How to make homemade wine from jam. Recipes for homemade wine from fermented jam

It's time to prepare the jam, but there are still jars from last season on the shelves. Do you want to try new recipes or cook your favorite ones, however, does the presence of last year's unused product stop you? There is a way out: start making wine from jam. So you will free the container and, with a clear conscience, proceed to new preparations. It is time to prepare jam, but there are still jars from last season on the shelves. Do you want to try new recipes or cook your favorite ones, however, does the presence of last year's unused product stop you? There is a way out: start making wine from jam. So you free the container and, with a clear conscience, proceed to new blanks.

This recipe for homemade jam wine is simple and does not require additional costs. If you want the wine to be delicious, you just need to be patient and follow the recipe exactly. You will see - everything will turn out!

Basic terms and fixtures

Sometimes the terms of winemakers seem incomprehensible to an uninitiated person, and the process itself is very complicated. However, it is very easy to make wine from jam at home, and a simple recipe will be a great help for this. If you carefully understand, then there is nothing complicated or confusing.

So, first things first, let's look at the basic terms and deal with the devices.

The whole process of wine formation is divided into several stages:

  1. The formation of pulp, while all the ingredients are mixed and the container is left for several days in a warm place under a lid or without it, but covered with a cloth on top (third-party particles should not get into the must). The time of this stage is up to 10 days.
  2. Fermentation. During this period, a special device (water lock) and a fermentation room will be required - a dark room with a stable temperature of 22-24 C. This period will take about 50 days.
  3. Wine maturation. This length of time depends on how strong your exposure is. The longer the young wine stays in the cold, the tastier it will be. On average, this process takes from 2 to 3 months, and the room temperature should not exceed +16 C.

Between the main stages there will be several intermediate ones, which differ in different recipes for wine from jam, they will be discussed separately.

Now about fixtures

To prepare a drink, you will need a container for jam wine; it is better to use glass jars or bottles. They allow you to control the fermentation process and do not give extraneous odors.

You can use barrels or enamelware (but here it will be problematic to arrange a water seal during fermentation).

You can’t take plastic or aluminum dishes for these purposes - the wine will have an additional smell and taste (not always pleasant), and in some cases ethyl alcohol will react with plastic and substances harmful to humans are formed (you can simply get poisoned).

Before making homemade wine from jam, make sure that there is no mold in the jam containers.

How to arrange a water seal? To do this, you can take a thin tube from the dropper system (new) and insert one end into the nylon cap. The other must be lowered into a glass of water (filled ½). Such a shutter is good for ordinary glass jars, here the straw is disposable, and the lid can be used many times, only by changing the tubes.

You can buy a special factory-made shutter, usually it is suitable for bottles and cans, it all depends on the crust.

If all this is too complicated, then take an ordinary medical glove and pierce a hole in it with a gypsy needle in your finger, and then put it on a jar. Under the influence of gases, the glove will inflate and act as a water seal. It can only be used once.

Important Rules

Be sure to sterilize all containers and fixtures

Before making wine from jam at home, you will need to carefully rinse with soda and sterilize (boil and steam) all the containers and fixtures that will be used. So the wine will not receive unwanted or foreign odors.

Banks or other containers for fermentation are filled no more than 4/5 of the volume. It is even better to leave 2/5 of the container empty. And this is so that there is a place for foam and bubbles, otherwise they will rise too high and clog the water seal.

Cooking technology

Before making wine from old jam, carefully study the technology and think about where each stage of creating a delicious drink will take place. It is also important to stock up on the necessary containers and fixtures or make them.

1st stage

Mixing ingredients and wort formation

This is the mixing of the ingredients and the formation of the wort. For wort, water must be boiled, and then cooled to a warm state (+ 25C).

This process can be organized in an ordinary enamel pan or in a 3-liter jar. It is better to store the container not in the apartment, but in the pantry or on the balcony, but to start the process, you need a temperature of + 18–25. The container is covered with cotton cloth or gauze so that insects do not get in.

First, mix all the ingredients very well. In the process of fermentation, the jam will rise up and begin to make noise, it needs to be mixed 2 times a day for better distribution of the yeast.

When the pulp begins to rise, it is filtered through gauze (preferably in 2-3 layers), squeezed well and the cake is thrown away.

2nd stage

Formation of young wine. The resulting liquid is poured into sterile glass containers and closed with a water seal, filling them as described above.

The containers can withstand from 1.5 to 3 months, depending on the recipe, making wine from jam in a darkened room (necessarily without direct sunlight) at a temperature not higher than + 23C.

