Scary Halloween food. Lean pumpkin pie

Halloween is the most "terrible" among the holidays: for one night a year, people all over the world allow dark forces to take over their minds. This terrible celebration is celebrated with terrible metamorphoses, ancient traditions and a "bloody" feast. On an unusual night from October 31 to November 1, the coming of spirits into the human world takes place. And the only way not to fall victim to them is to pretend to be "one's own". On Halloween, literally everything around should create and fuel a mystical atmosphere: outfits, entertainment and, of course, food. Even simple Halloween recipes, and more often scary and disgusting ones, must fully correspond to the theme of the holiday, not only with ingredients, but also appearance. A very scary menu is a prerequisite, and without it, alas, nothing! The only exceptions are funny and comic dishes for children, cooked by hand according to our recipes, photos and videos.

What to cook for Halloween - simple recipes for children and adults

What should be perfect dinner on Halloween? Of course, such that at the first glance at the festive table goosebumps ran down the skin. First, you need a lot of blood. Beef steak (medium rare), raspberry jelly, cranberry and tomato juice. It is important to play with colors: a massive combination of red and black in holiday menu and decor will create a nightmarish atmosphere at the Halloween table. The well-known Bloody Mary according to classic recipe. Don't forget the dark liver, bean and olive patties that cause the most unpleasant associations.

You can't go on a Halloween menu without skulls and bones. A well-cut goose at first glance will look like a small skeleton. The remains of a pumpkin, "slaughtered" for the Jack O'Lantern, can be used as table decor elements or an ingredient in a recipe for a hot dish, appetizer, dessert. And, of course, it's worth saving a few guardians of the underworld - worms. You can decorate spaghetti with red or brown sauce in an unusual way. Or buy gelatin worms to create children's dessert. Especially impressionable guests will be delighted. Gummy worms peeking out of the table complement the Halloween table nicely. chocolate biscuit. The sight is not for the faint of heart.

Well, is it already scary? So it's time to get down to business! Knowing what and how to cook for Halloween, you organize the most memorable feast.

DIY Scary Halloween Food: 5 Unusual Ideas for Kids and Adults

Scary Halloween food prepared with your own hands should also be beautiful, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. A dish, and especially its presentation, should have some idea, meaning, plot. We offer you 5 unusual ideas for making scary food for Halloween with your own hands:

Easy and simple Halloween recipes in 5 minutes on video

Simple recipes for Halloween dishes benefit from quick and primitive preparation, but at the same time their appearance on the festive table is no less spectacular. It is very important to arrange even simple dishes correctly. The presentation topic can be: spiders, bats, blood, skulls, ghosts, etc. With the help of a simple food entourage, even ordinary sandwiches, muffins, meatballs and pies can be turned into real gastronomic nightmares.

Often, glaze of different colors is used as decoration, sugar figurines and gummy insects, melted chocolate, confectionery powders, scarlet sauces, ice figures, bar umbrellas, straws, etc. Since the pumpkin is considered a traditional attribute of Halloween, there is nothing strange in its presence on the table either. A vegetable can be an element of decoration, an unusual dish for an ordinary soup puree, an important ingredient in a recipe, and just an idea for a cookie or gingerbread shape.

We offer you some simple recipes for Halloween dishes with a very unexpected design:

  • Halloween Ghost Stuffed Pepper Recipe
  • Halloween recipe pumpkin pie
  • Just scary cupcakes recipe
  • Alcoholic punch with a dead man's hand, recipe

Scary Halloween recipes with photos for kids and adults

A successful Halloween feast begins with a themed table setting. Black dishes, bloody napkins and tablecloths, brutal candlesticks and figurines of creepy animals set the tone for the holiday. But competent organization is pumped, of course, with terrible recipes. If your guests love a hearty meal, check out the appalling main courses. If the holiday is planned exclusively for young people and teenagers, you can get by with light snacks and wild desserts. For scary Halloween recipes, look further at the photo and video.

Hearts of the pharaohs

You can prepare such a disgusting composition with the help of red pancakes stuffed with vegetable mixture. If they are carefully connected, creating desired shape, and pour beetroot sauce - you can’t distinguish from real hearts.

spider eggs

To prepare such a delicacy, it is enough to boil chicken eggs and stuff them with your favorite filling (vegetable, fish, meat). Olive slices are used as decoration and laid out in the form of spiders.

Runaway ghosts

Terrifying white ghosts - shaped protein meringue according to a traditional recipe with chocolate drops eyes. For their preparation, it is enough to allocate 2-3 eggs and 1 hour of time.


Equally complex and creepy dessert "Eyeball" will conquer all the guests at the table. Multi-level jelly (creamy and menthol) with the addition of "bleeding" berries will turn your feast into a real room of horrors.

Fancy Halloween Recipes

Not many people celebrate Halloween, but for almost everyone there is something funny, mysterious, mysterious and frightening in this celebration. The holiday on the eve of All Saints' Day is unusual in itself, and the menu at the feast should be the same. Unusual Halloween recipes should definitely be made scary and terribly tasty. Only in this way the feast will be remembered by the guests for a long time. We offer you the idea of ​​cooking strange dishes for Halloween in the form of human body parts. A table with such dishes will be truly magnificent ...

