Milk custard for cake. How to make custard in milk for a cake. Custard with semolina.

1.Classic custard


● 500 ml. milk
● 200 gr. Sahara
● 1 teaspoon of vanillin
● 50 gr. flour
● 4 egg yolks


We grind egg yolks with sugar, vanilla and flour until homogeneous mass. We bring our milk to a boil. Pour hot milk into the egg mass, stir. Put the resulting mass on fire and cook until thick. Ready!

Oil - 150 gr. From velvet sugar - 60 gr. From egg yolks - 1 whole egg - 90 gr. flour - 90 gr. potato starch- 1 spoon of Witch liqueur - 2 teaspoons of yeast rations - a pinch of salt - 100 gr. From chocolate drops For decoration: granulated sugar. Orange - 12 gr. Clay fish To decorate: sugary fruits.

Taste cream with grated orange peel and citrus juice. Soak fish glue in cold water for a few minutes, squeeze it, then soak on a sweet flame in liquor and three tablespoons of water, put in whipped cream, then mix with fern, pour everything into a mold and level the surface. in the refrigerator for 4 hours. For the base: - 250 gr. dried cookies - 100 gr. From melted and cold butter - 80 gr. Dark chocolate Perugina.

2. Universal oil cream


● Packing butter
● 4 chicken eggs
● Sand sugar 1 cup
● Powdered sugar 100 grams
● A pinch of vanilla, if desired, you can without it


First, take a pot with the thickest bottom. It must be dry. Break four eggs into it. Mix them with sugar. Turn on the fire and start heating. Stir constantly, do not move away from the stove. You will get a thick mass. Remove from the fire and put on the table. stir the mass, wait for it to cool down. Whip the butter in a bowl with the powder. Add egg mixture to butter. A little vanilla for taste. The cream is ready, store in the refrigerator, spread only on cooled cakes.

Soak fish glue in cold water for a few minutes, squeeze it, then soak on a sweet flame in liquor and three tablespoons of water, put in whipped cream, then mix with fern, pour everything into a mold and smooth the surface.

In the refrigerator for 4 hours. Decoration: decorate the surface of the sweet with sugar. Egg - 450 gr. Whole milk - 1 vanilla pan - 50 gr. From Marsala - a pinch of salt - 300 gr. From semolina sugar - 60 gr. White flour - 6 egg yolks - 450 g whole milk- 1 vanilla pallet - 50 gr.

Marsala - a pinch of salt - 300 g brown cream - 300 g liquid cream - 50 g - 4 pasta sheets ø cm 26-4 pasta sheets ø cm 26 for decoration: sweet almond grain and grated dark chocolate. Albums have been slightly beaten before. Process the mixture and let it cool in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. With cold dough, prepare small balls that you lightly pat with your finger. Dissolve chocolate in bain marie. Using a praline fork, dip the chocolate into the melted chocolate and then let them dry on a sheet of baking paper.

3. Cream recipe with condensed milk and eggs


● Softened butter 200 gr.
● Condensed milk 100 gr.
● Eggs (yolks) 2 pcs.
● Vanillin or liqueur


Beat softened butter with condensed milk.
While continuing to beat, gradually add the egg yolks.
For flavoring, add vanillin or another spice, or 30-50 gr. liquor.

In the center of each chocolate, stick to half walnut. From chopped nuts - 85 gr. powdered sugar - 2 teaspoons lightly beaten albums. - 200 gr. dark chocolate - 1 tablespoon of semolina salad - 30 hazelnuts. Oil - 300 gr. Dark chocolate - 100 gr.

Seed cake with pears and chocolate

Milk chocolate - 25 gr. Olive oil extra virgin - 1 g salt - 1 g vanilla in bourbon berries - 700 g fresh pears. Chocolate chocolate cake with milk chocolate covered chocolate icing, is a delicious chocolate cake. A simple chocolate cake filled with soft milk cream and topped with chocolate mirror icing.

4. Cream of condensed milk and butter


● 1 can of condensed milk
● 1 pack of butter


Preparation: Beat butter and milk until smooth. The oil should be at room temperature. Refrigerate the cream.

