Which organs are affected by alcohol? Kidneys and alcohol

Nowadays, any doctor can tell you what the harm of alcohol to the human body is. The Ministry of Health regularly warns everyone, but it does it so quietly that almost no one hears it. The problem is really serious, because today not only men, but also women, and even schoolchildren are addicted to alcohol. In a gathering of young people, it is difficult to find a person without a bottle of beer or a can of some other low-alcohol drink in their hands. Perhaps if people thought more about what they were doing, they would be able to maintain their health. What is the harm of alcohol? The photos in our article will help you figure it out.

What harm does alcohol do to the human body?

Everyone knows that alcohol is the most powerful blow to the brain. In connection with the emerging intoxication, oxygen access to neurons is impaired. The death of brain cells that occurs as a result of prolonged use of alcoholic beverages leads to alcoholic dementia.

The abuse of strong drinks has irreversible consequences, such as depression of brain function. Autopsies of deceased alcoholics showed significant depletion of this organ and obvious degenerative changes in its cells.

But the harm of alcohol affects not only the brain, but also many others. internal organs person.


Alcohol affects the heart muscle, which can lead not only to serious illness, but also to death. In patients who have even a short history of alcoholism, the volume of the heart may increase, which is noticeable during an x-ray examination. Heart rhythm disturbance can be observed even in healthy person drinking a large amount of alcohol. Alcohol abuse often causes heart attacks, and also contributes to the development and progression of ischemia and hypertension.

Respiratory system

In people who suffer from the first stage of alcoholism, there is an increase in breathing, as well as an increase in its minute volume. During the development of alcoholism, the breathing process may be difficult. In addition, various diseases may appear: tracheobronchitis, chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis, emphysema, and others.



The liver is another organ that is regularly remembered by all people who drink alcohol. She is the "chemical laboratory" of the body, performing an antitoxic function. Alcohol has a negative effect on the liver, under its action there is a violation of the functioning of this organ. In hospitals and clinics, you can often find pictures on the posters about the dangers of alcohol. And they often depict the liver of a person who abuses alcohol - ugly, pathologically altered, terrible.

Therefore, even with occasional alcohol consumption, it is necessary to protect liver cells by taking hepatoprotectors. For example, Legalon, an original drug based on milk thistle extract with the highest bioavailability among analogues and high content the active component of silymarin, which strengthens the membranes, stimulates the work of liver cells, and prevents the penetration of toxic substances into it. In addition to the protective effect, the remedy relieves inflammation and stimulates the regeneration of liver cells.


Most people with alcoholism also have impaired kidney function. Harmful alcoholic drinks act on the epithelial tissue of these organs, which leads to disruption of the genitourinary system.

Nervous system

Alcoholism has a detrimental effect on the nervous system. With this disease, mental abnormalities and various disorders occur. For example, an alcoholic is often accompanied by numbness of some parts of the body, weakness of the limbs, disorientation, hallucinations. Paralysis of certain muscle groups is also considered a common occurrence. These symptoms may disappear if you stop drinking alcohol.


Also one of the main, but little-known factors is the effect of alcohol on immune system. With regular abuse of strong drinks, immunity is significantly weakened, which contributes to the development of various infectious diseases, as well as allergic reactions. In such subtle moments, the harm of alcohol is very often hidden. The photo in this article clearly demonstrates what alcohol abuse can lead to.

sexual dysfunction

Every third man who abuses alcohol has a reduced sexual function. And against the background of “alcoholic impotence”, representatives of the strong half of humanity can experience various kinds of depression and neuroses. As for women, due to alcohol abuse, their reproductive function decreases, severe toxicosis is observed during pregnancy, and menopause occurs much earlier than in a healthy woman.

Muscles, bones, skin

Consistent drinking can lead to wasted, damaged, and weakened muscles. The pictures about the dangers of alcohol, which were already mentioned above, also demonstrate the danger of the disease for the musculoskeletal system. They do not bypass their attention and the consequences that overtake the skin. Damage to the skin occurs both due to the direct effects of alcohol, and due to impaired liver function.

Alcohol abuse leads to disability and premature aging. According to statistics, people suffering from alcoholism live 15-20 years less than healthy people.

About the dangers of alcohol for teenagers

Teenagers should generally avoid drinking alcohol. Hot drinks are able to slowly kill the already strengthened body of an adult. The body of a teenager is not fully formed, so he is more vulnerable. During this period, a restructuring of all organ systems occurs. And if you suddenly strike with alcohol at this unstable moment, the harm of alcohol will become even more terrible and noticeable. For example, in addition to the fact that the liver has not yet had time to get stronger, at this age it also has a high throughput. Therefore, liver disease can develop literally after drinking a few grams of alcohol.

It is not so important what type of alcohol a teenager consumes, because beer, wine, and vodka equally harm the body, resulting in damage to the brain, liver, nervous system, and Airways. You should explain to children in advance about the dangers of alcohol, so even the first 100 g of alcohol can lead to the development of addiction.

