Cutlets from cheap minced meat. Homemade minced meat patties.

cooking secrets delicious meatballs

How I cook meatballs and why they always turn out delicious. Today I decided to share with you. Cutlets are rightfully considered one of the most popular and favorite dishes on our tables. Each housewife has her own secrets of cooking cutlets, but there are also general recommendations, following which you can always please your loved ones with delicious cutlets.

Cooking minced meat:

  • Of course, the main condition is high-quality meat. We buy minced meat (if we trust the seller) or cook it ourselves using a meat grinder. It is better to turn the meat through a large nozzle. Chop the meat.
  • Very tasty cutlets are obtained from a mixture of minced meat: beef, pork and chicken. Or I combine pork with one of the other two - poultry or beef. According to mood and desire.
  • Now let's move on to the bread! The bread you plan to use for minced meat, it will be necessary to soak in cold, boiled water, and certainly not in milk. If you soak bread in milk, then this deprives your cutlets of juiciness, since when frying, the proteins of meat and milk interact with each other.

    For cutlet mass, stale, white is best suited. wheat bread, because fresh bread will give ready cutlets unpleasant stickiness. Keep in mind that White bread well increases the volume of products, it absorbs the secreted meat juice and gives minced meat sufficient splendor, softness and juiciness. Just do not need to put a lot of bread in the minced meat, because it absorbs the oil well enough, in which cutlets are fried in a frying pan, and therefore they will turn out very fatty for you. In minced meat, you can add 15 or 20 percent of the roll in relation to the mass of meat.

    If you cook schnitzels and cutlets from ground meat, then the bread soaked in water should not be squeezed hard before adding it to the cooked minced meat.

  • To improve the properties of minced meat, instead of a roll, you can add a little low-fat cheese or sour cream.

    Onion. If you are in cutlet mass put onion, then it would be better not to pass it through a meat grinder, but just cut into small pieces. The onion gives the cutlets juiciness.If you add sautéed onions to minced meat, it will give the dish a special flavor and extend the shelf life of cutlets.

    Garlic, salt, pepper or other spices of your choice, to taste.

    Eggs. If you want to receive juicy cutlets no need for eggs!Since they will not add anything to you, except for the additional rigidity of the cutlets, and then the cutlets will certainly lose their juiciness. It’s all to blame-egg white, because when frying it quickly folds, the meat secretes a large number of juice, and cutlets are dry.Eggs in minced meat as a binder are usually kneaded only in public catering, so that then more bread and water can be put into cutlets - since without eggs, minced meat with a lack of meat will simply fall apart.

    HSo that the cutlets themselves do not stick to each other, and it would be more convenient for you to cut them, add a little starch to the minced meat. I like to add grated potatoes.

Combined all the ingredients.

step 2:

  • Place the fully mixed minced meat for making juicy cutlets in plastic bag(or better in two or one tight plastic bag) and beat the meat on a hard surface. Such a procedure compacts the meat well, and after that it will no longer fall apart in the pan, as housewives often complain and therefore prefer to add to minced meat eggs. Beat the meat on the table and after this procedure, put it in the refrigeratorrest - from 2 hours to a day.

Frankly, I don’t do this often, I’ll even say, I don’t. But the younger generation is sometimes specifically asked to cook cutlets, they really like the procedure for beating minced meat :) At such times when they come to visit, I eat such cutlets.

How do I do it?

  • In order for the cutlets to be “airy”, the cutlet mass must be kneaded for 10-15 minutes. But I'm lazy. I knead the minced meat in the food processor container, set the dough kneading mode, I'm free for 5-7 minutes.

We form cutlets:

    When forming cutlets, it is very useful, to give them the juiciness we desire, to put a piece of ice and a small piece of ice in the middle of each cutlet. butter.

    And so that in the process of cooking, minced meat does not remain on your hands, your hands must be moistened with water.

    I advise you to roll the fashioned cutlet in a loose egg-leazone (or, to preserve the juices inside, it’s even better, first roll a little in flour, and then in the egg) - when you place the cutlets in the pan, the egg will provide an impenetrable shell and help keep it so way everything delicious juices inside the cutlet (if you wish, then after deboning in an egg, you can bread the cutlet in ground breadcrumbs). Breading can be partial: only in one egg or only in flour. Another way is in flour and then in an egg. Full breading (or it is also called "Viennese breading") looks like this: first in flour, then in an egg, and in breadcrumbs. Sometimes they make a double breading: also in flour, in an egg, in breadcrumbs, again in an egg, and then again in breadcrumbs.

