Coffee scrub at home. Gentle scrub with aloe vera and spirulina

Coffee is one of the most popular remedies for cellulite. Scrubs based on it remove dead skin cells and cleanse pores, activate blood circulation, increase metabolism, allowing you to successfully deal with " orange peel". Coffee is often included in industrial anti-cellulite cosmetics, but you can make an effective scrub based on it yourself.

Anti-cellulite properties of coffee

Coffee is a two-in-one cellulite treatment. Small particles of coffee beans provide an "abrasive" scrubbing effect, clean and massage the skin, increase blood flow to problem areas. And the caffeine contained in them acts as an active active ingredient. He:

  • dilates blood vessels, activating blood circulation and preventing varicose veins;
  • accelerates metabolic processes in the subcutaneous fat layer, helping to "burn" deposits;
  • removes excess fluid, reducing swelling and reducing the volume of problem areas;
  • improves the functioning of the lymphatic system, helps to get rid of the slagging of the body;
  • activates the production of collagen and improves skin tone, making it smooth and elastic.

The choice of coffee to prepare a coffee scrub for cellulite

The effectiveness of the finished cellulite coffee scrub will largely depend on the quality of the coffee chosen for the preparation of this product and the concentration of caffeine in it. That is why for the preparation of anti-cellulite products only natural coffe, granules of soluble will not work. There will be no effect from decaffeinated coffee or coffee drinks for " healthy eating" containing chicory or cereals.

The best base for a coffee scrub is freshly ground green coffee. In unroasted beans that have not been exposed to high temperatures, the most high content caffeine. In addition, they contain:

  • essential oils that activate metabolism,
  • chlorogenic acid, which has a fat-splitting effect,
  • vitamins and antioxidants that improve skin condition.

If you can’t use green coffee, regular black coffee of medium roast is also suitable for making a scrub. IN cosmetic purposes it is used as finely ground coffee (coarsely ground beans can damage the skin), and dried coffee grounds drained from the bottom of a cup or cezve (sleeping coffee) - provided that the coffee was brewed without sugar, cream or other flavorings.

Compared to ground coffee, coffee grounds are not as effective because they contain less caffeine. However, it is less traumatic for delicate skin, so it is better to prefer this option to owners of dry or sensitive skin.

For cosmetic purposes, it is better not to use expired coffee - when long-term storage he "runs out of steam", losing his beneficial features.

How to make a coffee scrub for cellulite

Sleeping or ground coffee can be used for scrubbing in its pure form. To do this, a handful of coffee is mixed directly in the palm of your hand with a small amount of warm water or shower gel, applied to wet, previously cleansed skin of the body. After that, the problem areas are gently massaged with the palm of your hand, a massage mitt or a soft washcloth.

But, if you mix coffee with other homemade anti-cellulite products, the procedure will be much more effective.

Coffee salt scrub

Sea salt is an excellent natural anti-cellulite remedy, it exfoliates the skin well, removes excess moisture and reduces the volume of deposits. To combat the "orange peel" it is necessary to choose finely ground salt - large crystals can severely injure the skin, nullifying the positive effect. To prepare a coffee salt scrub you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. coffee,
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt,
  • 1 st. l. olive or castor oil,
  • 2-3 drops of citrus essential oil (orange, grapefruit, lemon).

Mix coffee with salt, add oils, wait a few minutes for the salt crystals to "disperse" a little - and treat the problem areas. This mixture can be used not only for scrubbing, but also for homemade anti-cellulite body wraps.

Cellulite scrub with coffee and sugar

Sugar scrubs are a very popular homemade beauty treatment, and using sugar in tandem with coffee gives a good anti-cellulite effect. To prepare such a scrub, equal quantities are taken:

This coffee body scrub recipe not only fights cellulite, but also nourishes and softens the skin. That's why coffee and sugar scrub often recommended for dry skin.

Coffee honey scrub

This recipe combines two powerful active ingredients at once - coffee fights cellulite, and honey tightens the skin and helps get rid of stretch marks. To prepare such a scrub, coffee is mixed with natural honey in a ratio of 1:2. If the skin is dry or prone to peeling, you can “soften” the composition by adding a nourishing body cream.