With regular drinking of alcoholic beverages, adolescents may experience various malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol has a negative effect on the stomach, while there are changes in the properties and quantity of gastric juice, as well as a violation of the pancreas, and this can lead to both pancreatitis and diabetes. Teenagers may argue that beer is a fairly light alcoholic drink. Yes, it is, but at the same time it is a strong diuretic. Therefore, with its regular use, minerals and nutrients are washed out of the child's body. The loss of such irreplaceable compounds and trace elements in the future may be irreplaceable.

Various low alcohol drinks, except for the actual alcohol, contain a lot of other harmful substances, such as caffeine, dyes, sugar. Therefore, teenagers should be told in advance about the dangers of alcohol. Instructive lectures are often held for schoolchildren. This is a mandatory and correct tactic for teachers, as it can stop at least some teenagers.

Harm of alcohol for women

Everyone knows that it is easier for a woman to move from the stage of “moderate drinking” to the stage of “neglected alcoholism”. Therefore, alcoholic beverages are no less terrible for the beautiful half of humanity. If we talk about the dangers of alcohol for adolescents in more detail, you need to make a significant bias towards girls and women. It should be remembered that any young girl is a future mother. It is not known when this happy period in her life will come, but at the same time, you should not ruin your health before the desire to have a baby comes. How does alcohol affect a woman's health? To answer this question, you don’t need to think long, just to the consequences of male alcoholism, you should add the likelihood of the birth of a disabled baby. The fact is that the male seed tends to be updated every few months, and the female eggs are not capable of this. A woman has a certain number of ready-made germ cells, some of which are destroyed by alcohol, hence unhealthy children are taken, as well as infertility and various other diseases.

How do other drugs harm the human body?

If a person constantly uses intravenous drugs, average duration his life will be approximately 6 to 8 years. The harm of drugs and alcohol on the human body is approximately the same. They bring with them heart disease, pathology of the brain and the liver itself, because it is the first one that cannot withstand the load. Very often people die from accidents while under the influence of drugs.

One of the most common reasons for the use of both alcohol and drugs is the thirst for thrills. Thus, people relieve stress, forget about problems, in a word, run away from a boring life. But it should be borne in mind that at the end of the drug effect, a state of apathy, depression and hopelessness sets in.

The benefits of alcohol

People who advocate a healthy lifestyle often state that the harm of alcohol to the human body is devastating. Scientists who have conducted research on this topic refute the opinion of "teetotalers". The researchers were able to prove that in small doses alcohol is still useful, but only if alcoholic drink is of good quality. In their opinion, alcohol has a positive effect on the mental state and acts as a prophylactic for many diseases.

The harm and benefits of alcohol are the concepts of measure. Therefore, it is very important to draw the right conclusions.

So acceptable daily allowance no more than 20 grams of pure alcohol can be considered. If we translate this rate into a traditional alcoholic drink, we get approximately 0.5 liters of beer or 50 ml of wine. The amount of vodka turns out to be so small that it makes no sense to even count, because this alcoholic drink is not consumed in such doses.

In our country, it is not customary to drink alcohol every day, albeit in small doses. Therefore, it would be logical to count the alcohol that can be consumed per week. That is, multiplying 7 days by 20 grams, you get 140 grams. That's what it is weekly rate alcohol for the body. In terms of an alcoholic drink, it turns out 350 grams of strong alcohol, such as vodka or cognac, 3 liters of beer or one liter of wine. This is the amount of alcohol that is considered acceptable for a healthy adult.

It is believed that wine causes minimal harm to health. Alcohol of this type is often used for preventive purposes. Wine is indeed the most harmless alcoholic drink, but only if it is of high quality, made from natural grapes, and of course, if consumed in reasonable doses.

Many wine drinks can actually be harmful. But often this is not associated with alcohol, it all lies in various chemical additives. We can say that in many store wines both the harm and the benefits of alcohol are embodied. Therefore, you should only use quality drinks and in small quantities. It should be borne in mind that this applies not only to wine, but also to any other types of alcohol.

With the help of alcoholic beverages, diseases such as hypertension, angina pectoris, various colds, lymphoma, osteoporosis, type 2 diabetes, kidney tumors, stroke, heart attack, and stress can be prevented.

In short: Even in small amounts, alcohol harms the liver, brain, and other organs. It can cause allergies and provoke an attack of an existing disease. Alcohol is incompatible with certain medications. It is necessary to know the possible risks when drinking alcohol and try to minimize them by observing your norm.

How alcohol damages the liver

The main blow is taken by the liver, because it processes 90% of the alcohol that enters the body. At the same time, the liver also needs to perform about a dozen other vital functions, any of which can be disrupted due to excessive drinking.

Alcohol and its decay products have a toxic effect on liver cells, destroying their membrane. In addition, bile flow is disturbed, and most bile acids are capable of destroying liver cells. Also, the human immune system begins to accept dilapidated cells as foreign and destroy them with special zeal - thus, drinking starts the mechanism of self-destruction of the liver. You can read more about the work of the liver and how to protect it in the article "Hepatoprotectors", dedicated to the benefits of drugs for the liver and their diversity.

Does drinking harm the pancreas?

Stagnation of bile in the liver leads to complications from the pancreas. From this, harmful microorganisms multiply in the intestines, and a large number of toxic bile acids.

Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to pancreatic disease - pancreatitis. In combination with a heavy snack, pancreatic necrosis can also be earned - an extremely painful and dangerous condition. To learn how to restore the pancreas after drinking, and how you can protect it in advance, read the special article “Pancreas and alcohol. Alcohol in pancreatitis. Also read the article “Alcohol and the gut” to find out how to keep the intestines working before and after drinking, what to do with intestinal upset during a hangover and after a binge, as well as a lot of other interesting and useful information on this topic.

What damage can alcohol do to the brain and psyche

When an erection gets better after drinking, and when it gets worse

How alcohol harms the heart and blood vessels

There is such a disease as cardiomyopathy - a disease of the heart muscle leading to heart failure. It is not treated, the disease can only be slowed down, but not cured. From frequent drinking, a variation of this disease occurs, which is called “alcoholic cardiomyopathy”.

Also, the ability of alcohol, being in the aquatic environment, to dissolve fats, ultimately causes an increased deposition of fat at the organ level between intensive intakes of alcoholic beverages, which leads to the formation of such pathological conditions as fatty degeneration of the liver and fatty degeneration of the heart (myocardium).

The cardio school for doctors also points to hypertension (arterial hypertension). Studies led by scientists Pearce and Furdberg (Pearce K.A., Furberg C.D., 1994) showed that alcohol consumption itself is a risk factor for developing hypertension. Starting at a dose of 60 ml of pure alcohol per day, arterial pressure increases in direct proportion to the amount of alcohol. And, again, the more you drink, the worse the consequences.

About what to do if the pressure jumped after drinking, and also look at this diagram:

How other organs suffer from alcohol

Also, because of drunkenness, the kidneys, stomach, lungs, and retina of the eye suffer (in the retina, ethanol reduces the sensitivity of light pigments, as well as trophism from the optic nerve; moreover, the retina begins to suffer first, with the smallest doses of alcohol). However, the effect of alcohol on these organs is reversible, and in order to damage these organs precisely with alcohol, you need to drink a lot and very often - more than 170 grams of pure ethanol weekly.

If you are especially concerned about the condition of your heart, or kidneys, or pancreas, or anything else, read the advice of a toxicologist in the article "How to restore the body after alcohol", and you will learn how to improve your health with a hangover and how to prevent damage. problem organs next time.

How harmful is alcohol to children?

It is extremely undesirable for children and adolescents to drink alcohol. The use of alcoholic beverages before the growth of the organs and tissues of a young person stops can adversely affect his physical development.

At the same time, the age here is a fuzzy indicator, since the growth and development rates are individual for each: someone can grow up to 25 years old, and someone stops at 16 (this can be determined from x-rays of articular cartilage). About how to bring up the right attitude towards alcohol in a child and how heredity plays a role here,. Also read the article “ Why Children and Teenagers Shouldn’t Drink Alcohol” to find out if children can drink kvass and non-alcoholic beer, if it’s possible to rub a child with vodka for a cold, as well as answers to other questions of concern to parents.

Can alcohol cause allergies?

Recently, more and more people are allergic to alcohol. An allergic reaction to a drink can range from mild and local (eg rash) to deadly (bronchospasm syndrome, Quincke's edema).

To be precise, it is not alcohol itself that causes an allergic reaction, because an allergy can only be to protein, but it happens that everything starts with alcoholic beverages.

Undesirable reactions can be caused by impurities and additives that are present in the composition of wine, beer, cognac, liquor. “Pure” alcoholic drinks (vodka or diluted alcohol) can also cause allergies, but for a different reason: alcohol increases the percentage of toxins and underdigested proteins from the intestines entering the blood, and these are classic allergens.

For more information about the causes and symptoms of alcohol allergy, as well as what to do when it appears, read the article "". About alcoholic beverages that most often cause allergies, and about the most harmless drinks for allergy sufferers, as well as anti-hangover drugs and hepatoprotectors with which allergy sufferers should be more careful, read the article "Alcohol for Allergies". For information on how to recognize an allergic reaction and what to do about it, see this illustration:

Does alcohol interfere with the action of drugs?

If you have taken any medication and are about to drink alcohol, first check the package leaflet for your medication to rule out the following:

  • the medicine is incompatible with alcohol and gives very serious side effects, even deadly;
  • the medicine is poorly compatible with alcohol. For example, the damage to the body that alcohol usually causes can be significantly increased due to the drug. Or vice versa, alcohol will increase the risk of unwanted side effects medicines;
  • even if the combination of medicine and alcohol does not bring special harm, then in the presence of alcohol, the drug may not show its useful properties, that is, you can remain without treatment.

Other options are also possible. For more details, read the articles:

How drinking and chronic disease are related

Drinking can help develop chronic diseases, and that's why:

  1. alcohol can provoke an acute attack of an already existing chronic disease;
  2. it also happens that a state that has not manifested itself for the first time worries a person precisely during a feast.

After drinking alcohol, complications from:

  • liver;
  • kidneys;
  • pancreas;
  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • respiratory organs;
  • hearts;
  • and other vital organs.

