Single tiered diaper cake. Cake train from ordinary diapers

Children are the beautiful flowers of life. Their appearance is a holiday for the whole family, and, as you know, it is customary to give gifts for the celebration. Most likely, all the necessary things for the baby have already been bought in advance by caring parents and enterprising grandparents, so it is often difficult to decide which gift will definitely come in handy for a child. However, there are a few things that will always be useful, as they tend to end quickly. For example, diapers and any other hygiene products. And if you connect your imagination, then such a gift can be made really festive, pleasantly surprising the baby's parents. For those who want to present an original and undoubtedly necessary gift for discharge from the hospital or the first birthday of a child, we offer detailed description how to make a cake from purchased diapers for a baby with your own hands in a lesson step by step with a photo.

We make a single-tier cake from diapers with our own hands step by step with a photo

This manufacturing method is the easiest, and the price of such a gift will not be a big blow to your budget.

We will need:

1) 11 diapers (more possible);

2) Beautiful fabric;

3) Wide long ribbons;

5) Scissors;

6) Jewelry to your taste.

Stages of work:

1) Take one diaper, roll it into a roller and tighten it with tape.

2) We put the resulting roller on the table, we place the remaining diapers around it.

3) We wrap the tape around the diapers and tighten them, wrapping the edges in one direction.

4) We tie the edges of the tape, fixing the diapers.

5) We wrap the cake with a ribbon and a bright cloth, fix it with glue.

6) We decorate the top of the resulting cake as desired, using toys, clothing, flowers, beads, ribbons.

You can fantasize endlessly. For a boy, ships, cars, planes are perfect, for a girl - funny animals, baskets, etc.

We make a multi-tiered cake for a creative presentation of a gift

In this master class, we will consider two ways to make a tiered diaper cake for a girl or a boy using the example of making a three-tier one.

Method one.
You will need:

1) 72 diapers;

2) 3 plastic cups (cardboard sleeves from toilet paper and paper towels)

3) 3 long elastic bands (it is better to use underwear);

4) Solid base (cardboard, tray);

5) Pins;

6) Diaper;

7) Any decor to your taste.

Stages of work:

1) We distribute the diapers into three blocks, observing the proportion 1:2:3. For 72 pieces we take 12, 24 and 36 diapers for the upper, middle and lower floor, respectively.

2) We tie the block with an elastic band, not very tight, so that we can form a cylinder in the process. Place a glass under the rubber band.

3) We line up diapers in rings, moving them around the glass. At the same time, we hold the glass and diapers with one hand, fixing the beginning of the circle.

4) Evenly distribute the diapers along the outer edge, while holding the inner circle.

5) We connect the beginning and end of the resulting cake, align the middle.

6) To compact the cake, we level the elastic band, without releasing the knot, we tighten it for the second round. So the fixation will be more reliable. However, you shouldn't overtighten the rubber band.

7) We put the disk vertically and align the diapers again.

8) By the same principle, we make the remaining floors for the cake.

10) Tighten the elastic again around the new rod. We install the floors of the cake one on top of the other. And decorate as you wish.

11) You can additionally decorate the cakes with diapers. To do this, we fold them in such a way that the width of the strip is equal to the height of the cake, and the length is equal to the turn around it. We connect the ends with pins and pull out the elastic, in this case we will no longer need it.

Method two.

The next version of our original gift much easier to perform technically: there are no difficulties with aligning diapers inside the cake, as in the previous method. The elements used are the same, you can buy them in almost any store.

Would need:

1) Diapers (you choose the quantity yourself, for example, it is convenient to use 51 pieces - 7.17 and 27);

2) Solid base (it is better to use a pre-pasted tray);

3) Large elastic bands;

4) Ribbons for decoration;

6) Wrapping paper or diaper;

7) Cellophane;

8) Small rubber bands;

9) A bottle of wine or champagne (for parents).

Stages of work:

1) We place the selected bottle on the tray. We take a diaper, tightly twist it with a roll and fix it with a small elastic band. Similarly, we arrange all diapers.

