Festive cake "Gentle Napoleon. How to decorate a Napoleon cake at home: sprinkle, cream, fruit, jelly, mastic

  • Prepare the ingredients. Sift flour. Put soft butter. Chop everything up to make crumbs. It is advisable to do this with your hands, then the crumb will be more homogeneous. Beat the egg with salt with a fork, pour water to make 250 milliliters of the mixture.
  • Mix butter crumbs with egg mixture. Knead elastic dough not sticky to hands. Cover with a towel or polyethylene, set aside for thirty minutes. It will be even more flexible. Divide the dough into approximately twelve pieces. Roll each part into a ball, cover with a towel. Take one ball at a time and roll it out thinly.
  • Place a round template on the resulting cake, for example, the bottom of a baking dish. Cut out. Make holes with a fork. You can trim the cakes after cooking so that the cake does not lose its shape. The dough is elastic and easy to roll out. Bake for about four minutes, keep the temperature at 200 degrees. The crust should take on a brown hue.
  • While cooking the first cake, roll out the others so that the process is continuous. Cooking cakes takes about forty minutes. When ready, put the shortbreads on top of each other. Prepare cream: combine eggs, flour, sugar. Beat with a whisk until smooth. Slowly pour in warm milk, mix well with a whisk. Cook the cream over medium heat, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps and it does not burn. Ready thick cream remove from fire, cool.
  • Beat soft butter, slowly add custard, beat until the cream is completely combined with the oil. Spread cakes with cream. Each time press the cake to the previous one. Decorate the cake Gentle Napoleon" optional. You can sprinkle the cake with coconut flakes, melted chocolate, or just sprinkle with crumbs, chopping one shortcake.

"Napoleon" is a favorite dessert of all families of the post-Soviet space. It was prepared for the holidays by our great-grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, sisters and daughters, and family recipes passed down from generation to generation in old housewife cookbooks.

The name of the cake recalls, of course, France, but this dessert was first invented in Russia. They say that the appearance of the recipe fell on 1912, when they celebrated the 100th anniversary of the victory over the French. It was then that the "Napoleon" had a triangular shape, which resembled the famous hat of the French ruler.

Today, "Napoleon" is made in various shapes and sizes, from large rectangular or square to small cakes. Also, classic recipes modernized and supplemented, so now they can be found in all sorts of different variations.

We present to your attention some of them.

How to cook Napoleon cake at home? Very simple. This will require a minimum simple ingredients, a little patience and the result will surprise you and your family in no time.

A simple recipe for the classic "Napoleon" with custard


For cakes:

  • 1 glass of milk
  • 5 cups flour
  • 400 grams of margarine

For cream:

  • 2.5 cups sugar
  • 3 yolks
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 0.5 cup flour
  • 250 grams of butter
  1. We start with the crust. Take 5 cups of flour, sift it onto a board and add chopped margarine. In order for it to mix well with flour, it must first be crushed into pieces with a knife.
  2. After mixing, take a knife and make small crumbs out of the mixture. Next, gradually add milk and knead the dough. It should be thick and not stick to your hands.
  3. The dough that turned out should be divided in half, and each part - into another 7 equal parts. Thus, you should have 14 cakes in the future.
  4. Roll each piece thinly with a rolling pin and place on a dry, clean baking sheet.
  5. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Bake each cake for 5-7 minutes until golden brown. They will become very brittle, so remove very carefully with a spatula or knife.
  6. If the cakes are not even in shape, the excess can be carefully cut off. Leftovers can be used as a topping, after grinding into crumbs.
  7. It's time to prepare the cream. In a bowl, grind the yolks (3 pcs), 3 tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of flour. Add some milk and stir.
  8. Bring half a liter of milk to a boil and add to the previous container to the sugar, flour and yolks. Boil and cool. In parallel, using a mixer, beat the butter with sugar, gradually add the cream there and beat with a mixer.
  9. The cream is ready. Now they should coat each cake. Optionally, when the cake is ready, cover the top cake without smearing with a wooden board and place a load on top. Let it brew in the refrigerator overnight, so all the cakes are soaked. But at the same time, there are people who like to eat "Napoleon" immediately, while it is still crispy.

Enjoy your meal!

