How to make a beautiful cake from cakes. Biscuit cakes: recipe

Step-by-step recipes for cakes from ready-made biscuit cakes with sour cream and condensed milk, fruits, cottage cheese

2018-09-30 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

5 gr.

24 gr.


40 gr.

394 kcal.

Option 1: Classic vanilla cake made from ready-made biscuit cakes with condensed milk

Purchased biscuit cakes allow you to cook a cake very quickly and not even turn on the oven. Of course, you can just grease them with condensed milk, but it will not be so tasty. It's better to make cream. You will also need some sugar for impregnation, without it you will get a dry cake. Here, coconut flakes are used for sprinkling. You can replace it with nuts, grated chocolate, crushed cookies or waffles. The weight of an average pack of biscuit of three cakes is given.


  • 400 g of biscuit;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • 380 g of condensed milk;
  • 80 ml of water;
  • 1 g vanillin;
  • 280 g butter;
  • 50 g coconut flakes.

A step-by-step recipe for a classic cake from ready-made cakes

We start with syrup. Pour sugar, put on the stove, bring to a boil and cool, you can put in cold water. If desired, pour a spoonful of cognac or liquor, add the essence. You can replace the syrup with sweet tea or compote, but not juice, otherwise the cake will quickly ferment.

While the syrup is cooling, make the cream. You can just mix softened butter and condensed milk, but it's not interesting. Let's make a thick and fluffy cream. To do this, send the oil to a bowl, immerse the mixer and beat until fluffy. Only then do we begin to add condensed milk a spoon at a time, continuing to whisk. At the end add vanilla.

We put one cake on a plate, sprinkle with syrup, just a little bit, then grease with the prepared cream. We also repeat with the second cake. We lay the top biscuit, lightly sprinkle it, coat the whole cake on all sides with the remnants of the cream.

We take coconut flakes, sprinkle the cake on the side and top, or use another decoration. We put in the refrigerator. We withstand at least a couple of hours, but you can leave it overnight.

If there is no time, then the cake can be served immediately to the table, thanks to the syrup, the biscuit will not turn out very dry, but it is still desirable to at least cool the dessert.

Option 2: A quick recipe for a cake from ready-made biscuit cakes

For this cake, you do not need to boil the syrup, whip the cream or do other preparations, everything is done incredibly simply and quickly. Also, the biscuit does not take much time to soak. For cream, thick sour cream is needed, we take a fat content of at least 25%. By the way, you can take the usual vanilla cakes or with cocoa, that is, the chocolate version.


  • 600 g sour cream;
  • 140 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1 pack of cakes;
  • 1 sachet of vanilla.

How to quickly make a cake from ready-made cakes

Pour powdered sugar and vanillin into sour cream, stir, you can beat slightly, but just watch. No grains or whey should form.

We put the first cake on a flat dish, grease with cream. If the biscuit is not stable, moving, then you can first drop the cream on a plate, press the cake.

We stack all the biscuit cakes in a pile, layering with cream. We decorate the cake with any ingredients: sprinkle with dark or white grated chocolate, peanuts or walnuts, sweet cookie crumbs.

It is not necessary to use powder for sour cream, you can also take fine granulated sugar, but it will take a little longer to stir it. Also, when melted, regular sugar thins the consistency. You should not pour it if the sour cream is not very stable and flows.

Option 3: Cake from ready-made biscuit cakes with bananas

Bananas are ideally combined with white and chocolate biscuits, they are excellent friends with all types of cream, while they do not flow, but can darken a little. Thanks to the addition of fruits, the cake turns out to be much higher, a different taste and aroma appears, the pieces look more interesting when cut.


  • bank of condensed milk;
  • cake packaging;
  • 4-5 bananas;
  • pack of oil;
  • 80 g of white chocolate;
  • vanillin.

How to cook

Beat softened butter and condensed milk with vanilla. The cream should turn out homogeneous, for this we take products of the same room temperature.

Bananas are peeled and cut. In fact, you can make circles of absolutely any thickness, but they must be the same among themselves, otherwise you will get a crooked cake. Since purchased biscuit cakes are thin, we make slices of 4-5 millimeters, this will be enough.

