Preparation of alcoholic punch. Punch – Punch Recipes

In the cold season, alcoholic drinks, which are served warm or hot, are becoming especially popular.

They not only help to warm up faster, but also create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house, and are also a good prevention of various respiratory diseases.

One such drink is punch. It is prepared on the basis water, cognac, but as additional ingredients use tea, coffee, cocoa and various spices and fruit.

For the first time this drink was created in India, from where it came to modern Europe, whose inhabitants have been working on improving the punch recipe for many years in a row.

It is thanks to them that today the world knows at least 30 different options for its preparation. Each recipe has its own unique zest, which has been preserved for decades.

Classic way

If you have never used punch before, then you should start acquaintance with it with this recipe.

Reference! This drink has a second name - rum punch.

  • To prepare it, you need to boil 0.75 liters of purified water and cool it to 95% degrees.
  • Then put 12 g of loose black tea into it.
  • After 15 minutes, the mixture is filtered and the juice of 1 lemon and 0.35 liters of rum are added to it.
  • Cook the punch on low heat for fifteen minutes.

The finished drink is served in a slightly cooled form in tea mugs or special glasses.


However, today this alcoholic drink is usually served not only hot, but also as a soft drink.

The most popular punch is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Mix water (250 ml) and sugar (40 g).
  2. Boil the syrup at a low boil for ten minutes.
  3. Mix three different types of fruits or berries in about equal proportions(total volume not more than 400 g).
  4. Prepared fruits are laid out in a deep jug, sugar siro is poured and apple, pineapple and Orange juice and in equal amounts (200 ml each).
  5. Cool the drink in the refrigerator.
  6. Before pouring it into glasses, soda (1 l) and beer (500 ml) are poured into a container.

An alcoholic drink should be taken with ginger, it will help emphasize the freshness of the punch and make its color more saturated.

Juices, like fruits with berries, you can choose according to your taste.

Important! How to make a non-alcoholic punch for children or non-drinking guests? Just for them, only soda is poured into the total volume of the drink and poured into glasses, and beer is added to the remaining punch for the rest of the guests.


Punch prepared on the basis of this drink is especially popular among coffee lovers.

Ready alcohol is very tart, invigorating, it has a rich taste and aroma.

Preparing it is quite simple:

  • It is necessary to brew strong and sweet coffee from 300 g of water, 90 g of sugar and 60 g of ground coffee beans.
  • Calvados (120 g) and brandy (50 g) are mixed in a separate bowl.
  • They are heated to a temperature of 70 degrees.
  • The alcoholic mixture is poured into mugs and 150 g of prepared coffee is added to each.
  • Everything is thoroughly mixed.
  • Cream (20 g per serving) is poured into the funnel in the center of the mug in a circle. It is immediately served unmixed on the table.

Reference! It is better to drink such a drink at least 4 hours before going to bed. It activates the work of the central nervous system and can provoke insomnia.

You can not drink coffee punch and people with heart problems.


Such a drink is not only very fragrant and tasty, but also quite sweet. Therefore, those people who simply adore chocolate will never refuse it.

It is prepared from:

  • sugar sand - 0.5 cups;
  • cognac - 150 g;
  • one chicken egg;
  • 250 g of water;
  • semi-sweet red wine - 500 ml;
  • cocoa powder - 50 g.


  1. Mix dry mixtures of sugar and cocoa.
  2. Pour them in a thin stream into boiling water.
  3. Mix thoroughly until all crystals are completely dissolved and set aside.
  4. Heated wine up to 70 degrees is poured into chocolate mixture and leave to stand. As soon as a precipitate falls, the liquid is carefully poured into another container.
  5. In a separate bowl, beat the egg with cognac until smooth. Then it is twisted into a chocolate blank and poured into glasses.

If desired, during serving, the surface of the drink can be decorated a small amount grated chocolate or whipped cream.


This drink was created by European gourmets. It was they who first came up with the idea of ​​using egg yolk as one of the ingredients of warm alcoholic drinks.

The result is a tasty, fragrant, healthy and satisfying punch.


  1. In one liter of strong black tea, you need to add finely chopped lemon zest, three cloves and a small pinch of ground cinnamon.
  2. Separately, thoroughly beat 6 egg yolks and 0.3 kg of fine sugar or powder from it.
  3. Add 250 g of cognac and the juice of one large lime to the tea infused with spices.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan, add beaten eggs to it, and boil over medium heat with constant stirring for 10 minutes.
  5. Cool to 80 degrees and serve.

In drinking establishments, such a punch, when served, is decorated with chocolate or coconut flakes. This drink can be served with a straw.


This is another type of drink served cold.

Of course, that it is in special demand during the ripening season of this berry. However, even in the cold season, you can treat yourself to it by using its frozen berries instead of fresh strawberries.

For cooking are used:

  • strawberries (400 g),
  • ice (6 cubes),
  • sparkling water (1 l),
  • cognac or whiskey (150 g),
  • sugar (about 50 g).


  1. Before proceeding directly to the preparation of this delicious and refreshing punch, it is necessary to prepare the strawberries themselves. Her berries are carefully sorted and washed in running water. They remove all sepals.
  2. The resulting raw material is mixed with sugar and interrupted by a blender for five minutes. It is necessary to leave a few berries whole.
  3. Whole berries are cut into pieces of the same shape and immersed in the prepared puree. Ice cubes also fall out here.
  4. Water is poured into a container with berries and brandy is mixed well and poured into glasses. Its edges are decorated with mint leaves and pieces of berries.

Reference! Instead of regular ice in cubes, you can use frozen fruit juice. This applies to all fruit punch recipes. Such a drink looks more festive, and its taste becomes more saturated.

The video describes original way making strawberry punch:

It should be remembered that punch is primarily a low-alcohol and medicinal drink.

Therefore, you should not try to increase its strength by increasing the amount of alcohol in the recipe. There will be very little benefit from such a drink.

Creating all the above punch recipes, gourmets took into account the compatibility of all ingredients and selected their optimal ratio. Thanks to this, the punch has a lot of useful qualities.

Beneficial features

In fairness, it should be noted that only those varieties of punch that are served hot have health benefits.

The benefit of the refreshing varieties of this drink is that they perfectly quench their thirst, have a good refreshing taste, and also contain a large amount of beneficial vitamins derived from fruits.

Hot punch has a lot of useful and important qualities:

  • Good anti-inflammatory effect.
  • It perfectly warms the body and helps to escape from severe hypothermia.
  • Helps boost immunity.
  • It saturates the body with various vitamins and microelements, due to the high content of various fruits and spices in its composition.
  • The high concentration of tannins in this drink has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and perfectly eliminates both constipation and diarrhea.
  • Drinks containing honey tone the body as a whole and help it activate its hidden reserves.
  • Due to the fact that different spices are used in the preparation of this drink, punch has a slight beneficial sedative effect on the nervous system. Irritability and anxiety disappear, sleep normalizes.
  • This drink has good vasodilating properties, and it also has a mild analgesic effect.
  • Appetite Stimulation is another positive quality punch, especially for people who are underweight.

