Useful properties of Japanese medlar (lokva) and contraindications. Loquat fruit - useful properties and contraindications for use

Medlar is an evergreen subtropical plant native to the Caucasus and Central Asia. The fruits are round in shape with juicy sweet and sour tender pulp and thin skin. In Arabic, they are called "askadinya", which means "the most delicious in the world" and this seems to be true.

Medlar has been cultivated for over three millennia and was popular with the Greek and Roman nobility as a delicacy. Today, the plant can be found in many botanical gardens around the world or in the gardens of exotic plant lovers.

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What is useful medlar?

Except palatability medlar is also useful for various diseases:

  • fruits are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decoctions, infusions of leaves and bark are used to treat wounds as an antiseptic or to stop bleeding;
  • decoctions at;
  • infusions of leaves at;
  • infusions of leaves at;
  • unripe fruits and seeds are taken with urolithiasis;
  • decoctions from seeds to improve digestion and strengthen the intestines.

Nutritional value and calories

The composition of the medlar fruit is very colorful and rich. It includes:

  • glucose and fructose;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • Apple acid;
  • phytoncides;
  • pectins;
  • tannins.

In addition, the medlar contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals so necessary for human health.

Composition of medlar in 100 g(according to USDA Nutrient Database):

  • water - 87 g;
  • proteins - 0.45 g;
  • fats - 0.22 g;
  • carbohydrates - 12 g;
  • fiber - 1.7 g.



  • potassium - 265 mg;
  • phosphorus - 25 mg;
  • calcium - 15 mg;
  • sodium - 1 mg;
  • magnesium - 12 mg.

Trace elements:

  • manganese - 150 mcg;
  • iron - 0.3 mg;
  • copper - 41 mcg;
  • selenium - 0.5 mcg;
  • zinc - 51 mcg.

The calorie content of medlar is about 50-60 kcal, which makes it low-calorie product great for those who have problems with overweight or trying to get rid of it.

Healing properties of lungwort and methods of application in traditional medicine -


Behind long time there are no specific contraindications for the use of medlar. However, a large amount of acids contained can harm people suffering from hyperacidity stomach, gastritis or ulcer. In such cases, it is recommended to use jam or preserves from fruits, which, on the contrary, have a beneficial effect in these diseases.

Medlar quickly deteriorates and you need to eat it only fresh, otherwise poisoning is possible. Also, do not use alcoholic drinks prepared on the basis of the fruits of this plant or stale juices.

Methods of application in traditional medicine

Since ancient times, healers have noticed and began to use the numerous beneficial properties of medlar, and in absolutely different areas.


The fruits have a tonic property and perfectly strengthen the skin, nails and hair. As an example, you can use japanese recipe cosmetic mask and face lotion from the fruits of this wonderful plant:

  • To prepare, you will need 100 ml of sake (vodka is suitable) and 250 ml fresh juice with pulp. Shake thoroughly and wipe the face with the resulting drug twice a day. Some time the product can be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Mix a teaspoon of camellia with cream, 3 tablespoons of juice with fruit pulp and one tablespoon of soy flour, mix thoroughly and apply the resulting mass on gauze and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Wash after the procedure. The effect will be achieved quickly. The skin will get stronger and will look healthy and elastic. Repeat regularly.

Dietetics and weight loss

Medlar is excellent as a "unloading" product for removing toxins and feces from the body with a complex diet. To do this, one day a week (no more) you need to eat only the fruits of the medlar.

Lots of fruit useful substances and the body will easily tolerate such a diet, while cleansing and burning fat will occur. It is recommended to eat no more than a kilogram per day, and if you have stomach pains, reduce the amount or consult a nutritionist.


Preparing a decoction of the leaves 1 tablespoon per 250 ml of water. Bleeding areas are treated with a cooled broth.

For diarrhea

A decoction is prepared from seeds or unripe fruits and leaves. The amount is selected depending on the severity (the more severe the diarrhea, the more saturated the broth). Take until recovery.

