Can butter be substituted. How to replace butter in baking so that the taste of the dessert does not change

Butter is one of the indispensable ingredients for baking and for everyone's favorite sandwiches.

At the same time, despite its popularity, many people are wary of this product and reduce its consumption. Fortunately, today there are many substitutes for butter that allow you to enjoy your favorite dishes.

Possible reasons why you should give up butter

Allergy to milk

Although butter contains a small amount of protein, it is a source of casein. The latter may be the cause of an allergic reaction.

If you are allergic to milk, be careful with butter. It is worth considering completely avoiding the use of this product if you have a pronounced allergy.

lactose intolerance

People with lactose intolerance can safely tolerate the small doses of lactose found in butter. However, some are more sensitive to lactose than others. This can be a decisive factor in refusing to use oil.

Health problems

Some people avoid butter due to high content saturated fats. Previously it was believed that the oil leads to the development of heart disease. However, recent research proves that oil is not the main factor.

Scientists insist that the saturated fats found in butter increase cholesterol levels to a lesser extent than the saturated fats found in other dairy products (such as sour cream).

Butter contains a lot of fat, which means it is high-calorie product. People who need to cut their daily calorie intake may limit their oil intake for this very reason.

Others are reducing their consumption because the oil is not that great. nutritious product considering the high calorie content per serving.

Dairy allergies, lactose intolerance, and other health problems can be a reason to stop using butter.

Purpose of butter in baking

Oil is added to baked goods as a leavening agent. It is understood that it will help to enrich the dough with air, thereby giving the muffin an airy and light structure.

By adding oil in large quantities, chefs achieve the puffiness and moisture of the product, along with a fragrant smell and rich taste.

Without these qualities, pastries would be flat, dry, and tasteless.

The good news for anyone trying to eliminate butter from their diet is that there are great amount substitutes that have identical qualities as traditional oil.

The oil helps the dough rise and also improves the texture and flavor of the product.

Fats and oils that can replace butter in baking


Ghee is a type of clarified butter with a fragrant and slightly nutty flavor.

If you want to add a nutty flavor to your baked goods, use ghee in a 1:1 ratio. It is best to replace butter with ghee in products that are baked at a high temperature and served warm. For example, bread and cookies.

However, ghee contains more moisture than regular butter. Therefore, you may need more flour and less liquid ingredients.

Coconut oil

    • Applesauce- significantly reduces the content of fats and calories. At the same time, it adds sweetness to baked goods, so it is necessary to reduce the amount of sugar indicated in the recipe.

    • Avocado- a source of nutrients and healthy fats. Use dark-colored ingredients, for example, to hide the greenish tint that avocados can give to the dish. Keep this in mind when choosing real dark chocolate.

    • banana puree- increases nutritional properties final product, and also reduces the amount of added fat. Introduce bananas into the dough gradually until you get the desired consistency.
    • Greek yogurt- increases the amount of protein in the recipe, and also smooths out the cloying taste. Normal fat yogurt is the best option when it is necessary to preserve the creamy soft structure of the product.
    • Peanut butter- gives baked goods a characteristic nutty taste and smell. Be careful, as nut butter makes the baked goods heavier and thicker.

  • pumpkin puree- a high-nutrient butter substitute.

Some products are an excellent substitute for butter when baking pastries. Certain foods can completely change the taste and texture of the product, which is worth considering in advance.

Spread substitutes

The oil is often used as a spread for making sandwiches or snacks based on crackers.

The following products are excellent substitutes for butter, because they have properties similar to it. Moreover, they give the final dish more nutrients, and often also help reduce the total calorie content.

There are a huge number of nutritious foods that are great for replacing butter sandwiches.

What not to change the oil

Butter must never be replaced. following productsmargarine and vegetable oil. Both foods are processed and often contain trans fats that cause inflammation.

Baking itself is not a highly nutritious food, but nevertheless, it should not be completely transferred to the category of junk food.

To preserve the quality and taste of pastries, do not use margarine or vegetable oil.


There are a huge number of quality alternatives to regular butter. Don't be afraid to experiment in the kitchen with different ingredients. Keep track of which foods give you the flavor and texture you need.

The question regarding the possibility of replacing butter with vegetable oil in the process of preparing many dishes was asked by many hostesses. Such a possibility does exist.

