water or even an ordinary rubber glove that you will need to put on the neck of the container. Just the next 4-6 days will be observed abundant fermentation, with a bunch of foam and a pronounced hiss.
  • After this process is completed, and this can be recognized by the absence of bubbles or the fall of the glove, the cider must be carefully removed from the sediment and strained.
  • For champagne (saturation with carbon dioxide bubbles), pour the drink into pre-prepared dark bottles and cork very tightly. Ideally, a regular postal sealing wax will help with this task.

Dragon's Blood cider must be aged for at least two or even three months, otherwise you will not get a beautiful transparent red color. The most advanced home craftsmen recommend gradually, in two doses, adding a certain amount of strong alcohol to the drink so that the drink is stored longer. For example, cognac, rum or even Calvados are perfect. They will not spoil the color and taste of the original cider, but on the contrary, they will make it more vivid and memorable.

Honey "long" cider

For those who have a home apiary, or just for lovers of bee delicacy, which is also extremely useful, there is special recipe making cider at home with honey. This delicious, low-alcohol drink is extremely tasty and healthy.


  • Juicy apples - 8 kilograms.
  • Bee honey (any) - 1.5 kilograms.
  • Purified water - 6 liters.

Cooking method

Just like in other cider recipes, this one is made from unwashed apples, since cultivated yeast is not included in the recipe and you have to rely solely on the action of wild ones. As for honey, the choice will be yours, it is best to take flower or acacia, as they have the freshest smells, but buckwheat or meadow is also perfect, it will give a special piquancy and unusualness.

  • Cut the apples into four pieces and place them in a common container, for example, an enameled large saucepan.
  • Mix about a third of the water with honey (2 liters per half kilogram bee product) and pour the pre-cut apples with this syrup. To prevent them from floating up, they can be pressed with a smaller lid or an ordinary plate, on which a vessel of water is placed on top.
  • Set the container in a dark and warm place, after covering with several layers of gauze and leave to ripen for 35-42 days. The warmer the place, the sooner the drink can be poured.
  • Drain all the liquid, and pour the apples themselves with the second part of the water mixed with honey and again leave alone under oppression for the prescribed period.
  • For the third time, repeat exactly the same steps, thus using all the amount of honey and water according to the recipe. Previously drained juice should be stored in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator to prevent fermentation when it is not needed.
  • Mix all three liquids obtained in one container, for example, in a glass bottle, close the lid and just leave it in the cellar for eight, or even better, nine months.
  • Strain the drink, bottle and set to ripen for another month, after which it is ready to drink.

It will be easy to implement such a cider recipe, but it will take a lot of time. Therefore, some are afraid to start, but the result is an amazing, tasty, fragrant, sweet and heady drink that can surprise even the most fastidious gourmets.

Hot cider video recipe

There are a lot of similar drink recipes, dozens, maybe hundreds. Therefore, everyone can choose exactly the one that they like the most. It makes sense to watch a video tutorial that clearly describes how to make hot cider and surprise everyone who tries it.

Manufacturing technology low alcohol drink from apples has been known for several centuries. Real cider is made without the addition of yeast and without pasteurization of the finished product.

Preparatory stage

If you are seriously interested in how to make cider, then you need to decide what you will need in the process of making it. First you need to choose apples. For these purposes, sweet and sour varieties of these fruits are best suited. Also, to prepare the drink, you will need sugar, water and a container for fermentation. The composition of additional products depends on the recipe that you choose to cook. In addition to the above, you will need a regular medical rubber glove or special cover.

Before you figure out how to make cider at home, you need to prepare the apples. Rinse them with water, remove the core with seeds and grind on a grater, in a food processor or with a knife. Apples do not need to be peeled, nor should they be doused with boiling water or used to peel them. detergents. The peel of these fruits contains yeast that promotes fermentation.

Preparing a drink in a standard way

One of the most common apple cider recipes is the following. It is necessary to prepare the fruit in the manner described above and fill the washed and sterilized glass container with them approximately 1/3. Also, sugar must be added there at the rate of 100 grams per liter of apple mass or, as it is also called, pulp. You can also add some raisins to the bowl.

