How to make a rose from salt dough. Biscuit roses on a straw

Surely each of us is familiar with baking in the form of dough roses. However, it seems to many that it is not at all easy to prepare such a delicious and original dessert. Today we decided to dispel this myth and bring to your attention some easy recipes for this interesting dish.

How to cook roses from dough with sausage filling

The basis of this dish will be puff pastry, which you can either buy or knead yourself. Such pastries are not only very tasty and fragrant, but also look very impressive, which allows it to take its rightful place even on holiday table. An additional advantage of this dish is the possibility of using the most various fillings: so, instead of sausage, you can take, for example, apples, red fish or other products of your choice.


If you decide to cook dough roses according to this recipe, then first prepare following products: half a kilo of ready-made puff pastry, 500 grams of boiled sausage, 100 grams of sugar. You will also need toothpicks to keep it going while baking.

Cooking process

Cut the sausage into thin slices. Puff pastry for roses, defrost and roll out to a width of two to three millimeters. Then we cut it into strips about 30 centimeters long and 5 centimeters wide. We lay out 4-5 pieces of sausage on each strip of dough so that the top of the filling rises slightly above the dough, and the long edge of the dough is free. We turn the bottom edge of the dough up to the sausage. Then we roll the dough with the filling into a bud. The bottom of the resulting bun needs to be leveled so that it can be placed steadily on the baking sheet. We fasten our dough roses with toothpicks. This will help them stay in place and keep their shape while baking. We transfer our culinary products on a baking sheet. You can additionally fasten them together with toothpicks so that during the cooking process they do not fall sideways. We send our edible buds to a preheated oven and bake for about half an hour until browned. Remove the finished buns from the baking sheet and place on beautiful dish. As you can see, this recipe for dough roses is very easy to prepare. The finished dessert is very tasty, tender, fragrant and original. Enjoy your meal!

Cooking roses from yeast dough

Many housewives consider yeast dough to be rather capricious and prefer not to deal with it. However, if you use this time-tested recipe, you are guaranteed to get not only a delicious, but also a very original dessert that will be appreciated by both your household and guests.

In order to prepare dough roses, you will need to take care of the following ingredients in the kitchen: three chicken eggs, 20 grams of dry yeast, a glass of milk, a glass of granulated sugar, a bag of vanilla, 100 grams of butter, a little salt, and also flour.

Cooking instructions

We heat the milk and add a teaspoon of sugar and yeast to it. Mix and leave the dough for a few minutes until a hat forms on it. At this time, three eggs are mixed with half a glass of sugar. Then add milk with yeast, vanillin, salt and begin to gradually introduce flour. We knead the dough. It should not be thick, but not liquid either. Mix it thoroughly and leave for a while in a warm place. After the dough has tripled in size, turn it out onto a work surface generously sprinkled with flour and knead until it stops sticking to your hands. Then we roll it thinly, trying to give it the shape of a rectangle. We melt butter and grease the dough sheet with it. Also sprinkle it with the rest of the sugar. We roll the dough into a roll. This is not difficult to do, but care must be taken that it does not turn out to be too loose. Next, cut the roll into pieces about two centimeters wide. These will be our roses. We spread them on a pre-oiled baking sheet and coat with egg yolk. Leave for a while in a warm place so that the dough disperses a little. We heat the oven to 200 degrees and after the buns have increased in size, we send them to bake. In about half an hour, roses from will be ready. Take them out of the oven, put them on a dish, sprinkle powdered sugar and enjoy the great taste and aroma.

How to make roses with apples from puff pastry

If you decide to pamper your household or guests not only with delicious, but also original dessert be sure to try this recipe. To make roses from dough with apples, we need the following ingredients: 250 grams of puff pastry, two apples (it is best to choose red fruits, so your dish will look even more attractive), three tablespoons of sugar and powdered sugar. From the indicated amount of products, approximately 12 buns are obtained.

We proceed to the process of preparing dessert

Cut the apples into quarters, remove the core and cut into thin slices (about 2 mm). Bring 200 ml of water to a boil in a small saucepan. Add sugar and spread apple slices. Cook them for a couple of minutes, then drain the water. Defrost the dough and roll out thinly. Then we cut it into long (about 25-30 cm) strips 3-4 cm wide. Lay out five apple slices slightly overlapping on each strip. Carefully wrap the dough into a tube, fold the bottom edge and put our future rose on a baking sheet. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake our edible flowers for about half an hour. We cool the finished culinary products, sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. As you can see, this recipe for dough roses is extremely easy to prepare. The finished dish is not only very beautiful, but also delicious.