Cake "Napoleon" in a pan

Before you start cooking the Napoleon cake in a pan, you should consider a few simple but important rules so that you do not run into problems during the cooking process:

  • A frying pan for baking cakes should be taken with a thick bottom. An old cast iron one is ideal, but if there is none, a modern thick one with a Teflon coating. These pans heat up slowly and distribute the heat evenly.
  • Be sure to grease the surface of the heated pan with butter before cooking each cake. But remember that you need to take it quite a bit.
  • When the cake is ready, cool the pan a little and wipe it with a dry cloth. This way will leave excess fat and lumps of dough. If this is not done, the next cake may burn.


For cakes:

  • 2.5 glasses wheat flour
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 3 eggs
  • Half a teaspoon of slaked soda

For cream:

  • 1 liter of milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 100 grams of butter
  • Vanilla to taste
Cooking progress:
  1. Let's start with a test. In a bowl, beat eggs with sugar, then add slightly melted soft butter, slaked soda and flour. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps - they will make the dough rougher.
  2. Cover bowl with dough cling film or with a clean cloth, leave for half an hour. This is a great time to make cream.
  3. Take eggs and grind with sugar. Add flour and pour it all over with milk room temperature.
  4. Put the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Add vanilla and remove from heat, let cool.
  5. Add the butter to the cream and stir it in with a whisk.
  6. The dough is infused. Divide it into 14 equal pieces, roll it thinly and bake in a pan. Fry the cakes very quickly - just a few minutes on each side.
  7. Spread each cake on a plate or board for the finished cake, smeared with cream.
  8. The top cake and walls should also be smeared with cream and decorated at your discretion: grated chocolate, chopped crumbs from cakes, cookies, nuts or even fruits.

Enjoy your meal!

Cake "Napoleon" from cookies

Such a cake is popularly called "lazy", since preparing cakes is a long and painstaking task.


  • 800 grams of puff pastry "Ears"
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 liter of milk
  • One and a half cups of sugar
  • 6 tablespoons flour
  • 150 grams of butter
  • Vanillin (at the tip of a knife)

How to cook "Napoleon" from cookies at home?

  1. In this recipe, you do not need to spend a lot of time and effort on preparing the basics - cakes, as they will be replaced by cookies. Therefore, let's start with a gentle cream. In a saucepan, mix milk, sugar, flour, eggs and vanilla. Place on heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Add butter and beat ready cream before homogeneous mass.
  2. Take a dish. Lay cookies on it in layers, first dipping each in cream. After the desired number of layers is ready, cover the cake with the remaining cream on top and sprinkle with crushed cookies for beauty.

Cake "Lazy Napoleon" is ready. From above, in addition to cookies, it can be covered with chocolate, fruit, marmalade, berries or grated wafer.

Napoleon cake cream

The main secret of the extraordinary taste of "Napoleon" is its delicate airy cream. There are several secrets and recipes for its preparation: dietary, custard, creamy and so on.

Custard for "Napoleon" - cooking at home

To prepare delicious cream for a cake that will remind you of childhood, you will need ingredients in the following proportions:

  • 2.5 cups sugar
  • 250 grams of butter
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 glass of milk
  • Half glass of flour

Cooking technology:

  1. Start with eggs. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks, take 3 yolks and rub thoroughly with 3 tablespoons of sugar.
  2. Add 3 tablespoons of flour to the mixture of sugar and yolks, mix, add a little milk and bring to a homogeneous mass.
  3. Take half a liter of milk, boil and add to the mass of sugar, flour and yolks. Bring it all to a boil while stirring.
  4. Beat the butter with 2 cups of sugar. Now, little by little, add the custard mass and beat each time until smooth with a mixer at medium speed.

Custard for "Napoleon" is ready!

Cognac cream recipe

Cognac will give the cream, and the cake as a whole, piquancy and a special pleasant aroma.


  • 6 egg yolks
  • 800 ml milk
  • 4 tablespoons flour
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 50 grams of butter
  • 1 teaspoon cognac
  • 10 grams vanilla sugar

Cooking technique:

  1. Take a bowl, pour sugar mixed with vanilla sugar into it. Next, add the sifted flour.
  2. Heat up the milk until it is warm. Add yolks, stir. Pour all this mixture into flour with sugar and mix until smooth without lumps.
  3. Put all this on a slow fire and bring to a boil. The cream will gradually thicken, so it should be constantly stirred. It will take about 15 minutes to cook on the fire. Then, the cream should cool down.
  4. Add butter and cognac. Beat it all with a mixer.