Read the article “When to call ambulance hangover."

Why should alcoholics have their mercury levels checked?

Those who regularly and for many years drink beer or strong alcohol from grain alcohol, doctors recommend monitoring the level of mercury in the body. These drinks are made from cereals, and to grow them, mercury-containing pesticides are often used to control pests and plant diseases. Pesticides are also used in the cultivation of other cereals, so pesticide residues enter our body also with bread and porridge. Non-drinking people will not be harmed by them, but mercury is easily restored from these low-active compounds with the help of biogenic amines, aldehydes and ketones, the content of which in the blood of alcoholics is always increased.

For the same reason, it is better for drinkers not to lean on sea fish and seafood, as well as river fish, which hunts near the coast (for example, pike). In marine coastal areas and in shallow rivers, more mercury accumulates in fish. And if mercury accumulates in the human body because of this, such a development of events threatens with mercury poisoning.

Can alcohol cause cancer

The World Health Organization notes that the main risk factors for cancer worldwide are alcohol and tobacco use, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity. People who drink regularly have a markedly increased risk of cancer in the gastrointestinal tract. For example, 22% all oral cancers in men (and 9% - in women) are caused by alcohol, that is, in these cases, a sober lifestyle would help to avoid the disease.

The results of several Japanese studies have shown that people who consumed alcohol in a dose equivalent to 100 g pure alcohol (in terms of vodka, this is 316 ml) per day, the risk of developing esophageal cancer increases with 11.71 times compared to people who have never consumed alcohol.

The risk of developing cancer is directly related to the amount of alcohol consumed. The risk of developing certain types of cancer (eg, mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus) in people who drink heavily is significantly increased if they are also heavy smokers.

Drinking can contribute to the development of cancer not only directly, but also indirectly. For example, alcohol can cause hepatitis (inflammation of the liver), and hepatitis in some cases leads to liver cancer. In women who abuse alcohol, the level of estrogen in the blood rises, as a result of which the risk of breast cancer increases.

Is it bad to not drink at all?

Read about the chemistry that goes into alcohol and how beer makers can cheat to make the drink cheaper in an interview with food chemist Sergey Belkov

Paradoxically, being a total teetotaler may not be as undeniably beneficial as it might seem. Texas researchers observed more than 1,500 people over 20 years and concluded that non-drinkers, on average, die earlier than drinkers. Perhaps this is due to the fact that most drinking people- These are obviously unhealthy people who are afraid to drink.

Perhaps lifestyle plays a role, as drinkers often have more friends and lower stress levels. In any case, remember: at the table you need to know and observe your measure, because the harm from excessive drinking very quickly and irrevocably outweighs all its possible benefits.

The article has been updated in last time: 2018-10-31

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- The harm of alcohol on the human body
- Harm of alcoholic beverages in numbers
- The negative effect of alcohol on the organs and systems of the body

The harm of alcohol on the body can be enormous. The alcohol molecule is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body. The absorption process begins in the oral mucosa, the gastric mucosa absorbs about 20% of alcohol, and the main part falls on the small intestine.

Alcohol easily penetrates the cell membranes of any tissues, but its content depends on the amount of water in the cell. Therefore, most ethanol is absorbed in the brain tissue: 1.5 - 2 times more than in the tissues of other organs. Also observed in the liver high content alcohol, as it serves as a filter for the body and neutralizes substances that are harmful to it.

Drinking alcoholic beverages is harmful, regardless of the frequency of consumption and age. The positive impact is incredibly negligible compared to the harm caused to the human body by drinks containing ethanol ( ethanol). The negative impact of alcohol is especially noticeable at a young age, when the internal picture of the world is distorted from drinking alcohol for life.

Other organs and systems of the body can suffer from drinking alcohol:

1) vessels and heart;
2) urinary system;
3) stomach and intestines;
4) reproductive system;
5) nervous system.

After the first intake of alcohol, its molecule is oxidized at a rate of 85-100 mg / kg per hour. If alcohol is consumed frequently, the rate of oxidation increases, resulting in resistance to large doses of alcoholic beverages. The first consequence of harm from alcohol is memory impairment even after a small amount of alcohol. The higher the dose of alcohol, the more often a person suffers from memory lapses. According to the facts about the dangers of alcohol, one glass of alcohol can kill 1000-2000 cells in the brain. 95% of alcoholics and 85% of moderate drinkers have this figure.

Alcoholic drinks quickly excite the nervous system, because of which a person becomes cheerful and relaxes. Over time, alcohol accumulates in nerve cells and begins to slow down their functioning.

Liver cells suffer significantly from alcohol, as they are forced to process its molecules, although they are not adapted for this. As alcoholism develops, the liver wears out, and its cells begin to regenerate. Liver disease can affect the state of the brain, causing irreversible damage.

The harm of alcohol to the body is manifested in the lack of thiamine, which plays an important role in the activity of the body. Thiamine or vitamin B1 is extremely important for many processes, its deficiency leads to various pathological conditions and diseases.

