Wine from white plums at home. Plum compote wine

None of the gardeners refuses the idea of ​​home winemaking. Still - raw materials, consider it free, and you don’t have to go far for it. A variety of homemade liquors, tinctures and wines delight on holidays and decorate the festive table. Plum wine is also not ignored, although most amateur winemakers prefer to process this berry into moonshine - it is very harmful and capricious. And even experienced alcohol producers think so. However, if you know some tricks, plum wine at home turns out just great. Even an inveterate teetotaler cannot resist it, it is so fragrant and attractive.

Plum Difficulties

And the main one is juice extraction. It is almost impossible to get it without pulp. Even shop juices definitely contain it. However, to a certain extent, the difficulties can be overcome. You just need to consider the nature of the berry.

  1. Homemade plum wine is best obtained from not too cultivated varieties. The wilder the tree, the more wonderful the result. Particularly recommended are the "Murom Terem", which is considered almost wild, the primitive and not respected by all cherry plum and the "blue Ochakovskaya", which is also often perceived as a weed. And the more the breeders worked on the variety, the worse it is suitable for wines.
  2. Fruit juice must be obtained using a special technology described below.
  3. Adding wild (or cultivated) blackthorn to wine gives it a unique color and nutmeg smell.
  4. The presence of a certain turbidity in wine is normal. These are irremovable and useful pectins, so reconsider your aesthetic ideas in the direction of the prevalence of taste sensations.

Stage one: preparation of raw materials

We can say that this is the most crucial period: it directly depends on how successful your plum wine will turn out. Firstly, fruits must be collected at the very last moment, when they are already beginning to fall spontaneously, and the skin at the tail is wrinkled. Secondly, it is forbidden to wash them. They should be at least three days in the sun and slightly dry. No shade or the plums will start to rot. It is advisable to lay them out on iron sheets or trays, this also prevents rotting and speeds up drying.

Step Two: Extracting the Juice

As already mentioned, plums part with him with great difficulty. So the bones are pulled out of them, and the fruits themselves are folded into a large container. The stones are left only if you like plum wine with a bitter almond flavor. The fruits are thoroughly kneaded: the output should be the most homogeneous puree. It is filled with water, most often its volume is equal to the volume of the fruit mass, but if you follow some special recipe, adhere to the ratio indicated in it.

Stage three: proper fermentation

The basin with the wort is covered with gauze to prevent dust, litter and insects from getting into it and placed in heat - it should be at least +20 degrees, and it is better if the process goes on fresh air. Three days later, when the formation of foam begins, the future plum wine is filtered and poured into a fermentation vessel. It can be a tub, a bottle, a barrel - and even a bucket, if you can place a water seal on it. Sugar is added to the juice, the amount of which depends on the planned type of wine (table, dessert, etc.), kneaded, and the mentioned water seal is placed. The dishes are put away in a dark, but very warm place, where the wine should ferment for a month and a half. Then it will be possible to deal with its clarification, if there is a desire. However, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to make plum wine completely transparent. And if there is patience, then leave it to ripen best of the year for two.

"Fast" wine

Not everyone is comfortable with waiting for the result for so long and fiddling with all the fixtures and stages of production. For those who want to quickly get plum wine at home, here is a simple recipe. Prepared fruits are stacked in a large glass bottle. A strong syrup is prepared at the rate of a glass of sugar for every liter of water. The syrup is boiled in such a volume that for every kilogram of plums there are two liters of it. The fruits are poured, the vessel is closed with a lid and wrapped. The next morning, the syrup is decanted, heated - and returned to the container again. In the evening, the plums are strained, squeezed, the syrup is filtered and supplemented with vodka (a liter of syrup is half a liter of alcohol). After two weeks of infusion in the dark, you will get a fragrant drink, which should be bottled, as far as possible without disturbing the sediment. To prevent anything superfluous from getting into the plum wine during fermentation, at home, a simple recipe advises you to pull a rubber glove over the neck.

Yeast wine

This is a more natural way than the previous one, and faster than the natural way described in detail, to get plum wine. The recipe prescribes to knead a little less than two kilograms of plums, pour them with four liters of boiling water and set aside for fermentation for a week and a half. After standing, the resulting moldy coating is removed, the mash is filtered into another bottle, where two kilograms of sugar and a pack of yeast are also added. The container is tightly closed for three days; its contents are mixed daily. After the specified period, the plum wine is bottled, corked and sent for aging for six months. If you have the courage, keep it longer: the more time it languishes, the tastier it will become.