Funny Halloween Recipes for Kids

funny recipes for Halloween for children are more discreet and aesthetic. Meals for kids exclude any "thrash" and allow only bright colors, funny stories, positive figures, etc. But do not forget that Halloween recipes for kids should not only be fun and funny, but also healthy and tasty. If the guys come to the holiday in the costumes of various characters, the celebration will be a success. After all, gnomes and fairies eating bugs and bats are an unforgettable sight!

stuffed peppers- satisfying and at the same time healthy food for children. If the shell is cut out in the form of a funny face, the food will become more attractive for little capricious guests.

Oat cookies- not a very popular dish among children, but the trend can be drastically changed. It is enough to arrange on gingerbread from oat flour longitudinal stripes of colored mastic - and ordinary cookies will turn into funny mummies.

carrot cake, so hated by every child, will become the most desirable at the moment if you arrange it in the style of Halloween. For decoration, use natural carrot dyes, as well as cobwebs, spiders and bats from mastic.

Even an ordinary coffee biscuit simple recipe will impress young gourmets if cooked and served in such a strange way. Children love to laugh at such things. Now they will have the opportunity to try them "on the tooth."

Cranberry juice - healthy vitamin drink on Halloween. It is enough to decorate a jar of "bloody" slurry with figures of ghosts so that the children forget about the recipe and enjoy only the taste and the look.

Recipes for a Very Scary Halloween Menu

Recipes for a very scary Halloween menu can be very different: unusual, original, scary, nasty. But even those dishes that perfectly complement a themed feast do not always go well with each other. For example, fish and liver in one menu - not the best option for dear guests. We offer you an approximate "plan" of the feast, a kind of cheat sheet.

List of suitable recipes for a very scary Halloween menu

  • Snack "Witch's broom" of salted straw, hard cheese and greens;
  • Soup puree from pumpkin "Web";
  • Meat sausages in a Mummy spaghetti shroud;
  • layered salad"Head of the Gorgon" from chicken, pineapple, nuts, bell pepper and eggs;
  • Orange-black roll "Bat" with butter cream;
  • Blood red non-alcoholic/alcoholic punch;

All recipes in sample menu for Halloween are easily replaceable. Tons of options good recipes already located in our public and in thousands of articles on the Internet. And having a sufficient supply of imagination, you can cope without cheat sheets at all.

See how many delicious and unusual things you can cook for Halloween? Simple, scary, funny and even funny dishes for kids and adults! Try and use best recipes for Halloween from a very scary menu. All guests will surely appreciate such food.

Salad "Stump with mushrooms"


For pancakes: 3 eggs, 0.5 cup flour, 1 cup milk, onion, herbs, 2 tablespoons paprika (for color), salt.

For salad: eggs - 3 pcs, boiled potatoes and carrots - 2 pcs each, ham - 300 g, mayonnaise sauce, marinated mushrooms, greens.

Decor: melted cheese (soft), eggs - 2 pcs, marinated mushrooms, greens.

1. First we need to bake brown pancakes. Flour, eggs and milk will be the basis of the dough. For color, add paprika, finely chopped onions and herbs. This amount of products should be enough for about 6 pancakes. We grease them with oil.

2. We clean the potatoes, coarsely three on a grater. Mix in a single mass with mayonnaise and dill. Mayonnaise goes well with sour cream. We do the same with carrots - we clean, three and mix with the sauce. Eggs or finely chop or use a grater. Add mayonnaise to them. Mushrooms, pickled or salted, chop, mix with dill and sauce. Chop the ham into cubes and add the sauce too.

3. We form a hemp. Spread food on the table polyethylene film. Half the pancakes, cutting in diameter. Brush one side with melted cheese. Next, the halves smeared with cheese are laid overlapping on the film. The cut smooth edge of the pancakes will be the base of the stump. If there are larger halves, they must be laid in the place of the foundation of the future "stump". Along the stacked pancakes, we put the filling in strips randomly.
We lift the near side of the film and carefully fold everything into a roll, on one side of which a flat plane should be obtained. This side and put the resulting "stump" on a plate. If pancake tips stick out - cut them off, they will still come in handy.

4. We decorate the salad, bringing it to naturalness with details. We create roots from the remains of pancakes. If gaps remain somewhere, spread these joints with soft cheese. We decorate with greenery and mushrooms, as in the photo. That's where it makes sense to turn around fantasy! You can decorate the salad by setting the "fly agarics" of tomato halves, studded with dots of egg whites.

13 scary recipes on holiday

Halloween is one of the most ancient holidays. According to the beliefs of the Celts, who then inhabited the territory of modern Ireland, the year consisted of two seasons: summer and winter. The end of the harvest meant the end of summer and was celebrated on October 31st. On the night of November 1, the new year began, and winter took over.

According to ancient legends, on this night, the border between two worlds opened: the world of the living and the world of the dead. To scare away evil spirits, the pagans kindled bonfires in the street, dressed in animal skins and decorated their heads with animal heads. Hence the tradition of dressing up in scary costumes.

What to cook for Halloween

Halloween is coming and you may have already thought about throwing a scary party to celebrate. Of course, not only the costumes, but also the food should be appropriate for Halloween. So, what terrible things can be prepared for this unusual night? Below are a few ideas you might like.

