If you whip sour cream what happens. How to make thick sour cream? This cream is great for biscuit, nut and honey cakes.

sour cream can be called the most popular among the sweet tooth. This cream is great for biscuit, nut and honey cakes. Despite this, many housewives do not know how to whip sour cream correctly in order to get a mixture of the desired consistency, which will make any dessert tender. Cream of sour cream is less fat than oil cream but he has his secrets. Sour cream should be very fresh, oily and thick.


In order to cook right cream, which will retain its shape for a long time, you must follow a few rules:

  1. The main thing is to choose sour cream with a fat content of at least 30%. Such sour cream can be purchased at any store. You can replace sour cream and liquid cream. The main thing is not to confuse cream from real sour cream with a vegetable product.
  2. It is best to purchase 35% cream, which whips wonderfully and keeps its shape for a long time. This cream can be used as a filling for desserts or decorate cakes with it.
  3. The second thing you need to remember is the temperature of the sour cream. Cold sour cream whips up much better. In order to prepare a high-quality cream, you need to store sour cream for 5-7 hours in the refrigerator.
  4. Butter cream can be whipped in any bowl (glass, plastic or ceramic). Dishes have no effect on the quality of the cream. Before you start whipping the cream, you can put the dishes in the refrigerator so that it subsequently maintains the temperature of the cream. Mixer attachments can also be put in the refrigerator.
  5. If you are not quite experienced chef, we recommend that you do not whip the cream with a mixer or food processor, as in just a few seconds the cream can turn into butter and you will not have time to interrupt this process.
  6. In this situation, you will no longer be able to save the cream and you will have to rejoice at the homemade butter that you have obtained (unless, of course, you have already added sugar to the cream).
  7. If you still want to use a mixer, then be sure to cover the bowl in which you whip the sour cream with a transparent lid with a hole. This trick will help you avoid unpleasant situations when the cream scatters around.
  8. So, pour the sour cream into a tall bowl and start whipping the cream.
  9. Start at the slowest speed and gradually speed up. When the cream begins to thicken, add powdered sugar (not all at once, and not homemade powder), 3-4 drops of lemon juice and continue to beat until a thick consistency.
  10. Add sugar to taste.
  11. As a result, you will get a lush, elastic, airy buttercream.
  12. This cream can be used in the preparation of any desserts that you wish to prepare. Sour cream can even be served with fruit, especially strawberries!

The simplest cream recipe is made from sour cream and sugar. The product of this type has one minus - a little greasy, but there are many pluses - no harmful additives only fresh and natural.

It is used to flavor pastries of any kind - puff, biscuit and shortbread, is not harmful to children - if there is no history of diabetes, pancreatic disease or lactose deficiency.

Even a novice cook can cope with the task of how to make cream from sour cream and sugar, if he knows in what proportions the ingredients are mixed.

If you want to give the dish a “zest”, improve the taste, this can be done by adding natural food ingredients.

The easiest cream for cakes from sour cream and sugar

For cream preparation simple version 2 components are enough - sour cream and sugar, in the proportion: 500 g of thick sour cream - at least 30%, 1.5 cups of sand - you can grind this amount in advance into powder. Some housewives, in order not to worry that the sweet mass will spread, add a thickener to the cream. This ingredient can be used corn starch, oil or gelatin. Making the air component of the cake is very simple - beat sour cream with sugar with a whisk or mixer so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

If you have a large blender, it will also help to cope with the task.

Sour cream is considered ready when the volume of the mixture of the original products increases by 2.5-3 times and the fluffy mass does not spread if the dish is tilted. Check carefully - if you turn off the electrical device several times, you can lower the mass.

How to whip sour cream with sugar into a fluffy cream in the shortest possible time? Experienced housewives know the secret - sour cream should be as cool as possible. You can even interrupt the process if the mixture does not rise well, and put it in the refrigerator for a while.

But there is an even better way - to put a container in which sour cream is whipped into cold water with ice.

How to thicken the original product

You can thicken the sour cream mass with the help of the following ingredients.

Corn starch

For 0.5 kg of sour cream, you need to take 2 teaspoons. First, the mass is whipped to maximum thickening, then cooled in the refrigerator, then an almost finished product is taken out, starch is added, and stirred at high speed until the product “stands” on an inverted spoon.