    Minced meat and onion cutlets with garlic should be fried immediately, without waiting until they become dry.

    Cutlets must be fried in a well-heated pan, then the juice will not flow out of them, and the cutlets will turn out juicy and tasty.

    The right frying pan - with a thick bottom. Cast iron - perfect

  • The oil is hot, the pan is clean.
  • After each toasted batch, carefully remove any burns.
  • Fire - close to the minimum.
  • We fry on both sides. When pressed, the finished patties should ooze a little. On the cut - grayish. Not red, not pink.

Hope the tips are helpful!

How to fry delicious minced meat patties? Such that they do not fall apart, but turn out juicy, toasted, ruddy, neat! I share a few secrets of cooking delicious meatballs.


  • 300-400 g of minced meat (the most delicious effect is given by a combination of several types of minced meat - for example, in equal proportions pork and beef);
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 medium potato;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1-2 slices of white bread;
  • Some milk;
  • Salt, freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • Sunflower oil.


The most delicious chopped cutlets- from small pieces meat. However, without good knives for meat, it is difficult to chop it, so you can use a simpler option - twist the meat in a meat grinder with a large mesh. Even if you pass the meat through a regular mesh, homemade minced meat will be better than bought at the market or in a store, because you will be sure that you put meat, vegetables, spices into the cutlets - and nothing more.

So, we mix two types of minced meat, salt, pepper, mix the resulting assortment.

Soak slices of bread in milk: first on one side, then on the other.

We clean the onion, potatoes, garlic, wash.

We twist the indicated ingredients in a meat grinder or three on a grater: onion - on a large one, garlic and potatoes - on a small one. At the same time, you can twist the bread soaked in milk (or just carefully crumble the bread with your hands).

Add grated onion, garlic, potatoes, bread to minced meat. Are you surprised by the presence of potatoes in cutlets? This is exactly one of the secrets: cutlets with the addition of raw potatoes are especially juicy. Some housewives add instead of potatoes raw cabbage. And also, at your request, you can put grated carrots or chopped greens in minced meat for cutlets. Vegetable additives give the cutlets juiciness and a special taste, and bright orange and green specks in minced meat look very interesting!

Mix the mince well. Prepare a plate with flour for rolling the cutlets, and put the pan to heat up with sunflower oil.

After wetting our hands in water, we collect a portion of minced meat for 1 cutlet and throw it with force several times from hand to hand. Thus, we “beat off” the minced meat, and the cutlets are neat, do not fall apart during frying.

Dredge each cutlet in flour on all sides. Instead of flour, you can use semolina or breadcrumbs. Breading in egg and crackers is very successful: dip the cutlet in a beaten egg, roll it in breadcrumbs, then repeat the procedure. Such a double breading is crispy, fried and very appetizing. It is ideal for meatballs with filling - for example, in Kiev or with cheese in the middle: the crust does not allow the “surprise” to escape from the meatball. And ordinary cutlets can be simply rolled in flour - it will also be delicious.

Lay the meatballs on the hot skillet.

We spread the cutlets in a pan with heated sunflower oil. At first, the fire must be above average so that the crust grabs. Then reduce the heat to “less than medium” and cover the pan with a lid so that the cutlets are well steamed in the middle.

Cook cutlets under the lid for 5-7 minutes, until the color of the minced meat changes. Then turn over with a fork to the second side and fry already without a lid over medium heat - until golden brown.

We remove the finished cutlets on a plate and serve with a side dish of vegetables, cereals, pasta or potatoes, garnishing with sprigs of fresh herbs.

How to cook meatballs? There are a lot of recipes for their preparation today. For every taste and color. From the most complex and powdered recipes to simple ones. In our article we will tell you easy recipes for meatballs. They will become indispensable assistants for experienced housewives and for those who decide to cook cutlets for the first time in their lives.

