The most delicate Napoleon cake. Preparation of dough for Napoleon cake

This is my favorite "Napoleon" … His recipe was shared with me many years ago by my friend’s mother! Since then, I have tried many different "Napoleons", but I always return to this recipe ... and for a "special occasion" .... and just like that! The cake is delicious and very soft! At the same time, it is quite easy to prepare ...

In the recipe I wrote by hand, it is indicated in the old fashioned way - “2nd floor liter jars chop flour with a package of margarine (which, by the way, went into cream!) .... Now, for convenience, I counted the amount of flour in grams, I use creamy margarine, and in cream - butter.

flour - 700 g
chicken eggs - 1 pc.
salt - 1 pinch
creamy margarine - 250 g

milk 3.6% - 1 l
chicken eggs - 6 pcs.
sugar - 450 g
flour - 4 tbsp. l.
vanillin - 1 package
butter - 250 g

Chop into pieces...

Add a couple of ladles of hot milk to the egg mixture, stir. Then pour all the cream into a saucepan with milk ...

In the meantime, we take the dough out of the refrigerator and divide it into 7-8 parts. Turn on the oven to heat up to 180°C. Next, roll out the cakes VERY THINLY on baking paper! I do this - I cut out two rectangles from paper at once (approximately 27 X 33 cm in size) ... While one cake is baking, we are rolling out the other ... You can help yourself a little with your fingers. We prick the rolled cake around the entire perimeter with a fork. Lay out on a baking sheet...

And put in a preheated oven for 6-7 minutes. In any case, keep an eye on your oven! ... During this time, we are preparing the next cake ... and so on. The last 8th cake is a little smaller - we will use it to sprinkle the cake.

Finished cakes Lay out first on a wire rack, and then collect in a pile. By the way, I think that you can make a little more cakes by changing the size of the cake, but I am always satisfied with the height of just such a "Napoleon" of 7 cakes.))

We are finishing preparing the cream ... Rub the softened butter with a wooden spoon (in this case, I cook everything in the “old-fashioned” way ...) As soon as the oil brightens and begins to turn into a lush mass ...

...., we begin to add 2 tablespoons of custard (completely cooled down!) And continue to beat. There is a lot of cream, but we need all of it to grease the cake.
Grease the cakes with the finished cream, laying out 2-3 tbsp. cream ... Break the last cake and chop.

"Napoleon" - the chic and most festive cake. You can talk a lot about why the French commander became the namesake for this amazing recipe. Maybe from his addiction to luxury and a genuine desire to be the ruler of the world - no less. Or maybe from the emotions of the Russian people, from the desire to express the feeling of victory in such a masterpiece. Today, when the warriors of past centuries have gone far into history, the cake is truly royal. "Napoleon" achieved his goal, though in the confectionery theme, but this is already a lot.

His recipe is not intricate, but you will have to work hard on it for glory. Unless, of course, you really want the same Napoleon cake, and not “ Count's ruins" or " Lady fingers". Follow the step-by-step simple recipe and you will certainly succeed.

The main thing in the dessert is the number of thin cakes, the recipe of which will be described below. Each cake will be richly greased gentle cream. Only then will the "Napoleon" cake be real. Although simple, but chic in appearance and unimaginably delicious.

For test:

  • Margarine is necessarily very hard 200g;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs;
  • Water - 150 ml;
  • Flour of the highest grade - 700-800g;
  • Vinegar at least 9% - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Salt - a small pinch.

For delicious cream:

  • Cow's milk - 700 ml;
  • Wheat flour of the highest grade - 3 tbsp. l;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs
  • Sugar sand - 2 cups (500g);
  • Soft butter - 100 gr.

Cooking process

We start cooking with margarine. Margarine should be finely chopped with a knife. Don't think that soft margarine"Sliced" with a spoon or melted is fine. If we want real cake, then the recipe must be original, without deviations.

Pour the flour on top of the chopped margarine. Do not rush to pour from your hand or from the bag. It is better to pass the flour through a sieve, this is the easiest way to make pastries more tender and fluffy. Next, chop the margarine already with flour until you get a small crumb.

Drain all the prepared water into a separate bowl and add salt and a teaspoon of vinegar. After pouring the water into the recess made in the flour - margarine slide. We don't stop cutting the dough. So the dough will turn out porous, tender. The recipe does not allow you to make this cake in another way.