- Harm of alcohol in numbers

Only 30 grams of alcohol per day (two glasses of vodka or one and a half bottles of beer) give a person a sure cirrhosis of the liver. A third of this portion is enough for women. The risk of a heart attack increases by 45 percent. Damage to the coronary vessels - by 48 percent. Fatal heart attack - by 37 percent.

If that's not enough for you, it's worth digging a little history. Harm of alcohol statistics surprisingly clearly demonstrates. Surprisingly, two indicators coincide exactly - the number of suicides per 100 thousand people and the amount of alcohol consumed. In addition, the increase in alcohol consumption in the country is accompanied by a surge in criminal activity. Of course, the number of patients dying from dozens of diseases associated with the effects of alcohol on the human body is also increasing.

Many people are interested in the harm of alcohol and beer. Alas, in the minds of most people, beer is not associated with alcohol - it's just a cooling drink. But it is not. It also contains a lot of alcohol, and since beer is consumed not in glasses, but in bottles, the effect on the body is really terrible. And here it is not only alcohol itself that is terrible, but also fusel oils, but also the hormone estrogen contained in hops. It is because of him that many men lose their willpower, blur, acquire a beer belly.

Of course, the harm of alcohol and potency are also inextricably linked. Or rather, the harm of alcohol to human health and impotence. Of course, the oversaturation of the male body with the female hormone reduces sexual activity and attraction to the opposite sex. Therefore, it is not surprising that many experienced alcoholics also suffer from the problem of impotence.

- The negative effect of alcohol on the organs and systems of the body

1) The brain is the most active consumer of energy. The negative effect of alcohol on the brain is associated with impaired access of oxygen to neurons as a result of alcohol intoxication. Alcoholic dementia, which develops with prolonged use of alcohol, is the result of the death of brain cells.

2) Irreversible consequences of heavy alcohol consumption: damage to brain functions caused by damage to the cells of the cerebral cortex - the "thinking" area of ​​the brain.

3) The harmful effects of alcohol affect all systems human body(nervous, circulatory, digestive). At present, the harmful role of alcoholism in the development of acute and chronic diseases has been proven.

4) Diseases of cardio-vascular system occupy a leading place in the structure of mortality. Under the influence of alcohol, the heart muscle is affected, which leads to serious illness and death. Alcohol abuse contributes to the development and progression of hypertension, coronary heart disease, and is often the direct cause of heart attacks.

5) Diseases of the external respiration system. Breath is synonymous with life. This is inhalation and exhalation, which alternate regularly. The respiratory process consists of four stages, and the violation of any of them leads to a serious respiratory disorder. In patients suffering from the 1st stage of chronic alcoholism, there is some stimulation of the function of external respiration: the minute volume of respiration increases, breathing becomes more frequent. As the disease progresses, breathing becomes worse, various diseases(chronic bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis).

6) Gastrointestinal pathology. Patients with chronic alcoholism often complain of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. With the development of alcoholism, the function of the salivary glands is disrupted. Other pathological changes also develop.

7) The liver occupies a special position among the organs digestive system. Under the influence of alcohol, liver function is impaired, which can lead to cirrhosis (degeneration) of the liver.

8) Kidneys. In most patients with alcoholism, the excretory function of the kidneys is impaired. There are malfunctions in the work of the entire hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, therefore, the regulation of the activity of the kidneys is disrupted.

9) Mental deviations. With alcoholism, a wide variety of mental abnormalities are found - hallucinations, numbness of parts of the body, muscle cramps, sometimes severe weakness in the limbs ("cotton legs"). Often, paralysis of individual muscle groups develops, mainly of the lower extremities.

10) Violations of the immune system. Alcohol adversely affects the human immune system, disrupts hematopoietic processes, reduces the production of lymphocytes, and contributes to the development of allergies.

11) The use of alcohol leaves a significant imprint on the activity of all internal organs.

12) The endocrine glands, primarily the gonads, experience the harmful effects of alcohol. A decrease in sexual function is observed in 1/3 of alcohol abusers and in patients with chronic alcoholism. In men, as a result of "alcoholic impotence", various functional disorders of the central nervous system (neurosis, reactive depression, etc.) easily occur. In women under the influence of alcohol, menstruation stops early, the ability to bear children decreases, and toxicosis of pregnancy is more often observed.

13) Muscles and skin. Chronic alcohol use often leads to weak and wasted muscles. Alcohol can damage muscles directly. Poor nutrition is another possible cause of muscular dystrophy. In 30-50% of cases, alcohol abusers develop skin diseases.

14) Delirium tremens is the most severe form of alcohol intoxication. It gives 1-2% of deaths even with intensive drug treatment, and without treatment, mortality can reach 20%.

15) Lifespan. The systematic use of alcohol leads to premature old age, disability; the life expectancy of persons prone to drunkenness is 15-20 years shorter than the average statistical.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site

Today, any medical specialist knows perfectly well how scary it is. the harm of alcohol. Yes, the Ministry of Health regularly warns. The truth is not too loud - purely for the sake of form. Meanwhile, the damage is really inflicted simply terrible. After all, today alcohol is abused not only by adult men, but also by women, and even teenagers. It has already become a rule of good manners to appear in a company with a bottle of beer, a can of Jaguar, or just a slight smell of fumes. The people are really degrading with the full connivance of the government and the Ministry of Health. But many of these people would decisively give up alcohol if they knew more more about the dangers of alcohol. This is exactly what you can learn from this article.

