Feijoa - beneficial properties and contraindications of the autumn berry. What ailments does it help with?

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The name of the fruit comes from the name of a certain scientist Joanie de Silva Feijo, who in former times headed the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brazil. He made a significant contribution to the selection and distribution of many plants known to the modern world. The history of feijoa cultivation goes back a little over a hundred years. In Europe, and more specifically in the Mediterranean, this fruit appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century. Later, feijoa spread throughout the Caucasus and Central Asia. Initially, feijoa was used exclusively for decorative purposes, because it is very beautiful, especially during the flowering period.

Feijoa. The nutritional value

In 100 gramscontains:
Calories 55 kcal
Squirrels 1 g
Lipids (fats) 0.6 g
Saturated fats 0.1 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acid 0.2 g
Monounsaturated fatty acids 0.1 g
Carbohydrates 13 g
Alimentary fiber 6 g
Sugar 8 g
Sodium 3 mg
Potassium 172 mg
Calcium 17 mg
Iron 0.1 mg
Magnesium 9 mg
Vitamin A (Retinol) 0.883 mg
Vitamin B6 0.1 mg
Vitamin C 9 mg

Feijoa is an evergreen tree from the genus Akka. This tree does not exceed 4 meters in height. Feijoa fruits are oval in shape and green in color. They weigh 25-50 grams, and in appearance they resemble small zucchini. Ripe fruits should be soft to the touch. The historical homeland of this plant is Brazil. But feijoa is also grown in Central Asian countries. And in our country - on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory.

Only over time did people appreciate the amazing taste qualities feijoa fruit. They are usually eaten raw. But quite often a variety of drinks and jams are prepared from feijoa. Many people like to add feijoa to all kinds of fruit and vegetable salads, this gives dishes a unique taste and exquisite aroma. Feijoa sauce is good, especially in combination with meat dishes. Ripe berries are tasty on their own, but at the same time they contain essential oil (consisting of 93 specific substances), the taste of which also resembles strawberries and pineapple together. Ice cream (in the chamber) is stored for up to six months, preserving beneficial features, dried feijoas are also very tasty and aromatic, and jam or jam from these berries is generally a gourmet’s dream, boosting immunity. Feijoa is also used as a flavoring agent in vodka produced in New Zealand.

How is such a product useful?

Energy value per 100 g. Feijoa product (lat. Acca sellowiana):

The pulp of feijoa fruits contains sucrose. The acidity of the fruit is quite high. They contain quite a lot of pectin and fiber. A little protein. The amino acid composition of the fruit is not rich, it is represented mainly by 5 amino acids (asparagine, arginine, glutamine, alanine, tyrosine).

The fruits also contain catechins and leukoanthocyanins, soluble tannin, which are found mainly in the skin and give the fruit an astringent taste, which affects the “gastronomic properties” of the product. You can do it simply: remove the peel, dry it and brew it with tea. In addition, feijoa leaves can be used in the kitchen, containing essential oils in their numerous glands and, when brewed, emitting the aroma of myrtle.

Feijoa is also an essential component of the diet for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and its inflammatory processes. Interesting fact is the fact that the beneficial properties of feijoa are contained not only in the pulp, but also in the skin of the berry - this is where a large amount of pectin is concentrated, the content of which the product exceeds most fruits, and various useful antioxidant substances that prevent the development of atherosclerosis. The easiest way to prepare berries for the winter is to pass the pulp through a meat grinder and combine with sugar in a 1:1 ratio. This tasty treat It perfectly boosts the immune system and stops bacterial attacks in the initial stage. For lovers of sweets, this is just a godsend - the combination of tasty and healthy doesn’t happen very often.

IN medicinal purposes feijoa is used not only for diseases thyroid gland, but also with hypoacid gastritis, pyelonephritis. But still this is not a cure, but useful supplement to the diet.

In addition, feijoa contains unique substances that help prevent and treat cancer. Feijoa peel is especially useful in this regard, but its only drawback is its tart and slightly astringent taste, so many people prefer to eat peeled feijoa.

The anti-inflammatory properties of feijoa have long been known in cosmetology.

Among other things, feijoa is a wonderful preventative against viral and colds. Feijoa helps strengthen immune system body. A very valuable property of feijoa is that its fruits do not cause allergic reactions.

Harm of feijoa

It is worth remembering that harm to feijoa can occur if there is an individual intolerance to the product. In addition, due to the presence of easily digestible sugars in feijoa, this fruit may be contraindicated for people suffering from obesity and diabetes. In any case, before consuming this exotic fruit You should consult a specialist.

We must remember when choosing and purchasing berries - they may be hard, not quite ripe (after all, it is an imported fruit), but the most important thing is that the integrity of the fruit and peel should not be compromised. After standing for a while, the fruits will ripen on their own, even if artificially, but their beneficial properties will not be affected.

How to eat feijoa correctly?

Unfortunately, not all people know how to eat feijoa correctly, and even recipes for dishes made from these tasty and useful fruits not everyone knows each other. First, you need to choose the right fruit when purchasing - ripe feijoa fruits are soft to the touch and have transparent and juicy flesh. If the pulp is brown, you are dealing with a spoiled fruit, and if it is white, you are dealing with an unripe one. Feijoa pulp is characterized by a strong aroma and a pleasant, sweet, delicate taste, reminiscent of the taste of strawberries or pineapple. The skin of the fruit is dense and tart, but also edible. Some people consume feijoa whole, cutting off the tails; an equally common method is scooping out the pulp with a spoon.


