Canned peaches and apricots for the winter. Apricot blanks for the winter

Nowadays canned fruits are very expensive, so it is much more profitable to make blanks in the summer at home. Sometimes sales are arranged in stores, at these moments it will be good to buy a couple of kilograms of apricots. Best to choose yellow fruit with small green spots. Before you know how to cook canned apricots correctly, you need to be able to choose them accurately.

How to choose an apricot

You should not buy soft fruits, since the slightly unripe apricot, which we need for cooking, has an elastic skin without noticeable smudges and dents. Such signs, in turn, mean that the fruit was transported carelessly and carelessly.

The brighter and redder the fruit, the longer it sang on the tree, of course, this is an important sign of ripeness, but insufficiently ripe apricots are most suitable for our case, only such fruits will be dense enough when canned and will not fall apart. In some shops or street stalls there is an opportunity to taste the fruit, if you have been given such an opportunity, then do not refuse. Apricot should be moderately juicy, dense, fragrant and in no case sour. Acid is the first sign of severe immaturity.

How to preserve apricots in syrup

So, let's go directly to the recipe and method of preparation.

apricots, canned halves in syrup:

  • 690 gr. fresh apricots
  • 290 gr. sugar sand
  • 1000 ml. cold water


1. Rinse the apricots properly, make an incision and divide the fruit in half, remove the stone from it, and leave the halves. Scald the jar if desired not large quantity boiling water. This is not necessary as the fruit will not be sterilized anyway.

2. Put the halves of apricots in a jar, pour boiling water. You need to wait a little time for the water to smell like apricots, then pour it into a sterile saucepan.

3. Add all the sugar to the water, bring it to a boil and wait until all the sand has dissolved, then pour the finished syrup back into the jar, roll up the lid and put it in heat, wrapped in a blanket. If the apricots are dense, then you can not cut them, but simply press on the places where the edges of the stone are located, the fruit will split itself and you won’t have to use a knife every time and waste your time.

4. The bones that you got from the fruit can not be thrown away, they have a pleasant taste, and are also very useful for the human body. The nuts that are inside each pit are often added to canned apricots. People who do not really like the taste of these nuts change them for almonds or walnuts. In any case, they give a special taste to the finished fruit.

5. In order for the halves to fit snugly together, they must be laid out in the form of a fan, thus saving space in the bank. Canning apricots in syrup is a fairly easy process, but it has its own nuances, without which the ideal final product may not work. Of course, most often you don’t need to add any nuts or other fruits, but there are also such recipes. Apricots prepared in this way are distinguished by originality and a richer variety of flavors.

Apricots with prunes

  • 590 gr. apricots
  • 1000 ml. water
  • 290 gr. granulated sugar
  • vanillin sachet
  • 290 gr. prunes


1. As you noticed, two new ingredients have been added to the main ingredients, so cooking automatically becomes more complicated.

2. Prunes do not need to be soaked, just scald them with boiling water, do the same with the jar in which the fruit will be placed.

3. Remove the seeds from the fruits, if desired, get the nuts and use with the rest of the ingredients.

4. Start putting fruits in the jar first, as they take up much more space. After that, lay out the prunes, pour the contents of the jar with boiling water for an hour.

5. Pour fragrant water into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and a bag of natural vanillin, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil, then return the water back to the jar, roll up and put in heat. As in all recipes, the amount of products can vary freely, adjusting to your taste preferences, the main thing is not to overdo it with the addition of sugar, because it is better not to add it than to oversweet it too much.

6. If you add sugar half the norm, you can get a fragrant apricot compote with pieces of fruit. Canned apricots in syrup - not so much complex dessert as it might seem from the start. You may be intimidated by the very fact that fruit must be rolled up, but do not worry, after you try to cook canned fruit, this process will seem pleasant and interesting to you.

Hostesses, even on warm summer days, do not have the right to completely relax, because it is at this time of the year that nature gives us fresh fruits, vegetables and berries that need to be processed and stocked for the winter.