The cream is ready. Now they can grease the cakes.

Condensed milk cream recipe - homemade recipe

  • 200 grams of condensed milk (not boiled)
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 100 grams of butter
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar

Cooking process:

  1. In a saucepan, mix: milk, flour, sugar. Stir. If lumps appear, do not grind them thoroughly at this stage, after whipping with a mixer they will disappear on their own.
  2. Put the pan with all the contents on a slow fire, the cream will gradually thicken, so it should be stirred. It is very important not to overcook the cream, as it can burn and become bitter.
  3. After the cream has cooled, add butter and condensed milk to it. Beat everything with a mixer.

White chocolate cream


  • 250 grams of milk
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 2.5 cups flour
  • 200 grams of white chocolate
  • 100 grams of butter
Cooking progress:
  1. Sugar, flour, milk - mix and bring to a boil over low heat. Remember to stir constantly so that the cream does not burn.
  2. As soon as the cream thickens, remove from heat and add chopped chocolate. Stir, cover the container and let it cool.
  3. Add butter and beat with a mixer. Cream for "Napoleon" with white chocolate is ready!

You can experiment with cream for the cake. For example, add a spoonful of liquor or rum, cognac or cinnamon to it. Also, you can add lemon grated on a fine grater - the taste will be unexpectedly pleasant, and the color of the cream will be brilliant.

How to decorate a cake in an original way

Most housewives do not even realize that cakes can be decorated not only with expensive and complex confectionery delights. Improvised tools and a little imagination will make your Napoleon a real work of art, and all this will be very easy to do.

Decorating the cake with chocolate chips or cocoa

Take cocoa powder or a bar of chocolate, ideally black, grate it on a fine grater. This can be sprinkled on top of the cake over the entire plane, or you can use a special figured stencil, which can be easily purchased at the store.

Decoration "Napoleon" with fruits and berries

Here the flight of fantasy will be unlimited - no prohibitions and limits. Suitable for decorating a cake fresh fruits, and canned. They can be laid out in the form of various patterns, inscriptions, geometric shapes or flowers. Seasonal fruits and berries are perfect, so the cake will look relevant and original, and decorations will be easy to buy in markets or supermarkets and are not afraid for their freshness.

Decoration with edible beads, cream, confectionery sprinkles

If you want to surprise your guests or family with professionalism in decoration, you can buy various ready-made decorations in the store: sugar flowers, multi-colored confectionery beads and sprinkles that will make your cake as bright as possible.

Decoration with sweets, candied fruit and marmalade

Such confectionery love not only children, but also adults. To beautifully decorate "Napoleon", you should first stock up on various elements: candied fruits from a variety of fruits, nuts, small sweets, marmalade in the form of orange and lemon slices. Next, lay it out the way you want.

Meringue for decoration

You can cook it yourself, or buy it in the store - there are hundreds of options! But remember that it does not get wet - put it on the cake just before serving.

  • To make the cake layers tender, fluffy and crispy, choose only the highest grade flour. Even before preparing the dough, it is advisable to sift several times.
  • Butter or margarine is a very important ingredient. It should be taken at room temperature and high fat content. Then the cakes will be tender and resistant when rolling.
  • Do not take warm ingredients for kneading the dough. It is better to take everything from the refrigerator so that the dough does not “float”. Moreover, it must be kneaded quickly, because the heat of the hands is transferred very quickly.
  • Cakes should be rolled out to a thickness of 1-2 millimeters with a rolling pin in one direction.
  • A pot lid will help you make cakes with smooth edges. Use it as a markup, and cut off the excess with a knife. Excess dough should not be thrown away - it is suitable for decorating the last cake.
  • If your family loves soft Napoleon, the cakes must first be soaked in cream. To do this, put the finished cake all night in the refrigerator. If they prefer a crispy cake, it should be lubricated immediately before serving.
  • Cakes can also be made with beer. With its addition, the dough will become even lighter and more bubbly. Don't worry about any beer or yeast flavors left behind - they will all go away during baking. For such a test, you need 2/3 cup of light beer.
  • If you like a fragrant cream, add a little honey to it. Thus, you will get a "Napoleon" with a hint of honey.
  • For decoration, you can take the most different ingredients: fruits, candied fruits, berries, marmalade, nuts or cookies. Also, finely grated chocolate or cocoa powder is suitable.
  • Often, "Napoleon" is not decorated with a large number of different decorative elements, since it is puff air cake, and should not be overloaded with a massive top.