My dear readers, today our topic will be a little exotic. First, I just want to ask you: Have you heard of feijoa? Have you tried it? If not, then I strongly advise you to pay attention to it. I just want to humor you a little: if anyone still doesn’t know feijoa, life has passed or is passing by. Today I invite you to a conversation about this berry, we will talk about the beneficial and medicinal properties of feijoa and contraindications.

I first heard about feijoa when my daughter and I were treated in onco-hematology. The diagnosis was very serious. I have already written our story. And so often I remember the head nurse. She advised us to be sure to buy them during the berry selling season and give them to our children. They inhibit the growth of cancer cells and are good for the blood, strengthening the body. Since then, I began to always buy feijoa during the season. You can buy feijoas in a large supermarket, but I prefer to buy them at the market, where you can find fresher berries, and there is always more choice.

The smell and taste of feijoa

To me, this berry tastes like a mixture of kiwi, strawberry and pineapple aromas. Believe me, very delicious berry, although it does not seem very attractive, perhaps at first glance. The pulp is very juicy. Feel free to ask the seller to cut the fruit and show the pulp. There are so many subtleties here. If you see white flesh, the fruit is unripe. There is nothing good about him. If the flesh is brown, this means that the fruit is no longer suitable for eating. The most mature feijoa fruit has absolutely transparent flesh.

It is best eaten by scraping out the pulp with a spoon. I personally don't like skin. This is not for everyone. You can buy slightly unripe fruits and let them sit at home for just a couple of days.

Feijoa. Compound. Calorie content

The unusual appearance of tropical fruits hides the fragrant, delicate taste and many useful substances. Tropical Pods include:

  • micro and macroelements: iodine, iron, manganese, zinc, silicon, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium and others;
  • vitamins – B3, B5, C, A, B1, B6, PP;
  • acids – folic and malic;
  • amino acids - arginine, asparagine, glutamine, tyrosine, alanine;
  • pectin;
  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • biologically active substances – tannin, leukoanthocin and kakhetin;
  • enzymes;

The nutritional value of 100 g of feijoa fruit is 1.24 g of protein, 0.78 g of fat, 10.63 g of carbohydrates.

Feijoa calories

Calorie content of 100 g of exotic fruits is 49 kcal per 100 grams of berries.

Feijoa. Photo

This is what this berry looks like:

Feijoa. Useful and medicinal properties. Benefits and harms

The fruits have gained great popularity due to the content of highly concentrated organic compound iodine. Therefore, feijoa is considered an ideal remedy for the prevention of iodine deficiency. Doctors recommend tropical fruits to patients with thyroid diseases and mental workers. Together with the vitamin complex, iodine improves the functioning of the endocrine system and normalizes metabolism.

The significant content of pectins makes it possible to use feijoa fruits for making marmalade and jelly. Pectin is a soluble fiber that helps reduce appetite and improve digestive processes.

Reduces cholesterol levels.

This berry is very good for the heart.

Natural medicine for all hypertensive patients.

Cleanses the blood, very useful for anemia.

The peel of exotic fruits contains tannins, which impart a tart taste, and the biologically active substances leukoanthocin and kakhetin are considered powerful antioxidants. The peel is almost never used for food; it can easily be separated from the pulp, then dried and added to tea.

Due to its vitamin composition, the fruit has an immunomodulatory effect, so it is recommended to eat feijoa during exacerbation of colds, during the postoperative period and after serious illnesses.

Many nutritionists advise including feijoa in your diet if the gastrointestinal tract is unstable, constipation, various diseases intestines, pancreas, liver, stomach.

If you can get feijoa leaves, I advise you to dry them and cook them in winter delicious tea. The leaves contain a lot essential oils with the scent of myrtle.

The prepared infusion and decoction of feijoa fruits, bark and leaves has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. It can be used in the treatment of kidney inflammation, treat wounds, abrasions, cuts, rinse the mouth for periodontal disease,

Thanks to antioxidants, essential oils and other beneficial substances, feijoa actively affects pathogenic microorganisms and has a strong antibacterial and antifungal effect.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the iodine content in fruits depends on the area where feijoa grows. In areas where the soil contains little iodine or under indoor conditions, the fruits are ineffective in preventing iodine deficiency.

Feijoa. Harm. Contraindications

We have learned the beneficial properties of feijoa, but I would like to warn you that you should be careful about your health and take into account all contraindications before eating feijoa.

If you come across unripe feijoas at the market, it is better to let them lie next to bananas for several days. room temperature. This will speed up the ripening of the fruit and relieve you of digestive system disorders, because unripe tropical fruit can cause poisoning.

Feijoa should not be mixed with dairy products or washed down with milk to avoid disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. The reason is that the pectins contained in the fruits are not compatible with milk.

You should consult your doctor in advance if diabetes mellitus. Large amounts of sugars can cause significant harm.

Breastfeeding and pregnant women can consume feijoa berries Not large quantities. Take into account whether doctors have previously prescribed iodine preparations to exclude an overdose of iodine and poor health.

To prevent all consequences, we can once again tell everyone one wise thing: never “lean on” any products. And if you're trying something for the first time, always try a little bit at a time. We are all different. And your reaction to even the simplest, most common and useful for many products can be individual.

The use of feijoa for medicinal purposes

Most healthy recipe, in my opinion, which I prepare myself and highly recommend you use. This recipe, in my opinion, is universal, suitable for both adults and children. I gave it to my daughter, and I always used it myself.