It remains only to coat each cake, put slices of bananas on the first and second biscuits. We only grease the top of the cake, do not lay out the bananas, as they will darken anyway.

Grate white chocolate. If you use a biscuit with cocoa, then you can take a dark tile. Sprinkle the top of the cake. You can also sprinkle the sides with chocolate chips or take crushed cookies.

Bananas can be replaced with peaches, pineapples, pears and other soft fruits, but they should not be too juicy, otherwise the whole cake will leak, liquid will accumulate on the sides of the dish or plate.

Option 4: Cake from ready-made biscuit cakes with cottage cheese

To prepare such a cake, you will need only two cakes and a detachable or other form that is suitable in size. Inside there will be an amazing curd cake with berries. The top of the cake is covered with chocolate icing.


  • 2 biscuit cakes;
  • 80 ml sweet tea or syrup;
  • 600 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of chocolate;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 20 g of gelatin;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 150 g sour cream;
  • 180 g of any berries;
  • a glass of sugar.

Step by step recipe

We start with gelatin. Fill it with milk, but you can take just some water or juice. Leave aside, let the grains swell.

We make a cream of cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar. If there is a blender, then just beat everything until smooth. If it is not there, then rub it thoroughly, there should be no lumps. If the cottage cheese is dry, then we stretch through a sieve, you can add a little more sour cream.

We melt the gelatin, but do not heat it much, only the pillbox for dissolving the grains. We send it to cottage cheese. We stir. We take any berries, wash them, if necessary, cut them into several pieces, then pour them into the cottage cheese. We stir.

Now we put one biscuit cake in a detachable form. If necessary, cut off the edges, adjust to size. Sprinkle lightly with sweet syrup or tea, then spread the curd cream with berries. We cover with the second biscuit cake, we press. It is also lightly sprinkled with syrup. We put it in the refrigerator for four hours.
Step 5:

Ready for frosting. Just combine chocolate and butter. We put in a water bath, let it melt. You can prepare any other glaze, for example, from cocoa. Or use ready-made fudge, which you can buy at the store.

We take the cake out of the mold, grease the sides with a thin layer of icing, then simply pour the rest on top. Refrigerate the cake again.

The taste of this cake will greatly depend on the berries for filling, you can use cherries or strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, chopped fruit will also work.

Option 5: Cake from ready-made biscuit cakes with nuts and condensed milk

Very tasty, but between this and a simple cake recipe from ready-made biscuit cakes. For filling, you need peanuts. We buy unsalted raw nuts. Cream based on boiled condensed milk, very simple, but tasty and with a pronounced caramel flavor.


  • 3 biscuit cakes;
  • 600 g boiled condensed milk;
  • 300 g of oil;
  • 2 glasses of peanuts;
  • 50 g chocolate.

How to cook

Pour the peanuts into a pan or onto a baking sheet, dry well, fry a little. After cooling, remove all the husk. Next, the nuts need to be chopped, but not to crumbs. You can pour out and roll a little with a rolling pin. We divide in half.

Soften the butter and combine with boiled condensed milk, beat well. Lubricate the first cake, sprinkle with nuts, half of the separated part should go. Lubricate the second cake and repeat.

We cover the cake with the last cake, slightly level it, press it, and then cover it with cream. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with peanuts, half should go again, but now from the rest.

We rub the chocolate, mix with the remaining nuts, sprinkle the top of the cake. We remove it to cool for a couple of hours, the biscuit cakes should be slightly soaked.

Instead of peanuts, you can use other nuts for the cake, you can also take a mixture, but with it it turns out not only tasty, but also inexpensive.

The appearance on the shelves of ready-made cake layers is a real salvation for women who are not good at kneading dough and preparing desserts on their own. In this article, we will present several ready-made cake recipes.

Biscuit is a tender, airy and very tasty dough. To knead it yourself, you need to spend time and know the special technology. Modern women who are busy with work and children often do not have time for themselves, to say nothing of self-made pastries.

Fortunately, in stores you can buy ready-made biscuit cakes, from which it is really possible to make a very tasty dessert for a quick hand, if you cook high-quality cream for cake from ready-made biscuit cakes and stuffing.

