Feijoa jam. Healthy, tasty, fragrant

In our country, feijoa grows in the south, the season lasts from September to December. The fruits are extremely soft and spoil very quickly. There are a lot of dishes that can be prepared from these wonderful fruits - jams, compotes, jelly, salads and sauces. But I would especially like to note recipes from feijoa for the winter, because at this time of the year the vitamins and nutrients contained in the fruits will be especially needed. The following are the best recipes with photos.

Recipe 5-minute feijoa

The fastest and easiest way to make feijoa blanks for the winter is to scroll the fruit with sugar. This process will not take you much time - only 5 minutes, and all the beneficial properties of the fruit will be preserved better than during heat treatment.

Required Ingredients:

  • feijoa - 1 kg
  • sugar - 800 g

Cooking method:

Fruit prepared in this way is extraordinarily tasty and can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three months.

An unusual feijoa recipe for the winter with a photo

The previous recipe can be complicated by adding walnuts and oranges. At the same time, the beneficial properties of jam are significantly increased. This combination of products increases the body's immunity during the winter. This is the best recipe feijoa jam, which will be useful for colds.

Our compatriots are famous for their sparkling sense of humor and no less acute perception of puns. That's probably why exotic fruits feijoas enjoy popular love - but, as before, in absentia. Few people have tried feijoa themselves and know its taste, although it is not a problem to buy feijoa today, it is sold in supermarkets and food markets. With such an attitude, it is not surprising that only a few gourmets think about how to cook and how to eat feijoa. What does it taste like? How about sour? Or bitter? So after all, you can cook feijoa with sugar and find out all the answers from your own experience.

But there is also experienced chefs who know that you can cook feijoa with sugar, and understand how delicious it is. We want to add that feijoa in any form is also very useful. But only if you cook feijoa correctly, without violating the chemical composition of the fruit. In this sense, cooking feijoa with sugar is the most reasonable option, because it does not require long heat treatment. Yes, and from the point of view of habit, this method can be considered the most familiar. More precisely, several possible ways to cook feijoa with sugar, which we will gladly share.

What is feijoa? The composition and benefits of feijoa
Feijoa could well replace Christmas tree, because the plant is evergreen and quite compact, the tree does not grow above 3-4 meters. It bears fruit abundantly in small (on average up to 6 cm in length) berries with a glossy bright green skin. Moreover, if once feijoa was grown and harvested exclusively in the subtropics (Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and countries with a similar climate), now feijoa has taken root in Australia, Abkhazia, Georgia, Crimea and even in the Krasnodar Territory. Accordingly, it has become much easier to buy feijoa in our latitudes. The main thing is not to chase the largest fruits, but to choose a medium-sized feijoa, with a smooth, even skin without spots and damage.

The point is that the most large berries do not have the flavor that smaller feijoa have. And in no case should this fragrance be sacrificed: it is thin, delicate and very pleasant, reminiscent of strawberries. However, the taste of feijoa is even better: imagine a “cocktail” of pineapple, strawberries and a little ripe kiwi. It is not necessary to eat and/or cook feijoa with sugar. He does not need sweeteners, sugar acts as a natural preservative that allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of feijoa. Because ripe berries have an extremely delicate texture and are not stored for a long time. At the same time, intensive processing would disrupt the rich chemical composition feijoa.

The main thing you need to know about the benefits of feijoa is a record high content iodine (0.3 mg / 100 g of pulp, taking into account the daily requirement of 0.15 mg for an adult). Just a godsend to maintain thyroid gland! After drying the fruits, the concentration of iodine increases and allows them to be used in clinical nutrition. But also healthy people vitamin C, organic acids, fruit sugars, pectins and fiber contained in these small fruits will not interfere. Even feijoa skin is useful for its antioxidant properties, so eat feijoa in fresh With or without sugar, you can and should. Especially from September to November, when these berries appear on sale. And for the winter, cook feijoa with sugar.

How to eat feijoa with sugar correctly?
So you bought and brought home fresh fruits feijoa. If you managed to choose correctly, then the berries are soft to the touch, with a white translucent, almost jelly-like pulp. Such fruits should be eaten as soon as possible, until the flesh has darkened and deteriorated. Ripe feijoas hardly need to be cooked with sugar, just rinse gently with water and use one of these methods:

  1. Cut the berry in half lengthwise or crosswise. Sprinkle with granulated sugar and eat with a teaspoon, taking out the pulp from the “cup” skins. The only drawback of this method: you do not use a healthy skin.
  2. Cut the feijoa lengthwise into two or four pieces. Dip a piece in sugar and eat with the skin. In this case, the sugar hides the tart taste of the feijoa skin.
  3. Cut the berries randomly, sprinkle with sugar (like strawberries), mix and eat with a spoon or with your hands.
If you got berries that are not fully ripe, still a little hard, leave them at room temperature for a couple of days. During this time, they will fully ripen, and it will be possible to eat or cook feijoa with sugar.