5. Cream of semolina


● 1/2 cup milk
● 1 tbsp. semolina
● 1 tsp. Sahara
● 1/2 tsp. butter
● 1 yolk
● 1 tsp. vanilla sugar

Article Multimedia recipe Recipe author User's recipe. . Set the yolks with sugar using an electric whip. When the mix starts getting too thick, start combining the milk and alternating it with the flour part. Whip clear and add to the mixture with movements from the bottom to the top. Bake at 180°C for 30 approx. While the cake is in the oven, we are preparing milk cream. Set fire to the milk and heat it until it boils. Combine the corn with a colander to prevent lumps and thicken the fire by turning the cream with the whip.


Boil milk with vanilla sugar. mix semolina With a small amount water, pour the resulting mixture into hot milk and bring to a boil over low heat. Thoroughly grind the egg yolk with sugar and butter until a fluffy homogeneous mass. Add to it semolina in small portions, constantly whisking it with a whisk so that the cream is lush and light.

Let it cool and in the meantime put on the cream. When cold, join the cream with whipped cream. After the time has passed, take the cake out of the oven. Finally, we prepare the icing. Mix cocoa with sugar. In a mixture of panning water in cream. Put gelatin to soak in cold water for 10 minutes. Add cocoa and sugar and stir with a whisk until there are no more lumps. Put on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat, then turn off and let it cool for 5 minutes.

Add squeezed gelatin and mix thoroughly. let it cool down again. Cut the cake into two or three layers. Place the first layer of cake on the wire rack. fill ballot boxes with fake ballots Each layer of milk cream, complete with a final layer to which you can remove if you wish upper part to straighten it out. Here's the fun part, pour the icing on the cake, making sure it's around the edges too.

6. Cream cheese "Mascarpone"


● Cottage cheese (in a pack 18%) - 200 g
● Cream (33%) - 200 ml


Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve (preferably twice). Pour in cold cream. Beat the mass at low speed until creamy. Mascarpone cream cheese is ready to use!

7. " Custard»


Let it rest in the fridge and serve! Hold egg whites for another preparation or use them at the end to apply the cream. Heat milk in a saucepan and combine lemon peel or a vanilla steak halved over time. If you chose vanilla, rub the black seeds directly into the milk with the tip of a knife. You should work for a few minutes until you get a clear foam. Mix the flour and mix well with the whip. If the dough gets too thick, stretch it out with 2 tablespoons of cold milk and stir until the flour is well incorporated. Bake the yolks and shape into chunks, be careful, it's important to keep the heat really low, immediately pour the cream into a thick straw colander over the bowl, mix well with a spoon in the colander to make it easier for the cream to pass through. Bowl with transparent film and cool.

  • Pour the egg directly into the round bottomed saucepan.
  • Mix the sugar with the yolks and mix well by hand.
Great alternative: Catalan cream.

● 2 eggs
● 1 glass of sugar
● 1 tsp. vanilla
● 1.5 cups of milk
● 2 tsp. melted butter
● 2 tsp. flour


1. Mix flour and eggs in a saucepan so that lumps disappear.
2. Boil milk and sugar in another saucepan, do not forget to stir them.
3. Pour milk with sugar into the flour mixture in a thin stream, stir vigorously with a spatula.
4. Put the resulting cream on a small fire, stirring constantly, bring to desolation. Do not bring the cream to a boil!!!
5. After that, remove the cream for eclairs from the fire, adding to it vanilla sugar and butter. Mix well, and then quickly cool by placing in ice or cold water. Custard can be used for eclairs or other pastries, cakes, Easter cakes.

Ingredients: 3 yolks, 1 dl cream and 2.5 dl milk, 1 tablespoon corn, 70 g sugar. You can use this cream in place of cream or use it in bowls sprinkled with granulated sugar to caramelize with a special gas stove. You can lighten cream in two ways: take a dose of your cream and add the same weight of lightly sugary whipped cream.

  • Place the egg yolks in a saucepan and mix with the whip.
  • Combine 2 tablespoons of milk and corn and blend.
  • Mix milk and thicken over low heat, stirring constantly.
Homemade magic on finished pie baked it!

8. Butter cream"Five Minute"


● Butter - 250 g (room temperature)
● Powdered sugar - 200 g
● Milk - 100 ml (you can add 150 grams, you can also 200, more softer cream it turns out less greasy!)
● Vanillin - 1 package.