The fermentation process is considered complete when the glove falls off or bubbles cease to stand out from the water in the glass.

If after 50 days the process is still intense, then you need to remove the water seal and pour the contents into a clean container without affecting the sediment. A new container is closed with a clean water seal and the wine is allowed to ferment, otherwise it will be bitter.

3rd stage

Excerpt. It is necessary for the wine to get its characteristic taste and aroma. When the fermentation process is completed, the wine is drained from the sediment (3-4 layers of gauze) into a clean container. With a large draft, the procedure is performed several times with an interval (3-4 days).

After the sediment is removed, the young wine is placed in a dark, cool (+16) room for 1.5–3 months. Then it can be served at the table.

The strength of such a drink is about 10 0.
It should be served slightly chilled, it is great for dessert.

You can also use yeast or ethyl alcohol, then you get a stronger drink.

simple recipes

If you are making homemade wine from jam for the first time, you need to choose a simple recipe. Here are some recipes for different varieties of jam.

Tip: To make the wine tasty, combine sweet fruits and sour fruits, such as raspberries and gooseberries.

Wine from jam is prepared in a 1:1 ratio of water and jam, raisins are added for each liter of jam (it cannot be washed so as not to remove the yeast). Raisins play the role of yeast.

If you make homemade wine from jam, then you can even use sour, spoiled one, but you can’t take jam with mold (the wine will have an unpleasant aftertaste).


  • Apple blank - 1.5 kg;
  • Water - 1.5 l;
  • Raisins - 1 handful;
  • Granulated sugar - 0.2 kg.

The easiest to prepare. It turns out moderately sweet and fragrant.
For the recipe, you need to take equally water and jam, as well as a handful of raisins. To these ingredients you need to add ½ cup of granulated sugar and mix everything well.

Leave the mixture for the preparation of the wort for 5-6 days in heat, stirring 2 times a day. When the jam rises and begins to make noise (it may be a little earlier if it is warm), the pulp is drained, and the must is poured into a glass container, another 100 g of sugar are added and closed with a water seal.

Then you need to put the containers for fermentation in heat, when the bubbles stop emitting, the young wine is ready. It remains to drain it through 3-4 layers of gauze (do not touch the sediment), and then place it for ripening in a cold place for at least 2 months.


  • Raspberry blank - 2.5 kg;
  • Water - 2.5 l;
  • Sugar - 0.1 kg.

This is where all the sugar is added when the wort is made. Keep this wine in the cold for at least one and a half months.

Easily converted into a great liquor. To do this, after the young wine is removed from the water seal and drained from the sediment, add another 100–150 g of sugar for each liter of water (if you want a very sweet liquor), less sugar will make the liquor less sweet.


  • Currant billet - 1.5 kg;
  • Cherry leaves - 5-7 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 0.1 kg;
  • Raisins - 60 g.

The original taste is obtained from currant wine, this is due to cherry leaves.

We prepare the wort from the proposed ingredients. It can be closed with a lid and only stirred for 7-10 days, 2 times a day.

Then it strains the pulp through gauze, and leaves a sediment at the bottom. We arrange the shutter in a container filled with ¾ wort.

After the process is completed, the young wine will be clarified (it will take up to 40 days), it can be drained from the sediment and put on aging (at least 1.5 months).

Wine from currant jam is perfectly stored in a cool place, the longer it stands, the more saturated the taste and aroma will be. It can be stored for 2-3 years.


If it suddenly turned out that the jam prepared by you for the winter has fermented, it does not matter. Because of such a trifle, you do not need to be upset and immediately throw it away. There is a way to put it to good use! This raw material will make excellent homemade wine of excellent quality. "Homemade wine from fermented jam" recipe quite simple and does not require any additional, complex ingredients.

cook homemade wine from fermented jam very easy. For this you will need:
- 1.5 kg of fermented or old jam;
- 1 cup of sugar;
- 1.5 liters of water;
- 1 tbsp raisins.
By the way, jam can be absolutely anything; but still, "winemakers" prefer apple, blueberry, cherry, raspberry, plum, blackberry, etc. Whatever you choose, the taste of the wine will not suffer from it! The main thing is that there is no mold on the surface of the jam, otherwise your wine will be spoiled.