The harm of alcohol on the human body

Alcohol deals a terrible blow to the entire human body. The liver, heart, brain, reproductive system - all this receives a severe blow when drinking alcohol. But you have to start in order.
How exactly does alcohol affect a person? What causes pleasant relaxation? Why do all problems recede, is it enough to drink just a couple of glasses of vodka or cognac? Is there any the harm of alcohol or is it just a scam?
As you know, alcohol is an excellent solvent. To check, take a glass of alcohol and put a piece of fat in it for the night and see for yourself in the morning. So, when vodka, cognac, wine or another drink containing alcohol enters the human stomach, part of it enters the bloodstream. As a result, red blood cells involved in the transport of oxygen in the human body lose their fatty lubrication - it simply dissolves. Usually, she allows them to slip past each other, successfully fulfilling their function. But when the fatty lubrication is lost, the cells no longer slip past on contact, but stick together. When 6-10 red blood cells join together, something vaguely resembling a bunch of grapes is obtained. Of course, in an artery or vein, this "bunch" will easily pass. But when it enters the capillaries, through which red blood cells enter the neurons of the brain, difficulties begin. The capillary is sized to allow only one red blood cell to pass through. What happens when a bunch gets there? That's right, the capillary is clogged. The neuron does not receive oxygen and dies. When neurons die in tens and hundreds of thousands of people and you feel a sense of relaxation, all problems fade into the background. But is this relaxation worth it? With this example, it becomes clear what alcohol damage to the brain.

This is how glued erythrocytes look like (such gluing clogs a capillary, the size of which is slightly larger than the erythrocyte itself) - The harm of alcohol to the brain

Alcohol contributes to blockage of blood vessels and this leads to the formation of aneurysms (a defect in the vessel wall, which bulges under blood pressure and blood enters the substance of the brain, this is how a hemorrhagic stroke is formed. Mortality from hemorrhagic stroke is 70-80%, those who survive can hardly be called people - these are plants that are not capable of cognitive functions and self-service) - the harm of alcohol to the brain

No less terrible blow is applied to the rest of the body. The same well-known cirrhosis of the liver occurs precisely because of the increased consumption of alcohol. And besides, about six hundred thousand people a year in Russia die from diseases associated with the use of alcohol. And simply, drinking alcohol shortens a person's life by an average of 5-15 years, depending on the characteristics of the human body and the intensity of use. So it’s worth seriously thinking about what is better, drinking vodka for a snack with friends with or without, or living an extra 10 years without suffering from numerous diseases in last years life.

Harm of alcohol (video)

The harm of alcohol on the body of a teenager

Even more scary the dangers of alcohol for teenagers. As mentioned above, alcohol effectively kills the body of an adult, strong person. What can we say about teenagers, whose body did not have time to get stronger. It is in adolescence that the body is most vulnerable - the restructuring of the child's body into the body of an adult is in full swing. And at that moment, a terrible blow is dealt to him. Of course, in this case the harm of alcohol becomes even more noticeable and scary. For example, the liver at this age has a higher carrying capacity, and besides, its structure has not had time to get stronger. As a result, liver disease can be caused by a few grams of alcohol. In general, alcohol, whether it be vodka, wine or beer, strikes at everything. children's body- the liver, the nervous system, the brain, the respiratory tract, a decrease in immunity and the rapid transformation into a drunken alcoholic - this is the lot of children to whom parents in childhood were not able to explain in an accessible way why any alcohol is scary. So think seriously - is it so small the dangers of alcohol for teenagers, as is commonly believed, or is it worth taking certain steps today to give your child a healthy and happy life?

Harm of alcohol for the liver (video)

Video about the dangers of alcohol (Prof. Efimov V.A. gives a lecture for the Federal Security Service of St. Petersburg 2003.02.25)

Harm of alcohol for women

You can talk for hours about harm of alcohol for men. But alcohol has an even more terrible effect on a woman's body. It is widely known that women move from the stage of "moderate drinkers" to the clan of alcoholics much faster. But even that is not the worst harm of alcohol. In fact harm of alcohol for women lies in something else. Still, almost any healthy woman is a future mother. Sooner or later, maternal instincts wake up in her. But often they wake up too late and the young woman already manages to make so many mistakes that she will have to regret them for the rest of her life.
Here it is necessary to tell in more detail about the mechanism of the effect of alcohol on the human body. How does it affect women? To understand this one must take harm of alcohol for men and add to it a high probability of having children with disabilities.
Indeed, alcohol, entering the body of a woman, is carried by the blood to all organs. The blow is applied to the brain, liver and other vital organs, as mentioned above. But in addition, alcohol enters the reproductive system. And this is where the fundamental differences begin. If a man's seed is renewed in a few months, then a woman receives a supply of eggs for life. And getting alcohol into this supply will certainly damage at least some of them. Indeed, a strange statement causes considerable surprise - a sick child was born due to the fact that a woman drank a decent dose of alcohol twenty years before his birth. Mystic? Nonsense? Stupidity? Alas, medical fact. It's just that alcohol disfigured the cell, which matured and was fertilized decades later. So if we're talking about harm of alcohol for women, this side of harm should be remembered first of all.

