Cake "Napoleon three recipes: classic, with ready-made cakes and puff. Recipe for a cake "Napoleon" from ready-made puff pastry


For cakes:

  1. eggs - 2 pcs
  2. sugar - ½ cup
  3. sour cream - 2 tablespoons
  4. melted butter - 2 tbsp
  5. flour - 1 cup (approximately)
  6. soda - ½ teaspoon
  7. vinegar for baking soda

For cream:

  1. eggs - 4 pcs
  2. sugar - 1 cup
  3. milk - 5 cups
  4. flour - 3 tbsp (with top)
  5. butter - 150 g
  6. vanillin - 1 sachet

Of course, we start cooking Napoleon with cakes. Separate the yolks from the proteins and grind them with sugar (beat).

To the yolks grated with sugar, add sour cream and melted butter. We all get over it well.

add sour cream and melted butter to the yolks

Beat 2 egg whites in a strong foam and add soda slaked with vinegar. And then carefully combine the whites with the yolks.

Now, little by little, we begin to add flour to the egg-sugar mixture. And knead the dough. It shouldn't be tight. Therefore, 1 cup of sugar is approximately. You should feel the dough soft.

Soft dough should be divided into 6 parts.

divide the dough into 6 parts

We roll each piece into the thinnest possible cake and cut it under your baking sheet.

Carefully transfer each cake with a rolling pin (twisting it onto it) onto a warm baking sheet from an already preheated oven. The baking sheet should be greased with a thin layer or butter or deodorized. you need to grease the baking sheet 1st time. the rest of the cakes can be laid out on a baking sheet already without lubrication. Fat will be enough. Before placing each cake in the oven, prick with a fork so that the cakes do not bubble during baking.

Bake in the oven at 220 degrees until golden brown. It's about 5 minutes. When removing from the oven, the cakes must be carefully folded. The pieces remaining after trimming the cakes must be fried in the oven until brown. This will be the powder.

Now let's start. The yolks are again separated from the proteins and rubbed with sugar.

Put 3 tablespoons of flour in a bowl and dilute with 2 cups of milk. You need to stir very well so that there are no lumps at all.

Mix the yolks grated with sugar with the milk-flour mixture and mix well again. The mixture should turn out like liquid flowing sour cream. If the mixture is too thick, add a little more milk.

Boil the remaining milk and pour the prepared mixture into the boiling milk. Boil, stirring constantly. As soon as the cream is brewed, immediately remove from heat. When removed from heat, add to custard- butter and vanillin. Mix well.

Lubricate the finished cakes with plenty of cream, laying them one on one.

Grind the fried pieces to fine crumbs (either with a rolling pin or a blender). And sprinkle the topmost layer of Napoleon with this powder. In order for Napoleon to acquire his real taste, it should soak-infuse for 6-8 hours.

cake napoleon recipe with photo classic

Cake Napoleon recipe puff


  1. puff pastry - 500 g;
  2. sugar - 130-150 g;
  3. vanilla sugar- 5-10 g;
  4. eggs (yolks) - 3 pcs.;
  5. milk - 450 ml;
  6. flour - 3 tbsp. l. without a slide.

Having in the bins a semi-finished dough and a simple set of familiar products, it is easy to bake the famous Napoleon cake in a simplified interpretation. Light custard and neutral-tasting puff cakes go well together and give an amazing result.

products for puff Napoleon

Once the dough has been defrosted, it is laid out on a floured work surface. Lightly rolled out, cut into equal squares, rectangles or traditional cakes - the shape of the future cake is chosen independently. The main thing is that in total you get at least 6 blanks. Each rolled sheet around the entire perimeter is pierced with a fork.

defrosted puff pastry and prepare

Having shifted to a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment, the puff pastry is baked at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. If you use two baking sheets at once, all the cakes can be baked in one or two approaches.

bake in the oven

Simultaneously proceed to. Having got rid of proteins, the yolks are combined with regular and vanilla sugar - mixed.

grind the yolks and sugar

Then the flour is mixed in.