A universal recipe for using feijoa with health benefits

It's very easy to prepare. Wash the fruits and dry them. Cut off the stems of the berries. I never remove the peel. And then use either a meat grinder or a blender. The result is a mass of pleasant emerald color. Add granulated sugar to it. The nurse advised us to keep the proportions 1:1. But I often add less granulated sugar. For 1 kg of berries, 600 grams of granulated sugar. You can add orange, nuts here (it’s especially good to add walnuts). Mix everything thoroughly. Place in a glass jar. Place in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

If you prepare this recipe with an orange, you must peel it and also grind it either in a meat grinder or in a blender.

I will talk in more detail about recipes with feijoa in a separate article. Here I will give only the main and short recipes, how you can use feijoa for health.

For stress, depression eat 5-6 fruits a day. Uplifting, tasty and healthy.

For prevention heart diseases vascular system squeeze 1 tablespoon of juice and mix with ¼ glass of water. Drink once a day, at any time.

For treatment and prevention atherosclerosis make jam from feijoa and oranges.

Very good at problems with blood vessels use my universal recipe. And here's another recipe. Blanch 0.5 kg. feijoa. Do not peel the fruits, then grind them in a blender and add 1 kg. sugar until juice appears. Boil for 5-10 minutes, add juice from one orange and cook until tender. But when cooking jam, many beneficial substances are still destroyed. But it turns out very tasty.

For the prevention and treatment of diseases thyroid gland with iodine deficiency, take 1 tablespoon of feijoa puree half an hour before meals.

At hypertension Grind feijoa fruits in a blender, mix with sugar in a 1:1 ratio and take one tablespoon twice a day.

At hepatitis A(jaundice) drink tea from a mixture of feijoa flowers and leaves (in equal parts). Pour one tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Drink twice a day. Tea made from the leaves also helps with goiter.

A few fruits in your diet will help you in the following cases:

  • rheumatic pains;
  • anemia;
  • malaria and scurvy;
  • painful menstruation;
  • bronchitis;
  • high cholesterol;
  • gout;
  • Graves' disease;
  • acne;
  • atonic constipation;
  • reduced immunity.

I suggest you watch an interesting video about the beneficial properties of feijoa. I highly recommend watching the video. The market where these berries are sold is shown, and advice is given on how to choose feijoa and why it is useful.

And if you do buy feijoa at the market, I highly advise you to treat yourself too. Let's prepare something delicious and don't forget about the face and décolleté area.

The use of feijoa in cosmetology

Thanks to his healing composition, pulp from feijoa fruits is used in for cosmetic purposes. She provides:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • rejuvenating;
  • nutritious;
  • improving blood circulation
  • softening
  • refreshing effect.

Masks based on tropical fruits will help get rid of rosacea, acne, age spots on the face, give elasticity to the skin and improve the appearance of the face. For the same purposes, you can use a decoction of feijoa leaves.

Feijoa cosmetic mask recipe:

  • yolk from one egg;
  • tablespoon olive oil;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cottage cheese;
  • pulp from half a feijoa fruit.

Grind the feijoa in a blender and mix with other ingredients. Apply ready mixture on the skin of the face and neck. Wash your face warm water in 20 minutes. Lubricate your face with moisturizer.

You can also simply use the pulp of the berry for a mask. Also a very good effect. I like it the most. Especially when there is no time to mix something there, there is simply no time, but you want mood and freshness of the face. Just remember to test on your wrist to see if this mask is right for you.

The use of feijoa in cooking

Tropical fruits go well with various products. You can add oily and citrus fruit, fresh or boiled beets, carrots, apples. It is better to season with yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

Feijoa with beets. Salad

Boil 400 gr. beets, grate. Wash and cut 200 gr. Feijoa hearths, mix with beets and add crushed kernels walnuts. For this amount of food, take about 5-7 walnuts. Add salt to taste and season vegetable oil. You can add feta cheese and sesame seeds.

Initially, feijoas were used in landscape design, and park areas were decorated with evergreen flowering shrubs. Today it is exotic plant with amazing tasting fruits.

Feijoa is gaining popularity not so much because of its taste, but because of its benefits. Selection amazing facts will allow you to take a fresh look at this tropical fruit.

According to the classification, they belong to the myrtle plant family. The height of the bushes reaches 3 meters. It looks especially beautiful during the flowering period. Feijoa blooms with bright crimson inflorescences with white and pink splashes.

The leaves are dense, dark green. The fruits resemble unripe walnuts in appearance. There is juicy pulp inside the berries. It tastes like the sweetness of strawberries and the tartness of kiwi.

The amazing properties of the shrub allow it to be evergreen. The plant tolerates frosts down to -14°C. The harvest has the ability not to spoil for a long time. Transports well.

Feijoa grows in Russia - in Crimea, Krasnodar, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine

Due to insufficient information, the overseas fruit has not found wide use in our country. Those who are familiar with feijoa, eat fruits raw, prepare jams and preserves. You can buy feijoa in markets and large supermarkets.

Thanks to the work of breeders, the tropical plant has become widespread in Russia - in Crimea, Krasnodar, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Ukraine.

Depending on growing conditions, there are small, medium, large fruits. They eat whole fruits or scrape out the pulp with a spoon.

Due to its composition, the tropical crop is used to treat a number of diseases. The medicinal properties of fruits are especially valued during the period of vitamin deficiency for a weakened body.

How to choose feijoa:

Benefits of fruit, beneficial and medicinal properties of fruits and leaves

The chemical composition of feijoa indicates its benefits. This fruit can rightfully be called not only a “miracle of the tropics,” but also a panacea for many problems.

Berries gained popularity among Europeans at a time when They found a high concentration of iodine.

