Yellow plum jam. Cherry plum jam: a culinary discovery for making desserts

We suggest you make a delicious preparation for the winter - pitted cherry plum jam. It doesn't matter which alucha you take - yellow or red. You can even mix different varieties, achieving interesting color shades. You can also enrich the jam with spices or spices. The result is a rather thick consistency, with a characteristic sour taste. Cherry plum jam is perfect for making yeast pies, a layer for biscuits, it can be used to grease pancakes, serve with cheesecakes and pancakes.


  • cherry plum yellow - 1.6 kg
  • sugar - 1.2 kg
  • water - 60 ml.

How to make cherry plum jam

We prepare the yellow cherry plum - we sort it out, make sure that there are no black dots and all kinds of depravity, we cut off the tails of each cherry plum. We shift the selected cherry plum into a deep bowl, rinse under running cool water, and dry on a clean kitchen towel.

We load all the cherry plum into a saucepan or an enameled basin, in which you usually cook jam. Pour literally 60 ml of pure bottled water, it will help the cherry plum to steam faster. We send the pan to the stove, setting the heat to medium. Boil the cherry plum under the lid for about 3-4 minutes.

We remove the pan from the stove, remove the lid, the steamed cherry plum is ready for the next process.

We take the smallest sieve that you have at hand, grind the cherry plum. We discard the peel and bones, pour the resulting cherry plum puree into a saucepan or return to the pan. Bones and cherry plum peel can be poured with hot water, add a mint leaf, insist, strain, flavor with honey, you get an excellent drink.

Pour the right amount of granulated sugar into the cherry plum puree. If desired, you can add your favorite spices or spices, for example, vanillin or fragrant cinnamon stick, cardamom, etc. Boil yellow cherry plum jam for 6-8 minutes. During this time, the consistency of the jam will become thick.

The final stage is to lay out the jam in pre-sterilized containers. We choose the method of sterilization that is more convenient for ourselves - a sterilizer, oven or steam.

We roll each jar with a lid, which we boil the day before in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. We turn the jar on its side, check if air leaks. We remove the finished cherry plum jam to a secluded place, turning each jar upside down, covering it with a blanket or blanket, leave it for 24 hours. After the specified time, we put the jam on the shelf of the cellar or pantry, where we store it until the onset of cold weather.

Good appetite!

Bright sunny yellow cherry plum jam is enriched with a fresh sprig of fragrant mint and star anise spice. We are preparing another preparation for the winter. Such a jam with a spicy tint will be an excellent addition to morning milk porridges, they can be layered with airy biscuits, watered with fruit salads and desserts. Due to the large amount of acid that cherry plum contains, the workpiece does not need additional sterilization.
By the way, cherry plum turns out great.

So, we are preparing cherry plum jam with star anise and mint


- yellow cherry plum - 750 g,
- sugar - 550 g,
- water - 40 ml,
- star anise - 1 star,
- mint - 2-3 sprigs.

We prepare the cherry plum for the preparation of our jam - we sort it out, wash it under cool water, dry it, cut off the tails. We definitely take ripe cherry plum, the skin, of course, in any case will have a bright sour taste, but the pulp of ripe cherry plum is quite sweet. You can also use red cherry plum or mix them.

We remove the bones from each cherry plum, again, if the cherry plum is ripe, the stone is removed with ease. Leave the pulp, discard the seeds.

We shift the pulp of cherry plum into a saucepan, pour in granulated sugar and pour in literally 40 ml of pure water. We set a moderate fire on the stove, put a saucepan, steam the berries for 5-7 minutes.

After the specified time, puree the soft cherry plum with an immersion blender. In order for different-sized pieces to remain in the jam, we puree for literally 8-10 seconds, for a smooth, uniform structure, increase the time to 30-40 seconds.

We enrich the future jam with natural flavors: a fresh sprig of mint and an asterisk of spicy star anise. These spices envelop the jam with their aroma, making the pronounced sour taste of cherry plum more subdued. Cinnamon, both ground and chopsticks, any other spices would be appropriate here. Boil the jam on the stove for another 3-5 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the stove, filter the mint and star anise.

We sterilize jars that are suitable in volume in a sterilizer, over steam or in an oven. Boil the lids in boiling water for about three minutes.