The mixture is applied to steamed skin and rubbed in a circular motion into problem areas.

Soft oatmeal coffee scrub

For delicate skin prone to irritation, you can make a delicate, but at the same time effective scrub by mixing:

  • 2 tbsp. l. sleeping coffee,
  • 2 tbsp. l. oat flour or small oatmeal
  • 1 tbsp sour cream or natural yogurt without flavor additives.

The use of this soft coffee anti-cellulite scrub at home helps to reduce the "orange peel" and burn fat, while moisturizing and toning the skin.

How to apply homemade coffee anti-cellulite scrub

If scrubbing is done regularly for several months, the appearance of cellulite is noticeably reduced, and the skin becomes smoother and more elastic. However, for this you need to use coffee against cellulite with caution. Even if you want to speed up the process of getting rid of the “orange peel” as much as possible, you can’t use scrubs every day - the skin will become thinner, become irritated, and inflammation may begin. With normal or oily skin, you can do coffee procedures 2-3 times a week, treating each problem area for 3-4 minutes. With dry skin, it is better to reduce the frequency of procedures to once a week, and massage the skin should be no longer than a couple of minutes.

To make the effect of the procedure more noticeable:

  • before using the scrub, steam the skin in the bath or shower, or massage with a hot towel;
  • massage the hips from the bottom up, the stomach and gluteal muscles - in circular motions;
  • if hands are among the problem areas, treat them from hand to shoulder;
  • use massage mittens;
  • after the procedure, be sure to use moisturizers;
  • act on cellulite in a complex way, combining scrubs with wraps, masks and other means.

Comment on the article "How to make a coffee scrub for cellulite"


Oh! But I don’t have honey (And you can’t do it without it, can you tell me? (

This morning there was a Malakhov + program, so Katya Mirimanova was there, she advised me just such a composition)). I just wanted to try, and now God himself ordered)

coffee scrub and mumiyo. Need advice. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and communicate with losing weight. Section: Need advice (crafts from coffee briquettes). Coffee scrub and mumiyo.

How to scrub coffee properly? Girls, in Mirimanova I read about coffee scrub, and you wrote. How to make body wraps at home: Ingredients: 2 st Scrub coffee + kefir. How to apply a homemade coffee scrub. Coffee is one of the most...


Maybe you need to scrub with some kind of mitten, and not with your hands, otherwise my hands won’t last 10 minutes either - I do the same as Lencha33, but also far from 10 minutes. 5 minutes maximum and try not to wash off for a few more minutes if possible.

I do this: I wash with a washcloth as always, then I put coffee in my palm and go! yes, my hands will also be scrubbed, it doesn’t hurt me, but I don’t have 10 minutes of patience ... Sometimes I do it with a massager. I have an unpleasant thing - it's then the whole bathroom in coffee)))))

Coffee scrub. - get-togethers. Weight loss and diets. How to get rid of excess weight, lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and I won’t throw a link. You take your coffee, add kefir to it and massage the right places effortlessly. I don’t remember the actual coffee (but it is almost ...

coffee scrub. Figure and problem areas. Weight loss and diets. the recipe is simple. coffee cake (coffee that has already been brewed, ground, natural, from any type of coffee maker) is mixed to a creamy consistency with kefir. that's the whole scrub. coffee will scrub, kefir...


the recipe is simple.
coffee cake (coffee that has already been brewed, ground, natural, from any type of coffee maker) is mixed to a creamy consistency with kefir.
that's the whole scrub. coffee scrubs, kefir cares for the skin, making it soft and silky.
but any options are possible. for those who do not drink natural coffee, you can use fresh, not asleep. (keep in mind, the color will be more intense, they say the nails may turn yellow).
instead of kefir, you can use any other sour milk product. I use low fat yogurt, ie. Kefir is too oily for my skin.
well, if there is such an opportunity, you can experiment with the coarseness of the grinding (grind grains smaller, larger, etc.)

Home scrubs: features of the choice of components, recipes, recommendations of cosmetologists. About coffee pomace?? How to apply a homemade coffee scrub. Coffee is one of the most popular remedies for cellulite. How to make wraps for weight loss at home.


in a conference about fashion and beauty, ladies have been using coffee for a long time as a body scrub. mixing it with kefir (I personally mix it with low-fat yogurt, otherwise it turns out very fat for me with kefir). very nice thing.

