Medlar useful properties of fruits. The harm from the medlar can be caused by overeating it

Few people know about such a fruit as loquat. Although orange fruit not very popular among the common people, this fruit has a history and a lot of useful properties. You will learn about this in our article, as well as the varieties of medlar and how medlar is useful.

Background of medlar (shesec)

Mostly plants are grown closer to the east. The eastern climate is indeed the most favorable for them. Therefore, in countries such as Moldova, Romania, the center of Russia, it is very rare to find this amazing fruit. By the way, very often they ask the question, is it a berry or a fruit, and so, it is definitely a fruit.

Shesek's native country of growth is Asia and Iran. And the fruit came to Russia only closer to the 19th century. But it took root only in the south of Russia. Also, the fruit can be found on the Black Sea coast.

Although this fruit is a fairly close relative of the quince, pear and hawthorn, its taste cannot be compared with any of these fruits and berries. The fruits grow in trees with trunks of 8-9 meters (it also depends on the variety). The leaves are large and smooth, and the flowers are white, with 5-6 petals each. Flowering begins in autumn, and in early April, small fruits begin to ripen. The medlar season ends in June - July (it depends very much on the climate and variety).

In total, 30 varieties of medlar are known, but the most popular, tasty and most useful are only 3 varieties (German, Japanese and Caucasian). German, nevertheless, are more in demand, since the export of German medlar occurs immediately to 9 countries (northern Iran, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Transcaucasia, the Balkans, Asia Minor, Armenia and the Crimean Mountains).

The taste of medlar fruit or sheseka (Japanese) resemble very ripe and fleshy cherries. But the fruit itself is usually 2-3 times larger than a sweet cherry, and is also a very juicy product and quite sweet. Inside the fruit are slightly rounded almond-shaped bones, brown. Usually there are more than two in one fruit.

I would also like to note that not only people, but also bats like to eat such a product. For them, these trees are a very favorable habitat. They can sleep right on this tree, and when they wake up, they immediately start eating. That is why people do not like to plant trees close to home, as all kinds of birds and insects immediately begin to flock to the ripe fruits.

Useful and medicinal properties of shesek

medlar beneficial features :

Thanks to everyone useful properties sheseka in medicine, it was decided to use it also in cosmetology. Even in ancient times, women made various masks for the face and for the skin of the body. Also on the Internet you can find a huge number of folk recipes, and all of them really have a beneficial effect not only on women's skin, but also on men's. Later, medlar began to be added to creams and tonics.

And it was concluded that it can cleanse not only our body, but also the skin. Medlar will save you from oily and unnecessary shine on your face, prevent any teenage and hormonal changes or rashes on the face or skin. Also, the orange fruit and its properties will relieve you of blackheads and acne, add radiance, elasticity, healthy complexion and shine to your face.

For the most popular medlar recipe on the Internet, you will need:

  1. sheseka nectar
  2. Olive oil (can be bought at any cosmetic store)
  3. Cream

So, approximately 30 ml of medlar nectar should be mixed with a teaspoon of olive oil, a tablespoon of flour and the same amount of cream. Mix it all well until homogeneous mass. After that, apply to clean and damp skin with massaging movements, avoiding the skin around the eyes. Leave the mask for 20-25 minutes and cover with a paper towel, not pressing hard. Rinse lightly warm water without soap or other detergents.

Loquat tonic

You can also cook it at home yourself and at no extra cost. To do this, simply mix Fresh Juice sheseka, rich in medicinal properties, with a small amount vodka or alcohol. If you have chosen alcohol, it should be poured less than vodka. Wipe your face with this remedy every time before applying any cream or gel to your face. Use the tonic no more than 3-4 times a week. If you are the owner of sensitive skin, then use the tonic less often due to the alcohol content.

Does medlar fruit harm?

Doctors unanimously claim that the medlar does not carry any significant consequences. It is unlikely that a fruit with such a content of useful substances and properties can bring any harm to our body. But there are some contraindications:

  1. Gastritis
  2. Ulcer in the stomach or intestines
  3. Any form of cholecystitis
  4. Diseases of the pancreas

All these contraindications refer only to the unripe fruits of the loquat fruit. Since, it contains quite a lot of acid in itself. And, nevertheless, compotes, jams or medlar jams can be eaten and will even be very useful. So if you go to the east, be sure to eat plenty of medlar, but only mature. After all, you should not miss such a chance to saturate the body with a mountain of useful substances.

