Do-it-yourself mastic cake - recipes for beginners. Do-it-yourself mastic cake: photo, master class

The birthday of a little girl is, of course, a special holiday! There must be a lot on the table delicious meals But the most important thing is the cake! Now the foxes will tell, show and teach how to make a mastic cake, which will delight both the guests and the birthday girl herself!

Today I want to show you how to make an original birthday cake for a girl.

I recently ran into the same problem as ordering a cake for my daughter's birthday. Everything seems to be made to order. But when it’s time to order, either they don’t want to make such a cake, or their doll costs a fabulous price. And her daughter is only 2 years old, she doesn’t care how much it costs baby cake and who cooked it, the main thing is that the cake is intended for her, and then you can play with the doll.

So I decided to try myself as a novice cook who works with mastic for the first time. So do not judge strictly, the cake turned out to be simple, but made from the heart and very tasty. The child was delighted, I'm not talking about adults. Everyone was perplexed and asked where the cake was ordered, was it expensive, can the doll be eaten, or is it not edible, etc.? In general, the baby's birthday went off with a bang!

And now let's proceed directly to the execution of the mastic cake. Immediately make a reservation that I made the cake for 2 days. On the first day, you need to bake a biscuit or any other cake of your choice, make a cream and grease the cake with cream. And the second day is work with cream for mastic, modeling a cake and creating a dress for a doll.

The first step is to make the cake

The cake is called Boiled Chocolate. Someone heard this name, someone did not even try such a cake. I cooked this cake for the first time - I got it for 5+, very tasty and easy to prepare.

Proportions and ingredients:

100 g cocoa
- 2 tbsp. Sahara
- 2 tbsp. flour
- 1 sachet vanilla sugar or 0.5 packets of vanillin
- 2 eggs
- 1 tbsp. milk
- 1.5 tsp soda (not slaked)
- 1 tbsp. boiling water
- 0.5 st. vegetable oil

Preparing a birthday cake

Be sure to sift the flour.

Add all the other dry ingredients (sugar, cocoa, soda, vanillin) to the flour, mix everything gently with a spoon.

Break the eggs into a separate container.

Beat them at high speed until they double in volume.

Now add sunflower oil, it must be refined. Add oil in small amounts. If you have made mayonnaise at least once, then you know what I'm talking about. Whisk the eggs and sunflower oil until the mixture is white and very thick.

Add egg mixture to dry ingredients.

Immediately add milk and gently stir everything with a spoon so that it does not dust.

Now turn on the mixer - this is a prerequisite - add boiling water and beat the dough at high speeds. It will turn out a beautiful dark brown color and completely blistered. This is just what we need.

Line the baking sheet with parchment paper to make it easier to remove the cake later.

We send it to hot oven for 25 minutes, the temperature is about 180 0C.

Since our cake should be round, and even tall. We cut it into 4 equal parts and, using a lid of a suitable size, cut out circles.

There are, of course, special Silicone forms with a rounded bottom, if you bake a cake in this form, then you don’t have to cut anything, but just turn it upside down and cut it into layers, smearing them with cream. He will already desired shape for doll dress.

I had to work a little. Place the cake slices neatly into a bowl. They will still be useful to us.

It turned out 4 high layers.

Now let's prepare the doll. We undress her and wrap her cling film. This is necessary so that later the birthday girl does not wash the doll all evening, but enjoys the beauty (the main thing is not to forget to take clothes with you).

Step two - making cream

I used the simplest cream, and the favorite of the children:

1 can of condensed milk (take high-quality milk)
- 1 pack of softened butter (250 g)

With a mixer at high speed, beat the butter, it should increase in volume. Next, add the condensed milk in small portions. Whisk the cream until smooth.

Lubricate the layers of the cake with cream. Now carefully cut a hole for the doll inside the cake. We try on the doll how it will look.

From the remnants of the cake that we set aside and the remaining cream, we make confectionery plaster. To do this, beat the crumbs with cream with a mixer until smooth. And from this mass we sculpt the top of the dress. You can leave the doll inside. This will give you a much better idea of ​​how to shape the cake. We send the cake to the refrigerator for 3 hours, and preferably all night.