Important! Assess the health benefits of this low alcohol drink It is only possible if you do not abuse it.

Non-alcoholic punches also help fill the deficit useful substances in the body, they have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract and nervous system, improve mood and strengthen teeth and bones.

Punch is a drink that will be relevant all the time.

And this can be easily explained not only by a large number of its useful properties, but also by the simplicity and availability of preparation, as well as good taste and aromatic qualities.

Origin story

Alcoholic punch is a cocktail known to many, with fruits or fruit juices. Useful information on the preparation of this drink will tell you all the nuances of the recipe.

The original punch recipe was a mixture of boiled or heated rum with water, sugar, as well as various spices and fruits.

Of the many recipes for this drink, most often they choose a punch recipe at home, because it can be prepared quickly and easily.

Punch was born in India, and became popular in Europe since the 14th century. Then the drink was consumed exclusively hot, which included 5 essential components:

  • sugar;
  • wine;
  • fruit juices;
  • spices.

The question of how to make an alcoholic punch at home is asked by many people, given the wide variety of recipes for this drink.

Varieties of punch

The classic drink recipe is not common, because in addition to traditional ingredients a recipe for alcoholic punch at home may include:

  • pieces of fruit;
  • cognac or bourbon.

The drink can be served not only hot, but also chilled. The non-alcoholic cocktail consists of fresh and canned berries and fruits.

When choosing a punch recipe to make at home, deviations in many cases will lead to a more interesting and unusual taste.

The traditional hot punch recipe consists of the following ingredients:

  • strong brewed tea - 1l;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g;
  • rum - 0.5 cups;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • egg yolks - 5 pcs.

Consider how to make punch at home using these classic ingredients.

  1. Lemon should be cut into small pieces and seeds removed.
  2. We put pieces of citrus in strong brewed tea and fall asleep with a bag vanilla sugar.
  3. Bring the contents to a boil under the lid and strain.
  4. Grind the egg yolks with sugar and add the mixture to the pan, mix.
  5. We put everything on steam bath, cook the mass, stirring occasionally until a thick mixture is obtained.
  6. Remove from heat and, while stirring, pour in the rum.
  7. Punch should be served hot.

A popular recipe is vodka punch. For its preparation it is necessary:

  1. mix 100 g of blueberry juice with a bottle of Cabernet;
  2. add 40 g of sugar there and stir until it dissolves;
  3. heat the liquid to 70 degrees, turn off, add 100 g of vodka.

Rules for preparing and serving punch

This drink should not be overly sweet, so the dosage of sugar, honey and liquor should be strict.

Using rum as the main alcoholic component, you should not choose cheap fakes, you can take a dark color, but light is better.

Now you know how to make punch at home. A mug of such a hot drink will perfectly warm you in frosty weather and help you beat a cold.

It is customary to serve it in ceramic mugs or glasses with a temperature not exceeding 65 degrees. If the temperature is higher, then alcohol will lose its taste.

How to make punch?

Hollywood movies have made American punch the most popular recipe for this drink. On the screen, an intoxicating drink in a transparent bowl looked appetizing and encouraged cooking. It consisted of dry wine, heated together with powdered sugar and diluted with cranberry and apple juices. It was served chilled with ice cubes and fruit.

  1. Punch, the recipe of which has various options cooking, should not be sweet. Do not add a lot of honey, sugar and liquor.
  2. Alcoholic drinks that are part of the cocktail must be heated to 80 degrees. At higher temperatures, they lose their taste.
  3. Fruit punch is made only with dry table wine without sugar, since fruits and honey already give the drink a sweet taste.

Classic Alcoholic Punch - Recipe

Alcoholic punch is varied, but remains the most popular classic recipe brought to Europe from India. The word "punch", translated from Indian, means the number five, which corresponds to the number of components included in the drink. Among them are rum, hot tea, lemon juice, sugar and spices heated over a fire and served hot.


  • dark rum - 300 ml;
  • hot water - 700 ml;
  • sugar - 40 g;
  • black tea - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 80 ml.


  1. Brew tea with hot water.
  2. After 10 minutes, strain and mix with rum.
  3. Pour in the juice, put sugar and sweat for 10 minutes.
  4. Serve the classic punch hot with a cinnamon stick.

Classic Non-Alcoholic Punch - Recipe

The non-alcoholic punch is a range of drinks served, depending on the season, hot or cold. As a rule, this is a mixture of juices, lemonade and mineral water with canned or fresh fruit, berries. Tea, citrus and spices are often added to such punches in order to quickly and easily refresh and recharge the body.


  • Pineapple juice- 1.5 l;
  • strawberries and raspberries - 150 g each;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • lemonade - 1, 2 l.


  1. Cut the strawberries in half, the orange and lime into slices, and put the raspberries whole in a bowl.
  2. Pour juice, lemonade and refrigerate for an hour.
  3. Punch, non-alcoholic recipe, pour into glasses and serve with ice cubes.

Apple Punch - Recipe

Alcoholic apple punch is a godsend for connoisseurs of light, intoxicating, spicy drinks. Dry wine with apple juice, fragrant spices, honey and calvados form perfect combination, which leaves no doubt about the perfection, fragrantness and expressiveness of the cocktail, the components for which can always be found on store shelves.


  • dry red wine - 300 ml;
  • apple juice - 200 ml;
  • cinnamon stick - 2 pcs.;
  • clove bud - 2 pcs.;
  • honey - 40 g;
  • apple calvados - 40 ml.


  1. Bring wine with spices and honey to a boil.
  2. Pour in the juice, Calvados and remove from the stove.
  3. Apple punch is a recipe in which the drink is served hot.

Non-alcoholic tangerine punch is a non-trivial and original drink in which the familiar taste of fresh tangerine has undergone a transformation, revealing itself brighter when hot. This cooking technique is offered by this recipe, in which sweet tangerine juice does not lose useful properties and goes well with sour nectars.


  • cranberry juice- 500 ml;
  • apple juice - 500 ml;
  • tangerines - 2 kg;
  • lemon peel - 10 g;
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.;
  • clove buds - 10 pcs.;
  • honey - 20 g;
  • grated ginger - 10 g.


  1. Peel the tangerines from the peel, squeeze the pulp.
  2. Mix tangerine juice with apple and cranberry juice.
  3. Put spices, ginger, honey and zest.
  4. Simmer for 5 minutes and pour into mugs.

Orange Punch Recipe

Orange punch is unique and incredibly delicious. Orange is an indispensable component in the creation of strong drinks, as it is easily combined with any alcohol. Its sweet and sour taste is able to set off the dryness of champagne, dilute the bitterness of gin and cloying liquor, and the color always awakens the appetite.