Asthma and bronchitis

Necessary: 5 fruits mashed together with seeds, 2-3 tablespoons of honey and about 100 g of vodka. Stir and infuse for several days in a dark place. Consume before meals at least three times a day for asthma or bronchitis, which will make breathing easier. The same tincture in a warmed form can be consumed slowly while drinking when coughing, as well as for pain in the heart.

Medlar is an exotic product and it is difficult to get it. However, if you plant it in a garden or summer cottage, you can grow it yourself.

The plant, although southern, is very resistant to slight frosts and proper care will bear fruit.

The medlar has many useful properties and the efforts spent on cultivation will justify themselves.

Do you know what a medlar is? What is it - a musical instrument, an oriental beauty or a delicacy? Or maybe medlar fruit? Hearing this sing-song name, one immediately recalls the song “Brichmulla” by Sergei Nikitin, the oriental bazaar, chased dishes, baklava, churchkhela, mysterious unexplored medlar stand in front of your eyes. But since one cannot live in ignorance, it is worthwhile to thoroughly understand this unfamiliar concept.

What is medlar

What is a medlar? There are many names for this cute fruit: Japanese eriobotria, loqua, biwa, shesek. First of all, medlar is fruit tree reaching in the wild 10 meters of the Pink family, the Yablonev subfamily. Despite the fact that there are many varieties and bred varieties, there are about 1000 of them in China, and about a hundred in Algeria and the Iberian Peninsula, Japanese medlar and Caucasian (German) are distinguished. Japanese - biwa (lokva), being an evergreen tree, has also become widespread in landscape design.

Where does it grow

The climate where the Japanese loquat grows is milder and more humid than that where the Caucasian (Germanic) grows. Although the tree itself is winter-hardy and withstands short-term cold snaps. China is considered its homeland, from which it was brought to Japan, where it has been growing for more than 1000 years. The distribution area is extensive: China, Japan, Asia, warm Mediterranean countries: Spain, Israel, Algeria, and the Black Sea coast: Turkey, Abkhazia. The Caucasian variant is found in the Balkans, northern regions of Iran and Transcaucasia. This plant prefers mountainous terrain, and was originally grown in Europe for ornamental purposes.

What is this fruit

So, what is this fruit that grows from the Japanese archipelago to the Atlantic? The Japanese name for the biwa fruit is also the name of the national plucked instrument, of the lute family, resembling a round one in shape. In color and size, the fruits of the loquat resemble.


The taste of fruits is fresh, juicy, depending on the degree of ripening and variety, sweet, sweet-sour or slightly acid, reminiscent of ripe pear, meaty .

As it is

When choosing a loquat, you must definitely pay attention to the skin. It should be free of cracks, damage and stains. Because are of the greatest value fresh fruits, in the process of harvesting they are removed in clusters along with the stalk. Brushes are cut with a knife or secateurs. After the fruit is separated from the brush. The pits are removed before the fruit is eaten. When using the Caucasian medlar, which has a dense hard peel, the fruits are also cleaned of it. Peeled fruits are eaten fresh, added to fruit salads sprinkled with grated coconut. Medlar contains a significant amount of pectin, so excellent jams and curd are obtained from it, compotes are boiled, added to liqueurs and tinctures.

In Spain, this fruit is used as main ingredient for making sauces for meat Eastern countries chutney with medlar, cloves, cinnamon and is popular.

What does a medlar look like

Loquat grows on evergreen trees of medium size 4-7 meters, due to dense pubescence, the inflorescences are reddish grey colour, in appearance resembling panicles.

The leaves of the medlar are thick, hard, leathery with clear veins, rich dark green in color with a short stalk.

Flowering is slightly fragrant.

The fruits of the medlar are collected in bunches of 5-30 pieces. Most of the time it's bright. yellow fruit size 3-5 cm.

Peel - yellow, orange, rarely red. The pulp of the fruit is from white to yellow with an orange tint.