What can be made delicious from medlar?

When it became clear that such a fruit as medlar brings such an amount of benefits, and it just became boring to eat it, the most original ones began to come up with various ways cooking and adding medlar to dishes. And at the moment, medlar jam is in demand.

A simple way to make medlar jam:

For jam you need only 3 ingredients:

  • Medlar - 1 kilogram
  • Water - 250-300 ml
  • Sugar 300-500 grams

So, peel the fruit from the top peel, break them into halves, removing the seeds. Next, put sugar and water on the stove in a saucepan, over a slow fire. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Bring this syrup to a boil and continue cooking for another five minutes. Throw chopped medlar into the finished syrup. Cook on high heat for 15 minutes, then return to low heat and cook until tender, remembering to stir constantly.

While the jam is cooking, sterilize the jars. To do this, boil the kettle, and when hot steam comes out of the neck of the kettle, substitute a jar under it. Hold the jar in this position for about a minute, and proceed to the next jar. Pour jam into sterilized jars. Then close the jars well and hermetically. Your jam is ready!

Useful properties of medlar have been known since ancient times. People to this day use the fruits to get rid of ailments of various etiologies. Another name for medlar is Japanese plum, loquat. In order to have a more accurate idea of ​​what benefits you will derive from the consumption of fruits, we will consider the main features in order. So, let's begin.

Composition and features of medlar

  1. Medlar is an evergreen shrub that has thorns on twigs and is strewn with large clusters. The fruits have a sour aftertaste, their pulp is tender, pleasant to eat, does not knit the tongue. By taste, medlar resembles a trio - ripe strawberries, bananas, sweet and sour apples.
  2. To date, more than 30 species of this plant are known to man. Medlar extends to the whole world and is widely cultivated in household plots. The most popular and sought-after varieties of shrubs are the Caucasian and Japanese medlar.
  3. Useful properties of fruits become possible due to the composition of the medlar. So, it includes flavonoids, protein, phenolic compounds, some fats, carbohydrates, amygdalin.
  4. The fruits are not deprived of vitamins. Among them are group B, PP, A, C. Of the mineral elements, it makes sense to single out the following: iron, potassium, iodine, magnesium, sodium, zinc, calcium, selenium.
  5. As for organic acids, medlar is rich in malic, oxalic, tartaric and citric acids. It contains a lot of natural saccharides, which are presented in an easily digestible form. The bush is not deprived of tannins, pectin, dietary fiber, phytoncides.
  6. The bark, foliage, seeds and fruits of the plant are of particular value. Some folk healers claim that the leaves of the shrub are much more valuable than the pulp and other parts of the medlar. They argue this by the fact that unique acids are concentrated in the leaves of the medlar: pomolic, ursulic, corosolic and others.
  7. Also, the foliage boasts the inclusion of plant polyphenols, glycosides, carafollin. These substances fight foreign bodies in the body. Studies have been conducted in which scientists have proven that foliage is able to overcome the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
  8. The foliage of the shrub has the ability to suppress the action of free radicals and completely remove them. The green part contains triterpene, which is responsible for the synthesis of sugar and enhances the volume of insulin.
  9. Pectin fights toxic compounds, salts of heavy metals, radionuclides. It acts as a brush, which is carefully passed through the cavity internal organs. Despite the abundance of valuable properties, medlar is not very high-calorie. In a portion weighing 100 gr. accumulates about 50 kcal. It all depends on the particular variety.