Varieties of cutlets

For the preparation of cutlets, absolutely any meat, chopped to the state of minced meat, is suitable. For cutlets you can use this meat:

  • Chicken's meat
  • Pork
  • Mutton
  • Beef
  • Turkey meat
  • Liver (preferably beef - it has the best effect on your hemoglobin)

Also, cutlets can be prepared not only from meat, but from fishes, canned fish and even crab sticks . Pike would be a great option. To taste, these cutlets will remind you stuffed fish, but the technology of preparation is very simple.

Can easily make meatballs from vegetables. cabbage, carrot, potato cutletsgreat option not only for people who eat meatballs, but also for vegetarians.

Cooking options for cutlets

Cutlets are the easiest to prepare and tasty dish. The most common cooking option for cutlets is fry them in a pan. Many housewives, it turns out, fry the cutlets well on the outside, but leave them raw inside. There are also situations when they are very dry, after which both smell and taste are lost. To do this, you need to learn right technology roasting. See our tips below.

You can also cook your cutlets in the oven, double boiler or slow cooker.

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What to add to minced meat for "zest"?

How to make cutlets tasty and juicy? For best taste- it is better minced meat in a meat grinder independently and mix several types of meat. Can be added to the scarf a small amount of water - this will give the cutlets tenderness, they will be soft and break off perfectly.

For juiciness - does not hurt piece of butter. If add hard cheese- cutlets will find a wonderful aftertaste. When bread is added to minced meat, cutlets become very juicy, but only if this bread is initially soaked in cold boiled water. If you take white bread, then your product will swell and increase significantly in size, and if you add stale wheat bread, then the cutlets will become sticky.

For flavor, you can put finely chopped onions. Also, to taste, you can add any porridge to the cutlets, be it rice or buckwheat. And yet, let's tell you a little secret, if you put a few tablespoons of sour cream in minced meat, it will become soft and juicy.

Remember, it is not necessary to add eggs to the cutlets - because of this, they can become slightly tough.

What do you need to successfully cook meatballs? First of all, you need to be good heat up the pan.

If you are making your cutlets in breadcrumbs, we advise you to put them in the freezer for fifteen minutes. Thus, the breading will stick well, and will not crumble when frying.

We also recommend using non-vegetable oil when frying cutlets, which of course will protect your cutlets from burning, but will take away their juiciness, but well melted fat. Cutlets cooked on it will be appetizing and tender.

First, fry the cutlets over high heat until crispy and crispy, then add water, reduce the gas and simmer them until cooked through.

When you want to please yourself and your family - cook cutlets for them, in any way convenient for you. If you follow our advice, your cutlets will always be well-done, juicy, tasty and smelling appetizing.

Hello my dear foodies. I want to brag to you. I have a new assistant in the kitchen - a meat grinder 🙂 I kept going and moaning to my husband that I want cutlets. And I can’t buy store minced meat, I’ve seen enough of how they cook it. My husband could not stand it and dragged me to the store. Now I can cook all kinds: fish, chicken, vegetables, meat, etc. About how to fry cutlets in a pan, I will tell you today. I’ll also tell you about semi-finished products - even I don’t always have time to cook homemade cutlets.

In general, homemade cutlets are a symbol of a happy family life. As practice shows, the wife usually does not cook such goodies if there is discord and quarrel at home. This dish is fried only for the most beloved and dear ... it's such an old legend 😉

Do you know, friends, that initially cutlets were made not even from minced meat? They were pieces of meat on a rib bone. And the word "cutlet" comes from the French côte and côtele - "rib" and "ribbed".

In our country, this dish appeared thanks to Peter I. He was famous for the fact that he loved all sorts of foreign customs and dishes. This is how cutlets appeared in Russia. Only towards the end of the century before last, they slightly changed. They looked like an appetizing cake of minced meat.

How to make minced cutlet at home

The modern version of cutlets arose for the reason that they began to think about how to cook harsh meat. Well, it's indecent to make them from a good expensive one without fat. But grind the harsh meat, add fat and make cutlets - it will turn out gorgeous.

Of course, it is better to make minced meat yourself at home than to buy it in a store. Especially 🙂 Or at least choose the store where they will do it with you.

So, in order to properly prepare the cutlet mass, take:

  • 500 gr of meat;
  • 200 g of white bread soaked in water (or milk);
  • 1 head of onion;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • freshly ground pepper.