add flour to the yolks

Bringing to a boil, pour milk in small portions - mix again, achieving a homogeneous consistency.

add milk in small amounts

The mixture is poured into a heat-resistant container and returned to the fire.

mix constantly stirring put on fire

Stir vigorously and bring to a thickening, cool. Custard is ready!

bring to the desired thickness and cool

Baked puff cakes are also cooled.

cool the baked cakes

One cake is broken by hand or crushed with a rolling pin, getting a slide of thin plates of different sizes and shapes for sprinkling "Napolenon".

one cake is needed for sprinkling Napoleon

Already warm or cold cream is smeared with each flour preparation.

grease the cakes with warm cream

Having put the cakes in a "pile", they generously coat the board and sprinkle it thickly with crushed crumbs on all sides. The next 6-8 hours the cake is soaked in the refrigerator.

put the smeared cakes in a pile

For lovers of a fatter, high-calorie baking option, softened butter is added to the already prepared custard and mixed until smooth. This same recipe offers a Napoleon cake with a silky, fine texture and delicate aroma vanilla.

layer cake Napoleon

Such a puff Napoleon cake without yeast dough much faster and easier than classic version prescription. Since the dough is completely ready, you do not need to knead it and roll it out for a long time. Napoleon I make with delicious custard in milk. If desired, the cream can be replaced with the one that you like best.

Not everyone and not always has a lot of free time to prepare a cake for the holiday. Therefore, in my opinion, quick recipes should be in every hostess. And even the simplest and most well-known cake can be diversified, for example, by adding chopped bananas to it, which will only make it tastier. Napoleon cake according to the recipe from ready-made puff pastry will not leave you indifferent, and even a beginner can cope with cooking. Try this dessert and you will be satisfied.


  • Yeast-free puff pastry - 1500 g
  • Milk - 500 ml
  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 100 g

Servings: 12

European cuisine

Cake baking time: 15 minutes

Cooking method: in the oven

Calories: 336 kcal per 100 g

How to cook Napoleon from ready-made puff pastry

Making a Napoleon cake from ready-made puff pastry is as easy as shelling pears and the good news is that you don’t have to spend time kneading the dough. I take puff yeast-free dough, in a pack of 4 sheets, for a cake I need 6 leaves, that is, 1.5 packs. I immediately take it out of the package and leave it to defrost.

Sprinkle the work surface with flour, put the dough on it and roll it out a little. Next, I put a plate on it and cut out a circle with a knife.

I put a sheet of parchment on a baking sheet, carefully lay out the cut out circles on top. We also put the pieces that are left from the circle to bake, they will still come in handy. Then I make cuts on all the cakes so that they do not swell and bake well.

I put them to bake in the oven, at a temperature of 200 degrees, for 15-20 minutes, depending on your oven and the thickness of the rolled cakes.

I bake all 6 cakes in the same way. It is not necessary to make the cake round, you can make it rectangular, it will be larger and you won’t have to cut so much.

I break the scraps that are baked into small pieces or grind them with a blender, which will only speed up the process.

Now I'm making the custard for the cake. It's pretty easy to prepare. I take the butter out of the refrigerator beforehand so that it melts. Pour sugar, flour into a saucepan with a thick bottom and beat in an egg.

Mix the added ingredients well to get a homogeneous mixture.

Then I begin to pour in the milk a little at a time, stirring all the time.

When the mass is mixed, I put it on medium heat.

As soon as the cream boils, remove it from the heat and leave to cool. If you like a very well-soaked cake, then feel free to make a double portion of the cream.

The longer the cream cools, the thicker it becomes. In order for it to cool down faster, I put it in cold water. In principle, the cream can be left as it is and nothing else is added to it, but since I want to show you a classic recipe, I need to finish it a little more.

In a bowl with already melted butter, add a couple of tablespoons of cooled cream and mix.

Thus, I got a delicious Napoleon custard from ready-made puff pastry. If you take not oil, but a vegetable-cream mixture, you will get a cream with the same small flakes as mine. It does not affect the taste in any way, but the appearance of course is not ideal for him.

