Pineapple juice: health benefits and contraindications. Pineapple juice - calories, useful properties and contraindications

Pineapple juice obtained by squeezing the pulp of the fruit. The liquid is pale yellow in color and may have a small amount of pulp (see photo). The main suppliers of raw materials for juice are Thailand, Indonesia and South Africa. Pineapple juice can be either reconstituted or natural. In the first version, the drink is obtained by diluting the concentrate with purified water, and in the second case, the juice is extracted from fruits, and then it is heated to increase the shelf life.

How to choose and store?

It is important to choose high-quality among the presented assortment Pineapple juice, for this you need to know a few secrets:

Open juice should be used up within 2 days.

Beneficial features

The presence of useful properties in pineapple juice is due to the presence in it of such a rare substance as bromelain. This enzyme has a positive effect on the work digestive system and is necessary for the breakdown of proteins and fats. Therefore, the drink is used for weight loss by a large number of women. It is recommended to finish any meal with a glass of juice to facilitate the process of digestion. The miracle substance bromelain has a positive effect on the work of the intestines, helps to get rid of spasms and pathogenic microbes.

Pineapple juice improves memory, so before important events, for example, before exams, you should drink the drink regularly. He is also at daily use reduces the risk of developing blood clots and edema. As a prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke and other problems with the heart and blood vessels, it is recommended to drink 1 tbsp. fresh juice daily. It has been experimentally found that drinking the drink reduces the risk of oncological diseases.

Due to the presence of ascorbic acid, pineapple juice acts like aspirin, it can be used in the treatment of colds, and it also strengthens the immune system.

Many people call pineapple juice "liquid Viagra" because it increases potency, and therefore this drink is recommended for men who have a corresponding problem.

Benefits of pineapple juice and treatment

The benefits of pineapple juice are proven by numerous recipes traditional medicine, it widely uses pineapple juice to treat various ailments. For example, compresses prepared on their basis will help with injuries, arthritis and sprains.

And the drink (its traditional use) will help with seasickness: when rocking, it will relieve nausea attacks.

Pineapple juice has an antiseptic effect, so it can be used for colds and sinusitis. In addition, the drink has the ability to restore bone tissue, so it should be used for fractures and various problems with bone tissue.

Use in cosmetology

In cosmetology, you can use pineapple juice, but you should only take into account that you should not keep funds on the skin for more than 15 minutes, and if you are prone to irritation, then it is better to refuse such cosmetics altogether. Mask with pineapple juice improves skin elasticity, smoothes it and refreshes. During the procedure, a tingling sensation is felt, this is how acids act, which cleanse the cells and remove toxins from the skin.

Use in cooking

Pineapple juice is not only drunk as a tasty and refreshing drink, but it is also added to different cocktails etc. It is included in recipes for jellies, mousses, ice cream, marmalade, sauces and gravies. It is used for the preparation of creams and various confectionery products.

Homemade freshly squeezed pineapple juice

To make a drink, you should take a ripe fruit without any damage. It needs to be peeled and cut into small pieces, which should then be sent to the juicer. It is almost impossible to extract juice from pineapple on your own, without the help of technology.

Freshly prepared fresh juice is considered the most useful drink, since after 10 minutes it loses a large amount of useful substances. You need to drink it during the day in small portions, while the total amount of juice consumed per day should not exceed 0.5 liters. You need to drink it 30 minutes before meals, and then 30 minutes after it.

Pineapple juice goes well with other fruit and vegetable juices. It can also be served with herbs, nuts, fermented milk products, cheeses, etc. You should not combine the drink with protein and starch-containing foods, legumes and cereals.

Harm of pineapple juice and contraindications

Harm pineapple juice can bring because of the content of a large amount of acids. When drinking the drink, enamel can be destroyed, so either drink it from a straw or rinse your mouth after drinking this drink. It is not recommended to drink juice for breastfeeding women. Refuse juice is in the presence of individual intolerance to the product. Contraindications to the use of the drink are in people who suffer from stomach problems, for example, with ulcers, gastritis, salmonellosis.

