Mastic is a simple recipe at home. Recipes for making mastic at home

Anyone who loves to cook or just wants to master confectionery art, useful sugar dough. Any pastry decorated with mastic will sparkle with new colors, pleasantly surprising your family and guests.

sugar dough prepared according to several recipes. You can choose the cooking method that suits you.

Marshmallow mastic recipe for cake

1. Prepare the ingredients needed for standard portion product:

half a kilogram of sifted powder (better take a purchased one),

90 - 100 grams marshmallows

10 grams of milk

2. Mix marshmallows with milk, melt the mass in a water bath.

3. Pour into the melted mixture powdered sugar(add it in small parts, stirring the mass). Knead elastic mastic. As soon as it stops sticking to the table, you can stop kneading.

4. Put it in a plastic bag, send it to a cold place for half an hour. Now you can start sculpting.

Recipe for mastic for decorating a cake

Sugar dough based on condensed milk is easy to prepare, even novice housewives can do it. Mastic comes out elastic, it is suitable for decorating any pastry.

1. Mix 300 grams of powder with the same amount of powdered milk, sift through a strainer.

2. Add 5 dessert spoons of lemon juice to it, pour in a jar of condensed milk, constantly stirring the mass. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands.

3. You can start sculpting immediately, or you can put the dough in an airtight container, put it in a refrigerator until the right moment. The paste will keep for several weeks.

Preparation of gelatin mastic for cake

1. Soak 10 grams of thickener in 10 tablespoons of water. Leave for an hour for the gelatin to swell. Then put the mixture on a small fire, dilute.

2. When the mass has cooled slightly, add 900 grams of powder, kneading the dough.

3. Gelatin mastic - very gentle to use. It produces amazing flowers that are not much different from real ones.

4. Sugar dough is stored in the refrigerator or freezer. Shelf life - 2 weeks and a month and a half, respectively.

Cooking a cake with mastic - secrets

1. Sweet dough is afraid of moisture, so you need to store it in an airtight container or in plastic bag.

2. Mastic should not be applied to a wet base (for example, sour cream). It is best to lubricate the cake a small amount water, then carefully place a layer of dough on it.

3. figurines are installed only on a layer of mastic or marzipan.

4. To make the sugar dough shine, grease it with a mixture of vodka and honey (proportion 1 to 1). The smell will disappear in 15 - 20 minutes, and the shine will remain for a long time.

How to make fondant cake decorations

1. First you need to decide what exactly you want to mold. It can be animal figures, flowers, fairy-tale characters.

2. Prepare the sugar dough in the colors you need. For example, you sculpt a fox. To do this, you will need orange, white and black mastic.

3. Blind the body, paws, tail and head. Attach the parts to each other by moistening the attachment points with a little water.

4. Let the workpiece dry. Then attach the ears, make indentations for the eyes and nose, insert the pieces of black mastic.

5. Ideally, the chanterelle dries for 1 - 2 days, after which you can install it on the cake.

Marshmallow cake decoration

Mastic marshmallow is suitable if you need to sculpt intricate and difficult figures. It is malleable and elastic. In addition, minizephyr sugar dough lends itself well to coloring. From white marshmallow a snow-white mastic is obtained, which can be decorate and wedding cakes, and anniversary baking.

Do not be afraid to experiment and fantasize. Thanks to sugar dough, you can create not cakes, but real culinary masterpieces.

The most delicious collection of recipes with marshmallows is on our website "Zefirushki" of the group of companies "Sweet Fairy Tale"!

Homemade cakes always smell of care, tenderness and maternal affection. And if the hostess knows how to decorate cakes beautifully, then it's time for her to become a professional confectioner. Mastic is the most popular material for decorating baked goods. Today we will talk about how to prepare sugar mastic with your own hands. Recipes can be found in our article.

Miracle material for baking decoration

Yes, we are talking about masks. From what only it is not prepared: from edible gelatin, honey, milk. But the most popular is still considered sugar mastic. Today we will share the secrets of making such a decoration for baking at home.

Most often, mastic is used to create figurines, flowers, or to cover cakes. Of course, its preparation requires certain skills and abilities. In addition, a woman needs to learn how to work with this material. This is where creativity and imagination come into play.

Traditionally, sugar mastic is made from powdered sugar. Best to choose shop product which must be sieved several times before use. If at least one sugar crystal gets into the mastic, the prepared mixture will not be homogeneous and will break.