Beneficial features

Medlar (lokva) has a rich vitamin composition, thanks to which it is a very popular product in Japan. And as everyone remembers, the Japanese are famous for their longevity. This fruit has a large amount of water, more than 80%, it perfectly quenches thirst, and low content sugar, so it will not affect your figure in any way. The triterpent contained in the composition stimulates the production of insulin, so medlar can be eaten by people who are ill diabetes. Active substances, such as phytoncides, inhibit the growth of bacteria and microscopic fungi.

The ground medlar bones are brewed in the form of coffee, or beaten with a whisk into foam, which is added to ready meal. Lokva is the most valuable honey plant in the subtropical climate.
Medlar is useful not only in terms of nutrition. Souvenirs are made from reddish wood, kitchen utensils. The bark and leaves are used for tanning leather.

Many fruits of trees and shrubs have a huge healing power. Medlar refers to the fruits, the benefits of which were known in the East as early as 1000 BC. Medlar is also called loquat or Japanese plum.

Not a single Georgian courtyard is complete without this most interesting plant. Oriental medicine uses the fruits of medlar for diseases of the respiratory system and digestive organs, for the prevention of cancer, for urolithiasis and heart problems. Read more about what is the use of medlar, as well as about its harmful properties you will learn from this article.


Medlar is an evergreen shrub or tree with thorny branches, hung with clusters of fruits. Loquat fruits contain the most delicate pulp and have a pleasant sour taste, reminiscent of an apple, strawberry and banana at the same time.

There are about thirty varieties of medlar growing all over the world. The most famous are such types of plants as Japanese medlar (lokva) or German (Caucasian).

No matter what the shape of the fruit different types loquat is very different, their composition and useful properties are the same.

The gigantic benefits of medlar fruits are explained by their most valuable composition.

The fruits of this plant contain some fats and proteins, flavonoids, phenols, amygdalin, many vitamins (all representatives of group B, vitamins PP, C and A), minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, selenium, iron, iodine, zinc, sodium etc.), organic acids (malic, tartaric, citric), pectins, phytoncides, tannins, aromatics and sugars (sucrose, fructose).

Leaves, bark, fruit pits and seeds of this plant also have useful properties. Loquat leaves are considered by many herbalists to be more useful than its fruits. The plant is distinguished by the content in its foliage of rare acids (ursolic, corosolic, pomolic), carafollin, plant polyphenols and glycosides, which are the most powerful means of destroying foreign cells and suppressing even HIV.

Loquat leaves bind and remove free radicals, expel unnecessary mucus from the body. The substance triterpene allows you to synthesize polysaccharides that increase the amount of insulin.


One hundred grams of medlar fruit contains on average about 45-56 kcal.

Useful properties of mishmula

Loquat fruits are used as follows for such ailments:

  • Raw fruits are curative for patients with hypertension and heart disorders, as it helps to strengthen the heart muscle and improve its conductivity, preventing the occurrence of heart attacks.
  • Phenols and flavonoids relieve the body of acidification and related diseases (cataracts, cancer, diabetes).
  • They remove free radical compounds, prevent stroke, cataracts, maintain a bright mind and excellent memory in old age.
  • They have antidiarrheal and antidysenteric properties.
  • They contribute to the production of insulin, which is important for people with "hidden" or overt diabetes.
  • Acids provide the dissolution and removal of cholesterol plaques, improve protein metabolism, help with pressure, and contribute to the complete breakdown of fats.
  • They boost the work of the immune system, delay aging and decrepitude of the body, improve blood clotting and tissue repair.
  • Amygdalin is an adsorbent, restores the functioning of the pancreas and liver.
  • Used in the formation of stones in the body and colic (renal, bile).
  • Juice and tea from the Japanese plum is used for coughing with sore throat, asthma, and colds.
  • Unripe fruits are used for diarrhea, and ripe fruits have mild cleansing and laxative properties for intestinal diseases for digestion.
  • They prolong youth by restoring skin turgor, improving complexion, and eliminating rashes. Masks, lotions or extracts of their plant tone the skin, relieve peeling, inflammation, rash.
  • For bronchitis, tracheitis, viral infections and bronchial asthma, alcohol tincture of medlar fruits is used. To do this, you need to knead several ripe fruits (5-7 pieces), and crush their bones. The whole mass is poured with 90 grams of vodka and left in a dark, cool place for 72 hours. Then the tincture is filtered and stored in a glass container. Drink the drug in a tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals. For the same purpose, you can use the fruits of medlar, grated with honey 1: 1.

