Delicious chocolate biscuit cream. Chocolate cream with coffee

Chocolate cream cake is considered one of the most commonly used types for layering, coating and decorating desserts. We offer to consider several selected and proven recipes for the preparation of lush mass.

Chocolate cream for cake made from cocoa powder

As a decoration, chocolate cream for a cake made from cocoa powder will look gorgeous.

What products will be needed:

  • 500 gr milk;
  • drain. oil 30 gr;
  • 2 table. l. cocoa powder;
  • starch - 3 table. l. (you can use flour);
  • granulated sugar - 3 table. l.;
  • vanilla - a bag;
  • some salt.

We heat 300 ml of milk in a saucepan. We introduce butter, sugar, cocoa, salt into boiling milk. We continue to boil, stirring constantly, for a few more minutes, until a homogeneous mass is formed. Mix the remaining milk with starch, pour into hot milk with cocoa. Bring to a boil again, remembering to stir constantly until the mixture thickens. Boil for a few minutes. Remove from heat, add vanilla. The mixture should be stored in a refrigerator until use.

How to cook from chocolate?

Good for chocolate cream sponge cake.

Instead of cocoa, the cream can be made from bar dark chocolate:

  • powdered sugar - 420 gr;
  • 2 ½ bars of dark (72%) chocolate;
  • 330 gr of plum oil;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanilla - sachet

The chocolate needs to be melted first. We whip the plum. vanilla oil, salt. Gradually add powder, eggs, continue to beat. After receiving homogeneous mass Pour in the cooled melted chocolate. Whisk everything well again.

On a note. If eggs are present in the cream recipe, then they should only be used chilled - this way they beat better.

Chocolate cream cheese

Cream cheese for a cake is not difficult to prepare.

For cooking, the following products are needed:

  • cottage cheese cream cheese - 300 gr;
  • 100 gr fat plums. butter, dark chocolate, powdered sugar.

Products you will need:

  • 180 gr of oil;
  • cocoa powder - 1 table. l.;
  • chocolate - 240 gr;
  • can of condensed milk.

Beat soft butter for 5 minutes with a blender. We introduce condensed milk in a spoon. Then add cocoa. Also gradually pour in the melted chocolate. room temperature. We beat everything well. If the mixture turned out to be liquidish, then after 10 minutes it will definitely harden.

Oil added option

Oil creams are very popular. Cake with oil cream not only impregnates the cakes, but also freezes well; for this, the finished cake is put in the refrigerator for a while.

Let's make it with chocolate:

  • powdered sugar - 200 gr;
  • 150 gr of plum oil;
  • vanilla;
  • chocolate bar.

Whip the softened plum. butter with vanilla and powdered sugar. In this case, the powder must be poured in parts. Add melted chilled chocolate, beat until smooth. The mixture can be used immediately, or held in the refrigerator for a while to thicken.

On a note. Cream can be made not only from black, but also from milk, and even white chocolate. But at the same time, color change must be taken into account.

Custard chocolate cream

The custard cake is well soaked, it turns out very tasty. It will take a little longer to prepare, but if possible, we recommend trying it. If after a layer of cake there is a little cream left, you can replace the dessert for tea by serving the leftovers in bowls.

So what will be required?

  • corn starch - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • 2 yolks;
  • ¼ l of milk;
  • 20 gr butter
  • chocolate bar.

Tell me frankly, can you imagine a holiday without a cake? Unfortunately, our fast pace of life and the constant lack of time are increasingly forcing modern housewives to turn to culinary services and purchase already ready-made cakes. Undoubtedly, as a rule, each cake made by confectioners is another masterpiece of the master. However, you must admit that a cake prepared with love for your family and friends cannot replace even the most delicious one purchased in a store, and, therefore, baked by the hands of a completely stranger.

Deservedly popular among the sweet tooth enjoys biscuit cake. Delicate and airy cake just melts in your mouth, and it pleasant taste remains in memory for many years. So, biscuit cakes are ready. Some people think that it is very important to prepare sponge cake layers correctly. But what the cream will be is not so important. How wrong they are! It's just as important! It is thanks to the cream that the same biscuit cake acquires one or another taste. One cream will perfectly soak the cakes, with the other - the cake will be drier. It is the cream that will make the cake both very sweet and not too sweet. What cream to choose to make its taste both original and unique?

Which cream is best for biscuit cake

Of course, first of all, when choosing a recipe for a cream that will be interleaved with biscuit cake layers, you should definitely focus on the taste and preferences of those people for whom the biscuit cake is baked. So, in one family they prefer to classically layer biscuit cakes with some jam or jam, jelly or condensed milk. You won’t surprise others with this, they like it so that as a layer for biscuit cakes only oil cream was used, the third - custard, the fourth - protein, etc.

Cream cake recipes with photos

Getting acquainted with the recipes of the hostesses regarding the cream that can be used to layer the biscuit cakes, it becomes clear that some of them are simpler, some are more difficult. Some can only be handled by experienced confectioners, while others can be handled even by a novice hostess. There is a recipe, the purchase of ingredients for which it will be inexpensive, while the other set of ingredients is a rather expensive purchase. And you need to prepare for it properly. As a rule, to prepare any kind of cream, you will need a mixer, blender, or at least a whisk, a deep bowl, a teaspoon, a tablespoon, a glass or a measuring cup. Usually, every housewife has it in the kitchen.

The most delicious sour cream

Sour cream will add tenderness and lightness to the biscuit. Such a cream has long gained popularity among both sweet tooth and confectioners. It is considered not only one of the least high-calorie, but also one of the easiest and fastest to prepare. For cooking sour cream two ingredients are needed: sour cream and sugar. Usually, sour cream is used, the fat content of which is 15-30%. Confectioners believe that it is better to use powdered sugar instead of sugar, because it will almost halve the preparation time for sour cream.

So, in a large bowl, add 450 g of sour cream and 150 g of powdered sugar. Beat these products at high speed with a mixer for approximately 5 minutes. If sugar is used, beat until it is completely dissolved. The cream becomes almost airy. Then it should be put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. And only after that, sour cream is considered ready for use. Some confectioners are absolutely sure that the preparation of sour cream has a huge scope for the imagination of the hostess, because if desired, you can slightly change the taste of sour cream by adding vanillin, grated chocolate or cocoa to it.

Light cottage cheese cream with strawberries or cherries

Ideal for biscuit cakes and cottage cheese cream, in which strawberries or cherries are added, in general, such a product as cottage cheese goes well with both fruits and berries. It can also be used as an independent dessert.

To prepare it, you will need 200 g of cottage cheese, strawberries or cherries, 1 tsp. vanilla sugar and 3 st. l. ordinary sugar. Pre-washed, peeled and cut into large pieces 8 pcs. strawberries and cottage cheese are placed in a blender and beat until smooth. Other housewives prefer to grind the cottage cheese and mix it with cream, and then add large pieces berries. Already ready cream for 30 minutes sent to the refrigerator.

How to make cream from condensed milk and butter

A favorite delicacy of many sweet tooth is a biscuit cake with cream of condensed milk and butter. Each housewife prepares it in her own way, here is one of the recipes.

