Diaper cake. We make a single-tier cake from diapers with our own hands step by step with a photo

The birth of a baby in a family is a great happiness not only for parents, but also for relatives and friends. It is very difficult to choose a gift for a newborn with such a huge selection of baby supplies.

I would like to present a useful and original surprise to the baby and his parents. A diaper cake with a surprise inside, made by yourself, will be a great gift.

DIY diaper cake: materials and tools

To make a diaper cake with your own hands, you need the following materials and tools:

Diapers, ask your mother about the size of diapers, which manufacturer is preferred;

Round flat tray or circle cut out of hardboard;

Wet wipes - 1 pack;

Cotton buds - 1 pack;

Stationery rubber bands - 1 pack;

Satin ribbon of different widths (color, depending on the sex of the newborn: girl - red, yellow, white, pink; boy - green and blue), you will need up to 15 meters;

Double-sided adhesive tape;

For a surprise - baby powder, creams, soaps, toys, socks, books and whatever you like;

Medical gloves - one pair.

Do-it-yourself three-tier diaper cake

The creation of such a cake does not take much time and financial costs. It is based on diapers, and the size of the cake can be adjusted by yourself. Wash your hands well before starting work. Pampers are a personal hygiene item and should be clean when they get to the baby.

Stage 1

Let's get started with the first layer. On a flat surface (a tray or a cut out round stand made of thick cardboard), we lay vertically, 37 diapers twisted into rolls. We fix each diaper with a clerical rubber band. We insert a baby bottle or shampoo with wet wipes in the middle. We fasten with an elastic band from the outside.

Stage 2

Preparing the middle tier. For the second layer, we need 27 diapers. We prepare the rolls according to the model of the first tier, fasten them with an elastic band, remove one diaper from the middle and insert a bottle of powder or baby cream.

Stage 3

Getting the top layer ready. For the top layer, take 16 diapers, fastened with elastic bands, put them on the middle tier, tighten everything with an elastic band. Be sure to fasten the tiers together. Otherwise, the structure will be unstable and may fall apart.

Stage 4

Let's start decorating our cake. For decoration, any size and color of satin ribbon is suitable. We tie each tier in the outer circle and tie it with a beautiful bow. Under the ribbon, you can insert a card with congratulations or things you need for the baby. We decorate the top of the cake with toys, put rattles and children's accessories on the sides. Such a cake will turn out beautiful, elegant, and most importantly useful for parents.

Do-it-yourself single-tier diaper cake

To create such crafts, diapers are used. The size original gift depends on your preference. The more diapers in the package, the more you can get final result.

For a small craft, 30 diapers are enough. Of these, you can make a neat cake one tier high. Such a cake can be beautifully decorated, showing your imagination and design idea.

Stage 1

For work, we need the following materials: eleven diapers, one bright diaper, a wide satin ribbon, a narrow ribbon (like florists), jewelry and scissors.

Stage 2

We twist the first diaper into a roll, tie it with a ribbon and put it in the middle of the tray. It will be the main one, from which we will build on and arrange rolls of diapers. It must be well fixed, because it will be the basis of the cake.

Stage 3

Around the first roll, we install diapers in such a way that we get a “sun”. They should stand on edge, and their lower part is directed to the first roll, which was installed in the center of the cake.

Stage 4

Then we carefully tighten all the diapers with a tape to make a cake, directing the tips in one direction. This is easy to do if you attach the first diaper to the roll with its lower part and put the rest behind it. Thus, when tightened with a ribbon, the cake does not fall apart and is easily fixed.

Stage 5

Wrap with a diaper and tape and fasten with hot glue. You can decorate the cake with any fabric. Commonly used natural fabrics cotton, linen, etc. They are safe and do not cause allergies in children.

Do-it-yourself diaper cake with "icing"

To make a diaper cake with your own hands, you need to take 90 diapers of the first or second size, bright beautiful ribbons of any width, thin elastic bands for fastening diapers, double-sided tape, tailor's needles, diapers, a baby blanket or towel, baby soap accessories, various decorations, toys.