Feijoa recipes with sugar
Feijoa is cooked with sugar for canning and immediate consumption. In all variants, the berries are tasty, with an exquisite original aroma. As for the benefit, it is inversely proportional to the time and degree of processing, so you choose:

  1. Simple feijoa puree with sugar. This recipe is good because it does not require heating, which means that both iodine and ascorbic acid are stored in it as much as possible:
  2. Rapid nut jam from feijoa. One of those recipes that is popularly called "five minutes" - it is cooked quickly, stored without problems, and the vitamins do not have time to collapse.
  3. Feijoa compote with sugar. Unlike jam, feijoa drink has a more traditional mild taste, but no less beneficial properties.
    • For a pound of ripe feijoa, you will need 2 liters of water and about 1 cup of granulated sugar. You also need a pot of a suitable volume and jars (optional) with lids.
    • Rinse the berries and try to peel as much as possible, keeping the volume of the pulp.
    • Put the pulp in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and cover with water room temperature.
    • Bring to a boil, lower the heat and cook the compote for about 7 minutes, removing the foam from its surface as necessary.
    • Remove from heat, cover with a lid. Pour into sterile jars and roll up or cool to room temperature to drink immediately.
  4. Fruit salad with feijoa and oranges. This is basic recipe, which you can diversify with other fruits and berries at your discretion:
    • Take about 200 grams of feijoa berries, oranges, juicy apples, 100 grams of nuts (any) and pitted raisins, 1 lemon, 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar or powdered sugar, 50 ml natural low-fat yogurt.
    • Wash all fruits. Peel oranges and lemons, divide oranges into slices. Feijoa and apples cut into cubes with the skin.
    • Chop nuts. Soak the raisins in boiling water for 15 minutes, and then squeeze.
    • Mix prepared orange slices, feijoa and apples in a large salad bowl or immediately lay out in portioned bowls. Add raisins, chopped nuts and sugar. Stir, pour freshly squeezed lemon juice from rule with yogurt.
    • Oranges in this salad can be replaced with tangerines, and sugar - vanilla sugar. And to enhance the exotic impression of the dish, instead of tangerines or oranges, you can use kumquats cut in half.
As you can see, there is only one requirement to cook feijoa with sugar correctly: to process fresh berries as little as possible. In all other respects, you can make many dishes with feijoa and sugar, each of which will be interesting in its own way. After all, these tropical fruit really are still little known in our country, so why not take advantage of this fact to make an indelible impression on the household and guests. After you serve candied feijoa dessert to the table, the reputation skillful cook you are guaranteed!

There was a post on the site about the first summer berry- and today I want to tell you about the last autumn berryfeijoa. This fruit comes from South America, grows in the subtropics. In our post-Soviet space, it is grown in the Caucasus, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan. It appears on the shelves in late autumn. This year it even arrived a month earlier.
Feijoa fruits are extremely rich in iodine, here they can compete with seafood (and not everyone likes sea ​​kale), trace elements, essential oils, vitamins, which makes them indispensable for nutrition in the autumn-winter period. The smell of feijoa is reminiscent of strawberries, kiwi and pineapple at the same time. To choose the right feijoa, you need to cut it in half, if the flesh is transparent and looks like jelly, then the fruits are ripe. And if the fruit is brown, then, alas, it is already overripe and spoiled. But, as a rule, well-ripened feijoa fruits cannot be transported, so they are brought to us unripe, but do not be discouraged if you bought hard fruits, in a few days they will ripen at your place, become softer without losing useful properties.
Many housewives pass feijoa stalls in the market because they do not know how to cook it, those who buy feijoa often eat only the tasty sweet pulp and throw away the dense, slightly astringent skin. But in vain, because it is in the skin that contains the majority useful substances. And in order to save them, today we will cook feijoa, grated with sugar(or raw jam from feijoa).

We will need:

  • 1 kg feijoa
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 100-200 gr. purified walnuts(optional and subject to availability)

Feijoa mashed with sugar:

Wash the feijoa fruits, cut off the tails, twist in a meat grinder. See how yellow they are? This is from the large amount of iron contained in them.