Plum liqueur

Those who like strong alcohol can make a fortified cognac-like plum wine. At home, it will take a little over eight months. Bones are removed from a kilogram of washed fruits, and they themselves are cut large pieces and run into a glass bottle. Fruits are poured with a mixture of 750 milliliters of vodka and the same volume of alcohol. The container should spend four months in the sun, after which alcohol tincture merges, and plums are covered with a glass of sugar. When it dissolves, the fruits are again poured with infusion and continue to infuse for another four months. Bottles in which it is bottled ready drink, it is desirable to seal with sealing wax.

plum ratafia

Not everyone knows what it is. Most people think that this is a recipe for homemade plum wine. However, rather, you can call her sweet, not too strong vodka. A kilogram of pitted plums is first crushed into a puree and left to soften for four hours in a bowl. Then the mass is rubbed through a sieve, sugar is poured into it (the amount depends on your love for sweets and the variety of plums; approximately a glass), and pure alcohol is added to the density of air puree. After refrigeration for three months, the ratafia is filtered and bottled in beautiful bottles. Despite the strength, it is quite a ladies' drink.

Cognac tincture

If you are not confident in your ability to make a delicious plum wine, the recipe below will provide you delicious drink with a bright fruity aroma, and without much hassle. First, tea is brewed with vervain leaves. The drink will need a little less than a glass. After it cools down, they pour a kilogram of plum halves, which should spend half a day in this filling. Then, from the infusion with plum juice and a glass of sugar, syrup is boiled, cooled and mixed with a liter quality cognac. Plums are stacked in a jar and filled with the resulting composition. The vessel is corked, and the plum is infused for three months.

Select suitable recipe plum wine at home - and experiment with flavors. The taste can be enriched with blackthorn berries, raisins or black currants. And even if something doesn’t work out the first time, don’t be discouraged: a little experience and you will supply your holidays with exquisite and unique home-made drinks.

Most gardeners resort to home winemaking, because necessary products every garden lover has it - the recipe for plum wine is quite simple. Few people know that wine can be made not only from grapes, but also from plums and. But plums have a great advantage, as they contain a large number of sugar, so that the addition of sugar is minimal and fermentation is faster. Plum wine cannot be called elite, but it is quite fragrant and has a wonderful taste. Thanks to its taste, the wine turns out to be unusual and is liked by many. It goes well with different dishes, both with meat and sweet desserts. The amount of sugar in wine can be adjusted during cooking. In this article, you can learn a simple recipe on how to make plum wine at home.

To make plum wine at home, you and I will need the following ingredients:

  1. Ripe or even a little overripe plum in the amount of 10 kg.
  2. Water with a volume of 1 liter per 1 kg of fruit (10 liters).
  3. Sugar - 100-350 grams per 1 liter of juice.
  4. Large container for juice fermentation.
  5. Multilayer gauze
  6. Elastic band to secure the gauze.
  7. A whole old or new rubber glove.

Plum wine at home: a simple recipe

Most delicious Home wine from plums is obtained from non-cultivated varieties. Thus, the wilder the tree, the more wonderful the result. The variety "Muromsky term" is the most suitable, as it is considered a wild plant. "Blue Ochakovskaya", cherry plum and wild sloe are also considered wild plants and are very suitable for the winemaking process.

How to make plum wine at home

In order to properly prepare an exquisite drink, you must adhere to certain rules. Thanks to the correct algorithm of actions, the result will not disappoint you. And you will get very tasty wine.

We begin to collect the plum just when it has just begun to fall off. Then the harvested crop must be held under the rays of the sun for two to three days. It is best to arrange the collected fruits on a tray to prevent rotting. In no case should the fruits be left in the shade, as this will accelerate the processes of decay. During this time, yeast and bacteria are formed on its skin, which contribute to the fermentation process. That is why the fruits should not be washed, under any circumstances, otherwise the wine simply will not work.

Getting juice

The most difficult moment when making plum wine at home, despite the simple recipe, is getting juice from the fruit. Plums contain a substance called pectin, which makes plum flesh look like jelly. Even store-bought plum wine comes with pulp. It is necessary to get each bone from the plum and crush each plum into a puree, thereby obtaining homogeneous mass from all plums.

If you leave the seeds in the plums, you get a more bitter taste. Then you need to add water, mix thoroughly, close the container with gauze and secure the gauze with an elastic band. Gauze is needed so that debris and various insects do not get into the container. We place the vessel with the contents in a warm place and, if desired, cover with a towel. As soon as foam and gas bubbles appear, this will indicate the beginning of fermentation.