Leaves, flowers and seeds of loquat have a balanced combination of rare components, which allows them to be used medicinal properties with such health problems.

  • Their decoction is indispensable for diarrhea. To do this, a tablespoon of leaves is poured with a glass of boiling water in a thermos. After three hours, the infusion is filtered and applied 50 ml a quarter of an hour before meals. The same infusion is used as a cleanser (with high level cholesterol, after intoxication, after past illnesses and long-term use of drugs).
  • They have decongestant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, help with colds, sore throats, have a powerful antiviral effect, and are useful for candidiasis.
  • Stabilize the electrolyte composition of the blood, regulate blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Relieve joint pain in arthrosis, osteoporosis.
  • A decoction of the leaves is indispensable for various internal bleeding (a tablespoon of raw materials in a glass of boiling water is boiled for 5 minutes, infused and filtered). It is drunk 50 ml after each meal. With an ulcer, the decoction is drunk in 3 tablespoons of the decoction half an hour before breakfast.
  • Fresh leaves applied to wounds quickly stop bleeding.
  • Recipe for a cold with an expectorant effect. To do this, pour boiling water over a composition of medlar leaves, licorice root, ginger, basil herb and honey. When stored in the cold, the drug all winter helps with colds for adults and kids.
  • Corosolic acid inhibits the reproduction of cancer cells and serves as a prevention of recurrence in tumors of the intestines, lungs, oral cavity, and leukemia.
  • A decoction of the seeds is used for catarrh of the stomach and intestines. 2 tablespoons of seeds are poured into 2 cups of boiling water and boiled for 20 minutes. Apply half a glass of decoction half an hour before meals.
  • Leaf decoction and loquat seed extract are used to remove salts from gout, uric acid diathesis, and arthritis.
  • Leaf tea helps with skin problems (psoriasis, allergic dermatitis, skin rashes).
  • Loquat flowers are used for depression and alcohol intoxication.
  • Loquat seed extract is used for liver fibrosis, and leaf tea is drunk to detoxify this organ.

The benefits of mishmula for men

Medlar should be of interest to men who want to be healthy and active. The ability of this plant to regulate cardiac activity and protect against strokes and heart attacks makes it overvalued.

An important property of the medlar is to alleviate the “breaking” when giving up nicotine for those who dream of quitting smoking.

Scientific hypotheses about the benefits of medlar in cancer should force men to include loquat in their daily menu.

The body of a modern woman needs natural substances that can deal with everyday stress, protect her from various serious ailments, and maintain immunity at a combat level. With all these tasks, the medlar elegantly copes.

By including fruits in their menu, women not only enjoy the taste of fruits, but also fight the accumulation of toxins in the body that contribute to the development of diabetes, obesity, and gout.

In cosmetology

Medlar has the ability to rejuvenate and restore skin cells. It fights dry skin and serves as an anti-aging face and neck lift. The fruits of the medlar are added to masks, and from its seeds they are made gentle scrubs for facial skin.

Mask for dry skin. To prepare the mask, the loquat is washed, scalded, and freed from seeds. A puree is made from it, to which olive oil, lemon juice and 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. The mass is applied to the face and neck for 20 minutes.

Rejuvenating mask for the face is made from grated medlar, a tablespoon oatmeal and kefir. The mask is kept for 15 minutes and washed off.

In medlar tonic includes its juice (250 ml) and vodka (100 ml). It is used before applying any cream to the skin of the face.