Nest with rotten eggs

  • Ingredients:
  • chicken eggs
  • salted herring fillet
  • mayonnaise
  • salt and spices to taste
  • balsamic vinegar
  • lettuce
  • chokeberry or coffee

  • Very simple and cheap dish, the main ingredient of which are eggs. So, first of all, boil hard-boiled eggs. Cool down.
  • To make a rotten pattern on the eggs, proceed as follows:
    1. We break the eggshell to get a lot of cracks. We do not peel the shell itself.
    2. Boil eggs for a couple of minutes in juice chokeberry or in the usual strong coffee. The stronger the solution, the darker the stains on the eggs will turn out.
    3. We take out the eggs. Carefully peel off the shells from the cooled eggs. A dark mesh remains on the squirrel.
  • Cut the eggs in half, take out the yolks. Grind the yolks with mayonnaise, add finely chopped salted herring fillet.
  • Stuff the eggs with the stuffing. We connect the stuffed rugs to get "whole" eggs.
  • We make a nest from red lettuce or any other. In the center of the nest we put a spoonful of mayonnaise, water it balsamic vinegar"Modena". We put "rotten" eggs in this liquid.
  • For greater naturalness, the composition can be supplemented with “worms”, which are cut out of herring fillets. That's it, the "disgusting" Halloween appetizer is ready!

fried hand

  • Ingredients:
  • 500 gr. minced meat
  • 2 onions
  • a piece white bread
  • 100 ml. milk
  • 1 tbsp mayonnaise
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp ketchup
  • salt pepper
  • Provencal herbs or dill seeds
  • The human hand roasted in the oven is one of the traditional recipes for Halloween. The dish is prepared simply, it does not require special artistic abilities, on the contrary, the scarier the better.
  • First of all, prepare the minced meat as for cutlets. Soak a slice of white bread in milk. Add the soaked bread to the minced meat.
  • Three on a fine grater one small onion, put in minced meat.
  • Add salt, pepper, spices, and a spoonful of mayonnaise to the minced meat. Mayonnaise is needed so that the stuffing "is well molded and kept in shape." We mix everything thoroughly.
  • On a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil, spread the minced meat in the shape of a human hand.
  • We take the second onion (small size), remove one onion layer. From this layer, cut out the nails with scissors, which we attach to the fingers. We put the bulb itself into the hand, creating the appearance of a bone.
  • We put the baking sheet in a well-heated oven. We bake the hand in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C.
  • We beat the egg. To make the color reddish, add ketchup to the beaten egg.
  • We coat the hand with the resulting mixture. Put the baking sheet back in the oven, bake until a fried crust forms, this takes about 5-10 minutes, depending on the oven.
  • We serve a fried human hand for dinner by candlelight.

Bitten fingers

  • Ingredients:
  • thin frankfurt sausages
  • ketchup
  • almond
  • Here is another cool recipe that causes wild delight, both in adults and in children. Fry sausages in vegetable oil. If the sausages are a little fried, and wrinkles appear on them, then it will only get worse.
  • At one end of each sausage, use a knife or kitchen scissors to cut a small indentation into which we insert the almonds.
  • You can make several semicircular incisions that look like bite marks. We will then pour a little ketchup into these cuts.
  • We put the fingers on a plate, and then, with the inspiration of true artists, we pour ketchup on the fingers, trying to imitate blood drips from severed fingers.
  • We put a plate with refreshments on the table (it is desirable to reduce the light). This Halloween dish is sure to please your guests.

Cookies "Bloody Brains"

  • Kids will love this Halloween recipe for sure, very tasty and unusual. Take halves or quarters of walnuts.
  • Melt white chocolate in a water bath.
  • We prepare small cookies in advance, on which we will spread nuts in chocolate.
  • It is also advisable to stock up on tweezers or small tongs, with which it is convenient to grab a nut, dip it into melted chocolate and put it on a cookie. If there is no such tool, then we do everything by hand.
  • After bathing the nuts in chocolate, we hide the plate with cookies in the refrigerator so that the chocolate hardens.
  • Before serving, pour over the “brains” with red syrup, raspberry or strawberry syrup is suitable for this. You can use jam syrup.

Hamburger with teeth

  • If you connect fantasy, then from the very regular dish you can make something extraordinary. And this photo is proof of that. Cooking traditional hamburgers, detailed recipe With step by step photos I have placed .
  • We insert almond nuts as teeth (you can use peanuts), pour more ketchup so that the streaks look like blood streams.
  • We make eyes from mayonnaise and flattened peas, you can use capers, circles of olives, etc.
  • That's all, our delicious and very funny horror story is ready. And how much joy the children will bring to cooking such a dish for Halloween!

  • Ingredients:
  • dates
  • unsalted cream cheese
  • pine needles
  • plastic cockroaches
  • Cut the dates sharp knife, remove the bones.
  • Stuff dates with unsalted mascarpone or Philadelphia cream cheese.
  • We insert two pine needles to depict a cockroach mustache.
  • We close the two halves of the date, then put our finished cockroach on a plate with the rest of the "insects". For reliability, we put several plastic cockroaches on the dish. The idea of ​​cockroaches is taken from the blog.