We offer you two of the most common and simple cooking options. homemade cakes from ready-made cakes:

  1. Cake from ready-made cakes with fruits:
  • Buy 2 kg of bananas - cut 1 kg into beautiful slices, and chop another kg in a blender along with the contents of one can of condensed milk and butter. This mix will be the future cream for cake from ready-made cakes.
  • Lubricate each cake with cream, and lay banana slices on top of it in an even layer. If you are afraid that the cake will turn out too sweet, soak each sponge cake with lemon juice or other sour syrup or liquor.
  • From fruit slices, you can create decoration for cake from ready-made cakes with banana. To shade the light color of the cake, you can sprinkle it with chocolate chips.

By the way, instead of bananas, you can use any other fruits and berries, not only fresh, but also canned. Cream can also be prepared in a different way. Protein cream or chocolate ganache will go well with fruit. If you have time, try instead of cream on biscuit cakes, put a soufflé or a layer of fruit jelly, which, by the way, can generally be made multi-colored, which will give the dessert a more attractive and appetizing look. In general, you can fantasize and experiment.

  1. Cake from ready-made cakes with sour cream:
  • Cut 400 g sponge cakes into medium sized cubes.
  • Prepare chocolate ganache: melt chocolate in a water bath and add warmed cream to it, and then reduce slightly until thick.
  • Beat 2 cups of heavy sour cream with 1/2 cup of sugar until fluffy.
  • Dip each piece of biscuit in chocolate ganache and place in a confectionery mold.
  • From above, you need to pour the biscuit with the resulting sour cream and decorate at your discretion with the help of any confectionery decor elements.

Waffle cakes from ready-made cakes

Wafer cakes are unique in that they can be used to make both sweet and savory dishes. In addition, they are much longer stored, sold in white and dark colors. In this section, we will tell you how to make a cake from ready-made cakes so that it can be served at the table, both as a dessert and as an appetizer:

  1. Cake from ready-made cakes with condensed milk - the easiest way to prepare sweets for tea in 10 minutes. You just need to melt the butter and mix it with boiled condensed milk. Cream for waffle cake is ready! They will only need to grease each cake, and then put the cake in the refrigerator to soak and become soft.

  1. Snack cake from ready-made cakes - a variation of the well-known Mimosa salad. Need:
  • Boil carrots, eggs and potatoes
  • Grate everything on a fine grater
  • Mash canned fish on the bottom cake
  • Each subsequent layer is laid out with any vegetable filling and smeared with mayonnaise
  • Top the cake can be sprinkled with grated hard cheese

Cake from ready-made puff cakes

Puff cakes were invented back in the 17th century by one of the French confectioners who was looking for an option for making dietary bread for his sick father. Experimenting with the dough, he managed to create an unusual bread - soft, with a bizarre shape. The dough was delicious, it immediately conquered the world, and the confectioner gained fame and fortune. From puff pastry began to prepare snacks, desserts and various cakes.

Loved by everyone cake "Napoleon" from ready-made cakes made from choux pastry can be cooked for a few minutes. The main thing is to stock up on the necessary ingredients:

  • One pack of cakes
  • One can of condensed milk
  • 200 g butter

Cake from ready-made cakes: step by step instructions

  1. Cooking butter cream: melt the butter, pour condensed milk into it and beat everything with a blender:

  1. Lubricate each cake with the resulting cream:

  1. We crumble one of the cakes into shavings, with which we sprinkle the whole cake:

In exactly the same way, you can cook a delicious homemade honey cake, but for it you will need to purchase ready-made honey cakes.

Cakes from ready-made cakes: photo

Knowing such recipes for making cakes from ready-made cakes, you can significantly save money and learn to experiment in the kitchen with creams. Your children will be happy to enjoy desserts prepared for them by their mother or grandmother.

Video: "A simple cake made from ready-made cakes"

In today's world, time has become very valuable. Everyone is sorely lacking. I often hear the question: why are there only 24 hours in a day? And on the fragile shoulders of women, the obligation to feed the whole family is added! Moreover, from time to time, I want to pamper my family with something sweet.

The real salvation in such situations is a cake made from ready-made cakes. There are a huge variety of cake recipes from purchased cakes for every taste and color, as they say. Time costs are minimal, and the result is excellent. So, consider the most popular cake recipes from ready-made cakes.