This is a wonderful thing!!! I have been making a coffee scrub for 9 years now. Recipe: for one person 2-3 tablespoons coffee grounds+ steamed oatmeal (steam with boiling water 1 tbsp with a slide). Rub the body, face in circular motions for 10-15 minutes.
The effect was recognized by all users: the skin becomes soft, velvety like a baby’s ass (meaning a baby without diathesis!), the formation of wrinkles slows down, black spots become much less, and any pimples form much less often. I read that there is also an anti-cellulite effect , I can’t say, because I don’t have pronounced cellulite. It’s best to use it in a bathhouse, after a steam room, but if at home, on a washed, well-steamed body. The first time everyone says that you want to wash yourself with soap later, but don’t of this, just wash yourself well with water (insidious places behind the ears and under the chest). The oatmeal mucus will be absorbed and give a velvety effect.
In short, I have already infected all my friends. Try it, you won't regret it!

From coffee - this is a faithful assistant in maintaining an ideal appearance. It is very easy to prepare, and the components of the composition are extremely economical, in addition, they can be easily found in the nearest store. Coffee has a positive effect on the even distribution and even on the breakdown of fat cells, which prevents the appearance of cellulite. In addition, it perfectly removes toxins. It is coffee beans that are a very common ingredient in weight loss products. This scrub is best used in the most problematic areas, combining such care with diet and physical activity. You will quickly notice significant improvements.

Coffee beans have such a wonderful effect as the elimination and prevention of varicose veins. They contribute to the contraction of blood vessels, which has a very beneficial effect on appearance female legs.

The coffee body scrub has an invigorating and refreshing scent that invariably lifts your spirits and relieves drowsiness. With this product, your skin will become smooth, moisturized and extremely pleasant both visually and to the touch.

Remember that in order to cook, there should be enough fine grinding. Otherwise, you can harm your skin, and deliver a lot of painful and unpleasant sensations to yourself. This remedy is used once, maximum twice a week. Do not forget that regularity is important for excellent results.

1st way

Take and add it to (100 ml of gel is needed for 1 teaspoon of coffee). You can adjust the ratio of ingredients as you wish. Shower gel is best used with a neutral or chocolate scent.

2nd way

Take two cups of ground coffee beans, half a cup of sugar or fine sea salt, and two-thirds of a neutral-flavored tablespoon. Mix all ingredients well. You can also add yellow sugar to enhance the effect.

3rd way

If you don't have free time, try the following coffee body scrub. You will need Just apply it on the body with massage movements. Despite the simplicity of this method, it gives a fantastic effect.

4th way

Here again you need coffee grounds. Mix it with two tablespoons of fat sour cream. This will allow you to simultaneously carry out high-quality exfoliation and intensive moisturizing of the skin.

5th way

Take creamy yogurt(check that it has the maximum fat content), mix it with three tablespoons of ground coffee. Apply to the body. Almost immediately after the procedure, you can enjoy a pleasant result.

6 way

If you have oily skin, and pimples and breakouts keep appearing on your back, then this ground coffee scrub is perfect for you. You can slightly change the number of components according to your desire and needs. Take one tablespoon each of ground coffee, honey and cinnamon. You will also need the same amount of coffee grounds. Mix ingredients well then add mineral water to achieve a mushy state of the mixture.

7th way

Take two tablespoons of finely ground coffee and add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to it. Mix ingredients thoroughly. For a pleasant smell, drop a little essential oil into the mixture.

Now you know many recipes for this remedy and you can use a coffee body scrub, which will be a little different each time from the previous version. After exfoliating, be sure to apply a good nourishing cream. This will soothe the skin and make it even smoother and more pleasant.

Scrubs are widely used in cosmetology as face and body care products. What is a facial scrub for? It is so arranged by nature that periodically the cells of the upper layer of the skin die off and they must be eliminated so that the face looks fresh, smooth and well-groomed. The active ingredients in the scrub are small solid particles that work like a “brush”, cleansing the face of dead skin cells. Ground coffee beans are ideal as such particles, and a scrub from them is very easy to prepare at home.

