How to make wine from cherries, recipes. Pour cherry and red currant without yeast

Due to the widespread availability of cherries, cherries are often used in amateur winemaking, and very successfully. I will tell you how to make wine from cherries at home using the right technology. The recipe is very simple, and the resulting drink will delight you with excellent taste for a whole year. Rare ingredients are not required for cooking, as long as there is a sufficient amount of fruits.

Dark sour cherries are ideal, but if this variety is not available, take any ripe berries. First, they need to be carefully sorted out, removing spoiled, rotten and moldy. Even one bad berry can spoil the whole wine. The containers should be washed with boiling water and wiped with a dry, clean cloth.

The pits of cherries contain a lot of tannins, so only pulp and juice are needed for the recipe. But lovers of a light tart taste can crush a few seeds and add them to the must (cherry juice before fermentation) in the second stage.


  • ripe cherries - 3 kg;
  • water - 4 liters;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.

Attention! For normal fermentation, it is advisable not to wash the cherries so as not to remove wild yeast from the skin.

cherry wine recipe

1. Sort the berries, remove the stalks. Squeeze out the bones, trying not to splash the juice, it should remain in the same container as the pulp.

2. Heat water to 25-29°C (not higher, so as not to kill the yeast) and pour over the processed cherries. Add 500 grams of sugar. Mix. Tie the neck of the container with gauze (to protect against flies), then put the wort for 3-4 days in a dark, warm place (18-27°C).

After a day (often earlier), signs of fermentation should appear: hissing, foam, sour smell. This means that everything is going well. It is necessary to mix the wort 2-3 times a day with a clean wooden stick or hand, drowning in the juice the pulp that has floated to the surface - a “cap” of particles of skin and pulp.

3. Strain the juice through cheesecloth or a fine strainer to filter out any remaining cherries. Press the cake well, it is no longer needed.

4. Add 0.5 kg of sugar to the future cherry wine. Stir until dissolved.

5. Pour the juice into a fermentation container. Fill to a maximum of 75% of the volume to leave room for foam, carbon dioxide and fresh sugar. Install a water seal or a glove with a hole in the finger (pierce with a needle). Leave the vessel in a dark, warm (18-25°C) room.

Fermentation under a water seal glove example

After 4-5 days, add the next portion of sugar (250 grams): remove the water seal, pour 150-200 ml of juice into another container, dilute sugar in it, pour the resulting syrup back and close it again with a water seal. After another 5 days, add the remaining sugar (250 grams) according to the described technology.

Depending on temperature and yeast activity, homemade cherry wine fermentation lasts 25-60 days.

If the process takes longer than 55 days, the wine must be carefully drained from the sediment through a straw into another container, then put under a water seal to ferment, otherwise a bitter aftertaste may appear.

6. After the end of fermentation (the drink has become lighter, the water seal does not blow bubbles for several days or the glove has deflated, sediment has appeared at the bottom), drain the wine from the cherries through a straw without touching the sediment.

To taste. If desired, sweeten with sugar or fix with vodka (alcohol) in an amount of 2-15% by volume. The addition of hard liquor aids storage, but changes the aroma and makes the taste harsher.

Fill the storage container with wine, preferably up to the neck, so that there is no contact with oxygen. Close hermetically.

7. Transfer the vessel to a dark room with a temperature of 6-16°C and leave for 6-12 months for maturation, which will significantly improve the taste.

As sediment accumulates (2-4 cm), first every 15-20 days, then less often filter the wine by pouring (always through a straw). The finished drink can be bottled and corked tightly.

Finished black cherry wine

The output is cherry wine with a strength of 11-13%. The shelf life in the refrigerator or basement is 5-6 years.

What could be tastier than quality homemade wine? Especially if it is made from cherries, ideal for making such drinks. Having done it, you are guaranteed not to be poisoned by harmful surrogates.

Based on your preferences, you can immediately make alcohol of the required strength, control the level of sugar content. Try to prepare several types of ripe cherry wine at home at once, so that you can then choose the most suitable and favorite option.