You can increase the density of the cream with oil, but you should consider - taste qualities not hurt, but energy value and so not quite dietary product will increase even more, and the consistency will turn out to be “heavy”.

The oil is taken out of the refrigerator in advance and allowed to stand in the room - it is not recommended to warm it up specially - you can melt it. Then it is mixed with sugar - half of the total - and slowly, without interrupting the beating at low speed, sugar butter injected into whipped cream. Sour cream should already "absorb" granulated sugar. Now the mixture is beaten at high speed for about a minute, making sure not to interrupt. finished product keep in the refrigerator before applying to the cake.

It not only securely fixes the cream, but also turns it into a delicious tender soufflé:

  • Recipe for sour cream soufflé: the proportions of sour cream and sugar for a delicate cream are exactly the same as for a regular one. Gelatin - 10 g - is poured into an enameled bowl - then it will have to be placed on a heating device or steam bath, therefore, you should choose dishes of proper quality. Pour in 5 tablespoons of milk better than creamroom temperature, let it brew and swell - it takes about 10 minutes.
  • Then the gelatin is dissolved over a fire or a water bath - the main thing is to be able to constantly stir, then cool to room temperature.
  • Pour into the sour cream-sugar mixture, beat for 2-3 minutes, remove for 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator - not in the freezer.

When applied to a biscuit, hot knives are used - they are heated in boiling water, since the soufflé has already set.

Experiments with sour cream

Always is sweet pastries with one taste - boring. To get new taste sensations, it is worth experimenting with a layer and decoration. You can already use ready recipes or come up with something new.

Ingredients needed for culinary experiments:

  • sour cream - 3 cups;
  • sugar - a little less than a glass;
  • berries or fruits;
  • cocoa powder - 2 tablespoons;
  • instant coffee - a teaspoon;
  • lemon - 1 medium.

Some housewives pre-filter the sour cream through cheesecloth or rub it through a fine sieve, especially if the product is not made using a separator - lumps may occur in it. In addition, when straining through cheesecloth, excess liquid is absorbed, which means that the mixture will be easier to whip.

Cocoa and coffee are poured in after the lush mass is half whipped. The final readiness is given to it after mixing all the ingredients.

Want a fruity or berry flavor? In this case, fruit or berry puree is first made, and added at the last stage. In this case, you can not do without a thickener - fruit juice it is impossible to completely remove from the puree - and it is unnecessary. It is enough for the fruit puree to drain for 10-15 minutes.

For every 10 g fruit puree, added to the creamy mass, you must enter 10 g of gelatin.

Lemon cream. Citrus does not need to be peeled. It should be kept in boiling water until it becomes soft.

If it is crushed in the hand, then it should resemble a children's toy made of porous rubber - such material is very pleasant if chewed.

After the lemon has cooled, it is turned in a meat grinder along with a soft peel, after removing the seeds. Then this mass is added to the lush mixture. It is already clear from the technology that a thickener is needed.

But if you want to create a nutty masterpiece, a thickener is not needed. The simplest is to add to almost ready mix lightly fried walnuts crushed into powder and brought to full readiness.

Almond-sour cream sweet mass can turn into great dessert, which does not have to be laid out on cakes or biscuit dough- so you can get a ready-made sweet dish. Required amount products is calculated as follows: a glass of sour cream - half the volume of powdered sugar - egg white- 0.75 cups of peeled almonds. Almonds are crushed, pre-roasted and cooled.

Combine the rest of the ingredients and stir thoroughly until a spoon “stands” in them. Taste egg whites should not be felt. If the plans - decoration confectionery, the nut is driven in at the last stage and the mixture cools before it is spread on the cake.

Sour cream and sugar cake cream is the easiest and surest recipe for making sweet desserts. Except classic way its preparation, there are others, more interesting options. Sour cream can be made thick or thinner, high-calorie or dietary. You can add cocoa, vanillin, berries and even nuts to it.

Thanks to the use of available ingredients, sour cream is especially popular. The fermented milk product makes the cream tender and gives it a creamy taste. The main thing is that the sour cream is fresh and oily. If you trust market products, then it is better to buy sour cream there, and not in a store. To obtain air cream it is worth adding fine sugar, but professional confectioners prefer powdered sugar.