Contraindications for using medlar for skin care are:

  • eczema;
  • rosacea;
  • open wounds;
  • inflammatory skin diseases.

Going out into the cold immediately after applying face masks is not recommended.

The benefits of medlar for weight loss

Medlar is perfect for those who want to lose extra pounds and improve the body. In addition to the fat-burning effect, medlar is able to suppress appetite. Eating several fruits containing dietary fiber and drinking one or two cups of a decoction of medlar leaves, a losing weight person gets a feeling of satiety and gets rid of the desire to eat something sweet and high-calorie, destroying the effect of the diet.

The benefits and harms of medlar during pregnancy

Medlar has a beneficial effect on the body of pregnant women due to the content of folic acid, which contributes to the normal bearing of pregnancy.

The use of medlar fruits should be careful for pregnant women. Do not eat more than 1-2 pieces of fruit per day. Especially carefully, one should start eating the fruits of the medlar for women who were previously unfamiliar with this plant.

Preparations based on leaves, bark or seeds for pregnant women are not indicated, since their effect on the body of pregnant women has been little studied.

At breastfeeding the use of medlar is considered conditionally limited. For all its usefulness, the Japanese plum can lead to skin rashes due to its high allergic activity for children. Therefore, with HS, the fruits of the plant can be tried to be administered in tiny doses, observing the reaction of the baby.

The use of medlar fruits and leaves is used by folk healers in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Due to the content of triterpenes, there is a stimulation of insulin production in the body of patients.

The antioxidant properties of the plant make it possible to remove decay products from the body, which is especially important in the fight against diabetes and its complications. The property of medlar to cleanse the skin and fight pustular rashes is overvalued for diabetics.

With pancreatitis

With pancreatitis of any course (acute or chronic), medlar fruits are not recommended. Availability large quantities and acids can provoke an exacerbation of this disease. Boiled fruits in the form of puree can be used for pancreatitis in remission.

Harm and contraindication of medlar for humans

This most interesting and valuable plant has its contraindications.

Medlar is contraindicated in:

  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • stomach or duodenal ulcer;
  • pancreatitis;
  • allergic manifestations.

Doctors advise to start eating this fruit with a small amount, gradually increasing the dose and listening to your well-being. This is especially important for children, as this fruit is a strong allergen.

People with chronic ailments should use medlar in moderation so as not to provoke an exacerbation of chronic ailments. Often medlar can be consumed in the form of jams, preserves, marmalade or dried fruits.

Loquat seeds contain cyanide, therefore, it is not recommended to eat them.

Excessive abuse of this fruit can cause stomach upset, abdominal pain, and an allergic reaction.

It is most useful to eat medlar raw. That is how it has the most healing effect. Also, juices, compotes, syrups are prepared from fruits, from which it turns out delicious jam, sherbet and jam. Even after cooking, a lot of healing properties although most vitamins are destroyed.

The use of medlar seeds is also beneficial. When ground and dried, they are used as coffee.

Loquat jam

For jam, medlar fruits are taken in a ratio of 3: 1 with sugar. The fruits are boiled and ground to a puree state, sugar, cinnamon and cloves are added to it.

The jam is cooked in 4-6 stages, after boiling the mass should cool completely. The cooking process continues until the jam thickens, then it is rolled into sterile jars. Such exotic jam more than once will please the hostess and her loved ones in the harsh winter.

Stuffing for pies

The fruits of the medlar are boiled, rubbed through a sieve and boiled to the state of the required density. Your guests will wonder for a long time what kind of filling is in your unsurpassed pies.

In Asia, medlar wine and sauce (chutney) are popular, and in Japan, tea from the leaves of this plant is served to distinguished guests.

Medlar chutney sauce

For the sauce, cut apricot, lokva, spices (cumin, ginger, garlic) are added there. The sauce is salted, it is added lemon juice and sugar. This dish has spicy taste and served with meat or fish dishes.