Step three - prepare ganache (creamy chocolate cream)

We will need:
- sugar or powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
- cream - 110 ml.
- bitter chocolate - 100 g
- butter– 35 g

Finely chop the chocolate and place on a plate.

Pour cream into a small saucepan, add sugar or powdered sugar, put on fire. Bring cream to a boil, but do not boil. Pour hot cream over chocolate and set aside for a couple of minutes without stirring.

Now gently mix with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Add the oil to the warm mixture and beat everything again with a whisk.

While the mixture is still warm, but not hot, pour our cake with it. Can be lubricated with a brush. This makes the cream easier to apply. It hardens pretty quickly as the cake is just out of the fridge. So work fast. After that, the Barbie cake is sent back to the refrigerator.

Step four - work with mastic.

For mastic we need:
- marshmallow - 1 pack
- citric acid - a pinch
- powdered sugar - 1.5-2 tbsp.

Dissolve in a spoon citric acid and add to marshmallows.

We send marshmallows to the microwave for 1 minute.
You can see how the marshmallow melted.

Add powdered sugar and mix with a spoon. Sift the powdered sugar through a sieve, in small portions, and each time stirring with a spoon. Stock up on patience. This process takes quite a lot of time.

You need to knead the mastic until it begins to form into a lump. At this stage, we stop our work. We fall asleep a lump of mastic with powdered sugar, cover with cling film and set aside for 20 minutes. Let him rest a little.

Assemble the cake dress. To do this, roll out the mastic with a layer about 3 mm thick. Cut out a circle and carefully transfer it to the cake. To make the skirt fluffy - you can put a napkin under the mastic.

Cut a hole in the center for the doll.

You can roll out another small circle of mastic and transfer it to the cake. So to say a little, decorate the skirt. You can take mastic of a different color - for example, white. But I only had pink on hand, so the second skirt of the doll is pink. Do not try to cut the circle perfectly even. It looks more beautiful if it is a little asymmetrical.

We make a top for the doll. To do this, I simply cut out a strip of mastic and circled it around the doll's body, fastening it crosswise at the back. A bow can be attached to the back of the dress.

With melted chocolate, using a pastry bag, make dots on the dress. You can decorate the dress with confectionery beads. You can add ribbons, flowers, frills. But it seemed to me that a simple version of the design of the dress is what you need. What a shame to cut it. After all, so much effort and work went into the creation of the chrysalis.

They also advised me that the mastic would shine, mix honey and vodka in equal proportions and grease the dress. This will dissipate the alcohol. And the gloss of honey will remain. But I didn't like it. Mastic began to behave badly. In some places, she strove all the time to leave, etc.

We tie a beautiful bow on the hair of the doll and our cake is ready.

My daughter's birthday is coming soon, she's 2 years old, and I still haven't decided on a cake.

For 1 year we bought regular cake in the store, my daughter did not eat it and did not even ask. And now, it seems to me, we need a natural and beautiful children's cake.

There are two options: bake a cake or order.

If the cake is baked, it will be as homemade as possible, natural, but not very interesting for the child.

And if you order it, it will attract and occupy the attention of the child for a long time, but it will cost a tidy sum.

On the Internet, I found many sites "Making cakes to order." On the sites of confectionery, options for possible fillings and design of cakes are given.

Basically, children's cakes, or rather decor and various figures, are made from mastic.

1 kg. cake will cost an average of 1500 rubles.

1 portion of the cake is approximately 150-200 gr., so the weight of the cake must be determined taking into account the number of invited guests.

I need a cake no more than 2 kg. But I was faced with the fact that mastic cakes for children are made from 3-3.5 kg. And for the price it is more profitable to order a cake over 2 kg.

Most cheap cake 2 kg. costs 2400 rubles.

Tell us what kind of cakes you bought or baked for your children's birthday.

It has been almost ten years since the cake ceased to be only delicious dessert, which is served for dessert and is the logical conclusion of the holiday. Now different decor options with the help of mastic allow you to create a culinary masterpiece. There is an opinion that such a design is only possible for masters who have comprehended the secrets of culinary art. Each housewife can create such a culinary work independently, for this you will need minimal skills in baking, knowledge of the basics of working with mastic. Recipes for delicious cakes, creams for mastic, see below.