600 g thawed butter beat with a mixer. To it add 1 can of condensed milk, a pinch of vanillin and, if desired, cocoa. The whole mass is beaten well again. First, the mixer is at the lowest speed, gradually increase it. Actually, that's all. It is recommended to apply this cream on already cold biscuit cakes, while the cream itself is not sent to the refrigerator beforehand.

Creamy chocolate cream

400 g of 35% fat cream are poured into a saucepan and heated without bringing them to a boil. Grind 200 g of dark chocolate and add to the cream, stirring constantly. The mass is removed from the heat and continue to stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

Cooled to room temperature, the mass is sent to the refrigerator for 3 hours. Then the mass is whipped with a mixer so that it becomes thick and lush.

Simple Banana Milk Cream

Pleasant taste and biscuit cake with banana cream. 120 g of milk is poured into a saucepan and 1 tbsp is added there. Sahara. Puree from 1 ripe banana, 10 g raisins, 1/2 beaten egg, zest of 1 lemon and vanillin. Mix everything well. Next, the cream is prepared in a water bath.

Low fat yogurt cream with fruit

There is no oil in this cream. 2 tbsp gelatin soaked in 150 ml of cold water. Separately, in a bowl, mix 350 g of yogurt, 100 g of powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. The swollen gelatin is added to this mass and mixed well. 250 ml of cream are first mixed well with a spoon and then whipped in a blender.

Sometimes sliced ​​fruit, which is found in yogurt, is added to this cream and sent to the refrigerator to harden.


It is said that this cream requires some skill from the confectioner. It is best obtained by those who are good at cooking ordinary meringue.

An incomplete glass of sugar is mixed with 100 ml of water and put on medium heat and boiled down to samples of a rolling ball. Separate the whites from the yolks of 3 medium eggs, and put the whites in the refrigerator. Add a little salt to the chilled proteins and beat with a mixer when the sugar syrup has already been brought to the desired consistency. The foam on whipped proteins should be very resistant. Continuing to beat, you should pour in the finished syrup in a thin stream. Beating is continued until the cream has completely cooled. To make this happen sooner, a bowl of mass is lowered into a saucepan with cold water. Protein cream can be stored in the refrigerator for three days.

Lemon mascarpone cream

Sour lovers can treat themselves and their loved ones biscuit cake With lemon cream from mascarpone. Replacing the lemon with strawberries, you can get a delicate strawberry cream. This cream is distinguished by its unusually light and airy texture. It goes well with any kind of dough. is no exception and biscuit dough. To prepare 400 g of such a cream, you need to take 250 g of mascarpone cheese, 100 g of powdered sugar. 3 art. l. liqueur, juice of 1/4 lemon, 1/2 packet of vanilla sugar.

At room temperature, mascarpone cheese is added with powdered sugar and vanillin and beat until a fluffy foam is achieved. Add lemon juice and beat again. Then liquor is added and mixed well using a mixer. The mass is sent to the refrigerator for 30 minutes until completely cooled. After half an hour, the cream is considered ready and can be used for its intended purpose.

Every housewife must remember that the main ingredient that she must add to her baked biscuit cake is her love, her soul, her good mood. And then, regardless of the type of cream that she chose to layer the biscuit cakes, the cake will definitely turn out to be very tasty and everyone will like it without exception.

Video: how to make custard for sponge cake

cook custard very simple, in this video this recipe is clearly demonstrated. A list of ingredients is presented, as well as kitchen utensils that will be needed during the cooking process, and of course, the recipe itself is step by step.

Many people enjoy baking and love to try biscuit cakes. But few people know the origin of this so popular dessert in our time.

Biscuit, translated from French, literally means "baked twice."

In the Middle Ages, the biscuit was the food of the English sailors. Since in biscuit dough missing butter, it is perfectly stored and is not subject to mold. Sailors took biscuits with them on their voyages and for a long time they did not spoil.

One day, a courtier of Queen Elizabeth traveled on a ship and tasted the daily food of sailors. He was captivated by the unsurpassed taste of biscuit. So the biscuit hit the tables of high society and its recipe began to spread around the world.

Cream for biscuit cake - general principles of preparation

It is hard to imagine a biscuit cake without cream. It is the cream that is able to emphasize all the charm of the taste of the cake. Cream is a bulk mass that is prepared from eggs, cream, milk, butter, sour cream. They can be layered, you can decorate cakes, creating real confectionery masterpieces.

Cream is perishable product Therefore, it should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 36 hours.

Throughout the history of biscuit cake, its traditional recipe has not changed, although cream recipes have been experimented and improved.

In the process of preparing cream for cakes, you will definitely need a mixer, a whisk, a saucepan with a thick bottom, a spoon, a bowl, a measuring cup and a kitchen scale.

Can be considered standard recipes creams for biscuit cake. These creams can be taken as a basis and already personally changed or amended.

Before smearing the cakes with cream, it is better to soak them with syrup. This procedure will take approximately 15 minutes. In the preparation of syrup, the proportion of sugar and water is important. For a cake weighing 800g, you need about 500g of impregnation. The impregnation recipe is simple: you need to boil 250 ml of water and pour 250 gr. sugar, boil, add 1 teaspoon lemon juice and vanillin. Alcoholic beverages can be added to the impregnation, fruit syrups, cocoa.

When making cream for a biscuit cake, it is important to ensure that all inventory and hands are clean. For the preparation of any cream, high-quality and fresh products are needed.

Recipe 1: Custard for Biscuit Cake

Custard is one of the best creams for biscuit cakes, as it is very delicate and light. Due to their light texture, they will not be able to decorate the cake. This cream is smeared between the cakes.


Egg - 1 piece;

Milk - 1 glass;

Sugar - about 5 cups;

Flour - 2.5 tablespoons;

Butter - 50 grams;

Vanilla sugar - to taste

Cooking method

Pour milk into a non-stick pan, pour out sugar, flour, add vanillin and an egg.

Beat everything with a mixer for about 30 seconds, so that everything mixes well and there are no lumps of flour left.

After that, the pan must be put on the stove and cook the cream on low heat for about 5 minutes until thickened, while whisking with a mixer from time to time (so there will definitely be no lumps).

Leave the cream to cool.

When it is warm, put soft butter in it and beat well with a mixer until smooth. With the cooled cream, you can smear the cakes and decorate the cake as desired.

Recipe 2: Butter Cream for Biscuit Cake

Butter cream for sponge cake can serve as a decoration and emphasize its great taste. This cream is considered one of the most popular in Europe. Since the base of the cream is oily, the butter should be without additional flavorings.


Oil - 350 grams;

Condensed milk - 1 can;

Vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

Cooking method:

Beat soft butter thoroughly at medium speed with a mixer until a fluffy and airy mass is formed.

Pour in vanilla sugar and mix thoroughly.

Pour the condensed milk into the mass in a thin stream, while whisking with a mixer (at low speed). Then increase the speed of the mixer and beat for about 5 minutes until the cream is smooth.

The cream is ready.

Recipe 3: Chocolate Cream for Biscuit Cake

The taste of the cream is delicate, light, chocolate, with vanilla flavor, as if it was created for a biscuit cake. However, it is high in calories.


Cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons;

Milk - 500 ml (it is better to use fatter);

Sugar - 3 tablespoons;

Butter - 1 tablespoon;

Starch - 3 tablespoons;

Vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

Pour 250 ml of milk into a saucepan, add butter, cocoa, sugar and mix everything thoroughly.