We chop the dough until we mix all the ingredients. Under the knife should be a homogeneous mass. We make an elastic roll out of it, and cut it into 6 parts equal to each other. Wrap each ball that turns out in the end tightly with cling film and place in the refrigerator.

How to make cream

Put the milk to boil, and pour the flour into a dry frying pan. The mass should turn into a golden toasted placer. After that, let the flour cool down. Milk should also not be hot, just a little warmer than room temperature is enough.

With a mixer or a whisk, beat the cooked eggs and add them to the golden cooled flour. Be sure to achieve the effect of lush homogeneous mass, otherwise the recipe will go against your creations and Napoleon will turn out to be not classic. We do not stop, even when the mass has become homogeneous. We need to add more milk. Without stopping the mixer, we begin to gradually pour it into the future cream.

Next, pour the resulting tender mass into another saucepan designed for a water bath, in which our simple custard. Constantly stir the mass, do not let it go lumpy, freeze or melt to the bottom. The custard is ready when the spoon is almost in a thick mass, and a pleasant sweetish-creamy aroma emanates from the cream.

While the cream is cooling, let's take care of the cakes. The more cakes you get, the more elegant the Napoleon cake will look. In this case, we will have exactly six cakes. Cakes are baked for five minutes at an oven temperature of 180 degrees.

We roll out thin cakes and adjust them to one shape so that when layering there is no shift. The rest of the dough is also to be prepared. Shavings will go for decoration finished cake. Before putting the dough in the oven, pierce the dough with a fork so that when the temperature changes, it does not rise into a fluffy mass. The recipe is complete.

When the whole dessert mosaic is ready, we just have to assemble it. Gently and carefully coat each cake with a cooled cream. The cakes are very fragile and delicate, it is necessary to find a fulcrum so that the layer-to-layer smearing field overlaps evenly and without breakage.

After gluing, "Napoleon" should stand in a cool place and soak in sweet cream. Dessert is served to the table in a good mood.

Video recipe for cooking "Napoleon"

Napoleon cake recipe (soft) With step by step cooking.
  • Preparation time: 18 minutes
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes
  • Servings: 20 servings
  • Recipe Difficulty: Easy Recipe
  • Amount of calories: 202 kilocalories
  • Type of dish: Cakes

A simple Napoleon cake recipe (soft) with a photo and step by step description cooking. Can be cooked at home in 20 minutes. Contains only 202 kilocalories.

Ingredients for 20 servings

  • For test:
  • Butter (high-quality, natural) - 250 g
  • Flour - about 4 cups
  • Sour cream - 250 ml
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • For custard:
  • Milk - 1.5 l
  • Sugar - 300 g
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Flour - 8-9 tbsp. spoons
  • Butter - 600 g

Cooking step by step

  1. Prepare dough 1: melt the butter, remove from heat and mix with 1 cup of flour. No need to boil!
  2. Prepare dough 2: beat a glass of sour cream (250 g) with 2 eggs. Add 2 more cups of flour and another 1/1, part of a cup of flour. Mix. It will turn out very soft dough, sticky. Knead it for 15 minutes until it stops sticking, including no longer sticking to the bowl. Divide the second dough into 5-6 equal parts.
  3. Sprinkle the table generously with flour. On another table or the free half of the same table, roll out polyethylene ( cling film). Roll out one part of the dough thinly, carefully transfer it to a film and only then spread it with the 1st dough. If the first dough is very badly smeared, add 1-2 s to it. l. vegetable oil. It is more convenient to smear with a spatula or, in the absence of it, with a finger tilted horizontally on the table. Roll out the next part of the dough to the same dimensions as the previous one, transfer it to the previous part smeared with the first dough, trying to make the edges match and only then spread with the first dough. Do the same with the rest of the test. Roll all the smeared cakes into a roll. Wrap in clingfilm and refrigerate overnight (12 hours).
  4. Cut the roll crosswise into 18-20 parts up to 1.5 cm thick. Put the parts on a plate and put everything in the refrigerator, except for one, the one that you will roll out. Here is the roll inside.
  5. Roll out evenly, without thinning, on a generously floured table, up to 1.5-2 mm. (Roll out not along the cut, where the layers are, but along the outside) It is not necessary at all to transparency - otherwise it will be difficult not to burn the cake during baking. To make the cakes smoother, cut the edges with a plate. Ready cakes can no longer be cut - too fragile. When baking, the shape will still be slightly distorted, but later it will need to be trimmed assembled cake knife and the problem will be solved. Collect dough scraps immediately into a lump so that they do not dry out. Then we will also make cakes from them.
  6. Bake the Napoleon cakes alternately on baking paper in a very hot oven. Do not overdo it, as soon as the dough is baked - immediately pull it out. Here you need to relentlessly monitor each cake, as they are baked very quickly. As soon as all the dough is over, roll out the scrap cakes according to the same principle. Once all the cakes are baked, prepare the custard. Using a mixer, beat the eggs with sugar, continue to beat and add milk, then flour. Put the mixture on slow fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. When the mixture thickens and begins to puff, remove from heat and leave to cool for 20 minutes, then add the oil and beat again with a mixer. Set aside a few cakes for sprinkling. The rest is smeared with cream. Leave the cake for an hour room temperature so that the cream soaks the cakes, then gently press the cake with your hands so that the donkey. Trim the edges of the cake with a knife. With a rolling pin, we crumble a few pending cakes and sprinkle the cake with them. We put the cake in the refrigerator for 12 hours so that it is well soaked.
  7. Cut Napoleon cake. Bon appetit!