The sequence of making wine at home:
The selected (spoiled or old) jam is mixed with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio. After that, raisins and half a glass of sugar are added to it. The raisins in the recipe are needed in order to support fermentation due to the presence of wine bacteria on the surface of the raisins. A glass bottle with a volume of 5 liters or more is ideal as a container for making wine. Three-liter jars can also be used, but in this case, portions will have to be divided into parts, since the jars are filled with no more than two-thirds of their volume.

A rubber glove is put on the neck of the container in which it is located (one of the fingers of which has a hole for venting gas) or a water seal is placed. A mixture of jam and other ingredients is left to ferment in a warm place for a couple of weeks.

When the wine has already fermented enough (this can be understood by a deflated glove or the water seal stops gurgling), it must be filtered with gauze and add half a glass of sugar to it. The filtered "young" wine is left in a dark place to infuse for 2-3 months, after which the aged wine is poured through a straw into prepared bottles. Sediment should remain at the bottom.

Bottles of homemade wine are carefully sealed with corks. The drink is ready. By the way, for the recipe How to make homemade wine from fermented jam"You can use not only jam, but also canned fruit, the shelf life of which is already coming to an end. The technology is the same, only 3 liters of compote without water, a few raisins and 250-300 g of sugar are mixed in a fermentation tank. The rest of the procedure is repeated as described above.

As you can see, thanks to this recipe, you can recycle old compote or fermented fruit jam. Jams can be combined, choosing the best combination of flavors. And as a result, you will get excellent quality homemade wine, the taste of which will delight you with interesting notes and shades. In addition, making such wine is very simple!

Experienced winemakers are able to turn any edible product into a real gourmet drink. Jam that has fermented can be especially helpful when making delicious wine at home.

Therefore, do not throw it away because of suspicion of damage. After all, the wine obtained on its basis has useful qualities, retaining many substances and trace elements valuable for health.

At the same time, it has a pleasant, incomparable taste.

simple recipe

A homemade wine drink made from a jam that shows all the signs of a fermenter will be incredibly tasty if you approach this task with a special creativity.

This process is quite simple and accessible to any hostess, not even the most skilled one. It is enough to have some free time and actually fermented jam.

Required Ingredients for Fermented Jam Wine:

  • Raisins of any variety (it is better not to wash it) - 55 g;
  • Sugar - 250 g;
  • Water is clean, drinking - 3 l;
  • Fermented jam (any berry or fruit) - 3 kilograms.

The color of the finished wine will determine the composition of the jam. Accordingly, thanks to the red berries, the drink will get a red tint, and yellow or white - lighter.

Most often, housewives use jam from currants, cherries, raspberries, gooseberries, apples, pears and cherry plums. But other options (especially “sets” of several types of fruits) will make it possible to get quite tasty homemade wine.

Steps for making wine from fermented jam at home:

How to make wine on rice from fermented jam

Japanese experts prepare vodka on rice. It is known that such a product makes it possible to obtain particularly high-quality alcoholic beverages. The recipe for making wine from fermented jam and rice is simple and does not require much effort. It is advisable to use "raw materials" made from berries.

Ingredients that will be required:

  • Rice - 2 cups;
  • Drinking water - 6.5 l;
  • Fermented jam - 1.5 l.

The process of making homemade wine from rice and fermented jam:

  1. You will need a container consisting of any material other than metal, jam, rice are placed in it, water is poured;
  2. The products placed in the container must be properly kneaded;
  3. After that, the resulting mass is poured into a bottle and closed with rubber (you can use a glove perforated in one zone);
  4. It will take about a month to allow the mixture to wander properly in a dark secluded place in the apartment (all this time it is important to ensure that the excessive release of carbon dioxide does not tear off the lid and does not lead to the mass being pushed out);
  5. Then the mixture is poured into a glass container and infused open for 24 hours;
  6. A day later, you can consider the drink is already completely ready for use.

What can be made from raspberry fermented jam

Raspberry jam is great for making high-quality fine homemade wine. It is quite simple to make it on the basis of this fermented product. Its taste is incredibly pleasant.

Ingredients that are needed for wine from fermented raspberry jam:

  • Raisins (no need to wash it) - 75 g;
  • Raspberry jam that has fermented - 4.5 kg;
  • Water ordinary for drinking - 4.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 750 g.

Wine preparation:

wine drink

Raisins in the process of making wine at home act as natural yeast. However, if desired, you can prepare such a delicious drink without its presence. But in this case, real yeast is required. This will not adversely affect the taste of the wine.

Ingredients needed to make the drink:

  • Special wine yeast - 50 g;
  • Drinking water - 2 liters;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Berry jam that has fermented - 2 liters.