Put on a small fire, so that it boils and cook for 3 minutes while stirring continuously (it is better to do this with a wooden spoon, so the cream does not burn).

Remove from fire. At this time, add starch to the remaining milk and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Pour milk with starch into the hot mixture, add vanilla sugar and put on a small fire.

Cook for about 2 minutes, stirring well as the cream will thicken as it cooks. Remove from fire and cool.

You can grease the cakes with cold cream and decorate the cake.

Recipe 4: Cottage Cheese Cream for Biscuit Cake

Delicate curd cream for biscuit cake will make it perfect dessert and please unsurpassed taste. This cream is not only easy to prepare, but also low in calories. Curd cream contains a lot of B vitamins, organic acids, calcium, phosphorus and even iodine. This cream is tasty and healthy.


Cottage cheese - 500 g;

Cream 30% - 250 ml;

Powdered sugar - 200g.

Cooking method:

Grind cottage cheese with powdered sugar with a mixer or blender.

Whip the cream with a mixer at high speed until fluffy and then add to the curd.

Mix everything thoroughly and gently until smooth.

The curd cream is ready and can be used immediately to decorate and grease the cake.

Recipe 5: Protein Cream for Biscuit Cake

The lightness of the protein cream will give the biscuit cake an extraordinary tenderness and airiness. This cream will perfectly decorate the cake and emphasize the lightness of the dessert.


Egg whites - 4 pieces;

Water -100 ml;

Sugar -200 g;

A pinch of salt;

Vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

Sugar should be poured into water and boiled for about 20 minutes over medium heat. It is important to check the readiness of the syrup, for this you need to drop it into a glass of cold water, if a ball has formed, then it is already ready.

Next, beat the whites with a mixer at high speed with a pinch of salt. Pour the syrup into the lush protein mass in a thin stream, while continuing to beat the mass with a mixer, but already at medium speed.

The protein cream is ready and can be used immediately to decorate the cake.

Cream for biscuit cake. Tricks and helpful tips

  • when preparing butter cream, it is important to pay attention to the quality of butter, since the taste of the cream depends on it;
  • in the preparation of custard, it is important to remember: the more flour is poured, the thicker it will be;
  • making protein cream you need to pay attention to the dishes. There should not be a drop of water in it, otherwise the cream will not whip. This cream must be used immediately after preparation, as it ceases to be lush during storage;
  • cooking secret curd cream- products for it are taken only fresh and homogeneous
  • to give the chocolate cream a more expressive taste, you need to grate the chocolate and sprinkle it on the cakes, and then grease the cakes with cream
  • so that when cooling the custard does not take a crust, it must be sprinkled with sugar on top or stirred often.
  • each of these creams, you can add different fruits or berries. The same cream, but with the addition of fruits, will give its own touch of originality and originality.
  • Using food coloring, creams can be given bright and extraordinary colors.
  • adding a few drops of essence to creams, you can give the cream an interesting taste.

Everyone has different tastes, so only experimentation will help determine what you like best.

- which one to choose, because there are so many of them? And how do you make sure it works? We will help you choose and teach you how to cook!

Hi all! Those who are just starting to make cakes often ask me: “What cream is suitable for this biscuit? What do you recommend?" So, to make it easier for everyone, I decided to create this article, and to describe here, of course, not all, but many creams that are well suited to biscuit cakes.

What should be the cream to "go well" with the biscuit? Focusing on my experience, I will say: it must be fairly stable in order to confidently stay inside. Too liquid cream will flow out under the weight of the cakes, especially if they are heavy, well-soaked, or cooked on natural oil, with chocolate, etc. However, the cream for the layer should not be too dense (as for leveling), otherwise it will be dry and, perhaps, not tender enough. The golden mean is what we need!)

All recipes, as always, have been repeatedly tested by me personally, as well as by readers of the site. They are guaranteed to work. However, the taste of creams, of course, is different, and I will try to describe the features of each as objectively as possible, so that you can imagine as clearly as possible what you will get and do right choice. After all, to each his own.

So let's go!

Cream Cheese, or Cheese Cream

Roughly speaking, there are two cream cheeses: and. For the filling, inside the cake, I recommend using. better suited for leveling the cake: in general, both of these creams are stable, but stronger in oil.

To date, cream cheese is one of the most beloved creams by both confectioners and their customers. He is really good. He obediently behaves in cakes, goes well with fruits, berries, caramel, condensed milk and any other additives. Quick and easy to prepare. There are a million options for proportions. It seems that how many confectioners, so many proportions) Those that I use are. But you can put more cream, as well as play with the amount of powdered sugar.

If you have never tried cream cheese, then I must warn you: the taste of the cream has a slight salty tint due to the actual cheese from which it is made. Many people really like this taste: salt, as it were, sets off, emphasizes the sweetness of everything else, it sounds very piquant) Unusual, surprising, fresh, if you like. But for some it is so unusual that it causes rejection. Therefore, cream cheese has both ardent admirers and opponents, those who categorically do not like it. If you have tried cheesecake, in a cafe or at a party, but real, on cheese, and not on cottage cheese, then the taste of cream cheese will be familiar to you.

As for the cheese. Of course, for cream cheese, not "Russian", not "Poshekhonsky", not "Yantar" cheese, and not even "Omichka", but cottage cheese Philadelphia type. True, this particular brand cannot be found in Russia today, and confectioners take available analogues: Hochland, Violette, Kremette, Kaymak, etc. This is not processed cheese! This is curd cheese, creamy, that is, without additives like dill, tomatoes, etc. Someone makes it with ricotta, but, as for me, this is already something else, not cream cheese. Yes, curd cheese from different manufacturers differs slightly from each other in consistency, degree of salinity, color and other characteristics, so you may have to try a few. different cheeses to choose the one that suits you best.

You can also add a few tablespoons of fruit or berry puree, good cocoa powder, melted chocolate or chocolate chips. You can already new cream) Do not overdo it: two or three tbsp. l. will be sufficient.

Mascarpone cream

Another wonderful cream, and also based on cheese, however, now it is mascarpone. As you know, its taste is delicate, delicate, exceptionally creamy. This cheese is not salty, but rather, on the contrary, slightly sweetish, closer to neutral. So with it it turns out the most tender and super-creamy! I love him very much and can recommend him with a clear conscience. In the cake, the cream behaves perfectly, especially if you collect the cake in a ring and leave it to stabilize overnight. However, I recommend collecting all the cakes only in the ring and be sure to give time to settle, at least a few hours, or better, a night.

The main rule for making this cream is that cheese and cream should be directly from the refrigerator! Otherwise, the cream may exfoliate. Just as in the previous case, you can add fruit and berry puree to the cream, the berries themselves or pieces of fruit, various syrups, nuts (better caramelized, they will crunch better), melted chocolate, chocolate chips or cocoa powder. Experiment!

But keep in mind, it’s better to boil the puree slightly with sugar and cool, and only then add it to the cream, so the cream will be safer, and with it the cake will get a longer shelf life. raw berries and fruits turn sour pretty quickly inside the cake, so if you put them, then keep in mind that the cake will need to be eaten as soon as it is infused, that is, literally in a few hours! Better yet, put canned fruits or boil fresh with sugar for just a few minutes, cool and only then use for the cake.