  • gin - 150 ml;
  • prosecco - 300 ml;
  • liquor - 200 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 200 ml;
  • orange juice - 750 ml;
  • orange - 5 pcs.;
  • cranberries - 80 g;
  • ice cubes - 1.5 kg.


  1. Place the sliced ​​oranges in a bowl.
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix.

Punch with rum is distinguished by a variety of recipes. With all this, each of them is popular, has its own name and serving. Most cocktails come from hot continents, so they are often served cold, diluted with citrus juices and ice. A striking example is the Caribbean punch, the composition of which is given below.


  • white rum- 40 ml;
  • dark rum - 40 ml;
  • pineapple juice - 90 ml;
  • orange juice - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • pomegranate syrup - 5 ml.


  1. Shake all ingredients in a shaker with ice.
  2. Serve with an orange slice and lime zest.

Non-alcoholic sea buckthorn punch is a worthy use of a specific berry. By itself, bittersweet sea buckthorn does not differ in taste, but in combination with citrus fruits, spices and sugar, it is incredibly good. It is noteworthy that in order to preserve the beneficial properties, sea buckthorn is not boiled, but added to the hot base just before serving.


  • sea ​​buckthorn - 350 g;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • orange - 3 pcs.;
  • grated ginger - 20 g;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • water - 1.8 l.


  1. Wipe the sea buckthorn through a sieve.
  2. Add citrus juice and refrigerate.
  3. Pour the citrus zest with water, add sugar and bring to a boil.
  4. Strain the broth, combine with ginger and juice.
  5. Punch is a recipe in which the drink is drunk immediately.

Egg punch - recipe

Egg punch is a colorful drink invented by the British. Hence - black tea and cognac, which replaced rum. It must be said that the discreet taste of the last component is ideally combined with tea, yolks and lemon juice, adding a mixture of the necessary strength, which only real admirers of intoxicating can appreciate.


  • strong tea - 900 ml;
  • yolks - 8 pcs.;
  • vanillin - 10 g;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • cognac - 90 ml;
  • sugar - 180 g.


  1. Boil slices of lemon and vanillin for 5 minutes in strong tea.
  2. Strain and set aside for 30 minutes.
  3. Pound the egg yolks with sugar, add tea and, stirring, cook the cream.
  4. Remove from heat, after 10 minutes add cognac and pour into glasses.

The punch recipe at home is an opportunity to create a drink to taste. In the cold, you want a soft, fragrant cocktail with a slight alcoholic effect. In this case, the best ginger punch is not to be found. Red wine, combined with ginger syrup, tea, rum and spices, will warm, hop and give strength for walking on Christmas days.


  • grated ginger - 40 g;
  • red wine - 700 ml;
  • rum - 200 ml;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • hot tea - 500 ml;
  • lemon juice - 80 ml;
  • sugar - 120 g;
  • clove bud - 3 pcs.


  1. Boil ginger in water, along with sugar and cloves, for 10 minutes.
  2. Strain, mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Serve your Christmas punch hot.

No less refined will be punch at home from affordable, seasonal ingredients. Dry champagne and citrus fruits are the perfect tandem to satisfy different taste preferences, create a festive atmosphere, freshen up and not overwork, because the drink is prepared simply and only takes time to cool.


  • lemon - 6 pcs.;
  • orange - 6 pcs.;
  • champagne - 750 ml.


  1. Squeeze the juice from citrus fruits and put it in the freezer until the mass turns into a hardening porridge.
  2. Pour in the champagne and chill the punch for another 30 minutes.
  3. Divide into glasses.

Those who wish to diversify the preparation of punch with original ingredients should add milk. With it, the drink will change and become tender, creamy taste, which contrasts beautifully with fragrant rum and cinnamon. In addition, milk has the ability to soften the effect of alcohol, which allows you to increase the portion of alcohol.


  • milk - 350 ml;
  • rum - 60 ml;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • nutmeg - 5 g.


  1. Mix rum with sugar.
  2. Warm up the milk to 70 degrees.
  3. Shake milk with rum and garnish with a pinch of spices.

Hot Punch - Recipe

Hot punch is a classic of the genre. It is a drink with a warming effect, overflowing with aromas of spices, a light alcoholic aftertaste, closely associated with cold and new year holidays. All these qualities are characteristic of the following popular recipe, which combines the traditions of old Europe and ancient India.


  • red wine - 500 ml;
  • water - 500 ml;
  • brandy - 250 ml;
  • honey - 40 g;
  • cinnamon stick - 1 pc.;
  • clove bud - 4 pcs.;
  • orange slices - 3 pcs.


  1. Combine all the components in a container and heat them over a fire to 80 degrees.
  2. Pour the hot punch into glasses, placing an orange in each slice.

Traditional classic punch recipe

Only five ingredients are needed. These are rum, sugar, spices, lemon juice and ordinary black tea. If you need more or less drink, the proportions will not be difficult to calculate.

  1. Prepare 450 ml of rum (preferably dark), 850 ml of hot boiled water, 2-3 small spoons of tea, lemon and sugar to taste;
  2. Pour the tea leaves with warm water and let it insist for at least 15 minutes. Strong zeal is also not desirable;
  3. Strain the tea leaves through a fine sieve, removing the leaves, as the output should be a colorless liquid;
  4. Now pour rum into it and add sugar to taste, squeeze the lemon;
  5. Pour the resulting mixture and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes;
  6. You can remove the already prepared rum from the stove. Remember that this drink is served hot.

Your punch will be met upon serving.

Spend it later, of course, depending on how you cooked it. And if the path from the glass to the stomach of your taster will be the last for the punch, then we again have bad news for you. But if you serve the punch properly, you may be forgiven. Because serving in the case of punch is eighty percent of the success of the event.

So. The classic presentation involves special so-called. "punches" - ceramic or porcelain glasses. They can be replaced with mulled wine or grog glasses. The thick glass of this dish allows you to retain heat longer and thereby preserve the unique taste of the drink. If you want to get restaurant serving, then you can additionally strain it and add mint or whole sweet apples. You can also make a decoration in the form of sugar edging around the edges of the glass. All this, at least, can boost your self-esteem for a short time.

In addition to the traditional hot punch, there are several other options for making it cold.

Cold Caribbean punch

If in early childhood your any costume on the school “Christmas tree” was a pirate costume, at home Robinson Crusoe and “Children of Captain Grant” were read from cover to cover, and when Captain Jack Sparrow appeared on the big screen, you each time came to an indescribable ecstasy , then this version of the punch was invented especially for you.