We fill the jars with fragrant cherry plum jam, tightly tighten the lids with a key. Now it remains to cool the jars under a warm blanket, turning each jar upside down.

We cool during the day, and then we remove the jars with bright sunny jam on the shelf of a dark, cool room, where we store it until the onset of cold weather.

Good appetite!
It's just as tasty and flavorful.

Fruits and berries


Seedless cherry plum jam can be cooked at home in any quantities. This is because such an actual preparation can not only delight children and adults as an independent dessert, but also be used to create more sophisticated desserts. Did you know that in Georgian and Azerbaijani cuisine, they even prepare sauces for meat from cherry plums. At the same time, the cooking method is not much different from the one that we will use today to create jam, except that spices are added to it in large quantities for the right taste and aroma. Thus, from the thick jam prepared today, you can always make an appetizing sauce for meat on the coals.

It is worth noting that cherry plum is not at all a canonical ingredient in such a jam; instead, you can use a suitable variety of sweet and sour plum. At the same time, neither the method nor the cooking time will be affected by such changes. It is also convenient that the recipe presented by us allows you not to remove the seeds from fruits before cooking them, we will get rid of them already in the process, besides, this will significantly save time for making jam. Any home preservation will a priori be much more useful than what can be purchased in stores. And it will be very tasty and really summery. Let's start preparing for the winter a delicious thick seedless cherry plum jam at home.



    Let's prepare on the working surface of the table the few ingredients that we need today to prepare a sweet winter preservation of cherry plum. As mentioned earlier, cherry plum can be safely replaced with plum, and the variety should be chosen exclusively to your taste..

    We put all the selected ripe fruits in a colander, put it in the sink and thoroughly rinse the cherry plum under running cold water, along the way we remove the tails and, if possible, sort the spoiled specimens.

    Pour the prepared cherry plum into a voluminous enameled pan, fill it with a glass of cold clean water, put the container on the stove. We turn off the fire only when, from heating, the peel on the fruits begins to burst and cracks.

    At the same moment, you need to carefully, using kitchen tacks, move the pot with cherry plum into the sink and fill it with running water as shown in the photo.

    At this stage, there are several ways to remove the seeds from the cherry plum and remove the skin, one of them we will use today. We drain the water from the pan, put the cherry plum into a kind of bag from a piece of gauze, wrap its edges and literally squeeze the pulp into a clean container. This is much faster than peeling each cherry plum separately.

    We combine the pulp of the cherry plum with the indicated amount of granulated sugar in a small saucepan, gently mix the ingredients and put them on the stove.

    After the mass in the saucepan boiled, cook the cherry plum for the next 5 minutes. Then we leave the saucepan with the future jam to cool and cook again for five minutes. We repeat a similar procedure for another 2-3 times: so our jam will become thick enough.

    We sterilize small glass jars by steam or any other dry method, for example, in the oven.

    Pour hot jam into prepared glass jars: do this carefully so that the jars do not burst under the influence of high temperatures.

    Immediately roll up the cans with the workpiece with tin lids, holding the glass containers with a towel. You need to cool the preservation all the next night, covering it with a blanket or towel. You can store treats even at room temperature. Seedless plum jam for the winter is ready.

    Bon appetit!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

Cherry plum jam is ideal for making homemade cakes - and, tarts, rolls, buns with filling. It tastes sweet and sour, the consistency is very thick, like jam. The color is very beautiful - amber, almost transparent, and the aroma is simply amazing!
There is no need to add any thickeners to the jam during cooking. Cherry plum contains a lot of pectin, a natural gelling agent, and this provides the finished jam with a dense structure. Of course, you will have to work a little - first boil the cherry plum without peeling it and without taking out the bone, and then rub it through a sieve. But it does not take much time, the cherry plum is perfectly boiled soft and it is easy to wipe it. Fruit puree will need to be slightly boiled to the consistency you need and packaged hot in jars.
Cooking cherry plum jam for the winter.

- yellow cherry plum - 1 kg;
- sugar - 700 gr;
- water - 200 ml.

Recipe with photo step by step:

My cherry plum under running water. We cut off the stalks, if there are spoiled berries, then we throw them away or cut off the darkened areas.