Do not drink pineapple juice in the presence of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. Don't drink it in in large numbers especially if you have problems with acidity.

Pineapple juice is obtained from the pulp, so small fibers are often found in the liquid. The fruit is considered to be a fruit, although, in fact, it is a berry. Of the positive properties, there is a huge amount of vitamins and fat-burning bromelain, this juice also significantly improves male potency. But along with this, it can also cause harm. High acidity in the content is very dangerous for people with stomach diseases.

The composition and properties of pineapple

The main suppliers of pineapples are Thailand, Indonesia and South Africa, the juice is found on sale in 2 types: reconstituted and natural. In the first version, it is diluted with purified water, and in the second, it is heated to increase the shelf life. The best way- squeeze the juice yourself, since it retains most of the nutrients in the first half hour.

Pineapple juice includes a lot of valuable vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A. Important for vision. Strengthens hair, improves skin condition.
  • Vitamin B1. Improves metabolism.
  • Vitamin B5. Provides a normal exchange of amino acids, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Vitamin C. It is a valuable antioxidant for the body.
  • Sodium, potassium. Take care of cellular metabolism and heart function.
  • calcium, phosphorus. Important for bones and teeth.
  • Magnesium. Regulates the functioning of the nervous system.
Pineapple juice is good with other fruit and vegetable pomace, it can be served with herbs, nuts, cheeses. Recommended:
  • Eat in small portions, half an hour before meals or after.
  • The daily portion should not exceed 500 ml.
  • It is undesirable to combine with protein and starch, legumes and cereals.

The juice should not taste bitter, this is a sign of unripe fruits that do not benefit.

Benefits of Juice

Pineapple is most praised for its ability to remove body fat, it promotes the digestion of food, quenches appetite, thanks to serotonin in the composition. Compresses based on this berry relieve pain from injuries and arthritis, relieve symptoms of gout, rheumatism. There is another valuable quality - pineapple juice removes nausea and prevents motion sickness.

For kids

Pineapple juice is very useful for children, it is recommended both for the prevention of colds and during illness. This fruit has a lot of vitamin C, its effectiveness is compared with aspirin. Recommendations:
  • From 3 years old, only canned high-quality pineapples can be given, from 4 years old - small slices of fresh ones.
  • It is advisable to add to cereals and desserts, and dilute the juice.
  • From 5-6 years old, it is allowed to increase the dose.

Before giving berries to a baby, you need to consult a pediatrician!

For men

Pineapple juice is considered very valuable for men who work hard physically. A huge amount of minerals and vitamins help to quickly restore strength, you can drink freshly squeezed juice or cocktails.

Pineapple pomace is useful for potency because:

  • folic acid enhances the production of estradiol, this hormone improves spermatogenesis;
  • the composition of pineapple juice contributes to the survival of sperm in the acidic environment of the female body.

For women

Many women have already appreciated the help of pineapple juice in losing weight. If speak about positive properties, then pineapple is very valuable not only as a source of serotonin and bromelain.
  • As part of the masks, it smoothes the skin, makes it supple.
  • Helps in the treatment of urinary tract infections, which occur more often in women. Significantly increase the effectiveness of narrowly targeted antibiotics bromelain and trypsin.
  • Bromelain also boosts immunity and is a prophylactic against cancer. This point of view was substantiated by American physicians.

For pregnant

Expectant mothers need to be extremely careful when drinking pineapple juice, this product, on the one hand, is extremely useful, and even necessary. Just because pineapple pomace relieves the symptoms of toxicosis, pregnant women are ready to drink it all the time.

There are other positives too:

  • relieves heaviness in the stomach and;
  • cleanses blood vessels, thins the blood;
  • prevents congenital defects of the nervous system in a child, due to the effect on the body of folic acid.

When breastfeeding

For the diet of a nursing mother, pineapples are very necessary, but doctors advise including them in the menu no earlier than 4 months after childbirth. This reduces the risk of allergic reactions or stomach problems in the baby.
  • You need to drink pineapple juice in small portions, the berries themselves are best consumed fresh, dried or baked.
  • Do not drink juice from canned berries, since unripe fruits and a lot of preservatives are often put there.
  • During canning, the liquid loses most of its properties, ascorbic acid and bromelain are destroyed.