Note to the owner

Thanks to the author of Triken from the “cook” for the idea of ​​​​baking cakes for a soft Napoleon.

I would characterize this Napoleon with many flattering epithets. It is not at all dry, but not stuck together in a single lump: puff cakes are felt, but they are well soaked, soft enough that the cake can be eaten with a fork. A minimum of butter - only in cake layers, the cake is not very sweet and light.

Butter (natural) - 250 g
Flour (about 4 cups)
Sour cream - 250 ml
Chicken egg (2 eggs (cake) + 7 yolks (cream))
Milk (cream) - 1.3 l
Sugar (cream) - 360 g
Vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking cakes. Preparing two doughs for Napoleon.

1 dough:
Melt 1 pack of butter (250g), remove from heat and mix with 1 cup of flour. No need to boil!
Beat 1 cup sour cream with 2 eggs. Add 550 ml. flour (2 cups + 1/5 cup more) Mix. You will get a very soft sticky dough, the same as a normal bread or butter dough. Knead it for about 15 minutes, until it begins to peel off the walls of the bowl and stops sticking. It is not necessary to develop gluten especially.
Divide the second dough into 5-6 equal parts.
Sprinkle the table soundly with flour (well - generously, but not in a thick layer). On another table or the free half of the same table, roll out polyethylene (food wrap). Roll out one part of the dough thinly, carefully transfer it to a film and only then spread it with the 1st dough. If the first dough is very badly smeared, add 1-2 s to it. l. vegetable oil. It is more convenient to smear with a spatula or, in the absence of one, with a finger tilted horizontally on the table. Spooning can tear the dough.
Roll out the next part of the dough to the same dimensions as the previous one, transfer it to the previous part smeared with the first dough, trying to make the edges match and only then spread with the first dough. Do the same with the rest of the test.
Roll all the smeared cakes into a roll. Wrap in clingfilm and refrigerate overnight (12 hours).
Cut the roll across into 18-20 parts up to 1.5 cm thick. Put the parts on a plate and put everything in the refrigerator, except for one, the one that we will now roll out. Here is the roll inside.
Roll out evenly, without thinning on a generously floured table to 1.5 - 2 mm. (Roll out not along the cut, where the layers are, but along the outside) It is not necessary at all to transparency - otherwise it will be difficult not to burn the cake during baking.
To make the cakes smoother, cut the edges with a plate. Ready cakes can no longer be cut - too fragile. When baking, the shape will still be slightly distorted, but later you will need to trim the assembled cake with a knife and the problem will be solved. Crush the scraps immediately into a ball so that they do not dry out. Then we will also make cakes from them.

Bake cakes for Napoleon one by one on a baking sheet (dry, not greased) in a very hot oven. Do not overdo it, as soon as the dough is baked - immediately pull it out. Here you need to relentlessly monitor each cake, because they are baked very quickly.
Remove the cakes from the baking sheet and stack them on a plate.
As soon as all the dough is over, roll out the scrap cakes according to the same principle. So many cakes turned out from the whole dough (+ from scraps)
Once all the cakes are baked, prepare the cream.
Put the yolks in a bowl and mix with sugar and vanilla sugar(yolks will be difficult to mix).
Pour in 50 ml of cold milk and mix.

* Adding milk makes it easier to mix, but do not pour in a lot of milk, otherwise the mixture will become too thin and lumps may form when adding flour to the yolk mass. Better milk pour in two doses - then lumps will not form.