Boil milk and cool to room temperature. Combine all components. Beat with a mixer until the mass becomes homogeneous, pearly in color. Approximately 3-5 minutes. (Sometimes only after 5 minutes the cream starts to whip, so beat as much until it whips, and it’s better at the lowest speed. Neither in combines nor with a blender, as experience has shown, the cream does not whip, so if there is no mixer, then beat it with a hand whisk or whatever is convenient for you). The cream turns out to be lush, delicate, with a light vanilla aroma. You can coat cakes and pies (rolls).

Cakes are not the best healthy food, but definitely lead the way in the greatest culinary delights. The easiest way to cook home cake- use ready to bake and decorate suitable cream. We offer you several recipes to help you complete your cake completely.

The products are mixed and kept at a moderate temperature for 15 minutes with continuous stirring. After removal from the hot plate, stirring is continued until the mixture has cooled to avoid lumps. This cream is distributed among individual bats.

You can not only coat cakes with custard, but also fill croissants, custards, and also serve as a sauce even for dumplings with cottage cheese. We will share proven recipes for making custard in a variety of variations. Each recipe is accompanied by a photo. Do delicious cream at home is very simple if you follow the instructions.

Powdered sugar 6-8 tablespoons dark cocoa 20 ml fig licorice. Liquid chocolate and butter should be room temperature, very soft. The cream is crushed for about a minute until it starts to foam. Place liquid chocolate and crumble to get a smooth, medium-dense cream. Add butter, powdered sugar, cocoa and liqueur and crush until consumed.

The cream is stored in the refrigerator and kept at room temperature. Cakes made with it are removed from the refrigerator for about 15 minutes before serving. If this happens, warm the mixture until melting, cool in the refrigerator and shake again.

Custard for honey cake - a special recipe

Honey cake layers are very sweet, so a little less sugar is added to honey cake custard than usual. Impregnate honey cake need at least 3 hours.

How to make custard with milk for a cake

Take a heavy-bottomed saucepan in which you will cook the cream. Sift flour, add sugar and eggs. Add some milk to make a paste. Gradually pour in the rest, checking that there are no lumps. If they could not be avoided, arm yourself with a mixer or blender.

The goal is to make the cream rich chocolate. The yolks are decomposed with sugar before flowering and added to heated milk. Heat in a water bath with constant stirring for about 10 minutes. Cool and add broken snow, warm gelatin, crushed cream and vanilla.

Vanilla cream is prepared by breaking the yolk, fresh milk, cream, sugar, flour and vanilla. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, it is poured into a saucepan and placed on a quiet fire. With continuous stirring for about 15 minutes, the cream is kept on a hot plate until it thickens.

Turn on the gas to the very minimum and start cooking, stirring constantly, the milk part of the custard. When bubbles begin to appear on the surface, note for 2 minutes. In another saucepan, melt the butter, mix it with the boiling cream nearby and remove from heat. cover cling film surface of the cream and cool completely.

The cream will be very successful if the cream and milk are kept in the refrigerator until the moment of cracking. Brush cream with milk until the mixture is thick and voluminous. Add powdered sugar and mix well. Flavor with vanilla and store the cream in the refrigerator.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath in a bowl or microwave oven, and in another bowl - break the butter with sugar powder. We begin to gradually add slightly chilled chocolate, a spoonful of spoonfuls, and the breakage continues. Then add broken waffles. Mix them with cream and then liquid chocolate- a spoonful of a spoon! As soon as the cream is ready, we begin to collect the cake in the standard way: blatan, cream, blatan, cream.

As soon as the cream has completely cooled, you can coat the honey cake.

Custard for cake according to a traditional recipe

Nothing extra, just the basics. According to this recipe, custard was prepared in Soviet canteens. If you buy quality products, you will feel the taste of the 80s. Such a gentle, melt-in-your-mouth custard without lumps.

Turn on your imagination and create the cake of your wishes. Blatt, cream and syrup are participants in this cooking, finger licking, crime. Here's the cocoa cream that's in today's recipe, not the sachet or plastic bucket. Many kids today have no idea what cream can make mom, can't be bought boxed in a colorful jar of dinosaurs and countless colors, preservatives and flavors. For today's cocoa cream, you will need following products: one liter of fresh milk, 4 fresh eggs, 3 tablespoons of quality cocoa, 6 tablespoons of flour, 8-10 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of salt.