In addition, according to leading nutritionists, the use of vegetable oil is more useful when it comes not only to health, but also to the state of the figure.

Vegetable oil is one of the closest competitors to its cream counterpart. The positive side of this product is considered, first of all, the absence of cholesterol, due to which vegetable oil is a frequent choice of people who carefully monitor the condition of their of cardio-vascular system and striving to keep it healthy.

As for the caloric content of the product, here many are faced with confusion and do not quite correctly interpret the indicators provided. So, in terms of caloric content, vegetable oil is almost twice as much as butter.

The fact is that the composition of vegetable oil is represented exclusively by fats, but in the creamy product there are proteins and liquid, which makes this type of oil less caloric.

But it is extremely important to consider the difference between the composition of vegetable and butter. So, vegetable oil consists of unsaturated fats, which are absorbed faster and more efficiently. human body. As for butter, only saturated fats can be found in its composition, the use of which in large quantities leads to rapid and significant weight gain.

The use of vegetable oil is characterized by the following positive effects on the body:

  • Increasing the body's immune defenses by saturating it with linoleic acid.
  • Reducing the level of bad cholesterol.
  • Prevention of the development of diseases with oncological nature.
  • Providing a rejuvenating effect due to the high content of vitamin E.
  • Prevention of the development of many serious diseases, including atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis.

Despite the track record useful properties this product, its use should be limited. Otherwise, a person runs the risk of being overweight.

As already noted, butter is in the category of forbidden foods when it comes to weight loss and strict diets, which is due to the saturation of the product with harmful fats. But keep in mind that this dairy product contains about 20 varieties of fats, which are essential for normal functioning human body.

Useful properties of butter are presented:

  • Rapid absorption of calcium.
  • Favorable effect on the organs of the cardiovascular system due to the presence in the product beneficial trace elements and vitamins.
  • Activation of beneficial microflora in the intestines.
  • By saturating the body with certain vitamins, which are much more difficult to obtain from other products. We are talking about vitamins A, E and D.

Concerning possible harm from butter, it consists in filling the body with harmful cholesterol and weight gain against the background of excessive consumption of the product. If it is possible to cope with the second through an active lifestyle, then the accumulation of cholesterol causes the development of atherosclerosis and other serious diseases of the organs of the cardiovascular system, therefore, it should not be ignored.

If you decide to use only vegetable oil in cooking, you should familiarize yourself with the features of the correct replacement of products. As practice shows, such a decision practically does not affect the quality indicators. end result, because there is no change in taste and smell.

With vegetable oil, you can safely fry foods, as well as use it in baking. In the first case, to determine optimal amount oils should be guided by the nature of the products used and their quantity.

If you are guided ready recipes, involving the use of butter, then its replacement with vegetable oil can be carried out, according to the following proportions:

  • 10 grams of butter, which is approximately 1 teaspoon of the product, is equivalent to 1 ½ teaspoons of the vegetable analogue.

Wherein experienced chefs recommend not to worry about the quality of baking, because in any case it is supposed to use required amount fats, which differ only in the nature of origin and do not affect the taste and smell of the final result.

What can replace butter? Sooner or later, many housewives are faced with the need to resolve this issue - if only for the banal reason that the product was not at hand at the right time. We are looking for - and safely find a replacement!

It has been used for centuries for frying, baking and spreading bread. Today, however, many people try to avoid butter due to milk allergies, lactose intolerance, or a desire to limit their calorie intake. Of course, the easiest option is to replace butter with margarine. The simplest - but not the most useful. And how to replace butter, so that it is not only tasty, but also healthy?

1. Avocado

Of course, our human being is more likely to have butter in his refrigerator than an avocado. However, if it is about useful alternatives, then it is definitely worth paying attention to. Even the Aztecs called this fruit "the oil of God", because 20-30% of its composition are fats. First of all, these are healthy unsaturated fatty acids, which, in particular, lower the level of "bad" cholesterol. Other valuable ingredients in avocados - vitamin E, folios and numerous antioxidants (in particular, lutein, which is excellent for vision) - also help prevent serious diseases.

Fatty pulp is a great answer to the question of how to replace butter in sandwiches and baked goods. In the first case, for spreading bread or a loaf of avocado, season with a pinch of salt and pepper.

If fruit becomes an alternative dairy product in baking, keep in mind that in the recipe, a teaspoon of butter is replaced with half a teaspoon of avocado pulp. And if you want to avoid coloring baking in green color you can add some chocolate or cocoa.

