Moonshine infused with prunes. Micro and macro elements of dried plum

What is prunes? This unusual dried plum deserves a separate discussion. Prunes are used in garnishes and drinks. This product has also found its application in alcoholic tinctures.

The right way to beautify alcoholic drink- is to insist it on berries or dried fruits. Moonshine on prunes is a unique and win-win recipe. If you are a fan of everything unusual, you will love homemade tinctures.

To begin with, we advise you to choose fresh and properly cooked prunes. Dried fruits are made from Hungarian plums, dried in a cold and hot way, with and without smoke. Try other dark plum varieties as well. Prunes from "Hungarian" gives a rich color to the drink and good taste.

It is advised to choose a plum of medium softness, with a shiny, glossy skin. The smell of prunes should correspond to the product, gently bite. During processing, such dried fruits fully reveal their taste qualities.

Moonshine tincture on prunes - method one
The recipe for how to insist moonshine on prunes, even a beginner can do. Rinse dried fruits thoroughly and dry with a paper or linen towel. Take 200-250 grams of dried fruits for 1 liter of moonshine. To give a weak taste to the tincture, take half as many plums.
Applies next way insistence:
1. Prunes folded into a bowl are poured with half of the prepared alcohol.
2. Insist in a cool, dark place for a week.
3. Drain the resulting half of the infusion into another bowl.
4. Pour dried fruits with the remaining moonshine.
5. Insist 7-10 days.
6. Mix both tinctures.

Moonshine tincture is ready! It is allowed to leave the berries in the drink. Prolonged insistence on prunes will only improve the taste of moonshine.

Tincture on moonshine on prunes - the second method
Moonshine on prunes is insisted with the addition of various seasonings and spices. In the recipe, instead of moonshine, it is recommended to use alcohol or vodka. cook the following ingredients:
. 1 liter of alcoholic drink.
. 100 gr medium soft prunes.
. 1 g cloves
. 1 black peppercorn, 3 allspice.
. A pinch of vanilla.

Pound spices, pepper and clove bud into powder. Put dried fruits, spices, vanillin in a suitable container, pour moonshine or vodka. Cork the bottle and shake thoroughly.Leave to brew for 10 days in a cool place. Ready drink strain and pour into prepared bottles. Leave to ripen for a couple of days. Then feel free to taste. Moonshine tincture on prunes will delight all connoisseurs of original tinctures.

Moonshine tincture on prunes sweet
Moonshine, infused with prunes, with the addition of sugar, will appeal to women and sweet lovers. For making this delicious drink use medium soft dried fruits with a stone.
1. Take 300 g of prunes, rinse and dry. Put into a bottle.
2. Pour 250 grams of sugar.
3. Pour prepared products with 3 liters of moonshine or other alcoholic beverage.

Close the bottle tightly and remove to reach the condition. The ripening period is 30 days. During this time, the bottle should be shaken vigorously every 7 days. The resulting products are filtered and bottled for storage.Dried fruits, if desired, can not be thrown away, and when spilled, add 1-2 pieces to each bottle.

Moonshine tincture on prunes with honey and ginger, sweet
Moonshine tincture on prunes with honey is mild in taste, with a characteristic smell. In this recipe, sugar is replaced with honey, preferably flower. Need following products to prepare 3 liters of drink:
. 300 gr prunes.
. 200 gr honey.
. 50 gr of ginger root.

Place the washed and dried dried fruits in a prepared dish. Grate ginger root on a fine grater, pour into a bottle of prunes. Heat honey in a water bath and mix with berries. Mixed components are poured with moonshine, vodka.
Close tightly with a lid and remove to infuse. The time for creating a tincture, like moonshine on sugar, is 30 days. The bottle is shaken every 7 days. The finished tincture is filtered and poured into storage containers.
Depending on the type of honey chosen, each time the tincture will have different taste. Mostly lime or buckwheat honey is used.

Homemade cognac on prunes
From moonshine, when adding the necessary components, we recommend preparing homemade cognac. The longer moonshine is infused on prunes, the more noble and stronger the product is at the exit. The ingredients are available and the recipe is within the power of any winemaker.
. 3 liters of moonshine or good vodka.
. 30-40 grams of dry oak bark.
. Several buds of cloves.
. Nutmeg 10 gr.
. 20-30 ml lemon juice.
. 500 gr prunes.