Which cake is suitable for mastic

In order to get beautiful delicious cake decorated with mastic, you must follow a few rules when choosing a baking recipe, cream and design option. All of these factors together depend on appearance products and taste of the dessert. Experienced chefs, behind whom there are more than a dozen prepared original cakes decorated with mastic, it is advised to adhere to the following rules when creating a masterpiece:

  • Any cakes can be used for the cake, for example, biscuit, honey cake, shortbread or even soufflé.
  • The cream between the cakes can be completely different from sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese or condensed milk. But under mastic, such options cannot be used, since it can melt, lose its appearance.
  • The following cream can be used as a base for mastic: butter, ganache, with marzipan or condensed milk. However, before proceeding with the decor, the cake should be cooled until the top layer is completely hardened.
  • Before decorating, it is necessary to carefully level the top layer so that the product looks as neat and beautiful as possible.
  • Design theme finished product depends on who it is intended for: for a child - characters from fairy tales or cartoons; for a boy - cars, superheroes; a cake with a Barbie doll is suitable for girls; women will be happy with a dessert with flowers - roses, daisies; and for men, a decor in the form of a barrel of honey, on the theme of fishing, cars, is suitable.

Step-by-step master classes for making a cake for mastic

There are many recipes for cakes that can be decorated with mastic and can please not only palatability, but also to give true aesthetic pleasure. Different variants cakes, creams, decorations provide an opportunity for every housewife to create a culinary masterpiece to her liking. Below is a selection of delicious and simple recipes pastries under mastic, which even novice cooks can easily handle.

sponge cake

The classic basis of any cake are biscuit cakes, for the preparation of which the most affordable and simple products. At the heart of the recipe a large number of eggs, which makes it possible without the use of baking powder, soda to get lush, beautiful cakes. Any mass can be used as a cream. Depending on individual preference.

Biscuit Ingredients:

  • Eight eggs.
  • 220 gr. granulated sugar.
  • Wheat flour - 250 grams.
  • 80 gr. butter.

Biscuit Instructions:

  • Break the eggs into a deep bowl, add granulated sugar and beat with a mixer until a significant increase in mass.
  • Sift wheat flour, add to egg mixture, mix well.
  • Melt the butter, add to the dough - mix well.
  • The dough, divided into two parts, bake in the oven.
  • Assemble the cake, smearing it with the selected cream, and cover with mastic on top and decorate with figures from it.

chocolate cake recipe

Taste chocolate cake everyone will remember for a long time, and the pleasant aftertaste of chocolate will still remind you of the most delicious dessert that you have ever tasted. Such pastries can be supplemented with icing and cream with chocolate, or any other type of filling can be used for these purposes, and mastic and various figures, edible decorative elements from it can be used as decoration.

Products for cooking:

  • Cocoa - 30 grams.
  • One and a half cups of flour.
  • Baking powder - 1 teaspoon.
  • Eggs - four pieces.
  • One and a half cups of sugar.
  • Butter - 225 grams.

Preparation of chocolate biscuit:

  1. Combine flour, baking powder and cocoa in one bowl, mix well.
  2. Add oil, eggs to dry ingredients and mix thoroughly.
  3. Pour two tablespoons of hot water, mix until all ingredients are completely combined.
  4. Divide the dough into several parts, bake the cakes in the oven.
  5. smear chocolate biscuits cream to your liking, let it dry, after which you can proceed with the design culinary masterpiece mastic.

Cake with soufflé under mastic

For decorating with mastic, no-bake cakes are suitable, where one or more layers are occupied by a soufflé. The preparation of such a dessert has several rules that should be followed: top and bottom jelly layer there must be a biscuit so that the culinary masterpiece keeps its shape; you should not allow the soufflé and mastic to come into contact, otherwise the latter will flow. There are many recipes for a delicious soufflé layer, with fruit, cottage cheese or classic version – « bird's milk". Consider one of the cooking options.

