Blue Curacao is a blue orange liqueur from the Caribbean. Orange Blue Curacao - an alcoholic drink from the Caribbean

Every famous alcoholic drink has its own zest, thanks to which it gained popularity and fell in love with the people. Some drinks have great taste, others rich in history, others original appearance. Blue Curacao liqueur has become so popular thanks to its original deep blue color, and of course a pleasant orange taste.

Bartenders all over the world prepare everyone's favorite cocktails and come up with new recipes by adding Blue Curacao liqueur - thanks to this, cocktails look very beautiful. The drink comes from the island of Curacao - it is there that bitter oranges grow, which give a citrus flavor to the drink. Thanks to natural dyes, the liquor acquires such a beautiful color.

Detailed information about the Blue Curacao drink, recipes for making this drink yourself, as well as recipes for cocktails that add liquor, can be found in this article.

History reference

The drink was born on the island of Curacao, located in the southern Caribbean Sea near Venezuela. The island appeared on the geographical map of the world in the 14th century thanks to the intrigues of Spanish sailors.

Soon the area was settled by immigrants from Spain, who brought with them and planted the entire island with seedlings of the Valencian orange, famous for its extraordinary sweetness and bright orange color.

According to the calculations of planters and merchants, fruits should have brought them unprecedented profits. But everything went wrong. There were very few on the island. fresh water. There was barely enough to drink, let alone water the trees.

  • Not having received the right amount moisture, oranges were born small and disgustingly bitter.
  • Plantations began to go bankrupt one after another, and the inhabitants began to slowly leave the inhospitable island, which soon became completely depopulated.
  • But in the 16th century, having become the possession of the Netherlands, it was re-populated by the inhabitants of this country.
  • The hard-working Dutch have breathed life into abandoned farms and given oranges a new name - "laraha".
  • And in the 19th century, a stunning discovery was made that the zest of the larahi fruit contains various oils, and oranges were immediately used, starting to be added to alcoholic beverages.

Blue Curacao liqueur appeared in the late 1920s. It was produced and produced to this day in the Czech Republic, France, the Netherlands, but the leader is still De Kuyper, which has been on the market for more than 300 years. In addition to blue, they also produce green, red, white and orange Curacao, which are no less popular.

The secret of blue

During its 200-year history, the liquor has undergone some changes. Additions have been made to the original recipe.

Initially, the drink was made from white rum, thanks to which it was transparent, and its strength did not exceed 20%.

  1. To distinguish Curacao from competitive products, manufacturers came up with a new advertising chip, coloring the liquor in an unusual bluish-blue color and adding the prefix "Blue" to it.
  2. For this, a special food coloring E133 was used - absolutely harmless and safe.
  3. The PR move did not go unnoticed, Blue Curacao was immediately noticed and elevated to the ranks of recognized spirits.

The original color of the liquor became the basis for creating a variety of cocktails, the most famous of which are Blue Lagoon, Burning Ferrari, Tsunami, Blue Margarita, etc.

Drinking the drink neat or with ice is not recommended - you can stain your mouth, tongue and teeth in a bright blue color. And the sugary sweetness of Blue Curacao will quickly make you change your mind and mix it with something stronger.

Composition and preparation

All Curacao liqueurs, no matter what color they are, have exactly the same composition:

  • dry peel of bitter oranges;
  • grape alcohol;
  • spices: nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon;
  • sugar;
  • water.

Liquor is prepared in several stages.

  1. Insist orange peel and spices on alcohol.
  2. The resulting tincture is distilled through a cube.
  3. Add sugar and water (strength original drink- 30 degrees).

The resulting base is tinted in different colors. In the case of the blue variation, a dye is used, which the manufacturers (Bols or DeKuyper) call natural.

Officially, an extract of some exotic flower is added to the liquor from the same island of Curacao, where the drink itself is produced. It is claimed that pomace acquires a bright blue color when it enters an alkaline environment.

Such stories do not inspire much confidence. Most likely, one of the products of copper sulphate is used, purified and suitable for ingestion. Too pure color has a blue variety of liquor.

In addition to the alcoholic blue drink, popular and non-alcoholic syrup Blue Curacao. To prepare this product orange peels boiled in sugar syrup with spices, and then the dye is added. The syrup is an excellent base for non-alcoholic lemonades and children's cocktails.

Varieties of Blue Curacao

Many are interested in what gives Blue Curacao its rich blue color? The first liqueurs of this variety were absolutely transparent, since white rum was used for their manufacture.

As part of this drink, there are no secret alchemical ingredients that give such an unusual cornflower blue color as one would like to think. This is just a PR stunt, De Kuyper marketers decided that a bright shade would arouse consumer interest, and with it an increase in sales. Therefore, during the production in Blue Curacao, a natural dye began to be added, which, getting into an alkaline environment, gives the drink a blue color.

Other manufacturers, having decided to copy the De Kuyper chip, did not bother too much and use well-known food colors for coloring:

  • E133 - the safest of the existing food coloring. It is capable of imparting a brilliant blue color to drinks and other edibles.
  • Dyes E133 and E132 are also widely used in food production, but they are not considered harmless.

Today, not only blue Curacao can be found on sale. The coloring idea turned out to be successful, and bartenders got the opportunity to create various beautiful colored cocktails from this liqueur. Therefore, now green, white, orange and blue Curacao are presented in stores.

Curacao liqueurs can please not only with unusual and bright colors. This alcoholic drink is a digestif, that is, it improves digestion. Therefore, it is recommended to use it after meals.


Another thing worth noting is the cost of Curacao. Liquor, the price of which is not shocking (and this is another plus) costs about 1200 rubles per 700 ml. When buying, it is more profitable to take the maximum amount. Since 500 ml, for example, will cost 1000 rubles. It's not much cheaper, and the difference in the amount of alcohol is decent.

Today, many countries produce such a liquor. However, if possible, it is worth buying the original. Since some manufacturers are cunning and add not a bitter orange peel, but an ordinary one. From this, the taste becomes completely different from what it should be. It is worth remembering this.

Cooking Blue Curacao at home

For coloring liquor, which in this case is the key to distinguishing this drink from many other similar ones, you can use food coloring from a candy store or try some natural ingredients.

  1. So, to color drinks blue, you can use quite common blue cornflower petals, which often tint absinthe (mixed with saffron they give green color, which was already useful to us during the preparation of the green Chartreuse).
  2. Another bright and 100% natural ingredient that few people know about yet is Clitoria trifoliate petals, also known as Thai blue tea or anchan. It is easy to find in tea shops, the color gives a rich, and almost no taste.

