Mk large rose made of mastic. How to make roses from mastic with your own hands? Master Class

You don’t have to attend expensive pastry courses to delight your family and friends with gorgeous cakes decorated with fondant flowers. I am simply sure that every person who has a burning desire to learn this will definitely sooner or later be able to make flowers no worse than what you will see in this master class.

How did I learn this? According to information from the Internet. I achieved some things on my own, some things came with experience, and some things worked out the first time. In any case, you should never despair, because in any business you need to get better at it. Learn, develop and see for yourself how in a short time your loved ones and guests will gasp at the sight of not just a delicious cake, but a whole piece of art on it.

So, to make a bouquet of roses from mastic, we will need:

  • silicone mat
  • mastic of the desired color (in our case, pink and green)
  • floral tape
  • floral wire
  • set of tools (pastry) for creating flowers
  • confectionery cutting and matting
  • rolling pin
  • powdered sugar

It is quite possible to do without a silicone mat, mat, cutting and tools; below I will describe what can be used to replace them. But if you realize that you want to do this for more than one week and have the funds to buy them, of course, it’s better to do it. It is much more convenient and pleasant to work with them.

Well, let's start sculpting roses and leaves?

Sprinkle the silicone mat with powdered sugar and roll out the mastic with a rolling pin until its thickness is uniform, about 1.5-2 mm. You can do without a mat if you have a flat table surface that will not leave “imprints” of unevenness on the mastic.

Take a round die and cut out circles using strong pressure. The stronger and smoother you do this (so that the cutting does not “scrape”), the better. Then the edges of the workpieces will be beautiful, and they will not have to be aligned. Professional cutting can be replaced with a regular stack with thin edges.

We make 9 such circles.

We put the remaining mastic immediately into a plastic bag so that it does not “air” and dry out. It is better to put a bag on the workpieces so that they also do not dry out ahead of time.

For each workpiece, it is necessary to align the edges and remove unnecessary irregularities. I do this with my fingers.

After all the circles are ready for further processing, you need to prepare a few regular tablespoons. Let them lie there until their finest hour, you will soon understand why they are needed.

We place the blank on the mat (this is our future rose leaf) and roll it with a special round ball along the edges of the petal, we need to make them as thin and natural as possible. It is necessary to make the edges thin only on 2/3 of the workpiece. Determine for yourself where the bottom of the petal will be (the one adjacent to the stem) and leave it thick.

At the very end of the process, we move the ball with a slight pressure from the very top of the petal to its bottom, after which this rose leaf should lie in front of you:

Do this with all nine blanks.

As I already wrote, pastry tools and a mat are optional; the mat can be replaced with an ordinary dry sponge for washing dishes. And the instrument, for example, is a stick from a children's xylophone. You can take a large bead from old jewelry and “use” it. It all depends on your resourcefulness.

Now it's time for the cutlery. The petal must be carefully placed on a dry spoon, slightly bending the edges of the top over its edges. That is, we need to give the petal the most natural shape possible.

You do the same with four more blanks. The result will be 5 petals with edges looking “outward”.

Leave the remaining three blanks as they are. Their edges, on the contrary, are curved inward. And leave one petal straight.

Every housewife has a microwave or air fryer rack in her house, toothpicks (or something like that), prepare them. You will also need a container with water and a brush. I didn't have a toothpick, so I took a bamboo stick.

Wet the edge of the toothpick in water and use a small piece of mastic to “tighten” it to the middle.

This will be the very “heart” of the bud. We make the top pointed:

We take an even petal (we have only one of these), with a wet brush we smear it along the edges with a “tick” - on both sides of its “bottom”.

Water acts like glue on mastic. Glue the first petal to the toothpick, wrapping it around our core.

This is what you should get:

Now we take the petals (the ones that look “inward”) and glue them in the same way, fixing each edge.

We only have 3 of these petals. The result should be something like this:

If you feel that the base of the rose has “floated”, has become too sticky and is no longer comfortable to work with, simply sprinkle it with powdered sugar. It is also a kind of “glue” and if you overdo it with water, it will fix everything.

If you need an unopened rose in the form of a small bud, then this completes the process of creating a flower. Congratulations!