Friends, the basic principle of making delicious cutlets is correct proportions meat and bread.

Add 40% bread to meat. For example, we take 1 kg of meat, which means we take 400 g of bread soaked in water / milk. Measure exactly soaked and slightly wrung bread

Cut off the crust from the bread and fill the crumb with water or milk. You don't need to dry it first, it will get wet anyway. Pour in enough liquid so that the crumb is well soaked.

Cut the meat into pieces so that it is convenient to lay in a meat grinder. Cut the peeled onion into several slices and also pass through a meat grinder. Finish grinding the ingredients in a meat grinder with softened bread. So that the pieces of meat do not remain inside.

Later minced meat salt and sprinkle with pepper. Add a glass of water (it will make the stuffing even juicier). And stir it vigorously so that the water enters the proteins of the meat.

Homemade stuffing is ready. But there is one nuance on which I want to dwell. Cutlets will come out much tastier if the minced meat is kept in the refrigerator for 2 hours. But if you do not have time, then cook right away.

How long to fry cutlets in a pan

I advise you to fry minced meat yummy over medium heat in a frying pan. Cook for 5-8 minutes each side until golden brown. The vessel must not be covered with a lid.

As you fry on both sides, reduce the flame of fire to a small one. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for another quarter of an hour. The main thing is that they are well fried inside. If you're not sure they're cooked through, turn each piece on its side and cook some more.

Recipes for delicious meatballs

Well, here are the recipes prepared for you, my dears, with photos and videos. They are easy to prepare. And how wonderfully delicious! But you yourself cook, taste, and then write reviews in the comments.

How to fry cutlets in a minced meat pan

And we will cook cutlets from the previously described homemade minced meat. I want to share with you an interesting principle of organization fast process cooking. So you will not get your hands dirty every time, sculpting in portions.

Take a flat plate or baking sheet parchment paper. Wet it with water. Roll all the minced meat into balls of the same size. And put them on paper. Then take each serving, roll in wheat flour or breadcrumbs. Drop immediately into hot oil.

This will reduce the time between preparing each serving and putting them in the pan. So, you will spend much less time at the stove. I cook some cutlets right away, and freeze the rest on the board. Then I put it in a package.

All cutlets will be fried in the same time (how many minutes to cook - see above). As they are fried on one side, turn over to the other, doing this with two forks or a spatula.


  • 500 gr chicken fillets;
  • a couple of small slices of white bread;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • milk or water;
  • egg (optional)
  • salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper.

Pour the bread crumb with milk and water and leave to soften. Grind the fillet and onion with a meat grinder. Let's put an egg in here. Salt the mass, season with pepper and knead well.

From minced chicken form small balls. We spread them in a deep frying pan or in a thick-bottomed pan, and fill it with freshly boiled water. Water should cover 1/3 or 2/3 of our cutlets. We set the fire to a little less than medium, and cover the container with a lid. And simmer them until done.

The average cooking time is 15-20 minutes. But, my dears, do not focus only on how long the sweets should be “fried”. There are other signs of product readiness. Once the water has evaporated, gently pierce the patties. If clear juice comes out of them, they are ready.

How to fry frozen cutlets in a pan

Prepare purchased semi-finished products so that they turn out juicy and appetizing. Do not defrost store-bought cutlets before cooking. Because all the meat juice will flow out and the dish will come out dryish.

The whole cooking process can be represented like this:

  1. Quick roast - first to golden brown(in time it is about 5-7 minutes) fry on a preheated vegetable oil. After that, the cutlets will look appetizing, but inside they will still be damp.
  2. Quenching is the next step. Put the dish in a thick-bottomed saucepan, add a little water and cover with a lid. Cook over medium heat for about half an hour.

It will turn out very tender and tasty. If you try, your family will not even guess that they are eating a purchased option. Of course, if you do not let it out yourself 🙂

How to cook fish cakes

And here is the recipe:

  • 400 gr fillets;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • milk or cream;
  • egg;
  • salt;
  • nutmeg taste;
  • ½ tsp sweet paprika;
  • black freshly ground pepper;
  • ½ tsp dry greens;
  • ½ st. breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Make sure there are no bones in the fillet. Then pass the prepared product through a meat grinder. Add egg and minced garlic. Stir the mass. Then salt and pepper the mince. And also add paprika, herbs and nutmeg to the cutlet mixture. Mix well again.