The only thing, everything natural dyes short-lived and quickly fade in sunlight, so it is advisable to store the liquor in a darkened container or in a dark place.

Classic recipe


  • Sugar syrup - 3 cups
  • Nutmeg - 30 gr
  • Vodka - 1 liter
  • Orange peels (dried) - 50 gr
  • Cinnamon - 1 gr
  • Food coloring - optional
  • Carnation - 3 buds


The Blue Curacao liqueur contains blue or blue food coloring, it is he who is responsible for the drink to have such a pleasant shade. However, you can make homemade liqueur in a different color, if desired - green, orange, or leave it white.

Preparing this drink at home is very simple - the most important thing is to have everything on hand necessary ingredients. To do this, it is not necessary to go to the Caribbean - just go to the nearest store.

1.B glass jar sprinkle with dried orange peels. If you don't have peels ready, take one ripe orange, wash it, and carefully peel off the peel. The crusts can be dried in the oven for several hours, in a special dryer, or left in a dry, warm place for several days.

2. Add spices to the crusts: nutmeg, a few cloves and cinnamon. Pour this mixture with vodka and immediately close the jar with a lid.

Curacao liqueur is prepared at home for about one week - put the jar of ingredients in a warm place and shake it occasionally.

3. When the drink is infused, it will need to be filtered through several layers of gauze or a fine plastic strainer and poured into bottles or a decanter.

4. Before you make the Blue Curacao liqueur, do not forget to prepare the dye. If it is not available, your liqueur will be the usual white color with a slight orange tint. The dye can be added to an already prepared drink, so you can paint it in the most amazing colors right before serving.

If you prefer natural ingredients, you can use fruit or vegetable juices as dyes.

Spinach juice gives green, cherries and beets give red. Carrot juice will give your liquor an orange color.

moonshine recipe

Let's cook orange liqueur, like "Blue Curacao", based on moonshine at home.

  1. As always, moonshine must be cleaned twice: with potassium permanganate and coal.
  2. Also at least twice distilled.
  3. Otherwise the smell of impurities and fusel oils spoil the aroma of the future orange liqueur.
  4. As a basis, it is better to use grape moonshine.
  5. If not - then any fruit - apple, plum or any other. On the extreme case replace the base with sugar moonshine.

What to do with the second main ingredient? We don't have bitter oranges. Use whichever you like. Remove the zest from them, carefully, trying not to touch the white flesh. Dry the crusts on the battery or in the oven.

Everything that goes into liquor home production easily purchased at the nearest store. It is better to measure the ingredients on a kitchen scale, do not use measuring spoons.

To prepare orange liqueur, we need:

  • Sugar - 1.5 cups
  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • Nutmeg - 30 gr
  • Moonshine 40% - 1 liter
  • Orange peels (dried) - 50 gr
  • Cinnamon - 1 gr
  • Blue food coloring - optional
  • Carnation - 3 pcs

How to make an orange liqueur like Blue Curacao based on moonshine at home:

  1. Grind in a mortar, or in any other way, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and dried orange peels. In a jar for infusion, be sure to glass, put all the dry ingredients and pour moonshine. Put the jar in a dark place to infuse for 2 weeks. Shake periodically.
  2. Filter the tincture through several layers of gauze or through a cotton filter.
  3. Weld sugar syrup. mix sugar and water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. remove the resulting foam. Leave to cool to room temperature.
  4. Mix syrup and orange tincture. Add, if desired, blue dye until the desired color is achieved. Orange liqueur similar to Bue Kuracao is ready!
  5. Use different colors and your cocktails will always be unforgettable! After all, the liquor can be left uncolored, and dyes can be added just before serving! If you like everything natural, use fruit juices. But don't forget, they will add their flavor to the liquor.


Recipe for Blue Curacao liqueur with blueberries

Supporters natural products enjoy a drink prepared with the addition of blueberries. The recipe for Blue Curacao liqueur is not much different from the classic one, but its taste will be slightly different. Since blueberries will be used to color the liquor, the drink will also acquire a delicate fruity aroma.

To prepare a drink you will need to take:

  • Blueberries - 100 gr
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Vodka or purified moonshine - 1 liter
  • Fruit syrup (blueberry) - 400 ml
  • Cinnamon and cloves - 2-3 pieces
  • Nutmeg - 30 gr

Peel the orange, dry the peels and put in a glass jar.

Mash blueberries slightly, mix with syrup and pour into a jar to crusts. If a fruit syrup no, you can cook it from blueberries, sugar and water.

Pour the contents of the jar with vodka or homemade moonshine and add spices.

If you use moonshine, then you will first need to clean it with milk or activated charcoal.

Infuse the liquor for 7 days, then strain and pour into bottles. Liquor can be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe with rum

List of ingredients

  • Pure alcohol - 500 ml
  • Light rum - 250 ml
  • Water - 500 ml
  • Linden or acacia honey - 500 g
  • Chopped zest of an ordinary orange - 30 g
  • Chopped zest of bitter orange or mandarin - 30 g
  • Macis (aka - nutmeg color) - 5 g;
  • Cinnamon - 1-2 sticks
  • Chopped vanilla - ½ stick

Cooking Method

  1. Put the zest and spices in a jar and pour over alcohol.
  2. Keep a tightly closed container for 3-4 days in a warm, dark place, shaking vigorously once a day.
  3. After the specified period, very carefully strain the resulting infusion.
  4. Boil syrup from water and honey, not forgetting to remove the foam. Make sure that the temperature does not rise above 45 degrees.
  5. Remove syrup from heat.
  6. Pour the alcohol into the still hot syrup in a thin stream.
  7. The result is well stirred, cooled and bottled.
  8. Keep the drink in the cellar or refrigerator for 4 months.

Liquor a la Curacao with gin

This option allows you to significantly reduce the list of necessary spices.

List of ingredients

  • Vodka - 1 l
  • Simple unpretentious gin - 1 l
  • Water - 1.5 ml
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg
  • Chopped zest from 12 tangerines
  • Dried ground bitter orange peel - 60 g
  • Carnation - 32 pcs

Cooking Method

  1. Transfer the entire zest to a jar and pour alcohol over it.
  2. Keep a tightly closed container for 20 days in a warm, dark place, shaking well every 3-4 days.
  3. On the 20th day, add cloves to the jar and insist the liquid for another day.
  4. From all the sugar and water available, cook a simple syrup.
  5. While the syrup is cooling to room temperature, carefully strain the alcohol base.
  6. Mix the syrup with alcohol, pour the drink into bottles and cork them tightly.
  7. The result is another 2-3 months to insist in a cool dark room.

