Malibu how many degrees. Malibu coconut liqueur: composition, features, cocktails and history.

Malibu liqueur is the hallmark of the island of Barbados, whose inhabitants were the first to come up with a mixture of rum, sugar and coconut extract. So appeared famous drink a fortress of 21 degrees, which very soon became known to the whole world. This unusual spirit conquers from the first sip with its delicate taste and rich aroma. It can be drunk without any additives or used in various cocktails (shots and long drinks), many of which can be made even at home.

How to drink the famous liquor

Today, there are three main ways to consume coconut drink:

On its own, without any additives

Malibu can be used as a digestif before coffee. They serve him dessert dishes, ice cream or fresh fruits(grapes, apples, oranges). In this case, alcohol is poured into low glasses for liquor, having previously cooled to a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees. Coconut rum should be drunk slowly, in small sips, trying to capture the full range of flavors.

As part of mix drinks

Malibu is often diluted without alcoholic drinks: juices, mineral water, tonics and even Coca-Cola. This allows you to make it less strong and add new and unusual flavors to it.

Best of all, coconut liqueur is combined with apple, cranberry, pineapple and orange juice. The optimal content of components is 1:2, where 1 is the proportion of Caribbean alcohol. Add such a two-component mixture to the drink not a large number of ice. Another win-win combination is malibu and milk in the amount of 1:1.

In cocktails

Malibu is added to many cocktails, mixing it with juices, tonic, and also strong alcohol(with vodka, whiskey, cognac). Such recipes can be reproduced at home.

Classic Coconut Rum Cocktails

"Classics of the genre" are creamy cocktails "Malibu Milk" and "Pina Colada". They are easy to make at home, you just need to purchase the necessary ingredients.

"Pina colada"

Add finely ground ice, 75 ml each of light rum, malibu and pineapple juice, as well as a small amount of cream (50 ml) to a shaker. Mix thoroughly, pour into tumbler, garnish with a strawberry or pineapple slice.

"Milk Malibu"

Beat the following ingredients with a mixer: coconut liqueur (20 ml), three-year-old rum (10 ml), milk (100 ml) and vanilla ice cream (100 g). Fill a cocktail glass with ice, pour the resulting drink into it and garnish it with a piece of pineapple.

Unusual cocktails with tropical rum

At home, you can cook not only classic, but also original recipes that will become a real decoration for any party.


This is a sweet and delicate drink that your guests will surely appreciate. To prepare it, mix in a shaker Caribbean liqueur (50 ml), Kahlua (25 ml), Pineapple juice(100 ml) and cream (25 ml). Serve in flute glasses with ice.


This is a strong mix that men especially love. To make it, take a cocktail spoon and a shot glass and stack it in 20 ml layers following products: malibu, light rum, lemon juice, vodka and absinthe. You need to drink in one gulp.

"Coconut Sprite"

It's uncomplicated and quick recipe which is perfect for youth parties. Fill a tall glass with ice, add Caribbean liqueur (50 ml) and sprite (150 ml), put a lime wedge and 2-3 sprigs of fresh mint.

"Coconut Cola"

This is a wonderful refreshing cocktail that can be made in minutes. Mix 150 g of ice, 50 ml of liquor and 150 ml of Coca-Cola. Garnish with a slice of lemon and lime, serve with a straw.

Malibu liqueur is universal. It can also be used in pure form, and in interesting combinations with other alcohol and soft drinks. From it at home you can cook a large amount delicious cocktails. If you have a bottle of coconut rum in store, be sure that you will definitely be able to pleasantly surprise your guests.

Malibu- This is a rum liqueur with the addition of natural coconut extract. The production of this drink is carried out on the Caribbean island of Barbados. By the way, this area to this day remains clean from an environmental point of view. It is thanks to the island origin of the drink that the bottle of Malibu flaunts a logo in the form of two palm trees against the backdrop of the rising sun.

Although this liqueur is produced on the island of Barbados at the West Indian Rum Distillery, the bottling of the drink is carried out by Pernod Ricard, located in Scotland.

Glancing at a display case with alcoholic drinks, a bottle of Malibu is impossible not to notice. It has an original and unusual design. The bottle of rum liqueur is made of white opaque glass with a modest but recognizable logo.

Due to the fact that the basis of the liquor is light rum, Malibu fortress is 21%.

History of liquor

Rum has been produced on the island of Barbados for over 350 years. It was here in 1893 that the technology for the production of light rum, which is the basis of Malibu liqueur, was invented.