2. Ghee (ghee butter, ghee)

This is a product that has been valued for centuries in India, where it is used, among other things, for sacred purposes. It is nothing more than ghee obtained through a process of long aging over low heat, during which all impurities and deposits are removed.

Melted butter can be stored for a long time even outside the refrigerator and is ideal for frying. But you can stew on it, bake pastries with it, or simply grease bread instead of butter, replace it in porridge. It has a very pleasant, slightly nutty flavor. Ghee is where the best choice than margarine and most refined oils.

3. Hummus

Such an answer to the question of what is permissible to replace butter would be especially willing to be given in the Middle East, where this product is especially highly valued. Hummus is a pureed appetizer made from lentils, garlic, sesame paste, olive oil and lemon juice. This composition is rich in tryptophan, that is, an amino acid that the body needs to produce serotonin, which contributes to "calming" nervous system. Due to the high content of other valuable components (potassium and B vitamins), hummus improves the quality of sleep and mood, so you can eat a sandwich spread with it for dinner.

4. Coconut oil

It is formed as a result of pressing and heating copra, i.e. pulp of nuts coconut tree. This coconut product is something that can successfully replace butter in various pastries. It must be used in the recipe at a ratio of 1: 1, that is, add the same amount to the dough that was indicated for butter.

However, it must be remembered that unrefined product has a characteristic aroma of coconut, which can "penetrate" into the final dish. If you want to avoid this effect, you should buy refined oil.

Such a purified product is much more versatile in use: it does not have any effect on the taste of dishes, and, first of all, it is worth frying on it. Not only because of the smell, but also due to the higher combustion temperature. And unrefined will justify well in salads, drinks, and also as an alternative to butter - in recipes that involve stewing or boiling food at low temperatures.

5. Peanut butter

This is a great substitute for butter when it comes to spreading bread, cookies, toast, crackers, but be aware that it will give the dough a slightly nutty flavor.

Contrary to popular belief, nut butter is not a super-calorie delicacy. But it is a storehouse of unsaturated fatty acids that promote fat burning. Peanuts - the main component of this product - are a source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Contains, in particular, niacin, responsible for the efficient functioning of the digestive and nervous systems.

6. Olive oil

Can vegetable oil be substituted for butter? In many recipes - yes, especially if it is a product that is popular all over the world, obtained as a result of the process of pressing the pulp of the fruit. olive tree. This is an excellent substitute for "milk" butter in various baked goods: bread, pies, muffins, etc.

It is recommended to use it in this ratio: if the recipe calls for, for example, 1 cup of softened butter, then you need to replace it with 3/4 cup of olive oil; 150 g of butter in the recipe = ½ cup of vegetable; 200 g is ¾ cup.

The addition of olive oil to main dishes, such as mashed potatoes, pays off especially well.

The olive product (especially the first cold pressed, called extra vergine) contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E, thanks to which it has antioxidant properties and helps to cleanse the body of toxins. In addition, it lowers "bad" cholesterol levels and supports weight loss.

When it comes to sweet recipes, such as pies, cookies, etc., butter can be replaced with other herbal products- sunflower, rice, corn.

7. Bananas

It is difficult to list all the advantages of this fruit - a source of fiber, potassium and B vitamins. Ripe banana puree can successfully replace butter in various pastries. In addition, their natural sweetness makes them an excellent sugar substitute, which is also of great importance for our health. The dough with the addition of bananas should be baked a little less than a dish with creamy product(recommended time to reduce by about a quarter), as well as at a lower temperature. Thanks to this, the dough dishes do not dry out.

Butter is a very useful product. It is difficult to imagine at least one baking recipe in which this ingredient would not be added. However, it should be borne in mind that it is beneficial for the body only in small dosages. But delicious pies and buns contain quite a lot of it. That is why we do not notice how we gain weight. Today we want to talk about how to replace butter in baking. Perhaps lower-calorie supplements will allow you to get a similar result, but at the same time, the products will greatly benefit. Let's figure it out.

Benefit or harm

Delicious, melt-in-your-mouth butter... It's hard to imagine life without it. However, the use of this product sometimes needs to be limited. This primarily applies to people over 40 years of age, as well as people who monitor their weight. What else could be the reasons that a person refuses to use oil? There are several of them:

  • lactose intolerance;
  • vegetarianism and the rejection of animal fats;
  • healthy lifestyle and preference for low-calorie foods;
  • chronic diseases (pancreatitis, cholecystitis);
  • some people just don't like the taste of animal fats.