Curacao honey recipe


  • zest from 4 oranges
  • whiskey - 700 ml
  • liquid honey - 240 milliliters
  • food coloring

Cooking method

  1. The zest must be poured with whiskey and kept for 1 month.
  2. Whiskey can be replaced with diluted alcohol, vodka or moonshine.
  3. At the end of the exposure period, strain the infusion and add honey.
  4. The mixture must be placed in an unlit place.
  5. When the alcohol has become transparent, it is necessary to drain it from the sediment and tint it. The final stage is the pouring of the finished liquor into bottles.

How to drink Blue Curacao

Liquor (Blue Curaçao) is rarely used just like that, because it does not have a special taste. AT best case, if there is a great desire to use such a liquor without anything, then at least ice should be added. It is interesting to combine such a liqueur with orange juice or pineapple. They drink it only after eating, because it belongs to the category of digestives, which have a positive effect on the digestive process.

The taste of the liqueur is surprisingly revealed in a variety of cocktails, the recipes of which are accessible and easy to do.

Blue Lagoon

Recipe #1:


  • 50 ml vodka
  • 10 ml Blue Curacao liqueur
  • 150 ml "Sprite"
  • 1 lemon slice
  • 200 gr. ice cubes

You need to prepare like this:

  1. Pour alcohol into a shaker, shake and fill the glass with ice, top up with Sprite and you're done. Lemon in this case serves as a decoration.
  2. A soda cocktail instantly intoxicates, so it's best to stir it slightly with a straw so that the gas leaves the drink, and then drink it.

Recipe #2:


  • 50 ml vodka
  • 25 ml Blue Curaçau liqueur
  • 20 ml lemon juice
  • 100 ml lemonade (Sprite/Seven Up)
  • 3 ice cubes
  • 1 slice lemon/orange.

You need to prepare like this:

  1. Pour vodka, juice and lemonade into a glass with ice and stir, then pour in the liquor.
  2. The liquor is poured in last, as it is the heaviest of liquids, and sinking to the bottom will color the drink with colors of different depths.
  3. This version of the cocktail is stirred already in the process of drinking to make its taste uniform. Citrus fruits serve as an indispensable element of decor.

Blue Moon

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • gin - 40 ml;
  • Cointreau - 30 ml;
  • Blue Curacao - 10 ml;
  • pineapple juice - 100 ml;
  • fruits are used for decoration.

Cocktail preparation steps:

  1. The shaker is filled with ice, and the rest of the ingredients are poured into it.
  2. Everything beats great.
  3. The prepared cocktail is poured into a glass, which is already filled with ice.
  4. The glass is decorated with fruits, the cherry looks interesting, like a bead.

blue temptation

To prepare such a wonderful cocktail you need:

  • vodka - 30 ml;
  • melon liqueur - 10 ml;
  • Blue Curacao banana yellow liqueur, 33 percent cream - 20 ml each;
  • apple (slice) for decoration;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

Cocktail preparation steps:

  1. Liqueurs according to the list, vodka and cream are poured into a prepared shaker.
  2. Ice is added to it, everything is beaten well.
  3. Pour the cocktail through a strainer into a chilled glass.
  4. The glass is garnished with sliced ​​apple slices and sprinkled with cinnamon on top.


Shake with a shaker

  • 10 ml Blue Curacao,
  • 30 ml of vodka,
  • 20 ml violet and
  • 10 ml chocolate liqueur
  • 20 ml cream (33% fat)
  • and ice.

Serve in a cold cocktail glass, topped with cocoa powder.


This drink has a sweet taste and is served well chilled.

Fill a glass halfway with ice, pour one at a time

  • 10 ml Blue Curacao,
  • 20 ml Malibu liqueur
  • and 10 ml lemon juice.
  • At the end of the place that remains in the container, fill with champagne.

Swimming pool

  1. This alcoholic mixture has an unusual and pleasant taste, but has a complex composition.
  2. Place 30 ml in a shaker light rum, 20 ml expensive variety vodka, 50 ml pineapple juice, 50 ml coconut milk, 10 ml cream, beat all ingredients.
  3. Pour the whipped mass into a glass with ice and add 10 ml of Blue Сuracao there. Decorate with half a pineapple ring.

Wave Malibu

30 ml Tequila
15 ml Triple Sec
15 ml Blue Curacao
20 ml Sugar syrup
15 ml Lemon juice
15 ml lime juice


  1. Pour the contents of the shaker through the strainer into the highball with ice cubes.
  2. Garnish with a slice of lemon.

Use this easy Malibu Wave recipe to make your own unique mix at home. To do this, it is enough to replace the base alcohol with the one that is available.

blue canary

  • 15 ml Gin
  • 15 ml Blue Curacao
  • 120 ml Grapefruit juice

Pour all the ingredients into an old-fashioned glass filled with ice.

Blue bayonet

15 ml Citrus vodka
20 ml Blue Curacao
15 ml Lemon juice
150 ml Soda (citrus)
1 PC. cocktail cherry


  1. Shake all ingredients except soda in a shaker with ice.
  2. Pour the contents of the shaker through a strainer into a highball or collins with ice.
  3. Top up with soda and stir with a bar spoon.
  4. Garnish with a cocktail cherry.

Hemorrhage in the brain

  • 30 ml Peach Schnapps
  • 20 ml Baileys
  • 5 drops Blue Curacao
  • 5 drops Grenadine


  1. Pour the schnapps (or vodka) into a stack of bar spoons, then gently baileys.
  2. Drop in Blue Curacao and finish with Grenadine.


  • 15 ml Tequila
  • 20 ml Blue Curacao
  • 15 ml Cocoa liqueur (clear)
  • 60 ml Cream


  1. Shake all ingredients in a shaker with ice.

Use the easy Frostbite cocktail recipe to make your own unique mix at home. To do this, it is enough to replace the base alcohol with the one that is available.

Blue whale

  • 20 ml Vodka
  • 20 ml Blue Curacao
  • 20 ml Orange juice
  • 20 ml Pineapple juice
  • 10 ml Lime juice (fresh)
  • 10 ml Lemon juice (fresh)
  • 1 PC. cocktail cherry


  1. Shake all ingredients in a shaker with ice.
  2. Pour the contents of the shaker through the strainer into an old-fashioned glass with ice.
  3. Garnish with a cocktail cherry.