Biscuit Ingredients:

  • Two hundred grams of wheat flour.
  • Sugar - 160 grams.
  • Chicken eggs - 5 pieces.
  • Vanillin.

For the soufflé:

  • Gelatin - 20 grams.
  • Fruit yogurt - 400 ml.
  • Cream - 20 ml.
  • Fruits (peach, fresh or canned pineapple).

How to make a mastic soufflé cake step by step:

  • To prepare a biscuit, you need to beat the eggs with the addition of vanillin and granulated sugar until white peaks form.
  • Add wheat flour, gently mix with a spoon from the bottom up to retain air bubbles - this will give the biscuit splendor.
  • Place on the bottom of the form parchment paper, grease the container with oil and lay out the dough. Bake a biscuit at a temperature of 175-180 degrees for half an hour. Allow the workpiece to cool, then cut in half.
  • To make a soufflé, you need to: soak the gelatin to swell. Add sugar to yogurt, add gelatin and mix well.
  • Grind the berries, whip the cream into a foam.
  • Pour cream into the cooled yogurt, mix well, add chopped fruit.
  • Put a biscuit on the bottom of the mold, then pour it over and put another cake on top. Let the cake dry completely.
  • Level the cake with butter cream, cover with mastic.

Honey Cake Recipe

The honey cake recipe is known to many and is passed down in the family from one generation to another. In the standard version, the culinary product is decorated with crumbs from cakes, but modern craftswomen began to decorate the dessert with mastic, which makes it possible for your favorite cake with amazing taste issue original way, guided by your imagination or the wishes of the client.

To prepare the cakes, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Fresh honey, liquid - 2 tablespoons.
  • Two eggs.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Two teaspoons of salt.
  • Margarine - one hundred grams.
  • Flour - 3 cups.

Components of sour cream for "Honey cake":

  • Fatty sour cream - 800 grams.
  • One glass of sugar sand.
  • Butter - 250-350 grams (the amount depends on the fat content of sour cream).

Cream step by step:

  • Mash the butter with a fork, add some sugar and mix thoroughly. Pour in the remaining granulated sugar gradually, kneading it well until the two components are completely combined.
  • When the butter and sugar are completely combined, it is necessary to gradually introduce 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream, mixing all the components well.
  • Sour cream for smearing cakes is ready.

Step by step cooking cakes:

  • Put honey in a small container and melt over low heat. After boiling, add soda, mix thoroughly. Cook until caramel color appears.
  • With a mixer, beat two eggs with a glass of sugar and pour into a container with caramelized honey. Add margarine to the resulting mixture, beat everything well with a mixer.
  • Put the pan back on the fire, add 1/3 flour, beat with a mixer. When the dough begins to thicken, heat up, remove the container from the heat and continue the gradual introduction of flour, without stopping stirring.
  • Cool the dough in the refrigerator or in a cool room, for example, on the balcony. Divide everything into several parts, roll out and bake cakes in the oven for five minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees.
  • When all the cakes are baked, you need to let them cool a little and spread over sour cream(if an oil layer is used, the cakes must be soaked sugar syrup).
  • The cake for decorating with mastic is ready, the chef chooses the design option himself and it all depends on personal wishes.

A simple sour cream cake recipe

The Smetannik recipe is known to many housewives, and everyone remembers its taste from childhood, when food shortages stimulated women to invent delicious desserts based on what was available. Such a cake is well suited for mastic, the main thing is not to forget about the intermediate layer - a special cream, thanks to which the mastic will evenly and beautifully cover the culinary masterpiece.

Products for cooking:

  • Eggs - 3 pieces.
  • Kefir, sour cream - 1.5 cups.
  • One and a half cups of sugar.
  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Soda, vinegar for extinguishing.
  • Vanillin.
  • For the cream, you need sour cream and sugar.

Step by step cooking cake:

  1. Combine all ingredients for dough preparation in a deep bowl and mix well.
  2. The resulting batter divided into 3 parts, into one of which pour cocoa to give chocolate color and taste (2 tablespoons).
  3. Bake the cakes at an oven temperature of 200 degrees.
  4. For cream, it is good to whip cream or fat sour cream with granulated sugar.
  5. After cooling, cut the cakes in half, grease with cream, let it brew.