After that, I proceed to the formation of dessert. I put the bottom cake on a tray or dish, coat it with cream, then skin again, and so on until the end.

Napoleon from puff pastry with custard is almost ready. Now I take the chopped scraps and sprinkle them on the top and sides of the cake.

And finally, I put Napoleon from puff yeast-free dough in the refrigerator so that it soaks. This will take 12 hours. From such a test you can make, the preparation of which will take you a minimum of time. Bon Appetit!

At the request of the workers, today I went non-stop - I was preparing Napoleon cake, beloved by many. I can’t say that this is a classic cake recipe, but it’s the one that turns out the most delicious Napoleon(for our family, of course). Quick puff pastry and custard Ice cream - a fabulous combination that you fall in love with once and for all!

Traditionally, the Napoleon cake is prepared with custard and in this regard, I did not deviate from the original. But in addition, butter is added to it (many hostesses do this, right?) And whipped heavy cream- the highlight of the custard Plombir. It really tastes like melted ice cream from our childhood.

The finished homemade Napoleon cake is impressive both in size and weight. 20 centimeters in diameter, 10 centimeters in height - a whole 1 kilogram 850 grams amazing dessert. Such a cake is definitely enough for a large and friendly company, so do not be lazy - cook Napoleon for the Old New Year.


Quick puff pastry:

Custard Plombir:

Cooking step by step with photos:

I propose to break down the necessary for cooking homemade cake Napoleon products into 2 parts: for dough and for cream. First, let's start preparing a quick puff pastry, for which we need the following ingredients: premium wheat flour (specified total weight including flour for rolling), butter (at least 72% fat), ice-cold drinking water, egg(I have a large one, with a net weight of about 55 grams), table 9% vinegar and a little fine salt to balance the taste. I never use margarine or spread instead of butter when making cakes, as well as in general these products in my kitchen!

Then add 150 milliliters of ice (very cold) water to the egg mixture. You can navigate by the volume of the glass - add so much water that literally 5 millimeters are left to the edge. Again, mix everything thoroughly with a fork and put the glass in the refrigerator.

You can knead such puff pastry both in a bowl (I prefer it in a bowl) and on a work surface. Sift 570 grams of premium wheat flour into a suitable bowl to loosen it and remove possible debris.

Then we cut 400 grams of butter directly into flour, which should be not just from the refrigerator, but directly from the freezer. Some hostesses prefer to grind butter on coarse grater, but I prefer to chop it with a knife. I must say right away that I don’t make quick puff pastry in a food processor, so I’m not responsible for the result.

First, cut the butter quite large, after which we try to chop it as finely as possible. The size of the pieces of butter is desirable that they be no larger than hazelnuts.

In about 10 minutes (if you try, you can do it faster) butter with wheat flour will turn into such an oily crumb. Outwardly, it will not look like a crumb, but like small pounded pieces of butter in flour.

Then transfer the contents of the bowl to the work surface. You see, the test still seems far away, but it's not at all.

We work quickly and accurately, preventing the oil from overheating from the heat of the hands. With palms, quickly collect large crumbs into a ball. Do not knead for a long time, do not try to achieve smoothness and uniformity - here they are not only not needed, but contraindicated! If you mix such puff pastry, products from it will not turn out layered. If you feel that the dough does not want to stick together, add a little more ice water. I always use Lida flour, so I know how much is needed for each specific recipe, and you should focus on yours. As soon as the crumb has gathered in a lump, form a rectangle or sausage out of it so that it is convenient to cut it into pieces.

Using a knife or scraper, cut the dough into 8-12 pieces (I have 11) so that they are approximately the same size. I deliberately did not weigh them, so I can not say the exact weight. The number of pieces of dough depends on the desired diameter of the future Napoleon cake.

Quickly and quickly we crush the pieces of dough, giving them a more or less rounded shape. We tighten cling film and send the blanks to the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. During this time, the butter will harden and it will be more convenient to work with the chilled dough.