Growing feijoa in pots does not guarantee a rich iodine content; it is only abundant in fruits growing on the coast. Benefit:

  • feijoa has a high content of nutrients, vitamins C, P and B;
  • the fruits contain essential oils with an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • feijoa extracts and oils are widely used in dermatology, as well as cosmetology;
  • contain iron, zinc, manganese, copper, organic iodine compounds;
  • in value, the fruits are equal to iodine-containing seafood;
  • essential oils promote rejuvenation;
  • juice and pulp help fight rosacea; after using masks, capillary networks on the face disappear;
  • for depressive disorders, fruit seeds are used;
  • A tea that is beneficial to the body is prepared from the leaves.

Calorie content is only 49-50 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The tart taste of feijoa is present for a reason; it is associated with the content of antioxidants. They are considered valuable product for the prevention of cancer.

Endocrinologists agreed that tropical berries needed for the thyroid gland.

At regular use, due to lower cholesterol levels, an improvement in blood composition is observed. Due to the content of phenolic compounds in the skin, they are taken to stimulate metabolic processes in the digestive organs.

The beneficial properties of feijoa for men are priceless. Urologists recommend using it for prostate problems..

Thanks to this exotic fruit, women will be able to maintain their figure and youth. By replacing feijoa confectionery, you can lose extra pounds.

Important: per 100 grams of feijoa there are 0.5 mg of iodine compounds that are quickly soluble in the body.

What are the benefits of feijoa berry:

Harm and contraindications for use

Ripe feijoas render positive influence on the body, here unripe fruits negatively affect digestive system . They can even cause poisoning.

If you purchased unripe fruits, it is better to ripen them at room temperature.

Tropical plant is contraindicated:

  • direct contraindication - with excess iodine in the body;
  • Use with caution if you have diabetes;
  • It is not recommended to mix with milk (may cause stomach upset);
  • due to poor digestibility, feijoa should not be given to children under one year of age;
  • Pregnant and nursing mothers should consume in minimal quantities.

A large amount of fruit eaten can be harmful - cause nervous excitability and anxiety.

Do not forget that overseas fruits can contribute to allergic reactions. Start getting acquainted with the fruits in small portions.

Important information: to avoid consequences, be careful when feeding feijoa to children.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The richest natural source of nutrients is recommended for pregnant and lactating women with caution. In order not to cause side effects due to excess iodine, do not overdo it with their consumption.

Experts are divided on the exotic fruit. some recommend them during pregnancy, others associate them with risks. In everything you need to know when to stop.

Feijoa is especially useful in the 12th week of pregnancy, during this period the child’s thyroid gland develops.

It is difficult to predict how a pregnant body will behave if you try the berry for the first time. The same can be said about breastfeeding. If in doubt, it's better consult a doctor and monitor your body’s reaction.

Culinary and cosmetic recipes

The topic of the material below is devoted to recipes from the exotic fruit. Jams, mousses, and jellies are prepared from them. The popularity of these recipes is due to their rich pectin content.

Prepared for treatment healthy decoctions, ground with honey, nuts. Add as a flavoring additive to salads. Making face masks.

Fruits ground with sugar

Proportions: For 1 kg of feijoa take 1 kg of sugar. Take ripe fruits. Wash them well and dry them on a towel.

Finely chop with a knife, add sugar. Rub with a wooden spatula. Keep refrigerated. Apply as needed. Candied fruits - excellent remedy to protect the immune system.

Feijoa jam without cooking for the winter:

Diet salad

Proportions: For 5 fruits, take a handful of walnuts and 1 boiled beet. Cut feijoa and beets into strips. Lightly dry the nuts in the oven and crush. Season the salad with olive oil.

To enhance the taste, add spices, herbs or garlic. An easy-to-prepare salad will help you lose weight.

Vitamin cocktail

Proportions: 4 feijoas, kiwi, apple, cinnamon, 150 ml low-fat kefir or yogurt. Place exotic fruits, kiwi, and apple into a blender bowl. Pre-wash, peel, and cut everything.

Pour in fermented milk product, add a pinch of cinnamon. Grind in a blender until homogeneous mass. A fortified smoothie is an ideal start to the day instead of breakfast.

Feijoa with honey

Proportions: honey with feijoa in a 1:1 ratio. Grind the pulp of ripe fruits with honey and place in sterilized jars. Cover with lids or paper. Keep refrigerated.

Take 1 tbsp in the morning on an empty stomach. spoon. The composition allows you to quickly recover from illnesses. The remaining outer portion can be frozen or dried.

Compote with lemon balm

Proportions: for 1 glass of sugar 180 gr. feijoa, lemon balm sprigs. Wash the fruits and prick them with a toothpick. Pour water, add sugar. Bring to a boil, reduce heat in the oven. Boil for 3-5 minutes.

Remove from heat, strain, add lemon balm. Pour over glass jars. Store inside the refrigerator. A chilled drink tones and calms the nervous system.

Leaf tea

Proportions: 1 tsp. dry leaves to 250-300 ml of boiling water. Wither the leaves in partial shade. Perform fermentation on fresh air or in a dry, ventilated place until it becomes a tea leaf.

Brew like regular tea, you can add sugar or honey. The tea tastes very unusual, with a slightly tart aftertaste.

Pulp jam with lemon

Proportions: For 1 kg of ripe fruit you need 1 kg of sugar and half a lemon. Wash the feijoa and prick with a toothpick. Boil syrup from sugar and 200 ml of water. Pour the fruits over them.

Cook in 3 stages with the jam cooling completely for 5 minutes after boiling. At the final stage, add lemon slices.

Pack in clean, dry jars. Seal and refrigerate. Jam will help boost immunity during respiratory diseases.