However, Malibu rum liqueur itself was created relatively recently - in 1980. There is a version that barrels of traditional Caribbean rum were standing under palm trees, and accidentally fell into one of them. coconut. After lying there for a certain time, he gave the rum unusual taste. Noticing this, rum producers began to experiment with recipes for mixing rum and coconut extract, resulting in modern recipe malibu.

Production technology

First, molasses is made from sugar cane, which is subjected to a fermentation process. After that, the mixture undergoes triple distillation in special distillation columns. Then the resulting distillate is purified using a special technology and sent for 1-2 years to age in oak barrels. The last step in the production of Malibu liqueur is the mixing of light rum with natural coconut extract and high quality sugar. To obtain a drink with other taste properties, mango, pineapple, passion fruit or banana extracts are added during the mixing of the ingredients.

Simply put, Malibu liqueur has the following composition: Barbados light rum, high-quality sugar syrup, spring water and natural coconut flavor or the addition of natural fruit extracts.

Types of rum liqueur

Initially, there was only one type of Malibu liquor - coconut, but over time, several more flavor varieties were added to the traditional original recipe. So, at present, the following types of liquor can be purchased in the store:

Malibu Caribbean Rum Coconut Flavor - Traditional original drink, the mouth of the bottle is white.

Malibu Caribbean Rum Mango Flavor is a variant of liqueur with the addition of mango extract, the mouth of the bottle is colored red.

Malibu Caribbean Rum Passion Fruit Flavor is a variant of the liqueur with the addition of passion fruit extract, the neck of the bottle is colored lilac.

Malibu Caribbean Rum Pineapple Flavor is a variant of the liqueur with the addition of pineapple extract, the neck of the bottle is colored orange.

Malibu Caribbean Rum Banana Flavor is a variant of liqueur with banana extract, the head of the bottle is colored yellow.

Separately, it is worth noting a limited batch of liquor called Malibu by U.

The contents of the Malibu bottles from this series are traditional recipe, but the packaging and the bottle itself have a special originality. The fact is that the packaging contains a set of special colored markers, with the help of which the buyer can decorate the absolutely white bottle with the logo at his own discretion, that is, create his own design. Manufacturers position this product as an excellent gift option.

How to drink malibu?

Let's start with the fact that Malibu is drunk according to the same rules as all other liqueurs - that is, from special liqueur glasses slowly and in small sips. This drink is best served as a dessert, that is, after a meal. It can be drunk in its pure form, that is, undiluted and in combination with other drinks in the form of cocktails.

Malibu-based cocktails can be simple, two-component and complex multi-component. Simple light types include the following cocktails: malibu with cola, malibu with pineapple juice, malibu with milk, malibu with tonic, etc. In addition to light two-component cocktails, there are also “killer” cocktails based on this liqueur: Malibu with vodka, whiskey or cognac. The proportions of two-component cocktails, as a rule, are arbitrary, and depend on individual taste preferences.

Complex cocktails with this rum liqueur are currently the most widely used in various entertainment venues - nightclubs, bars, restaurants. Here are the most common names: Banana Daiquiri, Tropical Kiss, Malibu Margarita. But the most popular and common cocktail is called "Pinacolada" - a traditional alcoholic Caribbean cocktail, consisting of a mixture of pineapple juice and coconut liqueur. Initially, the recipe for this cocktail involved the use of light rum, coconut milk and pineapple juice, but recently the first two components have simply been replaced with malibu liqueur.

If we talk about the combination of rum liqueur with other products, then here the choice is small and mainly desserts. For example, this strong drink goes well with oranges, lemons, grapes, apples, or ice cream.

It should be noted that rum liqueur is a good basis for various soft drinks, and can also be widely used in cooking as a substitute for syrup.

About two and a half million boxes of this alcoholic drink are sold annually in the world.

Tasters around the world consider the taste of Malibu to be one of the most exquisite among liqueurs. Once you try it, you won't confuse it with anything.

The production facilities are located in one of the most environmentally friendly regions in the world and the windows of the plant overlook the white sandy beaches of the town of Black Rock.

The cost of Malibu liqueur in Russian stores is on average $25 per 0.5 liter, which, in principle, is not very expensive for such an exquisite drink. The cheapest one, of course, will cost Duty Free shops.

In addition to coconut extract, Malibu liqueur may contain extracts of pineapple, mango, banana and passion fruit. They can be distinguished by the color of the neck of the bottle into which they are poured. Classic coconut has a white label, pineapple has an orange label, banana has a yellow label, mango has a red label, and passion fruit has a lilac label. How the bottles look with various extracts can be seen in the photo of the Malibu liqueur.