While the quick puff pastry is cooling, let's prepare the custard for the Napoleon cake. Products needed for this: milk of any fat content (I used 2.5%), cream (30-33% fat content), butter (at least 72% fat content), granulated sugar and vanilla sugar (I have homemade), medium chicken egg size and cornstarch. All possible substitutions I will write in the course of the recipe.

In a separate container, combine 200 grams of granulated sugar, 2 tablespoons vanilla sugar(I have a home natural vanilla), 40 grams of cornstarch and 1 chicken egg. You can flavor the custard with vanilla, natural vanilla, or vanilla extract - use what you have in your kitchen. Corn starch Of course, it is better not to replace, but if there is nowhere to take it, use potato or wheat flour.

When the milk almost boils, we begin to gradually pour it into the egg mass. It is important not to rush and pour it in a thin stream, while constantly actively stirring the contents of the bowl. If hot milk is poured in quickly and immediately, the eggs may curdle.

Gradually, the mixture will become thicker and eventually begin to gurgle - the cream has boiled. Be sure to boil it on the quietest fire for about a minute after boiling, if we use wheat flour (such cooking helps to remove the characteristic mealy taste).

The result is a very tasty, tender, fragrant, smooth and thick custard. oil cream. Of course, if you wish, you can add less butter or not add it at all, but believe me, the taste of the cream will be different, and much more so. In addition, this amount of puff pastry is designed specifically for this layout of products for cream, so the exclusion of butter or cream will lead to an increase in the rest of the products for making custard.

To cool the custard for the Napoleon cake, transfer it to a separate bowl. You see, the relief remains, so the cream turned out to be thick.

We cover the cream with a piece of cling film or a new bag back to back - this is necessary so that during the cooling process a crust does not form on the surface. Let it cool down first room temperature, after which you can put the cream in the refrigerator or take it out to the balcony.

If you are very tired, rest a little, after which we will continue to work with the dough. I bake puff pastries on a Teflon mat (I have 2 of them), but a silicone mat or parchment paper. At this stage, we need the remaining Wheat flour(in fact, the less the better): 70 grams was enough for me to roll out the dough, and you should be guided by your experience. I rolled out the blanks right on the rug, and you can on a piece of parchment. Sprinkle it with flour, flatten a piece of dough with the palm of your hand, roll in flour.

The diameter of the workpiece depends solely on your desire, but keep in mind that during the baking process, the puff cake shrinks by a couple of centimeters. Next, you need to cut the layer to get an even circle. Personally, it is most convenient for me to do this with the help of a culinary ring - I made exactly 20 centimeters in diameter (ready-made puff cakes were 17.5-18 cm). Alternatively, you can cut the dough with a pot or pan lid, as well as a regular plate and knife.

In any case, you should get an even circle and not a large number of trimmings, which we collect from each piece of dough into a separate lump. Be sure to prick the dough with a fork so that during the baking process it does not swell and turn into a ball.

We bake the puff pastry until a beautiful pale golden color. Exact time baking in this recipe, I will not tell you, as well as the temperature in the oven. I only note that the oven must be well warmed up! It is very important to understand that the baking time can be very different from that indicated in the recipe: it depends not only on the oven (I have a gas oven, but you can have an electric one), but also on its nature. My baking conditions: temperature 250 degrees, lower heating. There is no simultaneous top-bottom mode in my Hephaestus stove, and there is no talk of convection. I baked each cake for 5 minutes on each side: since the top of the oven does not turn on at the same time as the bottom, the surface of the cake turns out to be pale. It is important that the workpiece is completely baked, layered, crispy and crumbly.

Thus, we prepare all the cakes - in the end I got 12 pieces (11 prepared pieces plus another full-fledged one from scraps). It is very convenient to do this at the same time: while one cake is baking, we roll out the second and so on. In the end, I already got the hang of it and rolled out the dough faster than it baked. By the way, you can bake such cake layers in advance, cool them completely, then wrap them tightly with cling film and store in a dry place for 2-3 days.

We collect those scraps that remain even after rolling out 12 cakes in a lump, roll it out and bake it in the same way, only we make the cake a little rosier, trying to dry it properly. We will need it later for sprinkling homemade Napoleon cake.