We attach it to the bud.

We glue the next blank, retreating halfway from the previous petal. That is, they must overlap.

If the edges are not fastened well, it’s okay - just apply a wet brush again to the places that need to be fixed.

As a rule, five petals (like ours) are enough to close the outer circle of the flower. The base of the bud again needs to be sprinkled with powder to fix it.

That's all - our beautiful rose is ready!

If you want to make a more magnificent version of the rose, simply increase the number of petals and their sizes.

We need the lattice in order to fix the flower for final drying.
We insert the bud into a convenient place.

And wait for it to dry.

For different mastics, the drying time will differ. One day is usually enough.

Are you ready to start sculpting a branch of leaves?

Then prepare in front of you floral tape and wire, scissors, green mastic, a mat and cutting out the shape of a leaf.

We cut the wire into 3 parts: 2 small pieces and 1 long. Roll out green mastic on a mat.

Cut out 3 blanks.

You can also do without cutting by simply cutting out an oval shape with pointed edges using a knife.

We put the edges of the blanks in order, as in the case of the rose.

Using a mat and a ball, we make the edges of the leaves graceful. The main thing here is not to overdo it, leaving the middle of the workpiece untouched.

Lubricate the middle of the leaf with water.

We “recess” the wire a little bit into it.

On the back side of the workpiece, press the edges of the center against the wire so that it is not visible at all.

Use a pastry knife to press grooves into the leaf, giving it a “live” look. Again, you can take a regular knife (blunt side) or a toothpick.

Using regular nail scissors, we cut the edges of the leaf and cut out the “notches” that are characteristic of a rose.

For clarity, you can open a picture of a rose leaf in front of you, this helps a lot. You need to cut it before the mastic dries, otherwise nothing will work, the mastic will “crumple.”

This is what you should end up with:

For drying, I use a regular dish sponge.

The wire is easily attached to it and nothing threatens our workpieces.

Let's get acquainted with floral tape: it is very “stringy”, thin and with a sticky layer. It's a pleasure to work.

After the leaves have dried a little (after 20-50 minutes), it’s time to make a real twig out of them! To do this, wrap the stem of each leaf with tape.

We first attach one secondary leaf to the main stem (this is the one that is longest).

Then, a little lower, the second one.

The stems must be secured by twisting the wires together.

And finally, we once again hide the main attachment point under the tape.

Here it is, the twig, ready!

In my case, the color of the tape does not match the color of the mastic. It would be ideal to have a greener ribbon color.

Our little visual bouquet is ready!

Now imagine that there will be not one such rosette, but five or seven, and two or three branches.

Here it is - a bouquet that will serve chic decoration any cake.

The roses are attached to the cake with a toothpick. This is very convenient, since the flowers can even be attached to the side surface of the cake. The branches are attached using exactly the same “piercing” method. First you need to attach the branches, and only then, on top, the roses.

In order for the flowers to shine, as in the final photo, it is necessary (after they are completely dry) to brush them with the following solution: vodka + honey in a 1:1 ratio. The vodka will quickly dissipate, and only the smell of honey will remain. It is completely unobtrusive and is only felt at a very close distance. Honey should be liquid, not sugared.

That's all! I hope many housewives will be inspired by the master class and begin to master the art of confectionery!

We all love sweet desserts, especially if they are decorated with beautiful patterns, flowers, petals and the like. Roses made from mastic would be an excellent addition, for example, to a cake or cupcake, as they add a romantic, sweet touch to the baked goods. Of course, you can buy them ready-made in the store, but they will turn out much tastier and more interesting if you cook them yourself. Although this is not an easy task, the result will please everyone. With some effort, you can get beautiful flowers that will delight not only the eyes, but also the stomachs of your family and friends. This will be especially interesting for children who love to enjoy sweets prepared in an unusual way.

A few words about cake decorations

Today there are many known ways to make a rose from mastic. It is recommended to prepare the mastic itself so that it is sufficiently plastic, only in this case petals of various shapes and sizes can be cut out of it. Roses can be collected from individual petals, which are held together with water. Or you can roll them with a ribbon the same way as flowers are made from fabric. Another way is to assemble a flower from five petals, which are attached to a blank of mastic on a skewer. Several of these preparations create a whole flower bouquet that will delight everyone.