Add the sifted flour to the yolks and mix again. (How biscuit dough- down up)

Pour another 50 ml of cold milk - mix everything together (the mixture should be like liquid sour cream in consistency).
Pour the remaining milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally and making sure that the milk does not burn.

* Instead of vanilla sugar you can use a vanilla pod - ready cream it will be much more flavorful. The pod must be cut in half (one half immediately removed and used for another dish). Scrape the seeds from the remaining half. Put the vanilla seeds and the peeled half of the pod into the milk. Bring milk and vanilla to a boil, stirring. Then remove from heat and strain through a fine sieve.

Pour the yolk mass into a large clean saucepan (I took a non-stick deep frying pan).

* For the amount of cream given in the recipe, it is optimal to take a steel or non-stick pan with a volume of ~ 3 liters. enamel pan it is not advisable to use - the cream will burn to the bottom.

Pour hot milk in a thin stream into the yolk mass, stirring.

Put the saucepan with the yolk-milk mixture on the stove and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly with a silicone spatula. IT IS NECESSARY TO MIX VERY FAST.
The cream will gradually thicken as it heats up. As soon as it starts to boil, immediately remove from heat.
As you can see, perfect smoothness - no lumps.
We set aside a few cakes for searching.
The rest is smeared with cream (hot, only cooked). It took me 5-6 s for one cake. l. cream - that is, a lot, no need to be greedy, the cream practically does not flow out! That's how tall he is, not crushed.
We leave the cake for an hour at room temperature (so that the hot cream soaks the cakes and they do not break when tamping), then gently press the cake with your hands so that it settles.
Trim the edges of the cake with a knife.
With a rolling pin, we crumble a few pending cakes and sprinkle the cake with them.
You can put a load on top of the cake, but this can damage the cake - I was afraid. But the cake was soaked as it should without a load!
We put the Napoleon cake in the refrigerator for 12 hours so that it is well soaked. There are about 18 cakes in this Napoleon.

Soaked cake in a section. As you can see, the cream does not flow out, but the cakes are very soft and perfectly soaked.

We made sure that cooking the Napoleon cake is simple: you need to stock up on food, patience, inspiration and a good appetite. And be sure, at least for one evening, forget about the diet! For you, your favorite cake recipes that we adore.

Napoleon cake. Puff cakes for Napoleon, they are tender and crispy, well saturated with cream. The taste of the cake is simply excellent.


Dough #1:

Butter - 220 gr. (or margarine)

Flour 150 gr.

Dough #2:

Egg - 1 pc.

Cold water - 160 ml.

Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.

Salt - 1/2 tsp

Flour - 350-400g.

Milk - 450 ml.

Sugar - 170g.

Vanillin - 0.5g

Egg - 2 pcs.

Flour - 2 tbsp.

Butter - 150 gr.

Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp (for sprinkling)


In bowls, mix 220g of butter and 150g of flour, gather the dough into one lump with your hands and set aside.

Sift 350g of flour into a bowl, add salt and mix.

Pour 160 ml into a glass cold water, break 1 egg, mix well. add 1 tbsp 9 vinegar.

Add in flour and knead the dough.

We roll out the layer, put the dough from the butter in the middle and wrap it with an envelope, put it with the seam down and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

30 minutes have passed, sprinkle the table with flour, put the dough with the seam down and roll out a square layer. We fold the envelope, lay it with the seam down and send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

30 minutes have passed, roll out the dough again into a layer and fold it with an envelope and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

30 minutes have passed, we roll out the layer, we fold it no longer with an envelope, but simply fold the dough and now you can roll out the cakes from the dough.

We divide the dough into parts. We take 1 part, sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the layer.

And send it to a preheated oven to 180 degrees, until golden brown.

Let's prepare the cream. Pour 350 ml of milk into a saucepan, add a little vanillin to 170 g of sugar and mix and add to milk, mix and put on fire to heat up.

Break 2 eggs, add 2 tbsp flour and beat with a whisk until smooth. Pour in 100 ml of milk, mix well with a whisk. When the milk is hot, pour the egg mixture into the milk and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. As soon as the mass boils, immediately remove from heat. Let the mass cool down.

Beat the softened butter with a mixer until fluffy.

Add the oil to the cooled custard mass and mix well with a mixer.

The cream is ready.

We collect the cake.

We remove the cake for 12 hours in a cool place and let it soak.

The cake is moderately sweet, delicate, layered. This is delicious.

How do I prepare this a delicious cake watch my short video below.

Bon appetit!