Stage 1

Pampers must be divided into tiers. The first tier will require 40 diapers, the second 30 diapers, and the third 20. Thus, the cake will be pyramidal in shape. This design has strong and stable properties.

Stage 2

The first cake: we put 40 pieces of diapers in a circle, in a spiral, fixing the first and last with tailor's needles. Put the baby shampoo in the middle. From above, in a circle, we fix the spiral with an elastic band, for the strength of the structure.

Stage 3

Preparing the frosting for the cake. We fold the diaper along the width of the diapers, wrap it around the cake and fix it with needles. This will give the cake strength and aesthetic appearance.

Stage 4

We prepare the second cake from 30 diapers folded in a circle, fixed with tailor's needles and an elastic band. We wrap the edges of the cake with a colored diaper. We install on the first layer, put baby powder in the middle.

Stage 5

The third top cake - from 20 pieces. The process of creating the third cake is not much different from others. The only difference here is the number of diapers.

Stage 6

We decorate the cake. To do this, we take various children's toys, place them on the "steps" of the cake, between diapers. Do not forget about such important things as a pacifier, cotton swabs, a drinking bottle, creams, powder. And on top of the cake are booties or a soft toy. A gift for a newborn is ready!

When preparing a cake from diapers with your own hands for a newborn, the following hygiene rules must be observed:

1. When creating a cake, hands must be clean or gloved, and the place must be sterile. Do not turn diapers inside out to preserve the protective layer.

2. Animals are excluded indoors, so that the wool does not get on the diapers. Even a small amount of wool can harm the baby by causing an allergic reaction.

3. All cake materials must be processed. Glass and plastic items are washed with soap and treated with antiseptic solutions. Fabric materials are ironed.

4. Rubber bands and tailor's needles that we use to hold the cake together, steam or sterilize.

To surprise and please your friends or relatives who have become parents, you can give them an original and useful gift - a diaper cake. It can be purchased to order from people who have been making such unusual things for a long time, or you can make it yourself. It does not require any special knowledge or skills. Any person can make a diaper cake, the main thing is to understand the basic manufacturing principle and figure out how to creatively decorate a practical gift for a little man.

Ideas for inspiration

Diaper cake: needlework features

1. For the period of making a surprise, free the room from pets.
2. Purchase a pack of at least 60 diapers.
3. During operation, do not turn them inside out.
4. Create maximum sterility in the room.
5. Wash your hands thoroughly, sterilize the instrument.
6. Iron gift clothes, neutralize glassware with an antiseptic.

Cake from diapers for a boy: decor elements

Cake from diapers for a girl: decor elements

The main elements of decorating a cake are as follows:

  • personal hygiene items (shampoo, dry and wet wipes, powder, moisturizer, children's manicure set, etc.);
  • clothes (mittens, socks, sliders, undershirts, etc.);
  • toys (rattles, soft or rubber animals, etc.);
  • small towels, diapers, a blanket (they are convenient to pack the layers of the cake. In addition, they give the finished product a spectacular look).

Important Points

  • if you are making a diaper cake for a boy, then give preference to a certain color scheme, for example, blue, light green, beige, if for a girl - pink, yellow, red, orange;
  • ask your parents what brand of diapers they use;
  • when purchasing things for a baby, give preference to natural fabrics;
  • when choosing toys, make sure that they do not have an extraneous smell, they are of high quality.

Diaper cake: master class

You can make a diaper cake in any shape and size. However, if you want to conquer everyone with its volume, then purchase diapers in a size. Before you make a diaper cake, buy 70-100 items. To achieve a visual transition between layers, use three types of diapers.

Diaper cake: step by step instructions

1. Upper tier diaper cake:

  • we turn each product into a tube and fix it with a clothespin (gum);
    for this tier, we need only 7 diapers, where the first is placed in the middle, and the rest are attached in a circle;
  • to fix all the products together, you can use a diaper or a wide satin ribbon.

2. Middle tier diaper cake:

  • here we need 19 diapers rolled into a tube;
  • we fix everything with a satin ribbon or diaper.
  • 3. Bottom Tier of Diaper Cake: We need 43 rolled up diapers.