The edges of the petals are made wavy, and the buds can be either open or closed. The only caveat here is the fact that the roses themselves must be completely dry before they can be laid on a flat surface. They can be stored for several months in a sealed container. Let's look at several ways to make a rose from mastic.

Flowers for mastic cake

Ingredients: eight hundred grams of finely ground powdered sugar, twenty grams of gelatin, sixty grams of cold water, one hundred and seventy grams of corn or one spoon (can be purchased at the pharmacy), food coloring.

Equipment: dishes with water, brush, scissors.

Preparation of mastic

Before making roses from mastic, you must first soak them in cold water gelatin and dissolve it in microwave oven or in a water bath. Next, powdered sugar is sifted into the bowl, part of it is mixed separately with syrup, glycerin and gelatin, and flavoring is added if desired. Then add the remaining powdered sugar to this mass in portions and knead like dough. In this case, the mastic should not stick to your hands. With the help of dyes it is painted in different colors. Cover the finished mixture with a towel for a while to prevent it from drying out.

Rose from mastic step by step

First you need to sprinkle your work surface with powdered sugar. To form a flower, you need to prepare five or six petals. They are sculpted separately. To do this, pinch off a piece the size of a hazelnut from the mastic, roll it into a ball and press it with your fingers so that you get a flat cake, the edges of which will need to be made a little thinner. Moreover, the thinner the edges of the cake, the more delicate the flower will be. The diameter of the petal should be about five centimeters. When making roses from mastic with your own hands, do not forget to dip your fingers in powdered sugar so that the mastic does not stick to them.

So, the first petal is loosely twisted into a tube, and the workpiece is attached to a surface covered with powdered sugar. This blank will be the center of the flower. The second petal is connected to the tube so that they touch only at the bottom. The top is curled in some places, giving the rose a natural look. Using a brush, lubricate the joint with water.

The next petal is connected to the other so that it is slightly tucked inward, one of its edges should be between the first and second petals, and the other outside. Do the same with all five or six petals. Roses made from mastic (we just looked at the master class) are ready! Next, the stem of the resulting flower is cut off with scissors, since it will be thick. The finished rose is placed on a dish sprinkled with powdered sugar. This is how they do it required quantity flowers for decorating cakes, they can be of different colors and sizes. You can also cut out leaves from mastic.

Making rose leaves

A piece of green mastic is rolled out into a layer with a rolling pin, having first sprinkled the work surface with powdered sugar. Using a knife, cut out blanks in the shape of leaves. To give the products convexity, they are dried on another rolling pin; you can also bend them with your hands. The leaves should dry for at least 24 hours in a dry and warm room. This is how you can design a mastic cake with roses that everyone will love.

Decorations for mastic cakes: roses with petals

Ingredients: forty grams of soft marshmallows, one hundred grams of butter, one spoon of lemon juice, powdered sugar, food coloring.

Preparation of mastic

Melt marshmallows in the microwave, add butter and lemon juice. Mix everything thoroughly and add powdered sugar in small portions, kneading like dough. Part of the finished mastic is painted in green color, and the rest is painted red or pink, depending on the imagination, then it is put aside for a while.

Making flowers. Method No. 1

Let's look further at how to make a rose from mastic step by step. To do this, take the shapes of the required circle, lay them on mastic rolled into plastic and cut out a round blank. Cuts are made in the circle in such a way as to obtain an imitation of petals. Run your fingers along the edges, making them wavy. Next they take Not a large number of mastic, form a ball and place it in the middle of the workpiece. The petals are twisted by hand, wrapping them around the center. They are moistened with water so that they are pressed more tightly to the bud. In the same way, prepare another blank and apply it to the bud. The number of flowers can be different, so you can form a whole bouquet of roses from mastic. After it is ready, the edges of the flowers are painted a different color.

Making flowers. Method number 2

After the mastic is made, it is rolled out into a layer and folded so that a small tubercle is formed. Then cut off the ends of the plate one centimeter at a time and cut into strips. The resulting ribbons are rolled into a roll, thus forming flowers. Then the base by which the flower is held is compressed to give it a conical shape. Using a cocktail stick, carefully separate the petals so that the rose has its shape. Petals are cut out of green mastic and attached to the bottom of the flower. If you roll up a large number of such flowers, you can use them to decorate roses made of mastic and it will be located on the entire surface of the baked goods.