Lettuce Snake

  • Ingredients:
  • chicken fillet
  • mushrooms
  • carrot
  • hard cheese
  • mayonnaise
  • vegetable oil
  • Salad in the shape of a snake is the best for this holiday. Preparing the Snake salad is quite simple. All vegetables are finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil. Mushrooms are fried too. hard cheese three on coarse grater. Mix all ingredients while chilled.
  • Learn more about how to prepare this delicious salad, we read .

bleeding eyes

  • Ingredients:
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 jar canned fish
  • pitted black olives
  • pitted green olives
  • ketchup
  • mayonnaise
  • Here's another egg dish for Halloween night. We cook hard-boiled eggs.
  • We cut the eggs in half, but not along, but across. So the halves will turn out to be more rounded.
  • We take out the yolk. Rub the yolk with a spoonful of mayonnaise and pulp canned tuna. We stuff the eggs with stuffing.
  • Lay the stuffed eggs cut side down on a plate. Cut green olives into slices. From a green circle we make the iris of the eye, from a piece of black olive we make a black pupil.
  • Put the rest of the filling on a plate between the eggs-eyes. Sprinkle ketchup on top to set the mood. You understand that there should be a lot of “blood” on Halloween.

deadly spiders

  • Ingredients:
  • 5 eggs
  • 1 can of canned fish
  • pitted black olives
  • mayonnaise
  • Here is a simpler dish that can be prepared for Halloween with almost the same ingredients as the previous recipe. We cut the boiled eggs lengthwise, make the filling from yolks, mayonnaise, anchovies or sprats.
  • We stuff the eggs. From black olives we make a pattern in the form of spiders. One half of the olive is the body of the spider. We cut the second half into eight strips - spider legs.
  • We put the spiders on a plate, our terrible snack is ready.

Witch's broom

  • Ingredients:
  • cheese plates
  • bread sticks
  • sprigs of greenery
  • Cheese is first cut into strips 3 centimeters wide. We cut each strip in the form of a fringe.
  • We wrap the cheese strip around the end of the breadstick, tie the cheese with a sprig of greens. All the whisk for the witch is ready! By the way, panicles can be made not only from cheese, sausage is also suitable.
  • Ingredients:
  • 250 gr. flour
  • 125 gr. butter
  • 125 gr. Sahara
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp water
  • 1 protein
  • 100 gr. powdered sugar
  • lemon juice
  • chocolate glaze
  • For Halloween, you can make delicious cookies in the form of coffins, ghosts, etc.
  • Heat the oil over low heat or in the microwave. Mix soft butter with sugar, add water, one egg and flour.
  • Knead the dough well and form a ball. We wrap cling film and leave for 45 minutes at room temperature.
  • We roll out the dough thinly, and then with the help of figures (witch, star, month, ghost, etc.) we squeeze out cookies.
  • We spread the cookies on a greased baking sheet, which we then put in a preheated oven.
  • Cookies for Halloween bake for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 180. Take out, leave to cool.
  • To prepare white icing, beat one protein together with powdered sugar and two or three drops of lemon juice.
  • For cooking chocolate icing melting chocolate. We cover the cookies with glaze.

The bats

  • And here is another idea for a tasty and unusual treat for Halloween. And most importantly, you don’t have to cook anything, just buy ready-made ingredients and quickly make such wonderful bats. The only thing that still has to be done is to melt the chocolate in a water bath, and then pour chocolate cupcakes over it.
  • Well, then in still warm chocolate we insert the halves of chocolate cookies and the head of a bat. The eyes are white M & M "s dragees, by the way, the eyes can be made red, it will turn out worse))).

Dessert "Grave"

  • Ingredients:
  • chocolate pudding
  • cookie
  • chocolate
  • small chocolate chip cookie
  • dragee M&M's
  • "Graves" for Halloween is, as they say, a classic of the genre, so don't forget about this traditional treat. The recipe is simple, you can buy chocolate pudding or cook it yourself according to this recipe.
  • Pour chopped chocolate on top of the pudding and insert cookies (tombstone). Cookies can be taken round, but it will be better rectangular.
  • With melted chocolate, draw a cross or write the name of the deceased. That's all, I think your guests will not refuse to taste this "terrible" dessert)))))

This holiday is not so popular in our country, but young people are adopting the tradition, albeit in a more simplified form: they arrange costume parties with terrible decorations and no less terrible dishes. If you are the owner of such a party and have no idea how terribly interesting and terribly tasty it is to treat your guests, we offer interesting options food for Halloween - tasty and original in appearance.

Scariest Halloween Food

Could you just take and eat a bleeding human heart? Or earthworms buried in the ground? Or maybe you would be attracted to a yellow python? And this is not the whole list of the most terrible food that you can cook for Halloween.

  • How do you like the raspberry syrup blood test slides?
  • A very relevant dessert for this holiday will be an apple in caramel icing, and you can decorate it under the poisoned fruit from the fairy tale about Snow White.
  • For this holiday, the main thing is thematic decor. For example, you can cook any cake as a base, and use mastic as decoration, depicting sewn patches of human skin with it.
  • Fans of creepy dishes will definitely like a sweet ear on a stick, or jelly in the form of a human eye. It is imperative that when cutting, imitation of blood (for example, berry jam) should flow out of it.