  1. The fruit is contraindicated for people who have high blood pressure. Medlar has a diuretic effect and thus fights hypertension.
  2. Similarly, the fruits affect patients with persistent migraines and headaches. The fruit reduces intracranial pressure and improves the patient's condition.
  3. Medlar is prescribed for consumption by those who are likely to develop a heart attack, stroke, coronary disease. Fruits improve the health of the heart muscle and the entire circulatory system in particular.
  4. It contains flavonoids and phenolic compounds. Together, they prevent oxidative processes, preventing diabetes, eye diseases, and oncological ailments.
  5. Medlar frees the cavity of internal organs from free radicals. The fruit is useful for elderly people who are at risk of developing senile dementia.
  6. The fruits help to cope with diarrhea and general stool disorder. They normalize digestive processes, remove stagnation, have anthelmintic properties.
  7. Loquat enhances the production of the hormone insulin, making life easier for patients with diabetes. Along with this, blood glucose levels are monitored.
  8. Organic acids remove cholesterol from the cavity of the blood channels, improve protein metabolism, transform carbohydrates into energy. On this basis, the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced and natural weight loss occurs.
  9. Medlar is used to eliminate small stones and sand in the cavity of the urinary system. The fruit is responsible for the correct functioning of the pancreas and thyroid glands.
  10. Decoctions, teas, freshly squeezed juices are prepared from the plant. The listed drinks remove phlegm from the cavity respiratory tract, relieve asthma and reduce body temperature during fever.
  11. Fruits strengthen the immune system during viral infections, and also help to recover from a protracted illness. Medlar enhances wound healing, so lotions based on it are used for skin ailments.
  12. Interestingly, unripe fruit is effective for diarrhea. Ripe specimens, on the contrary, have a laxative effect and normalize bowel function. Medlar prevents fermentation of food in the esophagus.

  1. On the basis of green foliage, various tonics, lotions and facial compresses are prepared. Such products help to eliminate dermatological problems, even out the relief and whiten the skin.
  2. The decoction is also good for diarrhea. To prepare a drink, brew a press of leaves in 300 ml. boiling water, let stand for 4 hours and strain. Drink 45-50 ml. 20 minutes before a meal.
  3. The infusion according to the above recipe also effectively cleanses the blood channels of cholesterol, cleanses the body of toxic substances, and helps to recover from stress and illness.
  4. Elderly people need to prepare decoctions and infusions to relieve pain in osteoporosis, arthrosis and other ailments of this type.
  5. The powerful effect of the foliage and inflorescences of the medlar encourages people to use these parts of the shrub to prepare cold remedies. It's all about the ability of medlar to disinfect and relieve inflammation.

Harm medlar

  1. There are a number of restrictions under which medlar is contraindicated. Its intake should be limited for pancreatitis, peptic ulcer of the duodenum and stomach, allergies to the fruit itself, gastritis.
  2. In order not to cause significant harm to health, start taking small amounts. Listen to the state of the body, at the slightest sign of an allergy, stop taking it.
  3. If there are any chronic diseases use medlar after consultation with your doctor. Do not forget that the fruit can be presented in the form of dried fruits, marmalade, jam and other forms.

Despite the variety of medlar varieties, their chemical list remains virtually unchanged. Only differs appearance And taste qualities. In order not to harm yourself and loved ones, take precautions when using medlar. Then you will definitely get all the benefits.

Video: useful properties of medlar

Question: "What is medlar?" interests many people, because not everyone knows what a similar Caucasian fruit is and “what it is eaten with”. But the medlar has a lot unique properties and virtues that make it a truly valuable find for every person. Due to the composition rich in useful vitamins and microelements, the culture is used as an excellent means of traditional medicine. In addition, it can be called a good treat that can decorate the table while receiving guests.

Let's deal with the main features of such an amazing representative of the flora, let's talk about the use of medlar for practical purposes, as well as the features of growing at home.

Medlar - what is it

The plant appeared in the countries of the Middle East, and Iran is considered to be its homeland. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the fruit appeared only in the 19th century, where a domestic variety was bred - Caucasian medlar. According to its biological characteristics, medlar is a close relative of quince, hawthorn and pear. An adult tree grows up to 7-8 meters in height, has characteristic thorns on the branches and trunk, as well as rather large leaves. Flowering begins in April, when the plant is covered with tiny white inflorescences.

The fruits of the medlar are the so-called "drupes" that appear near the leaves at the end of flowering. They have a spherical shape and grow up to two to three centimeters. Taste properties are represented by a special sourness and sweetness. Sometimes there are also tart notes, due to which the fruit is often compared with apricot, apple, strawberry and passion fruit. Asking the question: “What does a medlar look more like?” - many hear in response - to an apricot. Such fruits are not suitable for export, because. shelf life is very short.

Currently cultivated around 30 plant varieties, among which:

  • Japanese;
  • Caucasian;

Representatives of the latter variety are widely used in the southern regions of Ukraine and Russia. It is not customary to grow a crop in other regions of the country, which is explained by unfavorable climatic conditions, due to which the plant simply does not have time to fully mature, and the growing season lasts a very long time.

The bulk of cultivated plants are found on the Black Sea coast, so do not be surprised if you hear the opinion that medlar is a Crimean or Caucasian culture.