Depending on the disease

Pineapple juice helps to cope with many chronic ailments. Often, their source is weak bowel function, this pomace successfully cleanses it.

Other positive effects:

  • With pyelonephritis. It relieves exacerbation, removes swelling from the face, thanks to a strong diuretic effect.
  • At risk of stroke. Helps with blood formation.
  • With oncology. Slows down tumor development side effects chemotherapy, thanks to bromelain.
  • At. Raises hemoglobin.


Pineapple juice has a strong effect on the body, and not only positive, but also negative. It is important to know that this delicious pomace can provoke:
  • gastritis, if any hyperacidity stomach;
  • rash and itching with a tendency to allergic reactions.
For pregnant women, such a berry in large quantities dangerous because:
  • able to give impetus to allergies in the unborn baby;
  • stimulate a miscarriage if you drink the juice of an unripe pineapple;
  • cause premature birth, because bromelain greatly increases the tone of the uterus.
This opinion was expressed by some scientists. Therefore, most gynecologists recommend not to drink pineapple juice in the first three months of pregnancy, and in the next period - to take only small doses. The safest is the third trimester, but you should not forget about the consequences of an overdose.

Pineapple juice is a strong allergen, so it should be introduced into the diet gradually.

Juice bans

Along with such a powerful healing and healing effect, pineapple juice has a number of contraindications. Therefore, before including it in your diet, you need to make sure that it is not available:
  • increased acidity;
  • gastritis or ulcers;
  • sensitive enamel;
  • hypotension, pressure drops;
  • kidney or liver disease;
  • skin diseases;
  • propensity to allergic reactions;
  • very viscous blood.
These prohibitions are due to the fact that there are a lot of acids in pineapple, which also greatly destroy tooth enamel. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse your mouth after drinking pineapple juice.

How to choose?

It is very important to choose a fresh and ripe pineapple, so as not to harm the body by squeezing unripe berries. How to do it? There are several aspects that you need to focus on when buying:
  • The fruit should be dense and heavy, and the peel should be soft, elastic.
  • The leaves of a ripe fruit are easily separated, have a juicy green color.
  • When tapped, a hollow sound is heard.
If you opt for canned food, it is more correct to buy pieces in natural juice that you can drink. If the product is in packages, then it should not contain sugar and flavors, from natural preservatives - only ascorbic acid.

Any, even the most useful product, should not be abused, the same applies to pineapple juice. It is quite possible to get a positive effect if you follow some safety rules: do not drink it on an empty stomach, dilute at least 1 to 4, use it moderately. And first make sure that there are no diseases from the list of contraindications, so as not to get an exacerbation of the disease.

Pineapple juice prepared by squeezing the pulp from the fruit. Ideally, pineapple juice should not contain sugar. Pineapple juice is a light yellow liquid, sometimes a small amount of fruit pulp can be found in it.

Pineapple juice is divided into two types:

  1. restored
  2. Natural

Let's consider each separately. Reconstituted pineapple juice is obtained by diluting the concentrate with drinking water. The concentrate is extracted directly from the pineapple, then plunged heat treatment which removes water. The result is a concentrate - a jelly-like viscous mass.

Natural fruit juice is best prepared at home. Freshly squeezed juices are very healthy. And of course they do not have a number of advantages.

It should be noted that on the shelves of the store, in most cases, reconstituted juices are sold. That is juices received from a concentrate.

What is the difference between freshly squeezed and reconstituted juice, it turns out that both can be attributed to natural juice? The thing is that freshly squeezed juice vitamins useful substances are stored for half an hour after its preparation. Therefore, freshly squeezed juice must be consumed within half an hour after preparation. The amount of vitamin content in such juice is much higher than in reconstituted juices.

Most often, juice producers, in order to supplement the composition of vitamins, add a certain complex of vitamins to the reconstituted juice, which ones can be found out by reading the information on the package. And the thing is that when preparing such a juice, part of the vitamins is lost during pasteurization.