Add sugar to the grated feijoa, mix well, then add chopped nuts. Everything, our tasty and healthy raw feijoa jam is ready, you can boost your immunity!

Let stand a little on the table so that the sugar is completely dissolved, and then arrange in jars and store in the refrigerator. Keeps for a long time.

You can just eat with tea, or pour over, add to or, which are cooked in a slow cooker, or you can bake with feijoa filling grated pie in the oven. In this case, do not forget to add a couple of tablespoons of starch to the filling!

Feijoa skins can be dried and added to tea when brewing.

The feijoa season does not last long, only a month or two, so hurry to the market to stock up on this valuable fruit!

Bon appetit!!!

Thanks to Oksana Baybakova for the recipe with a photo!

Despite the fact that feijoa grows in the south of Russia, it is still considered exotic in other regions of the country. Its fruits are eaten fresh, and also preserved for the winter in the form of jams and compotes. To preserve the maximum useful properties of feijoa, many housewives make “cold” jam. The simplest recipe suggests adding only sugar to the berries - and nothing else. This preparation is stored in the cold and without cooking. Home connoisseurs alcoholic beverages obtained from feijoa fragrant tincture. In general, there would be berries, but there are ways to cook them!

Feijoa with sugar: features and recipe for "raw" jam

The berry rubbed with sugar is not only more useful than that that passed heat treatment but takes less time to cook. There are many options for "raw" or "cold" jam. They differ in proportions, as well as recommendations on how to grind the fruits. Many housewives advise using a meat grinder, because with its help a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The situation is more complicated with the proportions of feijoa and sugar. There is no single opinion on this issue. You can find recipes in which the ratio of berries and granulated sugar is indicated as 1:1 and even 1:2. The hostesses explain the desire to make jam very sweet by the fact that otherwise finished product ferment.

But there are other recipes where sugar should be put even less than berries - for example, 0.8 kg per 1 kg of prepared feijoa fruits.

Advice. To prevent the “raw” jam from fermenting, pour a layer of sugar (1-1.5 cm thick) into each jar on top of it. This cork will prevent the appearance of mold.

Whatever proportion you choose, the method of preparing grated feijoa with sugar will be the same:

  1. The fruits are washed well, dry “tails” are removed from them. The skin does not need to be removed.
  2. Grind them in a meat grinder, food processor or using a blender.
  3. Pour sugar into the resulting mass (in the selected ratio).
  4. Mix everything thoroughly and leave in the refrigerator for about 24 hours. During this time, the mixture is stirred periodically to help the sugar dissolve.
  5. After that, the jam is laid out in sterile jars, covered with nylon or metal lids and put in a cold place.

Feijoa jam without cooking with cranberries, nuts, lemon, horseradish

During storage, “raw”, unboiled jam is sometimes covered with an unappetizing brown crust. You should not worry: this is oxidized iodine, which is abundant in feijoa fruits. If appearance is crucial for you, take note of the recipe for a “raw” billet with cranberries or lingonberries. For 0.6 kg of feijoa, 0.4 kg of washed and dried sour berries and 1 kg of sugar will be required. Cook in the same way as the classic grated jam without cooking.

Advice. If you put less granulated sugar, you get original sauce to baked meat.

No less tasty and healthy is the “cold” preparation of feijoa with nuts. Most often they take walnuts, but peanuts are inappropriate here. Proportions:

  • 1 kg of exotic fruits;
  • the same amount of sugar;
  • 0.2 kg of peeled and chopped nuts. You can reduce their number by half.

Make jam in the same way as all other similar preparations. It can be eaten not only with tea or just like that, but also added to cereals.

Feijoa with lemon

One more vitamin jam without cooking is obtained by combining feijoa with lemon and ginger. For 0.6 kg of berries, you need to take 1 large citrus, 0.5-0.6 kg of sugar and 1-3 tbsp. l. fresh grated ginger root (to taste) All additional ingredients add to chopped feijoa. Lemon can be simply washed and ground. Another option is to grate the zest separately, and free each slice from the films. In addition, gourmets can cook sweet and sour spicy sauce from feijoa, adding to 0.5-0-6 kg of berries:

  • 1 large pear;
  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. grated horseradish root.