Your imagination is limitless here, the main thing is to have various food colorings and everything to decorate such dishes. Such "chips" are easy to buy in specialized stores. While you're cooking, we'll show you how to make Halloween food as delicious as it is creepy.

Sweets and cookies for children

Will there be children at your party? This is not a problem, because they love bright and intricate sweets. They just run out of eyes a large number variety of creative dishes. For example, you can cook the following dishes.

Cookies "Witch Fingers"

  1. It will be necessary to beat 150 g of butter or margarine with the same amount of sugar, adding one egg and additional protein to this mixture (we leave the yolk).
  2. Then add 350 g of flour and a pinch of salt to taste. Knead the dough and chill in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
  3. Next, we divide it evenly into small slices, of which we make “sausages”.
  4. We form “fingers” from them, outline the phalanges with a knife.
  5. We cover the baking sheet with paper.
  6. We divide the almonds into halves, dip each peeled half into the remaining yolk mass and fasten it like a nail.
  7. "Fingers" will be baked for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
  8. Cooled cookies can also be decorated with streaks of blood, using any red jam or jam for this.

Ghost cupcakes

  1. We buy our favorite cupcakes in the supermarket, or we make them ourselves.
  2. Next, you need to decorate them with white cream. It can be cooked with my own hands: cottage cheese or cream cheese (1 standard package 200 - 250 g) beat with cream (approximately 100 ml) and add powdered sugar. By the amount of the latter, we focus on the density and taste of the cream.
  3. We put the finished composition through a confectionery syringe on cupcakes, and make “eyes” and “mouth” on them with chocolate drops or drops of chocolate.

Dessert "Earthworm"

  1. To prepare chocolate mousse, melt chocolate in a water bath (300 g).
  2. Beat 3 chicken eggs with 150 g of powdered sugar until white and increase in volume.
  3. Whip the heaviest confectionery cream in a volume of 400 ml to stable peaks and combine with the egg mixture. Slowly pour in the chocolate, while stirring until smooth. chocolate mousse and pour it into beautiful glasses for desserts.
  4. Leave the delicacy to harden in the cold for 3 hours or more.
    For decoration, grind any chocolate chip cookies and sprinkle on top of the dessert, imitating the earth. Having bought jelly worms in the store, at the end we decorate the mousse with them.

Pumpkin Recipes

Jack lantern is the main symbol of Halloween., made from pumpkin.

With such a character, you can decorate the room where the celebration will be held, and it will also be very symbolic to cook several dishes from a vegetable.

Pumpkin sweets in the oven

  1. We wash a pumpkin weighing 1–1.5 kg under running water and, without cleaning, cut it into small slices. We take out the pulp and seeds. We cut the same slices into portions again - future sweets.
  2. We grease the baking sheet with oil and lay out our blanks on it.
  3. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of sugar and vanilla. Sprinkle this mixture over each piece of pumpkin.
  4. We heat the oven and send a treat there. Bake at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.
  5. For glaze, mix 2 tablespoons of liquid honey with 10 - 15 pieces of any nuts (chopped). Water when serving honey dressing pumpkin candy.

Stew in pumpkin

  1. We prepare the "container" in which the stew will be served. We wash a large round pumpkin, without peeling, cut off the top, as if it were a lid.
  2. We take out all the loose insides of the pumpkin. With a knife, carefully peel off the loose layer of the pumpkin itself, while the wall left intact should not be thinner than 1 cm. The fruit must remain intact after processing, otherwise it will not hold the filling inside.
  3. For the stew, cut into small cubes the following ingredients: pork (1 kg), 2 young carrots, 2 onions and 3 pods of sweet pepper. Lightly fry these ingredients in a pan.
  4. Then you need to mix everything in a separate bowl, salt and pepper. We transfer the finished vegetable mass to our pumpkin and send it to the oven to bake for at least an hour.
  1. When serving, pour sour cream into the “cauldron” and chop a bunch of fresh herbs.

One large pumpkin can be replaced by small pumpkins. It is convenient to serve stews or other dishes in portions in them.

Original Halloween themed food

The holiday is approaching, and you have not yet decided what will scare the guests on your table? We invite you to take a look at the list original dishes, which will come in handy for dinner on this terrible night:

  • Fried hand. The silhouette of the hand is formed from minced meat, and the bulb will serve as nails on the fingers and the protruding head of the wrist bone.
  • Bitten fingers. The basis is sausages, the nail is replaced by almonds. Something like bites are formed along the sausage with a knife, after which the blanks are baked in the oven. Traces of blood from bites imitate ketchup. Beautifully lay out the “fingers” on a plate and serve.
  • Cockroaches. The body of the cockroach will be replaced by dates. We remove the bones from them, put them inside unsalted cheese. Paws will be pine needles. We put the finished snack on a plate and decorate it with additional artificial cockroaches for greater realism.
  • Baked brains. The chicken fillet is scrolled through a meat grinder, peppered and salted. Then the resulting mass is simply baked in the oven. To simulate blood, you can use dark thick sauce- soy, "Teriyaki" or barbecue.

These themed dishes will complement any Halloween table and will be the highlight of the evening. They are very easy to prepare, and most importantly, terribly tasty and very satisfying!