Proportions and technology for making cream in pictures -.

sour cream

Another great cream for your biscuit cakes!

Making it is very easy, but you need to prepare: there should be sour cream! Only with such sour cream will the cream turn out to be strong, stable and will hold perfectly inside the cake. If you are using regular sour cream, unweighed, even high fat (in our stores the maximum is 30%), the cream will be liquid and can only be used for cakes with a lot of thin cakes like or. Between biscuit cakes, such a cream will not hold. But on the basis of weighed sour cream, the cream turns out, although gentle, but quite suitable for a biscuit cake. Moreover, you remember: you need to collect the cake in the ring and give it time to brew in the refrigerator for at least a few hours. During this time, the cream will get stronger and will not go anywhere.

Cream Plombir

It was under this name that I once found this cream. That's how I remembered it, wrote it down, tested it and later published it here. Out of habit. But in fact, a more accurate name is sour cream and custard. Why am I focusing on this? The fact is that, judging by my blogging experience, this cream does not remind everyone of ice cream ice cream (and I don’t want your expectations to be deceived), which, of course, does not detract from its other advantages. And there are really a lot of them! Thanks to a decent amount of butter, the cream turns out to be quite stable both for the filling of the cake and for the outer coating. It can be used both for a multi-layer cake like a honey cake, and for a biscuit one, it is suitable for both vanilla and chocolate cakes, it is combined with any additives. The taste of sour cream is quite noticeable, as, in fact, the taste of butter, so all products must be of the highest quality! No spreads, no margarines or cheap "butter-types", no sour cream products, only natural, fresh ingredients. As much as you can find.

A detailed recipe and cooking technology with a photo -.

Cream Charlotte

But this cream is already a real oil. But for oil - very good! Of course, if you use only high-quality products and, first of all, real oil, and not margarine or an incomprehensible product on which oil is written, but in reality it is something terrible with an oily smell.

Cream Charlotte is a Soviet heritage, it has been used in many confectionery those years, for example, in the famous. But of course, you can use it for other cakes, those that you come up with yourself.

What is attractive about any oil cream? It sets very quickly in the refrigerator, and the cake with it turns out to be strong, which is very good for transporting and creating complex structures, the so-called 3D cakes. If you notice, American and Australian confectioners almost always use butter cream for the layer of cakes, albeit different, not Charlotte. Firstly, apparently, they are so tasty, and in general it is so accepted, and secondly, it is really convenient to work with butter cream: the cake is assembled quickly and even without a ring, it is not necessary to infuse, there is practically no shrinkage, I kept it in the refrigerator for an hour and can be levelled.

And he has one minus, but significant: not everyone likes such a cream, it’s still too fat. And speaking specifically about Charlotte, it's sweet too. However, according to my observations, lovers of that old, Soviet pastry are simply delighted with it!

Tip: be sure to put cognac! Just believe: it will be much tastier and more aromatic.

Buttercream on swiss meringue

This cream, of course, is more suitable for leveling cakes, but, as I already wrote, if for some reason you want to use butter cream for filling the cake, then you can use this one. It tastes like butter cream, and that says it all. However, you can add cocoa powder or berry puree to it, it will be more interesting. And yet, do not neglect cognac, the taste of the cream will greatly benefit from this, and the shelf life will be slightly increased this way.

chocolate ganache

One of my favorite creams, if, of course, it can be called that, because the word “filling” is more suitable. After all, you can fill anything with ganache: cake, cupcakes, pasta cakes and any other cakes, sweets, etc. Ganache can also be used to level the cake. It's all about the proportions, for each type of product and the chocolate itself, they will be different.

I'm talking about ganache. Although the article was written a long time ago, I still fully agree with it, the main thing there is true. But the proportions - I repeat! - will differ depending on what exactly we are preparing. In general, you can invent your own, in which the ganache will completely suit you in taste, texture and behavior. The main thing to remember: the more cream and less chocolate, the less strong the ganache will be. For leveling, you need a stronger ganache, for the filling, respectively, more tender is suitable.

For example, to at least something to navigate. Inside the cake I can advise, 1:1 for milk chocolate, 1:1.5 (chocolate cream) for dark and 1.5:1 for white. This is for relatively dense fillings. In fact, you can take a lot, that's just significantly less chocolate! Just beat well afterwards! Then, rather, it will not be ganache already, but cream stabilized with chocolate, they will be tender with a light chocolate flavor. Less strong, of course, but very tasty, as I like to say - like melted ice cream. But it all depends on what else is in your cake, how sweet and dense your cakes are, etc. Therefore, do not take these words for truth, just experiment!) After all, if you undertook to invent your own cake, then you need to be prepared to trials and to the fact that you will not immediately find your ideal ratios between the components!

Well, and one more piece of advice, or rather, a rule: be sure to let the ganache brew in the refrigerator for several hours. So, by the way, you will see how it will be in the cake. If too dense, you can add cream and a little butter (it will add plasticity).

That's all for today!)

I think you can choose from this list sponge cake cream which suits you!

Meringues, albeit stable, like, I do not recommend using for filling the cake. Who doesn’t know, it’s only the name that is so interesting, in fact, it’s a well-known to us protein custard. It is still a little dry to be inside the cake, it is good to use it for decoration.

However, there are many more creams that are great for sponge cake, and I will definitely talk about them in one of my next articles.

Stay with us!) And delicious creativity to you!

Pies, biscuits, cakes are the most common and favorite treats of many sweet teeth. The most common sweet pastries- biscuit. And most importantly - you need to properly prepare chocolate cream for the cake. There are a huge number of cream recipes on the Internet.

Moreover, to cook original delicacy very simple. Real chocolate cream is even used to make the popular American chocolate cake.

Below is a lot of interesting and most delicious chocolate mousses that can be used as decorations or fillings for baking.

Classic chocolate cream cake

Chocolate-based desserts are considered the most popular and favorite treats for most sweet tooth. Various pastries, such as chocolate cake, are one of the most delicious, and if you add delicious chocolate cream to them, you get incredible deliciousness.

Cream for chocolate biscuit is an essential part of this delicious dessert. But what kind of cream is suitable for such baking? The most popular and delicious is the classic chocolate mousse.

To prepare it, you need a small amount of ingredients, and the process is not difficult.

Required Ingredients

To create a traditional cake cream with chocolate, a housewife will need the following ingredients:

  • dark chocolate bar - 100 g;
  • butter - 130 g;
  • sugar or powdered sugar - 90 g;
  • egg- 1 PC.;
  • vanillin and salt - a pinch.

Considering this composition chocolate mousse makes 3-4 servings.

Many housewives to create a classic chocolate cream use cocoa powder for cake and other pastries, instead of chocolate bar. In this case, the powder should be taken without the addition of starch. The mousse is no less tasty and fragrant. And it looks very attractive from the outside. However, if the hostess wants to buy chocolate, it is recommended to choose a high-quality bar with a minimum cocoa content, for example, 57%.

Powdered sugar for chocolate cream is the recommended ingredient, which is preferable to add. But if this product is not at hand, it does not matter. Take ordinary granulated sugar and send it to the coffee grinder. Grinding sugar does not take much time, and as a result, the hostess will get her own homemade powdered sugar.