You can make jam from feijoa - with lemon or nuts

Mask for the face

Proportions: 2 pcs. feijoa, yolk of one egg, 5 gr. honey and 5 ml. olive oil. Beat the ingredients and heat slightly in a water bath. The temperature of the mask should be 36-37 degrees.

Apply to cleansed face. Leave for half an hour. Rinse off. The vitamin composition moisturizes, softens and tightens the skin. Can be used for rosacea.

The use of a natural source of iodine is especially important in large cities with a polluted atmosphere.

The material on the benefits of feijoa will be of interest to both men and women. Using recommendations for the prevention and treatment of diseases, you can maintain your health for a long time!

On supermarket shelves you can find an unusual green and oval-shaped fruit. The cost of the presented product is quite reasonable and people can afford to make this purchase, but why? What to do with this “unearthly” fruit? This is about feijoa.

This berry is used in the production of cosmetic products, and is also eaten as an independent product. Beneficial properties of feijoa help cure serious diseases, some of which require long-term drug therapy. We can talk for a long time about the benefits of an interesting “overseas” product.

What is feijoa? His habitat

Many Russian citizens still do not know what is feijoa, although they see it on sale every year.

Feijoa is a type of small evergreen tree that became known at the end of the 19th century. The presented tree was discovered by Europeans, but on the territory of Brazil.

The discoverer of feijoa was the director of the Natural History Museum, João da Silva Feijo. At the time of discovery, the tree grew in South America. Since this tree is a subtropical plant, it does not do well in tropical climates. Then where does feijoa grow?

Today, these fruits can be found on the territory of Russia, but in protected areas of subtropical zones, for example, the Caucasus, Krasnodar Territory, Crimea. Feijoas came to Russia from Europe.

These fruits crossed the border of France in 1890. And already in 1900 they arrived in Yalta and spread throughout the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Where the fruits began to be cultivated and grown in large quantities. But due to climate change, now feijoa grows in small quantities and only in protected areas of the reserve.

The benefits and harms of feijoa for the human body

The benefits and harms of feijoa discovered by scientists several decades ago. But due to ignorance, the fruits do not receive the popularity they deserve.

As some doctors say, if a person regularly consumed this emerald fruit in small quantities, the exacerbation of his diseases could have been avoided.

How is feijoa beneficial for the body?

The benefits of feijoa in the treatment of diseases

How feijoa is useful and for what diseases it is used can only be answered by specialists. To identify the beneficial properties of the berries, a number of studies were carried out, where the following medicinal properties of feijoa were revealed:

The fruits of the presented tree contain large quantities iodine. Its concentration surpasses even the leaders among all food products - seafood and red fish. One kilogram of berries can be 15 times the daily requirement of the human body for iodine. That is why feijoa should be consumed by people who have been diagnosed with thyroid disorders associated with a lack of this beneficial enzyme in the human body.

But it should be noted that the product should be consumed for the treatment of the thyroid gland only after consultation with an endocrinologist.

Feijoa contains great amount vitamins There are representatives here whose intake can prevent the exacerbation of serious diseases, as well as eliminate an existing illness. The fruits contain:

  • vitamin C – used for prophylactic purposes to prevent colds;
  • vitamin B1 – helps normalize the body’s metabolic processes, which improves brain and cardiovascular system function;
  • B2 – helps maintain normal hormone levels and also affects tissue renewal;
  • B3 - used to prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells in the human body, and also helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • B5 - used to normalize metabolic processes in order to prevent the further development of respiratory diseases - tuberculosis and other diseases;
  • B6 – used to eliminate muscle cramps and numbness of the limbs;
  • PP – has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Feijoa contains easily digestible proteins and fats, which makes it a dietary products. As a rule, 5-6 fruits can saturate the body useful vitamins and microelements, as well as enzymes involved in the construction of muscle tissue and in the production of energy for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, they are often recommended for use by nutritionists when the patient is at a severe stage of obesity.

Feijoa can be used to prevent colds, which is especially important during the quarantine period. The essential oils contained in the fruits help the body cope with the virus that has entered it.

The fruits are of particular value due to the composition of the peel. It contains kakhetin and leukoanthocin - two enzymes that actively fight the proliferation and spread of cancer cells in the body.

Therefore, Russian oncologists advise people who are at the stage of a full examination with suspected cancer not to neglect berries.

Even if a person is diagnosed with a benign neoplasm, and it can develop into a malignant form, feijoa helps prevent such a process.

On this beneficial properties of feijoa fruit don't end. Experts are still conducting research, since some aspects are only now becoming known.

Useful properties of feijoa, video:

Beneficial properties of feijoa for men

The benefits of feijoa for men are sometimes priceless. A good half of middle-aged men know firsthand about such an unpleasant disease as prostatitis. The stronger sex simply does not have the time, sometimes the desire, to run to the doctor every time there is an exacerbation ( reluctance may be due to shame).

Urologists say that several fruits a day can prevent re-inflammation of the prostate, so they should be consumed for prevention and medicinal purposes.

Feijoa also acts as an excellent hormonal therapy and is therefore recommended for use in both men and women for problems with the opposite sex.

What are the benefits of feijoa for women?

As mentioned above, feijoa is a dietary product, so it is recommended to be consumed during a diet by women who want to lose weight. The fruits of the berries contain substances that can speed up metabolism, which has a positive effect on a woman’s figure and is beneficial during the diet.

Eat fruits instead of sweets confectionery, and also replace dinner with 300 g of tasty and ripe berries.

In addition, feijoa copes well with painful menstruation, as it promotes rapid dilatation of the cervix due to the accelerated metabolic process.