Pitted cherry wine does not require as much effort and time as made from the pulp, while it has a bright rich taste and fresh aroma. Ideal for him are sweet and sour berries of a dark color, the most ripe and even slightly fermented. You don't need to wash them.

Classic recipe

To make cherry wine at home, the simple pitted recipe below works well.


  • Cherry - 7-9 kg.
  • Pure water - 14-18 liters.
  • Sugar - 7.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. We take a large dish, for example, a barrel, and make wort in it. To do this, carefully knead the berries and lay them out, pour warm water and pour sugar, mix well and leave for 14-20 days, covered with a lid.
  2. While our homemade cherry wine, the recipe of which you are reading, is undergoing fermentation, a foam will form on its surface, along with which the fruits will rise. It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the liquid, 22-25 degrees is considered optimal. If it is higher, put a few pieces of ice in the barrel and crush it. When the temperature is below 20 degrees, take some liquid from the container (2-3 liters) and heat without boiling, then pour back and stir.
  3. The first day the wort should be at rest, and from the second inclusive, you need to start stirring it twice or thrice a day.
  4. Now we pour our blank into transparent bottles and put it for about 2 weeks in a dark and cool place (for example, a cellar). Then we pour the liquid again, and when a precipitate of 2 cm is formed, we will spill again. So we continue until the fermentation stops (bubbles, extraneous sounds and hiss disappear). Tasting our cherry wine, the simple recipe you used with the pits. It won't be very sweet.
  5. It remains only to bottle our alcohol, cork and hold until a beautiful ruby ​​color.

This is one of the easiest ways to make cherry wine at home, a simple recipe that almost every housewife can do. In addition, cherry wine, made according to a simple recipe with pits, is a bit like the famous Amaretto liqueur in taste and aroma.

original version

This is also a very simple recipe for cherry wine at home, but it turns out fortified alcohol.

We will need:

  • Cherry (fresh or frozen) - 6 kg.
  • Purified water - 16 liters.
  • Sand sugar - 1 kg.
  • Quality vodka - 200 ml.

How to make cherry wine at home - a simple recipe:

  1. We carefully sort the fruits from debris and put them in any suitable container. We fall asleep with sand and leave for 5-8 hours in a warm place.
  2. Fill with water and stir the workpiece well, put a lid with a shutter on the jar and leave for 3 weeks, protecting from the cold.
  3. Now it remains for us to strain the alcohol, bottle it and place it in the refrigerator for about 3 days. Cherry wine at home, a simple recipe with the stones of which you just read, you can taste!

Such a drink will be a little more acidic than the previous one, but it turns out excellent.


If you decide to make wine from cherries at home, a recipe from juicy pulp is ideal. First you need to do the preparation of raw materials - if the berries are dirty, rinse, then carefully and very carefully sort out, remove all the bones, knead the fruits to a mushy consistency. Then we fill it with water, and after a day we squeeze it.

The traditional way

We will need:

  1. Cherry - 7 kg.
  2. Water - 6-7 liters.
  3. Sugar - 3 kg.

How to do?

  1. We prepare the workpiece, as indicated above - knead the sorted berries, pour over and squeeze. Pour the liquid into bottles, on the neck of which put on the most common rubber gloves to control fermentation.
  2. Natural fermentation will take place for about a month, it is important to protect the wine from cooling. When the glove deflates, the drink can be tasted. If you plan to keep it for the winter and beyond, it is recommended to add good vodka to it or simply alcohol diluted to 40 degrees.

Instead of cherries, you can put some plums, cherries, raspberries, other berries or fruits to diversify the taste.


You will need:

  • Cherry - 6 kg.
  • Water - 8 liters.
  • Sugar - 3 kg.