Put the washed and dried prunes into a capacious bottle. Break the oak bark into small pieces. Add to berries. Crush the cloves nutmeg grate and pour into a bottle. Mix all ingredients with vodka or moonshine. At the end add lemon juice or 2-3 grams of citric acid.

Close the container tightly with a lid and remove to infuse. Shake periodically. The drink is ready in 10-14 days. The resulting homemade cognac is advised to strain 2-3 times. Pour into suitable dishes for further storage.
The tincture must be left to mature. During this time, the remaining particles of the components will settle to the bottom and the already clean drink is ready for tasting.

Each of the recipes described above can be brought to perfection. Try adding other dried fruits to the tincture, perhaps apples or raisins. Experiment with spices and seasonings. Moonshine can be replaced with purified alcohol, vodka. In this case, it is recommended to dilute the alcohol to the strength you need, and then continue further according to the selected recipe.

Insist moonshine on orange peel, almonds, with the addition of berry syrups.

Turning ordinary moonshine into tincture, liquor or cognac at home is not at all difficult. This article will focus on prunes, with which you can give an alcoholic drink a soft and original taste and unique delicate aroma.

The advantage of prunes is its beneficial features, the fruits give the drink not only new taste sensations, but also make it healing. Prunes tincture is antibacterial, perfectly copes with diseases and inflammations of the oral cavity, relieves toothache, and also has a tonic effect.

Recipe for tincture with prunes

This is the most common recipe that allows you to quickly prepare moonshine on prunes with the addition of spices. Preparing such a tincture is quite simple. Here are the ingredients that you will need in the cooking process, the recipe:

  1. a liter of moonshine;
  2. 10 pieces. prunes, it is desirable to use pitted fruits;
  3. 2 pcs. cloves and allspice;
  4. 5 gr. vanillin;
  5. 5-6 black peppercorns.

First of all, it is necessary to grind the cloves and pepper, this can be done in a mortar or with a rolling pin. When the spices are ground, all the ingredients should be mixed, pour moonshine, close the jar with an airtight lid and shake the contents well. That's the whole cooking process, which will take a minimum of time.

Now the future tincture should be removed in a dark place for 10 days. Before use, you need to strain the drink and can be served at the table.

The tincture can be stored for a year, it is perfect for meat and hearty meals, thanks to the pronounced taste of plums and peppers.

Prunes and moonshine liquor

It is not at all difficult to prepare a strong and rich liquor, for this you need a minimum of ingredients - moonshine, prunes and sugar. For five liters of moonshine, it is recommended to take a pound of pitted prunes, and also prepare sugar syrup, where the ratio of sugar and water is 1: 1.

The recipe is easy to prepare, and the resulting tincture will pleasantly surprise you with its bright taste and aroma. All components must be combined, mixed thoroughly and left in a cool and preferably dark place for one month.

Thus, moonshine on prunes turns into an amazing alcoholic drink with a viscous pleasant taste and rich hue. If desired, you can use the fruits of prunes with a stone, in this case, the resulting tincture will acquire subtle woody notes, emphasizing the sophistication of the alcoholic beverage.

Recipe this drink also does not differ in complexity. The output will be a tincture resembling cognac, while not devoid of the beneficial properties of prunes. Here's what you need to create this aromatic drink:

  1. 3 liters of moonshine, the strength of which should be 45-50 degrees;
  2. 300 gr. prunes, it is recommended to give preference to fruits with stones;
  3. 40 gr. internal membranes of walnuts;
  4. vanilla pod;
  5. 5 pcs. black pepper and cloves.

The recipe for preparation is that it is necessary to combine all the available components and leave to infuse for 3 weeks, then strain the resulting drink and give it time to stand for about a week. Here is a tincture.

Moonshine tincture with prunes and oak chips

This drink has a rich taste and resembles an elite aged cognac. The recipe does not require much effort, the main thing is to follow the instructions. For 3 liters of moonshine you need to take 5 pcs. prunes, a couple of bars oak chips, preferably medium roast, a little coffee and vanilla, 6 pcs. raisins and 3 pcs. carnations.