And of course, the quality of the fruit also affects the quality of the juice. The better and riper the fruit, the greater the content of vitamins and nutrients in it. And one more important detail, freshly squeezed juice and reconstituted juice differ significantly in taste.

The benefits and harms of pineapple juice

Pineapple juice is very useful product especially if it's freshly squeezed. It contains a large amount of vitamins, as well as potassium and phosphorus.

This drink helps fight obesity. The most interesting substance in pineapple juice is bromelain. This is a complex of enzymes, which is characterized by increased biological activity, namely:

  • improves digestion
  • promotes the breakdown of proteins
  • burns fat
  • restores order in the intestines
  • promotes muscle relaxation
  • relieves spasms
  • helps to support the body during the off-season

Everything else in pineapple juice low content calories, which in turn allows you to get rid of excess weight, when using it. Therefore, pineapple juice is very popular among women.

The advantages of pineapple juice include the fact that it is able to improve memory, for this you need to use freshly squeezed pineapple juice 2 times a week. Also, regular consumption of freshly prepared pineapple juice helps to avoid the formation of blood clots and edema. It is recommended to consume pineapple juice daily for people with atherosclerosis diseases, cardiovascular diseases suffering from hypertension, stroke.

Due to the high content of vitamin C, it can be taken during a cold. It has the effect of the action of aspirin. And boosts immunity.
And this is not the whole list of useful properties of freshly squeezed pineapple juice.

It also helps with kidney disease, tonsillitis, helps to remove toxins from the body.

The harmfulness of pineapple juice can only be attributed to the fact that it has high acidity. If you use freshly squeezed pineapple juice very often, you can damage the enamel of your teeth. To avoid this, you need to thoroughly rinse your mouth with water after drinking pineapple juice. It is also not recommended to take pineapple juice for nursing mothers and the reason is also increased acidity.

Making pineapple juice at home

To make juice at home, you need to choose a high-quality, ripe pineapple. The usefulness of the resulting juice depends on this. Ripe pineapples can be identified by their softness.

The fruit must be thoroughly washed and dried a little. Pineapple needs to be peeled and cut into small cubes, for this it is better to use a very sharp knife. Next, we send the resulting cubes to the juicer and as a result we get 100% natural juice. Which by the number of useful substances can be safely compared with the packaging of multivitamins.

Pineapple juice and its usefulness for the child's body

For the child's body, pineapple juice also brings many benefits. It can be taken as a prophylaxis against colds. And as you know, children's body more susceptible to these diseases.

If you regularly give your child freshly squeezed pineapple juice, then the child's immunity will grow stronger. Also in the spring and autumn periods, the use of pineapple juice will allow your child to avoid the development of beriberi.

Natural, fresh pineapple New juice is extremely tasty, and most importantly, healthy, vitamin drink which has a healing, healing effect on the body. He is very much appreciated by women who watch their figure. After all, freshly squeezed juice tropical fruit contains bromelain - an enzyme that promotes the breakdown of body fat, stimulating digestion.

In cooking, it is used in the preparation of all kinds of dishes. For example, it gives meat or poultry dishes an unusual, spicy taste. Add to various fruit, berry, creamy desserts. Based on it, cocktails and smoothies are prepared.

How to prepare pineapple juice, benefits and harms, what is its calorie content? All this I will tell you today:

The benefits of pineapple juice

This delicious refreshing drink is very healthy. It contains a large amount of vitamins, mineral salts, acids necessary for a person, etc. There is especially a lot of phosphorus and potassium in it, which are very necessary for heart health, good condition of bones and teeth.

The drink has a mild diuretic effect, it is very useful for the kidneys. Therefore, its use helps to eliminate edema.

According to experts, just a glass of pineapple juice per day increases efficiency, activates physical, intellectual activity. In addition, the drink regulates the level of bad cholesterol, helps to strengthen the vascular walls. It perfectly cleans blood vessels from cholesterol plaques.