You need to wait for the completion of this process, about a month and a half. As soon as the gas ceases to be released, the resulting juice can be drained into another container, but fill no more than ¾ of the volume, since carbon dioxide and foam will begin to be released during fermentation, which need enough space.

Fermentation process and sugar regulation

A simple recipe for plum wine - includes the installation of a shutter of the resulting design. You can use an old rubber glove, as long as it is intact and without holes. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thumb of the glove, a small hole needs to be made with a thin needle. By the presence of a hole, you can track when carbon dioxide ceases to be released. A prerequisite for avoiding the bitter taste of wine is the process of draining the wine from the sediment if the fermentation lasts more than fifty-five days. Then you should re-install the shutter in the form rubber glove.

Next, sugar should be added to the resulting juice. It is the amount of sugar that possible options making wine. When adding 250 gr. sugar per liter of juice, the wine is semi-dry or dry, and when 350 gr. sugar per liter of juice - sweet or semi-sweet.

It is better to add sugar not all, but in parts. Approximately one fourth of the total amount should be added immediately after the juice has been expressed. Sugar must be very thoroughly mixed every six to eight hours until it is completely dissolved. After four or five days, you must again add one-fourth of the total amount of sugar and wait up to five days. Repeat this way until all the sugar is gone. Simply put, you need to add twenty-five percent sugar every four to five days. Achieve complete dissolution of sugar.

Settling: the final stage

The last and longest stage of preparation is the settling and maturation of plum wine. It is almost not filtered due to the high content of pectin in plum fruits. That is why the wine will be clarified for a very long time and slowly. Plum wine almost does not discolor and remains cloudy for a long time. In order to get the most pleasant taste and color, you need to wait a long time. The minimum period for maximum clarification is two or three years.

After six months, the resulting drink should be bottled and tightly closed. Add sugar if desired, if not enough. It must be stored in the refrigerator or in the cellar. The shelf life of such wine can be considered no more than five years. Without fixing, plum wine at home is 9-15 percent strong. If more is needed strong wine, then it must be fixed with forty percent alcohol or vodka. On average, no more than fifteen percent are added strong alcohol from the total volume of plum wine. I would like to note that fortified wine plums are tougher in taste, but the advantage of this wine is a longer shelf life.

On the shelves of the store you can find supposedly natural wines from plums, which are completely transparent and brought from China and Japan. Such wines cannot be considered natural, because they are made from recycled materials, which has nothing to do with natural product. After all, as we know, it is impossible to get transparent wine from plums.

Plum Benefits

Plums in their composition have a rich supply of vitamins, which have a positive effect on digestion, improve heart function, improve blood composition and prevent the formation and blockage of blood vessels by blood clots. Plum removes cholesterol and excess fluid from the body.

Making wine from plums at home has great potential for unleashing the winemaker's creativity. To enhance the astringency of the taste of wine, blackthorn can be added to it. This variety of plum is difficult to consume in its usual form due to its unusual taste. But the wine from this fruit is excellent. Also, ready-made plum wine can be mixed in different proportions with wines from or. And if you add cinnamon or cloves, the homemade drink will turn into an exquisite wine that will be truly appreciated even by the most real connoisseurs and tasters.

Plum is a wonderful berry, relevant for our latitudes, which grows in many cottages in very considerable quantities. Large yields make it possible to make a wonderful drink from it - plum wine. Even a beginner can remember and try a simple recipe, because plum is an ideal berry for this drink.

Raw material features

This berry, although significantly different from its relatives that grow in our country, began to be used in the preparation of wine by the Japanese. They know perfect recipes table and sweet wines, which are famous all over the world for their unusual taste and aroma. It is possible to make such a creation at home from local berries under normal conditions.

Plums, unlike apples, contain a large amount of sugar. This is a good trigger for wort fermentation. However, there is a minus in this raw material - the difficulty of obtaining juice. And this fact is due to the presence in the raw material of a large amount of pectins, which make its pulp viscous and fleshy. Therefore, it is worth the trouble to find pure plum juice on sale, and not nectar.

Homemade plum wine can be made from white variety berries, and from dark varieties. White varieties are relevant for the preparation of light table and semi-sweet, as well as sweet wines. It is more difficult to make table plum wine from a dark berry due to its low acidity and high content Sahara. Tern - wild plum - perfect option for a table drink. It is practically not used for making jams and jams because of the astringency of the fruit and the high content of tannins. But for a plum drink, it is indispensable.