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Photo: at the request of Yandex and Google

The classic "Napoleon" is decorated with crumbs left after leveling the edges of the cake. They are evenly scattered over the top cake. If desired, they can be crushed to a state of powder.

If there are few crumbs left from the uneven edges of the cake, you can sprinkle the top cake powdered sugar, and lay out the outline of the cake with crumbs. If you wish, you can complicate the decoration as follows - you need to cut out a drawing from paper, place it on the upper cake already sprinkled with powdered sugar, and sprinkle the uncovered areas of the cake with cocoa powder. The cake will turn out exquisite and unusual.

Cake "Napoleon" can be decorated with grated chocolate. It is recommended to use white grated chocolate. In addition, you can create patterns on the top layer of the cake with two types of chocolate, as described earlier.

Whipped cream can also be used as a cake garnish. They are applied along the edge with a wavy line or squeezed out in separate curls that look like meringue. If the cake is served to the table in a cut form and on separate saucers, you can squeeze a little whipped cream on each piece of cake, and decorate with a cherry on top.

The most avant-garde way to decorate a Napoleon cake is to put berries, such as raspberries and blueberries, on top of the last cake of dough. It is not necessary to create some kind of drawing here, the main thing is that the berries fill all the space on the cake. This method of decoration, of course, is far from the classics, and is not suitable for everyone. Therefore, if you want to decorate Napoleon with berries, you can cut four strawberries lengthwise, place them in the center of the cake, as if marking sectors, and fill the rest of the space with dough crumbs.

The taste of Napoleon cake is associated with childhood and family celebrations. Gentle cream, soaked cakes and a successful combination of ingredients have kept dessert fans for decades. Often its decoration does not take much time. The cake is sprinkled with crushed leftovers from the cakes. If you think this option is boring, you dream of decorating the Napoleon cake in such a way that its design is memorable and bright.

Napoleon cake decorations with toppings

A cake sprinkled with crumbs is considered classic version. It comes out dry on top, so it's easy to transport. When learning how to decorate a Napoleon cake, take into account the ideas suggested by professional pastry chefs:

  1. Golden topping - do not bake the last portion of the dough in the shape of a cake, but simply dry it strongly in the oven, then roll it out with a rolling pin. Do not strive to give the crumbs the same small size. Pieces can be quite large. Sprinkle the surface thickly smeared with cream with the resulting crumb. Everything superfluous will disappear, and the crumb stuck to the cake is lightly pressed with your hands. Ideally, there should be no areas of open cream.
  2. Powdered Crumbs - If all the portions of the dough have been used for baking cakes, and there are very few remaining crumbs, use a combination with powdered. Decorate the top with powdered sugar, use the crumbs to decorate the sides.
  3. Stencil - using a simple pattern, it is easy to decorate a dessert for a birthday. It can be an inscription, a simple drawing. The material used is grated chocolate, powder, coconut flakes, crushed nuts, candied fruits. Attach to ready cake sprinkled with crumbs, a pre-prepared stencil, fill in the gaps with the prepared decor.

The key to success when decorating a cake at home is the right cream. AT traditional recipes custard is used, sometimes with the addition of condensed milk, sour cream. It is very important to ensure that it has the correct consistency, not to make it too liquid.