Norms for the use of medlar in food

Barring an individual intolerance, 3-4 raw loquat or in meals will go a long way in maintaining the health of most people. in the east daily use the fruit of this plant is considered the norm. We should start eating this fruit carefully so as not to cause severe allergies, and gradually increase the dose.

Some use medlars for holding unloading days. At the same time, you should not eat more than 1 kilogram of fruit more often than once a week.

Based on the foregoing, this amazing plant should not be ingloriously forgotten. In a world where serious, incurable diseases are raising their heads more and more every day, healing properties medlars should be of interest to many. After all, it is this plant that restores the immune system so well, removes cholesterol, preserves memory, pushes back old age and decrepitude of the body. And the peculiarity of medlar to suppress the growth of cancer cells should make it an indispensable product for our daily use.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones, health and longevity to you!

News that helps!

For a long time, fruit trees and shrubs have been famous for their beneficial properties. Medlar, which grows on a tree from the Rosaceae family, is no exception. These fruits are rightly considered a natural pantry of vitamins and minerals. Moreover, the beneficial properties of medlar make it possible to provide the body with the necessary substances, which are quite rare in nature.

What does medlar contain

In my own way chemical composition medlar is very similar to an apple. Energy value the fetus is relatively small, only forty-seven kcal per hundred grams. These properties make it one of the most popular dietary products. Particularly well in this regard has proven itself Beneficial features the fruit is directly related to its chemical composition, which will include the following elements:

  • sugars and fruit acids;
  • vitamins P and C;
  • provitamin A;
  • phytoncides and pectins;

How is medlar used

IN medical purposes most often used. The beneficial properties of its fruits help to normalize the digestion process and have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. In addition, the presence of phytoncides helps to eliminate inflammatory processes in respiratory tract. To achieve the maximum effect, it is necessary to knead the pulp of the fruit and add honey to it. The resulting mixture helps with phlegm, and also relieves cough and shortness of breath. In addition, after its use, breathing is greatly facilitated.

Useful properties of medlar make it possible to use it as a fixing agent. But for this purpose, you need to take unripe fruits. At the same time, fruits that are fully ripe are good for toxins. They are also successfully used to get rid of kidney pain and during urolithiasis.

In addition, due to the presence of pectins, medlar has the ability to remove from the body a number of salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, toxins, etc. If you eat this fruit for a long time, it normalizes the activity of the liver and pancreas. That is, medlar is among the products that have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. The beneficial properties and contraindications of this fruit make it possible to put it on a par with the most effective medicines. And the vitamins contained in medlar have a beneficial effect on the health of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

loquat leaves

Useful substances are found not only in the fruits, but also in the leaves of the medlar. As a rule, decoctions and infusions are prepared from them, which are then used to get rid of numerous diseases. So, they are indispensable in the treatment of bronchitis, asthma, as well as various kinds of inflammation of the respiratory tract.

Loquat bone

The medlar bone is also famous for its unique characteristics. The beneficial properties of seeds are quite unusual. So, if they are pre-dried and then ground, the result will be a drink that tastes very much like coffee. Moreover, it will also have tonic properties due to the presence of a large number of useful substances in it.

How medlar affects the body

The unique combination of large amounts of vitamin C and provitamin A in medlar provides it beneficial effect on human body in general and for individual systems in particular. So, after taking this fruit, people normalize arterial pressure, work improves of cardio-vascular system, and also accelerates the process of tissue regeneration.

Due to its chemical composition, medlar is considered one of the strongest natural antioxidants - a fruit whose beneficial properties provide a stimulating effect on immune system, prevent the development of cancer, and also significantly reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Medlar in folk medicine

Over a considerable period of time ethnoscience actively uses such a product as medlar. The beneficial properties and contraindications of this fruit, with which some people are familiar, make it possible to cook folk remedies, which are not inferior in their effectiveness to expensive medical preparations.