  • Half a liter of milk;
  • 4 yolks;
  • 160 grams of granulated sugar;
  • Real butter - 160 grams;
  • Flour - 70 grams;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 grams.


Whisk the flour, sugar, vanilla sugar and egg yolks in a non-stick saucepan with a mixer. Heat milk in any convenient way to 35 degrees and gradually pour about a quarter into a saucepan without turning off the mixer. Bring the remaining milk to a boil and gradually add, whisking constantly. It is important to pour in the boiling milk slowly, otherwise the yolks will boil. At this point in your pan, the mass is as thick as the dough for thin pancakes.

Preparation of delicious cocoa cream

Separate the egg yolks carefully. Take 300 ml. From fresh milk and add flour, yolk and cocoa to it. Beat the mixer at low speed until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then put the rest of the milk with sugar on the hot stove to heat up. In a thin stream, add the cocoa mixture to the boiling fresh milk with continuous stirring. Stir the mixture continuously until it burns until the first bubbles appear.

Last year you showed how to do it. This time she told me the recipe for an amazing cake of three types. chocolates that you will breathe for every visit you ever come to. First we start with almond crumbs and corpses, then they come to a whole range of creams!

Advice. Custard can be used not only for cakes and pastries, but also for filling wafer rolls and sweet pancakes.

Place the saucepan over low heat and cook, stirring very vigorously, for 5 minutes. Immediately, when the pan is removed from the heat, cut off a piece of cling film and cover the surface of the cream with it. You can not do this if you stir the cream every 1.5-2 minutes until it has completely cooled down. The thing is that when cooling, a mixture of eggs, milk, flour and sugar is covered with a thick dense crust. Because of this, there will be no homogeneous structure of the custard. Cool the cream to room temperature.

For 1 body with a diameter of 22 cm you will need: 6 eggs, 90 g honey, 150 g semolina dough, 90 g ground almonds, 145 g smooth flour, 30 g cocoa, a spoonful of baking powder, 145 g whipped cream, 170 g butter, 80 g extra dark chocolate. Prepare crumbs: 100 g butter, 100 g lung cane sugar, 100 g ground almonds, a pinch of salt, 100 g smooth flour.

The cake of today's cake is the almond crumble you are also starting. In the robot, just mix the oil, cane sugar, almonds, salt and flour, and when a crumb forms, spread it on a baking sheet and bake at 180 degrees Celsius for 7 minutes.

Beat the butter with a mixer and gradually combine with the contents of the saucepan, beating at high speeds. Add everything as quickly as possible, if you beat too long, the oil will flake off.

Custard without flour and starch - the most tender

Custard for sponge cake without flour - the lightest, gentle version impregnation. If you want to make chocolate custard, add a heaping tablespoon of cocoa powder.


  • 300 grams of butter
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • Half a liter of milk.


Bring the milk to a boil and set aside. Remove foam.

Whisk eggs with sugar into foam directly in a saucepan with a thick bottom and pour in the cooled milk in a thin stream, stirring with a whisk. Set the pot to minimum heat. As soon as bubbles appear, note two minutes, and then remove the pan from heat.

Beat soft butter with a mixer and add the cooled milk mixture. Stir and refrigerate, covering the surface of the cream with cling film. After complete cooling, the flour-free cream is ready to use.

Lemon Custard

Sun-colored custard. Suitable for impregnation of any cake and for making cakes.


  • 1 lemon;
  • 40 grams of cornstarch;
  • 250 grams brown sugar
  • 4 yolks;
  • 350 ml of water;
  • 20 grams of butter;


Wash the lemon thoroughly and pat dry with a towel. Grate the zest on a fine grater. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice. For cooking lemon cream you need 100 ml.

In a saucepan in which you will cook the cream, sift the starch, add salt and sugar. Pour in warm water and add lemon juice with zest. Stir so that there are no lumps and put on the most slow fire. With constant stirring, wait until the mixture begins to thicken. The consistency will be like thick jelly. It takes about five minutes to cook.

Beat the yolks with a mixer and, without stopping whisking, pour the contents of the pan in a thin stream. Put the container with the resulting cream on water bath and cook, stirring, for another five minutes. Add a piece of butter, wait until it is completely dispersed, and immediately remove the cream from the water bath.

Cover the surface of the custard with cling film and chill. You can take it out in the cold.