Why you should limit butter consumption

First of all, because it is very high-calorie product. There are about 700 kcal per 100 g. Of course, no one is going to eat it with spoons, but from tasty home baking it's not so easy to break away. This is how, disguised in the product, it enters your body, being deposited on the walls of blood vessels. But this is not its only disadvantage:

  • butter contains a lot of harmful saturated fats;
  • in its composition a large number of cholesterol, which, in turn, is dangerous because its excess leads to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • abuse of this product is the path to a heart attack or stroke.

The most unexpected choice

Speaking about how to replace butter in baking, many people remember different things, but no one thinks about avocados. This amazing fruit can be an excellent basis for making cookies. Did not know? Then keep wondering. almost 4 times less butter. It contains unsaturated vegetable for our body. But that's not all. This wonderful fruit gives us vitamin K and coarse fibers.

How to use an avocado if there is nothing else to replace butter in baking? To do this, the fruits just need to be crushed and added to the dough by analogy with butter. It will turn out no worse, but much more useful.

Vegetable oil

The most obvious option if you are looking for a substitute for butter in baking. At the same time, the taste finished products will remain almost the same. Vegetable oils contain much less. The figures are significant: the difference is about 10 times. But it is they who increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. The pricing policy also speaks for using vegetable fats.

If you still hesitate and think, butter is in baking, then decide once to try to cook the dish in a new way. The result will simply surprise. For a lot less, you'll get a similar product. Because sunflower and olive oil are the best alternative to creamy, we will now tell you how to translate one into another without losing the quality of the final product.

home laboratory

You can create real miracles in your kitchen. Do you want to make cookies in the evening, the recipe says butter, but you don’t have it? It doesn't matter, every housewife has sunflower. We take out a bottle (preferably odorless) and get down to business. We need 100 g of butter, but how much vegetable oil will it be? Just do not try to pour the same amount into the dough liquid product. The ratio is as follows:

  • 5 g butter = ¾ tsp. vegetable;
  • 30 g = one and a half tablespoons;
  • 75 g = ¼ cup;
  • 150 g = ½ cup;
  • 200 g = ¾ cup.

Now you know exactly how you can replace butter with vegetable oil in baking. In fact, this is the same fat in its purest form.

Large selection of vegetable fats

Every housewife knows what role butter plays in a recipe. How to replace it, sometimes you have to think long enough. Sunflower is a good option, but it has a specific aroma, and refined is devoid of many useful properties. When including such fats in recipes, be sure to reduce their amount by 20%. Or you can use the list above.

It is a great substitute for butter when preparing main dishes. Sunflower is more often used for baking, but in general it all depends on your preferences. In addition, if on occasion you see corn in the store or be sure to take it. They have a very delicate taste and are perfect for making pastries, cakes and cookies.

Soybean oil

This product is great as a substitute for butter. Baking is simply wonderful, with a delicate taste. That is, it is practically a vegetable analogue of animal fats. However, it should be used with great caution due to the high content palm oil. The product is inexpensive and very convenient to use, but rich in saturated fat. Replacing butter with vegetable oil in the dough is almost invisible.


At first glance, a very convenient product. At a price much lower than butter, but at the same time, it looks and partially tastes very similar to it. It is with margarine that the dough is most familiar in texture. Therefore, doubting whether it is really possible to replace butter with vegetable oil in baking, housewives choose it. As a result, we have magnificent and beautiful products, but how does this affect our health?

First of all, it should be noted that margarine is a mixture of vegetable and animal fats, and often of poor quality. For sandwiches and cereals, it may still be suitable, but the taste is not very good, so something better is usually used for these purposes. But when heated, all spreads (this name can be read on the packaging of margarine) safely break up into fractions that provoke the growth of cancer cells.

There is another reason why you should not replace butter with margarine. Both of these products contain approximately the same set of fats and cholesterol. That is, if you decide to look for an alternative so as not to put your health and figure at risk, then you need to find other options. How to replace butter with vegetable oil in baking, we described above, you can add tips to your cookbook.