These properties make it possible to consider it effective tool prevention of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, sclerosis, stroke. To reduce the risk of developing these pathologies, it is enough to drink only 200 ml of freshly squeezed pineapple juice per day.

healthy drink has antiseptic properties. Therefore, it is useful to include it in the diet of people with infectious, colds, sinusitis. According to some reports, it is useful to drink it for people suffering from cancer, as the drink reduces the rate of tumor development.

It is no secret to anyone that most diseases develop due to slagging of the intestines. Freshly squeezed pineapple juice will also help get rid of toxins, toxins, toxic substances. Its regular use will effectively cleanse the intestines from accumulated deposits.

It should be noted that this wonderful product helps to alleviate the symptoms of gout, arthritis, rheumatism. It is recommended to drink it to pregnant women, as it alleviates the symptoms of toxicosis.

Another undoubted advantage of pineapple juice is its ability to increase hemoglobin. Therefore, it is recommended to take it in the treatment of anemia and anemia. For this purpose, it is enough to drink a glass a day.

How nutritious is pineapple juice? calories

Also note that a freshly squeezed drink contains few calories. Its calorie content is approximately 48 kcal per 100 g of product.

What is useful pineapple juice in cosmetology?

Cosmetologists actively use pineapple juice to solve all sorts of cosmetic problems. On its basis, masks are made to increase skin elasticity, smooth wrinkles. It cleanses the pores of the skin, removes toxins from them. It is very useful to wipe the face with an ice cube made from pineapple juice and water. Just don't use this remedy if your skin is prone to irritation.

How to make healthy juice?

We note right away that only freshly squeezed pineapple juice has useful properties !!! After a very short time, after about 10 minutes, he will lose most of his healing properties. It is recommended to drink it in small portions, half a glass half an hour before meals, and then half an hour after it.

Preparing a drink is not difficult at all. To do this, buy a high-quality, ripe fruit. Its ripeness can be determined by pulling one of the leaves located on its petiole. If the leaf comes off easily, the pineapple can be used - it is already ripe.

Next, cut off its skin sharp knife, cut into quarters, remove dense cores (but this is not necessary). Now run the quarters through the juicer. If needed, add some honey. Stir and drink immediately.

Smoothie "Tropicana"

Peel the fruit from the skin. Cut half a pineapple and a whole banana into small slices, put in a tray, freeze. Now prepare freshly squeezed juice from half a pineapple and 1-2 oranges. Mix them, add frozen fruit pieces, mix again using a blender. Pour this tropical drink containing pineapple juice into glasses, paint with a circle of orange or pineapple.

Who can benefit from pineapple juice? Drink harm

Despite all the benefits, in some cases, pineapple juice can cause serious harm to health. It contains a large amount of acids, which can adversely affect the condition of the stomach. Therefore, it is not recommended to take it for people suffering from gastritis, peptic ulcer, especially at the stage of exacerbation. But for people with low acidity, as well as with slow secretion of gastric juice, pineapple juice will only benefit.

For the same reason, it can negatively affect the condition of tooth enamel. Therefore, after drinking, be sure to rinse your mouth boiled water.

Also, due to high content acids, it is not recommended for nursing mothers. And yet, you need to know that with a large amount of this drink consumed, blood clotting may decrease. Be healthy!

09. 08.2015

Catherine's blog

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of the Family and Childhood website. Today the topic of our post is pineapple juice benefits and harms. Pineapple juice is a nutritious, low-calorie liquid extracted from pineapple pulp. Anyone who has never tried it can be guaranteed a pleasant delicate taste and beneficial effects on the body.

Pineapple juice contains many trace elements and macromolecular substances, including vitamins and other complex proteins mixed with amino acids, which makes the juice not only nutritious and easily digestible, but also has a positive effect on the nervous system and metabolism.

The calorie content of fresh and store-bought is almost the same - 49 kcal and 48 kcal, which are very good indicators if you want to lose weight, but this will be discussed below. We will also talk about the benefits and harms of pineapple juice.

The benefits of pineapple juice

Pineapple nectar, along with grapefruit and orange juice, is the world leader in utility. It contains many vitamins, phosphorus, about the benefits of which you need to write a separate article, since this trace element, together with calcium, is basic for bones and teeth, phosphorus also participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, energy synthesis, supports cell membranes, is responsible for storing genetic information, improves metabolism and much more.