Napoleon cake decoration with cream

Usage cream jewelry will make the dessert elegant, refined. The cake will look beautiful, it will not be a shame to serve it for an anniversary, another celebration. Like sprinkles, decorating a Napoleon cake with cream involves several options:

  1. Whipped cream - skilled housewives know that this method is the fastest. It is enough to whip the cream until the density of sour cream and use a pastry bag to put patterns on the surface of the cake. Professionals recommend using cream with more than 33% fat content. Before starting cooking, cool not only the material, but also the dishes that you plan to use to prepare the decor. To prevent the cream from turning into butter, it is worth starting to beat them at medium speed of the mixer, gradually increasing the speed.
  2. Butter cream is also great for decorating a cake. If the composition contains only oil, the cream will turn out to be heavy, too greasy. If condensed milk is used as a filling, decorations will be lighter and more airy. Condensed milk can be added raw, boiled.
  3. Protein cream - a dense, weightless mass of whipped proteins
    you can decorate the cake by making an inscription on it, creating fancy flowers. The cream can remain snow-white or be tinted in different colors. Get perfect option easy, adding liquid dyes drop by drop, without ceasing to beat the whites. A little starch and flour will help make the mass thicker. Patterns on the surface of the dessert are laid out using a special syringe.
  4. Chocolate is an ingredient that cannot spoil any sweet dish. For decoration, you can use bitter, White chocolate. Moreover, the latter is preferable, since we are used to the light shades of our favorite cake. Chocolate can be melted, grated, combined with nuts, fruits.

Decorating a Napoleon cake is too pompous and pompous. Baby remains traditional option, which allows you to focus on the taste of the dessert. If you plan to turn an ordinary dessert into a masterpiece culinary arts, just turn on your imagination and create based on the preferences of your guests.

Shortbread Cake Prepare the dough in the same way as for the shortbread cake (see page 295). Divide the dough into three parts, roll each part into a round cake or square of the same size, about 1 cm thick. Put the cakes on a sheet and bake in the oven. Let the finished cakes cool down a little, and then place one cake on a dish, put a layer of jam or marmalade on it, spread it.

Recipe - Salmon and Red Caviar Snack Cake

Snack cake of salmon and red caviar Grind the yolks with salt and, continuing to grind, gradually add alternately a salted spoonful of flour - a tablespoon of sour cream until all the flour and sour cream are rubbed. Beat the whites into a dense foam and carefully mix with the finished mass, stirring with a spoon from top to bottom. Put in a tall dish or a low pan, greased with oil (cover the bottom with oiled paper.

Cake "Napoleon" Chop margarine with flour. Separately, stir the egg with a spoon table vinegar and a glass cold water. Continuing to chop the dough, gradually add this liquid mixture to it. Knead the dough well and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes. Then divide the dough into 10 parts. Roll each part as thin as possible, prick with a fork and bake in the oven. Lubricate the cakes with cream and decorate on top.

Recipe - Lemon Butter Cake

Lemon Butter Cake Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Grind the lemon peel, add it to the mixture, then the eggs one at a time. Grind the lemon peel, add it to the mixture, then add the flour and salt. Divide the mixture evenly between two well-oiled tins. Bake at 180°C for 25-30 minutes. Share.

Recipe - Orange Cream Cake

cream cake with orange Grind butter with sugar until light airy consistency. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Grind the orange peel, add it to the mixture, add flour and salt together. Divide the mixture evenly between two well-oiled tins. Bake at 180°C for 25-30 minutes. Put on a wire rack and cool. Beat butter until light airy.

Recipe - Coffee Cream Pie

Coffee Cream Pie Butter a cake pan and line it with grease paper. Mix sugar and butter, rub until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Gradually beat in the eggs, along with the last egg, add 1 tablespoon of flour. Pour the rest of the flour, mix and put the mixture into the prepared pan. Bake in the oven at a fairly high temperature incl.

Salad - cake 4 boiled eggs, 3 apples, 1 onion, 1 can of sardines in oil (or any other fish), 50g butter, 100g cheese, 200g mayonnaise and 2 tablespoons sour cream for dressing, salt to taste, 1 pomegranate for decoration.

Hercules Cake Dough: 3 eggs, 3/5 cup sugar, 3 tablespoons hot water, 1/2 cup flour, 1 cup fried in butter Hercules flakes, 1 tablespoon cocoa, 1 teaspoon baking powder.

Cake "Raisin" Dough: 1/2 cup sugar, 4 eggs, 100 g raisins, 50 g nuts, 3 tablespoons cocoa.

Decorate "Napoleon" in a special way

Popular for many decades, the Napoleon cake is loved by many for its delicate moisture of cakes, milky taste creams and a good combination of ingredients. The cake is usually not decorated in a special way - they sprinkle it with crumbs from the same cakes that were prepared for the product, and that's it. But what if Napoleon is baked for a birthday or even a wedding? Indeed, in this case, it should be not only tasty, but also solemnly beautiful.