The main advantages of medlar

Loquat fruits are very popular because of the very rich composition, which concentrates:

  • phytoncides;
  • vitamins of group B, vitamin A and C;
  • tannins;
  • mineral elements, including calcium, potassium, zinc, copper and iodine;

Availability rare potassium and vitamin A improves the functioning of the nervous system, and also favorably affects muscle contraction. In addition, the abundance of vitamin A is a real find for people suffering from problems with vision or perception. Regular use medlar in food leads to stabilization of the growth and development of the body, strengthens cell membranes and gets rid of dangerous toxins.

Loquat fruit is considered dietary product which can be consumed by diabetics. There are about 47 calories per 100 grams of fruit, which is very small.

Other valuable properties of fruits

The plant is characterized by numerous useful properties and substances. Let's highlight the most famous:

Science has proven that medlar has 1500 times more valuable properties for the eyes than carrots.

In addition, the fruit has found its application in cosmetology. For example, before going to the beach, many girls eat a plate of grated fruit, after which the tan will be especially beautiful and even. Due to such a rich composition and unique properties, medlar is used for a variety of purposes and directions, considering it to be incredibly valuable gift nature for humanity.

Cosmetological purpose of the fruit

The orange product is considered excellent tool for traditional medicine and the cosmetology industry. Many creams and organic cosmetics contain some medlar substances that help improve skin condition, restore elasticity and natural color.

Also, leaf extracts are added to creams, which are excellent at fighting teenage rashes or other skin diseases. There is one highly effective folk recipe to solve acne, acne and other troubles. It is as follows:

We take 30 milliliters of nectar, mix it with a teaspoon olive oil, a tablespoon of cream and a small amount of flour. Ready mix Apply to pre-moisturized skin with light massaging movements. Then the mask is covered with a paper towel and left for a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off with slightly warm or cool water;

Cook very useful face tonic you can do it yourself. It is enough to get a glass of medlar juice and mix it with a small amount of vodka. It is enough to wipe the face with the resulting composition before applying any cosmetic product. However, such a solution may be contraindicated for people with high skin sensitivity due to the presence of alcohol. The composition must be stored in the refrigerator.

Medlar - for fitness

Yellow fruit is also used as an excellent weight loss products. Such a Caucasian plant contributes to a faster and more productive cleansing of the body from all kinds of toxins, salt and other unnecessary substances.

In addition to cleaning work, medlar will be excellent immunostimulant, which will replenish the supply of missing minerals and positively affect the functioning of the intestines or stomach. The fruit will be useful on fasting days, because. it contains fiber, and the level of calories is very small.

True, it is impossible to get involved in such a practice. Optimal interval unloading days- once a week, with a maximum allowable volume of 1 kilogram per day.

Like it or not, but even so useful fruit has its own contraindications for use as a food product. Before you start eating fruit, you need to make sure that your body responds normally to it.

Contraindications to the use of medlar.

Caucasian fruit will be contraindicated for those people who suffer from:

  • gastritis with hyperacidity;
  • ulcers of the stomach and intestines;
  • diseases of the pancreas;
  • with all kinds of forms of cholecystitis;

In most cases, such contraindications are typical only for immature fruits with high acidity. An adult, ripe fruit is unlikely to be able to harm, because. the number of useful properties is hundreds of times greater than the harmful ones. If you are fond of a sweet yellow product, but cannot eat it due to individual intolerance to any substances or contraindications, try using it as jam, compote and dried fruits.

The main thing is to be careful and observe the measure in everything. As already mentioned, there is a permissible limit for the use of medlar, which is equal to 1 kilogram of fruit per day. Do not exceed it otherwise negative consequences can't be avoided.

Application in traditional medicine

Loquat-based tinctures perfectly fight bronchial asthma and chronic forms of gastritis. There are a number of highly effective recipes that allow you to create a truly valuable medical product. For example, many people prepare the following tincture:

  • Peeled fruits are placed in a blender and crushed to a homogeneous mass. Then they are thoroughly mixed with honey and previously removed bones. Then rice vodka is added to the composition and it is again thoroughly mixed with a blender. The next step is to move the tincture to glass jar in a dark, cool place for storage for one week. It remains only to strain the resulting mixture through a fine colander.

The resulting product is excellent. fights cough and removes phlegm from the body. To taste, it resembles almonds combined with apple and apricot. It is not recommended to use the drug for children, which is explained high content alcohol.