Features and benefits of coffee peeling cream:

  1. Coffee contains antioxidants that remove toxic substances from the body.
  2. Caffeine stimulates blood microcirculation, giving the skin a healthy color;
  3. Deeply cleanses the skin.
  4. Stimulates cellular metabolism.
  5. Helps to get rid of pimples, blackheads and blackheads.
  6. Smoothes wrinkles and rejuvenates.
  7. It gives the skin a light golden hue, thereby protecting from ultraviolet radiation.
  8. It has a tonic effect.
  9. Makes skin supple and firm.
  10. Refreshes and relieves fatigue.

Attention! Coffee scrubs are contraindicated for serious skin diseases.

Facial Cleansing Coffee Cream Recipes

There is a great many variety of recipes scrub based on pure coffee, with and without addition additional ingredients. Scrub coffee must be natural, without chemical additives. Under no circumstances should you use instant coffee it will only harm the skin. Consider a wide range of coffee scrubs in more detail.

Important! Coffee must be ground into very small particles so as not to damage the skin.

morning coffee ritual

One of the simplest and interesting recipes coffee scrub, allows you to turn the whole procedure into an exciting invigorating ritual, energizing and uplifting from the very morning. To prepare, brew coffee drink from ground coffee, slowly enjoy it. Apply the remaining thick on the face and rub with soft circular motions, rinse warm water.

Scrub + nourishment for dry skin

Sour cream or kefir will act as a nutritional component in this recipe. For preparation, coffee grounds are mixed with fermented milk product. The drier the skin, the more nourishing component in the mixture.

coffee salt mixture

This recipe is great for dry, constantly flaky skin. For the mixture you will need:

  • coffee grounds;
  • salt 5-10 g;
  • sugar 1 teaspoon;
  • cinnamon 8 g;
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp. spoon.

Mix the wet coffee grounds with the rest of the ingredients until smooth.

Almond peeling

A recipe based on almond oil perfectly cleanses the skin of impurities and eliminates unhealthy yellowness. Suitable for thin and sensitive skin.

Mix 40 grams of coffee with 100 grams of almond oil and a pinch of brown sugar.

Cleansing cream for oily skin

You will need:

  • sour milk 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • wet coffee grounds.

Combine ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Important! Use only cooled coffee grounds, otherwise you may burn your face.

double effect

A mixture for a double effect is prepared on the basis of oatmeal. The fiber contained in it, like coffee, cleanses the skin of dead particles, and also helps to cure acne and get rid of blackheads. To prepare coffee grounds, combine with a tablespoon of sour cream and ground oatmeal.

The mask is great for sensitive and oily skin.

honey recipe

You will need:

  • olive oil 5 g;
  • honey 15 g;
  • clay 20 g;
  • ground coffee 20 g.

Pour coffee into the clay, mix and pour boiling water until a homogeneous thick mixture is formed. Add honey and olive oil to the mass.

coffee ice

Brew a cup of coffee and pour into an ice mold along with grounds. Freeze. Wipe your face with ready-made cubes every morning. Toning and scrubbing effect is guaranteed.

Flour scrub with a smoothing effect

You will need:

  • rye flour 25 g;
  • strong brewed coffee 1 cup.

Cool coffee to a comfortable temperature and sift flour to it. If the mixture is too thin, add a little more than the recipe calls for.

Apple-coffee peeling

The recipe is great for oily skin, take for cooking applesauce and mix with wet coffee grounds.

Egg scrub

You will need:

  • thick from under drunk coffee;
  • honey 35 g;
  • sour cream 25 g;
  • egg yolk 1 pc.

Whisk the egg with a fork and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Perfectly smoothes wrinkles, tones the skin and normalizes complexion.

Carefully! A coffee scrub can act as a light self-tanner.

Coffee + shower gel

The name of the recipe speaks for itself, we combine the components and the mixture is ready.

orange mix

You will need:

  • ground coffee 7 g;
  • orange peel;
  • yogurt 2 teaspoons;
  • sugar 10 g.

Grind orange peel and mix with coffee and sugar, add yogurt.

Great for problem skin, helps get rid of pimples, blackheads and blackheads.