4. Forming a cake from diapers:

  • we take a hard base for a cake, or a spacing;
  • lay out each tier in turn;
  • we take a thin wooden or bamboo stick to stand in the cake;
  • carefully string each layer through the middle.
  • on the upper tier, you can plant a beautiful toy or make a funny one.
  • decorate the rest of the layers with rattles, booties, etc.

Don't forget to gift wrap your cake!

To make a diaper cake, diapers do not have to be rolled up, there is another version of such a cake.

Watch how professionals make diaper cakes and make sure that it is not difficult at all!

Cake from diapers for a girl

Baby boy diaper cake

Give with love!

Diapers are by far the most useful and practical gift for young parents on the occasion of their beloved child. But just buying a pack of diapers and presenting them is boring and not solemn. Thanks to imagination and creativity, this gift can be beautifully and originally beaten. This present will be appropriate for the discharge of a mother with a newborn from the hospital and for the first birthday. This article describes in detail how to make a diaper cake with your own hands step by step with a photo.

A little about the main

The minimum number of diapers should be 30 pieces. A bunk usually takes a large pack of 78 pieces.

Before you start working on a gift, you need to ask your parents in advance what brand of diapers they use. It is also better to purchase them one size larger, because children grow very quickly in the early stages and there is a chance not to use everything.

The average price of a pack of diapers is 800 rubles, and decorating costs should also be added to the main amount. That is, such a cake will cost about 1200 rubles. Of course, you can limit the budget and reduce the amount of materials.

Tiered cake

This master class will help you figure out how to make a diaper cake for a girl or a boy.

At the beginning of work, it is necessary to establish the basis for the cake. For this, thick cardboard is useful, it must be cut out and pasted over with paper. But you can also enclose a large-format children's book.

The next mandatory element is the rod, around which the entire structure must be located. Can be used as a rod wooden skewer, a roll of paper towel, a bottle of bathing foam, a bottle of baby champagne.

In this master class, the bathing foam will be the basis. Glue the base of the rod together with Moment glue or liquid nails.

Tie the book with ribbon and glue the bottle to it. Then open the pack of diapers, twist each one into a tube and start forming the cake. To prevent them from unfolding, fix with an elastic band for money.

Make two levels, securing each with a satin ribbon.

The next step is decorating the cake with various useful little things. These are spoons, anti-scratches, bottles, nipples, booties. It is best to put a soft toy on top. The cake is ready!

So that the gift does not accidentally get dirty or damaged, pack it in transparent polyethylene.

Single tier option

The method of making a single-tiered cake is very simple. This type of gift is great for a boy's first birthday.

For work you will need:

11 diapers;

wide tape;

decorations to taste.

First you need to take a diaper, roll it into a roller and tighten it with a tape. Put the resulting roller on the table, and place the rest of the diapers around it. Wrap the tape around the diapers and tighten them, wrapping the edges in one direction.

Tie the edges of the tape, fixing the diapers. Wrap the cake with ribbon and a bright cloth, secure with glue.

Decorate the top of the product as desired. For decor, toys, clothes for a small one, ships, cars, balls will do.

A diaper cake is a worthy gift for discharge or christening. The unusualness of the idea allows you to give the necessary items of care and stand out among other gifts. It may immediately seem that not everyone can master such a creation. However, simple and understandable master classes prove the opposite. It is worth considering in more detail how to make a diaper cake for a girl.


Diaper cake is original way a gift that allows you to show maximum imagination and creativity. As a rule, its manufacture does not require special skills, so anyone can make it. It does not take much time and improvised materials. However, in this case you need to choose the components of the product in such a way that they are combined with each other. It is easy to do this with the help of satin ribbons, as well as soft toys and even booties. The notability of the idea lies in the fact that it is not limited to the use of diapers alone, fabric and paper towels, pacifiers, rattles and any baby care products can be used. In addition, when making such a gift, the master is not limited in choosing a color scheme.