How to Avoid the Harm of Alcohol

Of course, every person reading this article has a question - how can you avoid or at least reduce the dangers of alcohol for humans? The answer here is surprisingly simple - give up alcohol. Whole, forever and right now. To some this will seem wild and incredible - how can you refuse beer, vodka and wine? However, thousands of people in our country and millions of people around the world live completely without touching alcohol. And they live, it should be noted, much longer and happier.
To understand this, one must evaluate the dangers of alcohol in numbers. How does alcohol reward its faithful adherents? Only 30 grams of alcohol per day (two glasses of vodka or one and a half bottles of beer) give a person a sure cirrhosis of the liver. A third of this portion is enough for women. The risk of a heart attack increases by 45 percent. Damage to the coronary vessels - by 48 percent. Fatal heart attack - by 37 percent. So is it worth drinking these two glasses, paying for it with years of life?
If that's not enough for you, it's worth digging a little history. The harm of alcohol statistics surprisingly clearly demonstrates. Surprisingly, two indicators coincide exactly - the number of suicides per 100 thousand people and the amount of alcohol consumed. In addition, the increase in alcohol consumption in the country is accompanied by a surge in criminal activity. Of course, the number of patients dying from dozens of diseases associated with the effects of alcohol on the human body is also increasing.
Many people are interested the dangers of alcohol and beer. Alas, in the minds of most people, beer is not associated with alcohol - it's just a cooling drink. But it is not. It also contains a lot of alcohol, and since beer is consumed not in glasses, but in bottles, the effect on the body is really terrible. And here, not only alcohol itself and fusel oils are terrible, but also the hormone estrogen contained in hops. It is because of him that many men lose their willpower, blur, acquire a beer belly.
Of course, alcohol harm and potency are also inextricably linked. More precisely - the harm of alcohol to human health and impotence. Of course, the oversaturation of the male body with the female hormone reduces sexual activity and attraction to the opposite sex. Therefore, it is not surprising that many experienced alcoholics also suffer from the problem of impotence. Or do they not suffer? Indeed, most of them don't care anymore. They don't think about such things. They are only interested in one thing - where to get a drink. Do you want such a life? Or do you think that the dangers of alcohol for humans not worth the dubious pleasure it brings?

Many people know that alcohol is harmful to the whole organism and the human psyche. Harm from alcohol begins with memory impairment and ends with serious diseases that may not respond to treatment, and in some cases lead to death. According to recent studies, even small doses of alcohol can lead to some changes in the human brain and other body systems. The harm of alcohol is caused not only to the drinker, but also to the people around him, to the whole society as a whole.

In 2009, more than 12,000 accidents were recorded in the Russian Federation due to drivers who were driving in a state of alcohol intoxication.

The harm of alcohol on the body can be enormous. The alcohol molecule is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body. The absorption process begins in the oral mucosa, the gastric mucosa absorbs about 20% of alcohol, and the main part falls on the small intestine. Alcohol easily penetrates the cell membranes of any tissues, but its content depends on the amount of water in the cell. Therefore, most ethanol is absorbed in the brain tissue: 1.5 - 2 times more than in the tissues of other organs. The liver also has a high alcohol content, as it serves as a filter for the body and neutralizes substances that are harmful to it.

Parkhomenko Oleg Viktorovich, narcologist

Drinking alcoholic beverages is harmful, regardless of the frequency of consumption and age. The positive impact is incredibly meager compared to the harm caused to the human body by drinks containing ethanol (ethyl alcohol). The negative impact of alcohol is especially noticeable at a young age, when the internal picture of the world is distorted from drinking alcohol for life.

Other organs and systems of the body can suffer from drinking alcohol:

  1. vessels and heart;
  2. urinary system;
  3. stomach and intestines;
  4. reproductive system;
  5. nervous system.

After the first intake of alcohol, its molecule is oxidized at a rate of 85-100 mg / kg per hour. If alcohol is consumed frequently, the rate of oxidation increases, resulting in resistance to large doses of alcoholic beverages. The first consequence of harm from alcohol is memory impairment even after a small amount of alcohol. The higher the dose of alcohol, the more often a person suffers from memory lapses. According to the facts about the dangers of alcohol, one glass of alcohol can kill 1000-2000 cells in the brain. 95% of alcoholics and 85% of moderate drinkers have this figure.

The harm of alcohol on the central nervous system is manifested primarily by the fact that alcohol molecules on initial stage enter the nerve cells. This is due to the high property of alcohol to dissolve fats, which are most found in the shell of the nerve cell and account for more than 60%. Alcohol penetrates into the neuron and lingers in it, since its cytoplasm contains elevated level water. Alcoholic drinks quickly excite the nervous system, because of which a person becomes cheerful and relaxes. Over time, alcohol accumulates in nerve cells and begins to slow down their functioning.