Blue Monday

  • 15 ml Vodka
  • 15 ml Triple Sec
  • 10 ml Blue Curacao


  1. Shake all ingredients in a shaker with ice.
  2. Pour the contents of the shaker through the strainer into a chilled cocktail glass.
  3. Garnish with an orange peel spiral.
  • 50 ml Blue Curacao
  • 20 ml Jägermeister
  • 25 ml Soda


Here everything is simply mixed in a shaker and poured into a highball. A cocktail is simply a mixture of two liquors, so it should be classified as a light cocktail.

beautiful fairy

  • Rum Light - 15 ml;
  • Vodka - 15 ml;
  • Absinthe - 15 ml;
  • Tequila Silver - 15 ml;
  • Blue Curacao liqueur - 10 ml;
  • Melon liqueur - 10 ml;
  • Red Bull - 100 ml;
  • ice - 200 grams;
  • lemon - 75 grams;
  • cocktail cherry - 10 grams.


  1. Fill a tall glass with ice cubes, add liqueurs, rum, vodka, tequila and absinthe.
  2. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon.
  3. Stir the contents of the glass with a spoon and top up with the energy drink.
  4. Garnish with a cocktail cherry and lemon zest.

According to legend, the fairy gave the recipe for this cocktail to the fair sex. Having tasted just one serving, any girl becomes so attractive that in a few seconds she can conquer any man.


  • Sambuca Light - 20 ml;
  • Absinthe - 10 ml;
  • Tequila Silver - 20 ml;
  • Blue Curacao liqueur - 3 ml;
  • Baileys liqueur - 3 ml.


  1. Pour sambuca into a glass, then tequila.
  2. Then carefully add 3 drops of Baileys and Blue Curacao through a tube.
  3. At the last stage, lay a layer of absinthe with a spoon.

If the layers are laid correctly, the cocktail has the original bluish color on top and a transparent layer on the bottom. It looks like clouds floating in the sky. Another feature - the drink is quite strong.



  1. Wet the edge with vermouth and dip it in sugar.
  2. In the process of preparing a cocktail, we use only heavily chilled ingredients.
  3. Add liqueur, vermouth and tequila to the shaker.
  4. Mix and pour into a glass.
  5. We put an olive in a cocktail and top up with sprite.

Folkeboot Cocktail

  • 40 ml Vodka
  • 20 ml Blue Curacao liqueur
  • 10 ml Passion Fruit Syrup
  • 1 ml lime juice
  • 60 ml Pineapple juice
  • half a cup of orange
  • 1 cocktail cherry

Shake all ingredients with ice in a shaker and strain into a glass with ice cubes. Garnish the rim of the glass with a circle of orange and a cherry.

pacific blue

  • 10 ml Vodka
  • 20 ml Banana liqueur
  • 20 ml Blue Curacao liqueur
  • 10 ml Coconut Liqueur
  • 1 cocktail cherry

Mix the ingredients together with ice in a glass and strain into a glass with a sugar rim. Thread a cherry on the edge of the glass.

  1. Pour Blue Curacao into a cocktail glass, then Jägermeister.
  2. Top with soda (sprite, 7up, etc.).
  3. For added effect, make a sugar or salt rim on a cocktail glass, and then prepare a cocktail in it.

Use this simple Black Blood cocktail recipe to make your own unique mix at home.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • liqueur Sour cherry - 20 ml;
  • tequila (silver) - 40 ml;
  • beater (lemon) - 100 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 5 ml;
  • Blue Curacao - 10 ml;
  • lime - 10 g;
  • lemon - 20 g;
  • cocktail cherry to decorate the drink.

Cocktail preparation steps:

  1. Fill a shaker with ice, pour syrup, tequila and all the listed liqueurs into it.
  2. Squeeze out 2 tsp. juice from prepared lemon.
  3. The composition is actively whipped and poured through a strainer into a glass in which there is already ice.
  4. The beater is added so that the mixture rises to the top.
  5. The glass is decorated with a slice of lime and a cherry on a beautiful skewer.

Blue Hawaii

This is the famous club cocktail.

We will need:

  • 30 milliliters of lemon juice;
  • Rum, fifty milliliters, preferably light;
  • Liquor, twenty milliliters;
  • Ice eighty grams;
  • Pineapple juice, one hundred milliliters;
  • Coconut milk, 30 ml.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Put all the above ingredients into a shaker.
  2. Shake well and pour into tall stemmed glasses.
  3. Insert the tube and you're good to go.
Alcohol is well felt in this drink, and it has a slight sourness.

We need:

  • One hundred milliliters of grape juice;
  • Fifty milliliters of vodka;
  • One hundred milliliters, apple juice;
  • Bru Curacao liqueur, thirty milliliters;
  • Large berries of green grapes.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mix all the products except for large grapes in a special shaker.
  2. Shake well and pour into glasses.
  3. Prick three large grapes onto skewers and you're done.

I think everyone is familiar with the revitalizing taste of majito. And his American version is even better. Invigorating taste, blue color, and a typical menthol smell.

We will need:

In this drink, we do not take Blue Curacao liquor, as usual, namely syrup, forty milliliters;

  • Twenty milliliters of rum, preferably light;
  • Water with gas, fifty milliliters;
  • Twenty milliliters of lime juice;
  • Twenty milliliters of mint syrup;
  • Ice and lime.

How to cook:

  1. Shake all ingredients vigorously in a shaker.
  2. Then pour into large glasses.
  3. Serve cold with a lime wedge and garnish with an umbrella.

This is a cocktail that is drunk slowly. So you will feel its rich taste better. It has a lot of alcohol and ice. This is where its name came from.

We need:

  • Eight, ten ice cubes;
  • Tequila or vodka, fifty milliliters;
  • Liquor, fifty milliliters;
  • Fifty milliliters of water with gas;
  • Grapefruit is only green, you can also lime;
  • Thirty milliliters of lime juice;
  • Honey, thirty, fifty grams.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mix honey with ice and crush it.
  2. Put the resulting mass into glasses.
  3. In a shaker, mix all other products except lime.
  4. Pour in a thin stream, up to half the glass.
  5. Cool slightly before drinking.
  6. Serve with a slice of green lime or grapefruit, and garnish with a straw.


A very simple drink, the products that we will use for it can be found even in small stores.