Cottage cheese and coffee peeling

Combine a tablespoon of coffee brew with the same amount fat cottage cheese. Grind with a fork or scroll in a blender until homogeneous mass.

Rice mix

You will need:

  • rice flour 60 g;
  • ground coffee 60g;
  • a little yogurt or milk.

Combine the dry ingredients and, if you have dry skin, add milk, if you have oily skin, add yogurt. The mixture prepared according to this recipe perfectly normalizes the water-salt balance of the skin.

Scrub rules

In order not to inadvertently harm the skin, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Do not perform the procedure on wounded skin.
  2. Do not use very hot mixture.
  3. Do not use a scrub with large particles.
  4. Test the prepared scrub on your wrist before use. This will ensure that the mixture does not irritate you.

How to cleanse properly:

The following tips will help you achieve high efficiency:

  1. Apply the mixture only to clean skin.
  2. Before the procedure, it is recommended that the face be pre-bursted so that the pores expand and it is easier to remove toxins and toxins.
  3. Apply the scrub with light massaging movements. Do this for 1-2 minutes.
  4. During the procedure, avoid the area under the eyes.
  5. Keep the scrub mixture on your face for 10-15 minutes.
  6. At the end of the procedure, wash with warm water.

Important! Before using a coffee scrub, make sure you are not allergic to coffee.

For a permanent effect, cleansing manipulations must be carried out regularly, but not more than 2-3 times a week.

I would like to note that coffee scrubs can be used not only for the face, but also for the whole body: décolleté, neck, back, legs. In addition, coffee blends perfectly help get rid of cellulite and prevent baldness, restores the hair structure. So feel free to use all the recipes for complex body care. The main thing is to choose right amount ingredients.

On the site "Mom can do anything!" a selection of recipes has been collected, following them everyone can prepare a coffee body scrub at home. If you use it regularly, your skin will quickly tighten, become velvety and very tender. In addition, the frequent implementation of such procedures will become great helpers in the fight against stretch marks, the first manifestations of cellulite, will help to achieve a slender and refined silhouette.

Scrub benefits

It is difficult to overestimate the effect of coffee scrub. This cosmetic product very carefully massages the skin, leaving an invigorating aroma in the bathroom. It is known that coffee is a natural antioxidant containing vitamin E and fatty acid. This is how the skin is protected from pernicious influence external factors.

Coffee scrub after a warm bath perfectly rubs steamed skin, improves blood circulation, triggers fat breakdown, and eliminates cellulite. With the regular use of coffee body scrub at home, you can observe a surge of vivacity, activity, and even an increase in mood. According to the results of a Japanese study: 400 subjects who long time used a cream from coffee beans with an oil extract, the number of wrinkles was significantly reduced, the skin condition improved.

Contraindications, shortcomings of the scrub

This type of product is not recommended for women with overly sensitive skin. It is forbidden to use the scrub on the skin with eczema, other dermatological defects. Women who have undergone treatment, nursing mothers and pregnant women also cannot use it.

Auxiliary components in coffee scrub

Making a coffee scrub is an elementary task. It is better to choose freshly ground coffee beans of the popular Arabica variety. It is permissible to increase the effectiveness of scrubbing at home by adding a variety of auxiliary components to coffee.

Sour cream and cream are ideal for dry skin. If added to ground coffee fruit and vegetable mixture seasoned with honey can moisturize and tone the skin. Anti cellulite ideal coffee scrub using essential oils citrus fruits. They effectively help to establish lymphatic outflow, remove excess fluid from the body of juniper, cedar, tea tree, sandalwood and bergamot oils. To prevent the occurrence of stretch marks, it is worth trying treatments using essential oils of jasmine, lavender, geranium, patchouli, rosemary and neroli. Your skin will become lively, elastic if castor, olive, wheat germ and avocado oils are added to the scrub.

Coffee scrub recipes

WITH sea ​​salt, kefir (against cellulite)

The composition includes:

  • ground coffee - two tbsp. spoons;
  • fat kefir - one tablespoon;
  • sea ​​salt of medium grinding - one tbsp. spoon.

Combine all ingredients. Massage the resulting mixture onto the skin area, rinse thoroughly with water after seven minutes.