For children, feijoa jam with honey and lemon or nuts is most often prepared. But you need to remember that exotic fruits are contraindicated for a child under 1 year old, in other cases they make sure that there is no allergic reaction. To prepare a vitamin complex for 0.5 kg of berries, they usually take 1 citrus and 100 g of honey. Another option is to add 0.5 tbsp to the same amount of feijoa. fragrant bee product and chopped walnuts.

Attention! For any jam, you need to take ripe, but not overripe fruits without dents or other damage.

Feijoa drinks: compote for the winter and tincture

Delicious compote is very easy to prepare:

  1. Place the washed feijoa berries in sterile jars, filling them 1/3 full.
  2. Pour boiling water over them, leave for 1 hour.
  3. Then drain the water and boil syrup from it by adding 0.2 kg of sugar. At the end, put 1/4 tsp. citric acid. The number of ingredients is indicated for 2 liters of liquid.
  4. Fill jars with syrup, roll them up with lids, turn them over and leave for a day under the covers.

Advice. You can put in each 3-liter bottle peeled tangerine or a glass of pomegranate seeds and a pinch of dried tea rose. Another option is to replace half of the feijoa berries with apples.

To prepare a homemade alcoholic drink, you need to take ripe or even overripe feijoa berries. However, they must be without signs of damage. Any alcohol base is suitable: vodka from the store, well-purified moonshine or diluted ethyl. It is important that the alcohol is of high quality and odorless. If you add cranberries or lingonberries, you get a tart, slightly sour tincture. Strawberries will enhance the strawberry aftertaste characteristic of feijoa.

Feijoa compote

To make a tincture at home, you need:

  1. Wash the feijoa well warm water dry and cut small pieces along with the skin.
  2. Turn 100 g of lingonberries, cranberries or strawberries into a homogeneous liquid mass. You can use a rolling pin or a mortar and pestle for this. If you are making a "clean" tincture, skip this step.
  3. Mix all the berries and put them in a jar.
  4. Add to taste from 50 to 150 g of granulated sugar or honey.
  5. Pour the contents of the container with vodka (moonshine, diluted alcohol). All ingredients should be covered with alcohol at least 2-3 cm.
  6. Mix everything, close the jar tightly and transfer to a dark place at room temperature.
  7. To withstand 2 weeks, once a day it is good to shake the future tincture.
  8. Strain through cheesecloth, squeeze out the berry pulp. If desired, add sugar or 25-100 ml of water to reduce the strength of the drink. In this case, you will need to leave the tincture for another couple of days.
  9. Pour the finished drink into bottles, store no longer than 1 year.

Feijoa can be stored not only in the form of such delicious preparations, but also fresh, putting carefully selected, intact fruits in the refrigerator. AT winter time they make a great treat for the whole family.

In addition to the fact that feijoa has amazing taste, this berry is a unique source of iodine and vitamins, so it is no wonder that many housewives want to make preparations for the winter from it. The recipes for jam from pureed berries with sugar without boiling, as well as compote and tinctures presented in this article, will help them cope with this task.

Feijoa: features and advantages of the berry

Inconspicuous in appearance, an oval dark green fruit a little larger than a walnut has a rich aroma and excellent taste, at the same time reminiscent of pineapple, strawberries and kiwi. It is used to prepare:

  • jam or jam;
  • marshmallows;
  • compotes and other drinks;
  • salads;
  • sauces.

Feijoa contains more than 90 bioactive components, among which iodine, vitamins K and C, as well as antioxidants are especially valuable. Its use has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect, helps to cope with diseases of the thyroid gland, digestive organs, atherosclerosis and other diseases.

Feijoa contains a large number of vitamins

Attention! Feijoa contains a small amount of calories - only 24.5 kcal per 100 g, which makes it possible to recommend it for inclusion in diet menu. In addition, it almost never causes allergies.

In view of huge amount benefits derived from its use, preparation vitamin blanks from feijoa will be more than relevant.

Making Feijoa Jam

In order to preserve the vitamin and mineral composition of the berry as much as possible, it is better to cook feijoa jam in a cold way by choosing one of the recipes presented. So that the jam does not oxidize from contact with the lid, during its storage, it is recommended that it be packaged in jars, covered with sugar, with a layer of at least 1 cm, and then only closed with a lid.

Feijoa jam

1. From feijoa and sugar. For delicious and fragrant preparation you will need fresh feijoa berries and sugar, taken in equal proportions.

Attention! In some recipes, there are recommendations to use a reduced or, conversely, an increased amount of sugar. Please note that sugar is this case it is used as a preservative, and its lack will affect the shelf life - such jam will quickly ferment, even when stored in the refrigerator. An increased amount of sugar will increase the calorie content of the product, thereby reducing its value.