A few confectionery tricks will help you make the right and incredibly tasty mastic:

  • The basis of mastic is powdered sugar. In addition, marzipan is added to the decoration material, edible gelatin, egg protein mass, table starch.
  • Often, mastic is made from marshmallow marshmallows.
  • After kneading the mastic and making it homogeneous, the mixture is wrapped with a film for food products and sent to the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.
  • Chilled mastic is easier to work with, especially if you need to roll it into a thin layer.
  • Before rolling out the mastic, the horizontal surface is crushed with sifted powdered sugar.
  • The prepared mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for 14 days, and in the freezer for 60 days.
  • To give the mastic the desired shade, you can use dry, liquid or gel dye. The latter is considered the most economical and easy to use.
  • From sugar mastic you can form figures, flowers, inscriptions.
  • To cover the cake with mastic, you must first prepare the cakes. Side cuts are leveled with a cream.
  • The base of the cake should not be liquid. If the cream drains, send the cake to the refrigerator until completely solidified, and only then decorate it with mastic.

Author's decoration of home baking

Today we will share with you the best recipe preparation of sugar mastic for covering the cake. From it you can cut various figures. For this, housewives use any improvised molds or special confectionery blanks. Always have a supply of powdered sugar on hand. As practice shows, in the process of kneading the mastic, it is often necessary to add a little more sifted powder than indicated in the recipe.

Read also:

Do not mix the dye with the entire cooked mass. Take a small piece of mastic to start. In order for the mixture to evenly color, it should be thoroughly kneaded. In addition to store dyes, you can use the gifts of nature: citrus peel, blackberry juice, cranberry juice, carrots, beets, etc.


  • 0.6 kg of sifted powdered sugar;
  • 10 g of edible gelatin;
  • 1 st. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice.


  • Pour edible gelatin into a separate heat-resistant dish.
  • We dilute it with filtered water in accordance with the instructions.

  • So that the gelatin dissolves well, and the mass acquires homogeneous consistency, it is better to melt it in a water bath.
  • Please note that the gelatin mixture should not be brought to a boil. Better boil it in several approaches.

  • In the meantime, we'll get on with the powdered sugar.
  • We take a dry bowl and sift the powder several times. It is best to use a fine sieve.

  • Gradually add the sifted icing sugar to the gelatin mass.
  • At the same time, add freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • As soon as the prepared mass begins to solidify, wrap it with food film and send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

  • Sprinkle the work surface with plenty of sifted powdered sugar.
  • We spread the chilled mastic and begin to roll it out with a rolling pin.
  • The thickness of the layer for covering baking should not exceed 3-4 mm.

  • You can add gel coloring to the remains of the mastic and sculpt figures using confectionery molds.

Favorite delicacy for making mastic

If you have not forgotten, today we are talking about how to prepare mastic from powdered sugar. The recipe that we will now describe is somewhat non-standard. Marmalade is the basis for the preparation of confectionery decoration. Yes, a delicacy loved by many will help you prepare a simple and tasty mastic.


  • 5 pieces. marmalade;
  • 1 tsp softened butter;
  • 50 g of sifted powdered sugar;
  • 50 g of table starch.


  • We start traditionally with the preparation of all the necessary ingredients.
  • Powdered sugar and table starch can be sifted immediately and mixed in a separate bowl.

  • Put marmalade pieces in a glass heat-resistant bowl.
  • Add butter.

  • We put the bowl with marmalade in the microwave oven and heat it up. Our task is to obtain a homogeneous liquid mixture.

  • In portions, we begin to add powdered sugar mixed with table starch.

  • After adding the next portion of the powder, knead the mass thoroughly.
  • As soon as the mass acquires a thick consistency, spread it on a horizontal surface, sprinkled with powdered sugar and food starch.

  • We continue to knead the mastic. It should be uniform and very elastic.

  • To give the mastic a rich bright color, add a little gel-based dye to the middle.

  • Thoroughly knead the mastic until its color becomes uniform and saturated.

Modern decoration of confectionery products with the help of mastic is another way to create an elegant, solemn, stylish dish, which, with its appearance and thematic decoration, emphasizes the festivity and peculiarity of the moment. There are several recipes for making mastic at home for a cake from simple and affordable products.