Let's move on to cooking.

How to make chocolate cream

Creation of cake cream based on chocolate ingredient or cocoa powder, the process is simple. All it takes is a little time.

How to cook?

  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator and leave to soften.
  2. Build water bath, break the chocolate bar into slices and send to heat. Stir constantly so that the product is completely melted. If you don't want to worry about the water bath, then put the bowl of chocolate in the microwave.
  3. Put the softened butter in a bowl, add salt and vanilla. Beat everything thoroughly with a mixer for two minutes. Then gradually add the powdered sugar while continuing to beat the butter mixture. This is required so that the sugar is completely dissolved and does not squeak on the teeth.
  4. Break the chicken egg, separate the yolk and put it in a mass of sugar and butter. Beat again with a mixer.
  5. Now it's time for the melted chocolate. Pour it into the mass and beat with a mixer until a homogeneous and fluffy consistency is formed.

All is ready. The result is an airy and delicate mousse that holds its shape well and is great for decorating a biscuit or cakes.

Chocolate cream and the recipe for its preparation is quite simple. Such a mousse for a cake made of cocoa powder or a chocolate bar can be filled with cakes or cakes.

From cakes with cream of butter and chocolate, you can make a cake of amazing and familiar taste to everyone.

Very tasty and gentle cream obtained with the addition of chocolate and egg white. This mousse can be perfectly glazed biscuits.

To create such a delicacy, it will be enough to prepare only 4 components.

  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • chocolate bar - 100 g;
  • vanillin - ½ pack.

From such a small amount of ingredients, making a cream is very simple. Use the instruction:

  1. Crack the eggs, separate the whites. Using a mixer at maximum speed, beat until fluffy. You should get a dense foam.
  2. Add powdered sugar and vanilla sugar to the proteins. Mix well.
  3. Finely grate the chocolate bar and add to the mixture. Stir until a homogeneous structure and an even shade are formed.

The cream is ready. Use it to decorate cakes. It turns out a beautiful gloss. And the taste of this delicacy is not inferior in any way. classic version. Create an amazing biscuit and use this cream recipe. Your family members will definitely appreciate your efforts.

Another common mousse recipe based on chocolate or cocoa powder is chocolate custard. To prepare it, the hostess will need:

  • dark chocolate- tile;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • starch - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • milk - 1 glass.

This delicacy is prepared quite quickly and simply. All it takes is a little time and the following steps.

  1. Break the chocolate bar into small pieces, send to melt in a water bath.
  2. Separate the yolk, mix with powder and starch. Grind everything in homogeneous consistency. Add milk and send to a boil, while constantly stirring the mass.
  3. Mix the mixture with chocolate and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.
  4. What happens, strain through a sieve and send to a slow fire. Whisk constantly until thick.
  5. The last step is to add the butter, and beat the final mixture again.

The cream is ready. Cool the mousse, and then whisk again. The cream should be soft and without lumps. Use this delicacy in any convenient way. You can decorate cakes, coat cakes.

Another option for decorating and preparing various biscuits is chocolate and sour cream with cocoa. But be careful, the shelf life of sour cream is relatively short. Such a mousse is much preferable to oil. Cream without oil is not so sugary and less high-calorie. What is especially important for girls. Classic recipe chocolate cream on sour cream is prepared without adding butter. But below are 2 options for mousse: a recipe with butter for cake and without butter.


The amount of ingredients in these two recipes is very different. If for cooking without butter chocolate cream from cocoa powder and sour cream you need:

That's for at least delicious cream with butter for chocolate cake you will need the following ingredients:

  • powdered sugar - 250 g;
  • dark chocolate bar - 400 g;
  • fatty natural sour cream - 2 cups;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • boiled water - 50 ml;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar - 7 g;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon without a slide.

Some housewives mix eggs and sour cream, or rather, egg white with sour cream to create air mousse. But this is up to you.

Please note that it is recommended to take powdered sugar, and not granulated sugar. This is required so that the product is completely dissolved and does not squeak on the teeth. But if it so happened that there was no powder at hand, then take granulated sugar and grind it in a coffee grinder.

As for sour cream, here you should be careful. Choose only a fresh product so as not to harm the body and not spoil the taste of the treat.

Let's move on to creation.

Cooking sequence

Cooking chocolate cream on sour cream without butter is quite simple and fast. To do this, do the following:

  1. Mix powdered sugar and cocoa powder. Then gradually add sour cream, and carefully grind everything until a homogeneous mass is formed.

To make the mixture of cocoa and powdered sugar dissolve faster, you can first pour 100 ml of slightly warmed milk or cream. And then add sour cream. This cream is rich and delicious.

Reference! Before adding cocoa powder, pass it through a sieve so that there are no lumps.

Cream of sour cream and butter requires a little more manipulation than previous ingredient, but the taste is not inferior to him.

To prepare the chocolate sour cream cream, you will need to do the following:

  1. Break the chocolate into pieces, add a little powdered sugar, mix and pour water. Send this mixture to the stove, on the smallest fire. Once everything is completely melted, remove the bowl from the heat. Cool the mass to 50 degrees.
  2. Put sour cream, salt and vanilla in a separate container. Send to the stove and heat up to about 40 degrees. Remove the mass from the heat, and beat a little with a blender on low speed.
  3. At this stage, combine the chocolate mixture with sour cream, and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous structure is formed.
  4. Add the remaining sugar to the butter and beat with a mixer. Carry out the manipulation until the mass increases in volume. She will be magnificent.
  5. Now add little by little chocolate mixture and mix thoroughly. As a result, you should get sour cream-chocolate cream.

For decorating a cake, a cream made from sour cream, sugar and other ingredients is perfect. Adding butter or not is up to you.

Reference! Sour cream mousse without butter is perfect for soaking cakes, and cream with butter is used to decorate biscuits.

If the housewife needs cream long time retained a frozen form, then you can add to milk or water a small amount of gelatin.

To give an exquisite aroma and taste, some housewives add rum or spicy spices.

Cream cheese cream with chocolate

Such a cream can be attributed to sour cream goodies. It is considered not only tasty, but also healthy treat. To prepare it, the hostess will need only 6 ingredients:

  • fat cream and cottage cheese - 250 g each;
  • milk - a tablespoon;
  • white chocolate bar - 100 g;
  • powdered sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • vanillin - to taste.

Take just 5 steps and amazing butter cream he'll be ready.

  1. Beat cottage cheese until smooth. You can add some milk if necessary.
  2. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt. You can use microwave oven, or build a water bath. Then add it to the curd and whisk immediately. You should get a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Mix cream, powder and vanilla. Beat until you get a fluffy mass. Add to chocolate mixture and beat for 2 minutes.

Mousse is ready. Try decorating a cake with them. It turns out very beautiful, and most importantly - incredibly tasty. If necessary, such a mousse is used to level the biscuits. They can also fill eclairs and other cakes.

Cream Charlotte

Charlotte - chocolate cream

This is a surprisingly gentle mousse, which is very popular among confectioners. Such a chocolate delicacy turns out to be very tender, beautiful and tasty. Mousse is great for decorating biscuits.

To prepare it, prepare the following components:

  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • dark chocolate - 170 g;
  • milk - 220 ml;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 220 g;
  • cognac - 20 ml.