Products for girls can be very diverse. The white base of the diapers goes well with any shades of the color palette. At the same time, the finished gift will look professional and beautiful. And if it is also packaged properly, its appearance will be premium. Such a present will not leave mother indifferent and will be remembered for a long time in her memory.

Pros and cons

A diaper cake for a girl has many advantages. In addition to aesthetic appeal, it is useful because it holds a lot of necessary things. This is its advantage over souvenir gifts, which often do not carry any benefit. Not a single component of such a cake will go unnoticed: almost everything in it can be used for its intended purpose. It is a harmless product, but it is always individual, because each creation is always different from the others.

Different elements can be used, which allows you to diversify the basis of the diaper cake. A handmade gift is always valued more than other signs of attention from relatives and friends. It can have design elements inherent in certain seasons, allowing you to focus on the date of birth of the baby. However, with a lot of advantages, this product also has several disadvantages.

Despite the fact that diapers themselves are inexpensive, ordering such a product can cost much more than all its components. At the same time, there is no way to see in what conditions the master created the cake. In addition, the choice of design should take into account the characteristics of age, which does not allow decorating it with small details and similar fittings.

What might be needed?

You can make a diaper cake with your own hands from different raw materials. Depending on the type of model, the following components are used for this:

  • diapers of a certain size;
  • small towels;
  • office rubber bands of standard size;
  • a bottle for the base or a roll of paper towels;
  • ribbons for decoration;
  • thick cardboard;
  • chopsticks for sushi;
  • children's combs;
  • bibs;
  • cloth diapers;
  • bonnets;
  • booties;
  • scratches;
  • socks;
  • rattles;
  • decorative elements (flowers, bows);
  • heat gun and hot glue.

In addition, ordinary wooden clothespins can be useful in work. They will play the role of clamps at certain stages of making the cake. Usually, they try not to use non-functional elements in their work, since the main task of the product is the use of every detail, with the exception of decor and ribbons tying the tiers of the cake.

Creation rules

Making a cake from diapers with your own hands is carried out taking into account several mandatory requirements. For example, crafts should be created exclusively in cleanliness, and this applies not only to the location of all the details, but also to the entire room. Wash your hands several times while working. You can't turn diapers inside out. In the process of work, you need to touch them to a minimum, because these are not things that can pass heat treatment before use.

It is preferable to use small size diapers. Since children are born with different weights, it is advisable to choose diapers No. 2 for creating a cake. Anything that can be heat treated should be ironed.

You should not create a huge cake for a newborn from a large number diapers. As a rule, such products require skill, and 5 tiers are not very stable.

So that the diaper cake does not fall apart, it is enough to limit yourself to three rows of diapers. They should be chosen, having the slightest idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe preferences of the parents. This is due to the fact that today baby diapers are variable - they are different from different manufacturers, they can have different shapes.

Of course, it may seem that it is not so important which company the products will be. However, in reality, it turns out that they can sit in different ways, as well as differ in the convenience of Velcro. When choosing one or another option, you should pay attention to the pattern of diapers. This is more relevant for decoration and allows, for example, to decide on the choice of accessories for diapers. Given the features of the pattern, you can pick up, for example, the first comb for combing out the fluff, as well as a teether for the first teeth, or even a dummy of an approximate shade. Ready product must be wrapped in a transparent film for hygiene purposes.

How to do?

Making a diaper cake for a girl step by step with your own hands is easy, if you rely on any lesson you like, which the World Wide Web is full of today. To facilitate the task of making a gift at home, you should turn to the most interesting and spectacular compositions of this craft for a newborn, which are shared by experienced craftsmen.

With diapers and socks

The process can be based on a cake consisting of four tiers. To make this gift, you should prepare the following materials and elements:

  • stick for the axis (the base of the roll is suitable for food film or foil)
  • 8 large rubber bands;
  • 141 diapers;
  • 4 diapers;
  • wooden clothespins;
  • thick white cardboard;
  • educational toys (rattles);
  • film for packing;
  • socks of different colors;
  • decor for decoration.