I am glad to welcome you my dear readers!

if you love homemade cakes then we came to the right place, because I just adore her! And on the pages of my homemade recipes you can choose pastries for every taste. There are baked goods yeast dough(pies, cheesecakes), yes biscuit cakes, there is . Basically anything your heart desires! In addition, all recipes are very simple and easy to do.

Want to make fancy baked goods? I offer dough roses. Fragrant delicious yeast buns roses. Costs are minimal, execution is easy.

You will do everything according to step by step photo recipe and the result is guaranteed to you. So do not hesitate, but get down to business!


  • Wheat flour - 300 grams
  • Milk whey (you can milk or water) - 125 ml
  • Fresh yeast - 12 grams
  • Granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece
  • Butter - 30-40 grams
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Vanillin - ½ sachet
  • Apple - 2 pieces

From this amount of products, we will get about 15 pieces of beautiful fragrant buns.


Some housewives, in order to make life easier, so to speak, buy ready dough in the store and usually prefer to take puff for this pastry, I have nothing against this option. And yet I suggest trying to make roses from yeast dough, delicious buns roses. And, of course, cook the dough yourself, putting all your positive into it.

It's easy to knead the dough! If you have all the ingredients in stock, then we begin.

First of all, we will make a dough, in other words, we will give our yeast more strength. To do this, take a deeper bowl and crumble the yeast there, add a tablespoon of sugar and rub everything with a fork. Let's leave it for a minute.

While the yeast will combine with sugar, without wasting time, mix the remaining sand sugar with the egg. Beat well with a fork, and leave, let the sugar dissolve.

Let's return to the yeast, as you can see, they have already spread and turned into a homogeneous mass.

Now our task is to combine them with heated whey (milk or just water), it should be warm, but not hot. And add a couple of tablespoons of sifted flour. Mix everything and put in a warm place so that our dough comes up (rise).

While this process is going on, we will prepare the apples, since we will have roses from the dough with apples. I want to note that you choose the color of the skin to your taste. You can mix red and green, you can make yeast buns roses of the same color. In general, as you wish.

In any case, the apple should be washed well, first cut in half, carefully remove the core.

Then divide the halves in half again and cut them into thin slices.

Next, boil the syrup, the ratio of water and sugar by eye, the main thing is that it is sweet enough. Immerse in boiling syrup in small portions apple slices, literally for a minute (look, do not digest) so that they go limp.

Put the boiled slices on plates, leave to cool.

We return to our brew. She has already risen and started to fall.

It's time to add the rest of the ingredients to it and knead the dough. First, pour in the egg-sugar mixture (if the sugar has not completely dissolved, it's okay). I advise you to leave a little mixture to lubricate the roses. Then add softened butter (you can margarine) and vegetable oil.

Gradually pour in the flour sifted in advance and begin to knead the dough for yeast rosette buns.

As soon as the dough comes together, you can spread it on a floured surface and continue to knead it with your hands, adding flour.

After a little work, we get such a lump of yeast dough.

Place the dough in a floured bowl and set in a warm place to rise. To speed up the process, I usually put the bowl on top of a saucepan with enough warm water(the bottom must not touch the water).

After about 30-40 minutes, the dough will rise (rise).

Now you need to knead it well with your hands and you can add vanillin so that our dough roses turn out not only attractive, but also fragrant. We do it simply by flattening the dough and sprinkling it with vanilla. And then knead well again.

The preparation process is completed and the time has come to form yeast rosette buns. We separate a piece of dough and make a sausage out of it, then roll the sausage into a strip about 2-2.5 millimeters thick, then lay apple slices overlapping on the strip (5 pieces per rose), cut off the excess dough, leaving a small tail.

We bend the bottom edge of the strip, slightly covering the apple, and carefully fold the strip into a roll.

We connect the lower edge of the roll, as it were, into a ponytail and as a result we get a rosette from dough with apples. We plant the buns on a sheet covered with baking paper.