For creating amazing product it takes a little patience and confidence. Then it will be very delicious treat.

To make such an amazing cream:

  1. Break the eggs, separate the yolks and beat them with sugar. You should get a light mass. Add milk and continue whisking.
  2. Send the mixture to the stove and cook until thickened. In the meantime, stir constantly.
  3. As soon as the mass is ready, remove from heat and cool to 40 degrees.
  4. Butter should be whipped until fluffy in a separate container. Continue beating while gradually adding the milk mixture.
  5. Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt in a water bath. Now add in small amounts to the mixture. Whisk everything properly.

Cream Charlotte with chocolate is ready. The structure gives a very thick product. Therefore, it can be used to line a cake or create amazing cake decorations for a holiday. Try to cook it, it is very tasty and light cream.

Video of making chocolate cream for cake

Chocolate milk mousse

Don't forget the simple milk cream with chocolate. This delicacy is similar to custard. However, it differs in taste and texture. To create it, prepare only 5 necessary components. It:

  • chicken egg - 8 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 8 tablespoons;
  • flour - 3 tablespoons;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • chocolate - 1 bar (100 g).

Surprisingly tasty delicacy is obtained quickly enough. A housewife will not spend much time cooking. Just follow some guidelines:

  1. Prepare all foods.
  2. Separate the yolks and rub them with powder. You should get a mixture of white.
  3. Now add flour in small portions and mix vigorously. Add milk to this and continue beating.
  4. Grate the chocolate bar on a fine grater and add it to the mixture. Mix thoroughly and very gently.
  5. Send the resulting mass to the stove, on a small fire. Boil and whisk regularly. To get a thick structure, hold the mass on fire after boiling for about 5 minutes.

The cream is ready. Soak them in cakes or season cakes. The cream turned out to be quite liquid, so this structure is not suitable for decoration. If you want to use this delicacy for decoration. Then create a thick structure. To do this, use less prescription liquid.

Try to cook it, it will be very tasty.

There are a huge number of recipes for chocolate cream with the addition of butter. Such a mousse is mainly used for layering, icing and soaking cakes. But with it, you can create various amazing patterns for biscuits. Also, a lot of cakes are filled with such a delicacy.

Any cream recipe has two obligatory components in its composition - powdered sugar and butter. The rest of the ingredients are up to the chef.

Butter cream with chocolate is considered very tasty, the recipe of which will be below. There are also cooking options food coloring, alcohol, condensed milk and others. For the festive table, a biscuit with chocolate butter cream and rum is also perfect. This recipe is listed below.

Consider the classic chocolate version.

We will need

To prepare a thick and delicious chocolate-butter biscuit cream, you will need the following ingredients:

  • butter - 220 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar - 150 g;
  • cocoa powder - 15 g;
  • cold water - 15 ml;
  • vanillin or extract - 5 ml.

Many housewives, when preparing butter cream, use chocolate instead of cocoa powder. However, the choice of ingredients is up to you.

Let's move on to creation.

How to cook

Preparing chocolate cream for decorating a cake or coating cakes is very simple. All it takes is a little time and the following manipulations:

  1. Take the butter out of the refrigerator. We need a softened product. Put it in a mixing bowl and beat.
  2. Now add the egg and keep beating.
  3. Remove the mixer and take a silicone spatula. Now add the icing sugar in small portions, and rub it into the butter. It needs to be completely dissolved.
  4. Mix cocoa powder with vanilla and dissolve in water. We add this mixture to the sweet butter and mix everything well until a homogeneous structure and color is formed.

Mousse is ready. They can soak the cakes, and decorate the cake with melted chocolate. Biscuit with butter cream and egg is very tasty. Such a made delicacy will please your household.

Chocolate butter cream with rum has an exquisite aroma and taste. Biscuit with this mousse is suitable for a festive table. Try making this delicacy.

Take from the ingredients:

  • cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons;
  • powdered sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • milk - ½ cup;
  • dark chocolate bar - 60 g;
  • butter - 400 g;
  • rum - a teaspoon.

If you didn’t have rum on hand, you can use any other alcohol: cognac, liquor or something else.

It takes only a couple of steps to prepare such an amazing product.

  1. Remove butter from refrigerator and set aside. Let it soften. Mix cocoa powder with powdered sugar and pour over milk. Put this mixture on the stove and turn on a small fire. It is required to cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. The next step is to remove the milk mixture from the stove and immediately add the chocolate that you previously melted in a water bath to a liquid state. Mix everything thoroughly and cool to room temperature.
  3. It was the turn of butter and alcohol. Add these ingredients to the mixture and stir everything until smooth. It is advisable to carry out the procedure with your hands using a spatula.

Biscuit cream is ready. Soak the cake with it, or make original patterns. All this is up to you.

chocolate cream

Chocolate cream - the most delicate chocolate cream, which has a delicious texture. This delicacy looks like a classic ganache, but the taste is different. It's softer and not as cloyingly greasy. This delicacy belongs to french cuisine. It is very easy to cook it.

From the ingredients you will need:

  • milk - 140 ml;
  • fat cream from 30% - 200 ml;
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 25 g;
  • dark chocolate bar - 200 g.

cook this the most delicate delicacy pure pleasure.

  1. Pour milk and cream into one saucepan, mix and bring to a boil.
  2. Break the eggs, rub the yolks with powder.
  3. Pour the creamy mixture into the eggs in small portions, stirring constantly.
  4. Send the whole mixture to the fire. Boil until lightly thickened. Stir constantly all the time. The most important thing is not to overdo the mass.
  5. Everything is easier with chocolate, melt it in a water bath. Then pour into milk mixture.
  6. This step is very important. Mix everything. Doing this manually or bringing it to uniformity is not suitable, because in the future everything can delaminate. Take a blender and completely immerse in the mixture. Beat it this way. It is impossible to lift it above the mass in order to avoid the ingress of air bubbles.
  7. When you're done, cover the cream cling film and refrigerate.

When everything is ready, beat the cream again. Chocolate cream is ready. Use it to decorate a cake, soak cakes, as a filling for cakes and other desserts.

But this is not the only recipe.

Creamy rose petals

This delicacy actually contains rose petals. And the taste of sweetness is unique and delicate. To prepare such a delicacy, take:

  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 40 g;
  • low-fat cream (11%) - 250 ml;
  • dried rose petals or lavender flowers - a teaspoon;
  • sheet gelatin - 4 g.

The method of preparation is similar to the creation of a classic mousse.

  1. Soak gelatin in cold water and let it swell.
  2. Break the eggs, separate the yolks and rub them with powdered sugar.
  3. Pour cream into a separate saucepan, add rose petals. Put on the stove, on a small fire. Bring it all to a boil.
  4. Pour this mixture into the yolks and beat everything thoroughly. Then pour the mixture back into the saucepan and send to the fire.
  5. Once the mixture thickens, add the gelatin and stir until it dissolves.
  6. Now strain the mixture through a sieve to extract all the flavors and undissolved gelatin.
  7. Cool the cream and put away freezer at 5 o'clock.

The cream is ready. Before use, it should be thoroughly beaten again, then it can be used for its intended purpose.