Nuts and seeds

As you can see, such a simple question - "how to replace butter in the dough" - can be considered in a variety of variations. Almonds, hazelnuts or peanuts can be a very worthy alternative to butter, for this they need to be ground to a mushy state. By the way, coconut and cocoa butter are similar. They are used in the same proportion as indicated in the recipe. However, it must be remembered that these products are very high-calorie.

fruit puree

Why do you need butter in the dough? To give it a special softness and tenderness. You will be surprised, but this effect can also be achieved due to the pulp of fruits. A banana or apple is perfect. The first can be simply kneaded into gruel. With apples you have to tinker a little. It is best to remove the peel and bake the fruit in the oven. Then you will need to grind the pulp with a blender and add to the dough. The result is delicious muffins and cupcakes.

Cream and yogurt

Very often, dairy products are the optimal replacement. Butter and cream are two cousins. Both give exquisite delicate taste. However, cream is less caloric, and the taste of the product is more attractive than with the addition of vegetable oil. Vegetarians or people with lactose intolerance can use soy cream. In this case, you need to add a quarter more product than indicated in the recipe (instead of 100 g of butter 125 g of cream).

Alternatively, you can use yogurt. In this case, recipes "light" are obtained. There are 80 kcal per 100 g of yogurt, and if we consider oil, then there are already as many as 700 kcal. By analogy, in the case of replacement, it is necessary to use not 100 g of butter, but 150 yogurt. Those who have already tried this recipe say that the quality of the product is no worse. Gentle and air pies will become great option for tea drinking, even if you are on a diet.

Summing up

As you can see, it is not at all necessary to use butter when baking. There are dozens of ways to make your dessert tasty and healthy, perfect for baby food. Try making a familiar cookie in a new way. You will definitely fall in love with this taste, and friends will ask for the recipe for a long time.

I used to (before I got interested in vegan butter substitutes) I didn't like avocados. Although this fruit is sold in stores, it is a rare guest on tables in post-Soviet countries. And this is understandable: the avocados I tried were like “Christmas tree flavored soap” and could not please the palate. Hence my bewilderment at the time: what is it that people find in him?

I learned how to choose and eat avocados from the Israelis. They certainly understand a lot about Mediterranean products!

If you're interested in how I make "Vegan Butter Sandwiches" - read on! 🙂

Our family in 2014 with huge health benefits. We live happily without milk. But here's something fatty that could be spread on bread (for the husband) or on half bell pepper(for me) sometimes not enough.

Avocado rescues us. The main feature is that you need to eat ripe fruits, soft and pliable, like butter.

Sold in stores unripe avocados. If you bought hard ones (and most likely it is), then put them on a shelf in the kitchen (not in the refrigerator!) For a few days. And lovingly feel periodically. As soon as you feel with your fingers that the pulp under the skin has become pliable, like butter, that's it, you can eat it. Now you will enjoy! 🙂

By the way, observing the behavior of Israelis in stores, I noticed that they prefer avocados with a rough skin. It would seem that more attractive-looking smooth, almost glossy, avocadins lie nearby. But no! For some reason, experts choose unattractive-looking ones, with a wrinkled and more matte surface.

Having tested both those and others, I figured out what the trick is here! It turns out that smooth fruits have a thin skin and you need to tinker with it in order to cut it neatly and economically. And the pulp of an avocadina with rough skin is easily separated by simple squeezing (as if it jumps out of the peel by itself). And they both taste exactly the same. 🙂

And now I will tell you how I make “vegan butter”.

The recipe was invented by me and is ridiculously simple.

Take a ripe avocado. Cut in half, discard the pit, separate the pulp from the peel. Put the pulp in a bowl and mash with a fork. Everything, tasty, nutritious and incredibly healthy spread is ready!

If desired, you can salt and add something to your taste. For example, I often add dill, cilantro, garlic. If fresh is not available, dried herbs and spices will do.

Today I did this thing simply with dill (the result is in the photo). My husband enjoyed this impromptu vegan butter with a couple of fresh bagels.

I remind you that such a dish will not work from unripe avocadins. Be patient, friends, and let them ripen! 🙂 By the way, the peel of the most ripe and delicious avocado fruits has a dark, almost black color. In short, experiment and enjoy!

And for those who have not seen how avocado trees grow, irrigate and bear fruit, I suggest looking at the photos in the article about. Part of the route just ran through the avocado grove.

All health, creativity and longevity!