It will take you 15 minutes to prepare this dessert, which is incredibly pleasing! The necessary components can be found in every store. The dessert looks very presentable. And if you do not reveal secret secrets, no one will even think that this “miracle” is not entirely your doing. So, we need:

  • Ready biscuit cakes - 1 pack.
  • Condensed milk - 1 b.
  • Butter - 250 gr.
  • Coconut flakes - 100 gr.
  • Cream 33% - 200 ml

Cooking process

Cream for making a cake from ready-made biscuit cakes according to the Raffaello recipe turns out to be very delicate in texture, with a pleasant aroma of coconut. At the first stage, beat the condensed milk with softened butter.

Use butter at room temperature. It's not worth tearing it up.
Whip the cream in a separate (chilled) bowl. The whisks of the mixer should also be put in the freezer for 10 minutes before whipping. Be careful at this stage. As soon as the cream thickens, stop whipping, otherwise it may separate.

Combine the whipped cream with the previously prepared butter mixture with a spoon. Then add half of the coconut flakes and mix again.

We unpack the "keeper of time" - biscuit cakes. I recommend them to lovers of juicy desserts. In this case, I didn't do it. We grease each cake with cream, the top one is also greased and generously sprinkled with coconut flakes.

A cake made from ready-made cakes can, in principle, be served! But I would advise you not to rush, and put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. He will surely reward you for this with his tenderness!

With condensed milk and fruits

Following this recipe, you will get a wonderful fortified dessert. Any fruit can be used. Depending on the season, the delicacy can become a real masterpiece. By adding colorful fruits such as raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, currants, you will get not only very tasty, but also insanely beautiful. We will need:

  • Purchased biscuit - 1 pack.
  • Condensed milk (boiled) - 1 b.
  • Condensed milk - 1 b.
  • Butter - 250 gr.
  • Grated chocolate - 100 gr.
  • Fruit - to taste

Cooking process

  1. First you need to prepare the fruit - wash them, and, if necessary, cut into small pieces.
  2. Beat raw condensed milk with soft butter until smooth. Then add boiled condensed milk and beat again. Ready!
  3. Lubricate the first cake with cream. Put another one on top of it and press a little.
  4. The next one is also lubricated, put fruit on the cream and cover with a biscuit. So, alternately we form a cake. Decorate the top with fruit and, if desired, sprinkle with grated chocolate.

With sour cream and fruits

The recipe for a cake made from ready-made biscuit cakes with sour cream is less high-calorie than the previous one. Especially if you use sour cream with a low percentage of fat content.

As for fruits, the situation is the same as in the previous recipe. We use any, to your taste, depending on the season. The ingredients needed are the following:

  • Purchased biscuit - 1 pack.
  • Sour cream - 800 gr.
  • Gelatin - 1 tsp
  • Vanilla sugar - 15 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - 100 gr.
  • Walnuts
  • Fruit - to taste

Cooking process

  1. Wash fruit and chop if necessary.
  2. Beat sour cream with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar with a mixer until fluffy. If you want a sweeter cream, add more powdered sugar to taste.
  3. Add gelatin to the resulting mass. Add crushed nuts.
  4. We collect the cake from the cake layers alternately smearing with cream. Put fruit on top and sprinkle a little with crushed nuts.
  5. Put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

With custard

This recipe will appeal to those who do not like sour cream and everything connected with it. And such people, as they say, neither more nor less. We will need the following:

  • Biscuit - 1 pack.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 200 gr.
  • Sugar - 150 gr.
  • Cinnamon - a pinch
  • Flour - 2 tbsp.
  • Nuts - to taste

Cooking process

  1. Beat sugar, cinnamon and eggs with a mixer until the crystals dissolve. Add flour and beat again so that there are no lumps.
  2. Pour milk (warmed to room temperature) into the resulting egg mixture. Beat with a mixer, then send to the fire to warm up. The mass must be constantly stirred until it thickens. Approximately it will take 10 minutes. When you get the right consistency, remove from the heat and add the butter.
  3. Assemble the cake from thin layers, spreading each with custard.
  4. Sprinkle with ground nuts for decoration. If you have time, let the dessert brew for 1 hour in the refrigerator.