The fruits of the berries are often used in cosmetology. A woman can purchase ready-made formulations or make them herself. The product slows down cell aging and is particularly popular as an anti-aging agent. The berries are used to prepare masks to rejuvenate the skin and remove age wrinkles.

We should not forget about the beautiful antifungal properties of feijoa. These fruits are often used to treat nail and skin fungus, but only after examination and identification of the nature of the disease. Of course, the berry you use will not cause any more harm, but there will be no benefit from its use either. As a result, money and time will be spent on treatment.

Beneficial properties of feijoa for pregnant women

Pregnant women should consume feijoa regularly due to a lack of iodine in the body during pregnancy. Here we should talk about the benefits of the described product for the gastrointestinal tract, namely the elimination of constipation. Just 3-4 fetuses a day and this piquant problem of all expectant mothers will go away immediately.

What are the benefits of feijoa for children?

Feijoa should be given to children during the period of quarantine and widespread colds. The benefits of vitamin C will prevent infection and significantly improve the child’s immunity.

You can also talk about the benefits of berries during food poisoning, which causes frequent vomiting and diarrhea in the child. Of course, in such situations, fully rely on medicinal property Feijoa is not necessary, but the essential oils contained in the product soothe the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, which leads to a significant improvement in the baby’s health.

Teenagers are also recommended to make masks using feijoa to get rid of acne. As mentioned above, this fruit has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it can significantly eliminate the redness of acne and relieve the child from itching. Here it is enough to add the berry pulp to regular milk to cleanse your face. The mixture is applied to the face, neck and ears, and then after 15 minutes, wash the face with running water.

Feijoa beneficial properties and contraindications

The benefits and harms of feijoa– of the two aspects, only the positive aspects of the presented berry were given. But this fruit also has a downside - contraindications. These include individual intolerance.

Often people with increased content iodine in the body after consuming the product, they experience some deterioration in their condition - dizziness, nausea, and in rare cases, attacks of fever. If you feel this way, stop consuming the product.

We must not forget about allergic reactions. After all, feijoa is, first of all, a berry, and like any representative of the fruit, the described product can also be classified as an allergen. After consumption in reasonable quantities, a person may experience a deterioration in the condition in the form of skin rashes, coughing and choking attacks. Therefore, if you decide to try the product for the first time, limit yourself to consuming 1-2 berries.

Monitor your condition for some time ( at least 2 hours), and then, in the absence of allergic manifestations, you can be content with the presented “overseas” fruit.

Proper use of feijoa

How to choose feijoa? A question that interests most Russian citizens. The tree begins to bear fruit in late October - early November. Already in November, feijoa can be found on sale in all corners of Russia. But since ripe fruits and berries cannot be transported, their fruits may be tough.

As experts say, the taste of these berries is reminiscent of strawberries, wild strawberries, pineapple, or all of these flavors together. Buyers unknowingly purchase unripe fruits and taste hard fruits with an unclear and very sour taste.

As a result, the desire to consume feijoa disappears in the future. It's their immaturity. Feijoa is suitable for consumption only when ripe, when its fruits are soft to the touch.

How to store feijoa?

You won’t find soft fruits on store shelves, so here you have to “take what they give,” but leave them to ripen. After a couple of days you can be content with the fruit. When choosing, pay attention to the peel - it should be solid, without dents or dark spots. Ask the seller to cut the berry to check its ripeness.

The pulp of the berry should be transparent. If you see white flesh, you will have to wait a few days until they are completely ripened.

Berries should ripen in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of 21–24°C. It is better to place the unripe product on the windowsill. Check the ripeness of feijoas by their softness. Place ripe berries in the refrigerator immediately after purchase.

If the fruits are unripe and stored in the refrigerator, they can last from autumn to spring without losing their taste and medicinal properties.

How to choose feijoa? Video:

How to eat feijoa correctly?

Another significant issue concerns proper consumption. Here among the leaders there is a question: how to eat feijoa - with or without peel?

Firstly, feijoa is eaten quickly, since its ripening can quickly develop into an overripe composition unsuitable for consumption.

Secondly, the fruits are eaten in fresh or used to prepare culinary masterpieces.

Thirdly, how to eat feijoa - with or without peel - is up to you.

The peel is tougher and tart in taste, so it is not recommended to eat it in pure form. Usually the berry is cut into two halves and the pulp is scooped out with a teaspoon. But here desire and tastes may not coincide, so it’s up to you to decide.

Another question in the section on how to eat feijoa concerns its daily intake. After all, excessive consumption tropical fruit is fraught with the development of ailments such as intestinal disorders and an abundance of vitamins in the body, which can manifest itself in the form of a skin rash.

The daily intake of this fruit is calculated taking into account the required daily amount of iodine in the body. If a person does not suffer from a lack of iodine in the body, then he daily norm feijoa consumption based on two fruits per day.

A child over one year old can consume up to 1 fruit per day. Of course, such an amount of ripe fruit may not saturate the body, but it should not be abused.

Monitor your condition carefully. Use feijoa in dishes as an ingredient.

For example, use fruit to fill a pie and apply additional heat treatments to it. So, you will significantly reduce the risk of irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.

How to eat feijoa? Video:

Recipes for feijoa dishes, jam for the winter

Feijoa jam recipe without cooking

Quite a famous recipe feijoa jam without cooking, because it greatly simplifies the task for young housewives. Here you will need:

  • kilogram of berries;
  • 700 grams of sugar.

The berries should not be peeled, because most of them useful microelements is contained precisely in the outer shell. Well-washed fruits are grated or used in a blender for chopping. Pour the finished mixture with sugar and mix everything thoroughly.