We shift the cherry plum into a bowl for cooking jam for the winter (it can be an enamel basin or a stainless steel pan). Pour in a half glass of water. Water is a must. Firstly, without it, cherry plum will immediately burn. Secondly, with the addition of water, more liquid will turn out and cherry plum will boil faster and better.

We put the dishes with cherry plum on medium heat. Bring to a boil. As soon as the water begins to boil, reduce the heat to almost minimum. Cook cherry plum until softened. The skin should come off well, the cherry plum will darken a little, become soft and loose. Turn off the fire, leave the cherry plum for 10 minutes to cool slightly.

We put a colander or sieve on a pan of a suitable diameter. In small portions, spread the boiled cherry plum (along with the liquid) in a colander. Wipe with a spoon or crush. Throw away the bones and skins remaining in the colander, put the next portion of cherry plum.

We should get a thick, fluffy yellowish puree. Pour it into a saucepan (it will be more convenient to cook jam in it).

Add all the sugar to the fruit puree. Put the saucepan on a low heat, stir until the sugar dissolves.

Cook cherry plum jam until a thick light foam appears on the surface. Boiling should be medium, not very intense.

We collect the risen foam with a spoon. We make the fire small, and even better - put the pan with jam on the divider.

Boil the jam to the desired consistency. It thickens very quickly, so the jam must be constantly stirred to prevent sticking to the bottom. After 10 minutes, the color will turn amber, the jam will thicken.

We sterilize the jars over steam or scald with boiling water, bake in the oven. We boil the lids. All this must be done while the jam is being cooked so that the jars are hot. Pour cherry plum jam into jars, screw on the lids.

After complete cooling, the cherry plum jam will be very thick, more like jam. The taste is excellent - sweet and sour, full-bodied, very balanced. Cherry plum jam is perfectly stored until winter in a city apartment at room temperature. The jars can be kept in a kitchen cabinet or pantry, but keep out of direct sunlight as the jam may darken.

On a note. The amount of sugar during the cooking of jam can be adjusted depending on your taste and taking into account the acid of the cherry plum.
Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)
Recall that last time we prepared

Pitted cherry plum jam, the recipe with the photo of which I offer, turns out to be very tasty, so be sure to prepare one or two jars for the winter. Despite the rather large amount of granulated sugar that we add during the cooking process, cherry plum jam ends up a little sour as a result.

This preparation will appeal to people who are not very fond of sugary-sweet jams. For additional taste, you can add various berries or citrus, for example, orange. You can also experiment with spices. In winter, we use cherry plum jam for a layer of biscuits, pancakes, serve it with tea, sliced ​​bread, smeared with butter - just perfect.


- cherry plum - 900 g,
- sugar - 900 g,
- water - 60 ml.

We prepare the cherry plum - sort it out, make sure that all the berries are dense and without spoilage, thoroughly wash the cherry plum under a stream of cool water, dry it.

We put all the cherry plum in a suitable stewpan or saucepan. Add some clean bottled water. We send the saucepan to the stove, at the highest temperature, cook the berries for about 3-5 minutes.

Before our eyes, the cherry plum begins to burst, becomes soft and releases a fairly large amount of juice. Take the saucepan off the stove.

We arm ourselves with the smallest sieve that you only have in the kitchen - we grind the berries.
The bones and cake, which were formed during the grinding process, are thrown away or we cook the compote. Or you can just pour them with a small amount of boiling water, add a sprig of mint and honey to taste, then cool and strain - serve the drink warm or with ice cubes - very tasty

So, in the process of grinding, we got a sufficient amount of liquid mass.

Pour the cherry plum puree back into the saucepan, pour in a portion of granulated sugar. We send the saucepan to the stove, turning on a moderate temperature.

Boil cherry plum jam without pits for 7-10 minutes. We remove the resulting pink foam.

We sterilize jars in advance - over steam or in the oven. Throw the lids into boiling water - stand for three minutes, carefully remove. Fill jars with hot jam.

Screw on the lids tightly. We turn the cans on their side - we check the accuracy of seaming - air and liquid do not leak - they rolled up successfully. Now we send our jam to a secluded place, turn each jar with a lid down, cover with a blanket, leave for about a day to completely cool the glass.

That's all, we rearrange the blanks in a dark, cool room where all our conservation is stored.

Good appetite!

You can also replenish your winter stocks.