Milk Girl Cake Recipe

Beautiful name light, airy cake received thanks to Milchmdchen condensed milk from Germany. Ease of preparation refined taste and the ability to use for cakes various creams- all this was the main reason that the dessert fell in love with many housewives. In modern culinary arts the Milk Girl cake recipe is used to make a dessert decorated with mastic.

cake recipe and necessary ingredients:

  • Bank of condensed milk.
  • Two chicken eggs.
  • A glass of flour.
  • Tablespoon baking powder.

For cream:

  • Powdered sugar - 0.5 cups.
  • Cream - 400 ml.

Cake preparation:

  1. Put the condensed milk into a deep container and break the eggs. Whip the ingredients until uniform consistency.
  2. Gradually add baking powder, wheat flour - mix everything well.
  3. On parchment, draw the shape of the desired cake and pour a little dough. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees - 5 minutes. Bake all the cakes, let them cool slightly.
  4. Whip cream with sugar for cream and smear cakes with it.
  5. The top of the culinary masterpiece should be covered with oil cream so that the mastic is evenly covered and holds well.

Cake "Pancho"

Many sweet tooths know the amazing taste original cake Pancho, and cookbook Almost every housewife has a recipe for this dessert. Delicate taste, unusual design and the ability to make some adjustments to create new variations of the product. "Pancho" is ideal for decorating a mastic cake, for example, creating a dress for a Barbie doll.

Cake Ingredients:

  • Chicken eggs - five pieces.
  • Sugar - one and a half cups.
  • Cocoa - 4 tablespoons.
  • Baking powder - 1 hour. l.
  • Flour - 1.5 cups.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp

For cream:

  • Sour cream or cream - 3 cups.
  • Sugar - one glass.

Step by step preparation:

  • Beat the whites until a stable white foam.
  • Combine and grind the yolks with sugar and beat, add the whites, mix well, add flour and lemon juice.
  • Add the remaining proteins, stir everything thoroughly until completely combined.
  • Ready dough divide into several parts, add cocoa to one of them. Arrange in two containers and bake the cakes in the oven.
  • To prepare the cream, beat sour cream with sugar until thickened.
  • Lay one cake on the bottom of the plate, cut the rest into small cubes, which are laid out in layers, carefully filling with cream until a small slide forms.
  • To harden the cream, put the dessert in the refrigerator, then decorate with mastic.

The best cream base recipes for mastic cake

While creating delicious cake plays an important role right choice cream. Firstly, it should be ideally combined with cakes, complement them and create a harmonious flavor tandem; secondly, it is necessary that it fits the mastic, does not spread and keeps its shape well. To prepare delicious dessert will do cream for cake under mastic based on butter, condensed milk or marzipan. See recipes below.

Cream of boiled condensed milk

Simple but crazy delicious cream it is possible to cook from butter and boiled condensed milk. Regardless of minimal amount ingredients and ease of preparation, the mass has an amazing taste and is ideal for a cake, which will later be decorated with mastic. To make a cream, you need condensed milk (1 can) and 30 grams of butter with a high percentage of fat content.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Beat softened butter until fluffy.
  2. Add to container boiled condensed milk and beat at low speed with a mixer. Do not overdo it, it is necessary that the components are well connected.
  3. Place the mass in the refrigerator to cool and thicken.
  4. Cover the cake with cream, decorate with mastic - amazing dessert ready.

Butter cream on proteins

According to many chefs, the ideal option is to use butter cream for a mastic cake. This is due to some factors: it keeps its shape well, fits any cake layers for a layer or can participate in decorating a product, prevents the mastic from spreading, and prevents mixing colors. cook oil cream on a protein basis is possible at home on its own.

Cooking Ingredients:

  • Protein - 4 pieces.
  • Oil - 300 grams.
  • Salt.
  • Powdered sugar (sand) - 200 grams.