While the puff cakes are completely cooling, we will finish preparing the ice cream cream. The custard with butter had already cooled and thickened even more - I deliberately scooped it up with a spoon to show the consistency.

In order for whipped cream to intervene better and faster, we beat the custard for a short time (literally half a minute) with a mixer.

Cake Napoleon is one of the most beloved treats of millions of people. Have you ever wondered why this dessert got such a name?

And does the famous Napoleon Bonaparte have anything to do with this? In search of an answer, we came across a variety of versions. According to one of them, Emperor Bonaparte was a great admirer of female beauty. And after Josephine witnessed him whispering with one of the maids, the emperor came up with a rather strange story that it suddenly dawned on him, and he invented unique recipe dessert, which he told the maid.
According to another version, on the occasion of the centenary of the Battle of Borodino, Moscow confectioners prepared a completely new dessert. It was a puff pastry cake with custard. Such a cake had the shape of a cocked hat worn by Napoleon Bonaparte. That is why the Napoleon cake got its name.

It is difficult to say which version is more plausible. One thing is known for sure that the Napoleon cake recipe has come a long way before coming to us.

By the way, desserts with the same name can be found in cafes and pastry shops in many countries, especially in Norway, Sweden and Germany.

Let's take a look at some Napoleon cake recipes.

Cake Napoleon classic recipe

Before considering how to make a Napoleon cake, it should be noted that the classic Napoleon cake recipe contains oil in the ingredients. However, many housewives believe that the classic Napoleon cake recipe should contain margarine. V this case, the cakes are thinner.

Also, considering the classic Napoleon cake recipe, it should be noted that the classic Napoleon cake is made from puff pastry. However, this takes quite a lot of time. Therefore, at present, there are other, lighter versions of the classic Napoleon cake recipe. But we will not look for easy ways, and we will analyze the real classic Napoleon cake recipe. In order to bake a classic Napoleon cake, we take:

For test:

  • 500 grams of flour
  • 2 packs of butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • A pinch of salt
  • 300 - 350 ml of water.

For cream:

  • 800 ml milk
  • 3 eggs
  • A little sugar
  • 150 grams of butter
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • Vanillin to taste.

Recipe classic cake Napoleon:

First, let's prepare the dough for the classic Napoleon cake. Sift flour into a bowl. Mix the egg with water (about 1 cup). Pour into bowl with flour. Adding lemon juice, salt and a glass of water. kneading elastic dough. After we form a ball from the dough, sprinkle it with flour and cover polyethylene film. We leave for 15 - 20 minutes.

At this time, combine the softened butter with 2 tablespoons of flour. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Next, take out the butter and cut into thin slices.

Lay out the slices in the form of a rectangle. Put the dough for the classic Napoleon cake on top. Roll out the rectangle and fold it 4 times. Put in the refrigerator for 20 - 30 minutes.

After that, roll out the dough again and fold it 4 times again. We send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes. We repeat the procedure 2 more times. The dough is ready.

Now let's make the cream. To do this, beat the eggs with sugar, add flour, a little milk and mix until a smooth mixture is obtained. Bring the rest of the milk to a boil. Then pour in the prepared mixture. Cook over low heat until thickened. After that, add vanilla. We cool the cream. As soon as the cream has cooled, we introduce softened butter. We beat.

We divide the dough for the classic Napoleon cake into 6 - 8 equal parts. We roll each part thinly, pierce with a fork so that the cakes do not swell. We bake cakes in the same way as if we were cooking.

We generously coat the cooled cakes with cream. We remove the Napoleon cake in the refrigerator for impregnation.

The traditional Napoleon cake recipe is quite complex and time-consuming. Cook Napoleon Cake classic recipe Not every hostess can do it. That is why we propose to consider simplified recipe Napoleon cake. Preparing such a dessert is no more difficult than, for example, making.

Napoleon with custard

We already know that homemade Napoleon cake is made from puff pastry. Make puff pastry quite difficult on its own.