Wine preparation:

If you want to get an unsweetened drink from fermented jam, in this case you need to exclude granulated sugar from the list of necessary ingredients. In another case, it must be used, as it will give the wine a sweetish aftertaste.

The wine will turn out to be especially tasty and of high quality if you follow all the important rules for making it at home. Experts recommend the following:

  • The taste of the finished wine depends on the dose of sugar, so you need to take into account your taste preferences before deciding on the amount of granulated sugar;
  • To give a red or pink hue to wine, cherries, raspberries and other berries of a characteristic shade are used;
  • If a rubber glove is used instead of a special hydrolyzer, in the process of brewing wine, it is necessary to ensure that carbon dioxide does not rip off the rubber, which can cause spoilage of the product;
  • Before pouring the infused liquid into bottles, you need to remove the foam;
  • An extremely important point during the pouring of the drink into bottles is to leave the resulting sediment in the bottle;
  • Even in the case of making wine using raisins, the use of yeast in a small amount is allowed, this will speed up the process of its manufacture;
  • Exclusion of yeast from the list of necessary products for making homemade wine will allow you to prepare a drink with a special tart taste.

If you follow all the basic recommendations of winemakers, you can achieve the best result. Homemade wine from fermented jam always has advantages over store-bought wine, because it is made from natural, proven products.

Every year, thrifty housewives have at least a few cans of last year's jam. I no longer want to eat it, since a new one has been prepared, and it’s a pity to throw away a natural product, the preparation of which has spent effort and money. I suggest the next way out - to make homemade wine from jam. We will consider the recipe and technology further.

In advance, I advise you to find a three-liter jar, a nylon lid, gauze and a medical rubber glove (you can install a water seal instead). In this recipe, we will do without yeast, since it is difficult to get wine, and ordinary pressed or dry ones are not used in winemaking, turning wine into ordinary mash. The role of yeast will be performed by raisins, on the surface of which the necessary fungi live.

For making homemade wine, jam from apples, currants, raspberries, strawberries, plums, cherries and other fruit crops is suitable. But I do not advise mixing different types of jam in one drink: the unique taste of each berry is lost in the mixture. It is better to make several separate portions.


  • jam - 1 liter;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • unwashed raisins - 100 grams;
  • sugar - 10-100 grams per liter of water (optional).

The amount of water depends on the sugar content in the jam (natural in raw materials and added during the cooking process). It is necessary to strive so that the sugar content in the wort does not exceed 20%. If necessary, dilute with more water. If initially the jam is not sweet, you can add more sugar.

Recipe for wine from old jam

1. Wash a three-liter jar with soda, rinse several times with warm water, then sterilize by pouring a little boiling water. This will kill pathogens that can taint the wine.

2. Transfer the jam to a jar, add water and sugar (if necessary), add unwashed raisins. Mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Instead of raisins, you can use any unwashed fresh berries that need to be crushed beforehand.

3. Cover the jar with gauze to protect against flies, transfer to a warm (18-25°C) dark place or cover with a thick cloth. Leave for 5 days, stir once a day with a clean hand or wooden fixture. After 8-20 hours, signs of fermentation should appear: hiss, foam and a slight smell of sour. This means that everything is going well.

4. Remove the pulp (floating pulp) from the surface, strain the contents of the jar through gauze folded in several layers. Pour the filtered wort into a clean jar, previously washed with soda and boiling water. The container can be filled to a maximum of 75% of the volume to leave room for foam and carbon dioxide that will appear during fermentation.

5. In one of the fingers of a medical glove, make a hole with a needle, and then put the glove itself on the neck of the jar. To keep the structure better and not fall off during fermentation, tie the neck with a rope over the glove.

Fermentation under the glove

An alternative way is to install a water seal. There is no difference between these two options. If you make homemade wines all the time, it is better to build a water seal, it is universal, in other cases a glove will do (each time a new one).

6. Put the jar for 30-60 days in a dark warm place. Fermentation will end when the inflated glove is completely deflated or the water seal will not bubble for several days. The wine itself should become lighter, and sediment will appear at the bottom.

Attention! If fermentation does not stop after 50 days from the date of installation of the water seal, the jam wine must be drained without touching the sediment at the bottom. Then again put under the water seal ferment. If this is not done, the drink may be bitter.

7. Drain the fermented young wine from the sediment. Taste, if desired, add sugar for sweetness or vodka (alcohol) to increase the strength (2-15% of the volume). Fortified wine made from jam is better stored, but not as aromatic and has a harsher taste.