With cottage cheese and berries

A light, healthy, not quite standard, alluring dessert with its freshness. Both adults and children will appreciate it. Be sure to try this recipe. The result will please you very much. For cooking you will need:

  • Biscuit cakes - 2 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese (choose fat content depending on preferences) - 300-400 gr.
  • Sugar - 150 gr.
  • Butter - 50 gr.
  • Berries - 300 gr.
  • Sour cream - 250 gr.
  • Chocolate - 2 bars
  • Gelatin - 1 pack.

Cooking process

  1. Soak gelatin in warm water and leave to swell for 40 minutes.
  2. Beat cottage cheese with sour cream and sugar thoroughly with a blender until a creamy consistency is obtained. Introduce gelatin into the mass.
  3. Wash the berries. If necessary, remove the bones. Stir berries into cream.
  4. For assembly, use a detachable form. Place the first cake in the mold. Put cream on it, and cover with a second one. Try, pressing down where necessary, to achieve a flat surface. It won't affect the taste. From these manipulations, only the appearance of the dessert changes. Send to the refrigerator to harden for 6 hours.
  5. Half an hour before you take the dessert out of the fridge, prepare the chocolate icing. To do this, melt the chocolate, add butter to it. Cover by
  6. Decorate with berries on top. Our masterpiece is ready to serve!

As you can see, desserts turn out to be quite diverse, despite the constant in the ingredients - ready-made biscuit cakes. Experiment, come up with your own variations and be sure to share with us in the comments on your culinary achievements!

Anyone who wants to bake a biscuit cake cake will need a good dough recipe and original ideas in order to put together a beautiful and tasty treat worthy of a festive feast. Such delicacies will decorate both a children's holiday and an adult table.

To bake delicious biscuit cake layers, the recipe described below will help you cope with the task perfectly, it is important to follow clear recommendations verified by experienced chefs. The classic biscuit is baked without baking powder, but you can add it to be sure of a magnificent result.


  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 200 g;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • baking powder and vanillin.


  1. Separate the whites from the yolks, put the first in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  2. Mix flour with baking powder.
  3. Whip the yolks into foam.
  4. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks, gradually adding powder.
  5. Enter the yolks, mix with a spatula.
  6. Introduce flour in portions, kneading the batter.
  7. Pour the dough into the mold, bake in the oven for 60-70 minutes at 170 degrees.

In order to bake a biscuit cake for a cake without the hassle, a simple recipe will help you implement a slow cooker. This device has proven itself in the preparation of biscuits, pies and other pastries. The cake comes out dense, lush, finely porous, after complete cooling it is easily divided into thin cakes and you can confidently assemble a birthday cake from it.


  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • sugar and flour - 250 g each;
  • vanilla and baking powder.


  1. Beat the eggs until fluffy, adding sugar. Continue running the mixer for 10 minutes.
  2. Add flour, baking powder and vanilla.
  3. Pour into a bowl, bake for 1 hour in the "Baking" mode.
  4. After cooling, delicious biscuit cake layers can be cut.

A homemade biscuit cake cake can be prepared without the use of an oven or a slow cooker, a frying pan and a good recipe are enough to help realize the idea in the best possible way. Cook on low heat with lid on. The base for the cake is being prepared in several stages, as a result, 3-4 cakes should be obtained.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • flour and sugar - 200 g each;
  • baking powder, vanillin;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Beat eggs with sugar until thick and fluffy.
  2. Add sour cream, baking powder and vanilla.
  3. Mix in the flour with a spatula.
  4. Heat a frying pan with a thick bottom and walls, pour 1/4 of the dough, cover with a lid.
  5. Bake 4 cakes, so thick pancakes on both sides.
  6. The preparation of biscuit cake layers ends with their complete cooling and impregnation with cream.

Cream for cake with sponge cakes is an integral part in the process of creating a treat. Not only the appearance of the treat, but also its final taste depends on its quality.