Nut chocolate cream

Another equally popular cake mousse, made with chocolate and nuts. This is one of the most favorite delicacy of most sweet tooth. To prepare it, you need only a couple of products:

  • butter - 300 g;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • powdered sugar - 300 g;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • chocolate bar - 100 g;
  • rum - 20 g.

These ingredients make an amazing and very tasty mousse. Be patient and follow the instructions in the recipe.

  1. Crack an egg, add powdered sugar and butter. Beat with a mixer until the sugar dissolves and you get a fluffy mass.
  2. Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt in a water bath. If you don’t want to make such a design, then just melt the tile in the microwave.
  3. Grind the walnuts a little. A blender is perfect for this. Should not be brought to a state of dust. You should get small pieces.
  4. Now add chocolate, nuts and rum to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.

The cream is ready. Amazing taste you are guaranteed if you followed the instructions. Top the biscuits with a treat, decorate or use cream to smooth.

The recipe for chocolate cream with condensed milk is simple. This mousse is considered the best option for impregnation of cakes. The recipe does not require many ingredients, and the manipulations are simple and understandable.

The recipe for chocolate cream for biscuit with the addition of condensed milk has three main ingredients, and the rest of the components are at the discretion of the hostess. There are two amazing recipes: the first with the addition of cream liqueur, and the second with vanilla. Let's consider each in more detail, and start with the cream liqueur.

Grocery list

Delicious cream with condensed milk for chocolate biscuit consists of the following products:

  • condensed milk - 200 g or ½ can;
  • butter - 130 g;
  • cocoa powder and cream liqueur - 2 tablespoons each.

Cocoa powder can be replaced with chocolate bar. Suitable bitter - 57% cocoa content. For the density of the mousse, flour and eggs will be suitable products. These ingredients can be added in small amounts so that the cream retains its shape for a long time.

Traditionally, sift cocoa powder through a sieve so that lumps do not form.

Let's move on to cooking.

Cooking step by step

Cream chocolate and condensed milk is easy to prepare. It is used to impregnate cakes. Cooking this delicacy is a pleasure. The process is as follows:

  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, cut into pieces and let it soften.
  2. Once the butter reaches the desired consistency, add it to the mixer bowl, add the condensed milk there. Beat everything with a mixer to get a homogeneous structure.
  3. Now add alcohol. In our case, liquor, but you can take another drink, or even delete it from the recipe. The cream will still be delicious. We continue to mix.
  4. It's time for the cocoa powder. But if you have chocolate, then build a water bath, put crushed chocolate and boil it. It is required to cook until all the pieces of the tile have melted. We add liquid tiles or cocoa powder to the mixture and carefully stir everything first with our hands, and then whisk again with a whisk. You should get a homogeneous air mixture.

Cook the mousse with pleasure, and then everything will work out. With the help of condensed milk cream, the top and sides of the cake are decorated. This amazing and tasty delicacy is loved by many sweet tooth. Try it too.

Another recipe with vanilla. It is simple, but no less tasty than the previous one.

How to make cream on butter, cocoa and condensed milk?

From the ingredients you will need:

  • butter - 300 g;
  • cocoa - 4 tablespoons;
  • condensed milk - a bank;
  • vanillin - 1 pack.

Reference! Please note that powdered sugar is not used in the preparation of such a cream. It was changed to condensed milk.

To create a delicious chocolate mousse with condensed milk, you must do the following:

  1. Place the softened butter in a mixer bowl and beat the product at maximum speed until it increases in volume and forms a white tint.
  2. Reduce the speed of the equipment, but do not turn it off, add cocoa powder in small portions, and then pour in the vanilla. Now you can increase the speed. Continue whisking for a few more minutes.
  3. It's time for condensed milk. The mixer cannot be turned off. Pour the product into the mixture in small portions. It is necessary that the mass is thoroughly mixed. Became uniform and lush.

The cream is ready. Use it to soak cakes or decorate biscuits. This delicacy is very tasty, and pastries with such goodies will decorate any holiday table.

Ganache - from French, the word translates as chocolate cream on chocolate, cream and butter. Chocolate cream ganache for biscuit cake can be prepared in various thicknesses. You can adjust the consistency yourself. It all depends on the proportional ratio of chocolate and cream. How more chocolate, the greater the density. The most delicious cream is made from the most natural chocolate. Of course, you can replace this component with cocoa powder, but the most delicate mousse will not be so tender.

Surprisingly, there are several recipes for making such a treat on the Internet. Below will be presented several options for the cream: a classic of three ingredients, a simple one of two, a slightly more difficult one of four components and white ganache.

Consider first the classic recipe.

Product set

To prepare a classic confectionery treat or make chocolate cream for a cake at home, you need only 3 components:

  • cream with a high fat content - 110 ml;
  • dark chocolate bar high content cocoa - 100 g;
  • butter - 35 g.

Milk chocolate is not suitable in this case because traditional recipe suggests the presence of a named bitter product. Let's move on to cooking.

Cooking steps

Ganache - cream chocolate and cream is very easy to create. It only takes 3 steps to prepare.

  1. Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a bowl.
  2. Pour the cream into a saucepan, put on the stove. Bring to a boil and then add chocolate. No stirring is required, just pour over the chocolate and leave for a few minutes.
  3. Now use a whisk to make a cream of chocolate and cream. And at the last moment, add oil. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.

Delicious chocolate cream cake is ready. From this mousse are obtained delicious meals. Try to cook it, you will like it.

Let's move on to a simpler ingredient.

2 ingredient ganache

To prepare such a treat, take:

  • fat cream - 500 ml;
  • chocolate - 500 g.

That's all. Now you need to prepare the product.

  1. Put the chocolate broken into slices in one bowl, and pour the cream into a saucepan and send it to the stove. Bring to a boil, but do not boil.
  2. Now pour the warmed cream into the chocolate and mix until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Reference! At this stage, some housewives add alcohol or fragrant spices. It's up to you.

  1. Cover the mixture with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 5 hours.
  2. After this time, remove the bowl from the refrigerator and mix again.

Cream ganache of two ingredients is ready. Decorate biscuits or cakes.

Creamy four-piece ganache

This delicacy means more ingredients, but the result is no less tasty mousse.

To prepare it, take:

  • fat cream - 110 ml;
  • dark tiles - 100 g;
  • oil - 35 g;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons.

The cream making process is simple.

  1. Pour the cream into a saucepan, add powdered sugar and stir. Put on fire and bring to a boil.
  2. Put chopped chocolate in a bowl, pour it with warmed cream. You don't need to mix. Leave for 3 minutes.
  3. Now you can mix everything. Do it manually. With a mixer, the cream will not work out the desired consistency.
  4. The last step is to add butter and mix everything.

As you can see from the recipes, ganache cream looks almost the same. But due to the different amount of additional products, the taste of each mousse is different.

Use these recipes to decorate biscuits, spread crusts, and top cakes.

Classic ganache is a dark chocolate cream. But since its inception, a lot of time has passed and now there are many of its varieties. One option is creamy white ganache. Amazing tasting cream. And it's made with just two ingredients:

  • white chocolate bar - 400 g;
  • fat cream (from 30%) - 600 ml.

Preparing such a light delicacy is quite simple. Be patient and you will succeed.