Full rose made from mastic

First of all, a core is formed from the finished mastic. To do this, insert a toothpick into a ball formed from it. A thin petal is made from a small piece of mastic so that its tip is pointed and flattened. They make a lot of such petals (up to forty). Using a teaspoon, they are rounded, pressing with a tool in the middle, and then pressing along the edges so that they become thinner than the rest.

Next, roses are made from mastic as follows: the first petal is attached so that its flattened part is located in the center of the base, which was formed earlier. It is carefully wrapped around the central part, then another petal is added so that its base is located slightly away from the first leaf. It is also wrapped and moved to the next petal. This continues to be done until the rose is fully formed.

Adding the finishing touches

So, when the roses are made from mastic, proceed to the formation of the base of the flowers. Then the rose is removed from the toothpick and the ends of the petals are painted with edible glitter or food paint of a different color. Having made roses from mastic (the master class has already been conducted), add a few more leaves or grape leaves, pre-dried, and place decorations on the cake.

If you plan to make a mastic cake with roses placed on the sides, then it is recommended to connect the flowers together with green leaves to create a decoration in the form of a flower chain. If you want to change it, you need to cut off the edge of the mastic that is wrapped and press it down so that two layers of petals are formed. And if you roll out the edges, you can get a clove.

Roses-decorations for the cake

To make roses from mastic, you first need to prepare the mastic according to one of the recipes given above. Then it is rolled out very thin and painted in the desired color. Next, using a stencil or a regular glass, cut out circles and stack them. The circles can be of different diameters depending on the desired size of the flower; their number is also used at your discretion. It is recommended to take about eight blanks.

How to make roses from mastic?

Then they take the blanks and give the edges a curly shape. To do this, lightly press the edges of the circle with a spoon and, as it were, pull the mastic away from the center. Proceed in the same way with the rest of the pieces from the stack. The finished petals are folded into a bud: a rod is molded from mastic on which they are wrapped. So, each petal is strung on a rod so that the edge of one is in the middle of the other, and instead of glue they use plain water. The finished flower is cut from the bottom with scissors or a knife and decorated with it, for example, on a cake.


We figured out how to make a rose from mastic. Although this is not an easy task, it is worth it, because such delicious figures will not leave anyone indifferent. Flowers will especially delight the fairer sex, because there is nothing more romantic than being presented with airy dessert, decorated with beautiful delicate roses that you can eat.

    Making roses from mastic is very simple, you must first divide the mastic into small pieces, then roll them into thin circles, then press them along the edges, brush each leaf with water, and attach it to the center.

    I really liked this video, my daughter and I used it to make a marzipan cake, but marzipan is harder to roll out thinly, it immediately breaks. We got this cake.

    Mastic allows you to turn your cake into a real work of art. Let's talk about flowers for decorating the cake. The most beautiful flower is, of course, the rose. Therefore, let’s pay attention to this particular flower.

    To begin with, I suggest looking at photos of cakes decorated with mastic roses to get the desire to make such beauty with your own hands:

    And now a master class on how to make roses from mastic to decorate a cake.

    Choose from three options the one you like the most. The colors of roses, of course, can be very different: from white to multi-colored.

    The first one is probably the easiest.

    The next two options are a little more complicated, but the roses look like real ones.

    Rose from mastic not easy to do. And to be honest, I may not succeed the first time. But let's not be afraid and try to do it together.

    We prepare tasty and at the same time plastic mastic. I suggest making a rose from mastic based on soft marshmallows. Sugar mastic is also very suitable for modeling. What do we need to do. We melt soft marshmallows in the microwave (a pack of forty grams) and add one hundred grams of butter and a spoonful of fresh lemon juice. Mix the mixture and add powdered sugar. Mix the plastic mastic. We paint some of them in the desired color, some of them in green. Now let it rest and prepare the molds. The shapes are the simplest, or you can just take the lid. We cut out a circle and make cuts to create an imitation of petals. Use your fingers to walk along the edges and make them slightly wavy. Like this:

    Now let's make a flower. We need to make the middle. We simply create a droplet of mastic and place

    on our workpiece. We twist the petals, thereby wrapping the middle a little. To make the petals press tightly to the bud, moisten them with a little water.