Ingredients and preparation

The recipe for a plum composition depends on the type of wine that is planned to be made. For sweet wines, it is worth increasing the amount of sugar used, for semi-sweet - do according to regular recipe. The generally accepted recipe includes the following components:

  • Plum - 10 kg;
  • Water - 10 l;
  • Sugar - 2-3 kg;
  • Tartaric / citric acid - 20 g;
  • Tannic acid (tannin) - 15 g.

It should be noted that tartaric and tannic acids are added to make semi-sweet and sweet products. This takes into account that for varieties of berries with low acidity, such as Hungarians and greencloths, the amount of tartaric acid increases. For simple varieties and cherry plum - decreases. The turn does not require the addition of acids, since it is itself a source of a large amount of tannins and acid.

The amount of sugar also varies: for sweet wines add about 350 g per liter of nectar, for table and semi-sweet - 250 g / l. Water by standard recipe goes in a ratio of 1: 1, however, if the plum is fleshy and not juicy, then the amount of water is increased.

Berries for plum drink are removed ripe. It is not allowed to make a homemade drink from unripe fruits. When ripe, they are laid out on top of a clean cloth in the sun for 2-3 days. During this time, they are filled with sweetness, ripen. You should not wash them before chopping, because the peel contains a large amount of natural yeast that helps ferment the plum mass.


The recipe for a plum drink is quite variable, so in order to make wine correctly, you need to take into account the variety of berries, their maturity, and know which final result want to get.

Step by step manufacturing is as follows:

  1. Place the prepared raw materials, previously pitted, in a deep pan or basin. Grind it to a puree state. It is necessary to carefully transfer all the berries to get the maximum amount of pulp with juice. You can do it with your hands, you can pass it through a meat grinder or crush it with a wooden crush.
  1. Pour water into the resulting mass and add a little sugar. Cover plum puree with water and sugar with gauze and leave in warm enough conditions for 2-3 days. In this case, the temperature in the room should be 20-25 degrees, otherwise the activation process will go badly. Fermentation will begin when bubbles appear on the surface, and the mass darkens.
  1. After three days, the pulp - fruit pulp - will separate from the liquid. The liquid must be drained into a bottle or other glass vessel, filtering through gauze. Squeeze the remaining pulp into the resulting wort. Add sugar, tartaric and tannic acids, mix thoroughly.

A bottle filled with wine material should not be filled more than 2/3 due to the upcoming fermentation. In the process of it, the wine can actively foam, so it will need a place in the bottle.

  1. The fermentation process usually lasts 1.5-2 months. A bottle of wine for this action is closed with a water seal. If there is no water seal, then you can independently build it from a rubber glove, which is worn on the neck and a hole is cut in it for the release of carbon dioxide. You can hermetically attach a tube to the neck, the end of which is led into a container of water.

The wine ferments in certain temperature conditions- 20-23⁰. Plum must can be stirred once a week if fermentation is slowing down. The end of fermentation will make itself felt by the fact that the mass will stop bubbling, and carbon dioxide will stop coming out of the tube.

  1. Drain the fermented wine from the sediment into a clean, dry container. This must be done carefully, trying not to stir up the sediment. Send wine for maturation.
  1. The optimal ripening period for plum wine is three months. To do this, it is placed in a dark cool place. It is better if it is an underground or cellar. The peculiarity of plum wine is that it practically does not brighten during this period and remains cloudy. Therefore, it is recommended to remove it from the sediment 1-2 times.
  1. After 3 months, having finally separated the suspension, bottle the wine and cork it with corks. So it can be stored in the cellar for another 2-3 years. During this period, the wine will be clarified, although not completely due to the characteristics of the raw materials. The main thing is that it will acquire a rich, full taste. It will not be a shame to boast of such a product in front of friends and relatives.

In summer, you can not only have a great rest, but also work fruitfully by preparing your favorite vegetables, fruits and drinks from them for the winter.

And if economic women are more engaged in preserving fruits and making compotes for the winter, then men prefer to prepare wine from plums. homemade drink can not be compared in taste and aroma with purchased, but only if you do everything right in the process of winemaking.

Making homemade plum wine can't be called more difficult than making other homemade wines, but there are a couple of features that make it more "capricious" compared to other wine drinks.

The process of obtaining plum juice is difficult, and the clarification of wine during maturation takes a long time - these are, perhaps, the main difficult moments in the entire winemaking process of making this type of wine. The rest is the same as always.

If you are preparing plum wine at home for the first time with your own hands, then, for sure, you can hardly imagine what will happen in the end. In fact, plum wine has a rather specific taste, it can be safely called an “amateur” drink.