Cream step by step:

  • Separate the whites from the yolks and place them in a deep container.
  • Add sugar to the proteins, heat until dissolved in a water bath, then remove from heat, let cool.
  • Whisk butter until fluffy.
  • Whip the whites with clean, dry whisks, after adding a pinch of salt. Beat until a shiny, stable foam is formed, then gradually add the oil, without stopping the mixer.
  • The cream is ready, it can be used for smearing cakes or used as a base for mastic.

Cream "Ganache"

Chocolate lovers will definitely like the ganache cream. An amazing cream-based dish can be used to prepare a variety of desserts, lubricate cakes when baking a cake, or decorate ready-made culinary products. In addition, ganache is perfect for mastic, helping to create a culinary masterpiece with amazing taste.

The ganache cream recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • Black chocolate with a high percentage of cocoa - 200 grams.
  • Fatty cream - 125-200 ml (the exact amount is affected by what consistency you need to get).
  • Powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 50 grams.

Step by step cooking "ganache":

  • Chop the chocolate into small pieces.
  • Pour the cream into a deep container and put on a small fire. Constantly stirring, it is necessary to bring almost to a boil.
  • Put the broken chocolate into the hot cream and let it melt for five minutes.
  • Add powdered or sugar if you wish. custard.
  • Thoroughly mix all products until the components are completely combined.
  • Allow the mass to cool slightly and gradually add the oil, stirring constantly.
  • Stir the cream until smooth, after cooling, use to form the cake.

Cake with yogurt and fruit cream perfect option for creating light dessert. To prepare, you will need a minimum of ingredients, time and effort, and the finished result will win the heart of every sweet lover. The advantage of such a cream is the possibility of using it in mastic cakes, the main thing is to constantly store it in a cool place.

According to the recipe for the preparation of the cream, the following ingredients will be required:

  • Fruit yogurt - 500 grams.
  • Whipped sour cream or cream - 200 gr.
  • Gelatin - 15 grams (agar-agar can be used).
  • Cold water - 50 ml.
  • Fruit liqueur - 20 grams.
  • Fresh fruits- taste.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Soak gelatin in water until completely swollen.
  2. Add sugar to cream and beat.
  3. Beat yogurt at low speed with a mixer or whisk.
  4. Combine the cream with yogurt, mix the ingredients thoroughly until they are completely combined. Add chopped fruits (peaches, bananas, strawberries - optional) and gelatin, mix thoroughly.
  5. Cover the cake with cream, and after the filling has completely solidified, it is worth starting to assemble the dessert.

How to align a cake with fondant

In order for the cake decorated with mastic to look neat, appetizing and beautiful, it is necessary to level the cream before applying the final layer. Simple steps will help classic baking create a delicious work of art. It will win the heart of not only the hero of the occasion, for whom the product was prepared, but also of everyone who happens to see and taste the dessert. For the alignment procedure you will need: a knife with a wide blade or a special culinary spatula, a small towel or paper napkins, hot water.

Leveling the cake for mastic:

  • finished cake, covered with cream for mastic, refrigerate until completely solidified.
  • Take out the cooled dessert, moisten the knife or spatula in hot water, then wipe dry so that not a single drop of water remains, but at the same time the temperature of the instrument is preserved.
  • Run a knife over the cream. Under the influence of a warm tool, the cream will begin to melt and take the form that the cook needs.
  • After several manipulations, put the product back in a cool place and let the cream cool down. Repeat the procedure until the surface is perfectly even without bumps, dimples and uneven corners or transitions. Having obtained the desired result, proceed to decorate the cake with mastic.

Video: how to bake a mastic cake at home

On his birthday, I want to especially please the birthday man, relatives, surprise guests not only with a delicious dessert, but also with its original design. To prepare a culinary masterpiece, you will need several components: chocolate biscuit, cream based on whipped cream with the addition of cottage cheese dessert, berries for the layer, mastic and figurines from it for decoration. Decoration, decoration of the dessert depends on the individual preferences of the birthday person, inspiration and the capabilities of the master. Example step by step cooking cake and its decoration with mastic, look at the video:

  • 5 eggs
  • 150 g sugar
  • 100 g flour
  • 30 g starch (I have corn starch)
  • 30 g butter
  • 2 tsp vanilla sugar
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 200 g marshmallows ("chewing marshmallows")
  • 300 g powdered sugar (approx)
  • 100 g starch (corn)
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 1 st. l. butter
  • 150 g butter + 150 g condensed milk (for mastic)

