Surprise in tea with your own hands. What to write on tea bags

Today we will tell you how to learn how to make tea with your own hands. A sort of tutorial, if you like. This project will not only give you an inner sense of creation, but it will also introduce you to some very healthy teas that will help you heal and not accidentally excite your taste buds.

Don't know what is? This is a brand new tradition! And we hope it inspires you to do something good. Now let's make tea!


  • multi-colored cards;
  • empty tea bags;
  • tea ingredients according to the recipes below.


Licorice Root + Mint

The licorice root has many benefits: it will relieve stress and cure a sore throat, besides, it is simply delicious. And the best part is that it's sweet, and you won't want to add more sugar if you're used to spooning a full spoon into your tea. For those who don't like licorice, don't be afraid. The aroma of this root differs from the strong and specific smell of black licorice.

Add about a tablespoon of licorice root to your empty tea bag. Fill the rest with mint and pull the thread to close the bag.

Lemon verbena + mint + ginger + green tea

Green tea is full of antioxidants and is very good for health, it helps to reduce the risk of cancer and keep cholesterol levels normal. Add some more ginger, lemon, mint, and you will make a real gift to your health.

Divide the tea bag into four parts: first pour green tea, then mint, fill the third part with ginger and add lightly crushed lemon verbena on top.

Rosebuds + lavender + licorice root + white tea

This flavor mix is ​​for all flower lovers. If some, having felt only the smell of this tea, would immediately want to go to the SPA, then those who have already tried herbal tea with a slight aftertaste of sweetness, slowly sipping it, would dream of soaking up in their garden of lush roses.

Add some white tea to a tea bag. Then put 2-3 pieces of licorice root in there for that hint of sweetness. Add 3-5 rosebuds depending on how big they are and top with lavender for the rest.

Parsley + lemon verbena

Parsley tea?! Yes. Don't leave yet. We know it sounds strange, but parsley tea is very healthy. Among the known benefits, it also helps with digestion and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Let's talk about flavor. Tip: When you drink this tea, think of the fact that you are drinking the broth. If you succeed and get into the taste, you will definitely enjoy this loose leaf herbal tea.

Place parsley leaves in a tea bag, then add about a tablespoon of lemon verbena.

DIY tea bag labels

Using a hole punch, cut out pieces of paper. You need two pieces of paper for each bag. Fold them together and cut a thin line in the center so the label will stick to the rim of your cup.

Put a little hot glue on the tag to stick the string of the tea bag. Then make sure that both pieces of the label are well glued to each other.

Tea with your own hands can be an unusual gift!

Sometimes my hands itch to "reinvent the wheel". Do not get into the Internet and take advantage of the ready-made fruits of human thought, but disassemble / understand it yourself, with your own hands ...

This is what happened with paper bags. After all, there are schemes on the net! But no, she picked up the paper and began to twirl, remembering how it looked when "from the store", and how it can be done! Moreover, you can do it "by eye", without a ruler and marking the sheet - just fold it neatly so that the edges of the paper are parallel to each other.

I made these New Year's packages from "designer paper" made using the hot decoupage method (I will give the "recipe" in the next post):

So, a master class on paper bags is for those who are interested in making not only gifts, but also packaging with their own hands.

1. We take a sheet of paper. I took the usual, white, A4 format. We also need narrow double-sided tape or glue.
We wrap the edge of the sheet, slightly wider than the tape strip. We wrap the other edge towards it so that it slightly overlaps the first fold (about 1-2 mm)

2. We glue the edge with double-sided tape. You can also glue, but make sure that it does not flow over the edges and wait until it dries.

3. Decide how thick your package will be - we determine by eye. And carefully bend our paper "pipe", keeping the edges parallel. So we get even edges of our "parallelepiped".

4. We make a fold inward on the sides of the package. Align the edge to the edge so that it is parallel.

5. Now we make the bottom of the package. We look at the side part and from below we measure a distance approximately equal to the width of the sidewall. We bend the bottom of the package, first in one direction, then in the opposite direction.

6. We make the bottom like an envelope - as if we were packing a box in paper: we wrap the corners inward at 45 0.
We glue the "ears" with double-sided tape or ordinary glue.

7. To make the top of the paper bag look neater, fold the edge inward. In addition, if we want to make a bag with handles, then this will be stronger.
We make pens from tape - with a needle or through holes (if there is a hole punch).

Homemade paper bags are also good because you can not make ordinary pens, but show your imagination - for example, stretch a ribbon through one or two pairs of holes and tie a bow:

Or, wrapping the top of the bag a couple of times, fasten it with tape (in a similar way, loose tea is often packed, only there is a flexible strip with wire instead of a tape).

For herbal tea, I made such bags from colored office paper. Kraft bags look good (combined with red ribbons or white lace). You can make packages from magazines or last year's calendars ... And my friend makes them from ebru paper:.