In addition, both leaves and bones of medlar are used in folk medicine. Based on them, excellent decoctions are created, which will become an indispensable assistant in the fight against sore throats or sharp pains in the throat.

A few leaves need to pour a small amount of boiling water and let the broth cool. Gargle at the first sign of a sore throat.

Bones can only be used in revised form, because they contain slightly toxic substances. Dried product improves performance of cardio-vascular system. Alcohol tinctures fight bronchial asthma, heart disease and other pain. If you notice significant problems with the stomach or intestines, the bones should be boiled for 20 minutes, left to cool and used before meals in the amount of half a glass.

When to start picking yellow fruit and how to store it

The collection of very valuable leaves is carried out throughout the summer period. Fruit harvesting begins in late autumn, when the characteristic acidity in taste is replaced by increased sweetness and softness. If you don't pick the fruit before the start of winter, you can leave it on the tree until spring. By the way, in warm regions, they freely endure the winter and remain fresh until March.

When harvesting fruits, preference should be given to medium-sized specimens, without dark spots. The fruit is characterized by a short shelf life and rapid ripening. Storage in the refrigerator should be carried out in such a way that so that the fruits do not touch each other otherwise they will start to deteriorate. By the way, the product can also be stored in a room, however, the maximum shelf life will be no more than three days.

How to eat medlar

All nutrients and valuable microelements get into human body only when correct use medlars. For example, the fruit retains its benefits when used in fresh, after preliminary extraction of the bones. The most excellent taste properties are possessed by those fruits that have been hanging on a tree for a long time, have a bright color and a clean surface, without spots and other defects. As for small fruits, they are, in most cases, very sour and overripe.

Peeling the peel of the medlar is carried out at will. Someone likes to eat fruit in its natural form, like an apple. It all depends on personal preference. In any case, the fruit is really very useful and necessary for normal functioning organism.

Do you know what a medlar is? What is it - a musical instrument, an oriental beauty or a delicacy? Or maybe medlar fruit? Hearing this sing-song name, one immediately recalls the song “Brichmulla” by Sergei Nikitin, the oriental bazaar, chased dishes, baklava, churchkhela, mysterious unexplored medlar stand in front of your eyes. But since one cannot live in ignorance, it is worthwhile to thoroughly understand this unfamiliar concept.

What is medlar

What is a medlar? There are many names for this cute fruit: Japanese eriobotria, loqua, biwa, shesek. First of all, the medlar is a fruit tree reaching 10 meters in the wild of the Pink family, the Yablonev subfamily. Despite the fact that there are many varieties and bred varieties, there are about 1000 of them in China, and about a hundred in Algeria and the Iberian Peninsula, Japanese medlar and Caucasian (German) are distinguished. Japanese - biwa (lokva), being an evergreen tree, has also become widespread in landscape design.

Where does it grow

The climate where the Japanese loquat grows is milder and more humid than that where the Caucasian (Germanic) grows. Although the tree itself is winter-hardy and withstands short-term cold snaps. China is considered its homeland, from which it was brought to Japan, where it has been growing for more than 1000 years. The distribution area is extensive: China, Japan, Asia, warm Mediterranean countries: Spain, Israel, Algeria, and the Black Sea coast: Turkey, Abkhazia. The Caucasian variant is found in the Balkans, northern regions of Iran and Transcaucasia. This plant prefers mountainous terrain, and was originally grown in Europe for ornamental purposes.

What is this fruit

So, what is this fruit that grows from the Japanese archipelago to the Atlantic? The Japanese name for the biwa fruit is also the name of the national plucked instrument, of the lute family, resembling a round one in shape. In color and size, the fruits of the loquat resemble.


The taste of fruits is fresh, juicy, depending on the degree of ripening and variety, sweet, sweet-sour or slightly acid, reminiscent of ripe pear, meaty .

As it is

When choosing a loquat, you must definitely pay attention to the skin. It should be free of cracks, damage and stains. Because are of the greatest value fresh fruits, in the process of harvesting they are removed in clusters along with the stalk. Brushes are cut with a knife or secateurs. After the fruit is separated from the brush. The pits are removed before the fruit is eaten. When using the Caucasian medlar, which has a dense hard peel, the fruits are also cleaned of it. Peeled fruits are eaten fresh, added to fruit salads sprinkled with grated coconut. Medlar contains a significant amount of pectin, so excellent jams and curd are obtained from it, compotes are boiled, added to liqueurs and tinctures.