If it seems to you that the apples are not juicy, then water should be added to the pulp container at a ratio of 1: 1. Now a regular medical rubber glove is put on the neck of the jar. From it you can judge how the fermentation process is going. In addition, it is needed to block the access of oxygen, otherwise the pulp may simply turn sour. Now the container must be placed in a dark place where the round-the-clock temperature is maintained at 21-30 degrees Celsius. She should stay there for about a week. We can assume that the production of cider at home was successful if after the specified time you see an inflated glove on the can. It's time to remove it and strain the resulting drink into a jar.

But that is not all. Now the filtered liquid must be put in the refrigerator and wait for the formation of a precipitate. After that, it remains only to drain clean cider without grounds with a hose, bottle it and cork it tightly.

Correct Method

For those who want to learn how to make cider classic recipe, have to find ripe wild apples. From them it will be necessary to squeeze pure juice. It is the basis for the preparation of a classic low-alcohol drink. Juice is poured into a glass container so that it fills it 2/3. The used jar is closed with a special lid - a water seal. When it is used, air does not enter the container, but carbon dioxide can escape from it.

The jar must be placed for at least three weeks in a dark place where the temperature will be at the level of 22 degrees. After that, it is necessary to drain the clean liquid through the hose so that the sediment remains in the container. This fermented juice must be poured into jars, covered with a lid and stored for 3-4 months at a temperature of 10 degrees. Only after all these steps have been completed, the cider from the juice will be ready, it can be bottled, tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator for up to three years.

Note that it does not use sugar, raisins or yeast. Such a product is considered natural.

old recipe

But this is not all the ways to make cider. To make a drink according to the old method, you will need a canvas bag and wooden barrel. If necessary, the barrel can be replaced with a large enamel saucepan. Washed and peeled apples are poured into a bag, which is placed in a prepared container. After that, you can start preparing the syrup. It is made from 6 liters of water and 1.6 kg of sugar (if desired, you can use honey instead), this amount is needed for 8 kg of fruit. From above, apples are covered with a lid - it can be either solid wood or mesh. Oppression is set on it - so that the apples cannot float up.

After completing these steps, the container is placed in a dark place for fermentation.

When the process is over, the liquid is drained into a clean container using a flexible hose. With the same apple pulp, these steps can be repeated several times. That is, you again need to prepare the syrup and pour the fruit over it, and after a month drain the clean liquid. The drinks obtained from several approaches are mixed and settled in a cold place for at least six months. Only after this low-alcohol wine cider is considered ready.

Recipe with yeast

Many believe that the use of additional components will help speed up the process of making a drink. But it is not always the case. It will take more than half a year to make cider with yeast. It is done in the following way.

Apples are finely cut, put in a jar and filled with water so that they are completely covered. This container is placed in a warm place for fermentation for about two weeks, during the process the liquid must be stirred regularly. After a specified period, the resulting juice is filtered and slightly heated.

Now you need to add sugar and yeast. The main thing is to keep the proportions. So, 25 grams of yeast and 5 cups of sugar are mixed with 4.5 liters of fermented juice. Now you need to put it in a container and cover with a lid. As soon as the liquid begins to ferment, it must be poured into a barrel, after the end of the process it is clogged and stays that way for about six months. Only after 6 months homemade apple cider will be ready, it can be bottled.

Quick Recipe

Another option for making a low-alcohol champagne drink is the following.

For it, you will need 8 kg of apples, 2 kg of sugar, 10 liters of water and the zest of two lemons. Note that with these ingredients you can make cider in just a week.

homemade recipe with accelerated technology looks like this. Small apples are selected, they are peeled and cut in half. The fruits prepared in this way are put into a container, covered with sugar and poured with water with the addition of lemon zest. The container is covered with gauze, previously folded in several layers, and placed in a warm place. After a week, the drink can be filtered and bottled, this will already be cider. Home fast track preparation, of course, does not coincide with the technology for making this drink established by specialists without the addition of sugar and other components, but you can drink it in a week.

There is another way to make this low-alcohol drink. It can be made from freshly squeezed juice from apples of non-acidic varieties. Please note that packaged drinks sold in supermarkets will not be able to become the basis for cider.

For its preparation, it is necessary to add 100 grams of sugar, wine yeast or a special sourdough for each liter of juice. By the way, it can be made from unwashed raspberries, water and sugar. To do this, crushed berries are poured into half a glass. warm water and sprinkle with a spoonful of sugar. The container is closed and placed in a warm place for three days. In addition, every day it must be shaken.