It has a rich, bright and pleasant "warm" taste, but with special notes. It doesn't mean that homemade wine from plums is bad, no, it just differs from the taste of wine in its classical sense, but, as they say, "there are no comrades for the taste and color." So try it - and decide whether it is yours or not.

If you have already determined for yourself that plum wine is on your table, then carefully read all the tips described below and strictly follow detailed recipe cooking.

1. Which plums to choose for plum wine

All, without exception, plums will do. The variety and size of the fruit does not matter, but it is still better to give preference to dark varieties of plums.

2. Unripe or overripe plums: which is better for wine

This nuance is very important, since it depends on the plum how the wine will turn out as a result. Harvest the fruits only when they have already ripened well and have even begun to fall to the ground. Plums of just this maturity will reveal their “bouquet” in the drink as much as possible. Only rotten, spoiled and moldy fruits try to avoid.

3. Do I need to wash plums before processing

Harvested plums for wine do not need to be washed. In case they are very dirty and were collected from the ground, and not plucked from a tree, you can wipe them with a dry cloth.

It is believed that in this way they will become sweeter, respectively, and the wine will be sweeter and brighter in taste.

4. What are the features of making plum wine

As we said above, it is difficult to get juice from plums. The thing is that they contain quite a lot of pectin. This substance makes the pulp of the fruit jelly-like, which greatly complicates the process of obtaining pure plum juice.

It is also worth noting that plums have a lot of sugar, so you need to put it in the wort less than usual. This is a great advantage for wine, because in this case the fermentation process will go faster.

Many novice winemakers often ask themselves the question: is it possible and how to make wine from plums yourself? Our today's article is a detailed and rather detailed answer to these 2 questions at once.

Try and make homemade plum wine with your own hands, using step by step classic recipe. Who knows, perhaps this drink will become one of your favorites at your family feasts. Moreover, plum wine is deservedly considered great addition to meat dishes (if it is semi-sweet or semi-dry) and desserts (if the wine is sweet).

Good luck and happy tasting!

Plum is a versatile fruit; both white and red plum wine can be made from it. If you like white homemade wine - you must use the recipe for plums yellow varieties, while blue plums will produce a bright rich red wine.

An excellent white wine can be made from mirabelle plums. It gives good sweet wines with a pronounced aroma. Blue varieties are good for light and strong table wines.

home light a drink from plums can hardly be called an outstanding masterpiece of winemaking, this is quite an ordinary ordinary table wine. However, it goes very well with meat dishes, while liqueur and dessert plum wine are great to round off the meal. In addition, a very healthy plum wine is recommended to be consumed moderately in case of anemia and problems with blood vessels.

In its composition, plums contain a sufficient amount of sugar, but not only it. Plum fruits also contain a lot of gelling substances and pectins, so it is almost impossible to get the actual juice from plums, it always contains fruit pulp.

How to make wonderful plum wine at home

- We collect slightly overripe fruits.
- Dry them in direct sunlight for 2-3 days.
- free the plums from the pits.
- place unwashed fruits in any dish that is suitable in volume.
- carefully grind the fruits until a homogeneous state fruit puree.
- add water to the resulting puree at the rate of 1: 1.
- Cover this mixture with a clean towel and set aside in a warm place.
- the foam that appears on the surface and emerging bubbles indicate the beginning of the fermentation process.
- we filter the liquid.
- pour the juice from the plums into a bottle for subsequent fermentation.
- add granulated sugar, based on what kind of wine you need to make: for a semi-dry or dry drink, you will need at least 250 g of sugar per liter of juice, and for sweet and semi-sweet - already 350 g / l.
- Stir sugar until completely dissolved.
- tightly close the container with juice from the drains with a special lid that has a gas outlet with a tube attached to it, which is lowered into a suitable container with water. In this case, the carbon dioxide leaves the vessel with wine unhindered, but the air from outside does not penetrate inside.
- place the vessel in a room with room temperature for up to one and a half months.
- remove homemade plum brandy from the sediment.

And now the young plum wine is ready! You can take the first sample and start the maturation process, which will take about two and a half months. Despite aging, the cloudy drink does not become clearer. It will take about 3 years to make it light. And even after this period, the wine is unlikely to become completely transparent due to high content pectins in plums.

Homemade plum wine provides an immense scope for winemaking creativity. To enhance the astringency of the taste and the spice of the aroma, plum wine is often combined with rowan or apple wine, combining them in different proportions. And the addition of the usual cinnamon or cloves completely turns the drink into gourmet delicacy, which is consistently popular among true connoisseurs of wine.

Plum wine making video