In Spain, this fruit is used as main ingredient for making sauces for meat Eastern countries chutney with medlar, cloves, cinnamon and is popular.

What does a medlar look like

Loquat grows on evergreen trees of medium size 4-7 meters, due to dense pubescence, the inflorescences have a reddish gray color, resembling panicles in appearance.

The leaves of the medlar are thick, hard, leathery with clear veins, rich dark green in color with a short stalk.

Flowering is slightly fragrant.

The fruits of the medlar are collected in bunches of 5-30 pieces. Most of the time it's bright. yellow fruit size 3-5 cm.

Peel - yellow, orange, rarely red. The pulp of the fruit is from white to yellow with an orange tint.

Beneficial features

Medlar (lokva) has a rich vitamin composition, thanks to which it is a very popular product in Japan. And as everyone remembers, the Japanese are famous for their longevity. In this fruit a large number of water, more than 80%, it perfectly quenches thirst, and low maintenance sugar, so it will not affect your figure in any way. The triterpent contained in the composition stimulates the production of insulin, so medlar can be eaten by people who are ill diabetes. Active substances, such as phytoncides, inhibit the growth of bacteria and microscopic fungi.

The ground medlar bones are brewed in the form of coffee, or beaten with a whisk into foam, which is added to ready meal. Lokva is the most valuable honey plant in the subtropical climate.
Medlar is useful not only in terms of nutrition. Souvenirs are made from reddish wood, kitchen utensils. The bark and leaves are used for tanning leather.


Medlar and its per 100 grams of product is: 45-48 kcal.


  • water - 87%,
  • fats - 0.1%,
  • carbohydrates - 10%,
  • proteins - 0.4%,
  • dietary fiber - 2%, ash - 0.5%


Vitamins that this fruit is full of: beta-carotene (vitamin A), B vitamins, incl. folic acid, ascorbic and malic acids.

trace elements

Also, this fruit is rich in macro and micro elements: iron and copper, potassium and calcium, iodine and selenium, phosphorus and sodium, manganese, etc.

What is useful medlar

So what is special benefit and is harm to the body possible when eating this little-known fruit? In the East, medlar has long been used in folk medicine and cosmetology. A rich set of acids gives the body energy and supports the immune system, being a natural antioxidant.

Loquat flowers have an expectorant property, so a decoction of flowers is used to treat bronchitis, coughs and asthma, rid the body of mucus.

Do not forget about a comprehensive approach to health. If you overindulge in fried, fatty, spicy, and salty foods, don't expect a high fruit intake to solve your problems. A balanced, varied diet is the key to health.

Using the medlar fruit and its beneficial properties, you can gradually and systematically improve the body step by step. Saturating the body with the fluid it needs, regularly removing toxins from the body, you cleanse the intestines. Given that it is in the intestines that up to 80% of the cells responsible for immunity are formed, by improving the absorption of nutrients, you help to better assimilate beneficial substances. healthy eating and a thoughtful attitude to your body help keep the heart and circulatory system in good condition.

In what other cases is this useful? delicious fruit? Medlar its benefits and harms.

Medlar during pregnancy

The load on the woman's body is increasing. All pre-existing diseases appear. And often, medication is not recommended. Therefore, the fruit is also useful for the expectant mother, saturating the body. essential vitamins and micro elements. Properly formulated nutrition and following the recommendations of the attending physician is the key to health future mother and baby.

Medlar for beauty

As noted earlier, all parts of this plant are used in cosmetics and home skin care products. Face masks are made from the pulp, decoctions and extracts from the leaves are used for lotions designed to combat problem skin, including during adolescence. On the Internet, there are options for masks and face lotions. But do not forget that they can only be used fresh, and in no case is it recommended to store, because. instead of benefit or burn.

Loquat to maintain a slim figure

If you are maintaining weight or want to adjust downwards, the Loquat is here to help. It nourishes the body with nutrients, saturates the cells with moisture, cleanses the intestines and removes toxins at a very low calorie content.

Treatment of diabetes and heart disease

By removing excess fluid from the body, improving kidney filtration, this outlandish fruit reduces blood pressure and vascular stress. Malic acid is involved in the breakdown of fats and leads to a decrease in bad cholesterol in the blood.