Happy pre-holiday chores!

Oksana Shapkarina

The tea bag position is a type of oral sex. The name is directly related to the process - to bring a man to a "boil" by stimulating the testicles, which are associated with bags.

Sex position "Tea bag"

This position is exclusively for the man, as the woman must do her best to please her partner. A distinctive feature is that stimulation of the testicles is carried out not only with the hands and mouth, they can also touch the face and hair.

Possible options for the tea bag pose:

  1. The girl lies down on the bed, and the man turns his back on her and kneels over her face. As a result, the testicles should be above the lady's tongue.
  2. The girl kneels, and the man stands in front of her. She should “play” with her testicles with her lips and tongue. Hands can additionally stimulate the penis or stroke the man's thighs.
  3. The partner lies on his back, and the girl is on her knees at his feet, facing him. In this position passes.
  4. During normal sex, being on top of a girl, she can stimulate the testicles with her hands. Such manipulations are also considered a variation of the tea bag pose.

The "tea ceremony" technique involves stimulating the testicles with the hands, for example, you can put them in your hands and rub them together. Give consent for the man to run his testicles over his face and hair, this will allow him to receive incredible bliss. To get a guy, you can tickle him under the testicles with your tongue. Gentle biting and pinching of the scrotum is allowed, but it is important not to overdo it and not cause pain. Forbidden actions also include strong squeezing, twisting and various sudden movements.

Remember that the most sensitive place in a man is the scrotum, so any gentle manipulations in this area will give the chosen one pleasure.

At work or on the road, brewing tea in the traditional way is quite problematic. A completely different thing is a tea bag. What is it like to brew tea with it? I dropped the bag into a cup or plastic cup, and you're done. Tasty drink you can try. And you don’t even need to wash the cup for a long time after drinking tea. It is enough to throw the used bag in the trash can.

Tea bag - what is it? Origin story

A tea bag is a small bag made of filter paper that contains tea. This is the easiest way to quickly brew tea.

Tea bags were invented in 1904 by American tea and coffee merchant Thomas Sullivan. To send samples of the goods to his clients, he packaged tea in silk bags and tied them with braid. One of the merchant's potential customers decided to immediately taste the drink and brewed tea without opening the bag. It was a real success.

Tea bags quickly began to spread throughout Europe and America. Until 1929 they were made and sewn by hand. Then tea began to be packaged in filter paper. In 1950, an engineer from the German company Teekanne invented the double rectangular tea bag. What was he? It was a real modern bag with a string fixed with a metal clip and a paper label.

Mass production of tea began under the leadership of the owner of the tea factory, Thomas Lipton, who decided to pack tea in cardboard boxes instead of cans. This method of packaging tea bags made of filter paper is still used today.

For all lovers of tea bags, it will be interesting to know a few facts about this product. Tea bag... What is interesting known about it?

What are tea bags

Those who, by the will of taste or living conditions, prefer bagged tea in bags to all other drinks, they know perfectly well what a tea bag is - a bag in which tea is located. It is worth pouring such a bag with hot water and a “freshly brewed” aromatic drink is ready! We have already discussed what such tea is, and today we want to tell you more directly about the bag.
We want to note right away that, in addition to the popular bags for single brewing (that is, designed for one serving of tea), there are tea bags for brewing in a teapot, however, the former are still more common. The shape of the bags can be different: rectangular, square, round and even pyramidal, and there are also single-chamber and two-chamber variations.

An indispensable attribute of most bags is a string, for which it is convenient to get them out of the cup (and you can even squeeze them out with it, wrapping the string around a teaspoon with a bag). By the way, we somehow happened to come across simple flat round bags without strings, which seemed to us very interesting to use due to their ability to fit comfortably on the bottom of the cup before pouring it with boiling water.

What are tea bags made from?

Most pouches are made from chemically neutral filter paper (sometimes referred to as "filter pouches"), most often made from wood, thermoplastic and abaca fibers. Not so long ago, bags made of fine-mesh plastic mesh appeared, into which large tea raw materials are packaged (fine dust from the mesh will spill out).
In order to prevent tea bags from spilling out, naturally, they are fixed. In order not to spoil the taste of tea with glue, metal brackets are usually used for this purpose, and some manufacturers simply tie their bags with a string or use a thermo-method using thermoplastic fiber.

To preserve the aroma of tea, many trading companies (Greenfield, Curtis, etc.) pack each tea bag in a separate paper or foil envelope.

tea bags

In addition to the usual teabags, special bags without tea are produced - they are designed for brewing ordinary loose tea in a teapot in order to facilitate the process of washing dishes: you just need to put the required portion in a bag, then tighten it, put it in a teapot and pour boiling water.