With essential oils

The composition includes:

  • ground coffee - three tablespoons;
  • coconut oil - one teaspoon;
  • sea ​​salt of medium grinding - three tablespoons;
  • essential oils of rosemary, orange and neroli - two drops each.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Scrub is applied to the body with a rubbing motion, while gently affecting problem areas. After that, the cosmetic product is left for ten minutes and washed off with water. At the end of the procedure, apply anti-cellulite cream. In the case of a regular procedure, sports, a balanced diet, positive changes can be quickly noted.

With banana and sugar

With the help of such simple recipe your skin will quickly become deeply hydrated and smooth.

The composition includes:

  • ground coffee - two tablespoons;
  • one banana;
  • granulated sugar - two tablespoons.

It is necessary to mix the ingredients with a mashed banana. For ten minutes, massage the skin. Then rinse off with water.

Stretch Mark Coffee Scrub: Recipe

A couple of st. spoons of coffee are poured with boiling water to get a sour cream consistency. The mixture is stirred, leaving for 15 minutes. Before going to the shower, massage the body with a freshly brewed scrub for five minutes. Then take a contrast shower.

With sour cream for facial beauty

The composition goes: 1 teaspoon of coffee grounds, olive oil and sour cream. It is prepared as follows: coffee grounds are placed in a separate container. Then add olive oil, sour cream. Place the mixture on water bath. Scrub is applied to the face along the lines of massage, hold for 15 minutes.

Scrubbing coffee grounds has other positive aspects: the minimum price of the procedure, easy to use. Using coffee scrubs without fail Check with your doctor if you have any allergies or intolerance to coffee or other ingredients of the product.

Coffee is not just an invigorating drink that is very pleasant to drink in the morning. It has excellent cosmetic properties and promotes deep cleansing of the skin.

Coffee scrub at home will become effective tool for peeling and lifting. Regular use of fragrant powder, you prevent early skin aging, stimulate active blood flow, cleanse pores.

How to make a coffee body scrub

Brewed coffee is a natural body scrub. The mask with coffee grounds promotes gentle exfoliation of dead skin particles and activates blood circulation. To make a scrub at home with your own hands, you can mix coffee of different grinds, choosing the right abrasiveness. It is allowed to mix purchased cosmetical tools essential oils, shower gels. So, each woman can create a recipe for a mask that meets individual requirements and is ideal for her skin type.

How to make coffee grounds? Grind the beans finely, brew the drink without any additives. It is better to brew coffee than to steam the powder in boiling water. The ideal proportions for making a drink are 2 tsp. crushed coffee beans to 1 cup water. If you require a large number of scrub, then the dosage should be increased. Brewed coffee grounds are best used immediately after drinking. If this is not possible, dry the powder and store in a clean jar.

From cellulite

It is easy to prepare an anti-cellulite scrub at home: coffee is mixed with some kind of base oil or body cream. For weight loss, it is worth adding a warming component to the mask - cinnamon or black pepper. To carry out an express procedure for the elimination of cellulite, the scrub is diluted with shower gel and the problem areas of the body are massaged with the resulting mixture every time you take a bath.

Green Coffee Scrub Recipe:

  • Combine 1 tbsp. l. coffee grounds, vegetable oil, add a teaspoon of sugar, a little coarse salt and cinnamon.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly, apply to dry, clean skin and gently massage the areas of the body covered with "orange peel" for 3-5 minutes.
  • Cellulite scrubs are conveniently applied to the body with a washcloth in the form of a glove. Keep coffee and sugar on your body for another 10 minutes, then take a shower.

From stretch marks

Before using a coffee scrub at home, take a hot bath to steam your skin. To prepare a mask for stretch marks, choose exclusively natural products. It is better to stop at green coffee, the grains of which should be ground very finely. The mixture prepared according to the recipe below is applied to problem areas of the body with light circular movements. It is allowed to repeat the procedure every 10-14 days, more frequent peelings will not allow damaged cells to recover in a timely manner.