  1. An important point in the process of preparing treats is the impregnation of the base. Cake from ready-made biscuit cakes should be thoroughly soaked with syrup. It is prepared from water and sugar: 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar mixed with 6 tbsp. tablespoons of water and cook until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. On the basis of the classic syrup, aromatic impregnations are prepared, supplementing the composition with cognac, rum, liquor.
  3. Non-alcoholic impregnations can be prepared by supplementing the composition of the syrup with citrus zest, espresso or fruit juice concentrates.
  4. The next step in the assembly of treats is the choice of cream. It all depends on the imagination of the chef or the recipe chosen, the biscuit cake cake goes well with custard, creamy, sour cream, citrus curd, cream cheese.

The original will help transform a boring delicacy into a solemn treat that can surprise even sophisticated guests. Given the taste preferences of the sweet tooth, you can adjust the final result of the cake.

  1. The most common filling option is fruits and berries. They can be used fresh or frozen.
  2. Berry confiture with pieces of fruit will be a good filling; this filling is combined with light butter cream.
  3. Often, as an additional layer, a jelly layer with chopped fruits or berries is used.
  4. The crumbly meringue filling will transform the most boring recipe; for this option, condensed milk cream is used.

Quickly and almost without hassle, a delicious cake is prepared from ready-made biscuit cakes, it will take no more than half an hour to create it and one hour to soak. Any cream is suitable for which there are products in the refrigerator, and the cakes themselves can be baked in advance, because cooked according to the classic recipe, they can be stored for several weeks without getting stale.


  • biscuit cake - 1 pc.;
  • sugar syrup - ½ tbsp.;
  • cream 33% - 500 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • berries - 1 handful.


  1. Whip cream with sugar until fluffy.
  2. Cut the cake in half, soak in syrup.
  3. Lubricate one cake with cream, cover with a second, distribute the remaining cream, decorate with berries.
  4. Biscuit cake cake is soaked for an hour.

A very original and unusual cake made of broken biscuit cakes will remind all the sweet tooth of the classic tiramisu, because a delicacy is prepared according to a similar recipe, only a soft biscuit is used instead of savoiardi. You can arrange a treat in a large form, pre-covered with a film, or in portioned glasses.


  • biscuit - 1 pc.;
  • coffee - 150 ml;
  • Baileys - 100 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • mascarpone - 500 g;
  • cream 33% - 400 ml;
  • grated chocolate for decoration.


  1. Break or cut the crust.
  2. Mix coffee with liqueur.
  3. Whip cream with powder, add mascarpone.
  4. Each piece of biscuit is dipped in coffee-liquor syrup, laid out in a mold, generously layered with cream.
  5. Sprinkle the cake from broken biscuit cakes with chocolate, refrigerate for 2 hours.

Biscuit cake with sour cream

Even a novice in cooking can make a cake from ready-made biscuit cakes with sour cream, because to create an excellent delicacy you will need products that are available everywhere and are sold in every store. Sour cream should be chosen fat, at least 25%, to obtain a dense consistency, a special thickener is used.


  • biscuit cake - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream 25% - 400 ml;
  • thickener for sour cream - 1 sachet;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • sugar syrup - ½ tbsp.


  1. Biscuit cut into 3 thin cakes.
  2. Soak each with syrup.
  3. Beat sour cream with sugar, add thickener, mix.
  4. Lubricate the cakes with cream, assemble the cake.
  5. Put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Biscuit cake with condensed milk - recipe

Cake made from biscuit cakes with condensed milk is the easiest option to treat your home with an excellent dessert for tea. Such a delicacy does not require long-term soaking, as a rule, boiled condensed milk is used, supplemented with crushed nuts, and bananas can be used as filling, they go well with such a cream.


  • biscuit - 1 pc.;
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 b.;
  • crushed nuts mix - 1 tbsp.;
  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • cognac syrup - ½ tbsp.


  1. Biscuit cut into 2-3 cakes.
  2. Soak in syrup.
  3. Mix condensed milk with nuts, grease the cake.
  4. Lay out the circles of bananas, cover with a second cake.
  5. Decorate the finished cake with cream, sprinkle with nuts and put banana slices on top.

From biscuit cakes is determined based on their own preferences. Fresh seasonal fruits or frozen blanks are chosen, soaked in light butter or sour cream, syrup can be omitted, given the juiciness of the fruit. The biscuit should be completely cooled, it needs to be divided into thin cakes.


  • biscuit - 1 pc.;
  • strawberries - 200 g;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • pear - 1 pc.;
  • crushed nuts - ½ tbsp.;
  • cream 33% - 400 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g.