2) We lay out the resulting rolls around the bottle. If necessary, you can compact the cake with unrolled diapers. We fix the finished floor of the future cake with an elastic band.

3) Fold the wrapping paper in several layers, cut a hole in the center and put it on the bottle. We fix the top with an elastic band.

4) We form the remaining layers in the same way, covering them with cloth or paper. For the third floor, you do not need to cut a hole.

5) We close the elastic bands with ribbons, fastening them with pins or tape. And we decorate further at our discretion, taking into account the gender of the child for whom the gift is intended.

You can learn more about MK "Diaper Cake", as well as get some ideas for decorating a gift in the selection of videos below.

Video tutorials for beginners on the topic of the article

The variety of children's products, whether it be toys, clothes or care items, makes the process of choosing a gift for a newborn easy and exciting, but if you decide to present something useful and unusual to your baby, you can make a diaper cake with your own hands. Such a gift is not very costly in terms of finances, and it will take no more than an hour to make it.

How to make a diaper cake?

Giving unusual gifts to kids has recently become very fashion trend, and this is not in vain, because the originally presented practical things will give a lot of pleasure to young parents and, of course, will be useful to the hero of the occasion. However, in order for your gift to really become a pleasant addition to the holiday, it should be prepared according to all the rules.

The master class for making a diaper cake is based on the following aspects:

  • Firstly, do not forget that diapers are a very delicate intimate item, so when touching them, follow basic hygiene rules. In no case do not turn the products inside out, because this can damage the protective soft layer. Ensure the sterility of the place where the cake will be formed with your own hands. Finally, wash your hands thoroughly before touching diapers;
  • secondly, while preparing a gift, isolate pets from the room, since even a small amount of wool that has fallen on the surface of disposable diapers can cause allergies and irritation on baby skin;
  • thirdly, prepare and sterilize all the elements of the future diaper cake - steam or iron the fabric additions, wash the plastic parts thoroughly with soap and wipe the glassware with an antiseptic;
  • fourthly, the elements for fastening diapers deserve special attention: since elastic bands and laces will touch directly disposable panties, they must also be sterilized (maybe with hot steam, maybe with antiseptic agents).

By following these precautions, you can create a truly useful and effective, but at the same time safe gift.

Decor elements for diaper cake

In principle, a variety of items can be used to decorate a diaper cake. Based on popular workshops for the production of homemade gifts for girls and boys, the main elements are:

  • diapers and small towels - they serve as the top cover of the base. It is convenient to wrap the layers of the cake with diapers, which gives finished product spectacular appearance and allows you to securely fasten the individual elements of the cake together;
  • toys - you can choose a soft animal and put it in the center of the cake, or you can wrap several small rattles inside the gift;
  • clothes - large items, for example, vests and sliders, can be used instead of diapers, and small items - socks and mittens - will act as decoration elements;
  • personal hygiene items (since the main gift in this case- these are diapers) it would be advisable to supplement with creams, talcum powder, wet wipes. Shampoos and baby sets with combs and scissors will also be appropriate in this case.

When choosing details for decorating a gift, pay attention to some important aspects:

  • if you are making a baby diaper cake, it is best to do it in blue or green, for which use the appropriate wrapping paper and choose diapers or towels of this color. For a girl, on the contrary, sunny colors would be more suitable, you can take bright red, pink or orange colors;
  • as for the choice of diapers, for the smallest, small products will be preferable. When picking up a gift for an older baby, you should check with the parents in advance what size the child is currently wearing, it is better if you take diapers of a slightly larger size, since the baby will not be able to use small panties for their intended purpose;
  • when choosing details for a future gift, give preference to things made from natural materials, since cheap clothes and toys of dubious production can cause allergies, besides, their contact with diapers is also not very desirable;
  • before starting work, ask your parents which brand of diapers they prefer, and also find out what color the product is, since blue diapers are not very suitable for girls, it is better to take ordinary white or bright pink models.

Such tips will help you arrange a gift as beautifully as possible, while not forgetting about the important details and preferences of the baby's parents.