  • ½ kg of sour cream;
  • 160 g of fine sugar;
  • a sachet of vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

  1. We put cool sour cream in the container and turn on the low speed on the mixer. You need to do three approaches for one minute.
  2. Then we increase the speed and pour out the sugar, but not the whole amount, but in portions, one spoon at a time.
  3. At the end, add vanilla and beat for another two minutes until fluffy.

Sweet layer with cottage cheese

Recently, desserts using cottage cheese are in great demand. Such a product is added to the dough, and a delicate layer is prepared from it for various desserts.


  • a pack of cottage cheese;
  • 420 ml sour cream;
  • 170 g of white sand.

Cooking method:

  1. To prepare a cream of sour cream and cottage cheese, let's start by mashing curd product to a soft consistency without a single lump.
  2. Then we put sour cream and turn on the mixer again.
  3. After two minutes, add sweet sand and stir the composition until it is completely dissolved. For flavor, you can add a little vanilla.

With added oil

To prepare this cream, you will need only three ingredients: sour cream, butter, sugar. Sour cream with the addition of butter turns out to be tender, airy, dense and, of course, delicious. Such a cream is suitable not only for a layer of cakes, but also for filling cakes and eclairs. For the recipe, it is better to take fatty sour cream and butter with a fat content of at least 82%.


  • 140 g butter;
  • 280 ml sour cream;
  • 140 g of sweet powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Put butter at room temperature in a bowl and beat for three minutes.
  2. Add sour cream along with powder and grind the ingredients well at high speed until a dense mass is obtained.

Thick sour cream with sugar for cake

At home, it is not always possible to beat sour cream to the desired thick consistency. As a rule, as a rule, the cream turns out to be liquid. But there are ways to achieve the desired density.

  1. Many housewives claim to get thick cream it is possible only from homemade sour cream, and not from the product that is offered to us in stores. To test such assumptions, buy sour cream with a fat content of 30% on the market, fold gauze in four and put on it fermented milk product. Hang the bag over the container and wait three hours. If whey comes out of the gauze, then such sour cream will really make a thick cream for the cake.
  2. Many do not even realize that sugar can turn even the fattest sour cream into a liquid mass. The longer you keep the mixer on, the less likely you are to get the desired result. What to do? The answer is simple - sour cream and even inventory, that is, a bowl and whisks, should be cool. Stir quickly and vigorously.
  3. To achieve a thick consistency, you can add corn or potato starch. Such ingredients do not affect the taste in any way, but they affect its density. The only thing to do is to keep the creamy mass in the cold before using it for making desserts.
  4. Addendum butter It will also allow you to make the cream dense, although the taste will turn out to be somewhat different, and the cream mass itself will be more saturated and heavy.
  5. The lightest and modern way- these are thickeners for cream, they can be produced under different brands, but the method of application is identical for everyone.

Cooking with eggs

That custard every housewife knows how to cook with milk, but for many it turns out to be a discovery that such a cream can be cooked from sour cream and eggs.


  • 280 g sour cream;
  • one egg;
  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • 130 g of fine sugar;
  • 140 g butter;
  • a couple of drops of vanilla extract.

Cooking method:

  1. In a water bath, melt the sweet sand along with sour cream and an egg. As soon as the mass thickens, remove from heat and cool.
  2. In small proportions, put the butter in the sour cream-egg mixture and mix with a mixer until smooth.
  3. We introduce a few drops of vanilla extract, mix and use as directed.

How to make with cream

To prepare gentle cream co creamy taste you will need heavy cream, sour cream and any sweetener. Most often, housewives use sugar, but we recommend replacing it with sweet powder. If not, then use the finest granulated sugar that you can find or just grind it in a coffee grinder.


  • 550 g sour cream;
  • 240 g of sweet powder;
  • 280 ml cream.

Cooking method:

  1. If you have homemade sour cream, then it must be weighed. Put the product in cheesecloth and hang it over the container so that all the serum comes out of it. If this is not done, then the cream will turn out to be liquid.
  2. We put sour cream in a deep bowl, pour in the chilled cream, pour in the powder. Start beating on low speed and then on high for 5 minutes. If the cream does not taste very sweet, then add more powder.

Chocolate cream with sour cream, sugar and cocoa

By using simple ingredients you can diversify sour cream. For example, by adding cocoa, you will get a delicious and delicate chocolate composition.