Rum cocktails have not gained such high popularity anywhere since Caribbean Islands. The recipe for this cocktail is very simple:

  1. We take 40 ml of white rum, 40 ml of brown rum, 90 ml of pineapple and 50 ml of orange juice, 20 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 10 ml of pomegranate syrup and 1-2 pieces of people;
  2. We mix all this assortment in a shaker and shake;
  3. Serving methods are similar to the classic hot version.

Punch a la Barbados

This punch recipe has gained wide popularity not only because it is brewed from dark rum. The old rhyming form of writing makes it unusual. We will not give here its full translation in the hope that among the readers there will not be lovers of foreign poetry, and our Barbados punch will not turn into a primitive one. tomato soup from rotten tomatoes.

So, all we need in this case is

  • Lemon juice;
  • Sugar;
  • Barbados dark rum;

Optionally, you can add 1-2 ice cubes, one pinch of ground nutmeg and a popular alcoholic drink in Venezuela - angostura (if you find it on the counter of the store closest to your home, the author of the article is ready to put a huge earring in your ear and go surf the sea. But this is not accurate.).

"Planter's Punch"

At the end of the 17th century, rum production began on the island of Jamaica. The owner of the plantation was so delighted by this that he arranged a huge feast and treated absolutely everyone to a drink whose name is alive to this day. Whether there is a real event behind this legend or whether it is just pure fiction is not so important. It is much more useful to know how to make such a punch.

Please note that "planter's punch" implies strict adherence to proportions (!).

  1. Required: half a lime, 100 ml freshly squeezed orange juice, sugar 1 tsp, 1 tsp. liquor of an expensive brand and 42 ml of Myers dark rum;
  2. Mix all the ingredients and mix them in a shaker;
  3. Shake well and strain the resulting mixture into a glass;
  4. You can decorate the drink with ice cubes, orange slices, cherry berries or mint leaves.

Benefits of Properly Prepared Punch

Now the word "punch" is a solid mix of cocktails using rum, vodka, wine, even alcohol, to say nothing of most others. good drinks. If we want to get not only aesthetic and gustatory pleasure from punch, but also some healing effect, then we must remember that we are talking about punch brewed according to the classically correct recipe.

What does this mean? This implies the observance of some important points in the manufacture:

  • The dishes in which the drink is brewed are enamel. The one in which it is served is heat-resistant bowls or decanters. In case no necessary utensils you can replace it with a regular thermo mug.
  • Before adding water to the rum, put some sugar in it. Or, if it is possible to add honey, add it. This will make your punch even healthier.
  • The recommended proportion of water and the selected alcoholic beverage is 3 to 1. The water should not be very hot.
  • Remember that you can use not the most expensive brands when choosing alcohol, but you should not overdo it with cheapness either. Focusing on a low cost, you increase the chance of stumbling upon a low-quality product.
  • If there is no fundamental difference for you which rum to drink - dark or light, choose the second one.
  • The most optimal temperature for the finished punch is no more than 70 degrees and no less
  • Use tea - ideally - loose leaf. The best option is a strong custard. Try not to use tea bags.
  • Do not abuse the set of extra ingredients. It is advisable to use them only as a decoration for a beautiful serving of a drink.
  • Most unusual taste, without spoiling the drink as a whole, they will bring cinnamon, star anise or cloves.

Punch recruited fighters from the category of the most beneficial trace elements. This combat unit has proven itself well in the prevention and early prevention of the risk of many diseases, for example:

  • The occurrence of a cold as a result of hypothermia can be stopped by hot punch cocktails;
  • Good rum and cognac, aged in oak barrels, can reduce the rate of development of inflammatory processes;
  • Punch can greatly increase appetite, improve blood circulation, and help with acute muscle pain.
  • Fruits, spices, and berries added to the punch also have a great positive effect. Their proven medicinal properties there is no point in writing.

As centuries-old practice has shown, punch is not the last figure in the fight for the audience award. And an important role here is played by the fact that this simple drink, brought from warm countries and first made on the tea plantations of the “Pearl of the East”, has, among other things, a lot of useful properties, once again confirming that you can moderately drink alcohol for the benefit of your body. . Ease of preparation and an unusually sweet fruity taste make drinking hot punch even more enjoyable, and a wide range of different “edging” of the drink attracts even the most inveterate aesthetes. Hot or cold, it doesn't matter. A good punch will bring you only positive emotions from the very first sip.

The hot punch recipe is very similar to English grog and mulled wine. All these drinks have pronounced healing properties. In moderation hot drink can support the immune system, speed up the healing process. To do this, it is enough to drink one glass of a delicious cold drink a day.

Servings: 1.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.


  • 1 st. hot water;
  • 1 tbsp natural honey;
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice;
  • 30-40 gr. whiskey, brandy or bourbon;
  • 1 herbal tea bag;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • 1-2 cloves;
  • On the tip of a cardamom knife.

Cooking process:

  1. We put spices, a bag of herbal tea in hot water.

    It is very good to use just chamomile tea in bags, because. chamomile will help you relax and fall asleep.

  2. We cover the dishes, insist the contents for several minutes. Then we filter the drink, add a spoonful of honey. Stir thoroughly until the sweet ingredient is completely dissolved.
  3. Add alcohol with lemon juice, mix. For medicinal purposes, the drink must be drunk hot and immediately lie under the covers.

Fruit punch can be prepared with a variety of fruits and berries. The main thing is that citrus fruits are present: orange, lemon or lime.

Servings Per Container: 4.

Calorie content: 55 kcal per 100 gr.


  • 0.75 l of water;
  • 1 jar of peaches (in syrup);
  • 1 orange;
  • 100 ml. peach liqueur;
  • Sugar to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Open a jar of peaches. We take out the fruits, cut them into small pieces.
  2. Put the peaches in a capacious transparent glass bowl, pour out all the syrup from the jar.
  3. Wash the orange thoroughly. First, cut into half rings directly with the peel, and then into quarters. Citrus spread to peaches.
  4. Pour the fruit with boiling water, add sugar to taste, mix. Let the drink brew a little, cool to a temperature of 60 degrees. Then we add alcohol.
  5. The drink is completely cooled, served cold directly in a glass bowl, pouring into glasses with a ladle.

Punch with rum and ginger

The classic alcoholic punch consists of five main ingredients: lemon juice, water, spices, alcohol and sugar. Therefore, this recipe can be safely considered a classic, because. it contains all the necessary components. Only a bouquet of traditional spices replaces ginger root and herbal balm here.

Servings Per Container: 2.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calorie content: 78 kcal per 100 gr.


  • 250 ml of water;
  • 2 lemon rings;
  • 100 ml of rum;
  • 1 cm ginger root;
  • 2 tbsp spicy herbal balm;
  • 2 tbsp brown sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Squeeze juice from a portion of lemon. Pour it into a bowl. We send the remaining lemon peel there.
  2. Cut off and clean the ginger root. Cut it into thin slices, attach to the lemon. Sprinkle brown sugar on top.
  3. Pour boiling water over fruits with ginger, let the drink brew. When the sugar is completely dissolved and the drink has cooled to 60 degrees, pour in the balm and rum.
  4. Serve immediately after preparation, pouring into mugs for hot drinks.