This master class is quite simple and consists of the following steps:

  • initially twisted into a tight roll of 7 diapers, wrapping each in the direction from the groin to the waist; workpieces are fixed with clothespins;
  • blanks are formed into a circle: 1 element is placed in the center, the rest are drawn around it;
  • diapers are fixed with a large elastic band and clothespins are removed;
  • they take a diaper, fold it diagonally, and then several times, taking into account that when folded, its height is equal to the height of the rolled diapers; the ends of the diaper are wrapped inside;
  • the resulting strip is wrapped around the created tier of the cake and the circle is fixed with a large rubber band;
  • according to this principle, the second tier is made, only after assembling 7 diapers in a circle, the size of the circle is increased with another row of diapers, using 12 diapers for this; he is also wrapped in a diaper;

  • for the third tier, you will need 7 + 12 + 24 pieces of diapers;
  • for the fourth, the number of diapers is 7+12+24+48 pieces;
  • technology, the implementation of the base is repeated, but to increase the diameter, the elements are distributed evenly from the outside in a circle;
  • so that the cake does not fall apart, cut out the base from the cardboard and connect it to the support or stick left after the cling film;
  • all tiers of diapers are strung on this basis, starting with the larger one;
  • the cake is decorated as desired, distributing toys over its tiers, inserting socks on cut-out cardboard blanks;
  • then it is packed in a transparent film and decorated with a bow.

With paper towel

An interesting option Cake can be created using a roll of paper towels as the center of the product. To recreate such a product, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • 90 diapers;
  • a dozen small towels;
  • about a hundred stationery rubber bands of a small size and 3 large ones;
  • a roll of paper towels;
  • beautiful satin ribbons of different colors;
  • thick cardboard;
  • chopsticks for sushi;
  • transparent packaging film;
  • decorative elements;
  • small soft toy.

The paper towel cake making process includes the following steps:

  • each diaper is rolled up and secured with a small rubber band; after that, the procedure is repeated with all fabric towels;
  • they begin to assemble the structure - they take a roll of paper towels and install 3 circles of diapers around it;
  • the entire resulting base is fixed with a large elastic band;
  • to maintain the integrity of the structure, a circle cut out of thick cardboard is attached to the bottom of the roll sticks;
  • the second tier is assembled from the remaining diapers, distributing them evenly around the roll of towels and securing with a second large elastic band;
  • for the third tier, they take towels rolled into rolls and place them around the main support and also fix them;
  • after that, it is necessary to give strength to the structure by means of chopsticks for sushi, sticking them between the diapers of adjacent tiers;
  • after that, it remains to mask the product with ribbons, put a toy on top of the cake and pack the gift in a transparent film with a bow.

other methods

You can make a diaper cake without rolling each diaper into a roll. The shape will be no less interesting if, instead of rolls, the elements are superimposed one on top of the other. For convenience and evenness of the circumference, round containers can be used in the manufacture. Pampers should be laid out tightly so that they do not fall out after they are secured with an elastic band. It is better to immediately insert a support or something approximate into the middle, so that in the future you will be able to string all the tiers of the cake on a single base. According to this principle, you can make up to three tiers of different diameters with the same hole in the center. Each tier after assembly must be securely fastened with an elastic band.

Children's holiday! What could be more positive and more fun? There is no better opportunity to show your imagination and creativity! Thinking how to surprise the little princess and her parents?

For girls - this is a creative, bright, and most importantly - a very useful gift. To begin with, you will get a lot of pleasure from the creative process, and then enjoy enthusiastic compliments to your craftsmanship and an unusual present. Do not be surprised also by subsequent requests to write a book "Do-it-yourself diaper cake. Master class (for girls)".

Step one: flight of fancy

So, you have decided - we will surprise the parents of a newborn beauty. Let's make a diaper cake as a gift. The first thing you need to think about is the external design of the presentation. What color will the overall composition be, its size, the quality of the material and, of course, what little pleasant things will decorate your cake. It can be various bows, ribbons, fabrics, soft toys, pacifiers, booties and much more. Having mentally decided on preferences, you can proceed to the next step. We bring to your attention the material on the topic "Diaper cake. Master class". We are sure it will be useful and interesting to many.