Master class on making a diaper cake

You can make an inedible cake with your own hands in any shape and size, it all depends on your desire and financial capabilities. However, remember that it is better to make a large gift from diapers of different sizes, because babies grow quickly and diapers may soon become small, then the surprise will not do any good.

A do-it-yourself three-tier cake master class involves the use of about 70-100 pieces of diapers. To achieve a visible transition between layers, you can use products of 3 sizes - for newborns (top layer), 1st (middle layer) and 2nd (cake base). But models from the same elements also look good, then it is better than the maximum size, because small crumbs quickly grow out of small crumbs and it is not always possible to use all diapers.

DIY diaper cake step by step:

  • first do upper tier- we roll the diapers into tubes (it is best to start wrapping from the side of the elastic band) and fasten each with a regular clothespin so that they do not fall apart. It will take 7 tubes, one of which we put in the middle and wrap around the rest in a circle. You can fix the resulting tier with a diaper folded several times to the width of the resulting row. You can fasten beauty with an elastic band or a bright ribbon (for girls - red or pink, for boys - blue);
  • the middle row will require 19 tubes - we make a circle similar to the 1st tier, after which we fix it with an elastic band and slip the next outer row of diapers twisted into a tube. It turns out the same height, but a slightly larger layer in diameter. You can decorate the outer part of the tier in the same way, using a folded diaper or towel;
  • the last layer will require 43 tubes, it should be folded in the same way as the previous ones. And you can make several separate elements of 7 diapers, and then connect them together and supplement them with single tubes until a circle is obtained;
  • Now we proceed to the most difficult stage - the formation of a cake with our own hands. First, put a rigid base under the bottom of the product, since parts of the lower tier may fall out at the most inopportune moment. Install the bottom row, put the middle one on top, then the top one. A thin wooden stick will come in handy, which should be installed in the center of the product, it is needed for the stability of the structure;
  • it remains to decorate the gift with toys or items of clothing, a teddy bear or a bunny can be seated in the center of the cake and tied with a bow, and the socks can be placed on cardboard stands between the layers, or simply attached to the sides, hooked on the diaper with one edge.

It's so easy to make a gift for a newborn baby (for both a girl and a boy) with your own hands. This will be a spectacular and useful present, and by following all the recommendations in our master class, you can make it as quickly as possible.

The birth of a baby in a family is a great happiness not only for parents, but also for relatives and friends. It is very difficult to choose a gift for a newborn with such a huge selection of baby supplies.

I would like to present a useful and original surprise to the baby and his parents. A diaper cake with a surprise inside, made by yourself, will be a great gift.

DIY diaper cake: materials and tools

To make a diaper cake with your own hands, you need the following materials and tools:

Diapers, ask your mother about the size of diapers, which manufacturer is preferred;

Round flat tray or circle cut out of hardboard;

Wet wipes - 1 pack;

Cotton buds - 1 pack;

Stationery rubber bands - 1 pack;

Satin ribbon of different widths (color, depending on the sex of the newborn: girl - red, yellow, white, pink; boy - green and blue), you will need up to 15 meters;

Double-sided adhesive tape;

For a surprise - baby powder, creams, soaps, toys, socks, books and whatever you like;

Medical gloves - one pair.

Do-it-yourself three-tier diaper cake

The creation of such a cake does not take much time and financial costs. It is based on diapers, and the size of the cake can be adjusted by yourself. Wash your hands well before starting work. Pampers are a personal hygiene item and should be clean when they get to the baby.

Stage 1

Let's get started with the first layer. On a flat surface (a tray or a cut out round stand made of thick cardboard), we lay vertically, 37 diapers twisted into rolls. We fix each diaper with a clerical rubber band. We insert a baby bottle or shampoo with wet wipes in the middle. We fasten with an elastic band from the outside.

Stage 2

Preparing the middle tier. For the second layer, we need 27 diapers. We prepare the rolls according to the model of the first tier, fasten them with an elastic band, remove one diaper from the middle and insert a bottle of powder or baby cream.