    Then we again make another blank according to the previous scheme. And apply it again to the bud. In general, there are no guidelines. you can control the splendor of the rose yourself, at your discretion.

    You can make entire bouquets from mastic in this way. You can color the mastic in any way food coloring. I prefer gel ones. I’ll also add that the mastic can be painted after the flower is ready. Only the edges can be painted.

    To decorate the cake with beautiful roses made from fondant. Of course, the first thing you need to do is prepare the mastic of the desired color. Then you need to roll out the mastic into a very thin layer, take a mold, I squeeze out the circles with a glass. And petals will be made from these circles. We start with the inner petals, twisting them into a spiral. Next we follow in a circle:

    There are several options on how to do it rose from mastic. These roses can be used to decorate any cake for a holiday. All the steps shown in the photo, we can put the petals on a circle of mastic, bend the edges, and we will get a beautiful rose.

    And there is an option, how to make a rose from mastic; all the detailed stages of work are visible in the photo.

    To do this, you will need two colors of mastic - red and green (for the petals). Again, let us clarify here that roses come in different colors, so the red color of the mastic can be replaced with any other. Myself Watch the video for the process of creating flowers for the cake:

    Cakes decorated with fondant look very elegant and festive! Recently I also decided to try making something from this material to decorate baked goods. I decided to start by making a flower - a rose. But when studying the instructions, I realized that it is not so easy to make a beautiful flower out of mastic without experience and special tools - molds, spatulas, etc.

    Stopped, as it seemed to me, at the very simple version, which every housewife should get if she wishes (Figure 1. We make a strip from a piece of mastic and carefully roll it into a roll). These roses turn out to be small in size, but you can roll up a lot of them - make a pink field out of a cake.

    You can see a more complex method of making roses. For this you will have to spend more time and effort, but the result is that you won’t take your eyes off it!

    Picture 1.

    In fact, there are many ways to make roses from mastic to decorate a cake.

    It is better to make the mastic itself from marshmallows, as it should be plastic and pliable.

    Roses can be collected with individual petals, holding them together with water, they can be rolled with a ribbon, just like flowers are collected from fabric, and I liked one described method, when a blank of 5 petals is cut out of mastic, as a rule, and it is already attached to a blank of mastic on a skewer.

    Getting started might look like this:

    And in the end, when several blanks are assembled and fastened together, we will get the following roses:

    Naturally, the edges can be made wavy, whether the buds themselves are open or not, but you need to let the flowers dry first, and not lay them on a flat surface so that they don’t get crushed - this is mandatory.

    This will require confectionery mastic or you can cook it yourself. Powdered sugar, rolling pin, board for rolling and rolling out mastic. We roll out the mastic with a rolling pin; by the way, the mastic is similar to plasticine and it is easy to mold rose petals from it. Without rolling it out, you can simply tear off a piece of the mastic and sculpt the petals. Then collecting them and making a flower. Or you can roll it out, then cut circles out of it with a mold or glass. You can watch this video on how to make a rose from mastic for a cake.

    To make a rose from mastic First prepare the mastic of the desired colors. Think about how many flowers you need to decorate the cake, think about the composition, and then start sculpting.

    I will offer a diagram for sculpting a pink rose:

    Another option for sculpting red rose buds and flowers:

    This option is generally simple. Make circles with a shape, put them on top of each other so that each overlaps the previous one by 1 cm and go over them with a stick, as shown in the picture below, and then roll into a flower:

    Option 4:

    Option 5: How to do white mastic roses and decorate the cake with them.

    1. Base - truffle mass (like potato cake)

    The biscuit is prepared in the microwave in 5 minutes:

    2 eggs, 1 tbsp. beat sugar.

    Add 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1.5 tbsp flour, 1 tsp soda, 2 tbsp cocoa, vanillin.

    Beat again and bake in a microwave-safe tin of approximately 22 cm at full power for 5 minutes.