Marshmallow mastic at home

Marshmallows are sweets that vaguely resemble marshmallows or marshmallows. Unlike classic marshmallow, in their composition there is absolutely or there is an insignificant amount of whipped egg whites, which give the marshmallow a special delicate "melting" texture. These sweets are a mass of a mixture of gelatin dissolved in water and sugar syrup, which were whipped hot and stabilizers, flavors and dyes were added to it. After cooling, this sticky, dense and porous mass is cut into pieces and rolled in a mixture of starch and powdered sugar 1: 1.

At home, you can make marshmallows for mastic from a mixture of fructose syrup and gelatin, and to stabilize the foam and prevent sugar crystallization, they take lemon juice or solution citric acid.


  • 150-200 g marshmallows;
  • 400-500 g of a mixture of powdered sugar and starch in a ratio of 1:1 to 3:1, depending on the desired sweetness;
  • 1 tablespoon butter;
  • 1 dessert spoon milk or water.


  1. Sift the mixture of powder and starch so that there are no large inclusions through a fine sieve.
  2. Pour milk into a bowl, put butter, pour sweets and put in the microwave for 10-30 seconds, depending on the mode, or for water bath. Candies will melt a little and increase in volume.
  3. To them it is necessary to add 70-100 g of a mixture of dry substances and mix. The result is a liquid slurry. Coloring and flavoring can be added at this stage.
  4. Then add powdered starch in portions and mix with a spoon until a very thick mixture is formed. Transfer it to the table for mixing with your hands on a layer of powdered sugar. Lubricate your hands with warm butter so that this very sticky mixture is better behind them.
  5. Knead the mastic by adding powder or its mixture with starch to the table until it becomes like soft plasticine.
  • Starch improves the properties of mastic, both in the process of its manufacture and in products, making them less sticky, brittle and hard. But there are recipes without starch.
  • To obtain mastic of different colors, it must be divided into portions at the stage of liquid mass and different dyes must be added.
  • Cooking without adding milk is also possible.
  • Add 100-150 g to chocolate mastic confectionery based on cocoa butter mass fraction not less than 72%.

Video recipe

gelatin mastic recipe


  • 5 g gelatin;
  • 60 ml of water;
  • 2 tablespoons without a slide of fructose;
  • 1 tablespoon without a slide of butter;
  • 700-800 g of powdered sugar.


  1. Pour gelatin in advance with water and let it swell (40-50 minutes), then heat over low heat, without boiling, until completely dissolved.
  2. Add oil and fructose, mix everything, filter and leave to cool until room temperature. If necessary, you can add dye, although white gelatin mastic looks very elegant.
  3. In the chilled mass, add powdered sugar in small portions to an acceptable density for mixing with a spoon.
  4. Then put the product on the table on a pre-made slide of powdered sugar and continue to knead with your hands until an elastic state is obtained.

Milk mastic recipe for cake


  • 1 can of condensed milk;
  • 1.5 cups of powdered milk;
  • fine powdered sugar;
  • food coloring.


  1. Mix condensed and powdered milk to the state of soft plasticine. If the condensed milk turns out to be very liquid, it is necessary to increase the amount of dry ingredients.
  2. To make the mastic sweet, you need to add 1 cup of powdered milk and 1 cup of powdered sugar, knead everything until a non-sticky dough is obtained.
  3. Then add food coloring or cocoa powder.

The finished product can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several weeks in a plastic bag or cling film tightly packed.

Video recipe

Cake decoration with mastic

Before decorating, cake or prepare. Inside the cake, the cakes can be filled with any cream, jam, whipped cream. On the outer edge, all the cakes must be treated with a creamy (oil) cream, which must also be carefully smeared on the top and side surfaces. It makes sense to apply the cream in 2 layers. After that, the cake is put in the refrigerator. When the cream hardens enough, it is quickly leveled with a warm spatula or knife, striving for the most even surface without flaws.

The mastic is rolled out with a rolling pin on a table, greased with butter and sprinkled with powdered sugar (possible with starch) to a thickness of 5 mm, turning from one side to the other so that the sheet does not stick to the table. This sheet is then lifted up with a rolling pin and placed on top of the cake. First flatten with the palm of your hand upper part mastic from the center to the edges, pressing it tightly to the cake. Then the sheet is pressed against the side surfaces and smoothed from top to bottom. Excess mastic along the bottom edge is cut off with a knife or scissors.