Punch - what is it?

Many have heard, but not everyone knows what punch is. This is a cocktail that has an alcoholic component and an additive in the form of fruits or juice from them. The birthplace of the drink is India. The basis of the classic recipe for alcoholic punch is rum with the addition of sugar, juice, wine and various spices.

Initially, this cocktail was drunk only hot. When the drink became popular in Europe, its recipe changed. In the preparation of punch, other products began to be used - honey, tea, the most different fruits. Rum in a cocktail in some recipes can be replaced by other alcohol, or alcohol is not used at all in cooking.

Drink began to drink and cold. Indeed, when hot, it has excellent warming properties, and when cold, it does an excellent job of quenching thirst.

Alcoholic punch - a recipe at home

Today, punch with vodka is very popular. This cocktail can become a real decoration of the menu on New Year 2018. How to make this wonderful drink yourself?

To do this is quite simple. The main thing is to have the necessary ingredients for cooking. To cook for real original drink with a pronounced taste, we use Midori's homemade melon liqueur.

The composition of the drink

So, we need:

How to make an alcoholic punch?

By following this recipe with step by step photos you can do this new year drink very fast.

Decorate the glass with sugar. To do this, its edges must be moistened with water and lowered into a plate with sugar. To make a cocktail look original in a glass, sugar can be made green by adding just a drop of food coloring to it.

Pour Midori liqueur into a mixing glass.

Add vodka to the same place and mix the ingredients with a cocktail spoon.

Add lemonade to the mixed ingredients.

Pour the cocktail into a glass. When serving, add a skewer with alcoholized melon pieces.

Everything, a great New Year's drink is ready! Its taste is very bright and fresh, moderately sweet. Serve him ice cream sweet pastries and hard cheese.

  • If you decide to prepare a drink for a large company, proportionally increase the amount of ingredients and serve in a large bowl. Place the melon slices directly into the bowl.
  • Pink lemonade can be replaced with regular lemonade using soda to your liking.

Try making an alcoholic punch with this simple recipe, and a festive mood is provided to you throughout new year's eve! Merry holidays to you!

Classic punch recipe


  • rum - 350 ml;
  • hot water - 750 ml;
  • leaf black tea - 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • medium sized lemon - 1 pc.


1. Brew tea with hot, but not boiling water. Leave for 15 minutes and strain.

2. Add rum, sugar and freshly squeezed juice of one lemon to tea. Mix.

3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat over low heat for 15 minutes.

4. Remove the pan from the heat.

Hot punch is usually served in ceramic (porcelain) cups or in tea glasses with glass holders. It tastes closer to grog, a rum-based alcoholic cocktail.

Having made a classic punch, you can move on to experimenting with ingredients and proportions. For example, replace rum with cognac, add honey with spices, fruits, etc. But if wine or champagne is used instead of hard liquor, then you are making mulled wine, not punch.

Creating your unique recipe, I advise you not to forget the main rule - the punch cannot be heated above 70 ° C, since at a higher temperature its alcohol base breaks down, worsening the taste.

Cold fruit punch


  • pineapple, lemon, orange juice - 100 ml each;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • cherry - 10-15 berries;
  • orange - 1 piece;
  • bananas - 5 pieces;
  • rum (cognac) - 150 ml.

Preparation: mix all fruit juices and cognac in one container, add sugar. Peel the fruit from the peel and cut them into slices (remove the pits from the cherries). Add fruit to juice with cognac. Pour the resulting fruit punch into glasses. It can be chilled by adding ice cubes.

coffee punch


  • rum - 0.5 liters;
  • cognac - 0.5 liters;
  • coffee - 1.5 liters;
  • sugar - 400 grams.


1. Brew strong natural coffee.

2. Pour sugar into an enamel bowl, pour it with rum and cognac, set it on fire.

3. When the hot sugar is completely dissolved, pour coffee into it.

4. Pour the drink into cups and serve.

With coffee

chocolate punch


  • cognac - 250 ml;
  • chocolate - 100 grams;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • red wine - 1 liter;
  • water - 0.5 liters.

Preparation: chop the chocolate, mix it in a saucepan with water, wine, cognac and sugar. Heat the resulting mixture to 65°C and pour into porcelain cups.

With chocolate

egg punch


  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • black tea - 6 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 35 grams;
  • egg yolk - 2 pieces;
  • rum - 100 ml;
  • nutmeg - to taste.

Preparation: Brew tea, infuse it and strain. Beat the egg yolks until foamy, add the yolks to the tea container along with the rum and nutmeg. This punch is served hot.

Alcoholic punch is an original warming drink with fruit or berry juice, with a sweet refreshing taste. It has been familiar to gourmets since ancient times, since the European colonizers settled India, which is considered the progenitor of this cocktail. Today, punch is a frequent guest at many parties, especially youth parties, especially since it is easy to cook, there are a lot of different recipes at home.

Properties of alcoholic punch

This ancient Indian drink used to be drunk only by certain wealthy classes of people. Rum, one of the components of the punch, was an expensive alcohol.

Over time, the cocktail began to be made without rum and without alcohol, or was replaced with another version of alcohol. By the end of the 17th century, the classic recipe for this drink was returned, however, today there are no restrictions on the type of alcohol. The recipe was diversified by adding both rum and claret, alcohol, wine, grappa or brandy.

For a cocktail, you will need the main five ingredients: rum, wine, regular or cane sugar (honey is used in the classic version), water, tea or fruit juice, spices (cinnamon or cloves). The word "punch" is translated from Sanskrit as "five".

One of the main components of the alcoholic version (according to the classic recipe) is exclusively rum (later it began to be replaced with cognac familiar to Europeans). In this regard, it contains alcohols and ethyl esters. Thanks to the active and tannin components, theanine has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. It also has good antioxidant properties.

Due to the presence of alcohols, the vessels of the person who drinks it expand, gastric juice begins to be intensively produced. It also slightly reduces severe spasmodic pain. Due to the presence of honey in the composition, an alcoholic drink is able to tone up and at the same time produce a calming effect.

Punch has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Helps to restore strength, gives vigor. Due to the presence of juice from a variety of fruits and berries in the composition of this alcoholic beverage, the body receives certain vitamins.

It is advised to use if you have a poor appetite. It is recommended for relieving muscle spasms, improving vascular work.

A few tricks for making a delicious cocktail

The drink itself is prepared in enamelware. It should be served in clay or porcelain cups. This will allow the drink to keep warm until it is drunk.