  1. Break the chocolate into pieces.
  2. Separately, bring the cream to a boil. But don't boil. After that, pour over the broken chocolate with cream. And mix everything until you get a homogeneous structure.
  3. Once all the chocolate has melted, let the mixture cool for a few minutes. Then cover it with a film and send it to the refrigerator for at least 5 hours.

After this time, remove the cream and beat again. The white ganache is ready. Use this treat to line and decorate cakes. They, of course, can be coated with cakes, but in this case it is desirable to make the mousse more liquid.

Cream cheese - very thick cream prepared without liquids. Therefore, if the housewife decided to create such a treat for the cake. Then the cakes should first be soaked in syrup.

Despite the thickness of the product, the cream is very tasty.

To create it, use the following ingredients:

  • mascarpone - 500 g;
  • dark chocolate bar - 20 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g.

To prepare such a delicious cream, the hostess will need only 3 steps.

  1. Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt. To do this, use a microwave oven or build a water bath. In each case, stir the chocolate constantly so that it melts completely.
  2. Mix the mascarpone with the powder and beat until fluffy.
  3. Let the chocolate cool down a bit before pouring it into the mixture. Continue beating until you get a smooth texture.

Cream cheese is ready. It turns out quite thick, so it is great for leveling and creating amazing decorations for cakes, pies and other baked goods.

Lean cream for chocolate cake

Some people fast or keep strict diets which prohibit the consumption of milk and eggs. In this case, you really want sweets, but you can’t. However, there is a way out. Chocolate cream, prepared without milk and eggs, will help the sweet tooth enjoy the delicacy during this period. A simple recipe for a vegetarian treat is easy to prepare. BUT main ingredient- vegan chocolate bar.

Such a delicious yummy fast food used to impregnate cakes and decorate the cake.

One recipe for goodies is not enough, so below are several options for the cream. And let's start with the classic version.

What is necessary

The simplest chocolate cream is prepared in the simplest way. This recipe uses the lightest list of ingredients. The hostess will need to take the following:

  • warm water and powdered sugar - 300 ml each;
  • cocoa powder - 100 g;
  • dark lean chocolate bar - 50 g;
  • potato starch - a teaspoon.

Step by step recipe

Let's move on to cooking. Cream with chocolate lean version prepared in the same way as the usual goodies.

To prepare, do the following:

  1. Grind the chocolate bar and place in a saucepan, add cocoa powder, starch and powdered sugar. Slowly pour water and send to the stove, on a slow fire. Simmer for 10 minutes, stirring regularly to dissolve everything.
  2. After that, remove the mass from the heat and let it cool. Stir regularly during this time.

Once the lean chocolate and water cream has cooled, use it as directed. For example, if you have a delicious lean cake ready, then decorate it with this delicacy or coat the cakes. Or you can pour the mousse into containers and refrigerate for storage.

Naturally, pies on one mousse quickly get bored and you want to try new goodies. Below we offer recipes for lean creams. Try to cook each, you will like it.

Such a lean delicacy is perfect for smearing puff cakes. A kind of lean "Napoleon". To prepare such a delicacy, take:

  • vanilla sugar - 3 g;
  • wheat flour - 6 tablespoons;
  • powdered sugar - a glass;
  • water - 3 cups.

For cooking lean treats for the cake "Napoleon" you need a little time and the following steps:

  1. Place a frying pan on the stove and heat it up. Then pour out the flour. The pan should be dry without a single drop of oil. Fry flour until golden brown.
  2. As soon as the flour reaches, transfer it to a saucepan, add the powder and vanilla. Fill it all up with water. Put in a water bath and start cooking. The mixture will gradually thicken.

As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, then the cream is ready. Spread your cakes with such a delicacy, and let the cake brew.

Chocolate Lenten Cream No. 2

Another recipe for making chocolate treats, however, there are only three products. And the taste is amazing.

From the ingredients we take:

  • dark lean chocolate - 200 g;
  • water - a glass;
  • tea bag.

Surprisingly, the tea bag is indeed a necessary ingredient.

Let's move on to cooking.

  1. The same bag brew in boiled water.
  2. While the tea is brewing, grind the chocolate and then add it to the brewed tea.
  3. Mix everything properly until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  4. Then leave for 10 minutes, and then beat with a mixer or blender.

The cream is ready to use it for its intended purpose.

This is a simple but very tasty mousse. To create it, prepare:

The cooking process is extremely simple.

  1. Beat the butter with a blender into a thick foam.
  2. Gradually add condensed milk. Continuing to beat.
  3. Now it's the turn of cocoa and liquor. Whisk everything thoroughly.

The cream is ready. Refrigerate slightly before use. They can decorate biscuits, or you can coat cakes. Everything is up to you.

A little citrus will add a stunning and unique taste to any cake. But for this to happen, it is enough to cook chocolate cream with oranges. It turns out very tasty, and you can use it in any way.

To create mousse, prepare:

  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • dark chocolate - 120 g;
  • butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • maple syrup- 3 tablespoons;
  • orange liqueur - a tablespoon.

The ingredients are ready, it's time to start cooking.

  1. Clean the oranges. Cut the pulp into small pieces. Set aside any juice that comes out.
  2. In a separate bowl, place the broken chocolate chips, butter, maple syrup, liqueur and Orange juice which we have postponed. Mix a little and send to the stove. Heat the mixture over low heat.
  3. Once you get the cream, put the pulp of the orange, and gently mix everything.

It turns out a very tasty mousse, with which you can smear the cakes, or decorate the cake on top. The taste of citrus fruits will give your biscuit an amazing and unique taste. Try it, you will definitely like it. Create a cake from biscuit cakes and such a cream.

How to make chocolate cream cake - useful tips

Chocolate cake with chocolate cream is an amazing and incredibly tasty treat. Preparing this dessert will not be difficult for any good housewife. The most important thing in a cake with cream is a properly prepared mousse. If experienced housewives are familiar with every subtlety of this process, then for beginners in this matter, a few recommendations will be required. To make the best chocolate mousse sponge cake, remember a few basic rules:

  1. To get the perfect decoration for a cake or for soaking cakes, use only chilled products. The exception is butter. It must be removed from the refrigerator before cooking. It should be at room temperature.
  2. When preparing creams, margarine should not be used. You will lose in taste, and for lean mousses it is generally prohibited.
  3. To simplify the cooking process and not get confused, put all the dishes and ingredients on the table in advance.
  4. Chocolate bar among the ingredients before adding to the mousse should be in without fail melt in a water bath. As for cocoa powder, it should definitely be boiled, if appropriate.
  5. Recipes recommend using dark chocolate. If you add milk, not only the color will change, but also the taste of sweetness.
  6. Using condensed milk rather than boiled condensed milk is also a must. Again, it's a matter of taste. With boiled condensed milk, the cream has a specific taste.

When choosing a chocolate bar for mousse, avoid adding various herbal products. You need pure dark chocolate.

Check out our chocolate cream cake recipes. Treat yourself and your family members. Or maybe you can find your own unique and delicious recipe.

Chocolate cream is the simplest and most affordable delicacy. It is used to decorate baked goods. There are many options on the Internet on how to decorate a cake for a holiday. Usually, for such purposes, housewives prepare chocolate ganache cream. However, if you just want to soak the cakes, then cook any option you like, just make the treat a little liquid.