☞ Video tutorial

DIY mastic jewelry

Make flower arrangements, figures of animals and dolls from multi-colored mastic. Cut out elements for bulky products from a thin rolled sheet with cookie cutters, cut them out with a knife according to a cardboard stencil. Form petals for different colors with a teaspoon, filling it inside with rolled mastic. Make a rose from ordinary circles of slightly different sizes: unfold the first one into a tight tube, wrap the next one around it and glue it, shifting the remaining circles one relative to the other, bending the upper flying part. This should be done with slightly damp hands. Cut the leaves from a thin layer of mastic and draw the veins with a toothpick or the blunt side of a knife. Miscellaneous figurines blind in advance, dry, carefully pack and store for a long time.

Since mastic easily absorbs moisture from the air and can spread, it makes sense to fully form the cake shortly before serving.

☞ Video tutorial

Making fondant for a cake, you can feel like a child at a clay modeling lesson or a sculptor creating a masterpiece. We wish you not only Bon appetit, but also great creative success!

Which mastic recipe do you prefer?

Homemade cakes have a special energy: they retain the warmth of the hostess's hands, and it is this cake that will create a special mood for the upcoming holiday. The aerobatics of home gastronomy is not just a deliciously prepared, but also an elegantly decorated dessert. If you want to surprise your guests, then this article is for you: so, how to make mastic for a cake at home.

Mastic for cake is an elastic confectionery mass, which in its qualities is very similar to plasticine. The most complex confectionery decorations can be made from this material, but a beginner cannot work with it at a decent level. Let's try to talk about a few tricks.

The basis of mastic is ordinary powdered sugar. Before making mastic with your own hands, it is very important to sift the powder through a small strainer. It is this stage that will indicate the quality of the future product, because if there are saccharins in the mass, then it will tear when rolled out.

After the mastic is ready, be sure to wrap it in a plastic bag and leave it in the refrigerator for twenty minutes. During this time, the mass will acquire good plasticity. You can store the mastic in the refrigerator for about two weeks, but on condition that it is wrapped in cellophane. If you plan to store it in the freezer, you can count on two months.

Any recipe implies that dyes are added to the sugar dough during the kneading process. If you need a lot of different colors, you will first need to knead uncolored dough and then separate a piece from it. Do not forget to hide the rest of the mastic in a bag in the refrigerator, otherwise it will dry out. Form a circle from the torn off piece and make a recess in it in the middle. Add a couple of drops of dye there and knead until a uniform color is obtained.

You won’t need any special tools for making mastic: you will almost certainly find it in your kitchen. The mass is simply rolled out with a wooden rolling pin on the table. After covering the dessert or cake, the edges can be trimmed with a round pizza cutter. And you can make some figures to decorate the product using ordinary cookie cutters. If you plan to decorate the cake with flowers, you can use spoons. Fill the indentation of the spoon with a piece of rolled fondant and carefully gather the rest around the edges.

When making mastic becomes a habit for you, you can use several special tools. For example, a smooth plastic rolling pin for rolling out the mass, as well as silicone mats with markings. On large rugs, it is very convenient to roll out a close-fitting for cakes, and on small ones - elements of figures. Also, cuttings for flowers, butterflies and leaves, as well as stacks for modeling will help in the work.

On a note! In any step by step recipe it will be indicated that the substrate must in no case be wet. After the cake is covered with cream, it must be placed in the refrigerator and wait until completely solidified. If the mastic comes into contact with something wet, it will immediately melt. The decor is generally desirable to do in advance so that it has time to dry well. If the decorations are hidden in a plastic container, they can be stored for several months.

Honey mastic

Honey mass will turn out softer than sugar. She will not crumble and crumble, respectively, it will be a pleasure to cover the cake with her. It is ideal for creating small jewelry. The only disadvantage of honey mastic is a higher cost due to the fact that cheap sugar is replaced by more expensive honey.

You will need:

  • nine hundred grams of powdered sugar;
  • one hundred and eighty grams of honey;
  • forty-five milliliters of water;
  • fifteen grams of gelatin.

Let's start cooking:

First, soak the gelatin in water for about thirty minutes. Then mix gelatin with the indicated amount of honey and heat the resulting mixture in a water bath. One glass of powder should be set aside, and the remaining powder should be poured into a mixture with honey. Knead the sugar dough and slowly introduce the powder that remains. Ready! If you press on the resulting mastic, then a depression from the finger will remain on it.

sugar mastic

The most versatile and simple mastic recipe. Sugar is great for sculpting flowers and figurines.

You will need:

  • five hundred grams of powdered sugar;
  • sixty milliliters of water;
  • one teaspoon of gelatin;
  • one teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • vanillin.