Let's start cooking:

  1. It is advisable not to wash the berries. We remove the dirt and stalks, remove the seeds, trying to keep as much juice as possible.
  2. Fill with water heated to 28 degrees (no more), cherries, fill with sand (1 kg) and mix. We tie gauze on the neck of the flask to protect the raw material from insects. We leave for 4 days in a warm and dark place. After about 24 hours, fermentation symptoms will appear - a smell, a hissing sound. We mix the workpiece 2-3 times a day, it is convenient to do this with your hand or a wooden stick, while plunging down what will float.
  3. We filter and squeeze, add 1 kg of sugar, mix until it is completely dissolved and pour into fermentation containers, filling them ¾. We put a water seal or just a glove that needs to be pierced with a needle in one place (on the finger). We put it back for 4 days.
  4. Now add 500 g of granulated sugar to the diluted 200-300 ml of juice, stir and pour back. We put the shutter or glove again, after 5 days, take it out again and put the remaining half a kilogram of sugar.
  5. When the fermentation is completed, the color of the product will change - it will brighten, sediment will appear, it is necessary to drain our wine through a special tube, avoiding the sediment mixture. You can try and, if you wish, add sweet or add a little vodka, now we bottle it and close it hermetically. To improve the taste, the wine should be infused for about 7-12 months in a dark, cold room (cellar). Periodically, it is necessary to remove the sediment by pouring liquid through a tube.

It is worth noting that it is not necessary to remove the sediment too often, ideally - when its layer becomes thicker than 2.5-5 cm. storage.

Fortified wine with cherries is the easiest recipe at home

This simple homemade cherry wine recipe differs from the rest not only in taste, but also in the strength of the resulting drink. It should be stored in a cool, preferably dark place.

List of ingredients:

  • Ripe berries - a full bucket of 10 liters.
  • Purified drinking water - 2 liters.
  • Sand sugar cane or beetroot - 2 kg.
  • Vodka or alcohol 40-degree - 500 ml.
  • Wine yeast - 1 package.


  1. We process our berries, as indicated above.
  2. We pour a package of special yeast for wine production into the liquid, observing the proportions indicated by the manufacturer, and leave it for 8-10 days in a warm place.
  3. After 10 days, we pour the liquid without sediment into bottles, it is convenient to do this with a rubber tube.
  4. Pour granulated sugar into our workpiece, mix and pour in vodka. We leave another 10-12 days.
  5. It remains only to strain our alcohol and pour it into sterile bottles, put in the refrigerator.

From frozen berries


  • Frozen cherries - a full bucket of 5 liters.
  • Boiled drinking water - 5 liters.
  • Sugar - 1.5-2 kg.
  • Dark raisins - 100-150 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. We defrost the berries, remove the seeds, if any, and puree the cherries, mix with raisins.
  2. Fill our workpiece with water at room temperature and leave for 48 hours. We filter and put sugar into the liquid, mix, bottle and put in the refrigerator for 1-3 days.

You can see for yourself that there is nothing complicated about how to make cherry wine at home - simple recipes give a wonderful result. Invent your options by adding new ingredients and adjusting their content!

To diversify the taste and make your home-made cherry wine sparkle with new shades and halftones, try putting fresh berries and fruits in it. For example, red currants, raspberries and blueberries, strawberries, homemade grapes, cranberries, lingonberries and strawberries are very well combined with cherries, in addition to cherries. From fruits, you can put apples or pears, quince or something else. Some add nuts - walnuts, pine nuts. They are not only very useful, but also give drinks a new taste and unforgettable aroma.

If you want to get really good cherry wine at home, the simple recipes of which are listed above, use artesian or spring water, pre-heated slightly in the sun.

Serve such wines well with cheeses (especially fortified), white meat, some desserts. As an appetizer, fruits, canapes are suitable.

Despite the fact that your own booze is better than store-bought, you should not abuse it. Pregnant women, persons under 18 years of age, it is strictly prohibited. It is also worth refusing a large amount of wine with increased acidity of gastric juice, the presence of stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcers.

Homemade cherry wine is a delicious, fragrant, healthy drink rich in vitamins. Cherry wine is made from pure juice with the addition of pulp, seeds, sugar and water. We offer you some easy-to-prepare, classic recipes for homemade wine: fortified, with the addition of vodka, semi-sweet table wine with pits and without pits.

How to make wine from pitted cherries, a recipe at home

Homemade wine made from pitted cherries has a pleasant almond flavor, reminiscent of Amaretto liqueur. It has a stunning ruby ​​color and an unusual aroma with tart spicy notes. How to make wine from pitted cherries, you will learn from the recipe with step by step photos.