Ingredients for making cream of sour cream and cocoa:

  • 160 g sour cream;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 270 g of fine sugar;
  • 70 g cocoa.

Cooking method:

  1. Put sour cream in a container, add sweetener and cocoa, mix until smooth.
  2. Then we send the mass to the fire and cook until thickened, do not forget to stir constantly.
  3. As soon as the mass becomes thick, we introduce the oil and continue to cook until it is completely dissolved.
  4. We remove the composition from the stove, cool and use for making desserts.

with gelatin

To obtain a thick sour cream, butter is used, but such a product makes the cream heavy and changes the taste. But there is another way, thanks to which you can impregnate a thick consistency - this is gelatin.


  • 280 g sour cream;
  • five tablespoons of sweet powder;
  • half a glass of milk (water);
  • 1 tsp gelatin;
  • vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour gelatin into milk (water) and give it time to swell. Then we send the composition to water bath and hold until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  2. With a mixer, mix sour cream with powder and aromatic additive to homogeneity.
  3. Then add chilled gelatin, mix and let the cream brew a little.

For biscuit desserts a cream with a medium density is suitable. For shortcrust pastry, it is better to make the cream more liquid so that it can soak the crispy cakes well. And for the meringue perfect option creams with a very dense consistency, under the influence of a more liquid impregnation, such products may crumble.

So many delicious desserts can be cooked with sour cream. Cakes, pastries, cookies and much more become the most tender with him, gourmet dessert if you know a simple recipe.

You can soak the cake with cream from sour cream or make decorations for it.

The easiest recipe

You will first need two ingredients. Sour cream with mass fraction fat at least 20 percent (of course, more is better). Or whipped, fluffy cream with a fat content of 35 percent (if less, use a powdered thickener), powdered sugar or sugar. It is enough to simply make powder from sugar yourself using a mixer or coffee grinder. Also, sugar wrapped in confectionery paper can be rolled with a rolling pin. Sour cream should be chilled and without lumps. Beat with a mixer until a stable foamy state 500 ml of sour cream and a glass of powdered sugar. While whipping, pour in the powder gradually. The main thing is not to overdo it with the mixer, otherwise you will get butter instead of cream.

Adjust the sweetness of the cream according to the following ratio. The average sweetness of the cream is achieved when there is a glass of sugar per 500 g of sour cream.

A plumb line of sour cream improves the quality of the cream and makes it thicker. Place a fine sieve or gauze over the pan, put sour cream in it and strain. Leave the bowl in the refrigerator overnight


A simple cream recipe and your imagination will give you many wonderful culinary discoveries. To make the cream thicker, add butter. Take 150 g of sour cream, 150 g of butter and the same amount of milk, add 3/4 cup of powdered sugar or sugar. Heat a little on the stove, then whisk.

If you need liquid sour cream, use condensed milk instead of sugar. Whip cream or sour cream until foamy and add condensed milk. Add a little lemon juice, the taste and smell of the cream will become more temperamental.

A very thick cream, for example, to make cake decorations, is made as follows. Take 1/4 cup cold boiled water, add 10 g of gelatin, dissolve it and soak for 15 minutes, then heat it without boiling. Beat 250 g sour cream with 1/2 cup sugar and 250 g cottage cheese. Mix cream with gelatin solution and leave until thickened.

Do you want chocolate sour cream? Add 2-3 tablespoons of cocoa powder or coffee to it. Also use fruits, berries, jam, vanillin and honey in your recipes.

Sour cream is a wonderful base for many culinary masterpieces. It is especially actively used in confectionery art. A cream based on sour cream is quite popular, which received the corresponding name - “sour cream”. He is considered true classic For home baking. In the confectionery industry, this impregnation is also widely used. At professional chefs it turns out a thicker sour cream, and for housewives at home - more liquid. It uses similar ingredients good quality and the first freshness. A logical question arises: To do this, you need to take into account several culinary nuances, which will help thicken the filling to the required degree.

Composition of sour cream

This filling has gained its popularity due to the ease of preparation and the availability of ingredients. It is especially popular for biscuit honey cake and sour cream. Sour cream can be mixed with cocoa or any syrup. It should be borne in mind that this is a fairly liquid confectionery mass, that is, a fluid substance well suited to make dryish dough softer and more tender.