What can be prepared from Malibu liqueur at home?

The strength of the liqueur is 21%, so it can be drunk both in its pure form and added to various cocktails. Liquor is poured into a small special glass and drunk slowly, enjoying the unique taste and aroma. Despite the fact that this drink itself is very tasty, it is the cocktails prepared on its basis that have gained great popularity. The peculiarity of this universal liqueur is that it goes equally well with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. With what to drink Malibu liquor, only you decide, guided by your own tastes and preferences.

From Malibu liqueur at home, you can easily prepare any of these wonderful cocktails:

caribbean breeze

Pour two types of liquor into a blender, add freshly squeezed juice of one lime and a peeled banana. Since the lime may seem quite sour, you can add a little powdered sugar. Place crushed ice in a large glass. Shake the cocktail until foamy and immediately pour into a glass. The Caribbean breeze is ready, enjoy a light refreshing drink.

Night on the island

Pour crushed ice into a glass. In a blender bowl or in a shaker, mix liquor, lemon or lime juice, cola. Pour immediately into glasses and garnish with mint leaves. A light refreshing cocktail will remind you of a magical night on an amazing tropical island. Be sure to take a chilled cola, open a jar or bottle only before preparing a drink.

The combination of flavors of strong Caribbean rum and coconut is what Malibu liqueur was originally created for. However, at first this product was not considered an independent drink. It was perceived as an industrially manufactured basis for alcoholic cocktails. Malibu did not go on sale. It was purchased directly by bars and restaurants. But love for it flavor combination and an increase in the number of drinks in which coconut liquor was the main ingredient grew so rapidly that very soon Malibu became famous throughout the world for its "tropical" character and rum plume.

Composition and preparation technology

The main thing in liquor is the taste component. Malibu is very simple in composition:

  • Caribbean rum;
  • cane sugar;
  • natural coconut extract (extract);
  • water.

The sharp taste of rum is softened with molasses. For this liqueur, Malibu rum is prepared according to a special recipe. Water is used natural, spring, and the naturalness of the coconut additive is constantly and carefully checked.

The technology for making coconut liqueur under the Malibu brand is to mix all the ingredients. The liquor is then bottled and sent to the consumer. Despite the ease of manufacture, in fact, Malibu is aged for some time in wooden containers. It's all about the complex "geography" of the drink: it is prepared on the island of Barbados, and bottled in Scotland. While the liquor is delivered from Caribbean island before Europe (10–12 days) the infusion process takes place.

Currently, in addition to the classic coconut taste, liqueurs are produced with the addition of extracts of mango, passion fruit, banana and pineapple. Additional flavors make the drink richer in taste, but the main note is still coconut.

Cooking Malibu at home

A liqueur similar to the classic Malibu can be easily prepared at home. In this case, you will need to come to terms with the fact that the taste of the resulting drink will be somewhat different from the original. So, you need to stock up:

  • vodka - well purified, better from expensive ones (1 liter);
  • coconut flakes - 100 grams;
  • sugar - 200 grams;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet.

Preparation consists of the following operations.

1. Fill coconut flakes vodka, leave for two hours to infuse in a hermetically sealed jar.

2. Brew two tablespoons of sugar with a spoonful of water to a state of brown caramel.

3. Dissolve the remaining granulated sugar in hot water and add caramel to it. Stir well until the sugar is completely dissolved. The resulting syrup must be cooled.

4. Pour the syrup into a mixture of vodka and coconut flakes, add vanillin, stir well and seal tightly.

5. We infuse the liquor in a warm, dark place for 10 days.

6. We pass the finished liquor through a gauze filter, pour it into opaque bottles.

You can replace vodka with rum, it is best to take light Cuban. In this case, there is no need to make caramel. The taste will be closer to the original.

How to drink, what to mix with

Malibu was originally created as a basis for cocktails; in its pure form, it is practically not used. Most popular cocktails:

  • Pina Colada - Malibu (2 parts), pineapple juice (3 parts), ice.
  • Bad girl - Malibu (1 part), Kalua (2 parts), banana liqueur (2 parts), cognac (1 part), cream (4 parts), all components are whipped in a blender with ice.
  • Coconut Sprite - Malibu (1 part), Sprite (3 parts), ice, mint leaf, lime slice.
  • Ultimo - Malibu (10 ml), cognac or whiskey (40 ml), Apple juice(150 ml), ice.
  • Acapulco - Malibu (2 parts), mango juice (3 parts), ice.
  • Coconut Paradise - Malibu (20 ml), light rum (10 ml), milk (100 ml), ice cream (100 ml), mix everything in a blender and beat well.