Hostesses especially appreciate various blanks from apricots. Firstly, thanks to a huge selection of options: preservation of apricots in syrup, in own juice, jams and compotes, jams and much more. Secondly, this is one of those fruits that, even when cooked, retain their entire useful composition. Vitamins, as well as a unique aroma - all this remains even after heat treatment.

Preservation: apricot compote

One of the most popular recipes preparation of compotes is considered. Fragrant and incredible delicious drink will give pleasant warm memories of the summer in the harsh blizzard winter evenings. There is nothing difficult in preparing this recipe. Even a novice hostess will be able to cope with the preservation of apricots and please her household with a vitamin drink in winter.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • Ripe apricots.
  • Sugar at the rate of 250 grams per 3 liter jar.
  • Water.

How to cook

For cooking, ripe, but still elastic fruits should be selected. Thoroughly washing them, it will be necessary to remove the bones. Of course, the process is quite laborious, especially if you need to recycle a large number of berries. You can close the compote with seeds, but then you still have to get rid of them. Therefore, it is better to do this in advance, spending a little of your precious time. The result, believe me, is worth it.

Arrange the prepared fruits in three-liter jars. Don't overfill the jars. It is enough to put one third of the fruits of the total volume of the container. Pour boiling water into the jar and wait about ten minutes. This time is necessary for the banks to warm up properly. Now we drain the water from the cans into a pre-prepared saucepan. Adding there required amount sugar and bring the syrup to a boil.

Pour boiling water back into the jars and close them with lids. It is better if you use metal covers and a special seaming key. In this case, the conservation of apricots for the winter will not bring unpleasant surprises in the form of an exploded lid.

Apricot jam with oranges

Another recipe for preserving apricots, which we advise you to focus on, is jam. Of course, modern housewives do not make jam as often as our grandmothers. But those who do this will certainly appreciate the delicious and amazingly fragrant recipe.

We note right away that according to the result you will get surprisingly tender, not at all cloying and in moderation. thick jam. In addition, this apricot preservation recipe has two more significant advantages: no sterilization and no hours of cooking.

You will need the following products:


If for compotes we took strong dense fruits, then for jam, on the contrary, we choose the most ripe, even too soft apricots. We do not take small or unripe, with spots or dents. We wash the fruits and remove the seeds. With the help of a kitchen assistant - a blender - we chop the apricots and turn them into a homogeneous gruel. If there is no blender at hand, then you can use a regular meat grinder with a fine mesh.

We take two containers. In one we rub the zest from two oranges. Squeeze orange juice into the other. We mix gelatin with granulated sugar, calculating its amount according to the available volume of fruits. Add the dry mixture to the saucepan with the apricot puree. We mix. Turn on medium heat and wait until it boils.

It should be noted that such a recipe for preserving apricots takes a minimum of time, so you should not worry that you will “sag” with jam in the kitchen all day. As soon as the mass boils, we detect three minutes and add the zest with orange juice. After a couple of minutes, you can turn on the fire. The jam is ready.

Preservation of apricot slices

Another interesting option blanks. This recipe for apricot jam called "Suns" will take more time to cook, but as a result you will get an amazingly beautiful and amazing fragrant jam. It will keep the maximum useful substances, which are sometimes so necessary for our body on cold winter evenings. Jam "Suns" can not only be served on festive table, but also used for making pancakes, pies and pies, cheesecakes and other sweet pastries.

Required Ingredients:

  • Sugar.
  • Apricots.

Sugar is added at the rate of 1 kg of fruit and 0.8 kg of sugar. Depending on the number of apricots, the amount of the sweet component will also change. Remember that the calculation of the weight of the fruit is carried out without taking into account the seeds.


We start cooking with the already familiar procedure for washing the fruits and removing the hard core. We divide the fruits into three parts. We put the first part in the container, fill it with one third of the volume of sugar. So we do with the other two parts. It turns out a kind of multi-layered apricot-sugar "pie". Do not forget that there should also be a small layer of granulated sugar on top, so calculate the volume of the bulk product in advance.