Standard sour cream is prepared from 3 essential products:

  1. Oily sour cream.
  2. Powdered sugar.
  3. Vanillin.

How to make thicker sour cream cake? Firstly, you need to use sour cream of maximum fat content, and cool the finished cream thoroughly in a cool place. These tricks will make the mass more viscous, but not thick enough. To significantly thicken sour cream, you should use several tricks and additives.

Ways to make sour cream thick

How to make sour cream cake thick? Confectioners use several fairly effective options. Possible means:

  1. Remove excess moisture from sour cream. For a quality cream, it is better to choose the maximum fat content. dairy product- thirty %. To enhance the effect, you can put sour cream in cheesecloth and hang over a bowl for several hours. Thus, excess liquid will drain, and the finished impregnation will come out thicker.
  2. Reduce whipping time. From contact with granulated sugar, any sour cream becomes more liquid. To avoid this, you need to whip the cream at the maximum speed of the mixer for a non-positive time. In addition, before whipping, it is worth cooling all products and equipment.
  3. Use of starch. Any starch can make the impregnation slightly thicker and does not affect the taste in any way.
  4. gelatin supplement. It is a versatile thickener that can slightly change the flavor of a dessert. Once added, it will take time to cool.
  5. A combination of sour cream and butter. Sour cream with the addition of butter turns out to be a slightly different taste, it is heavier and denser. In fact, this is a different product, but this option is very common. Especially often it is used for stuffing eclairs.
  6. Use of a special cream thickener. This method is the easiest to use. There are thickeners with different names, but in application they are all similar.

These simple tricks help thicken the sour cream during cooking. Thicken ready cream you can only beat it again with the addition of any suitable additive.

Recipes for thick sour cream impregnation

To prepare a medium-sized cake, you will need about 500 g of sour cream, 100 g of powdered sugar, a pinch of vanillin. Additional components are taken in accordance with the recipes provided to your attention below.

and gelatin

How to make sour cream thicker? You can use gelatin. It requires 15 g and 100 ml of water. For swelling, gelatin is aged in cold water 20-30 minutes, then dissolve in a water bath, avoiding boiling. While the gelatin mass is cooling, the base of the cream is whipped - sour cream with sugar. After 10 minutes of intense whipping, vanillin and cold gelatin are added. After that, the cream is whipped for a couple more minutes. The finished mass should be placed in a cool place for 5-6 hours. During this period, the gelatin will seize and you will get a really thick and delicate cream.

Sour cream with starch

How to make sour cream thick with starch? The above amount of ingredients will require only two teaspoons of powder. Chilled sour cream is whipped with a chilled mixer for 10 minutes, then sugar is added and after another 5 minutes of whipping, starch is added and whipped again. In order for the cream to seize and thicken, it is removed in a cool place for half an hour.

Impregnation with oil

Another 500 gr. sour cream is taken about 70 g of butter. It should be slightly warm. 50 g of powdered sugar should be rubbed with butter in a large container. When the mass turns white, sour cream, the remaining powder and vanillin are added to it. Beat this mixture with a chilled mixer for 10 minutes. The result is a soft and dense confectionery mass with homogeneous consistency. It is best to use it chilled.

Sour cream with condensed milk

How to make sour cream thick? You can use condensed milk. In this recipe, you can completely eliminate the use of sugar. affects the volume, because of it, more impregnation comes out. Added to standard ingredients regular bank condensed milk and 50 grams of butter. The oil should be at room temperature. Chilled sour cream is whipped for 10 minutes, after which a whipped mixture of condensed milk and butter is added to it. This mass must be beaten for another 10-15 minutes until a fluffy homogeneous mass. This cream can be served as an independent dessert, decorated with dried fruits or nuts.

Sour cream using a thickener

How to make sour cream thick? Dry concentrated is perfect for this purpose. The instructions usually indicate the exact proportions (they vary from manufacturer to manufacturer). Most often, 500 gr. sour cream requires one pack of thickener. For 10 minutes, cold sour cream is whipped with sugar, after which vanillin and a thickener are added. The resulting mass must be intensively whipped for another 5 minutes. After the cream is placed in a cool place for half an hour. If the resulting consistency is watery, another thickener is added and the sweet mass is whipped again.

As can be seen from these recipes, various culinary additives are used in the preparation of thick sour cream. In any case, it is important to use fresh, high quality products. Sour cream should be high fat. Both sour cream and inventory must first be cooled.