Pour the drink into clean containers, it is advisable to fill up to the neck so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close tightly, transfer to the basement or refrigerator. Withstand at least 2-3 months (preferably 5-6). The optimum temperature is 6-16°C.

First, once every 20-25 days, then less often when a sediment appears in a layer of 2-5 cm, filter the wine by pouring it into another container. Long stay on the sediment can lead to bitterness. The finished drink (the precipitate no longer appears) can be bottled and hermetically sealed with corks.

The strength of the prepared wine is 10-13%. Shelf life when stored in a cellar or refrigerator - up to 3 years.

When there is so much jam that no one has time to eat it during the winter, you can use it not only for medicinal and culinary purposes. This product makes an amazing wine, and besides, this is a serious savings in sugar. And how many flavors can be obtained by using different jams and even combining them!

General principles for preparing sourdough

Most often, wild yeast is used to make this wine. They are on unwashed raisins and on the same unwashed berries. They can simply be added when making wine, mixed with water and sent to ferment. The products are then removed by filtration.

And you can prepare a sourdough that will improve the fermentation process. To do this, a handful of raisins or berries should be poured with water and add a little sugar. The mixture is aged for several days under cotton wool or gauze. Then added to water and jam. This starter contains more yeast than regular raisins without soaking.

A simple recipe for homemade jam wine

Time for preparing

calories per 100 grams

A traditional recipe, on the basis of which any variation of wine with jam is created. This base helps to taste the original taste of the drink.

How to cook:

Tip: You can use berries instead of raisins. They must be fresh and unwashed. Before use, they should be crushed with your hands or slightly crushed with a mortar.

Strawberry jam wine at home

Strawberry wine is the favorite of all ladies. It is not only very fragrant, but also soft, easy to drink.

How long - 50 days.

What is the calorie content - 85 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Raisins should be poured with a small amount of warm water.
  2. Remove strawberry jam from the jar and dilute it with water of the same temperature.
  3. Transfer all three ingredients to a large jar. From above, immediately install a water seal in the form of a glove with a hole.
  4. Put the bottle in a warm place for at least three weeks. The fermentation process must end. The glove should deflate at the end.
  5. Then filter the mass, pour into another bottle and stand for another three days. After that, pour into small bottles and after three days you can take a sample.

Tip: to get a deeper taste, you can take equal proportions of strawberry and currant jam.

Raspberry jam wine

Songs were even written about raspberry wine. And it is quite simple to cook it, the more healthy raspberry jam is in every home.

How long - 1 month.

What is the calorie content - 86 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Warm up the water a little. It should not be higher than body temperature. Next, put all the jam and raisins in it, stir.
  2. Pour the whole mass into a bottle. The liquid should fill the container by 2/3, no more.
  3. Install a water seal on top and put the bottle in a dark, warm place for a month.
  4. When the fermentation process is over, it is necessary to strain the young wine through gauze and pour it into a clean container.
  5. Close the jar tightly and let it stand for another three days. A sediment forms at the bottom. In no case should it be touched when, after three days, the liquid will be bottled.

Tip: It is better to use dark glass bottles, such as black or green. This allows the wine to be preserved better.

Red vermouth based on jam

A spicy drink in which you can feel two dozen flavors. Long exposure and collection of numerous ingredients are worth it!

blueberry compote 7 l
cranberry jam 3 l
water 11 l
flower honey 1 l
wine sourdough 0.5 l
sage 30 g
oak bark 45 g
cinnamon 1 stick
nutmeg 2 pcs.
mint 15 g
orange peel 45 g
rosemary 10 g
star anise 3 stars
wine alcohol (50%) 0.5 l
rosemary seeds 20 g
wormwood 25 g
black pepper 5 g

How long - 4 months.

What is the calorie content - 80 calories.

How to cook:

  1. It is necessary to prepare wine sourdough, if it is not available. To do this, about 170 g of raisins should be poured with 500 ml of water and 50 g of sugar added. Stir and let it brew for four days in a warm place. At the same time, a cotton filter must be installed on top so that the gas can escape freely. Such leaven is stored for no more than ten days.
  2. Next, you need to do herbal infusion. All these herbs should be poured with wine alcohol and let them stand for at least two weeks, and preferably a month. The bottle must be kept in a dark place.
  3. At the same time, you need to do the preparation of the wort. To do this, you need to mix the jam with warm compote and water and add sourdough and honey here. Send everything for four days in a bottle in a dark warm place. From above you need to tie gauze so that dirt does not get inside. Stir the contents once a day.
  4. Then the pulp formed on top must be discarded, the wort must be filtered. Pour it into a clean bottle, install a water seal and send it to ferment for at least two months in the same dark place.
  5. Then strain the young wine, add herbal tincture to it, stir. Soak for at least a day, then strain again and bottle. You can use it after two months.