We will need:

  • White wine, preferably dry fifty milliliters;
  • 50 milliliters of apricot juice;
  • Apple juice, fifty milliliters;
  • One peach;
  • Liquor, thirty milliliters.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mix all products in a shaker.
  2. Pour into glasses, attach an umbrella, a straw and a piece of peach.

Russian flag

Easy to prepare delicious cocktail patriotic theme will appeal to many residents of Russia.

  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • grenadine (pomegranate syrup) - 20 ml;
  • cream - 10 ml;
  • Blue Curacao - 20 ml.


  1. Chill all ingredients first.
  2. Gently add syrup, liqueur and vodka to the glass along the tilted knife blade, keeping the order.
  3. To make the drink look exactly like the flag of Russia, you need to add a little cream to the vodka.

Swimming pool

Very tasty cocktail. Its only drawback is the complex composition.

  • light rum - 30 ml;
  • vodka - 20 ml;
  • Blue Curacao - 10 ml;
  • pineapple juice - 50 ml;
  • coconut syrup - 50 ml;
  • cream - 10 ml.


  1. Add all ingredients (except liqueur) to shaker and mix well.
  2. Pour the mixture into a glass filled with ice, slowly add the liqueur.
  3. Garnish with a cocktail cherry and a slice of pineapple.


Sweet alcoholic cocktail for women. It is best served well chilled.

  • lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • Malibu liqueur - 20 ml;
  • Blue Curacao - 10 ml;
  • champagne - to the top of the glass.


  1. Fill half the glass with crushed ice, add liqueurs and juice.
  2. Fill the rest of the glass with champagne.


  • pineapple juice - 50 ml;
  • Malibu liqueur - 20 ml;
  • Blue Curacao - 20 ml.

Recipe: mix all the ingredients in a shaker, pour the mixture into a highball glass. In hot weather, you can still add ice. To decorate the rim of the glass, you can decorate the sugar and put a slice of pineapple.

Deli special

  • gin - 20 ml;
  • dry martini - 20 ml;
  • orange juice - 20 ml;
  • Blue Curacao - 20 ml.


  • orange juice - 10 ml;
  • white vermouth - 10 ml;
  • gin - 30 ml;
  • Blue Curacao - 10 ml.


  1. Fill a shaker three-quarters full with ice, add all ingredients and shake well.
  2. To get a cocktail of less strength, it is enough to increase the proportion of orange juice.

air gunner

  • vodka - 50 ml;
  • lemon juice - 60 ml;
  • soda (sprite) - 130 ml;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • Blue Curacao liqueur - 2-3 drops.

Recipe: add vodka, lemon juice and sugar to a glass. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Top up with sprite or soda, a few drops of liquor and serve without stirring.


  • ice - 8 cubes;
  • orange juice - 80 ml;
  • passion fruit juice - 80 ml;
  • orange slice - for decoration;
  • Curacao liqueur - 20 ml.


  1. So, upper part fill the shaker with ice cubes.
  2. Then add juices and curacao.
  3. Close the shaker tightly and shake vigorously for 10 seconds.
  4. Now we take a transparent tall glass, fill it a third with crushed ice, pour the contents of the shaker into the same place, filtering the drink through gauze or a bar strainer.
  5. Cut a slice of orange and attach to the edge of the glass.
  6. The drink is served to the table immediately with a straw.

It is Lamborghini, as it is correct to pronounce it that way. Flaming Lamborghini cocktail consists of:

  • Sambuca - 30
  • Coffee liqueur - 30
  • Irish cream - 30
  • Blue Curacao - 30
  • Straw, lighter, good mood

This shooter (and, therefore, it is drunk in one gulp, at a time) must be used together with an assistant.

  1. To do this, liquor is poured into a triangular martini glass, neatly sambuca is poured on top.
  2. Then two ordinary glasses are taken, into which blue curacao and irish cream are poured. The assistant takes a glass in both hands and prepares.
  3. Then the main glass is set on fire.
  4. After that, a tube is immersed in it, and the Flaming Lamborghini cocktail is drunk.
  5. While drinking is in progress, the assistant pours the contents of two glasses into a martini glass. Drinking continues.

Cocktail "Flaming Lamborghini" is drunk in one breath. In order for the tube not to melt, it is usually licked.

You can do without an assistant, but, as in any other pleasant business, it is more convenient and pleasant with him.

Cocktails with curacao liquor of other colors - green, red, orange, are no less popular than blue drinks. Ox's Blood is a wonderful cocktail that will add a little variety for festive table.

  • Orange (red) curacao - 20 ml
  • Rum - 20 ml
  • Brandy - 20 ml
  • Orange juice - 45 ml


  1. In a blender mix all ingredients together.
  2. Put a few ice cubes in a tall glass, you can lightly grind in a blender and pour the resulting cocktail.
  3. Gently peel a clean orange with a vegetable knife to make thin openwork curls and decorate the drink with it.

Blue Curacao cocktail recipes can have the most different taste thanks to additional components. If you want to make a drink with original title"Purple Gecko", you will need:

  • Tequila - 45 ml
  • Blue Curacao - 15 ml
  • Lime juice - 15 ml
  • Cranberry juice - 30 ml
  • Any sweet and sour syrup - 30 ml

This cocktail is served in a small margarita glass, garnished with a salt rim around the glass. It is very easy to make it.

  1. To prepare a drink, pour salt on one saucer, pour a little water on the other.
  2. Gently dip the rim of the glass into the water, then into the salt, and let dry a little.
  3. Mix all the ingredients in a shaker or blender and pour the finished cocktail into a glass.
  4. You can add a slice of lime or lemon if you like.

Cocktails based on Blue Curacao are not only tasty, but also incredibly beautiful. It is no coincidence that they often appear at the festive table. Blue Curaçao Champagne Cocktail Blue Champagne is a wonderful drink that is suitable for New Year's table and for other celebrations.

  • Blue Curacao - 20 ml
  • Vodka - 20 ml
  • Lime juice - 20 ml
  • Champagne
  • Cocktail cherry for garnish


  1. Crush ice and put it in a shaker.
  2. Add liqueur, vodka, lime juice and shake well.
  3. Strain the resulting cocktail into a champagne glass through a fine strainer and top up with chilled champagne to the very top.

Alcoholic cocktail with "Blue Curacao" "Coral Sea" is ideal for a treat on a summer vacation. Light romantic drink will remind you of warm summer days even in the cold season.

  • Tequila - 50 ml
  • Blue Curacao - 30 ml
  • Lemon juice - 10 ml
  • Tonic - 50 ml
  • Ice - 7-8 cubes
  • Lemon wedge and cherry for garnish

Fill glass with ice. Mix tequila, liqueur and lemon juice in a shaker.