After 1 hour, the composition is transferred to jars, which can be pre-sterilized, and rolled up tin lids. The cooled filled jars are put in the refrigerator for a day. After time, the jam will turn into a jelly-like consistency. This indicates that the preparation for the winter is ready. Feijoa jam is stored in a cool place for the winter.

These fruits are not compatible with milk and other dairy products. liquid consistency. Such consumption may lead to irritation of the intestinal mucosa.

But if you mix the pulp of the fruit with cottage cheese or even grated cheese, you get a very amazing taste.

Feijoa - growing at home

Feijoa can be grown at home. No specific skill or knowledge is required here. It is enough just to purchase a ready-made plant bush and study the rules that will be required for its cultivation and positive fruiting:

Don't be put off by the small green fruits on store shelves. If the price tag says "Feijoa", you can safely purchase fruits and delight yourself and your loved ones with excellent dishes and delicious delicacies.

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The beneficial properties and contraindications of feijoa are due to its unusually rich vitamin composition. This exotic fruit, originally from Brazil, is not only part of dietary dishes of various kinds, but is also used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases: diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, gout, chronic colitis and pyelonephritis. In addition, the benefits of the pulp and peel of the fruit have been proven in cosmetology.

Feijoa: fruit or berry

Feijoa (also Akka Sellova or Akka Feijoa) is a type of evergreen shrub cultivated in tropical and subtropical climates. In Russia, this fruit is grown in the Transcaucasus, Crimea and Krasnodar Territory.

These are large, fleshy berries with a lumpy skin. Their weight varies from 20 to 120 g depending on the variety. The diameter of the fruit is 2-5 cm, the length is 2-7 cm. Despite their rather large size, feijoa fruits are considered berries.

These berries are shaped like kiwi. The taste of the pulp is soft, sour, with notes of strawberries and pineapple. The seeds are small and practically unnoticeable. The color of the peel varies depending on the subspecies of the fruit: it can be colored in either light yellow-green tones or dark green shades. Sometimes the surface of the berry is covered with a thin anthocyanin coating.

The fruits are recommended to be consumed fresh, but they do not lose their beneficial properties even when heat treatment. This quality of the berry explains such a variety of feijoa recipes. They are used to prepare:

  • compotes and juices;
  • sour or sweet and sour sauces;
  • preserves, jam, jam and marmalade;
  • minced fruit for stuffing fish;
  • marshmallows;
  • liqueurs, liqueurs and wine.

How to eat feijoa: with or without peel

The benefits of fruits are best preserved when consumed fresh. To do this, the fruit is cut in half and the soft pulp is eaten out with a spoon, but the peel of the fruit can also be eaten - it is no less useful than the pulp of this fruit, since it contains many biologically active components. In particular, due to the high concentration of antioxidants in the peel of the berries, feijoa is used in the treatment and prevention of cancer.

However, the skin of the berries is rarely eaten fresh, because it tastes quite unpleasant. It is usually dried and used to make tea. In addition, the tart, astringent taste of the fruit can be softened by dressing when adding berries to fruit salads. In other words, whether to eat feijoa with or without peel is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

The fruits remain fresh for 7 to 20 days, depending on how they are stored.

How to clean feijoa

In the traditional sense of the word, this fruit is not peeled. When feijoa ripens, the fruit becomes soft. It is carefully cut in the middle and the pulp is eaten with a teaspoon without touching the peel.

Nutritional value and composition of feijoa

Feijoa is the only fruit in the world whose iodine content is higher than that of any seafood. This high concentration makes it useful in treating thyroid problems. Moreover, iodine is found in fruits in a water-soluble state, which is why the body quickly absorbs this element. Fresh berries are a rich source of vitamin C and fiber, but these elements vitamin composition fruits is not limited. They contain:

  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic and folic acids, pyridoxine);
  • proteins fats carbohydrates;
  • sucrose;
  • pectin substances;
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids – plant polyphenols that have an antitumor effect;
  • saponins - biologically active components that regulate water-salt metabolism in the body;
  • antioxidants (biologically active components kakhetin and leukoanthocin);
  • micro- and macroelements (calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus).

The calorie content of feijoa is 49 kcal.

What are the benefits of feijoa for the body?

The high concentration of vitamins B and C determines the widespread use of this fruit in the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency. In terms of the amount of iodine contained in its fruits, feijoa surpasses even red fish, so including the fruit in the daily diet brings considerable benefits in restoring pancreatic function.

Regular moderate consumption of these berries has the following effects on the human body:

  • the function of nerve endings improves;
  • the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease is reduced;
  • the functioning of the thyroid gland is restored;
  • goiter growth is prevented;
  • wounds heal better;
  • the risk of developing osteoporosis is reduced;
  • memory improves;
  • blood quality improves;
  • general irritability and weakness, depression decreases;
  • prevention of tumor and colds occurs;
  • the functioning of the lungs and brain improves.

Feijoa: beneficial properties for men

The benefits of feijoa fruit for men include the prevention and treatment of prostatitis. It has been scientifically proven that eating 2-3 fruits a day prevents re-inflammation of the prostate gland. In addition, since the list of beneficial properties of the berry includes normalizing the activity of the endocrine gland, small portions of the fruit are recommended for consumption during hormonal therapy.

What are the benefits of feijoa for women?

The benefits of feijoa for a woman’s body are, first of all, dietary properties its fruits. Feijoa is recommended to be consumed during a diet by women who want to lose weight. These berries contain substances that have a stimulating effect on metabolism, which has a positive effect on a woman’s figure.

Important! When consumed fresh fruit instead of confectionery, the first results will be noticeable within a week.