We offer you a simplified version of how to make a Napoleon cake. It will be a Napoleon cake with custard. So let's consider step by step recipe Napoleon cake.


  • For the quick puff pastry:
  • 400 grams of chilled butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 150 ml cold water
  • 650 grams of flour
  • 3 tablespoons vodka or cognac
  • 1 tablespoon 9% vinegar
  • A pinch of salt.

For custard:

  • 7 egg yolks
  • 6 glasses of milk
  • 1 ½ - 2 ¼ cups sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanillin
  • 1 cup flour
  • 150 - 200 grams of butter.

How to cook Napoleon cake?

To prepare a Napoleon cake with custard, first you need to prepare puff pastry. Mix cold water, vinegar and vodka (or cognac). Beat eggs separately with salt. Mix both mixtures.

Ready dough divided into 12 equal parts. Roll each part into a ball and put in the refrigerator.

While the dough is cooling, make the Napoleon cake cream with custard. Beat egg yolks with sugar, add 50 ml of milk. After that, add flour. Add another 50 ml of milk. Heat the remaining milk in a saucepan, bring to a boil. Then pour in the egg mixture, stirring constantly. Bring to a boil, cook for 2-3 minutes. Then add butter and vanilla. Cool the custard at room temperature.

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius. Roll out each piece of dough. Bake the cakes for 5-7 minutes.

When all the cakes are ready, we begin to collect the Napoleon cake with custard. We put one cake, coat with cream, cover with a second cake, coat with cream, etc.

We put the finished Napoleon cake in the refrigerator and leave it for about 12 hours.

Napoleon cake recipe with condensed milk

Of course, the recipe for homemade Napoleon cake with custard is beyond competition. However, if you do not have enough time, you can make Napoleon cake with condensed milk. It's much easier and faster.

How to cook Napoleon cake with condensed milk?


  • For test:
  • 5 cups flour
  • 500 grams butter (cold)
  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 egg
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda slaked with vinegar
  • 1 sachet of vanilla.

For cream:

  • 300 grams of butter
  • 1 can of condensed milk.

Napoleon cake recipe with condensed milk:

Chop butter thinly. We combine with flour. Next, add water, egg, vanillin, soda and salt. We knead the dough. Roll the dough into a ball and refrigerate for 30 minutes. After that, take out the dough and divide it into 10 - 12 equal parts. We roll out each part and bake the cakes.

Now we are preparing the cream. To do this, mix the butter with condensed milk with a mixer.

We coat the cakes with cream. We put a tasty cake Napoleon in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours.

Layer cake Napoleon

We have already reviewed several Napoleon cake recipes. In all the above recipes, we baked the cakes ourselves.

However, you can still cook Napoleon puff cake in another way. Or rather, make a Napoleon cake from ready dough. The Napoleon puff cake recipe is as follows:


  • 500 grams of puff pastry
  • 700 ml milk
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 3 eggs
  • some flour
  • 1 sachet of vanillin
  • 2/3 cup sugar.

Cooking method:

To make a Napoleon cake from puff pastry, you need to make 4 cake layers. To do this, roll out the dough and divide it into 4 parts. We pierce each part of the dough with a fork and send it to the oven for 3-5 minutes.

Pour 550 ml of milk into a small saucepan. Add sugar and vanilla. Bring to a boil.

Separately, mix 150 ml of milk, eggs and flour. Pour the resulting mixture into the milk mixture. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add butter.

We coat the finished cakes with cream. We put the Napoleon cake from puff pastry in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Napoleon recipe in a frying pan

Here is another way to cook Napoleon Torah. This time we will make a napoleon cake in a pan.

In order to cook a Napoleon cake in a pan, we take:

  • 450 grams of flour
  • 350 grams of sugar
  • 300 grams of butter
  • 150 grams of margarine
  • 250 grams of milk
  • 2 - 3 eggs
  • 100 ml water
  • 1 sachet of vanilla.