We cover the dishes with gauze and leave it in a cool dark place for ten to twelve hours. Yes, preserving apricots for the winter takes some time, but, as you can see, it requires almost no effort.

After that, put the dishes on a strong fire and wait for the foam to begin to form. We reduce the flame, remove the foam. Again, we make the fire on the stove a little stronger and wait for the second boil. As soon as the second batch of foam is removed, you can turn off the jam. Let's leave it to stand and soak up the syrup for another three or four hours. He lays out a sweet delicacy in jars, close the lids, turn over and wait for them to cool.

  • Preservation of apricots, like other berries and stone fruits, does not tolerate missteps. No rotten or just about to do this fruit.
  • Wash fruits well. One particle of dust, earth, a piece of leaf - everything can affect the quality and shelf life of jam or compote.
  • You can roll apricots into any jars and under any lids. The main thing is that they are well sterilized, washed with soda and scalded with boiling water before laying the finished product.
  • As a rule, apricot compotes are not put citric acid. Such fruits perfectly tolerate the conservation process. However, too hard water in the tap can cause a "jar explosion", so half a teaspoon of citric acid in each three-liter jar won't be redundant.
  • By the way, apricots are fruits that perfectly tolerate freezing. Remove pits, wash and dry apricots. Lay out on a tray and set it in freezer. After complete freezing, put the apricots in bags and put them in the final freezer storage.

Step 1: prepare equipment and water.

First of all, we prepare all the inventory, look at the jars so that there are no cracks and notches on the necks, as well as screw caps for rust. We wash them under running cold running water with a kitchen brush and soda. Then we sterilize in any convenient way, which you can learn more about by clicking on this link. Then we boil 1-1.5 liters of purified water in a kettle, put the prepared dishes on a perfectly washed countertop and proceed to the next step.

Step 2: prepare the apricots.

We wash the sorted apricots under a stream of cold running water, send them to a deep colander and leave it in it for a while so that excess liquid from the glass of fruit and they dry out.

Then we cut each fruit into 2 rugs, remove the bones from them and lay out the pulp in sterilized jars. The above amount of apricots will make about 3 servings.

Step 3: Canning Apricots

Now pour 3-5 tablespoons of granulated sugar into jars. Its amount can be adjusted to taste, depending on how concentrated the syrup you want to end up with. After that, put on the bottom of a large deep pan kitchen towel, folded in 2-3 layers, and put a container of fruit on it.

Then pour the apricots almost cooled boiled water from the kettle so that it completely covers them, and fill the saucepan itself with cold running water, not reaching the level of the necks by 2-3 centimeters.

We cover the jars with sterilized lids and put the resulting structure on a strong fire. After boiling, reduce its level to medium and sterilize preservation 10–12 , and for greater certainty 15 minutes.

Then, using kitchen tongs, we take the jars out of boiling water in turn, rearrange them on a cutting board using a dry linen towel, tightly close the lids and turn them upside down. We carefully look so that there are no gaps, and only after that we send the conservation to the floor with the lids down. Cover hermetically with a woolen blanket and cool until room temperature during 2–3 days without sudden temperature changes.

When the apricots are infused, we wipe each jar with a damp kitchen towel and put them upside down in a cool place: cellar, basement, pantry.

Step 4: serve canned apricot.

Canned apricot is an excellent winter preparation that retains its taste qualities from 6 to 8 months. Fruit can be enjoyed just like that or used as an addition to any desserts, pastries, creams, ice cream, and syrup will make a great jelly, compote or jelly. Such preservation will benefit and delight with its wonderful sweet taste!
Bon Appetit!

Fruit pits can be used to make apricot jam;

Peaches and plums can be preserved in the same way;

For this type of preparation, it is better to choose dense, fleshy, slightly underripe apricots;

Very often, a pinch of cinnamon and ground cloves are added to jars;

If the peaches are too sweet, add citric acid to each jar to taste.

Pickled apricots for the winter are like a little sun in the evil and severe frosts. They retain their natural and brightly saturated color all winter, so when you open a jar of apricots, you seem to plunge into a bright and warm summer day. Pickled apricots with or without mustard are not only extremely tasty, but also healthy, as apricots contain a large amount of vitamins.