Once my sister brought me a treat from the Black Sea coast - unusual fruits. It was a medlar. I had never seen it before, never eaten it. I really liked her. I became interested in what characteristics medlar is famous for, useful properties and contraindications to the use of this fruit.

Medlar - what is it? Genus fruit trees or medlar shrubs has about 30 varieties. In our dachas, plots are successfully cultivated, two types grow:

  • medlar Caucasian (aka German),
  • Japanese medlar (loqua).

They are completely different from each other, but both have pleasant taste. The fruits of the Japanese variety outwardly resemble an apricot with a delicate, fragrant pulp inside - it is difficult to transport and store. German medlar must first be aged or slightly frozen, then it becomes soft, suitable for consumption.

Medlar tree, photo:

This plant blooms with lush white inflorescences, which have a delicate pleasant aroma, somewhat reminiscent of tuberose. Japanese loquat blooms by November, and already in May pleases with a harvest.

The German medlar can be found traveling through the Crimean mountains, and outside our country - in the Balkans, Asia Minor, Iran (northern regions), Transcaucasia. Due to the wide distribution in the Crimean regions, you can often find another name for the German variety - Crimean medlar.

Flowering medlar, photo:

Differences between Japanese and German loquat:

  1. The Japanese has one bone, the German has five small seeds.
  2. The fruits of the first have a soft peel, bright saturated yellow color, the other variety has a dense skin of a dark brown hue.
  3. In the Japanese variety, the color is tied on the shoots of the current year, in the German variety - on last year's.
  4. The foliage of the Japanese medlar has a fluffy coating, another variety boasts waxy leaves.
  5. Fruits of the Japanese medlar ripen in spring, have a sweet taste, friable pulp. In the German variety, the fruits ripen in autumn, they taste sour, dense.
  6. The Japanese variety does not tolerate frost well, the German one is quite frost-resistant.
  7. The Japanese variety is characterized by evergreen foliage, the Germanic leaves fall off.

Japanese medlar, photo:

German medlar, photo:

Medlar - useful properties

It is noteworthy that this plant does not have a single part that would not be used with benefit. The fruits are used fresh, they are used to make jam, make homemade alcoholic drinks, compotes. The bones (seeds) of medlar are dried and then ground to a powder, after which they are brewed like coffee. Even the bark and foliage are used with skill - they are used to process leather (tanning). Wood is used for the manufacture of various crafts, kitchen accessories.

For treatment, prevention various diseases Japanese loquat is more commonly used. Useful elements contained in its fruits, have positive influence on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, restore healthy intestinal microflora. The best homemade "medicine" is the pulp of the fruit with the addition of honey. This healthy treat helps with inflammation of the respiratory tract, helps cleanse the lungs, relieves coughing, makes breathing easier. Also useful are decoctions from the leaves of the plant, which have phytoncides and are therefore successfully used to treat bronchitis.

The use of medlar fruits helps to eliminate toxins, radionuclides, heavy metal salts from the body, and helps with various kidney ailments.

If you use this fruit for a long time, then the liver and pancreas will normalize their work. Loquat fruits are the strongest natural antioxidants, stimulants immune system, their use reduces the risk of oncological diseases.

Medlar, photo:

Also, medlar contains many vitamins - this factor favorably affects the functions of the cardiovascular system. The presence of an almost complete list of B vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine contributes to the normalization blood pressure, acceleration of regeneration processes.

Loquat fruits are so useful that their value can be compared with effective medicines, but at the same time they are a product of natural origin. Remarkably, even after heat treatment medlar does not lose its useful qualities.

For medicinal purposes, medlar leaves should be harvested in August, and fruits - with the onset of autumn. In addition to the aforementioned jams, juices, fruits are made alcohol tinctures, which can later be used as a medicine. To do this, the bones are removed from the fruits, and the pulp is kneaded, poured with vodka (100 g is enough for 4 fruits). For the best effect, the seeds can also be crushed, chopped, added to fruit pulp. After 5 days, the tincture should be filtered, and then consumed one tablespoon before meals.

A decoction of the leaves is prepared in this way: one tablespoon is poured into 200 g of boiling water, insisted for 1 hour. This decoction can be taken 50 grams after each meal (for general strengthening of the body). For the treatment of peptic ulcer, on the contrary, 3 tablespoons of decoction should be taken orally half an hour before meals. The same infusion helps with bleeding gums. The leaves can also be used as a hemostatic agent: just apply a couple of times fresh leaf to a wound or cut so that the blood stops flowing.