Coffee scrub recipe for stretch marks:

  • Mix coffee and salt in proportions 2:1, add one part of white clay, dilute the product with warm water. The scrub should have the consistency of thick sour cream.
  • If your skin type is dry, add olive or other carrier oil to the mask.
  • Leave the product on for 7-8 minutes, then rinse with water. Coffee and oil serve as a soft peeling, effectively moisturize the skin.

against hair

Before the procedure, take a bath to steam the skin. Rub the scrub for epilation into the skin for at least 3-5 minutes, making circular massage movements. To speed up hair removal, leave the mixture on the body for half an hour, covering it cling film. Scrubbing should be repeated every 4-5 days to achieve complete hair removal. As a rule, it requires 4-5 procedures.

Scrub recipe with coffee against hair:

  • You will need coffee grounds and soda (2 tablespoons per 1 teaspoon). Mix well, add some water room temperature and the mixture should remain thick.
  • To prepare a quality body scrub at home, choose only freshly ground coffee and dilute the product with cool water, since high temperature deactivates the beneficial properties of soda.

Scrub with coffee for the face

It is not only expensive professional creams or salon procedures that can rid the skin of acne, make it toned and young. It is possible to give a face freshness and beauty with the help of simple, available recipes, the components of which can be found in the kitchen of every housewife. A coffee grounds face mask is an excellent remedy for skin rejuvenation, as it contains a complex of antioxidants, vitamins, and enzymes. Cleansing the face through such peeling, in addition, helps to remove puffiness under the eyes, smooth out fine wrinkles.

From honey and coffee

Scrub with honey is suitable for owners of oily skin. It is easy to prepare, for this they are mixed for 1 hour. l. coffee grounds, honey, olive oil, natural yogurt. Components are carefully interchanged to uniform consistency. The mask with coffee for the face is applied for 8 minutes, then washed off with massage movements. The final step is to lightly moisturize the skin of the face.


A cinnamon face mask is the perfect solution for problem skin. To prepare it, mix coffee grounds with melted honey and cinnamon (all ingredients are taken in equal amounts). To get the mixture to a suitable thick consistency, dilute it with water. Rub the scrub with coffee with massage movements, then wait 6-7 minutes and rinse your face with warm water. This tool helps to cleanse the pores, cure skin inflammation. To achieve a lasting result, repeat the procedure a couple of times a week.

With sour cream

Coffee scrubs at home are suitable not only for oily, but also dry and combination skin types. Such funds imply the presence of a nutritional component in the composition of the mask. Great option for owners of dry or normal skin is a remedy with sour cream. To prepare a scrub, you should mix fresh dairy product, coffee and olive oil in equal amounts. Cover the face with the mask, leave for 8-10 minutes, then rinse it with warm water and pat it dry with a towel. The skin will acquire a pleasant color, cleanse, become smooth.

Coffee scalp scrub

The basis of a coffee hair mask is freshly ground powder or coffee grounds. However, the second option is considered preferable due to its gentle soft texture. Natural coffee scrub at home accelerates hair growth, making them strong and soft. Scrubbing of the head is recommended for any type of hair, but before the procedure, make sure that there are no wounds, scratches, or other damage on the skin.

with gelatin

Thanks to the collagen contained in gelatin, the hair becomes smooth, manageable, shiny. The mask envelops the hairs with a protective coating that prevents the loss of moisture and nutrients. To prepare the mixture must be diluted in warm water 1 sachet of gelatin. When the component swells, add 2/3 tbsp. l. coffee grounds and a small amount of hair balm. Cover your hair nutritional composition, leaving for half an hour, then rinse. Repeat the procedure at home 1-2 times a week.

with egg

Combine in one container 1 tbsp. l. cognac and boiling water, 1 tsp each. olive or linseed oil and coffee grounds, add 2 egg yolks. After mixing the ingredients until smooth, apply the product to the hair. Put a plastic bag over the mask and wrap it with a towel. A hair mask with an egg at home lasts at least half an hour. To make curls "live", silky, thick, carry out the procedure every 5-6 days.

Video: coffee grounds scrubs

Cooking homemade cosmetics has become extremely fashionable. This approach to caring for your appearance allows you to save money and time on trips to a beautician. In addition, home treatments provide an opportunity to independently select and experiment with suitable ingredients for cleansing scrubs, masks and lotions that are best suited to a particular woman. In the video you will learn about the rules for preparing home remedies for effective peeling.