Ingredients for making homemade pitted cherry wine

  • Bucket of cherries with pits
  • 2 buckets of water
  • 7 kg sugar

To make the wine fragrant, pleasant to the taste, we choose ripe, but not overripe, sour or sweet and sour cherries. It is not worth washing it, so as not to remove bacteria that improve fermentation from the surface. Bones are not removed. It is better to take spring or artesian water, warming it in the sun to room temperature.

The output is 22 liters of semi-sweet table wine.

A step-by-step recipe for making wine from pitted cherries at home

  1. Wort preparation. As a container, we use a barrel or another large container with a lid. The wort will take ¾ of its volume. Cherries need to be crushed in any way in a bowl convenient for this. Pour crushed berries with seeds into a barrel, pour water into it, pour out sugar, mix, cover with a lid and put in a dark place for fermentation.

  2. Fermentation (12-20 days). At this stage, foam is formed, and the berries rise up. The ideal temperature is 20 - 25 degrees. To reduce the temperature of the mass, you can crush a piece of ice, to increase the temperature, heat a small amount of the contents of the barrel, without bringing it to a boil, and pour it back. From the second day, 2-3 times a day for a week, the wort is mixed.

  3. Quiet fermentation and subsequent removal from the sediment. Cover transparent wine bottles (not tightly) with lids and place in a dark and cool (10-15 degrees) place. It should be left for 10-13 days. Do the pouring procedure again. Bottles must be filled to the top. After the subsequent settling of a dense two-centimeter sediment, another overflow is made. The procedure is repeated until complete fermentation. You can check this by putting your ear to the neck: no hiss should be heard and there should be a complete absence of bubbles. The taste of wine - without unnecessary sweetness, not alcohol, but the aroma of wine should be felt in the smell.

  4. Wine maturation and bottling. Mature wine is bottled, using the already familiar procedure with a hose, we cork.

  5. Exposure and storage. Aged wine made from pitted cherries will be clear, beautiful in color and fragrant.

How to make homemade cherry wine according to the classic recipe

Let's get acquainted with another common, fairly simple and affordable recipe for homemade wine, which is made pitted. Cherry juice is high in acid and relatively low in sugar. Alcohol prepared from it at home has a spicy, tart and pleasant taste. How to make homemade cherry wine according to the classic recipe, quickly and easily, you will learn below.

Ingredients for homemade cherry wine according to the classic recipe

  • Cherries - 10 l
  • Sugar - 3 kg
  • Water - 10 l

Step-by-step recipe: how to make homemade cherry wine according to the classic recipe

  1. Prepare the cherries: wash and remove the seeds.
  2. We knead the berries, fill with clean water and squeeze.
  3. Pour liquid into jars.
  4. We put latex gloves on the jars. After 2-3 days, the wine will begin to ferment, the fermentation process will last about a month.
  5. When the air leaves the glove, and the bubbles disappear in the jars, this will mean that the wine is ready. We pour it into beautiful bottles and cork. To keep the wine longer, you can add 500 ml of vodka or alcohol, with a strength of 40%.

Fortified cherry wine - a simple recipe for vodka

We offer you a simple recipe for homemade fortified cherry wine with vodka. A soft and pleasant-tasting drink with a delicate aroma of fresh fruit is prepared from ripe pitted or pitted cherries. Fortified wine from cherries according to a simple recipe for vodka you can cook at home.

Easy Cherry Wine Ingredients

  • 3 kg cherries (can be frozen)
  • 8 liters of water
  • 0.5 kg sugar
  • 100 ml good vodka

Making fortified wine from cherries according to a simple recipe on vodka

  1. We sort out the berries, put them in a container, add sugar.
  2. We leave the cherries with sugar in a warm place for several hours so that the berries release their juice and absorb the sweetness.
  3. Add water to the jar, stir its contents and cork with a lid with a water seal.
  4. We leave the wine for 2.5-3 weeks in a warm place for fermentation.
  5. Strain and bottle for storage.
  6. We send bottles for a couple of days in the refrigerator. Easy-to-make homemade wine is ready to drink.