Try not to add too much sugar to the punch, otherwise you won't get that great taste of the classic punch. It is best to dilute the sugar in water before adding it to the rum. In the traditional recipe, instead of granulated sugar, it is recommended to use honey, which contains much more beneficial substances for the body.

The ideal combination and proportion of water and alcohol is one to three. When choosing a rum to brew a cocktail, don't look in the direction of sophisticated brands and brands. Such drinks are very good for drinking without heating and diluting with other drinks. You won't get the taste of good rum in a punch.

However, you should not save a lot and take very cheap options, you can accidentally buy a fake that will harm your health. If you don't know which rum is best and you don't have any particular varietal affinity, go for a light rum.

The ideal temperature for heating a punch is 60-70 degrees. The same temperature is recommended for serving the drink.

Its basis is black tea (strongly brewed). Give preference to tea leaves, and not packaged in bags. You should not take flavored options, you will not feel any taste or aroma, but the aftertaste can be felt.

Use spices and spices not ground, but whole. For example, cinnamon in the form of sticks is ideal for punch, cloves in buds, and star anise in inflorescences. Do not forget that spices and spices should be present in the drink only in the amount indicated in the recipe. Otherwise, you may spoil the taste of your punch.

Add freshly squeezed citrus juice. This will help preserve the aroma and flavor of the fruit. Try to choose the hardest berries and fruits. Too soft when heated will turn into porridge and visually spoil the appearance of the drink.

You can serve a cocktail with fruits only if they serve as its decoration.

Important tip: when mixing an alcoholic beverage with water, watch the temperature of the water. If it is too high, the alcohol will lose its flavor and the essential oils may evaporate.

With the onset of a cold, a drink with an alcohol content brings down the temperature very well. Due to the presence of rum, you can reduce the pain in the throat. The simplest recipe that will help relieve the symptoms of a starting cold is this: brew herbal tea, add spices, honey (do not forget that honey cannot be added to boiling water), add an alcoholic drink (preferably rum). Shake well and serve hot. After that, be sure to cover yourself with a warm blanket and try to sleep. After sleep, you will notice an improvement in your condition.

cooking recipes

The original recipe for alcoholic punch is a mixture of rum with plain water, granulated sugar, a variety of spices and fruits. The liquid must be brought to a boil or heated well, and the drink is ready. At home, it is quite easy and quick to prepare. To do this, you will need to take five main ingredients and mix them.

If you want to add a little different flavor, you can improvise, add or subtract your favorite foods. The classic recipe is rare. In addition to traditional ingredients, people prefer to add pieces of fruit, tea to the drink, replace rum with cognac or bourbon.

There are recipes not only for hot drinks, but also for cold options. There is also a non-alcoholic version, which contains fresh berries and fruits.

In ancient times, the drink was prepared as follows: granulated sugar was poured into boiling water, strongly brewed black tea, a little lemon juice and slightly warmed tea were added. alcoholic drink. The mixture was heated to about 60 degrees so that the alcohol did not evaporate, but, on the contrary, was felt in it as strongly as possible. A little time later, the recipe was improved and a pinch of nutmeg was added, lemon juice was replaced with ordinary water, and tea was replaced with spices. Rum remained in the classic recipe, and in the modified versions they began to use instead grape vodka and whiskey.

Classic alcohol punch

The traditional hot drink consists of strong tea leaves, sugar, rum, lemon and egg yolk. In order to prepare the classic version, you must do the following:

  • cut one lemon into small slices, remove all the seeds;
  • brew strong tea (you will need one liter of tea), put chopped lemon there, add vanilla sugar (about one bag, 30 grams);
  • put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil, covered with a lid;
  • strain;
  • five egg yolks it is necessary to grind with sugar, add them to the pan and mix well;
  • Remove the pan from the heat and pour in half a glass of rum.

Your drink is ready! Remember, a classic recipe means serving hot!

chocolate punch

Those who like to experiment can try to cook chocolate cocktail that you and your guests will love.

For cooking chocolate drink you will need a bottle of red table wine, half a liter of water, a glass of cognac, a glass of sugar, a bar of chocolate 100 grams.

grind chocolate bar. Pour cognac, wine, water into a small saucepan. Pour in chocolate and sugar. On low heat, heat the drink to about 70 degrees. Don't forget to stir. Your punch is ready! Can be poured into mugs and served hot.

The second chocolate recipe:

It will take two hundred grams of water, a bottle of red wine (dry is ideal for this recipe), two glasses of cognac, 50 grams of chocolate (preferably bitter), one egg.

Melt chocolate with water over low heat (for this you need to bring to a boil). The chocolate should completely dissolve. Cool slightly and add slightly warmed dry red wine. Pour through a sieve to remove spices. Then some alcohol (cognac or you can replace it with whiskey). One egg must be beaten with 3 tablespoons of water. Add to drink. That's it, it's ready to use!

fiery punch

This recipe is good for guests: you can put on a real exciting show with the preparation of a fiery punch. Instead of a standard and familiar saucepan, you can take fondue dishes. Pour one bottle of wine, a glass of water into the container. Add a glass of vodka and brandy. Pour 50 grams of granulated sugar. Put the drink on the fire and heat up to about 70 degrees. Put refined sugar (a couple of pieces) in a deep plate. Pour vodka over them and set them on fire. As soon as the refined sugar turns brown, quickly tip the plate of burning sugar into a fondue container and pour into mugs.

The flaming version can be prepared in another way that you will surely like. To do this, pour wine into a container, add spices (here you can show your imagination and use citrus zest, cloves, cinnamon). Heat the liquid, but do not let it boil. Strain the wine from the spices and zest, then you need to squeeze the juice from the orange and lemon, sprinkle with chopped ginger. Pour the wine into a beautiful bowl and place in the center of the table. From above it is necessary to put a small metal grate, on which lay the refined sugar soaked in vodka or cognac. Set it on fire. The sugar will begin to melt and the caramel will fall into the punch. This results in spectacular and bizarre colored spots on the surface.

This method of preparing a fiery version of the drink looks very impressive, especially if there is twilight in the room.

Punch a la Barbados

On an island in the Caribbean, rum has always been a favorite drink. Barbados rum liked the English settlers almost immediately.

It's believed that this drink is one of the main export destinations of the island (together with cane sugar). Here in Barbados, the national pride has become rum cocktail, the preparation of which was practiced in antiquity. The locals even came up with a little quatrain about their punch, the essence of which boils down to the presence of four tastes in the recipe: sour (lime juice), sweet (cane sugar), strong (strong rum), weak (ordinary water).

lime juice

To prepare a drink in Barbados, you will need one part of lime juice, two - cane sugar, three - rum, four - water. The exact proportions depend on the number of people for whom the drink is being prepared. After the liquid ingredients are mixed, the bulk components are added, it is necessary to pour in two drops of a strong Angostura tincture and mix everything well again.