So, from the leaves of the medlar, you can prepare a decoction that perfectly cleanses the body of toxins. To do this, take a large spoonful of dry leaves, place them in a thermos and pour half a liter of boiling water. After three hours, the liquid should be filtered, and the resulting broth should be consumed fifty grams twenty minutes before meals. Such a cleansing course is recommended to be carried out once every three to four months for two weeks.

In addition, the beneficial properties of medlar are indispensable during diarrhea. In this case, you need to prepare a decoction using the above scheme. But this time it should be much more concentrated - a large spoonful of leaves must be poured with two hundred grams of boiling water. Two large spoons of the resulting product should be consumed twenty minutes before meals. In most cases, even severe diarrhea stops after two doses.

Also medlar is known for its ability to stop internal bleeding. To do this, you need to consume fifty grams of a decoction of the leaves after each meal. For ulcer diseases, the dosage regimen is slightly different: the patient needs to drink three large spoons of decoction on an empty stomach in the morning no later than thirty minutes before breakfast. Besides, fresh leaves medlars serve as an excellent remedy for stopping even very heavy bleeding. To do this, they must be applied to a cut or wound for several minutes.

For colds, traditional medicine actively uses such a time-tested remedy as medlar - a fruit whose beneficial properties make it possible to overcome chronic bronchitis, and in some cases even asthma. To prepare medicine, you need to take four ripe fruits, remove the bones from them, and turn the pulp into gruel. The bones should be crushed, then add the resulting powder to the pulp and mix everything well. One hundred grams of vodka must be added to the resulting mixture, and then poured into glass jar with a lid and put for three days in a dark place. After the specified time, the infusion is filtered and consumed one large spoonful before each meal.

Dosage forms of medlar

There are not many fruits that can be fully used in medicine. However, medlar undoubtedly belongs to their number. Useful properties of fruits make it possible to prepare from them a variety of tinctures for alcohol and decoctions. In addition, this product is widely used in cooking for making jam, jelly, compote, etc.

As for the seeds, a medicinal powder can be obtained from them, which is also used with great success to treat a wide range of diseases. Loquat leaves are used to prepare medicinal decoctions and infusions. They must be harvested in August, while autumn is considered the best period for harvesting fruits.

Medlar is undesirable for people suffering from peptic ulcer. This is especially true of its unripe fruits. In addition, it is contraindicated in diseases of the pancreas. People who suffer from gastritis are also not recommended to include it in their diet.

Some caution should be exercised when introducing medlar into children's menu. In principle, it can be given to babies from one year old. But at the same time, one must strictly adhere to the following rule: at first, do not give the child more than one fruit a day, since the use of the fruit in large quantities may cause allergies. In any case, children should limit its use to a maximum of two fruits per day. Whereas an adult can eat four fruits.

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An aesthetic container made of matte plastic, a very convenient silicone brush with elongated bristles, thanks to which you can perfectly separate and evenly paint over the cilia, it does not crumble during the day, it is removed well at the end of the day with cosmetic oil applied to a cotton pad, it is easily washed off with cleansers (no streaks). Ridiculous price, good product - minus not very little mascara itself in the tube.

Crystal deodorant body spray with lavender and white tea (118 ml)
The crystal in solid form has been living in our house for a long time and is used with success by all family members - everyone has their own, this time we decided to take it for testing in the form of a spray. The result is wonderful, for the summer we will certainly get different flavors. The composition is natural, the smell is unobtrusive, pleasant, leaves no marks on clothes or on the body, does not irritate the surface of the skin, does not cause allergies, works effectively as a deodorant - does not disturb perspiration, but stops the growth of bacteria that cause the smell of sweat - a wonderful product. The volume is small, but the spray dispenser is quite economical.

EcoTools, Best Air Drying Comb
The comb is unusual and cool! Thanks to its bagel shape (a hole inside), it dries and styles hair very quickly and efficiently. Lightweight, fits comfortably in the hand - performs its functions for five - dries and styles the hair with high quality, wonderfully massages the scalp.