There are various interesting recipes for making homemade cherry wine: simple and complex, classic and original. From cherries you can make table, dessert, fortified wine with the addition of vodka, etc. Cherry wine contains vitamins, minerals, organic acids, pectins, natural sugar, nitrogenous, tannic and other useful substances. If you have high acidity or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, cherry wine, due to the high concentration of acids, should be consumed with caution.

Saturated, bright color, excellent taste and smell of cherries create an amazing dessert - cherry jam. And without pits, it will turn out to be more tasty and will find many uses not only for tea. With cherry jam, you can bake pies, pies, cookies, cakes, cook compote and even make wine. In our article we will look at the recipe for making cherry jam without. . . .

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Cherry wine - a drink, bouquet, aroma and delightful ruby ​​​​color which will conquer you immediately. This natural and affordable alcohol in our climate is no worse than the popular grape wine, and maybe even more interesting.

cooking secrets

  1. Raw material

Cherry wine is best made from simple cherries (not hybrids). Berries for him need to use clean and ripe. It is better not to take overripe berries damaged by diseases or pests, as they can spoil the final product.

Harvest fruits only in dry weather. If you picked the berries on the eve of making wine, then store them only in the refrigerator (any cool place). But if they lie like this for more than three days, then you should know that these fruits are no longer suitable for winemaking.

Attention! If you want to make not pure cherry wine, but assorted cherries, don't be afraid to experiment. You can safely add currants, plums, raspberries, etc. to cherry berries. This will only give the drink a unique zest. The main thing is that the cherry in the fruit mixture is at least 50-70%.

In addition to the components indicated in the recipes, you can add spices to the drink - cinnamon, cloves, etc.

  1. Technology

To get an excellent cherry wine, regardless of the nuances of the recipe, you should firmly master the main stages of its production:

  1. Cherries need to be sorted out and the bones removed. You may or may not delete them. There are recipes that do just that. But this is only if you like the almond flavor that will undoubtedly be present in the wine if whole berries are used.
  2. Washed berries (in most recipes, cherries are not washed) must be mashed and poured with clean water (preferably purchased in a store). Pure cherry juice will make the wine sour, as the berries are full of acids, but there are very few sugars.
  3. After 24 hours, the mixture must be thoroughly squeezed out. The resulting liquid will be the basis of your wine.
  1. wine output

Calculating how much wine you get in the end is not difficult. The final product will be approximately 60% (slightly more than half) of the original volume of the entire mixture (berries, sugar, water, etc.). That is, from 10 liters of raw materials you will get about 6 liters of pure wine. Accordingly, with an increase in the volume of ingredients, the yield of wine also increases.

There are many variants of wine, where the basis is cherry berries. Below we have described for you a few recipes, the most simple and successful.

cherry wine recipe

This version of wine has existed for a long time, but it gained particular popularity during the Soviet Union, when grapes were not yet grown in vegetable gardens, but the branches of garden trees were bursting with ripe sweet and sour cherries.

For cooking you need:

  • water - 1 bucket with a volume of 10 liters;
  • sugar - 3 kilograms.

It is not necessary to wash the cherries, otherwise fermentation may not start!

How to cook:

  • The preparation of berries should be carried out according to the general technology: remove the seeds, mash, pour warm water.
  • Next, add 1 kg of sugar to the resulting liquid, stir and tie the neck of the container with a piece of gauze. Leave warm for 4 days. During this time, fermentation should begin - a hiss, a sour smell, and foam will appear.

Advice! If your wine has stood for 1-2 days, but the fermentation process has not begun or is extremely weak, add a handful of unwashed raisins to the liquid. At the end of cooking, you simply strain it along with the rest of the sediment you do not need. However, fermentation will be much more active and the wine will not suffer.

