Recipe for a drink of 4 oranges. Ingredients for Orange Drink "The Best"

On hot, summer days, it is always nice to have a glass of a refreshing drink to quench your thirst. It is doubly pleasant if this drink is still insanely tasty, healthy and prepared with your own hands.

Today we will tell you how to cook amazing from frozen oranges. No, we were not mistaken, it was from the frozen ones. Oranges that pass the cold test lose their bitterness and release more of their juice. As a result, from a relatively small amount of citruses, we get an impressive amount of tasty drink that will appeal to both adults and children.

How to make a summer drink from oranges?


  • medium-sized oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 350 g;
  • citric acid - 15 g;
  • cold drinking water - 4 liters.


Pour oranges with boiling water, dry and place in the freezer for several hours or overnight. We take out the citruses, defrost and cut into small cubes, with a knife or cut into pieces and grind in a blender. Pour two liters of cold water, mix and leave for twenty to thirty minutes. In the remaining water, dissolve the sugar and citric acid and mix with the orange mixture. Let it brew for another fifteen minutes.

Now we filter, pour into glass containers and store in the refrigerator, preferably no more than three days.

If you are confused in the previous recipe, then we suggest preparing a drink from frozen oranges and lemons.

Frozen orange and lemon drink


  • medium-sized oranges - 5 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g;
  • drinking water - 10 liters.


We wash citrus fruits with hot water, dry them and send them to the freezer for several hours. Then we take it out, let it thaw a little, cut it into pieces and grind it with a meat grinder or blender. Fill with three liters of water and leave for twenty minutes. Now we filter the mass through cheesecloth or a sieve. Dissolve sugar in two liters and mix with the filtered liquid and the rest of the water. Pour into glass jars and put in the refrigerator.

We use chilled.

Iced orange and mint drink



Washed oranges are placed in the freezer for two to three hours, defrost and cut into small slices. We put crushed sprigs of mint on the bottom of the jug, squeeze the juice from the orange slices, throw the slices themselves, sprinkle them with sugar and knead them slightly. Then add ice, top up with water and serve.

If you like soft drinks, but you don't like store-bought orange juice, we offer an alternative. An amazing drink with a pleasant refreshing taste. In the heat, it perfectly quenches thirst.

Orange drink is perfect for your kids. Of the chemicals in it, only citric acid. Natural oranges will provide your children with vitamins. The drink is prepared quickly and easily. In addition, you can make bonus jam from squeezed oranges.

Recipe Ingredients Orange Drink

Cooking orange drink

Rinse the oranges well - after all, we will cook them with the peel. After you have washed the oranges, pour boiling water over them.

We warn you right away, we do not peel oranges. And just take and cut them into small pieces.

Sliced ​​oranges can be ground in a meat grinder or turned into a pulp in a blender.

Add 3 liters of cool boiled water. Leave the orange puree in the water for 10 minutes.

Strain the orange drink through a sieve. And then fold the cheesecloth in 5-6 layers and strain the drink through the cheesecloth. Do not throw away the remaining orange gruel - you can make excellent orange jam from it.

Add more citric acid and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly. And then add another 6 liters of water to the drink.

Pouring orange drink into bottles

Congratulations, out of 4 oranges you got as much as 9 liters of drink! Now you can pour it into plastic bottles and send it to the refrigerator. Since we have a soft drink, leave it for a while in the refrigerator.

One of the most affordable fruits in winter are citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, lemons. And, in addition to eating them fresh, these fruits can be used to make wonderful refreshing fruit drinks, compotes, juices and cocktails. Today we bring to your attention recipes for fragrant orange drinks.

orange drink recipes

Orange Peel Infusion:
- 4 l. boiled water (+ a little more boiling water separately - for the first filling of the zest);
- 3 oranges;
- zest of 6 oranges;
- 500 g of granulated sugar;
- 1/2 tsp citric acid;
- ice cubes
Cut the zest from 6 oranges and pour boiling water over it - leave for a couple of hours. After the specified time, drain the water, and chop the zest with a blender. Pour the resulting mass with 1 liter of water (fresh) and leave for 3 hours. Then strain the infusion, put sugar and citric acid into it, pour in another 3 liters of water - mix everything. Peel 3 oranges and divide into slices. Pour the finished drink into glasses with ice and put a few orange slices in each.