Custard with gelatin and milk

Don't be afraid to make gelatin custard! If you follow the instructions, the cream will turn out amazing.


  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 150 ml cream 35% fat;
  • 5 yolks;
  • 100 grams of sugar;
  • 10 grams of sheet gelatin;
  • A pinch of salt;
  • 1 gram vanillin.


Whip the cream with a mixer and place it in the refrigerator. Pour gelatin with water according to the instructions and leave for a short time so that it disperses. Custard with gelatin sheets cooks faster as it takes less time to swell.

Rub the yolks with sugar. Combine whipped cream with milk in a saucepan and bring to a boil. While whisking the yolks, gradually pour in the hot cream. Once everything is well mixed, place the saucepan over low heat and bring to a boil. As soon as bubbles appear on the surface of the creamy mass, turn off the gas.

Heat the gelatin in a water bath and, constantly whisking the creamy mixture, pour it in.

Cool the finished custard with gelatin for the cake to 30 degrees and start covering each cake with a thick layer.

Custard with semolina

Cream with semolina is especially suitable for impregnating children's cakes. Try to cook it and you will understand that this granularity gives the custard a special tenderness, and the snow-white color - elegance.


  • A liter of milk;
  • 4 tablespoons of semolina;
  • 600 grams of butter;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • A quarter teaspoon of fine salt.


Pour the milk into a saucepan and season with salt. Bring to a boil and add semolina in a thin stream. Cook, stirring constantly with a whisk, over low heat for 15 minutes. When the semolina is ready, sprinkle powdered sugar entire surface and leave to cool.

Beat butter with sugar in air oil cream and add a little cooked semolina, whipping the mass with a mixer. Do not beat the oil, otherwise the cream will delaminate.

After an hour in the refrigerator, the sponge cake custard is completely ready.

Cream custard

Custard with lovely creamy taste, which is perfect for soaking Napoleon cake and biscuit cakes.


  • Cream 33% fat - liter;
  • 5 yolks;
  • A glass of sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons of flour;
  • Butter - 200 grams;
  • 1 gram vanillin.


Pound the yolks and sugar white right in the pan and put on a slow fire. When the yolks are warm, pour in the cream in a thin stream, constantly stirring the mass. Boil for 3 minutes, then sift the flour onto the surface of the cream and quickly stir and cook the cream for a couple more minutes so that it thickens to the desired consistency. Remove from stove, cool.

Add soft butter and vanilla, beat with a mixer or blender. You can start assembling the cake.

Custard with cottage cheese

Curd custard can be used as an independent dessert. It turns out quite dense, but at the same time, airy.


  • 200 grams of cottage cheese 5% fat
  • Half a liter of milk
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 6 tablespoons flour
  • 200 grams of butter
  • 1 gram vanillin.


Sift flour and cook with milk over low heat until thickened. Rub soft butter with sugar. When the milk has cooled, whisk it together with the butter. Grind the cottage cheese through a fine sieve and add to the butter. Add vanilla and stir.

Custard with cottage cheese is ready.

Custard on sour cream

Custard sour cream for cake is not very popular, as many cannot understand what to do with sour cream? If you take homemade sour cream, it is divided into oil and serum, and the store is too liquid. Following our instructions, you will prepare the most delicious custard sour cream.


  • Sour cream with 25% fat - 300 grams;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 140 grams of sugar;
  • 1 gram vanillin.


Beat the egg with sugar and add flour, pour sour cream and mix. Eliminate the formation of lumps. Pour the mass into a saucepan and put on a slow fire. Bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.

Add 30 grams of soft butter to the hot mass and mix with a whisk. Leave the mixture to cool. Beat the remaining butter and gradually add the custard.

If you are planning on greasing sour cream dense cake layers, leave the cream in the refrigerator for 3 hours, and then get to work.

Helpful Hints:

Throughout the process of preparing the custard, stir it with a whisk so that there are no lumps. But if suddenly lumps appear, just beat the mass with an immersion blender.

So that the custard does not exactly burn, boil it in a water bath. It will take a little more time, but it will not collapse.

When cooking on the stovetop, use a double-bottomed steel pan or a non-stick pan. Enamelware not good, everything will burn.

For a light color, you can add cocoa, blackcurrant or carrot juice and other natural dyes.