The classic version of the design of the "Napoleon" is sprinkling it with crumbs left over from the cakes. The simplest and fast way. A cake with this design is dry on top, suitable for transportation.

  1. Roll out the last piece of dough when baking cakes, but do not cut a round or square cake out of it. Just put it on a baking sheet and dry well - stronger than other cakes, until dark golden brown. Put the cooled piece of dough on the surface (table, board) and roll it out with a rolling pin. You should get crumbs of different sizes. Do not try to turn the cake into powder, even if large enough pieces come across. Both the sides and the top of the cake are sprinkled with this crumb, the excess falls off on its own, and the remaining sprinkle is pressed with your hands. Ideally, there should be no uncovered areas and drops of cream on the surface.
  2. Sprinkle + powder. If there are very few crumbs, you can combine them with powdered sugar. The whole cake is smeared with cream, the top is sprinkled with powdered sugar, and the sides with crumbs. You can also make small borders on top of the cake from the sprinkles.
  3. Stencil. On the surface of the Napoleon cake, using a stencil, you can create almost any pattern - New Year's, birthday greetings, children's, and so on. This will require dark grated chocolate or powdered sugar. On a surface sprinkled with crumbs, a prepared stencil is carefully laid out in the center and sprinkled with grated chocolate or powder.
  4. As a topping, you can also use grated chocolate, both white and dark, finely crushed nuts (hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, peanuts), coconut flakes or a special confectionery topping.

Cream decoration of the famous "Napoleon" is also used by housewives quite often. Decorated in this way, "Napoleon" looks more festive, elegant. This is especially important if it is baked for a reason, but for a birthday or anniversary.

There are several options for decorating with cream:

  1. The fastest way is to whip the cream and use a bag with a nozzle to squeeze roses, stripes or zigzags onto the surface of the cake. Cream for this is recommended to use with a fat content of at least 33%. Before whipping, both the cream and the dishes into which you will pour them are cooled. It is important not to "kill" the cream so that it does not turn into butter. To do this, set the mixer to medium speed and increase it gradually.
  2. Using a syringe, you can create voluminous jewelry using an oil cream. Purely oily - too oily, for an amateur. But the cream with the addition of condensed milk is what you need to decorate the Napoleon. It is less high-calorie, light, airy. Condensed milk can be used both raw and boiled.
  3. Protein cream is a snow-white mass, from which it is very easy to make even the most bizarre flowers and patterns. It can remain pure white or be tinted with food coloring. Use only liquid dyes, adding them to the cream one drop at a time and constantly whisking it. The secret of a delicious and lush protein cream is the cooling of proteins, high-quality whipping. You can always make the cream thicker by adding a thickener or a little starch. The mass is transferred to a syringe or bag and the patterns and flowers you need are squeezed out on the surface of the Napoleon cake.
  4. Chocolate cream. Chocolate, probably, cannot spoil any cake or dessert. Moreover, you can use both white and bitter in Napoleon. Even white is preferable, because we are all used to the light shade of the classic version of the cake. Chocolate can be added to the cream melted, grated or replaced with cocoa powder. From melted chocolate on the surface of the cake, covered with white icing, you can make a "cobweb" or just chaotic stripes.

Less common options for decorating the Napoleon cake (but you should definitely try them):

  1. Berries and fruits. The dough in the product is quite dense, elastic. It is not customary to decorate a cake with fruits, but you can try it. In this case, the surface of the product must be smeared with a sticky coating - icing, jam or cream - and put on top of the slices of fruit and berries.
  2. Adding colors and flavors. Multi-colored creams are also rarely used in decoration. Most often, if oil is used for decoration or protein cream, the color is left natural - white, yellowish. You can lightly tint it with cocoa powder or brewed instant coffee. These mixtures will give the cream a pleasant beige shade, quite natural.
  3. As flavorings, you can use liqueurs (they should not be too liquid), essences, vanilla sugar, lemon zest.
  4. Topping can also be replaced with store-bought pastries: cookies, waffles, biscuit cakes. It is enough to grind it all into crumbs and cover the surface of the cake so that it has a finished look.
  5. It is also not customary to gel fruits on a cake, although you can try this option as an experiment. First, spread the last cake layer with cream, put it in the cold so that it hardens slightly. After that, put fruit slices on it and fill it with cooled jelly - store-bought or cooked, put it in the refrigerator.
  6. You can cover "Napoleon" with mastic. The surface and sides of the cake are usually very uneven, so they need to be leveled before wrapping. To do this, use a mixture of biscuit crumbs and butter cream. Take a store-bought biscuit (you can even use soft cookies), crumble and mix with cream based on condensed milk and butter. The mixture should be homogeneous, thick, without large crumbs. Spread the whole cake with a thick layer, put it in the cold, take it out and go over the product again with a hot knife. After the “putty” has hardened, it will be possible to cover the cake with mastic.