The fruits of the berries have also found their use in cosmetology - their benefits in stimulating the regenerative processes of the upper layers of the skin are incredible. Masks made from feijoa pulp have a rejuvenating effect on the skin and smooth out deep wrinkles. The crushed peel is used to create local applications to reduce redness and irritation on the skin.

Feijoa during pregnancy

The diet of pregnant women should be rich and balanced, so during this period doctors recommend diversifying it with feijoa. Daily use at least one fruit has a beneficial effect on the growing child’s body:

  1. Folates contained in fruit pulp stimulate hematopoietic processes.
  2. The plant fibers that these berries are rich in help prevent frequent constipation during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  3. During pregnancy, it is recommended to include iodine-containing foods in the diet, and feijoa is even superior to seafood in this parameter.

Feijoa can be consumed by pregnant women either fresh or after processing.

Important! Feijoa is especially useful to eat during the 11-12th week of pregnancy, when the baby's thyroid gland is intensively developing.

Feijoa during breastfeeding

The high iron content in the fruit makes these berries closer to pomegranates. This element is necessary to strengthen the immune system of nursing mothers and their children, so consuming feijoa in moderation is mandatory when breastfeeding, but this should be approached with caution. Berries are included in the diet only a month after birth. Intensive consumption of fruit during pregnancy will do more harm than good.

Is feijoa ok for children?

Feijoa extremely rarely causes an allergic reaction in the body, but it is given to young children with great caution. Despite the extensive list of beneficial properties, its benefits are most fully revealed when consumed by adults. The fact is that children's body is not able to well absorb some of the elements that make up this fruit, so problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur if the berries are consumed excessively.

The use of feijoa in medicine

IN folk medicine The pulp and peel of the fruit are used to prepare a variety of infusions, decoctions and solutions. The variety of remedies is due to the extensive list of beneficial properties of the berry, but eating fresh berries also brings no less benefits.

Decoctions from the leaves, bark and fruits of the plant are used as an antiseptic disinfectant, which is used to treat small wounds, abrasions and rinse the mouth when gums are bleeding. Such decoctions also relieve acute toothache.

Fresh berries act as a useful dietary supplement for gastritis and pyelonephritis. In addition, these Exotic fruits strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance to colds, and have pronounced antidepressant properties. To treat influenza, a squeeze of essential oils from berries and a variety of jams are used.

The benefits of the fruit are undeniable when overworked - with increased mental stress, the fruit reduces chronic fatigue, drowsiness and irritability. Berries are also prescribed for thyroid dysfunction.

Regular consumption of feijoa is an effective medicinal and preventive remedy for normalization blood pressure, since these berries are rich in potassium. Finally, the fruits relieve symptoms of toxicosis.

Beneficial properties of feijoa for the thyroid gland

Feijoa accumulates iodine well, so the fruit is extremely useful food supplement if the proper functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted. To treat goiter, prepare the following infusion:

  • crushed 1 tbsp. l. fresh leaves berries;
  • the crushed leaves are poured into a glass container and poured with 1 cup of boiling water;
  • the mixture is infused for half an hour, after which the infusion is ready for use.

Dosage: 1 glass 2 times a day. If desired, you can add honey to the infusion.

Important! Not all varieties are rich in iodine. There is practically no it in berries from Batumi, so using such fruits to normalize the function of the thyroid gland is completely pointless - their benefit in this case is minimal.

Feijoa for diabetes

Consumption of feijoa for diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2 is not prohibited. Moreover, recent scientific studies have confirmed the benefits of the berry for pancreatic dysfunction, but take the fruit in small quantities. They are rich in sucrose, therefore, in order to avoid increased blood sugar levels in diabetes, feijoa is consumed fresh or as part of tea. Thus, the potential of all beneficial properties will be fully revealed.

Beneficial properties of feijoa jam

The benefit of feijoa jam is that this dessert not only retains many beneficial substances during heat treatment, but is also recommended for use for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, cancer and inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, when the product is included in the daily diet, the human body’s immune system is generally strengthened. Finally, its benefits have long been confirmed in the treatment of colds and viral diseases.

Prepare jam as follows:

  • Squeeze juice from 1 orange;
  • 500 g of berries are crushed without removing the peel;
  • the crushed mass is boiled for 10 minutes;
  • after this time, sugar and orange juice are added to the water;
  • Then the fruits are boiled until the mass thickens, after which the jam can be poured into jars.

The benefits of feijoa jam are due to its rich composition fresh fruits, which are used to prepare this dessert. In particular, the beneficial properties of berries are explained by the high concentration of vitamin C, fiber, sucrose, pectin and malic acid.

For more information on making jam, watch the video below:

Contraindications for taking feijoa

Including feijoa in the diet can bring both benefits and considerable harm. They are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and diabetes mellitus due to high content sucrose.

Also, the high concentration of iodine in this fruit poses a health hazard for people with hyperthyroidism. Special harm High-calorie fruits will benefit people who are overweight. In addition, an overdose of iodine is dangerous for the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Important! You cannot combine berries with milk, since the pectin substances contained in the fruits do not combine with lactose and therefore neutralize all the beneficial properties of the product. Combining any dairy products with this fruit can negatively affect the functioning of the digestive system.


The beneficial properties and contraindications of feijoa require some caution when consuming its fruits. The pulp and peel of fruits are rich in vitamins, nutrients and, undoubtedly, bring great benefits to the body, but an oversaturation with them is just as harmful as their deficiency. In addition, the place where the berries grow is of considerable importance - fruits grown in areas with iodine-poor soil, for example, are practically useless for stimulating the thyroid gland.

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