Pour into a glass and top up the cocktail with tonic. Garnish with a slice of lemon and a cherry.


  • 30 ml Blue Curacao liqueur
  • 20 ml gin
  • 10 ml vodka
  • 100 ml tonic
  • 3-4 ice cubes


  1. I put ice in a glass.
  2. Mix liqueur, gin and vodka in a shaker.
  3. Pour into a glass and top up the Panama cocktail with tonic.

The strength of the drink is about 6-8 degrees.

Pacific Ocean

  • 40 ml tequila
  • 20 ml Blue Curacao liqueur
  • 60 ml tonic
  • 10 ml lemon juice
  • 1 strawberry
  • twist out lemon peel

I present to your attention another recipe for lovers of blue cocktails - "Pacific Ocean". The cooking process is not very complicated, and will not take you much time.

  1. So, mix tequila, liquor and lemon juice in a shaker.
  2. Pour into a cocktail glass and top up with tonic.
  3. Cut the strawberry into small pieces and string them on the edge of the glass.
  4. We put a twist of lemon zest in a cocktail. The strength of the cocktail is about 12 degrees.

Non-alcoholic counterpart of Blue Curçao liqueur

In addition to liquor, you can find a non-alcoholic version of an alcoholic drink of the same name on sale - Blue Curacao syrup. It is used in cooking non-alcoholic cocktails It has a pleasant sweet, citrus taste. And its color is simply incomparable - rich blue, in a word, the same as that of its alcoholic namesake.

Cocktails with Blue Curacao syrup cause a real delight among young restaurant visitors, because children love everything unusual, bright and preferably sweet. Fortunately for parents, it is quite possible to buy such a syrup in the store and make a real splash on children's holiday by preparing magical cocktails for the kids.

Non-alcoholic cocktail "Rainbow"

For 1 serving you will need:

  • orange juice, 35 ml;
  • peach juice, 35 ml;
  • lemonade type "Sprite", 50 ml;
  • syrup "Grenadine", 5 ml;
  • Blue Curacao syrup, 5 ml;
  • measuring cup with spout;
  • tea spoon;
  • tumbler;
  • bright straws, 2 pcs.

Let's start the magic:

  1. Pour all the juices into a glass and stir.
  2. Carefully pour in the Grenadine syrup, it will sink to the bottom of the glass and create a beautiful color transition from red to yellow.
  3. Take a measuring cup with a spout, pour lemonade and Blue Curacao syrup into it, mix this mixture thoroughly.
  4. Take a teaspoon, bring it to the surface of the juice in the main glass so that its rim touches its inner wall.
  5. Slowly pour the mixture of syrup and lemonade from the measuring cup into a spoon, from which it, flowing down the wall of the glass, will be evenly distributed over the surface of the juice.
  6. If everything is done correctly, you will get a multi-color cocktail with a transition from the bottom red to the top blue.
  7. Serve with tubules.

Useful properties of liquor

Part various kinds liqueurs include granulated sugar (as an alternative - honey), glucose, various fruits, berries or fruit or berry juices, essential oils and fragrances.

  • Drinking liquor in moderation, provided there are no contraindications to it, you can improve your health, as the drink has beneficial effect on the work of many organs and systems of the body.
  • So, liquor, having a calming and relaxing effect, is useful for the nervous system.
  • In addition, this drink stimulates the production of gastric juice, due to which it has positive influence to the functioning of the digestive system.
  • And, of course, this alcoholic sweetness will cheer you up and give you a surge of vivacity and energy.
  • The beneficial properties of each individual liquor are also determined by the specific components that make up its composition (especially berries, herbs).

Harm liquor

  1. Drinking in significant quantities, liquor adversely affects work of cardio-vascular system organism.
  2. The berries, fruits and herbs that make up its composition can cause the development of allergic reactions in people prone to allergies.
  3. It is forbidden to use liquor for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children.

Curaçao is a blue liqueur with an orange flavor. The birthplace of the drink is an island located in the Caribbean Sea, after which the name of the liquor was given. There are many types of this alcohol: it is white, green, orange, but the most famous is blue.

In the article:

Features and composition of Blue Curacao

Blue curacao liqueur

The main component that creates that piquant taste of the blue drink is the bitter oranges of the Laraha variety. Dry peels of this citrus fruit are infused with wine alcohol. Another one distinguishing feature Blue Сuracao liqueur is its blue color. In the original copies, this shade is given by natural dyes, which are part of the drink.

Blue Curacao recipe at home

The recipe for blue alcoholic syrup is quite simple. To create it, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Half liter .
  2. Citrus peel, necessarily dried - 30g.
  3. Ground nutmeg - 10 g, coriander - 3 g, cinnamon - 0.5 g, cloves - 2 pcs.
  4. Sugar - 100 g, water 100 ml for syrup.
  5. Blue food coloring - half a gram.

Pour spicy products into a glass container and pour vodka, seal tightly. It is necessary to insist the liquid for three hours, while creating a warm air temperature (45-50 degrees).

Dissolve sugar in water to make syrup. Combine syrup with alcohol tincture and add dye. The dye can be taken "by eye" and pour as much until the color suits. The resulting mixture must be kept at room temperature up to two weeks. After that, pass the finished alcohol through a good filter.

The taste of the original drink and the one prepared at home is almost the same, therefore, with a little effort, we get a good copy of the famous alcoholic drink.

Popular cocktails with Blue Сuracao

In the form in which it is, Blue Сuracao is used extremely infrequently. If it is drunk in its pure form, then only with ice. He does not have refined taste and reveals itself, presenting itself, exclusively in the composition of various cocktails, the recipes of which are many. Cocktails with Blue Curacao syrup take on its hue and are very palatable.

Blue Lagoon

Blue Lagoon

Blue Curacao Alcoholic Syrup is perfect for creating this popular drink. You can use a shaker to mix the Blue Lagoon, but it is more correct to prepare it directly in what is served. Fill a Hurricane glass to the top with ice. Next, pour 50 ml of vodka, 30 ml of Blue Сuracao, 100 ml of sprite, 20 ml of lemon juice.

Ready drink garnish with a slice of lemon or a slice of pineapple.