Let's start cooking:

As in the previous recipe, soak the gelatin for thirty minutes, after which we heat it in a water bath. In the heated gelatin, add the above amount of lemon juice and gradually introduce powdered sugar. Knead the mass until the dough becomes elastic. Do not allow the mass to be very hard. In this case, it will simply crumble during operation. Powdered sugar mastic is ready!

Milk mastic recipe

How to make sugar mastic, you already know. Once you master this recipe, you can try making mastic with milk. Note that powdered milk is used, which can be quite successfully replaced with infant formula or cream powder.

You will need:

  • milk powder (one hundred and sixty grams);
  • powdered sugar (one hundred and sixty grams);
  • condensed milk (one hundred and seventy grams);
  • one teaspoon of lemon juice.

Making mastic on powdered milk will not take you much time. We take a deep bowl and mix the powder and powdered milk in it. In the resulting mixture, you need to add one teaspoon of lemon juice and condensed milk. Knead the dough until it becomes plastic. That's all, the mastic is ready!

Chocolate mastic recipe with photo

Mastic for covering the cake is made from completely different chocolate: white, milk or bitter. There are many cooking options, here is one of them:

  1. We take one hundred grams of dark chocolate and melt it in microwave oven.
  2. Add one tablespoon of honey to the melted chocolate and mix well. Check readiness chocolate mastic simple: tear off a small piece of dough, roll it into a ball and flatten it with your fingers. If the mass is ready, then its edges should not tear.

To make chocolate mastic according to another recipe, you will need:

  • one hundred grams of dark chocolate;
  • forty milliliters of cream (30%);
  • ninety grams of marshmallows;
  • two tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • two tablespoons of cognac;
  • one tablespoon of butter.

Let's start cooking:

Melt the specified amount of chocolate in a water bath. Without removing it from the stove, add marshmallows to the chocolate, do not stop stirring constantly. As soon as the marshmallow is half dissolved, you can add cream, cognac and butter. Mix everything well until the future mastic becomes homogeneous in consistency. Remove from heat and slowly add powdered sugar. Knead until the mass turns into elastic dough. Glitter mastic ready!

Marshmallow mastic recipe

Marshmallow marshmallow mastic recipes are very popular. Recommended to buy marshmallow candies one tone, or before cooking, separate them by color.

You will need:

  • marshmallow marshmallows (two hundred grams);
  • powdered sugar (five hundred grams);
  • one teaspoon of butter.

Let's start cooking:

Put one teaspoon of butter and marshmallows in a bowl and heat in the microwave for a few seconds. We need the marshmallows to start melting. Stir the mixture with a spoon until you get homogeneous mass. Powdered sugar is introduced into the future mastic gradually. Determining readiness is simple: the mass will resemble plasticine.

Gelatin mastic

This type is simply indispensable when you need to make durable details for decorating a cake. However, she has one drawback: it is impossible to eat such mastic, since it turns out to be very hard. Nevertheless, gelatin mastic dries well and retains its shape, which means it should be used exclusively for decorative purposes.

You will need:

  • two hundred and forty grams of powdered sugar;
  • one hundred and twenty grams of starch;
  • one tablespoon of gelatin with a slide;
  • sixty milliliters cold water;
  • one teaspoon of citric acid;
  • two teaspoons of honey (it is better to use artificial honey).

Let's start cooking:

Gelatin is traditionally poured with water for thirty minutes, after which it must be melted in a water bath. In the melted gelatin, add the above amount of citric acid and honey. In a separate container, mix the powdered sugar and starch, then slowly introduce them into the gelatin mixture. You should get a mass with a smooth, uniform consistency.

Next, line the bottom of the bowl with food. film and pour mastic there. We wrap it with a film and put it in the refrigerator until the mass stops blurring and thickens. Before using such a mastic, knead it well. If it is not moldable because it is too cold, put it in the microwave for a couple of seconds.

Mastic from condensed milk

This type of mastic is used by professional confectioners quite often. The mastic based on condensed milk has a very soft and oily structure, which makes it very convenient for it to fit even the largest cakes. In addition, this mastic is very tasty.

You will need:

  • two hundred grams of condensed milk: one hundred and sixty grams of powdered sugar;
  • one hundred and sixty grams of powdered milk;
  • two teaspoons of lemon juice;
  • one teaspoon brandy.

Let's start cooking:

We mix milk powder and powdered sugar, slowly pour condensed milk into the resulting mass. Add one teaspoon of cognac and lemon juice, mix well. Keep in mind, condensed milk-based mastic will not be snow-white: it will have a characteristic yellowish tint.