Simple Orange Drink:
- 2 liters of water;
- 1 orange;
- 200 g of granulated sugar;
- 3 tablespoons lemon juice.
Wash the orange and place it in boiling water for a few seconds to remove the bitterness. Then grind the orange in a blender along with the peel. Pour the resulting orange puree with 1 liter of cold water and leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Then strain the mixture through a sieve. In the resulting liquid, add sugar, lemon juice and pour another 1 liter of water. Mix everything thoroughly until sugar dissolves, bottle and refrigerate. Once the drink has cooled, serve immediately.
Orange drink with ginger:
- 1 liter of boiled water;
- 1 large orange;
- 1 large lemon;
- 3 tablespoons grated ginger root;
- 3 tablespoons honey;
- a few sprigs of mint;
- ground black pepper to taste.
Boil water and pour grated ginger into it, pepper. Finely chop the mint and add to the ginger. Close the infusion with a lid. Then squeeze the juice from the orange and lemon. Next, strain the warm ginger infusion, pour juices into it and put honey - mix everything thoroughly and you can serve! The finished drink can be decorated with a slice of orange or mint leaves.

Orange coffee drink:
- 1 orange;
- 1/2 tbsp. strong coffee;
- sugar to taste.
Brew strong coffee, squeeze orange juice into it and put sugar.
Orange-carrot drink with chamomile:
- 250 ml of water;
- 3 carrots;
- 2 oranges;
- 2 tablespoons chamomile or 2 sachets of chamomile tea.
Boil water and prepare chamomile infusion by pouring boiling water over raw chamomile. Infuse chamomile under the lid for about 15 minutes, then cool the infusion. Wash oranges and carrots, peel and squeeze the juice out of them. Then mix the resulting juice with chamomile infusion.

orange cocktails

Orange Apple Cocktail:
- 100 ml of apple juice;
- 1 orange;
- 1 egg yolk;
- 1 tbsp any crushed nuts;
- 1 tsp honey
Squeeze juice from an orange, combine it with apple juice, add honey and yolk and beat everything with a blender or mixer. Pour the finished cocktail into glasses and sprinkle with nuts.

Orange cocktail:
- 60 ml of orange juice;
- 10 ml;
- 1 egg white;
- ice in cubes (for a shaker).
Shake all ingredients well in a shaker and strain into a glass. Garnish with an orange slice.

Carrot Orange Cocktail:
- 200 g of carrot juice;
- 100 g of kefir;
- juice of 1/2 orange;
- juice of 1/4 lemon;
- 1 tsp honey.
Mix all ingredients thoroughly with a mixer or blender.
Orange milk drink with yolks:
- 500 g of chilled milk;
- 500 g of kefir;
- 100 g of honey;
- 3 oranges;
- 2 egg yolks.
Squeeze juice from peeled oranges. Beat the yolks with honey until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then, stirring constantly, pour kefir and juice into the egg-honey cream. Mix everything thoroughly and add milk. Stir again, cool and serve.

Is it possible to get a bucket of juice from four large oranges? Of course not, you say. You can't squeeze that much juice out of four oranges. And it is true.

But to prepare 9 liters of an orange drink, which is not inferior to juice in taste, will work out very well. This recipe will come in handy if you are expecting guests, especially children. They will definitely like the orange drink. Yes, and there will be more benefits from it than various Fant and Kol.

Drink Ingredients:

- 4 large oranges or 5 medium ones;

- 1 kg of sugar;

- juice of one lemon.

Making an orange drink

We take four large (or five medium) oranges. Wash them thoroughly under running water, then scald them with boiling water. You can hold them a little in boiling water, half a minute or a minute. Then wipe dry and put in the freezer overnight.

The next morning (or when you will prepare an orange drink), we take out the frozen oranges from the freezer, where they spent the whole night, and cut them into several pieces (as you personally find it convenient). I cut the oranges into 8 pieces, so they fit better in the meat grinder.