How to cook a Napoleon cake in a pan:

To prepare a Napoleon cake in a pan, melt the margarine and mix it with water. Add flour and knead the dough. Divide the finished dough for the Napoleon cake in a pan into 12 parts and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

For the cream, you need to mix 100 ml of milk with three tablespoons of flour. Mix the remaining milk with 100 grams of sugar. Boil. Stir both mixtures. Mix the remaining sugar with eggs and vanilla. Add to milk mixture. At the very end, add butter to the cream.

Take the dough out of the refrigerator. After that, you can roll it out and start baking the Napoleon cake in a pan.

Each cake is baked in a pan for 30 seconds on both sides, placed on a plate and smeared with cream.

How to make cream for Napoleon cake?

Napoleon cake cream is perhaps the main component of this dessert. We have already considered ways to prepare custard for Napoleon cake. But there are also other creams for Napoleon cake.

If you want to do unusual dessert, then try instead of cream for a Napoleon cake, for example, or make it delicious. We will look at how to make cream for Napoleon cake from sour cream.


  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 200 grams of butter
  • ½ can of condensed milk
  • A little vanilla.

Cooking method:

Mix softened butter with condensed milk. Add sour cream and vanilla. Our Napoleon cake cream is ready.

We coat them with ready-made cakes, and send the cake to the refrigerator.

Napoleon cake

You can easily make a Napoleon cake from ready-made puff pastry according to this recipe. Napoleon from puff pastry is obtained quickly and easily, each piece

1 h 15 min

380 kcal

4.75/5 (53)

Kitchen appliances and utensils: oven, mixer, knife, spoon, fork, saucepan, deep bowl, glass, whisk.

According to the traditions of my family, it is always baked for the holidays. So, on the eve of my birthday, I discovered this fast, delicious, delicate cake "Napoleon" from store-bought puff pastry according to a recipe from her godfather, whose baking is quick and easy, each piece just melts in your mouth, and the aftertaste remains light and tender.

I have always wondered why this cake is called “Napoleon”. It turns out that there are many versions of the origin of the name and legends about the country in which this layer cake was invented.

For example, in Italy and France it is called millefeuille. And there is also a version that for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the expulsion of Napoleon from Russia, a new dessert was made - a puff pastry with cream, baked in the shape of a triangle? which was associated with the famous hat of Napoleon. Hungary has its own "Napoleon", pieces of which are served cut into squares of a fairly large size.

Required Products

For cream:

Cake Ingredients:

How to choose the right ingredients

Cake "Napoleon" can be prepared from ready-made puff yeast-free dough, as well as from the finished puff yeast dough- there is no significant difference, since each layer of the cake is smeared with cream. The difference between these types of dough is that yeast-free is drier, and yeast is more tender and rises better.

So, cooking a Napoleon cake with a store puff pastry: step by step recipe with photo.

Napoleon from ready-made puff pastry - step by step

1st stage test preparation

  • Packing of ready-made puff pastry, rectangular shape (2 packs of 500 g or 1 pack of 1 kg).

2nd stage cream preparation

  • Milk - 1 l.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs. (or 2 large ones).
  • Flour - 3 tablespoons.
  • Butter - 40 g.
  • Sugar - 1 cup or to taste
  • Cream (fatty) - 300 ml.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

I draw your attention, if you want to get a more even cake, do the following:

  • We coat 6 cakes, put 7 cakes without cream on top.
  • We put a dry, clean cutting board on top of it and put a load (a jar of water) for 10 minutes. The cake will look more even.
  • After we grease the top cake with cream and sprinkle with crumbs.

Cake from puff cakes Napoleon is ready! It can be eaten immediately - then it will be more crispy. And you can leave it to soak, it will become soft and will melt in your mouth!

The choice is yours. Bon Appetit!!!

How to make a Napoleon cake from puff pastry for a truly festive and author's? We show imagination and decorate cakes chocolate chips, fresh berries, chopped fruits, nuts, almond flakes, caramel decorations, etc.

Napoleon cake video

Below is a video from Alexander Seleznev, the king of desserts, where he tells how to quickly prepare the dough for the Napoleon cake himself, and demonstrates a caramel decor master class. Words cannot express - watch and enjoy!