In addition to apricots, housewives often cook for the table.

This sweet dessert recipe will appeal to both adults and children. Due to the addition of spices to the dish, the taste of apricots becomes rich and spicy. If you do not have a lot of time, then this recipe is very suitable for you, as this recipe is the fastest and most in a simple way cooking pickled apricots.

Ingredients needed to prepare the blank:

  • five hundred grams of apricots;
  • two hundred grams of sugar;
  • fifty milliliters of 9% apple cider vinegar;
  • two hundred and fifty milliliters of water;
  • two cinnamon sticks;
  • five inflorescences of carnations.

Pickled apricots recipe for the winter:

  1. Before direct cooking of pickled apricots, you must first thoroughly wash the fruits and sterilize the containers and lids for blanks in any way convenient for you (boiling water, over steam, in the oven).
  2. At the bottom of the jar we put one cinnamon stick and three inflorescences of cloves. The fruits themselves have their own unique and inimitable taste qualities, but it is the spices that give fragrant spice and freshness.
  3. Following the spices, put clean whole apricot fruits or halves in a container, and pour sugar on top of the fruit.
  4. Boil water over a fire and pour into jars with ingredients. Hot water will reveal all the aromas of spices, which will give our dish spicy taste. Then add apple cider vinegar to the bowl.
  5. We cover the jars with the ingredients with a lid, put them in a saucepan with hot (but not boiling) water and boil over medium heat for twenty minutes.
  6. After sterilizing the workpiece, we roll up the container with the dessert with a lid. We turn the jar upside down, wrap it in a blanket or warm, dense fabric and leave it for a day. After complete cooling, remove winter sunset in a cool and place to save until winter.

Pickled Salted Apricots Recipe

This sweet dessert recipe has a unique and rich taste and aroma, but it will also help with a cold. cold winter. A large amount of vitamin C and other beneficial substances helps prevent colds and flu. It can also be used to prevent winter colds.

Pickling products:

  • four hundred grams of apricots;
  • two medium-sized lemons;
  • four medium-sized apples;
  • five hundred grams of sugar;
  • five grams of citric acid.

How to pickle apricots:

  1. First of all, wash the apricots, lemons and apples under cold running water, and sterilize the spin containers in any way that is acceptable to you (over steam, boiling water, in the oven).
  2. Chop clean, peeled lemons into rings while removing the seeds. Divide the apples into slices, and cut the apricots into two halves and remove the seeds. Put all ready-made fruits in a pre-sterilized jar.
  3. Place a pot of water on the stove, throw in citric acid, add sugar and let it boil until it is completely dissolved. Pour the finished syrup into the containers with the ingredients.
  4. Leaning the neck of the jar with a lid, put them in a saucepan with hot (not boiling water) water and sterilize for twenty minutes over medium heat.
  5. spin winter preparations and, turning upside down, wrap in a warm, dense cloth. After complete cooling, store the containers in a dry place with a low temperature.

Pickled apricots with pit

The herbaceous marjoram gives this winter dessert spicy and refreshing aroma. Because of unusual taste marjoram spices, such a dish can be consumed not only as a separate dessert for tea, but also as a side dish for meat and fish.

Ingredients for making this winter preparation:

  • four hundred grams of apricots;
  • five hundred milliliters (two glasses) of water;
  • 250 milliliters of 9% acetic acid;
  • five hundred grams of sugar;
  • marjoram sprig.

Sequential steps for cooking winter sweets:

  1. Pre-wash the fruit with clean water and pierce the skin with something so that it does not crack. Rinse the marjoram sprig with water as well. Sterilize containers and lids for spins using a method convenient for you.
  2. Put the whole fruit and a sprig of marjoram in a container. Place a pot of water on the stove and add acetic acid, sugar and boil until it is completely dissolved. Remove marinade from heat and let cool slightly.
  3. Pour the cooled marinade into the food containers. With the lid on, place the jars in a saucepan with hot water(not boiling water) and sterilize for fifteen minutes.
  4. Carefully taking out the jars, turn them upside down and wrap them in a warm, thick cloth. Place the cooled workpieces in a dry place with a low temperature.