In addition to phosphorus with vitamins, pineapple juice is also rich in potassium. Potassium is no less important for the body than phosphorus, because it is also involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, regulating the functioning of the intestines, thanks to potassium, the pressure in the human body is maintained constant, potassium helps the kidneys with the regulation of the excretory system and is required for protein synthesis.

And these are far from all the properties of the substances contained in pineapple juice, and since we live in a rather dirty, from an environmental point of view, time, we need to support our body, if not fresh fruit, then at least juice. Nutritionists unanimously recommend this drink for anyone who wants to lose weight. Assimilation of food improves, heaviness in the stomach disappears, you say goodbye to flatulence - all this is due to the substances contained in the juice. Serotonin reduces the feeling of hunger.

Nectar can be used as a diuretic, removes swelling under the eyes, and has a positive effect on the excretory function of the kidneys. Pineapple juice activates brain activity, reduces blood cholesterol levels to normal levels, helps strengthen blood vessels and prevents stroke.

There are also benefits for people with cancer, the components of pineapple juice inhibit the development of cancerous tumors, in addition, pineapple juice acts as an antiseptic, not as strong as traditional ones, but this does not prevent him from fighting colds, infections and sinusitis. It relieves the symptoms of gout, rheumatism and arthritis. It is of great value for pregnant women, because thanks to him the woman will not suffer so much from toxicosis.

Due to the phosphorus content, pineapple juice is very useful for children who have experienced injuries of varying severity and fractures, as bone tissue will recover much faster. Raises the level of hemoglobin in the blood, improves immunity and helps fight anemia. Many people suffer from slagging of the intestines, hence many diseases, but regular consumption of juice will help you not only clean the intestines and blood vessels, but also get rid of microorganisms.

Harm of pineapple juice.

The acids contained in pineapple juice cause particular harm, because for people who have stomach problems and high acidity, drinking a liquid with even stronger acids can be fraught with an exacerbation of the disease, and with a recurrence of peptic ulcer or salmonellosis, it is necessary to completely exclude pineapple juice from the diet . Great harm tooth enamel is applied, but only with regular frequent use. Rinse your mouth after each use, if possible.

Because of huge amount acids are also not recommended for lactating women. Do not overdo it with juice, because it can cause gastritis or acidity problems. On this negative sides pineapple juice has run its course. Next, it is worth considering what causes weight loss, with regular use pineapple juice, because this is both a plus and a minus.

As we all know, freshly squeezed juices are essential for those looking to lose weight. excess weight, as they are able to saturate the body and improve metabolism. However, if you just love this unique delicate taste and are ready to drink it day and night, then you will either have to eat a lot or eat very high in calories, since pineapple juice contains a substance that can break down up to nine hundred grams of fat, a substance called bromeilan.

A mixture of enzymes helps break down proteins. It is this enzyme (bromeilan) that is recommended for people who have problems with gastritis, helps with weight control. The most useful is pineapple juice with pulp, do not forget about it.

So let's sum it up:

As a result, we can say that pineapple juice is almost a panacea of ​​traditional medicine, because such benefits, in exchange for minor shortcomings, are worthy of respect. And then, these shortcomings depend on an overabundance of pineapple juice in daily diet. In addition to the prevention of the body, one should not forget about its delicate and invigorating taste, because few consumers think about its benefits or harms, first of all, we are pleased with the taste.

Also, do not forget that pineapple juice and fresh pineapple are not the same in terms of properties, because the concentration of substances in pineapple juice is much lower and it is diluted with other liquids, pineapple pulp itself in large quantities and frequent use does not work very well on the body, it is enough to remember the phrase that many people know: "When you eat pineapple, pineapple eats you."

And this is true, because if you put a nail in pineapple juice, it will dissolve faster than in Cola, and now imagine how strongly concentrated acids in pineapple pulp corrode. And the question can be confidently said - pineapple juice is the most useful, any nutritionist will tell you about it.

And finally, not a big video about Pineapple juice, about its benefits and harms.