All these ingredients should be mixed in a saucepan, pour moonshine and bring to a boil, but do not boil. This is an important condition of the recipe. After that, the drink must be filtered, prunes should be left, it will give piquant notes of taste and aroma. The drink is infused for only a few days. Here is a recipe.

video recipe

Prunes can be called tasty and useful medicine. It has a wonderful sweet and sour taste, thanks to which it is used all over the world for cooking. variety of dishes and drinks.

And in prunes there are laxatives, sorbitol, and alimentary fiber, which give prunes laxative properties. In addition, prunes contain antioxidants and vitamins that are useful for us.

Prunes are used to make delicious tinctures and drinks with healing properties, as well as for decoctions and infusions that have a laxative effect. Drinks from prunes are especially necessary for infants who have a tendency to constipation.

tincture recipes

We offer you recipes for alcohol tinctures from prunes, which are easy to make at home from ordinary and inexpensive ingredients. For our purposes, home-made prunes or bought in the market and in the store are suitable, the main thing is that the fruits are of high quality and soft.

Recipe 1.

Prunes tincture. In order to make this tincture, you will need the following products: 500 ml of vodka or alcohol, 4 pitted prunes, 1 each of cloves and allspice, 3 black peppercorns, 1-2 grams of vanillin.

Pepper and cloves crush, put in a jar with prunes, pour vodka or alcohol, mix well and close the lid tightly. Remove the jar in a dark place for 10 days, then strain and pour into another bowl.

Prune tincture can be stored in a cold place for more than a year.

Recipe 2.

Prunes tincture. Take 400 grams of prunes with pits, 250 grams of sugar, 2 liters of vodka. Put prunes and sugar in a jar, fill with vodka. Close the jar tightly with a lid and shake to dissolve the sugar. Keep the jar in a dark place for 10 days, then strain and bottle and decanter. Prunes tincture on vodka will be sweet and pleasant to the taste, if desired, it can be slightly diluted apple juice- so it will become less strong.

Recipe 3.

Tincture on prunes on alcohol. to prepare it, take 1.5 liters of alcohol, 400 grams of pitted prunes, 200 grams of liquid honey, a pinch of vanillin and a little lime blossom.

All components must be added to three-liter jar and pour alcohol diluted to 45 degrees. Put the jar in a cold place and leave for 10 days. After straining, the tincture of prunes for alcohol will be ready for use.

Recipe 4.

Plum tincture "Shuiskaya" - famous in Russia alcoholic drink which you can make at home. To do this, take 500 grams of prunes, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1.5 liters of vodka.

Rinse and chop the prunes, put in a jar, add sugar and pour vodka. Close the jar tightly and put in a dark place for 20 days.

After that, strain, the prune tincture on Shuiskaya vodka will have a pleasant brownish tint, wonderful aroma and rich taste.

Recipe 5.

Prunes tincture on alcohol "Shuiskaya". We offer you another recipe for making tinctures. To get started, make alcoholized fruit drinks from prunes and dried apples. To do this, dilute alcohol to 40 degrees with clean water, so that you get 1 liter of alcohol. Pour it into a three-liter jar, pour 1 cup of prunes and dried apples into it, 1 tsp. cinnamon - insist 2 weeks, strain.

Dilute the finished tincture with pre-brewed sugar syrup so that you get a tincture with a strength of 18 degrees, and you get a tincture with prunes "Shuiskaya" homemade.

Recipe 6.

Tincture with prunes and basil. This recipe is for those who like to experiment in the kitchen. Take 500 grams of pitted prunes, a small bunch of blue basil, 500 ml of vodka, 3 tbsp. Sahara.

Cut prunes and basil and put in a three-liter jar. Pour vodka or alcohol, put sugar and stir. Close the jar tightly and put it in a dark place for 1.5 months, shake the contents of the jar from time to time. Then strain - fragrant and delicious tincture with prunes and basil will be ready, and over time it will become even tastier.