The sepals should be removed from the washed berries, and then passed through a meat grinder or chopped with a blender, food processor. Add sugar to the mass and leave the mixture in a cool place for 12-24 hours so that the added sugar can dissolve. To speed up the process, the mixture should be stirred periodically.
During this time, prepare the jars by washing and sterilizing them. Fill them with settled jam, cork and put in the refrigerator for storage.

2. From feijoa and berries. A real vitamin bomb will be a feijoa preparation with the addition of cranberries, blueberries, sea buckthorn or any other berry.

The feijoa ripening season falls at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, when the choice fresh berries already small. For jam, you can use berries harvested in season by freezing them or rubbing them with sugar.

Feijoa jam with lemon and ginger is not only healthy, but also delicious

The cooking method is the same as in the previous recipe.

3. From feijoa, lemon and ginger. Pass by this fragrant and delicious jam it will be simply impossible, but how much use it has! For cooking you will need:

  • feijoa - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • ginger root - 50-100 g.

All components should be ground (feijoa and lemon along with the peel), add sugar, let it settle and, packaged in clean jars, store in the refrigerator.

4. From feijoa and walnuts. The berry-nut mixture has not only a piquant-pleasant taste, but is also quite nutritious. Taken in equal proportions, mix ground feijoa and sugar, add chopped nuts - 200 g for each kg of feijoa.

Attention! You can add walnuts not only chopped, but also passed through a meat grinder. And to make the resulting product even more useful, sugar should be replaced with honey, using a proportion of 1 part of honey - 4-6 parts of ground feijoa.

Feijoa season - late autumn-early winter

Feijoa Flavored Drinks

If you are lucky enough to get a large amount of feijoa, then it can be safely used to make compotes and alcoholic drinks such as tinctures.

Advice. Sometimes when cooking, it is recommended to use peeled feijoa. But the peeled peel still should not be thrown away, it is better to dry it and use it as an aromatic and vitamin supplement when making tea and other drinks.

1. Compote - option number 1. To prepare 3 liters of drink you will need:

  • feijoa - ½ kg;
  • water - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • citric acid - 1/3 tsp. spoons.

Feijoa compote

Cook sugar syrup, lower the peeled feijoas into it, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, add citric acid. Put the berries in a sterilized jar, pour over the syrup in which they were cooked, cover with a lid and roll up. Turning over and wrapping it warmly, leave the jar of compote to cool slowly during the day.

2. Compote - option number 2. For 3 liters you will need the same ingredients and in the same proportion as in the previous recipe.

Attention! In this recipe, unpeeled feijoa should be used. It is enough to cut off the sepals and the place to which the stalk was attached to the berry.

Place clean feijoa in a jar, pour boiling water over it and cover with a lid and leave for 1 hour. Then drain the water and add sugar to it, boil the syrup. At the end of cooking, add citric acid. Pour feijoy with hot syrup, cover and roll up. After that, the jar should be turned over and wrapped warmly, left to cool slowly during the day.

Advice. Compote will be even tastier if you add dried rose petals, tangerine, orange or apple slices, mint leaves, pomegranate seeds to it.

Feijoa for making compote can not be peeled

3. Feijoa tincture. Fans of drinks stronger than compote can be advised to prepare a fragrant tincture from feijoa fruits. For its preparation, it is better to use well-ripened and even overripe berries (but without signs of spoilage), as well as quality vodka or highly purified moonshine. If desired, you can additionally add a handful of strawberries or cranberries to the tincture. In the first case, the drink will acquire a rich strawberry aftertaste, in the second - sour-tart.

The technology for preparing the tincture is as follows:

  1. Cut the washed, but unpeeled berries and put them in a glass container.
  2. Pour in alcohol so that the feijoa is covered by 2-3 cm.
  3. After shaking the poured mixture, cover with a lid and put in a dark, not cold place.
  4. Every day, for 2 weeks, shake the berry-alcohol mixture.
  5. After the specified period, strain the contents of the container, squeeze the remaining pulp through cheesecloth.
  6. Bottle, cork, use within 1 year.

Feijoa juice

To reduce the strength of the resulting tincture, you should add sugar to it and leave for another 5-7 days.

Using the recipes presented, you can cook a lot of delicious and useful blanks, and also use them to invent your own proprietary recipes.

Feijoa jam - video recipe

Feijoa blanks - photo