Juice mixed with sourdough and sugar is poured into a jar and closed with a water seal. The container is kept in a cool place until the release of gas bubbles is over, but this is not yet cider. The homemade recipe for making this drink requires that the liquid be carefully drained without sediment. After that, you need to wash the container, pour the base of the future wine into it again and put it in a cold place for three months. After this period, the cider can already be poured.

Dried fruit drink

If you are on fire with the preparation of this drink in the midst of winter, then you should not be upset and wait for a new harvest of apples. For a drink, you can buy inexpensive fresh apples that are sold all year round, and dried fruits. Cider is made from these components as follows. A layer is placed in a jar or barrel dried apples, and on top of them - prepared, chopped large pieces fresh. The fruit should fill about half of the container you are planning to make the cider in. A homemade recipe for making a drink from these components is that they must be poured with boiled cooled water and corked for about three weeks, leaving in a dark place for successful fermentation. After the specified period, the cider can already be drained. The basis for this drink can be filled with water and infused at least three more times. But be warned, you'll get enough sour drink. It can be sweetened before use.

drinking culture

Having figured out how cider is made, it would be nice to also figure out how it should be consumed. It is believed that a dry drink is ideal for various seafood, such as shrimp, oysters. It can also be successfully combined with various cheeses, low-fat kebabs and vegetables. But sweet varieties are better to drink with desserts. This cider is suitable for pastries, yogurt cakes, sweets, chocolate, mascarpone.

This drink has many benefits. It does not contain any chemical additives, in addition, it is not only a source of vitamins B 6, B 1, C, but also iron, calcium, potassium, pectin. It is also said that cider is able to normalize blood pressure and positively affect the functioning of the stomach and intestines. But do not forget that an alcoholic drink is obtained during the fermentation process, so you should not abuse it.

Frame from the film " Good year»

There is a legend that King Charlemagne invented cider when he once sat on a bag of overripe apples. We hasten to disappoint you: now it is no longer customary to make apple alcohol in this way.

In the more than a thousand years that have passed since the momentous discovery, the making of cider, we decided to find the simplest recipe suitable for home conditions.

And even if you don’t have “your own, native” apples that you “didn’t water with any muck”, it doesn’t matter - we’ll take purchased ones.


    10 kg apples

    1.5 kg sugar


    three-liter jars

    medical gloves


    medical tubes for a dropper (sold in a pharmacy)

Step 1: Preparing the Apples

Wipe the apples with a dry cloth. They cannot be washed, because wild yeast lives on the surface of the fruit, which is needed for fermentation. Remove leaves and stems.

Step 2: Send the Apples to the Juicer

Before this, you do not need to peel the apples - process them along with the peel and seeds.

Step 3: Pour Sugar into Jars

Don't forget to sterilize the container first. Pour four tablespoons of sugar into each jar.

Step 4: pour juice

Fill jars no more than 2/3 of the volume, free space is needed for foam and carbon dioxide. Don't forget to mix.

Step 5: Place the Shutter on the Can

We put on a glove and a small hole on the neck so that it does not explode.

Step 6: Wait a few days

Let our future cider ferment in a dark and warm place for about a week. You will understand that he stopped doing this because the glove will change position from vertical to horizontal.

Step 7: Strain the sediment

To do this, pour the juice from the jar into the pan through cheesecloth. And then into a clean jar.

Step 8: Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6

This time we wait half as much - four days is enough.

Step 9: Strain the sediment again

But now we do it with the help of tubes. We place one end in the middle of the jar, the other - above the pan. To start the process, suck in air from the free end of the tube, as if you were about to drink your cider. Why can't gauze be used again? Because now we need to act more delicately, without disturbing the harmful sediment at the bottom. The process is slow, but necessary.

Step 10: Final push

Close the jar with a lid, send it to stand for another ten days. Then repeat point 9, and the finish line!

Step 11: Bottle the Cider

Close the bottles with caps. That's all.

How to make cider carbonated

According to the recipe above, we got a “quiet” apple wine, but if you want gaziki, you can add them if you make two more simple steps.

    At the bottom of each bottle, add sugar (10 grams per 1 liter) and leave 5-6 cm of free space from the neck. Shake it up.

    Then transfer the containers for 10-14 days to a dark room with room temperature. Once a day, check the gas pressure so that your bottle does not explode, otherwise it will be a pity for the apples and your efforts.