The most classic is considered to be a drink made from coconut liqueur and lime juice, the ingredients are added to equal amounts. But anyone can create their own combination, since the taste of coconut goes well with the taste of chocolate, cream, berry and citrus notes. With what to drink Malibu, everyone can decide on their own. More than a hundred cocktail recipes based on coconut-rum liqueur can be found on the official website of the manufacturers.

History of Malibu

Officially, the drink entered the market in 1980. Then there was a legend that a mixture of rum and sweet coconut turned out by accident when a coconut fell into a barrel of rum. The legend is simple and does not stand up to scrutiny.

In fact, the producers of Caribbean rum in Curaçao have long been looking for a way to increase sales of their strong and not very popular product. It was all the fault of the sharp taste and bad smell Caribbean rum. At the same time, one of the most popular cocktails in the bars of the Caribbean there was Pina Colada, based on coconut extract and rum. Manufacturers found a way out - they created a cocktail base that made the drink cheaper, keeping all its taste qualities.

Rum for a new product called Malibu was prepared by several in an unusual way: used black molasses and, carefully cleaning finished product from harmful substances that impair taste.

As soon as the new liquor began to gain popularity, the Malibu brand was bought from the producers by a larger company, and the production itself moved to the island of Barbados, where it is still located. The owners of the brand are Scots, so the process of bottling Malibu takes place in the homeland of Walter Scott.

Today, about twenty drinks are produced under the Malibu brand, including sparkling drinks, ready-made cocktails, as well as chocolate ice cream flavored rum.

Malibu (Malibu) is a delicious rum liqueur that impresses with its wonderful and unique taste. This wonderful drink has been produced on the island of Barbados since 1980. Here is an old, but equipped with the latest technology West Indian Rum Distillery, which has been producing rum since the end of the 19th century. The rights to produce Malibu liquor (Malibu) are currently owned by a small company with the sonorous name Pernod Ricard. This drink very popular all over the world. These words are confirmed by the fact that, according to official figures, the company annually sells 2.5 million cases of Malibu (Malibu) in 150 countries around the world. This drink is called rum liquor primarily because of the high strength, which is 21 percent. And there was a recipe for making this liqueur, as the legend says, at a time when a fruit imperceptibly fell into a barrel of rum coconut tree and stayed there for a long time. Currently, in the production of this drink, experts specially add coconut flakes to light rum, and this is how Malibu rum liqueur is obtained (Malibu).

Malibu liqueur (Malibu) is produced as follows: first, the juice of selected sugar cane undergoes a thorough fermentation, due to which the sugar contained in the resulting liquid is converted into alcohol. Then comes the turn of distillation. Here, in order to achieve a unique and soft rum base, which is saturated with the aroma and taste of real fresh coconut, experts distill only fresh sugar cane molasses, and not fermented. This process takes place 3 times in special distillation columns, and then the resulting drink is purified using powerful filters, making coconut rum light, natural, high-quality and fresh. After distillation, a small part of the rum is aged for 1-2 years in barrels, which are made from the best American oak species and only according to old traditions, without a single nail or gluing. Thanks to this technology, the drink acquires more aromatic properties and retains the best taste. And in the final stage is mixed with natural flavors of coconut, pineapple and mango, all these ingredients create unique taste liquor Malibu (Malibu).

There are several variations of this rum liqueur - classic coconut with mango and extraordinary from passion fruit extract. In Russia, the most popular original recipe liquor Malibu (Malibu), where all tastes are brought together.

For its unique taste Malibu (Malibu) has been awarded many different prizes and awards at international exhibitions and tastings.

The color of Malibu rum liqueur (Malibu) is completely transparent, the usual alcohol content does not exceed 21 percent. The aroma is very pleasant with tropical notes and light hints of pineapple, walnut, ripe banana and juicy mango. The taste is very sweet with a pronounced coconut bouquet. Based on this wonderful liqueur, great amount popular cocktails today. Malibu liqueur (Malibu) is great in its pure form, and you can also add it to tonic or juice to enjoy the unforgettable taste of Malibu. In general, a bottle of wonderful Malibu rum liqueur (Malibu) will always come in handy on the farm.

You can buy Malibu rum liqueur (Malibu) at a bargain price only in our store.