Serve Barbados style rum punch in a large glass with plenty of ice. Sprinkle grated nutmeg on top.

A mandatory rule - to prepare a real Barbados rum drink, you must take only Barbados rum. Cane sugar it is advisable not to replace it with a regular one. You can add pre-prepared syrup.

Punch is the collective name for cocktails. In the traditional form, these are alcoholic cocktails containing fruits and fruit juices.

Traditionally, punch is prepared for holidays or parties. Punch is served in large wide bowls in which pieces of various fruits float.

Depending on the season, punch can be served chilled or warm. Hot punch is good for the autumn-winter season, and cold punch is great for refreshing in the hot summer.

Instead of rum, you can use another alcoholic drink, such as cognac. For children, you can make a non-alcoholic punch from various fruit juices, fresh and canned berries and fruits. You can also add sweet sparkling water.

History of punch

This drink originated in India. Punch was originally made from rum, sugar, tea, lemon juice and various spices. As a rule, they drank the punch hot.

In the 14th century, the punch recipe was brought to Europe. Since then, the recipe has undergone some changes. For example, they began to add tea, honey, pieces of fruit to it.

In some recipes, rum began to be replaced by other strong ones. alcoholic drinks and serve it chilled. They also began to prepare non-alcoholic punch.

Classic punch recipe

There are many ways to make punch. Try making punch using the classic recipe.

To make punch you will need:

tea - 2 tablespoons good leaf tea
honey - 4 tablespoons
cinnamon - 2 sticks
cloves - 5 buds
lemon - 2 pcs.
rum - 300 ml

Take 2 tablespoons of good loose leaf tea and brew with 200 ml of water. After 10 minutes, strain the tea leaves from the leaves and dilute with water to 1 liter. Add honey and mix well. If desired, honey can be replaced with sugar. Put the ladle with tea leaves and honey on a slow fire.

According to the classic recipe, punch was prepared with spices. Add cinnamon and clove buds. You can add some vanilla. Do not add ground spices, as they do not completely dissolve and do not drain well.

Add strained lemon juice to punch. Lemon can be replaced with lime.

Add three hundred grams of rum to the pan, stir and turn off the heat after a couple of minutes.

This is a classic punch recipe. Today, this recipe is rarely followed. You can also experiment and come up with your own unique

Burning punch recipe

In Germany, a burning punch is always prepared for Christmas.

Dry red wine is heated in a wide container, spices are added - cinnamon sticks, cloves, orange peels.

A grate is placed on top of the saucepan, on which a large piece of sugar is placed, which is poured over with rum and set on fire.

The sugar is melted, the rum is poured until all the sugar has drained into the wine. This punch is drunk hot.

Festive recipe for alcoholic cherry and pineapple punch

For a hot day, make chilled cherry punch.

1. Put 50 g frozen cherries and 2 cups canned pineapple into a punch bowl. Add half an orange cut into squares, pour in 50 ml of white rum and leave to infuse.

2. Cut the orange peel and put in a saucepan, pour 50 ml of white rum and add 50 grams of sugar. Put 1 cloves, 1 peppercorns, 1 cinnamon sticks.
Add the juice of a quarter of a lime and simmer over low heat until the sugar dissolves.

3. Fill a punch bowl 2/3 full with ice cubes.

4. Pour in 350 ml of white rum and plum wine 350 ml

5. Add the resulting syrup, sprite 500 ml and cranberry juice 250 ml.

Pour into glasses, after putting in them a sprig of mint.

non-alcoholic punch recipe

Prepare ginger syrup, for this, take 300 ml of water, 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of chopped ginger.

Bring to a boil and simmer uncovered for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then remove from heat and let steep for 15 minutes.

Strain the syrup through a sieve into a bowl. Put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Prepare punch by mixing ginger syrup and 1/2 cup lime juice in a pitcher. Add pineapple juice with pulp - 3 cups. Before serving, add sparkling water and ice.

punch it non-alcoholic or alcoholic cocktail containing based on juices or fruits over the years. Usually 5 ingredients are used in its composition, from this and the name "Punch", translated from English Punch.

History of punch

For a long time there was a version about the invention of punch by English pirates to counteract the cooling of the body in the conditions of piercing winter winds. But in the future, they began to consider the most truthful version that the punch was created in India, and its name comes from the word "five" (Indian "punch"). This name is associated with classic composition punch, which included 5 ingredients (2 alcoholic drinks - wine and rum, alcohol diluent - water or tea, spices for flavoring the drink, flavor enhancer - honey or sugar).

Apparently, this layout of the five ingredients, most likely, differed from the original Indian one, because. it is known that rum was first included in the recipes of Caribbean rums - plantation, rum Caribbean and Barbados. Tea was added to these recipes in order to eliminate the bitterness of rum, which was made from cane molasses.

The honor of spreading the drink to other countries undoubtedly belongs to the sailors, who, on duty, went to many countries and shared recipes for punch, which became their favorite drink. It is believed that in Europe it became known in the 14th century, in Russia much later, in the 18th century, at the same time a new word “punch” appeared in the Russian dictionary - to drink punch in the company of friends or relatives.

Currently, punch has spread to almost all countries of the world, the variety of its recipes is aimed at attracting consumers of all categories, incl. children, for which, in addition to punches based on alcoholic beverages, recipes for non-alcoholic punches have been developed.

Any prescription for alcohol and non-alcoholic punch every housewife and every owner can make at home. To do this, you need to choose recipes that are acceptable for a particular case, prepare the necessary ingredients and stock up on the necessary kitchen utensils and equipment.

Of the dishes you need to have enamel pots necessary capacity, tea infuser, earthenware jug, porcelain bowl, clay or porcelain mugs, or thick-walled glasses for dispensing punch, cocktail tubes, strainer, cutting board.

Necessary equipment: measuring containers, a thermometer up to 100ºС for water, scales and a juicer for making fresh juices.

Recipes and recommendations for making punches are available in the literature and the Internet, but many consumers go beyond the recommended recipes and use their own ingenuity to suit individual tastes and needs. At the same time, traditional rules and established traditions developed over the centuries should not be neglected.

And here is the simplest video punch recipe: One minute and you're done:

Don't take it without a smile!

The sweetness of the punch should not be excessive, so the amount of honey, sugar, liquor, vanilla sugar should be strictly dosed. Honey has many health benefits that lose their properties when heated for a long time or strong, so honey is always added at the end of the punch preparation procedure at an acceptable temperature. Honey gives more refined taste than sugar, and differs from it in its useful qualities, so it should be preferred whenever possible.

Alcoholic beverages lose their specific taste when heated to a boil, the optimum temperature for heating a hot punch after adding alcoholic beverages should be within 80°C. Ingredients that require dissolving in boiling water are mixed with water and brought to a boil before adding alcoholic beverages. The optimal ratio of the volume of alcoholic beverages to the volume of the finished punch is 1:3, i.e. in 300 ml of punch, the normal content of alcoholic beverages is 100 ml.