Safety precautions! Frozen oranges are immediately cut with great difficulty. So be very careful when trying to make the first cut. For this purpose, it is better to use a short knife with a thick, rigid blade. After the first cut is made, further oranges are cut more easily.

Frozen sliced ​​oranges are passed through a meat grinder. You will immediately have a question: so the juice will flow from oranges. No, it will not. After all, our oranges were frozen precisely so that there would be no juice when crushing. Here's an interesting trick.

When all the oranges are twisted, pour the resulting mass with three liters of boiled cold water, mix and let it brew for 10 minutes.

Then we filter the mass through a colander or cheesecloth to remove large particles. Add another 6 liters of boiled chilled water to the filtered orange drink. Add 1 kg of sugar to this and mix well. You can adjust the sweetness yourself (whatever you like). If you like a less sweet drink, add as much sugar as you need. Also add the juice of one small lemon.

We mix everything well. Once again, we check the orange drink for taste. If the taste suits you, then pour into three liter jars or simply leave to infuse in a clean container for 1 hour.

As a result, an orange drink turns out 9 liters. For one evening of any holiday, guests will drink the entire drink prepared by you! They even ask for the recipe at the end. Because an orange drink prepared at home is much tastier and healthier than a store-bought one.

Bon Appetit!

Step 1: Prepare oranges.

We wash the oranges well under running water and, without cutting the skin, transfer the ingredient to a cutting board. Using a kitchen knife, cut the citruses into two equal parts.
Then, using a manual juicer, squeeze the juice from each orange half. Pour the juice into a free bowl or jug.
We shift the squeezed orange peels with pulp to a cutting board and, using a kitchen knife, randomly cut them into small pieces.

Step 2: prepare an orange drink.

In a free saucepan we shift the orange peels cut into pieces with pulp. Pour sugar, cinnamon into the same container and fill everything with water. Then, using a tablespoon, mix all the ingredients together. We put the pot with the ingredients on a large fire. After the water in the container boils, make medium heat and cook the liquid orange mass for 15 minutes. After this time, turn off the burner. Before we filter our citrus mass, we take a colander and cover its bottom with gauze, and put a saucepan under it, into which our liquid will drain.
Carefully pour the citrus liquid from the container through a colander into the pan.
When the liquid mass has all drained into the dishes, we collect gauze and manually squeeze out all the cake.
We take out the remains of the orange peel from the gauze and throw it away, since they will no longer be useful to us, but pour the resulting liquid into a container with pre-squeezed orange juice. Mix everything with a tablespoon until smooth.
Then, using a watering can, pour the orange drink into a free jar or other container and cover it tightly with a lid. After our finished drink has completely cooled, put it in the refrigerator.

Step 3: serve orange drink.

Serve orange drink, preferably chilled. Pour the drink from the jar into a decanter or pour it immediately into glasses or glass glasses. Glasses can be decorated with an orange slice, you can also put pieces of ice in the glasses. However, you can also drink our delicious aromatic drink warm or hot with the addition of honey or alcoholic beverages. Whoever likes it. This tonic drink goes well with both main courses and dessert. Good appetite!

The recipe for an orange drink is designed for two people. Usually one serving is taken one orange, 50 grams of sugar and one glass of water. Based on these proportions, you can calculate the required amount of ingredients so that all your guests enjoy an orange drink.

If the oranges from which you prepare the orange drink are too sweet, then you can add half a lemon to them. Thanks to this ingredient, our drink will acquire a slightly pleasant sour taste.

Before serving, you can add a little chilled mineral sparkling water to an orange drink.

If you are allergic to citrus fruits, then it is better to refrain from drinking an orange drink or make the drink less concentrated by adding more water to it.

To prepare an orange drink, use only fresh ripe citrus fruits, as they are not only sweeter, but also juicier.

In addition to cinnamon, you can add a little cloves to the drink. It will also give the drink a unique aroma and complement the taste of oranges.

If you don’t have a manual juicer at hand, then you can squeeze the juice from citrus with a fork or just with your hands.