Loquat fruit has some contraindications - it is not recommended to use it for people suffering from high acidity (the fruits are sour in themselves).

It should be given little by little to small children, making sure that the child does not have an allergic reaction. Breastfeeding mothers should also be careful about this fruit for a similar reason.

In acute forms of peptic ulcer, gastritis, serious diseases of the duodenum, it is better not to eat medlar. It is undesirable to consume too much fruit, as this increases the risk of an allergic reaction. Children can eat two fruits daily without a threat to health, adults - 4-5 pieces.

Medlar - growing at home

Medlar - how to grow this beautiful, useful tree at home?

There are two ways to achieve this goal: seeds (stones) or cuttings. Propagation from seeds gives the most effective result, since the plant retains all the qualities of the mother tree. Thus, the fruit is cut, the bones are removed, after which they are immersed for a couple of hours in a solution to stimulate plant growth ("Zircon", "Epin"). To remove the overgrown pulp, as well as for speedy ripening, you can process the medlar bones with sandpaper.

A container is prepared in advance, an earthen mixture is poured, which is designed for indoor flowers. The bones should be buried in the soil by about 3 cm, 5 pieces are enough for one pot (one and a half or two liters). After that, you need to water the ground a little, cover the pot with plastic wrap or glass, and install it in a warm room. The soil should be watered as it dries, but airing should be done daily - remove the cover from the pot for a couple of hours. In this case, the air temperature should not be lower than +18°C.

The first sprouts appear after about 40-50 days, after the appearance of three leaves, young plants, together with a clod of earth, are transplanted separately. This process should be done carefully, as the root system of the medlar is fragile. Pin the top should then, if you are interested in getting a bush. If you need a tree, then let the development process go by itself, it is better not to interfere. The top is also pinned down so that the medlar does not stretch upwards, with this approach, flowering can be expected in 4-5 years.

German medlar does not need special care, as it does not bloom in winter. She will be comfortable on the glazed loggia on the north side.

As for the Japanese variety, the first few years will be troublesome - it must be replanted every year, completely replacing the soil. This process is stressful for the plant, so it is best to do it in the summer after fruiting is complete. Japanese loquat begins to bloom in autumn, so fertilizing should be continued throughout the winter.

Since the natural habitat of the medlar is the tropics, it loves a humid climate. That is, she needs daily irrigation from a spray bottle. Watering should be done 3 or 4 times a week, but you should not oversaturate the plant with moisture.

You can also grow medlar by cuttings, the process steps are as follows:

  1. This plant takes root in the dark, so the jar for cuttings should be wrapped in dark paper in advance.
  2. We fill a jar or other container with water, you can also use a sandy-peat substrate.
  3. We cut the lower part of the branch so that the cut angle forms 45 degrees.
  4. We remove all the leaves from the handle, leaving only a couple.
  5. We put the cutting in water or a substrate, deepening it by 5 cm, water it well.
  6. We cover the circumcised plastic bottle, put in a warm place, you can near the radiator.

After 50-60 days, the cuttings will have roots. It can be transplanted to a permanent place of residence. Provide the tree with high-quality watering, lighting, you may first have to use a special botanical lamp. A tree grown from a cutting begins to bear fruit in 4-5 years.

As for care, the medlar prefers at least ten hours of light, warm water for watering, weekly spray irrigation. In the summer, she will not be hindered by a plentiful tropical downpour, which can be arranged at home, under the shower.

No matter which growing method you choose, this plant is worth the effort and care invested in it. Medlar, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which we described above, will become for you a real home healer, decoration of your home. At home, the height of the tree will not exceed one and a half meters, so you can not be afraid that the plant will take up a lot of space.

If you live in the south, a seedling grown from a seed or a cutting can be planted in open ground.

Here is such a medlar growing in my country house. True, it did not grow from a seed - a seedling was bought in the fall of 2015. The seller of seedlings found it difficult to answer what kind of medlar, Japanese or German. Well, let's wait and see...

The top of the winter froze, dried up. But leaves sprouted from the lower buds. The photo was taken in the summer of 2016.

And this is the same seedling a year later (spring 2017). Even the first flower bloomed!

I hope that the tree will survive the next winters ... And it will bring me a good harvest!

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