Cooking pizza

In the US, no party is complete without delicious pizza. We offer a recipe unusual pizza because both adults and children love it.

We will need:

  • pizza base (medium) - 1 pc.;
  • tomato sauce - to taste;
  • "Mozzarella" (grated) - 2 tbsp.;
  • olives - to taste;
  • pepper (red and yellow) - 1 pc.;
  • Pepperoni, capers - to taste.


  1. Using kitchen scissors or a knife, we form a skull from the pizza base.
  2. Next, lubricate the resulting workpiece olive oil and sauce, and then sprinkle with grated cheese.
  3. Let's start decorating our pizza, turn on the fantasy. The eyes and nose can be cut out of pepperoni or olives, the mouth is formed from pepper, making it in the form of bared teeth of the skull. With capers and multi-colored peppers, cut into strips, we decorate pizza for more brightness and festivity.

Pizza is baked at 180 degrees for literally 5 to 10 minutes. The dish is served hot. Bon appetit!

Simple meal for the holidays

Ideal for a party buffet table. It's quick and easy, and most importantly - the eyes run wide when choosing dishes.

It may seem to guests that you stood at the stove all day to cook all this, but in fact, having prepared sweets and simple snacks, you will not spend too much time and effort. For example, you can easily do:

  • Various sandwiches and canapes.
  • Spaghetti with turkey meatballs. In the latter, in the center, you can add chopped olives in rings, as if it were the iris of the eye.
  • Stuffed peppers. Before filling the pods, cut out a jack-lantern from them.
  • Mashed potatoes are a fairly simple dish that can be varied by serving in a pumpkin peeled from the insides.

As you can see, even the usual simple meals can be interestingly interpreted under the theme of the holiday.

Halloween Cakes

Here you can create anything you want, just take any favorite cake as a basis and decorate it with a Halloween theme.

The Red Velvet cake will become very bright and symbolic because of its juicy red color. On the basis of such a dessert, it is quite interesting to present various creepy ideas.

  1. For example, we cover it with white cream on top and sides, “penetrate” it with the sharp end of sugar glass, and with syrup either pomegranate juice imitate blood streaks.
  2. The second design option. We decorate the cake smeared with butter cream with birds cut out of black mastic. To prepare the figurines, we roll out black mastic, cut out birds with shapes or scissors and send them to freeze in the refrigerator. In the dessert covered with cream, we make small holes so that the inner red crumb is visible. In these places we plant birds that supposedly “pecked out” the holes.

Here are some simple but intricate ideas that can be easily implemented without much effort.

Party Appetizer Recipes

For a party, it is not necessary to set a huge table, as in New Year. It is enough to prepare a creative cake, serve creepy sweets and no less scary light snacks.

Snack "Black Widow"


  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • olives - 6 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt and black pepper to taste.


  1. Lightly fry finely chopped onion in butter.
  2. Gently clean boiled eggs and cut them into halves - this is the basis of the snack.
  3. Carefully take out the yolk, which, together with mayonnaise, turn into mashed potatoes, salt and pepper to taste. Fill egg whites with egg mixture.
  4. Cut the olives into halves. One will go to the middle of the egg, imitating the body of a spider, the second, cut into strips, will become its paws. The spooky snack is ready to eat.

pumpkin sticks


  • pumpkin - 0.5 kg;
  • pumpkin seed oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • pumpkin seeds- 3 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • pepper, salt to taste.


  1. We cut the peeled pumpkin into slices of 5 cm in length and edges of 5 - 7 mm (like french fries).
  2. On a baking sheet covered with paper, spread our pumpkin slices in one layer and bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes at 170 degrees.
  3. After this time, we remove the blanks in a separate container. Lubricate them with oil, pepper and salt.
  4. Pass the garlic through the garlic press and add the seeds to it. Mix well and dip pumpkin sticks in the resulting composition.
  1. Then put them again on a baking sheet in one layer and bake for 15 - 20 minutes, increasing the temperature to 210 degrees.

The dish can be served both as a cold appetizer and as a hot one.

Witch broom

We will need:

  • salty sticks - 1 pack;
  • any cheese (hard);
  • a bunch of green onions.

The preparation is unrealistically simple: we cut the cheese into thin slices, then we make transverse cuts in them, but without cutting them to the end. We wrap cheese on one end of the stick and fix it green onions. Light and tasty snack ready!

The proposed ideas are quite enough for a buffet table for a "terrible" holiday. But even if you lack something, the thematic vector has been set, and fantasy will tell you what else to feed the terribly hungry guests so that they don’t accidentally eat the hostess of the party herself.

Halloween is a rather unusual and interesting holiday. Of course, not many people celebrate it, but for almost everyone there is something funny, mysterious and mysterious about this holiday. Many people ask the question: "What to cook for Halloween?". This section is devoted to this topic. Here you will find unusual recipes for Halloween, which were prepared by visitors to our site. Almost all recipes are posted with step by step photos to make it easier for you to understand how to cook a particular dish.
Traditionally, many Halloween dishes are made with pumpkins. Therefore, in this section you can also find many interesting and healthy dishes, the main ingredient of which is pumpkin. You will learn how to cook a pumpkin for Halloween and what dishes from it can be put on festive table.
Making a Halloween menu with the help of this section will be very simple. Here you will find salads, appetizers, desserts, cakes, pies, cookies, as well as other recipes for baking, hot dishes, drinks, soft drinks and alcoholic cocktails, sandwiches, first courses, sweets, muffins, pizza and much more. You will find out what kind of Halloween decorations you can make for dishes.
We hope that our Halloween ideas will inspire you with new dishes that you will share with us.