    Meanwhile, make the filling for the truffle mass:

    Melt 100 g of butter with 0.5 chocolate bars, then add 0.5 cans of condensed milk. Stir.

    Cool the biscuit a little and while it’s still warm, cut it into small squares and mix it with the filling so that you can sculpt it. If necessary, add condensed milk. I also added chopped prunes

    Now we use the truffle mass to form a base for the rose, a cone and leave it to harden in the refrigerator. It took me 15 minutes to bake and prepare the base of the cone:

    I did not cover the base for this cake with cream on top, which is usually done for mastic cakes, because the rose petals will cover all the unevenness and they will not be visible. We roll out the mastic, the petals will be round in shape, sometimes I cut off the bottom and left a semicircle. Use the ball tool to make the edges of the petals thin:

    Let's start from the top. Place a small round piece of mastic on the top of the cone. Then we apply the first petals, which we do not bend. I had 3 of them.

    We continue to apply petals until we get a rose.

    Sugar mastic recipe

    Master class taken from the site

    In order to make such decorations on the cake you need to use mastic. Mastic can be milk, chocolate, sugar (gelatin), marshmallow, or marshmallow mastic. Sugar paste is used here.

    Other mastic recipes can be found here

    500 g powdered sugar,

    10 g gelatin,

    50 g water,

    Lemon juice (citric acid).

    1.Soak gelatin in cold water for 15 minutes.

    2.Then melt it (do not boil it under any circumstances, otherwise it will lose its properties).

    3.Sift the powdered sugar and gradually add it to the gelatin.

    Mix well to obtain a homogeneous white mass.

    The mastic should not stick to your hands. If it turns out sticky, add a little more powder, and if it crumbles, add lemon juice. In general, it’s better to take 2/3 of all the powder at once, and add the rest gradually. If you haven't worked with mastic yet lemon juice It’s better not to add it - it makes the mastic whiter, but it also dries faster. To begin with, you can add a little glycerin or butter to the mastic; it will not dry so quickly. The mastic needs to be kneaded for 10-15 minutes.

    4. You should get a plastic mass reminiscent of plasticine.

    5. Tint at the end of the batch; if the dye is dry, it needs to be diluted in a few drops of water.

    To make your own fondant rose, you'll need inspiration and a little help from pastry tools.

    Roses are rightfully considered the most beautiful flowers. Their shapes, colors and aroma reveal to man the perfection of nature. Of course, it’s not easy to create such a beauty from sweet mastic, but let’s still try to decorate a cake with roses from mastic, because thanks to numerous master classes you can learn how to sculpt the most intricate flowers!

    It’s best to start preparing the cake by making the decorations. You can do this 1-2 days before preparing the cake itself, since the mastic roses must dry out in order to keep their shape well.

    To make a rose from mastic, you need the following: mats for rolling out mastic, cutters for petals, a tool with a ball at the end, a rolling pin, powdered sugar, and wire.

    To sculpt roses from mastic, it is advisable to use special molds for sugar mastic. But if they are not at hand, then there is always something from kitchen utensils: glasses and shot glasses of various diameters, a knife with serrated edges, etc.

    In order for the rose petals to retain their shape during the drying process, you need to place them in a curved form on special concave stands or rings made of food foil, which you can make yourself.

    How to make simple roses from mastic

    Methods for sculpting roses can be divided into 2 types.
    First way- the petals are cut out one at a time and then connected.

    Roll out the mastic very thin and cut out several petals using a die cutter or mold. Then we run the ball tool along the edges to give a more realistic look.

    Small roses can be collected with individual petals, held together with water, or rolled up with a ribbon, just as flowers are collected from fabric. Another popular method is when a blank of 5-7 petals is cut out of mastic, and it is already attached to a mastic blank on a skewer or wire.

    How to make big roses from mastic

    Second way- a whole tier of petals is cut out with a special mastic cutter. This method is suitable for sculpting large complex roses for decorating large cakes. Large roses from sugar mastic, which use wire for the stem, it is most convenient to dry it upside down - then the shape of the flower will be better preserved.

    There are no instructions or recipes for how large a rose can be sculpted from sweet mastic. You can control the splendor of the rose yourself, at your discretion.