  1. Whip the cold cream with powdered sugar into a thick cream.
  2. Biscuit cut into 3 cakes.
  3. Soak each cake with cream, lay out plates of fruits and berries.
  4. Decorate with cream and the rest of the fruit, sprinkle with nuts.
  5. Refrigerate 2 hours.

For a cake, you can buy it in the confectionery department of almost any market, if you want to bake the base yourself, use the classic recipe, replacing an equivalent part of the flour with cocoa powder. They impregnate the delicacy with alcohol or coffee syrup; ganache is ideal as a filling.


  • chocolate biscuit - 1 pc.;
  • coffee - 150 ml;
  • cream - 400 ml;
  • dark chocolate - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g.


  1. Heat cream with powdered sugar without boiling.
  2. Throw broken chocolate, melt it in hot cream, stirring, warm for 5 minutes.
  3. Cool to room temperature.
  4. Cut the biscuit into 3 cakes, soak with coffee, ganache.
  5. Decorate with chocolate cream on top and leave to soak for 2-4 hours.

It’s not at all difficult to make, for making a bright treat it is better to use special gel food colors, the amount used is very small, so the treat is not harmful. If you want to make a natural treat, use fruit or vegetable juices.

Hello my dear sweeties! Yes, yes, you heard right - I figured you out a long time ago. Well, who among us does not give himself slack in relation to cakes? Sometimes it is simply necessary, where are we without small joys. Only now my next and favorite slows down all the fun, so we won’t get carried away. However, I have accumulated delicious recipes here on how to create a delicious cake from.

I will make a reservation right away - we will cook from ready-made biscuits. We also love to be lazy, don't we? Well, let's save our time - the result will not leave you indifferent. So grab a pen and write it down.

A cake with condensed milk and bananas will suit you if you urgently need to figure out a treat for suddenly arriving guests. As a rule, the ingredients are usually always in our kitchens.

We will need:

  • 1 pack ready-made cakes
  • 3-4 bananas
  • 1 pack butter
  • 1 can boiled condensed milk
  • 100g grated chocolate
  • 1 can of condensed milk

Let's start cooking:

  1. First, peel the bananas and cut them into circles or slices, as convenient.
  2. We combine butter with regular and boiled condensed milk. Beat with a mixer or mix well until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Our main cream turned out
  3. We spread part of our cream on the first biscuit cake and coat the cake well with it. We put the next one on top of it, press down a little. We coat it too, and spread the bananas
  4. Lay the third biscuit on top of the bananas. We distribute the remaining cream over its surface and coat the sides of our cake
  5. Sprinkle with grated chocolate and refrigerate for 2-3 hours
  6. If there is no time, you can serve without waiting 2 hours - the cake turned out delicious anyway. You can invite guests for tea!

With condensed milk and fruits

Handy bananas can be replaced with any other fruit and diversify the previous recipe. Or vice versa, add something else to the bananas. Such a cake with condensed milk and fruit is also quite simple to make.

We will need:

  • 1 pack ready-made cakes
  • 1 pack butter
  • 2-3 bananas
  • 4-5pcs kiwi
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • ½ can of canned pineapple chunks
  • 1 can of whipped cream
  • chopped nuts

Let's start cooking:

  1. Kiwi and bananas are peeled, cut into half rings
  2. Gently squeeze out excess liquid from pineapples. You can cut them into smaller pieces
  3. We prepare the cream using the same technology as in the previous recipe: mix butter and condensed milk, beat with a mixer
  4. We take our biscuits. There is one little trick: before smearing them with cream, loosen the surface a little with a fork. So the cakes absorb the cream better. Lubricate the first biscuit, lay out part of the fruit on top
  5. We cover everything with the second cake and repeat the previous procedure.
  6. Cover the final third cake with whipped cream from a can. Nicely arranged sliced ​​fruit
  7. Sprinkle with chopped nuts and refrigerate for 50-60 minutes

By the way, due to fruit, the cake is less high-calorie. And if you also replace condensed milk with low-fat sour cream, then you get an almost dietary cake. But you should not forget - the cake, it is also a cake in Africa.