Blue Temptation

Blue Temptation

Pleasant tasting cocktail with a creamy aroma. Fill a shaker with 20 ml of 33% fat cream and add the following alcoholic beverages: 20 ml of Blue Сuracao, 30 ml of vodka, 20 ml of yellow banana liqueur and 10 ml of chocolate, - at the end - ice. Whisk everything thoroughly. Before serving, cool a cocktail glass into which pour the finished alcoholic product by straining through a strainer (special strainer). Sprinkle a quarter of an apple with cinnamon and complete the cocktail.


Using a shaker, shake 10 ml of Blue Curacao, 30 ml of vodka, 20 ml of violet and 10 ml of chocolate liqueur, 20 ml of cream (33% fat) and ice. Serve in a cold cocktail glass, topped with cocoa powder.


This drink has a sweet taste and is served well chilled.

Fill the glass halfway with ice, pour in turn 10 ml of Blue Curacao, 20 ml of Malibu liqueur and 10 ml of lemon juice. At the end of the place that remains in the container, fill with champagne.

Swimming pool

This alcoholic mixture has an unusual and pleasant taste, but has a complex composition.

Place in a shaker 30 ml of light rum, 20 ml of expensive vodka, 50 ml of pineapple juice, 50 ml of coconut milk, 10 ml of cream, beat all the ingredients. Pour the whipped mass into a glass with ice and add 10 ml of Blue Сuracao there. Decorate with half a pineapple ring.



A very original recipe. Shake in a shaker glass 25 ml, 15 ml Maracino liqueur, 15 ml Blue Curacao, 15 ml lemon juice, one egg white and pour into a glass, at the same time straining through a strainer. Top this creation with mint, lemon and cherry.



Pour 50 ml of vodka, 30 ml of Blue Curacao, 100 ml of sweet grape juice, 100 ml of sour apple natural juice into a shaker and mix everything. Pour the finished cocktail into tall glasses with thin walls. Prick seedless grapes on a skewer and serve with a drink.

As you can see, Blue Сuracao liqueur, which is easy to make at home, can create many delicious, original and refreshing cocktails.

Blue Curacao is a tropical liqueur from the Caribbean island of Curacao, after which the blue-colored drink was named. It is made from extracts of wine spirit, to which only natural ingredients are added - dried zest citrus fruits, orange juice, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and other spices. In the modern world, Blue Curacao cocktails are very popular and are made in different variations. But the very first cocktail with liquor was invented by the son of the famous Gary McElhone, the owner of the first cocktail establishment in Europe and the author of the world famous Bloody Mary. So, in 1972, a legendary cocktail called the Blue Lagoon appeared, one of the ingredients of which was Curacao liqueur Blue.

Blue Curacao cocktail recipes

Recipe #1 Blue Lagoon Cocktail with Blue Curacao

To prepare this cocktail, you need to take 25 ml of tequila or the same amount of Russian vodka (it suits the taste better). Add pineapple or lemon juice first, and then 25 ml of Blue Curacao liqueur. Put ice cubes in a shaker, pour the mixture into it and shake everything thoroughly. Pour the finished drink into a glass, dilute gently with lemonade and mix it with a cocktail spoon.

Recipe №2 Cocktail "Flag of the Motherland" with Blue Curacao

To prepare a cocktail, you will need some skill, firmness of the hand and a little patience. First, 25 ml of pomegranate syrup (Grenadin) is poured into a tall glass at the bottom. After that, 25 ml of Blue Curacao is carefully poured along the knife blade, while you need to make sure that it does not mix with the syrup, but lies on top of it with a second layer. The final "highlight" of this cocktail will be the top layer of white - 10 ml of cream, which is pre-mixed or whipped with vodka. Laying out the last layer is required with great care and caution so as not to damage the solemnity general view Russian State Flag. It is recommended to drink the cocktail through a straw to get the fullness of all taste sensations.

Recipe No. 3 Cocktail "Paradise" with Blue Curacao

Let's take 20 ml of Blue Curacao, coconut liqueur and Roma. Pour the mixture into a shaker, add 50 ml of pineapple and 10 ml of coconut juice. Cubes crushed ice put on the bottom of the glass and pour the cocktail into it. We use an umbrella, tubules, pineapple slices and pickled cherries as decoration for the drink.

Recipe #4 Blue Curaçao Margarita

Mix 2 parts Blue Curacao with 3 parts tequila and 1 part lime juice (you can substitute it pineapple juice with some pulp). Mix everything with ice in a shaker. The finished cocktail is poured into a wide glass (it is better to sugar the edges) and decorated with pieces of fruit and a sprig of mint.

Recipe #5 Carnival Pina Colada with Blue Curacao

We prepare a mixture of 50 ml of Malibu liqueur, 30 ml of Blue Curacao, and 30 ml of Bacardi rum. Add 100 ml of pineapple juice and 40 ml of cream to it. Shake it all up in a shaker and pour into a large glass. Top the drink with a layer of whipped cream.

Liquor (sometimes syrup) Blue Curacao is an alcoholic drink of 30-degree strength, made from wine alcohol with the addition of lemon juice, sugar and larah extract.

Larah belongs to a special variety of oranges that grow mainly on the island of Curacao. This is where the name of the world famous liquor. Unlike their counterparts, these miniature citrus fruits are absolutely inedible and have a characteristic bitter taste and amazing aroma, for which a drink made from them is valued.

Blue Cucarazo literally means blue Curacao, that is, a blue liquor. Such an unusual coloring is not due to a combination of rare tropical ingredients, but to the addition of ordinary food colors. In addition to the popular blue drink, there are orange, clear, red, green and white varieties.

The deep blue of Blue Curacao Syrup and its juicy tropical orange flavor with delicate sourness have made it the most common tropical cocktail ingredient. Among the most famous are Blue Hawaii, Mojito Americano, Blue Agave, Blue Martini, etc.

Bright and extraordinary cocktails will help create a real club atmosphere at a home party and provide all guests with a great festive mood.

Blue Hawaii Cocktail

A classic club recipe for a popular drink with blue syrup.

List of ingredients:

  • Lemon juice - 30 ml.
  • Light rum - 50 ml.
  • Blue Curacao liqueur - 20 ml.
  • Juice with pineapple pulp - 100 ml.
  • Crushed ice - 80 g.
  • Coconut milk - 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Place all ingredients into a cocktail shaker and shake until smooth.
  2. Pour into tall glasses. Add straw and serve.

Cocktail "Ultramarine"

Sweet and sour cocktail with a well-perceived alcohol note.