Tip: you don’t need to strictly adhere to the dosage of herbs, this is a rather laborious process. You can simply measure everything in teaspoons. In one such spoon, about 2-3 g of dry herbs or spices.

Cherry fortified wine

Fortified wine keeps much better, although it loses its softness. Due to the addition of the extract, the aroma of the drink is simply delicious.

How much time - 1.5 months.

What is the calorie content - 123 calories.

How to cook:

  1. The technology for making cherry wine is no different from the previous ones. First, mix the starter with jam and slightly warm water. Send to a dark place for five days, stirring the mass daily. Sourdough, by the way, is done in exactly the same way as in the previous recipe.
  2. Next, remove the upper layer that has surfaced, strain the rest of the liquid. Pour into a clean container, install a water seal on top and send the wine to age for a month and a half in the same place.
  3. When the gas has ceased to stand out, and the wine itself has become lighter, it's time to strain it again. If you want a cleaner drink, you can strain it again after three days.
  4. Then add 50 ml of cherry extract for every liter of wine. Stir, pour into clean bottles and put away for aging for at least a month.

Tip: if the wine is made during the cherry fruiting season, then you can make a sourdough based not on the basis of raisins, but on the basis of the cherries themselves. They should not be washed and there should be no bones inside. This will require 170 g of berries, 250 ml of water and 100 g of sugar.

Honey drink "Beekeeper"

This honey-based wine takes on a pinkish hue due to cones and linden. Without these components, it will be perfectly transparent. The drink is very soft!

How long - 3 weeks.

What is the calorie content - 87 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Mix honey well in warm water. Pour everything into a large saucepan and put on fire.
  2. Boil the mass on low heat for half an hour. The foam that will form all this time must be removed with a spoon.
  3. Cones and fresh lime blossom should be placed in a gauze bag. Then it must be placed in a honey mass.
  4. Add here the juice of all lemons and ammonium salt. It is also called ammonium chloride powder. Mix everything and pour into a bottle, while the bag of herbs does not need to be removed.
  5. Install a water seal on top and put it in a warm place without light. Let ferment for three weeks and then strain without using the sediment. The bag of herbs can be pulled out at this point.
  6. Ready honey wine should not have bubbles. It will be transparent. Bottled and put away for aging in the cellar for a whole year. If there is a precipitate, then you need to strain again.

Tip: instead of ammonium salt, you can use sourdough from berries or raisins. If these are berries, such as raspberries, then the calculation is as follows: for every liter of wine, a glass of berries is required. If it is raisins, then 120 g per liter will be enough. Fresh lemon juice can be replaced with citric acid, which requires 1 g of acid for each liter of must.

Wine from fermented jam

Fermented jam, in which bacteria are already active, accelerates the fermentation process of the wort itself. Many believe that it is from such a product that the best wine is obtained.

How long - 18 days.

What is the calorie content - 139 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Jam must be mixed with warm water, add a handful of raisins. Put everything in a bottle and put it in a dark place, be sure to install a water seal.
  2. After about two weeks, the fermentation process should end. Then the pulp must be removed, and the wort itself must be filtered. Let it stand in a tightly closed jar for another three days.
  3. Then the young wine should be bottled and stored in the cellar.

Tip: if the wine is not sweet enough, it is advisable to add sugar before drinking, and not when bottling. Otherwise, it will affect the safety of the drink.

If the wine continues to ferment rather rapidly after fifty days, then this process should be stopped. You just need to remove the drink from the sediment, strain it and let it ferment for another two or three days. If this is not done, at the end of fermentation the wine will become bitter, this taste cannot be interrupted by anything.

Honey for making wine can be taken and candied, it does not matter. It will take a little longer to stir it in warm water. But it is better not to pour cold water, because then the stirring process will be delayed twice. If some grains are still not stirred, they will melt when the mass begins to heat up. As a last resort, they can then be filtered out.

Jam-based wine is a pleasant and bright drink that is really replete with flavors. Depending on the type of jam, a different shade of wine is obtained. Cooking does not take much effort, because most of the time is required for fermentation. But you can enjoy the result for whole evenings!