Let it rest for 10-15 minutes. I usually put a sheet on top of the stove and turn on the oven to heat up to 180 degrees. Then we send the buns for baking.

After 15-20 minutes, open the oven and grease the rosette buns with the remnants of the egg-sugar mixture slightly diluted with milk or water.

Close the oven again and wait another 5-7 minutes until the end of baking.

And here they are, our dough roses are ready to please not only the eye, but also our stomach, bringing taste pleasure.

With love for you, Lyudmila.

An old recipe for making roses from dough ... my grandmother used to bake them when I was very young ... remembering it, I decided to surprise my family and I succeeded.


flour - 1 cup

sugar - 1 cup

egg - 4 pcs

vanilla sugar- 10 gr (1 package)

sweet straw - 1 pack

vegetable oil for baking


With a mixer or a whisk, beat the eggs with sugar, add vanilla sugar and flour, knead batter. Bake in a greased pan with vegetable oil thin pancakes different sizes (~ 3.5.7 cm) - which ones will turn out. As soon as you remove the pancakes from the pan, immediately stick around the straws in the form of a rose, 4-5 pieces per rose (if they cool, they cannot be shaped).

It is better to make roses in clean cotton gloves (as you can burn your fingers). Put the finished roses in a vase or glass and let cool. Top can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or any confectionery powders. You can also add ~ 50 ml to the dough beetroot juice and bake pink roses. Of course, you can use different food colorings. You can decorate a cake or other pastries with such roses, it all depends on your imagination and possibilities.

This is not just a quote. This is the name of a diary where I found a lot of interesting things for myself, including aesthetic and culinary ones.
Diary Author: Assa99

One of the recipes attracted me with its simplicity and originality.

Puff pastry 250 gr
Sausage 300 gr
Roll out the dough thinly, cut into strips 3x30 cm wide, cut the sausage into thin slices, put on strips and roll up. Bend the end of the dough under the finished rose. Bake on a greased baking sheet at 190 degrees, until the dough is ready (15-20 minutes).
You can put a little grated cheese on the sausage.

Roses can be made from anything: from cheese, fish, fruits and vegetables. How this is done is described and shown in detail in the section "Dishes decorations".He deserves special attention.Take a look.Highly recommend.

On the Internet, this recipe is quite popular. But the most interesting design belongs to Jeanette With bring it to your attention.

She named her recipe.

The recipe is taken from the kulin. As always, the head is full of holes, I don’t remember whose, but thank you very much for him!
We will need:
Puff pastry without yeast;
Boiled sausage.

Defrost the dough, roll it out a little. Cut into strips (about 2 cm). We cut the sausage thinly and lay out the halves of the sausage rounds.

Wrap the ends of the dough down the roses. It turned out this:

And now in the oven for 20 minutes.

As I said, dough roses suggest not only sausage. On the site © 2006-2011, "Saechka.Ru" offered instead of a hearty snack suitable for children's holiday or picnic, original sweet pastries for tea. The same idea is taken as a basis.


puff pastry
toppings to choose from: sausage, smoked cheese
or fruits: canned or fresh

Cooking method:

The simplest quick and beautiful pastries.

Cut the dough into strips. If you are making a snack, then grease with mayonnaise and ketchup.

Lay out slices of sausage or cheese, slightly overlapping. Roll up.
For sweet "rosettes": cut the fruit into thin slices.
Boil apples, pears in sugar syrup(200 g sugar, 200 g water) until soft.
Put the fruit on the dough, roll up.
Bake dough roses until golden brown. Sprinkle sweet "roses" with powdered sugar.

More Roses.

And finally, a little more about "Food Decorations".
The site contains various ideas in including ideas from Assa99. But not only.
The author's style and spelling have been preserved. I think you'll figure it out.

The words of Giedrius, my photo ... I did it for the first time, naturally it didn’t turn out perfectly, while it was worn with the camera - the rose burned out, although, as they say, nothing laborious. My corrections in italics.

This is one of the types of pommes frites. It takes a little practice to make them. Usually, after three or four trials, the development clears up and the process becomes very fast.

My potatoes and cut off extremely elegant plates from it (when there is an electric tenderloin, it will be absolutely easy to cook these roses), approximately mm thick, and preferably, so that it is as uniform as possible, in plan, so that the middle is not extremely elegant, and the edges thick. And also cut off a small “stick”.