Stage 3

Getting the top layer ready. For the top layer, take 16 diapers, fastened with elastic bands, put them on the middle tier, tighten everything with an elastic band. Be sure to fasten the tiers together. Otherwise, the structure will be unstable and may fall apart.

Stage 4

Let's start decorating our cake. For decoration, any size and color of satin ribbon is suitable. We tie each tier in the outer circle and tie it with a beautiful bow. Under the ribbon, you can insert a card with congratulations or things you need for the baby. We decorate the top of the cake with toys, put rattles and children's accessories on the sides. Such a cake will turn out beautiful, elegant, and most importantly useful for parents.

Do-it-yourself single-tier diaper cake

To create such crafts, diapers are used. The size of the original gift depends on your preferences. The more diapers in the package, the more you can get final result.

For a small craft, 30 diapers are enough. Of these, you can make a neat cake one tier high. Such a cake can be beautifully decorated, showing your imagination and design idea.

Stage 1

For work, we need the following materials: eleven diapers, one bright diaper, a wide satin ribbon, a narrow ribbon (like florists), jewelry and scissors.

Stage 2

We twist the first diaper into a roll, tie it with a ribbon and put it in the middle of the tray. It will be the main one, from which we will build on and arrange rolls of diapers. It must be well fixed, because it will be the basis of the cake.

Stage 3

Around the first roll, we install diapers in such a way that we get a “sun”. They should stand on edge, and their lower part is directed to the first roll, which was installed in the center of the cake.

Stage 4

Then we carefully tighten all the diapers with a tape to make a cake, directing the tips in one direction. This is easy to do if you attach the first diaper to the roll with its lower part and put the rest behind it. Thus, when tightened with a ribbon, the cake does not fall apart and is easily fixed.

Stage 5

Wrap with a diaper and tape and fasten with hot glue. You can decorate the cake with any fabric. Commonly used natural fabrics cotton, linen, etc. They are safe and do not cause allergies in children.

Do-it-yourself diaper cake with "icing"

To make a diaper cake with your own hands, you need to take 90 diapers of the first or second size, bright beautiful ribbons of any width, thin elastic bands for fastening diapers, double-sided tape, tailor's needles, diapers, a baby blanket or towel, baby soap accessories, various decorations, toys.

Stage 1

Pampers must be divided into tiers. The first tier will require 40 diapers, the second 30 diapers, and the third 20. Thus, the cake will be pyramidal in shape. This design has strong and stable properties.

Stage 2

The first cake: we put 40 pieces of diapers in a circle, in a spiral, fixing the first and last with tailor's needles. Put the baby shampoo in the middle. From above, in a circle, we fix the spiral with an elastic band, for the strength of the structure.

Stage 3

Preparing the frosting for the cake. We fold the diaper along the width of the diapers, wrap it around the cake and fix it with needles. This will give the cake strength and aesthetic appearance.

Stage 4

We prepare the second cake from 30 diapers folded in a circle, fixed with tailor's needles and an elastic band. We wrap the edges of the cake with a colored diaper. We install on the first layer, put baby powder in the middle.

Stage 5

The third top cake - from 20 pieces. The process of creating the third cake is not much different from others. The only difference here is the number of diapers.

Stage 6

We decorate the cake. To do this, we take various children's toys, place them on the "steps" of the cake, between diapers. Do not forget about such important things as a pacifier, cotton swabs, a drinking bottle, creams, powder. And on top of the cake are booties or a soft toy. A gift for a newborn is ready!

When preparing a cake from diapers with your own hands for a newborn, the following hygiene rules must be observed:

1. When creating a cake, hands must be clean or gloved, and the place must be sterile. Do not turn diapers inside out to preserve the protective layer.

2. Animals are excluded indoors, so that the wool does not get on the diapers. Even a small amount of wool can harm the baby by causing an allergic reaction.

3. All cake materials must be processed. Glass and plastic items are washed with soap and treated with antiseptic solutions. Fabric materials are ironed.