Lean pumpkin pie

Ingredients: pumpkin, dates, flour, sugar, cinnamon, ginger, salt, baking powder, starch, vegetable oil

To prepare a lean pumpkin pie, you need quite a bit - the desire to cook a delicious treat and a little time. And our recipe will help you cope with this painstaking, but still very pleasant work.

For test:
- whole wheat flour- 2 glasses,
- vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons,
- baking powder - 2 teaspoons,
- salt - 1 pinch,
- sugar - half a glass,
- cinnamon to taste.

For filling:
- pumpkin - 1 kg,
- starch - 1 tablespoon,
- dates - 5 pcs.,
- dried ginger - 1 teaspoon,
- cinnamon - 3 teaspoons.


Pumpkin fritters with apple

Ingredients: pumpkin, apple, cereals, eggs, soda, sugar, salt, refined vegetable oil

What can you please your family for breakfast? Porridge, sandwiches, scrambled eggs... there are many options. We decided to offer you a win-win - hot fluffy pancakes on a pumpkin with an apple. Bake and serve pancakes with sour cream and sweet sauce, very tasty!

For the recipe you will need:

- 200 g pumpkin,
- one apple
- half a glass of oatmeal,
- two eggs,
- 1 teaspoon of soda,
- sugar - to taste,
- a pinch of salt,
- vegetable oil - for frying.


Halloween Cookies "Imp Kitty"

Ingredients: softened butter, sugar, wheat flour, raw yolk, cream, ground ginger, vanillin, powdered sugar, egg white, confectionery paints

After trying your cookies at least once, children will no longer say the traditional phrase "sweet or nasty" - they will definitely want your treat! And it cannot be otherwise, because these cookies are not only beautiful, but also very tasty, which will make them your favorite delicacy at your holiday. So stock up on food and bake as much of this treat as possible so that there is enough for everyone!

For test:
- 90 g of softened butter;
- 120 g of powdered sugar;
- 175 g of wheat flour;
- 20 g of raw yolk;
- 15 ml of cream;
- ground ginger;
- vanillin;
For glaze:
- 310 g of powdered sugar;
- 45 g of raw egg white;
- confectionery paints: orange, black, red.


Halloween Cookies "Sweet Spiders"

Ingredients: Wheat flour, sugar, margarine, egg, milk, vanillin, food coloring, powdered sugar

We offer a recipe for making a sweet dessert for the Halloween holiday. Cooking funny sweet spiders with icing. Both children and adults will be delighted with a delicious fabulous dessert.

For test:
- wheat flour - 180 grams,
- milk - 15 grams,
- sugar - 140 grams,
- chicken egg - 1 pc.,
- margarine - 90 grams,
- vanillin.

For glaze:
- raw egg white- 45 grams,
- powdered sugar - 300 grams,
- food paint (black and yellow) - 1 gram each.


Cheese Cookies "Witch's Fingers"

Ingredients: butter, hard cheese, egg, flour, sea salt, baking powder, peanuts, cocoa

Recently, such a holiday as Halloween has become popular among young people. And although not everyone understands its meaning, they still try to walk on a large scale. so, if you decide to arrange a theme evening, prepare a treat for your friends in the spirit of the holiday - bake witch fingers cookies.

For the recipe you will need:
- 100 g butter,
- 100 g of hard cheese,
- one egg,
- 210 g wheat flour,
- 10 g of salt,
- 5 g of baking powder,
- peanut,
- cocoa.


Halloween Cookies "Angry Cats"

Ingredients: butter, sugar, wheat flour, egg, milk, water, powdered sugar, food colors

Have you decided to throw a Halloween party this year? Then you need to think about "scary" treats for friends and neighbors. All kinds of cookies in the form of pumpkins, bats and cats are perfect for this. We invite you to learn how to bake cookies for Halloween. We assure you, your loved ones will be delighted.

For the recipe you will need:
- 65 g natural butter,
- sugar - 110 g,
- 185 g flour,
- one egg yolk,
- 15 ml of water or milk.

For glaze:
- 310 g of powdered sugar,
- egg white,
- edible paints.


Halloween Dish - Fly Agaric Appetizer

Ingredients: eggplant, walnuts, pickled cucumber, onion, tomato, garlic, mayonnaise, dill

Halloween is a rather unusual and interesting holiday. Of course, not many people celebrate it, but for almost everyone there is something funny, mysterious and mysterious about this holiday. Many people ask the question: "What to cook for Halloween?". Decorating your table for Halloween is easy. You just need to show a little imagination. I suggest you try to cook "Amanita"!

Required components:

- large tomato - 1 pc.;
- dill greens - a few branches;
- onion - 1 pc.;
- walnuts - 50 gr.;
- eggplant - 400 gr.;
- pickled cucumber - 1 pc.;
- garlic - 1 clove;
- mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. spoon.