How to make mastic shiny or colored

Even though it's on sale today huge amount artificial food colors, we still recommend using natural ones (vegetable or fruit). Let them not always give such a rich color as we would like, but for a tasty homemade cake this is the best way and right choice hostess who cares about the health of her loved ones.

Vegetable dyes are obtained simply: if you use berries, then grind them well with a blender. If you use vegetables as a dye, then it is better to rub them on a fine grater, and squeeze the juice through gauze.

So, what colors can be obtained from herbal ingredients:

  • red color and all its shades (juice of strawberries, cranberries, red currants, raspberries). You can also use red wine;
  • rich pink color is achieved through the use of beets;
  • if you need to achieve a yellow color, then use lemon zest or saffron infusion;
  • green color achieved through the use of spinach;
  • to make the mastic orange, use carrot juice or orange zest;
  • you can get purple or blue dye from blueberries, grape juice, and also from red cabbage;
  • to achieve brown color is obtained by adding cocoa powder, strong coffee or burnt sugar in a pan.

As regards purchased food coloring, that is, several types of these products:

  • dry powdered dyes. Before adding such a dye to the mastic, you need to dilute it in water. As a rule, for one tablespoon with water, you need to take the dye on the tip of a knife.
  • liquid. Such dyes are added to the mastic instead of water.
  • concentrated and thicker gel dyes. Economical option very saturated colors.

Achieving glossy mastic is not as difficult as it might seem. To do this, in one tablespoon of vodka you need to dissolve one tablespoon of honey. This mixture is applied to the mastic with a soft brush at the end of the cake. Vodka will not leave any smell and taste - it will simply evaporate. And you will get amazing beautiful cake with a nice glossy sheen.

Watch the video recipe for inspiration:

Do you know any simple recipe masks for beginners If yes, then share with our users in the comments below the article.

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For anyone holiday table I need a cake. It is especially good when the cake is very large and beautiful. To decorate the cake, you can use mastic. You can make figurines out of it, or just cover the cake with it.

What it is?

Mastic- This is an edible substance that looks like plasticine, which allows it to be used for figurines, or for sculpting inscriptions. With it, you can create an edible decoration. It is also stored for a long time (in the refrigerator, wrapped in a film for about 3 months).

Types of mastic

Mastic can be purchased at the store, or you can make your own at home. The basis for it is marshmallows and sugar, the rest can be taken to taste.

  • honey. From this it is easy to sculpt figures. Doesn't crumble or crumble.
  • gelatin (pastilage). Gelatin allows you to make a quickly hardening mastic. Small and complex details are well obtained from this.
  • dairy. The most common. Made with condensed milk. It is most often covered with a cake.
  • marzipan. Very soft, it covers cakes or pies. Figurines are better not to do.
  • industrial. The most versatile. Suitable for everything. Of the minuses - you can not cook at home.
  • floral. Used for very fine work. Flowers are made from it.


Regardless of the type of mask, you'll need:

  1. rolling pin;
  2. board for rolling, or a clean table;
  3. ruler;
  4. colored ribbon;
  5. food film.

Below are the most common recipes.


You'll need:

  1. powdered sugar (depending on the amount of mass);
  2. 200 gr. marshmallow;
  3. 2 tablespoons of water;
  4. food colorings.

You need to add water to marshmallows, you can add lemon juice. Place the mixture in the microwave for 45 seconds. Sift and add powder to the mastic. Add powder until the mixture looks like plasticine. Don't overdo it, or you'll ruin it.

After you finish with the powder, the mastic needs to be wrapped in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes, after which it will be ready.


You'll need:

  1. 200 gr. condensed milk;
  2. 160 gr. powdered sugar;
  3. 150 gr. dry milk;
  4. a teaspoon of cognac;
  5. two teaspoons of lemon juice.

Mix powdered sugar and milk powder. Sift the mass. During sifting, pour out the condensed milk and add lemon juice with cognac. After reaching the appearance of plasticine, wrap cling film and hide in the freezer.

We paint and keep

First think about the color that the mastic will have. The dye should be added during the process, so you get a more even color. If you decide to dye it after cooking, you need to roll a ball out of it, make a recess in it and pour the dye into it. After stirring until a uniform color, put it in the refrigerator, wrapping it in a film.

The mastic can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than three months. It is worth preparing figures from it for two weeks so that they keep their shape.