We wrap one plate around the stick.

Twisting in a different direction than the 1st, we wind the 2nd and 3rd petals. It is necessary to twist so that any future petal covers the previous one, and so that the middle remains immersed inward, otherwise the rose will look more like a cabbage, but not a flower.

We fasten the base with a wooden toothpick so that it does not disperse (I did not fasten it, but continued).

The first frontier has been completed. Then we will already attach three or four more petals, and fold them back, because in the pictures

We fasten so that everything sticks together does not disperse. As soon as you get the hang of it, 2-3 pieces of wood will be enough. If it breaks - nothing terrible, roses are not an absolute thing, and this, among other things, will give them naturalness.

And then we cook them in oil until they are browned.

It is preferable to lower it into the oil “upside down”, because sometimes the cakes have every chance to straighten up. When they are ready, put them on a clean paper towel, pour in a little salt, and, as soon as they get cold, take out the toothpicks. by pulling out, turn a little about the longitudinal axis. Ready-made “roses” no longer try to fall apart into “petals”, and they can be carefully transferred to a plate. For burgundy roses, you can either do the same from beets, or paint potato plates with beetroot juice.

For work you will need the following materials:

Wheat flour without additives - 2 cups;
- salt fine grinding or extra non-iodized - 1 cup;
- cold unboiled water - 250 ml (a glass to the brim);
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. for elasticity;
- wallpaper glue or PVA - 1-2 tbsp. for better dough adhesion and elasticity;
- food coloring in powder (suitable for simple Easter eggs), red, yellow and green - 1 sachet each;
- food film.

Mix flour, salt and water in one container (preferably glass or enameled). Then add glue and vegetable oil there. Knead the dough by hand. It should be very tight, plastic and not stick to your hands. If the dough remains on the palms, add the sifted flour little by little until the mass is not sticky.

Divide the finished dough into several parts and color each part in the color you need: red, pink, orange, green. The choice of color will depend on what kind of roses you want to make.

To color the dough, flatten a little bun and sprinkle colored dye on top. Then knead the dough so that it is evenly colored. If the intensity of the color is low, repeat the procedure again until you achieve the desired shade. But be aware that too a large number of dye can break the structure of your plastic. If desired, food coloring can be replaced with gouache.

Now you can proceed directly to sculpting roses. Spread on the table cling film. This is necessary for the convenience of work. First you need to prepare blanks for the petals. It can be done different ways. Method number 1: roll out the dough of the same color into a thin layer no more than 3 mm thick. And with an ordinary glass with a small diameter, cut out circles. Method number 2: roll a narrow sausage from the dough of the chosen color and cut it into small pieces. Flatten each part with your fingers to make a cake.

Now form a large rose flower. To do this, roll one cake into a ball and give it a teardrop shape. You should get a shape that looks like a closed bud. Take another cake and cover the "bud" with it - this will be the first petal. The cone of the drop should be at the top and be the core of the rose. Next, take another cake and form the second rose petal. Press the tips of the petals gently and gently to make them as thin and wavy as possible. Bend them back slightly, giving the rose a natural look. Continue to successively attach the petals in a circle until you have a full-fledged flower.

To make half-opened rosebuds, roll out the dough thinly and cut out a long and narrow strip, the width of which is equal to the length of the bud. Roll the strip into a roll so that each next turn is slightly lower than the previous one. Just cut off the excess dough with a knife or a stack. At the end, you can glue a couple more large petals to the bud. In this way, blind a few big roses and 5-6 buds of different sizes and shapes. Form a composition out of all the flowers on baking paper.

Roll out a thin layer from the green dough and cut out the leaves. You can do this with a knife or use special molds, if you have any. Roll the other part of the green dough into thin sausages and make stems out of them. Now you can finish shaping the composition of the puff pastry rose bouquet.

The product must be dried room temperature for several days, covered with tracing paper or parchment. If you need the craft urgently, put it on a baking sheet in the oven at 80 degrees for 1-2 hours. Keep an eye on the drying process in the oven and the temperature, as If the dough dries too fast, it may crack.

After drying, the flowers can be lightly coated with glitter nail polish along the edges of the petals. This will give the product a slightly glamorous look. This will be especially appropriate if you are going to give the product to someone close to you on New Year or other holiday.