Prunes for kids

It is natural that alcohol tincture from prunes is not suitable for babies suffering from constipation. For them, you need to make an infusion or decoction on the water.

In infants, especially if they are bottle-fed, digestive and defecation problems are common. Yes, and for those babies who are breastfed by mothers, such problems cannot always be avoided - it all depends on what the mother eats.

If a child has constant constipation, a nursing mother should eat something laxative - carrots, prunes, more fresh vegetables. Laxatives with milk will also enter the intestines of the child, and he will not have problems.

But a bottle-fed baby is deprived of such an opportunity, so he just needs some tasty, healthy and harmless medicine to fight constipation. One of these medicines is a decoction or tincture with prunes on the water.

Prunes have a laxative effect, in addition, they supply vitamins and minerals to the body, which are so necessary for the baby for normal growth and development.

Make decoctions and tinctures of prunes according to the following recipes:

Recipe 1.

First, make a weak infusion of prunes. For a glass of water, you need only 2 pieces of prunes. Boil the water, put the fruits, cover, boil for 5 minutes, let cool and brew. You don't need to add sugar. For the first dose, 1-2 tsp will be enough. drink.

Gradually, the amount of prunes and the volume of the drink can be increased. If you notice that the baby's stool has returned to normal, stop giving him prune drinks - an overdose can lead to diarrhea.

A decoction and infusions of prunes can be given to babies from the age of two months. If there is a need for a laxative for a baby from an early age, seek the advice of a pediatrician.

When your baby grows up a little - from the age of 4-5 months, you can cook compotes for him not only from prunes - you can add a little dried apricots, raisins, figs, apples and pears to it, and already with a little sugar.

If there is vodka, alcohol or homemade moonshine, then ordinary prunes will help improve its taste. All tinctures that are made on prunes have great taste, alcohol turns out to be soft, the main thing is to know the technology of preparation and follow its rules. In this article, we will talk about prune tincture, which can be prepared at home. All the recipes described are simple and you do not need to use special ingredients for cooking.

Before considering the recipes, it should be noted that you can use store-bought prunes, as well as homemade ones, which are made by yourself. There is no significant difference. If the main product will be bought in a store, then it is not recommended to take very black fruits, as well as very light ones. Since such ingredients are specially processed in order to be stored longer, but at the same time they lose their beneficial properties and aroma.

Moonshine tincture

  1. Moonshine - 500 ml.
  2. Prunes without bone - 4 pcs.
  3. Allspice - 1 pc.
  4. Carnation - 1 pc.
  5. Black pepper - 3 pcs.
  6. Vanillin - 2 gr.

The drink production technique is as follows:

  1. All peppercorns must be crushed in a convenient way, a similar procedure should be carried out with cloves.
  2. Further, the components from the list must be placed in the selected container, which can be hermetically sealed.
  3. Next, alcohol is poured in, and the container is tightly closed, after which it is thoroughly shaken.
  4. The tincture is left for 10 days in the pantry.
  5. After the specified time, you need to filter the drink using gauze and pour it into bottles.

Alcohol is ready and can be stored in a cool place for 1-2 years. The drink should have a beautiful color and characteristic aroma, and a taste with slight notes of pepper. A similar drink is recommended to be used with salty dishes, it can be served with cheese or sausage slices.

Vodka tincture

This preparation method is different finished product there will be a sweet aftertaste, so the female half likes the drink more, it can be used as dessert alcohol. It is better to take as a basis quality vodka. For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

  1. Prunes with a stone - 200 gr.
  2. Sugar - 125 gr.
  3. Vodka - 1 l.

Cooking technique:

  1. It is necessary to put fruits in a jar and pour sugar, then pour in alcohol.
  2. Next, the container is covered with a lid and shaken thoroughly so that the sugar dissolves.
  3. The container should be put in the pantry for a couple of weeks. It is better not to keep such a tincture for more than 20 days, since harmful substances can be released from the seeds.
  4. After 2 weeks, the drink must be filtered using gauze and poured into bottles.

Vodka is ready and you can start tasting. If you need to reduce the strength of the product, you should add a small amount of apple juice.