Cookies "Ghost"

Ingredients: flour, butter, margarine, pumpkin, egg, poppy seeds, sugar, baking powder, soda, cinnamon, salt, powdered sugar, lemon juice

Look how funny the ghost cookies turned out. And not at all scary, as they usually prepare dishes for Halloween. if you decide to bake such cookies for your friends, our photo recipe will help you.

For the recipe you will need:
- flour - a glass;
- butter - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- pumpkin - 150 g;
- one egg;
- poppy - 1 tbsp. spoon;
- sugar - 25 g;
- baking powder - 10 g;
- cinnamon - a large pinch;
- salt - a large pinch;
- powdered sugar - 250 gr;
- lemon juice - 1 tsp.


Halloween Eggplant Monsters

Ingredients: eggplant, tomato, cheese, mayonnaise, sunflower oil, toothpicks

Although Halloween is not our "native" holiday, all large quantity people every year begins to support the traditions of this day, dressing in symbolic costumes and preparing themed "terrible" dishes. If you love Halloween, then we offer you a Monsters dish, like original idea holiday table decorations.

Required Ingredients:

- medium-sized tomato - 1 pc.;
- toothpicks - a few pieces (how many monsters there will be);
- mayonnaise - 50 gr.;
- small eggplants - 2 pcs.;
- cheese - 50 gr.;
- sunflower oil - 50 gr.


Salad "Butterfly R.I.P." on Halloween

Ingredients: canned peas, canned corn, crab sticks, potatoes, eggs, seaweed, apple, banana, onion, mayonnaise, greens

Try to prepare a salad for Halloween, only you need to arrange it unusually, namely in the form of a dead and pierced spaghetti butterfly. This design is perfect for a party where only girls gather in order to tell fortunes. The salad itself is made quickly, the taste is memorable, and you will definitely like it. For any other holiday, the type of salad can be changed.

Required Ingredients:

- crab sticks - 1 pack;
- canned peas - 1 jar;
- hard-boiled chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
- sweet apple - 1 pc.;
- onion - 1 pc.;
- greens - 1 bunch;
- canned corn - 1 jar;
- boiled potatoes - 2 pcs.;
- sea cabbage - 1 pack;
- banana - 1 pc.;
- mayonnaise - 1 package.

for decor:
- canned corn - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- crab sticks - 3 pcs.;
- spaghetti - 1 thread;
- canned peas - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- greens - ¼ bunch.


pumpkin sandwiches

Ingredients: Carrots, mayonnaise, garlic, bun, pitted olives

We are preparing a simple, uncomplicated snack for a picnic or a holiday. spicy carrot with garlic and mayonnaise on a bun - it's delicious, easy and inexpensive.

- 1 unsweetened bun,
- 1 clove of garlic,
- 1 carrot,
- 100 g of mayonnaise,
- a few black olives.


Smoothies with pumpkin and kefir

Ingredients: pumpkin, honey, pumpkin seeds, cinnamon, kefir, yogurt

Smoothies are a delicious and nutritious drink that will be useful to everyone, without exception. It is especially relevant in the spring days, when the time for beriberi and blues begins. It's easy to prepare. We offer you one of the options.

For the recipe you will need:
- 300-400 pumpkins;
- honey - to taste;
- a handful of pumpkin seeds;
- ground cinnamon- pinch;
- 600 g low-fat kefir or yogurt.


Soba with pork, vegetables and fried cheese

Ingredients: soba, pork, green bean, Bell pepper, Adyghe cheese, soy sauce, black ground pepper, salt, vegetable oil

Would you like to inhale the aromas Chinese food? Then be sure to use our new recipe and cook delicious soba with vegetables and pork. We assure you that everyone will like the dish!

For the recipe you will need:
- half a package of soba noodles;
- 200 gr. meat;
- 150 gr. string beans;
- two pods of sweet pepper;
- 100 gr. Adyghe cheese;
- 300 ml. soy sauce;
- ground black pepper - to taste;
- salt - to taste;
- vegetable oil.


Salad "Herring under a fur coat" in the shape of a fish

Ingredients: salted herring, beets, carrots, potatoes, eggs, salad onions, mayonnaise

Making your holiday table brighter and more interesting is actually not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. All you need is ingenuity, a little sleight of hand and our tips. We propose to start from the beginning, namely with the salad "Herring under a fur coat", having issued it in the form of a fish.

- 1 lightly salted herring,
- 1 beet.,
- 2 carrots,
- 2 potatoes,
- 2 eggs,
- 1 salad onion,
- 200 g of mayonnaise.


Calamari stuffed with mushrooms and rice

Ingredients: squid carcass, rice, mushrooms, onion, cheese, egg, milk, vegetable oil, sour cream, salt, ground black pepper

Tell me have you ever cooked yourself stuffed squid? If not, then use our new recipe. The dish turns out incredibly tasty and appetizing!

For the recipe you will need:
- 5 squid carcasses;
- half a glass of rice;
- 150 gr. fried mushrooms;
- 1 head of onion;
- 100 g of cheese;
- 2 eggs;
- 2-3 tbsp. spoons of milk;
- 40 ml of vegetable oil;
- a glass of sour cream;
- salt - to taste;
- ground black pepper - to taste.