4. Rubber bands and tailor's needles that we use to hold the cake together, steam or sterilize.

Cake made of diapers and diapers as a gift for a newborn. When a baby is born, all friends, relatives, and sometimes just acquaintances sincerely congratulate the young mother and father on this wonderful joyful event. But it is not easy to choose the right gift for such an occasion. After all, I want it to be not only beautiful, bright, festive, but also to be truly needed by both parents and the newborn.

The best solution would be to ask the family what is best for them to present as a gift so that it is accurately used and does not turn out to be superfluous. Among the most popular answers to this question are, of course, diapers and all kinds of little things in the form of rattles, rodents and other useful accessories for the baby. But sometimes the donor is embarrassed by the prospect of presenting the heroes of the occasion with an ordinary pack of diapers from the supermarket. Even if they are the highest quality and most expensive. An excellent solution would be to build from diapers original cake with various decorations. It is quite simple to do it yourself, using the tips and recommendations from this master class.

To make a diaper cake you will need:

  • packaging of diapers of the minimum size for newborns (72 pcs.);
  • accessories for the base (2 glasses for pencils, 1 cut paper towel roll, 1.5 m long elastic band);
  • any baby cosmetics you like (for example, shampoo and bathing gel);
  • baby wet wipes (64 pcs.);
  • bedding set: 2 warm diapers (75 by 120 cm), a small blanket (75 by 90 cm), a pillow (20 by 32 cm). Here you can take any other options you like, for example, a towel, a blanket, a mattress in a stroller, etc.;
  • toys and other accessories for decoration (in this case: a soft toy, a musical rattle, socks, a pacifier, a teether);
    a set of children's pins of 3 pcs.

Diaper cake step by step with photo

The entire manufacturing process will be divided into 4 main stages, reflected in the photo. On the first of them, a basis is created from diapers. It will also use pencil glasses and other auxiliary accessories. At the second stage, the foundations made earlier are filled cosmetics for a newborn. By the way, this is completely optional if the master wants to save a little on a gift. You can simply not cut off a long roll of baking paper or paper towels, but fix all three resulting “cakes” of diapers on it.

At the third stage, the semi-finished "cake" is decorated with films and other similar products. And finally, at the end, the design is decorated with toys and other pleasant little things.

1 step diaper cake

  • The task of the master is to create three strong parts of the base. The lower "cake" of the future cake will hold 36 diapers, the middle one - 24 and the upper one - 12. It is best to carry out all actions with medical gloves so that the diapers remain clean and sterile even after they are removed from the package. It is very important to try to wrinkle and open diapers as little as possible.
  • Having opened the package, you will need to immediately count 36 diapers for the bottom of the base, without dividing them among themselves. Then they are tied with a linen elastic band for fixing. It is best to tighten the bottom in two turns. From the side of the gum (the upper colored part of the diapers), a glass is installed.
  • Next, the diapers gently turn in the direction in which they had a bias in the package. The result is a circle around the glass.
  • It remains to fix the glass with one hand - the beginning, and with the other hand increase the distance between the diapers from the outside, slightly stretching each of them to the same distance.

  • The desired shape is starting to take shape.
  • With each new movement, it will be more and more difficult for the master to form an even circle. In order not to make a fatal mistake and not spoil the already existing result, you should constantly hold the diapers already installed in the desired position.
  • When the circle is completed, you need to fix the glass again with your hand. Diapers should not change their position so that the middle of the structure does not “move out”.
  • With the right hand, the remaining unused part of the diapers is wrapped in the selected direction.

  • It remains to align the middle of the finished base.
  • It is necessary to ensure that the elastic band that fastens the diapers always remains clearly in the center of the “cake”. If you forget about this moment, then its form can instantly deteriorate and it will be extremely difficult to correct the error in the future.
  • The resulting circle will certainly turn out to be weak. To securely fasten it, you will need to carefully untie the elastic band (not allowing the structure to fall apart) and tighten it tighter.
  • Next, a second turn is made around the base and the fastening is tied again. First - on the knot, and then - on the bow.