Just yesterday I was preparing a "dietary" option. Girls, this is a meal. I wanted to shoot a video, and as always I forgot, the process is painfully fascinating in anticipation of goodies!

With sour cream and fruits

Such a cake with sour cream and fruit is an excellent substitute for a more high-calorie one with condensed milk. We use low-fat sour cream.

We will need:

  • 1 pack ready-made cakes
  • 800g sour cream
  • 2-3 bananas
  • 4 things. kiwi
  • small bunch of grapes
  • 1 hour gelatin spoon
  • vanilla sugar
  • powdered sugar
  • walnuts (chopped)

Let's start cooking:

  1. Soak gelatin in boiled water and leave for 40 minutes
  2. Beat sour cream with vanilla and powdered sugar, add gelatin ready for “labor and defense” there. Boil the mass over low heat for about 5 minutes. You can add some chopped nuts. Mix everything well and leave to cool.
  3. Peel the fruits and cut into slices. Leave a few grapes for garnish
  4. We take the first cake and generously cover it with the resulting cream. Sprinkle with nuts
  5. We spread the second biscuit on top and repeat the previous step.
  6. Lubricate the last, third, cake with the remaining cream. We spread the pre-cut fruits on it. Decorate with grapes and sprinkle with the remaining nuts
  7. We send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Ready!

With cottage cheese and berries

Another more or less low-calorie, but very tasty cake with low-fat cottage cheese soufflé.

We will need:

  • 2 ready-made cakes
  • 300-400g fat-free cottage cheese
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 50g butter
  • 300g berries (any)
  • 1 cup sour cream
  • 2 chocolate bars
  • sachet of gelatin

Let's start cooking:

  1. Soak gelatin in boiled water, leave to swell for 40 minutes
  2. Mix sour cream, sugar and cottage cheese in a blender until a creamy mass is formed.
  3. Pour gelatin into cottage cheese, mix everything well. My berries, remove the seeds, if any. Pour the berries into the resulting mass and gently stir
  4. We place the cake in a mold, fill it with the resulting gelatin-curd mass
  5. We put the second cake on top, lightly press down to make the cake even. Let it chill in the fridge for 6 hours
  6. And the final touch: after the cake has frozen, we prepare the icing. To do this, melt the chocolate and butter. Mix thoroughly and cover our cake; can be beautifully decorated with berries. Put it back in the fridge for a little more so that the glaze hardens. You can submit!

A la Raffaello

The previous recipe, though very tasty, but a little time consuming. And how to surprise guests in a quick and easy way? We will treat them with this unusual cake, it is prepared in just 15 minutes.

We will need:

  • 1 pack ready-made cakes
  • 1 can of condensed milk
  • 1 pack butter
  • 100g coconut flakes
  • 1 cup cream

Let's start cooking:

  1. With a mixer, beat the butter with condensed milk well. Pour the cream into it, and beat again, until a fluffy creamy mass is formed.
  2. Add half of the coconut flakes there, mix
  3. Lubricate the cake with cream, put another one on top, and repeat as long as the cakes and cream are enough
  4. We cover the last, upper cake with the remaining cream. Sprinkle generously with coconut flakes
  5. Voila! Ready. And if you have an extra half an hour, then you can put our cake in the refrigerator - it will become even tastier

With custard

We will need:

  • 1 pack cakes
  • 1 pack butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 glass of milk
  • sugar
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • 2-3 table. spoons of flour
  • chopped nuts

Let's start cooking:

  1. Grind eggs with sugar and cinnamon. Pour the flour in there
  2. We warm the milk to room temperature, pour it into the eggs and flour. Beat well with a mixer
  3. We put the resulting mass on fire and boil until thickened for 8-10 minutes. Here is an important nuance: you need to stir it non-stop!
  4. Add the butter to the cooled mixture and stir.
  5. Lubricate each cake with the resulting cream, put them in a cake. We also coat the top one, sprinkle with nuts for decoration. Happy tea!

Prague from ready-made biscuit cakes

Everyone's favorite chocolate Prague can be prepared without much effort and with minimal time.

We will need:

  • 1 pack cakes
  • 1 pack butter
  • ½ can of condensed milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 50g grated chocolate
  • 2 chocolate bars
  • ¼ glass of water