Step two: material selection

How to make a diaper cake? To make it you will need:

  • pack of diapers (90 pieces);
  • a roll of paper towels (you may need 2 pieces);
  • stationery rubber bands, rope;
  • ribbons of different widths and colors (of your choice);
  • bows;
  • a tray, beautiful or a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • various accessories and children's things to your taste;
  • hot glue gun.

When choosing accessories for decorating such a product as a diaper cake for girls, it is worth starting from the needs of the addressee. You need to work a little as a scout to find out what has already been purchased for the newborn and what has not, and most importantly, to find out the size of diapers suitable for the baby. If for some reason you were unable to do this - do not despair! Just get diapers a little larger.

For example, if you are building, then feel free to take diapers for a child of 2-3 months, in any case they will be used in due time, and your present will serve as a home decoration for longer!

When buying other elements of the work, you should rely on your taste - think about which ribbon or bow will look most advantageous in the composition, especially since you already mentally have a sketch of the finished work.

Step three: workplace

Finally, the preparatory work is completed, and you can start the manufacturing process. Let's move on to the main part of the material and consider from diapers (master class).

Prepare your desktop carefully. It should be large enough and naturally clean. Wipe the table with a damp cloth, then dry. Spread it all out necessary tools and materials to suit your needs.

Be careful with the glue gun - they can not only hurt you get burned, but also ruin the materials. Therefore, it is necessary to come up with some kind of stand for it - for example, an old cutting board, a plate or a thick sheet of cardboard. If there are children in the house, it is better to keep the gun away from the edge of the table or in any other inaccessible place for safety reasons.

Wash your hands thoroughly - after all, we are dealing with baby intimate hygiene products. So, a comfortable chair, good lighting and, if desired, inspiring music - you are ready to create!

Step four: diaper cake step by step

So, let's start the process. The diaper cake you make will consist of three tiers. The ratio between them will be approximately 1:2:3. So, the first thing you need to do is carefully open the package of diapers. We begin to make the lower tier. We take out exactly half - 45 pieces (depending on the size of the stand and the diameter of the paper towels, the number of diapers may vary). Wrap the roll of towels with diapers, as shown in the figure.

To do this, put it on the table, holding it with your left hand, and with your right hand wrap it with diapers in a circle, Velcro inward, and then fix it with a rubber band or rope. At first glance, this will seem difficult, and in fact, the first time you may not be able to do it smoothly, but in the end you will definitely get used to it.

There is another option - you can twist each individual diaper into a tube and tighten with an elastic band. After you twist right amount diapers, you can begin to form tiers. This manufacturing option takes about the same time as the first one, but has one significant drawback - the diaper is deformed due to its twisting, which, of course, is not very good.

Step five: increase the lower tier of the product

After you get used to working with several diapers and decide on the manufacturing option, you need to increase the bottom tier. When working with the twist option, you need to create a circle of diapers around the roll of towels, then connect them with an elastic band. If you have a ready-made tray, then you can continue working directly on it in order to clearly see how many diapers you need to fill it in size.

If you decide not to deform the products by twisting, then you need to spread them out. It's easier to create tiers in order to get an even cake from diapers for girls. The photo shows how to do it.

Then it is necessary to "drive" the existing workpiece along them, increasing the tier. It's great if you have helpers - it will be easier and more fun to work! One of you can deal directly with diapers, the other can fix them with an elastic band, since with a large tier it is not easy for one to do this, although it is possible.

Step Six: Shaping the Middle Layer

Well, the bottom part of the cake is ready. You used 45 diapers, maybe more or less depending on the size of the pad and roll. Remembering the ratio of 1:2:3, we calculate the amount for the next layer. If we consider that exactly 45 pieces were used for the first one, then for the next, middle layer, you will need 30 diapers (1/3 of the total), and for the top one - 15 (1/6 of the package).

It may turn out that you get a completely different number of diapers on the lower tier, which will shift the number on the upper ones. In this case, consider in your own way. If it seems to you that the cake lacks a fourth layer, add it. Do not forget - the process of making handicrafts does not have precise instructions. As you create, you can add a lot of your own, from this it will only sparkle with fresh colors!