Alcohol tincture

Alcohol according to this recipe will give notes of honey, which goes well with fruits. Alcohol will need to be diluted to 45 degrees and only then prepare a drink for which you need:

  1. Alcohol - 750 ml.
  2. Prunes without bone - 200 gr.
  3. Honey - 100 gr.
  4. Vanillin - 2 gr.

Preparation method:

  1. All components are added to the jar, and diluted alcohol is poured in, which can be replaced with vodka or moonshine.
  2. Next, the container is closed with a lid, shaken a little and left in the refrigerator for 10 days.
  3. After the specified time, strain the tincture and pour into bottles.

The drink is ready and can be used both for desserts and for regular meals. Using such simple recipes, it will be possible to do homemade alcohol on prunes quite quickly, and it will delight with its aroma and taste.

influence change palatability vodka or moonshine, not surprisingly, it is prunes that are capable of. Any drinks that include prunes have a perfect aroma and excellent taste. Tincture on prunes on alcohol or moonshine, made at home, will bring down a flurry of stormy delight and surprise.

Prunes are suitable for any kind. It may be store-bought, or it may be homemade. In the case of purchasing a store-bought version, they refuse excessively dark, almost black prunes, since they are rubbed with glycerin to increase the shelf life. Light brown fruits should not be purchased either, because they were treated with boiling water before drying, as a result of which part useful characteristics and aromatic elements were lost.

Recipe for moonshine infused with prunes

The technological process provided in this recipe allows you to completely eliminate bad smell moonshine, due to the fact that vanillin, cloves and pepper are added. Along with moonshine, they take both vodka and alcohol (only diluted).


  • half a liter of moonshine (or optional vodka, alcohol);
  • 4 things. prunes (stones removed);
  • 1 pc. cloves, allspice;
  • 1-2 g of vanillin;
  • 3 pcs. black pepper.

Cooking steps

  1. Clove and pepper are crushed using a rolling pin.
  2. All listed ingredients are transferred to a jar and closed tightly with a lid;
  3. The prepared alcoholic product is poured into the jar, closed and shaken several times.
  4. In a room where there is no light, a jar is placed for ten days to infuse.
  5. The tincture is filtered and poured into prepared containers.

For about a year or a little more, the tincture is stored in the refrigerator or basement. The tincture perfectly reproduces the taste of prunes with subtle hints of pepper. Serve tincture with savory dishes, cheese or cold cuts.

An alternative recipe is presented in this video

Prune tincture on vodka

This tincture has a sweet taste, so it is especially loved by the ladies, who classify it as a dessert drink. Based on vodka good quality or alcohol having a strength of 45 degrees.


  • 400 grams of whole prunes (with pits);
  • 2 liters of vodka of any kind;
  • 250 g of granulated sugar.

Cooking steps

  1. Prunes are placed in a three-liter jar and granulated sugar is poured.
  2. Pour in vodka or alcohol.
  3. Close the lid, shake and take it to a dark room for sixteen days. It is impossible to infuse such a drink for more than twenty days, because some of the harmful substances contained in the bones can get into the drink.
  4. The tincture is filtered, poured into prepared containers and closed.

The tincture is quite strong, so it is diluted with apple juice, using the proportions at your discretion. The color and taste of this tincture is very similar to plum.

Alcohol tincture using prunes

As a result of the addition of honey, this honey flavor is well felt, which goes well with prunes. Prepare diluted alcohol or vodka.


  • 1.5 liters of diluted alcohol up to 45 degrees or vodka;
  • 400 g prunes (pitted);
  • 200 g non-candied, liquid honey;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife;
  • 2 tbsp linden flowers (optional)

Step by step recipe

  1. Prunes are placed in a three-liter jar, honey is poured in, vanillin is poured in and linden flowers are added.
  2. When alcohol is taken as the basis, it is diluted with water to obtain a strength of 45 degrees. Vodka or moonshine is not diluted with anything.
  3. The selected alcoholic product is poured into a jar, which is closed and transferred for ten days to a room where it is cool and dark enough.
  4. The tincture is filtered, poured into prepared containers.

In the refrigerator or cellar, such a drink is stored for a year, while it remains tasty and aromatic.