Recently, my daughter Agatha turned 3 years old, and for this wonderful holiday, I prepared a mastic-coated cake (I have long wanted to work with mastic, and this was just a great occasion). I immediately conceived the mastic as pure white (as on wedding cakes), it seems to me very fresh and light, but the mastics of vigorous colors, frankly, scare me (I can imagine the amount of dye that is added there, but the child will also try the mastic). I used marshmallow mastic, this is the easiest and most affordable mastic to make at home.
To prepare the cake itself, I took one of my favorite biscuits (from mine), and made the cream from whipped cream with slices of canned peaches. The combination of soaked white sponge cake, whipped cream and sweet peaches seems to me one of the most successful combinations, this is exactly what everyone usually likes without exception. And I made the right decision, both the child and all the guests really liked the cake, the birthday was a success!


Prepare a biscuit, exactly as in.
Prepare the cream - whip the cream to peaks, gradually adding powdered sugar, beat until soft peaks. If you are not sure about your cream, it is better to whip with the addition of a special cream fixer.

We collect the cake.
Put the first cake, soak with syrup from canned peaches (about 5-7 teaspoons).

Spread half of the cream, gently spread with a spatula. Arrange canned peaches cut into thin slices on top (it took me 3 halves).

Put the second cake, also soak, cover with the second half of the cream (leave 1-2 tablespoons of cream), put the second half of the peaches on top. Cover with the third cake layer, also soak, and cover the cake with the remaining cream on top and sides, but in a very thin layer, just to close the "pores" with cream.
Put the cake in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

We turn to the preparation of the cake for mastic.
There is one subtlety with mastic cakes, it is best to put mastic on cakes covered with butter cream or ganache. If a cake with whipped cream, sour cream or other airy gentle cream, so that the mastic lies as it should, and does not “flow”, it must be covered suitable cream. I used butter cream with condensed milk.
To prepare it, beat very soft butter, gradually adding condensed milk.

Coat the cake with half of the resulting butter cream, it is best to cover with a wide spatula, or a spatula, this should be done without pressing, but as if lightly applying.
Put in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes to set the first layer.

Then cover with the second half of the cream.
If your buttercream doesn't seem plastic enough to you, put it in the microwave for literally 10-20 seconds and mix well (I did this for the second coating).
Put the cake back in the fridge for at least 30-40 minutes, or longer.
The buttercream cake is ready.

We are preparing the mask.
Here are all the ingredients for her, plus colored sugar pencils for drawing.

Sift powdered sugar and starch together, this is important, there should be no lumps.
With starch, marshmallow mastic is more plastic and more convenient to work with than just powdered sugar.

marshmallow, butter, lemon juice put in a container.

Melt in the microwave (just like melting chocolate). That is, we heat for 20-30 seconds, mix well, heat again, mix again, and so on until smooth. Cool slightly.
To get a snow-white mastic, you must use pure white marshmallows, although multi-colored marshmallows are more often found on sale. Multi-colored can also be used, but the mastic will be tinged, in which case, you can tint it with a dye in any desired color (you need to mix in the dye at this stage).

We begin to add the mixture of powdered sugar and starch in parts, kneading well with a spoon.

When the spoon is already tightly mixed, put the mass on a surface sprinkled with the same mixture, and continue to knead. Mix thoroughly as well yeast dough, gradually adding a mixture of powder and starch. I mixed 300 g of powder and 100 g of starch, and this was just enough for me, but if necessary, add more powdered sugar, or vice versa, do not use the entire mixture. The finished mastic should stop sticking to your hands, but remain soft and plastic.

Roll out the mastic into a single circle so that it is enough to close up, the sides and there is still a margin. I came out with a thickness of about 3 mm.

Wrap the fondant on a rolling pin and transfer to the chilled cake. Gradually moving around the cake, wrap the cake in mastic, as in the photo. Do not press the mastic to the cake itself, you can only press it to the stand on which the cake lies.