So the correct amount required material calculated, proceed to the creation of the second tier. The principle of operation is the same as in the manufacture of the lower layer. Try to keep everything smooth. The tiers should be in harmony - the middle layer is slightly smaller than the bottom one, like on a regular cake.

Step Seven: The Top Tier of the Gift

Here you come to final stage creating the basis of the product. The last, smallest layer of the cake remained. This is where sometimes a little snag comes in - you may not have enough height of a roll of paper towels to form a new layer. This occurs with a large size of diapers. The tier will be unstable and may move during transport.

What to do with it? There are several options:

  • You can add another roll, but it will peek out from the top of the cake, and also hold on weakly due to the small number of diapers around. The solution to this problem may be the creation of the fourth tier. So if you have enough diapers for this, then the second roll will be a great option.
  • It's a good idea to add a baby bottle on top. In order for it to fix, you can turn it over and place the lid in the middle of the roll of towels.
  • If the height is not enough quite a bit, then a diaper twisted into a tube is simply inserted inside the roll.
  • Depending on your specific situation, you can come up with your own alternative solution. For example, insert a folded diaper, perfume for the baby's mother or baby cream.

Once you find your option, proceed to the manufacture of the last layer. And here is a do-it-yourself diaper cake for girls, or rather its base, is ready!

Step Eight: Cake Stand

Look at the result of your labors - half of the work is done! Try to lift the item. Is it stable enough? Look around it from all sides - are the tiers even and firmly held in place? If something is wrong, correct it, add a diaper or some other necessary element. Re-read our material "Diaper Cake. Master Class" to make sure everything is correct.

Place the cake on the tray you have prepared. If you do not have it, then let's start making the stand. To do this, you will need a sheet of fairly thick cardboard. You can purchase it from the stationery department or use part of any available box. It can be a container from a TV, refrigerator or washing machine.

Place the cake in the middle of the sheet. With a pencil or pen, circle the outline in a circle, but about 1-2 centimeters more than the product itself. Then cut it out with scissors. The cake stand is ready.

Step Nine: Making the Blank

So, the base of the cake is ready and in place. It's time to brighten up the product! First, take a wide ribbon and wrap the bottom layer with it. You can cut the ribbon to size and glue the edge with a glue gun, or tie a beautiful bow.

The question arises - how to use a hot gun? Plug in the power cord and press the On button. Place the gun on the stand. Wait about 5-10 minutes for it to warm up well. Take the gun only by its plastic part! Squeeze a little glue onto the tape and immediately apply it where you need it. Be careful, the glue itself is hot. It hardens very quickly, and after that it is difficult to tear it off the surface. Therefore, you'd better practice on an unnecessary piece of tape first.

Once you've practiced decorating the bottom layer, do the same with two (or three) others for a decorated girls diaper cake. The master class is not over yet!

Step Ten: Creativity and Creativity

Finally, we come to the most interesting stage! Now you can bring your mental sketch to life. Decorate the top of the cake with a beautiful bow or toy (after all, there is an ugly hole left there). Insert artificial flowers or a baby spoon between diapers, glue a couple of bows or put cute socks. Stick on butterflies, write the name of the baby using purchased letters, tie a pacifier to the ribbon. Do whatever comes to your mind! The main thing is that you like it, as well as those to whom the gift is intended.

After you've finished decorating, wrap the cake in clear, finely patterned cling film (for shipping protection) and tie it into a pretty bow. You can add a wish card and a bottle of champagne to happy parents. Such an original, bright, but at the same time very useful gift will be remembered for a long time!

Summing up

Today we examined in detail 10 points on how to make an unusual, creative, bright gift - a diaper cake for girls with your own hands. It was just one of dozens of product design options. How to make a diaper cake differently? It can be made in the form of a stroller, motorcycle, booties or even a baby. You can use different materials, colors and tools. But the most important thing is your desire and flight of fancy. Good luck in your creative endeavors!