Next, add 2 tbsp. cream or milk and mix the mass. While continuing to knead, gradually add breadcrumbs to the cutlet mass in small portions. Knead the minced meat until it stops sticking to your hands. If the mass is too dense and knocked down, add another 1-2 tablespoons here. cream or milk.

From minced fish form into small flat patties. To make them more juicy, I advise you to dip them in a beaten egg before frying. And then you need to roll in breadcrumbs.

Lay out fish cakes in a frying pan with hot oil and fry until cooked. Serve the finished delicacy hot with mashed potatoes, vegetables or other suitable side dish.

Valuable advice

Cutlets will be tastier and juicier if the meat is passed through a meat grinder twice. This is especially important if the meat used is stringy. By the way, it is not necessary to add eggs to minced meat. But in the cutlet mass of fish, you definitely need to drive an egg. It will bind the mass and the cutlets will not fall apart during cooking.

Crushed ice will help to add juiciness or cold water. Yes, don't be afraid. Ice will melt during heat treatment. If you add extra liquid to the minced meat, it will evaporate during frying. But the meat juice will remain. But the main thing here is not to overdo it with water, because the sweets will simply fall apart.

Well, and you, my dear, how do you cook cutlets? Be sure to share your signature recipes. And I wish you a pleasant cutlet-eating and I say: bye-bye!

It is well known that cutlets are made from minced meat. different types meat and more. It is easy to work with minced meat - you can buy it ready-made or, using modern devices for chopping meat, quickly scroll fresh and even store it in freezer poste restante.

What can not be cooked from minced meat! Cutlets, meatballs, cabbage rolls, schnitzels, dumplings, fry for pasta in a naval way, include in various fillings for baking - everywhere minced meat is in place! A rare housewife needs to be taught how to cook cutlets correctly, but we still have some attractive secrets even for experienced home cooks in the recipes posted in this article.

When buying the original minced meat in the store, you should know that in addition to meat and fat, it does not contain those products that will make it a real cutlet material. Your task is to fill it with the missing very important ingredients (spices, herbs and some additives) that provide real taste conceived product from minced meat.

Of the traditional additives, let's call raw potatoes, zucchini, cabbage, bread crumb for splendor cutlets, but not everyone knows that it is better to use not soft fresh bread, but stale bread, in order to avoid excessive stickiness from a fresh loaf that worsens appearance minced meat products.

General rules for preparing products for minced meat cutlets

Regardless of your preference for store-bought or homemade minced meat, the process for making cutlets is almost the same. If the minced meat was frozen, you should defrost it ahead of time or using a microwave in the defrost mode, but any of them needs flavors according to the recipe, thorough mixing and even “whipping” the minced meat for the splendor of the finished cutlets. If the stuffing still seems dry in the end, you can try adding a small amount of water with vigorous stirring.

1. How to cook minced meat cutlets according to the recipe "Homemade"

Minced meat cutlets according to the “Homemade” recipe attract housewives with ease of cooking and a win-win result. In addition, even in its classic form there is room for some options. As a rule, cutlets come out lush, juicy and even attractive in appearance. They are good with various types garnish: pasta, rice, potatoes, boiled or canned vegetables- everything successfully harmonizes with homemade cutlets.


  • minced pork - 500 grams;
  • loaf pulp - 150 grams;
  • fresh milk - 1 glass;
  • egg fresh - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  • fresh garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking homemade meatballs like this:

  1. Remove the pulp from the loaf, soak it in warm milk for a few minutes. At this time, finely chop the peeled onion.
  2. Put the minced meat in a suitable container, add the prepared onion and a loaf saturated with milk into it. Mix raw chicken egg and crushed peeled garlic.
  3. It remains to add salt and pepper to the finished minced meat to taste, finally knead until the mass is homogeneous and proceed in the usual way to sculpt cutlets, which should eventually be rolled in breadcrumbs.
  4. It is very important to first heat a dry frying pan and only then pour into it required amount vegetable oil for frying cutlets. As soon as the cutlets “make noise” in the pan at high heat, the heat intensity should be reduced to medium or even low. After turning the cutlets, again add heat for a short time and fry in the usual manner, depending on the preference for the degree of rudiness of the crust of the finished cutlets.
  5. Ready for heat treatment cutlets can be baked with minimal use of oil in the oven or with dietary requirements for food - steamed in a way that suits you.