List of ingredients:

  • Grape juice with sugar - 100 ml.
  • Vodka - 50 ml.
  • Apple juice natural - 100 ml.
  • Blue Curacao liqueur - 30 ml.
  • Large green seedless grapes.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix in a shaker sweet grape juice, sour apple, vodka and blue liquor.
  2. Pour into thin-walled tall glasses. For each cocktail, serve a skewer with 3 large seedless grapes.
  3. Cocktail "Mojito Americano"

    Everyone knows the heady and refreshing taste of Mojito. Its American version is no less invigorating, with a delicate bluish tint and a well-perceived menthol aroma.

    List of ingredients:

  • Blue Curacao syrup - 40 ml.
  • Light rum - 20 ml.
  • Syrup Menthol Mojito - 20 ml.
  • Green lime juice - 20 ml.
  • Mineral water - 50 ml.
  • Lime.

Cooking method:

  1. Shake well all the components of the drink in a shaker and pour into tall wide glasses.
  2. Serve chilled with umbrella, straw and lime wedge.

Cocktail "Tropic"

A simple cocktail, most of the ingredients of which can be found on the shelves of even the smallest stores.

List of ingredients:

  • Dry white wine - 50 ml.
  • Apricot juice - 50 ml.
  • Apple juice - 50 ml.
  • Blue Curacao liqueur - 30 ml.
  • Peach - 1 pc.
  • Cooking method:

  1. Shake all ingredients of the cocktail in a shaker. Pour into glasses of Hurricane.
  2. Serve with straw, umbrella and fresh peach wedge.

Cocktail "Ice and fire"

A drink to drink slowly, enjoying every sip. It has a lot of strong alcohol and scalding cold ice.

List of ingredients:

  • Ice - 8-10 cubes.
  • Tequila (vodka) - 50 ml.
  • Blue Curacao liqueur - 50 ml.
  • Mineral water - 50 ml.
  • Lime or green grapefruit - half a ring.
  • Lime juice - 30 ml.
  • honey or cane sugar- 30-50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Crush ice cubes together with honey or sugar to a state of coarse snow.
  2. Pour the mixture into glasses.
  3. In a shaker, mix tequila, liqueur, lime juice and mineral water.
  4. In a thin stream, pour the snow mass up to two-thirds of the volume.
  5. Cool slightly before serving. Garnish with a straw, lime or green grapefruit slice.

There is one interesting way- insisting on wine alcohol dried peel of oranges of a special variety of curaço (the true name is "Laraha"), the familiar cinnamon, nutmeg and, of course, cloves. The result is a drink from 20 to 30%. Blue Curacao liqueur owes such an interesting name to the island of the same name, on which orange plantations grow. In the distant eighteenth century, some of these plantations were purchased by the family of Petrus De Kuyper.

The De Kuyper company is quite well-known, information about it is easy to find. The peculiarity of this liqueur is that the oranges used are not quite common, they have a spicy bitterness. This variety of oranges on the island did not appear by chance. Ordinary varieties did not take root, so the Spaniards brought this special variety, which suited the local climate, took root, and began to grow it actively. On the basis of such oranges, a variety of liqueurs are produced, in addition to Blue Curacao, there is also Triple Sseca liqueur.

If we analyze such a liquor in terms of components and color design, then it should be noted that the liquor is transparent. Unfortunately, when buying, the buyer pays attention to everything, including the color of the purchased drink, so marketers suggested painting the liquor in a variety of colors. Blue has become the most beloved and widespread color, because other colors have other spirits. How exactly the specific color of such a liquor is achieved remains a mystery, however, everyone believes that only natural dyes are used. Most quickly, these are extracts from plants, anthocyanins, which in an alkaline environment are able to acquire a blue tint. Unfortunately, on the brands of such a liquor, which have a low cost, you can see the inscription that the composition includes food coloring E131 and E132. After reading the notes made many years ago, you can find out that earlier, to acquire such a color, they used a special indigo mineral, which was dissolved in vitriol, after which any drinks were dyed. The Blue Curacao liquor market sells green, orange, and yellow.

How to drink without additives Blue Curacao, as well as in a variety of cocktails

Liquor (Blue Curaçao) is rarely used just like that, because it does not have a special taste. In the best case, if there is a great desire to use such a liquor without anything, then at least ice should be added. It is interesting to combine such a liqueur with orange juice or pineapple. They drink it only after eating, because it belongs to the category of digestives, which have a positive effect on the digestive process.

The taste of the liqueur is surprisingly revealed in a variety of cocktails, the recipes of which are accessible and easy to do.

Blue Lagoon Cocktail

For cooking you need:

  • sprite - 150 ml;
  • Blue Curacao - 20 ml;
  • vodka good quality- 50 ml;
  • pineapple - 25 g (used as decoration).

Cooking process:

  • the hurricane is filled with ice cubes;
  • pour vodka, sprite, liquor to the top;
  • the glass is decorated with pineapple.

All other cocktail recipes are clear, they are easy to prepare, the only difficulty is that these components are quite difficult to find and purchase.

Blue Moon Cocktail

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • gin - 40 ml;
  • Cointreau - 30 ml;
  • Blue Curacao - 10 ml;
  • pineapple juice - 100 ml;
  • fruits are used for decoration.
  • fill the shaker with ice, pour the rest of the components into it;
  • everything beats perfectly;
  • the prepared cocktail is poured into a glass that is already filled with ice;
  • the glass is decorated with fruits, the cherry looks interesting, like a bead.

To prepare such a wonderful cocktail you need:

  • vodka - 30 ml;
  • melon liqueur - 10 ml;
  • Blue Curacao, banana yellow liqueur, 33% cream - 20 ml each;
  • apple (slice) for decoration;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

Cocktail preparation steps:

  • liquors according to the list, vodka and cream are poured into a prepared shaker;
  • ice is added to it, everything is beaten well;
  • pour the cocktail through a strainer into a chilled glass;
  • the glass is garnished with sliced ​​apple slices and sprinkled with cinnamon on top.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • liqueur Sour cherry - 20 ml;
  • tequila (silver) - 40 ml;
  • beater (lemon) - 100 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 5 ml;
  • Blue Curacao - 10 ml;
  • lime - 10 g;
  • lemon - 20 g;
  • cocktail cherry to decorate the drink.

Cocktail preparation steps:

  • a shaker is filled with ice, syrup, tequila and all of the listed liqueurs are poured into it;
  • squeeze out 2 tsp. juice from prepared lemon;
  • the composition is actively whipped and poured through a strainer into a glass in which there is already ice;
  • the beater is added so that the mixture rises to the top;
  • the glass is decorated with a slice of lime and a cherry on a beautiful skewer.

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