Pickled apricots for meat

If you are an avid sweet tooth and even prefer to eat meat with a sweet side dish, then this winter preparation dish will interest you. Adding cloves and hot red pepper to apricots adds spice and pepper to a sweet twist. Eat meat with this dish and an additional side dish ( boiled rice, buckwheat, potatoes, and so on) and your meal will be balanced and healthy.

Products needed for pickling:

  • three and a half kilograms of apricots;
  • one liter of water;
  • eight hundred and fifty grams of sugar;
  • 130 milliliters of 9% acetic acid;
  • ten inflorescences of cloves;
  • one teaspoon of ground cinnamon;
  • one pod of hot red pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash fruits and vegetables and pierce the peel with a toothpick so that it does not crack under the influence of high temperatures. Sterilize containers and lids for blanks using a method convenient for you.
  2. At the bottom of the jar we put cinnamon, cloves and red hot pepper without seeds and chopped at your discretion. Place the fruit on top, but not too tightly.
  3. We put a pot of water on the stove, add sugar and boil until it is completely dissolved. At the very end, pour in acetic acid. Pour the finished marinade into the containers with ingredients and cover with lids.
  4. Place the jars in a pot of hot water and sterilize over medium heat for thirty minutes. Carefully remove the blanks from the pan and twist them tightly. Wrap in a blanket, after turning upside down.
  5. Let the jars cool and place in a cool and dry room (cellar, refrigerator) for further storage.

Apricots marinated in sugar-free carrot juice

This winter harvest dish does not require a lot of products and time to prepare. It has a pronounced fruity-vegetable taste with refreshing hints of lemon. Since the dessert is prepared without the use of sugar, it is suitable for people who watch their figures or its use is prohibited.

Ingredients needed to prepare this dish:

  • three hundred grams of apricots;
  • three hundred grams of young carrots;
  • five grams of citric acid.

Pickled apricots recipe without vinegar:

  1. Wash all ingredients under cold running water first. Cut the apricots in half and remove the pits. Squeeze juice from carrots. Sterilize containers and lids.
  2. Pack the fruit tightly into the jar. Place a pot of juice on the stove, add citric acid and boil over a fire.
  3. Pour the juice into the container with the ingredients and cover with a lid. Gently place the jars in a saucepan on a stove with hot water and sterilize over medium heat for fifteen minutes. Place them under a warm blanket, turning them upside down first.
  4. Let the blanks cool thoroughly, and then move them to a dry place with a low temperature for further storage.

Pickled apricots in their own juice

This juicy and sweet winter dish is perfect for those with a sweet tooth and fruit lovers. In addition to the unforgettable taste and aroma, this sweet has great amount vitamins and nutrients needed by the body. By consuming these apricots often, you will help your gastrointestinal tract work.

Ingredients needed to make this dessert:

  • two kilograms of fresh apricots;
  • eight hundred grams of sugar;
  • two liters of water;
  • five grams of citric acid.

Instructions for preparing winter preparation:

  1. Before directly preparing the dish, thoroughly wash the fruit, sterilize the containers and lids in a way convenient for you. Cut the apricots in half and remove the pits.
  2. We put the fruit in layers in a salad bowl or basin, sprinkling each layer with sugar and, covering with a cloth, leave it overnight. next day we transfer them to jars, pouring over the allocated juice and adding citric acid.
  3. We put a pot of hot water on the fire and put the containers covered with lids there. Sterilize over medium heat for twenty minutes.
  4. Carefully remove the jars from the pan and put them under a warm blanket, after turning them upside down. Completely cooled winter blanks are transferred to a dry place with low temperatures(refrigerator, cellar).

The sunny color and sweet aroma of apricots will bring a piece of warm summer even in severe winter weather. Pickled apricots without sterilization is not only delicious dessert for the winter, but also a large amount of vitamins for good health.