The main alcoholic component in the classic punch is rum, its choice is approached from the following positions: rejection of cheap fakes, rather high price, low aging, dark rum is applicable, but light is preferable.

The second alcoholic component of the classic punch is wine, which can be red and white, but is usually dry. When drinking semi-sweet and dessert wines, it is necessary to limit the amount of more useful products(honey, sweet fruits and juices), which degrades the quality of the punch and increases its strength (a quality that is more of a disadvantage than a virtue of the punch).

Tea should be tasty and strong, so you do not need to use tea bags, it is better to choose high-quality leaf tea. It is acceptable to choose tea with additives (herbs, fruits, essential oils), but tea is added to the punch at the beginning of the manufacturing process, and it is better to add spices at the end of the process, so it is better to flavor not the tea, but the punch.

The highest quality, but rather complicated, tea brewing is used in tea ceremonies; for making punch, this procedure can be simplified to the following technology. A teapot for brewing tea (steamer) is poured with boiling water, dry tea is poured at the rate of 2 tbsp. per 1 liter of the planned volume of punch, it is poured with hot, but not brought to a boil water, after a minute it is poured into another steamer and the procedure is repeated a second time, but the infusion time increases to 10 minutes (at least 5 minutes).

Spices are not recommended to use ground, it is better to use clove buds, herb leaves, cinnamon sticks, ginger root. The number of spices is limited by the condition: they must give sophistication and subtlety to the taste of the punch, without drowning out or distorting the smell of other ingredients.

Factory-made canned juices do not have the health benefits of freshly squeezed juices. Therefore, high-quality punch is made from juices that are squeezed out of citrus fruits and other fruits and berries directly in the punch preparation process.

Berries and fruits should not be boiled, if it is not required by the punch manufacturing technology, for this purpose their hard varieties are selected.

Hot punches are usually heated in an enamel pot to a temperature below the boiling point. Punch is served on the table in an aesthetic common dish or in a personal dish that is beautiful and convenient. appearance, heat resistance and low heat dissipation. Such qualities combine aesthetically designed earthenware or porcelain mugs, thermo mugs, thick-walled glasses or glasses with handles or in coasters.

Punch with vodka- Mix a bottle of Cabernet and 100 g of blueberry juice with sugar (40 g) until it dissolves, heat to 70 ° C, put out the fire, add 100 g of vodka.

Hawaiian- Bring 0.15 kg of sugar in a pan, greased butter until brown.
Cool the resulting caramel and melt in a glass of hot tea. To tea, add half a glass of vodka from anise, grapes or rice (araka), 1/3 cup Madeira, a bottle dessert wine(preferably white), juice and pieces of pineapple to taste, heat, stirring, to 70 ° C.

Hussar- For 12 servings, put almonds, raisins and candied fruits in a bowl to taste, set fire to 0.75 kg of lump sugar, doused with a half-liter bottle of cognac and vodka 1: 1 in a grate above the bowl. After melting the sugar in a bowl, add a liter of hot tea, 2 liters of hot white wine with lemon zest and cinnamon, squeezed juice of oranges and lemons in equal amounts (4 pcs.).

Punch Cranberry- Mix a glass of cranberry juice, a glass of rum and half a glass of cherry vodka with 40 g of sugar, heat until the sugar dissolves. Add 2 cinnamon sticks, tbsp. spoon lemon peel and 0.3 kg of cranberries. Leave for 10 minutes, then strain and pour 0.4 liters of boiling water. Pour into glasses (from 4 to 6 pieces), garnish with cranberries and lemon slices.

Tropical- A mixture of pomegranate syrup, rum, orange juice, coconut cream, pineapple and orange juice 1:1.5:3:2:2, cool with ice cubes, pour into glasses with ice.

Irish punch- Dilute half a glass of Irish whiskey in a warmed mug for beer with a glass of hot water, add 4 drops of lemon juice and a teaspoon of sugar syrup, garnish with nutmeg and a slice of lemon.

Champagne punch Boil in a 2-liter saucepan a mixture of a bottle of white wine, ¼ kg of sugar, 5 cloves, lemon zest and cinnamon to taste. Strain and add half a glass of champagne, pour into glasses garnished with a slice of lemon. Recipe video with champagne.

Ice Fruit Punch- Cool the cake pan with a liter of lemon sparkling water in freezer. In the water that has not had time to freeze, decoratively arrange pieces of fruit in it, pour another liter of sparkling water and freeze until a strong, long-lasting ice circle is obtained. Dip the ice circle with fruit into the punch bowl and pour five liters of a mixture of pineapple and grape juice with sparkling vanilla water 1:2:2.

Coffee Punch- in a 3-liter saucepan, mix a liter of boiling water, st. a spoonful of coffee, 0.75 liters of Cahors, a half-liter bottle of cognac, 0.15 kg of sugar and 50 g of chocolate, heat up to 70 ° C, stirring until the chocolate and sugar are dissolved.

English Punch- Grate 10 pieces of sugar with citrus zest and melt, then add a glass of wine (preferably red) and heat, stirring, until the sugar dissolves. Then add the remaining wine in the bottle, heat up to 80 ° C, add 3 cups of hot tea and a glass of curacao.

Punch with lemon- squeeze the juice of 3 lemons, mix it with sugar syrup (half a kilo of sugar per half liter
water) and lemon zest. Heat the mixture until thick, cool, pour in a 0.5-liter bottle of dry wine, a glass strong tea, ¾ cup of rum and vodka each, leave for 1 hour, heat again to 65 ° C.

Pineapple Punch- in a blender, mix 70 g of grated celery, pineapple juice (400 ml), coriander (2 tbsp), half a glass of water with 3 tbsp. sugar, strain the punch through a sieve and refrigerate.

New Year's punch- bake in the oven until browned 6 unpeeled oranges with 10 buds of cloves inserted into each of them, put them in a fire-resistant porcelain dish, pour half a liter bottles of rum and cognac, sweeten with half a glass sugar syrup and boil. Add a liter of lemonade to the boiling mixture, put out the fire, flavor with cinnamon and nutmeg spices to taste and pour into glasses for 18 people.

ginger punch- ginger not only gives pleasant taste punch, but also stimulates the human immune system. However, ginger punch, like other alcoholic beverages, should not be abused. In a 2.5 liter punch bowl, combine half a glass of rum (preferably golden), a 0.7 liter bottle of white wine (dry), 1.5 cups of orange juice and ¾ cup of grapefruit juice. Put the bowl, closed with a lid, in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Add a 0.7-liter bottle of ginger ale to the chilled mixture and pour into glasses for 15-18 people.

From us we wish you good health and remember about the harm of alcohol!