Napoleon cake decoration

The taste of Napoleon cake is associated with childhood and family celebrations. Delicate cream, soaked cakes and a successful combination of ingredients have kept dessert fans for decades. Often its decoration does not take much time. The cake is sprinkled with crushed leftovers from the cakes. If you think this option is boring, you dream of decorating the Napoleon cake in such a way that its design is memorable and bright.

Napoleon cake decorations with toppings

A cake sprinkled with crumbs is considered a classic option. It comes out dry on top, so it's easy to transport. When learning how to decorate a Napoleon cake, take into account the ideas suggested by professional pastry chefs:

  1. Golden topping - do not bake the last portion of the dough in the shape of a cake, but simply dry it strongly in the oven, then roll it out with a rolling pin. Do not strive to give the crumbs the same small size. Pieces can be quite large. Sprinkle the surface thickly smeared with cream with the resulting crumb. Everything superfluous will disappear, and the crumb stuck to the cake is lightly pressed with your hands. Ideally, there should be no areas of open cream.
  2. Powdered Crumbs - If all the portions of the dough have been used for baking cakes, and there are very few remaining crumbs, use a combination with powdered. Decorate the top with powdered sugar, use the crumbs to decorate the sides.
  3. Stencil - using a simple pattern, it is easy to decorate a dessert for a birthday. It can be an inscription, a simple drawing. The material used is grated chocolate, powder, coconut flakes, chopped nuts, candied fruits. Attach a pre-prepared stencil to the finished cake, sprinkled with crumbs, fill in the gaps with the prepared decor.

The key to success when decorating a cake at home is the right cream. Traditional recipes use custard, sometimes with the addition of condensed milk, sour cream. It is very important to ensure that it has the correct consistency, not to make it too liquid.

Napoleon cake decoration with cream

The use of cream decorations will make the dessert elegant, refined. The cake will look beautiful, it will not be a shame to serve it for an anniversary, another celebration. Like sprinkles, decorating a Napoleon cake with cream involves several options:

  1. Whipped cream - skilled housewives know that this method is the fastest. It is enough to whip the cream until the density of sour cream and use a pastry bag to put patterns on the surface of the cake. Professionals recommend using cream with more than 33% fat content. Before starting cooking, cool not only the material, but also the dishes that you plan to use to prepare the decor. To prevent the cream from turning into butter, it is worth starting to beat them at medium speed of the mixer, gradually increasing the speed.
  2. Butter cream is also great for decorating a cake. If the composition contains only oil, the cream will turn out to be heavy, too greasy. If condensed milk is used as a filling, decorations will be lighter and more airy. Condensed milk can be added raw, boiled.
  3. Protein cream - a dense, weightless mass of whipped proteins

you can decorate the cake by making an inscription on it, creating fancy flowers. The cream can remain snow-white or be tinted in different colors. It is easy to get the perfect option by adding liquid dyes drop by drop, without stopping whipping the whites. A little starch and flour will help make the mass thicker. Patterns on the surface of the dessert are laid out using a special syringe.

  • Chocolate is an ingredient that cannot spoil any sweet dish. For decoration, you can use bitter, white chocolate. Moreover, the latter is preferable, since we are used to the light shades of our favorite cake. Chocolate can be melted, grated, combined with nuts, fruits.
  • Decorating a Napoleon cake is too pompous and pompous. Crumb remains a traditional option that allows you to focus on the taste of the dessert. If you are planning to turn an ordinary dessert into a masterpiece of culinary art, just turn on your imagination and create based on the preferences of your guests.