  • We filter the mass, squeeze the cake, dissolve another 1 kilo of sugar in the collected liquid.
  • Pour the wort into a voluminous bottle and put a rubber glove on its neck (which can be easily and inexpensively purchased at a pharmacy) or install a water seal. Put the mash in heat.
  • On the 5th day, add the rest of the sugar. To do this, pour a liter of wort from the bottle, dissolve sugar in it and pour the mixture back into the bottle.
  • Fermentation will last about a month. Sometimes the process is delayed up to 50 days. However, if by this time the wort is still fermenting, it will have to be separated from the sediment, poured into a new container and left to ferment.
  • When the glove decisively deflates / water seal - gurgle (without a single sign of the continuation of the fermentation process), the young wine from the cherry merges from the sediment. At this stage, it can be sweetened or fixed.

Strong alcohol (40% alcohol, brandy, cognac or good vodka) greatly extends the shelf life of the wine, but makes it a little tougher. You need to add it at the rate of 20-150 ml per liter of wine.

  • After that, young wine from cherry berries is poured into vessels, corked and left to mature for six months or a year. If at the same time a sediment is formed above 2 cm, the wine is poured into a new container (through a siphon or tube), trying not to touch the sediment.

cherry fortified wine recipe

In this recipe, unlike the previous one, the strength of the wine is acquired immediately, during the preparation process, therefore its taste will be somewhat different.

For cooking you need:

  • cherry berries - 1 bucket with a volume of 10 liters;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • sugar - 2 kilograms;
  • 40% alcohol or vodka - 0.5 liters;
  • wine yeast - 1 sachet.

How to cook:

  • Prepare the cherry: chop, fill with water, after a day - squeeze.
  • Wine yeast must be added to the resulting liquid in the amount in which it is indicated on their packaging (based on the volume of the resulting wort). Close the juice container, install a water seal on top.
  • After waiting 10-15 days (until the juice ferments), it is necessary to pour the wort into a clean container so as not to disturb the sediment at the bottom. This is easy to do with a thin rubber tube (you can use a pharmacy dropper).
  • Now alcohol (vodka) is poured into the drink and sugar is added. After that, the wait should last approximately another 10 days.
  • The resulting fortified cherry wine must be filtered and bottled in sterile glass bottles. Leave it to ripen for at least 2-3 months in a cool place.

Frozen Cherry Wine

The drink can be prepared according to any of the above recipes. However, in the case of using the classic recipe (without yeast), it is necessary to add a large handful of unwashed dark raisins (or wine yeast) to the liquid intended for fermentation (wort). In other components, the composition of the wine will be identical.

Those who find it difficult to change recipes, catch a separate recipe:

Composition of components:

  • frozen cherries - 5 liters;
  • water - 5 liters;
  • sugar - 1.5 kilograms + 0.1 - 0.5 kg (optional);
  • dark raisins - 1 handful.

Prepare like this:

  • Defrost cherries, grind into puree. Either remove the bones from the berries in advance, or try not to damage them during the grinding process.
  • Add raisins.
  • For a day or two, pour the berries with slightly warm, pre-boiled water.
  • Strain, squeeze the cake, add sugar to the liquid. Leave in a warm place to ferment.
  • After 2-3 weeks, when the fermentation is completed, carefully, without affecting the sediment, pour the wine into sterile bottles.


This is a special recipe, the end result of which will be a great concentrated wine that takes its place somewhere near the liquor. This, by the way, is one of their recipes for wine made from pitted cherries.

For cooking you need:

  • cherry - 1 bucket with a volume of 10 liters;
  • sugar - 4 kilograms.

How to cook:

  • Berries in this recipe do not need to be washed! They are covered with sugar in a glass container, tied with a piece of gauze around the neck and placed on the windowsill on the sunny side of the house directly under the sun's rays, so that the sun does all the work for you.
  • After 30-40 days, the resulting mixture must be filtered, the berries wiped and squeezed (into a common liquid).
  • Keep all this for 3 days on the same sunny windowsill (with gauze on the neck), then thoroughly strain and put the wine to “reach” in a warm place, but not on the window for 10-15 days.

The wine turns out fragrant and fragrant, but if it seems extremely concentrated to you, do not despair, just dilute it with slightly clean boiled (and cooled) water.

There are many other ways to make cherry flavored wine, but they are mostly modifications of the recipes above. By the way, other very interesting wines are prepared according to a similar scheme, for example -, or.