  • It remains to complete the last stage of leveling the lower base. To do this, the circle is placed on the edge, and the diapers are carefully pulled up to the selected distance. To make this easy, do not overtighten the elastic in the previous step.
  • But it is possible to fix the structure as tightly as possible after the final alignment.
  • This is especially true for the case when the master does not plan to fill the middle of the “cake” with anything. Then you can remove the glass, replacing it with a tube from towels, foil or baking paper, and tighten the circle.
  • The first "cake" is completely ready. By the same principle, two subsequent ones are created.

Stage 2 diaper cake

If you decide to make a gift with a surprise, then stage 2 will also be mandatory. In the process, you can hide any gifts inside the structure. In this master class, these are various hygiene products for a newborn. But it will be possible to come up with other options, for example, clothes, toys, bottles, all kinds of accessories that make life easier for new parents, and much more. A glass is removed from the bottom of the base, and wet wipes and shampoo are sent in its place. The same thing happens with the middle part. She puts on upper part gifts. A bathing agent is inserted into the middle of the upper “cake”. Surprises and will fasten all three parts of the structure together. Now you can tie the circles tighter again.

Stage 3 of creating a cake

To hide diapers, you need to beautifully decorate the base with diapers and a blanket. All of them are folded into wide strips equal to the width of the side of the “cake” base. If the diaper turned out to be too short, it can be folded diagonally, if it is too long, it can be folded on one or both sides. The ends of the diapers are fastened together with baby pins, which are completely safe and can also be useful to the parents of the baby in everyday life.

Now you can carefully remove the elastic bands from the "cake", because the diapers will fix them. No additional fasteners are required.

Diapers are by far the most useful and practical gift for young parents on the occasion of their beloved child. But just buying a pack of diapers and presenting them is boring and not solemn. Thanks to imagination and creativity, this gift can be beautifully and originally beaten. This present will be appropriate for the discharge of a mother with a newborn from the hospital and for the first birthday. This article describes in detail how to make a diaper cake with your own hands step by step with a photo.

A little about the main

The minimum number of diapers should be 30 pieces. A bunk usually takes a large pack of 78 pieces.

Before you start working on a gift, you need to ask your parents in advance what brand of diapers they use. It is also better to purchase them one size larger, because children grow very quickly in the early stages and there is a chance not to use everything.

The average price of a pack of diapers is 800 rubles, and decorating costs should also be added to the main amount. That is, such a cake will cost about 1200 rubles. Of course, you can limit the budget and reduce the amount of materials.

Tiered cake

This master class will help you figure out how to make a diaper cake for a girl or a boy.

At the beginning of work, it is necessary to establish the basis for the cake. For this, thick cardboard is useful, it must be cut out and pasted over with paper. But you can also enclose a large-format children's book.

The next mandatory element is the rod, around which the entire structure must be located. Can be used as a rod wooden skewer, a roll of paper towel, a bottle of bathing foam, a bottle of baby champagne.

In this master class, the bathing foam will be the basis. Glue the base of the rod together with Moment glue or liquid nails.

Tie the book with ribbon and glue the bottle to it. Then open the pack of diapers, twist each one into a tube and start forming the cake. To prevent them from unfolding, fix with an elastic band for money.

Make two levels, securing each with a satin ribbon.

The next step is decorating the cake with various useful little things. These are spoons, anti-scratches, bottles, nipples, booties. It is best to put a soft toy on top. The cake is ready!

So that the gift does not accidentally get dirty or damaged, pack it in transparent polyethylene.

Single tier option

Preparation method single tier cake very simple. This type of gift is great for a boy's first birthday.

For work you will need:

11 diapers;

wide tape;

decorations to taste.

First you need to take a diaper, roll it into a roller and tighten it with a tape. Put the resulting roller on the table, and place the rest of the diapers around it. Wrap the tape around the diapers and tighten them, wrapping the edges in one direction.

Tie the edges of the tape, fixing the diapers. Wrap the cake with ribbon and a bright cloth, secure with glue.

Decorate the top of the product as desired. For decor, toys, clothes for a small one, ships, cars, balls will do.