2. Recipe for minced meat patties with white cabbage

Such a recipe is likely to be chosen by those housewives who prefer cutlets with a lower fat content. In addition, inclusion in minced meat white cabbage will add special juiciness and originality of taste to ready cutlets. In addition, minced pork should be mixed with minced beef.


  • minced pork - 200 grams;
  • minced beef - 200 grams;
  • fresh white cabbage - 400 grams;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  • fresh garlic - optional;
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste;
  • premium wheat flour and semolina- for breading;
  • vegetable oil - for frying cutlets.

Cooking meatballs with white cabbage:

  1. Skip coarsely chopped, chopped onion and peeled garlic cloves in a meat grinder. Drain excess juice. Connect minced vegetable with cooked meat and mix thoroughly.
  2. To the resulting mass, add salt, ground pepper, chopped fresh herbs according to preference and a raw egg and mix until smooth.
  3. It remains to mold the cutlets, roll them in the breading mixture and, putting them alternately in the prepared pan, fry until cooked on both sides.

3. Recipe for homemade minced chicken cutlets with mushrooms

For such interesting and tasty meatballs, it is better to make minced meat at home from fresh chicken fillet, passed through a meat grinder, with the addition of minced meat from fresh zucchini, fresh peeled potatoes, garlic and loaf crumb. Salt and pepper - to taste.


  • minced chicken - 400 grams;
  • minced vegetable - 200 grams;
  • minced mushrooms - 200 grams;
  • chopped onion - 100 grams;
  • chopped parsley - by preference;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • breading material - by preference.

Cooking homemade minced chicken cutlets like this:

  1. Finely chop parsley and peeled fresh onions. Peel fresh porcini mushrooms, rinse, cut into slices and lightly fry with vegetable oil in a pan, then chop the fried mushrooms in a blender. Combine all the ingredients in a suitable container and, after salting and peppering, mix thoroughly until the minced meat is homogeneous.
  2. Next, stick cutlets from the resulting minced meat, roll them in the selected breading material, put them in boiling oil in a pan, fry until cooked on both sides and serve with a side dish or include in a complex sandwich with vegetables.

4. Recipe for homemade minced meat patties with cheese and tomatoes

This one will find its fans original minced meat for homemade meatballs. Peculiar additives in the form of cheese and tomatoes give cutlets refined taste and aroma, special juiciness. Minced meat is better to use mixed: beef and pork.


  • minced pork - 300 grams;
  • minced beef - 200 grams;
  • crumb of stale white bread;
  • fresh onion - 1 onion;
  • fresh garlic - 3 cloves;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 tomatoes;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • cheese durum varieties- 150 grams;
  • fresh chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • ground pepper and salt - to taste;
  • ground breadcrumbs - 100-150 grams;
  • parsley and dill - a few sprigs to taste.

Cooking homemade meatballs with cheese like this:

  1. Peel onion and garlic. Rinse tomatoes and herbs. For 10 minutes, soak the crumb of white stale bread or a loaf in warm milk, squeeze out excess milk.
  2. Finely chop the onion and greens, chop the tomatoes and cheese small cubes. Combine all the ingredients in a suitable container and, salt and pepper, mix thoroughly until a uniform mass.
  3. Stick cutlets from the resulting minced meat, roll them in breading material, put them alternately in boiling oil in a pan, fry the cutlets on both sides until cooked. Serve hot with any side dish or include in an elaborate vegetable sandwich.

Homemade minced meat patties - important tips from experienced chefs

  1. To make cutlets superbly tasty, it is better to use mixed varieties of beef and pork meat in equal volumes for minced meat.
  2. It is better to finely chop fresh onions for minced meat cutlets, fry in vegetable oil, cool and add to the minced meat.
  3. In minced meat low-fat varieties meat or chicken, a little butter should be added with some care so that the cutlets do not become loose and falling apart at the exit.

For lovers of cutlets with it is possible to steam them or bake them in the oven.