Liver cells suffer significantly from alcohol, as they are forced to process its molecules, although they are not adapted for this. As alcoholism develops, the liver wears out, and its cells begin to regenerate. In place of the affected liver cells, fragments of adipose tissue appear. As a result, the working liver decreases in size and is unable to process harmful toxins. Liver disease can affect the state of the brain, causing irreversible damage.

Harm from taking alcohol with certain drugs.
Alcohol + Effect
1 aspirin stomach ulcer
2 caffeine, coldact, coldrex, eferdine or theofedrine hypertensive crisis
3 diuretics, antihypertensive drugs strong decline blood pressure
4 panadol, paracetamol, efferalgan liver toxicity
5 insulin and other drugs that lower blood sugar sudden drop in blood sugar, coma
6 painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, neuroleptics, tranquilizers, sleeping pills intoxication of the body, cerebral coma
7 sulfonamides, antibiotics lack of therapeutic effect, drug intolerance by the body
8 antihistamines, nitroglycerin allergic reaction, increased pain

The harm of alcohol to the body is manifested in the lack of thiamine, which plays an important role in the activity of the body. Thiamine or vitamin B1 is extremely important for many processes, its deficiency leads to various pathological conditions and diseases. With a lack of thiamine, the activity of the brain and nerve cells decreases, which leads to various disorders of the nervous system. Lack of vitamin B1 occurs due to malnutrition, metabolic disorders in the body, as a large amount of alcohol is consumed and a person eats poorly.

Alcohol and smoking

Alcoholic beverages and cigarettes in themselves are harmful to the body. Tobacco smoking in combination with alcohol causes a double blow to the body. Alcohol molecules and nicotine are absorbed into the blood, interact with red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, and carbon dioxide back from the tissues. Ethanol dissolves the protective layer from the outer surface of red blood cells, removing electrical stress from them, which is why the red blood cells stick together and form large balls. With an increase in the dose of drunk and smoked cigarettes, their sizes increase. This leads to the formation of blood clots in the vessels, the blood supply to some parts of the brain and other human systems is disrupted.

The harm of alcohol and smoking is expressed in the effect of mutual reinforcement. According to information about the dangers of alcohol, the risk of developing cancerous tumors in the lungs, larynx, in drinking smokers is 7-9 times higher than in those who do not smoke; in alcoholics - 5-6 times higher than in non-drinking people. When two bad habits are combined, malignant tumors can occur in 40% of cases. Eliminating at least one factor, the risk is significantly reduced.

Alcohol and drugs

Drugs in combination with alcohol cause tremendous harm to the body and can lead to frequent deaths. Addicts can dilute drugs in liquor to get double the pleasure. Either similar in action or opposite are used to reduce the effect of one of them. Most often, cocaine is combined with alcohol. After such a cocktail, the nerve cells of the brain are instantly affected, since two types of substances act on the body: restraining and exciting, absolutely opposite to each other.

Restraining substances calm and relax the nervous system, stimulating substances make it active. Alcohol in this case is a deterrent, suppressing the nervous system, and cocaine is a stimulant, stimulating and activating nerve cells. This combination often ends in the death of a person.

Combining alcohol with drugs, a person suppresses the simplest reflexes and important functions in the body. Even with small doses of alcohol and drugs, respiratory functions can be impaired. In a state of intoxication, a person is not able to control the dose of the drug taken, and alcohol enhances the effect of even a small dose of a narcotic substance. Therefore, the harm of alcohol and drugs develops into a mortal threat to life.

Harm of alcohol for women

Researchers have found that the harm of alcohol on a woman's body is much higher than on a man's. This is due to the structure and features female body. Alcohol tolerance in women is much lower than in men, so female alcoholism develops faster and is much more difficult to treat. In women with alcohol addiction, liver cells are more quickly affected, the heart muscle is weakened, blood vessels are destroyed, and the nervous system is depleted. The harm of alcohol for women is manifested in skin aging, rapid withering of the whole organism, changes in voice and appearance. A woman becomes ugly, aggressive and unable to control herself.

Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol during pregnancy. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy leads to negative consequences for the brain of the fetus, later they are expressed in the poor development of the organs, psyche and behavior of the child. If the mother systematically drank during pregnancy, the child develops (fetal alcohol syndrome). In children with this syndrome, malformations of external organs are often observed, the arms and legs are small, the head is disproportionate compared to the body. They grow and develop slowly compared to their peers. Such children are not able to adequately perceive information, do not remember well and adapt to the outside world more difficult.

In a child with fetal syndrome, the volume of the brain is less than normal, while the number of brain cells and neurons is much lower than normal. Neuronal brain cells in such children are not able to function normally, which leads to behavioral and psychological disorders. The child may be aggressive, the ability to think logically and abstractly is reduced. It is more difficult for him to get used to communicating with other children, to be socially active. Such a child often becomes an alcoholic himself, since addiction is inherited.

The harm of alcohol for teenagers is higher than for an adult organism, since the child is at the stage of formation. The harm of alcohol for adolescents is manifested in growth inhibition, delayed development of mental and sexual functions, muscles, affects appearance person. The young body perceives alcohol worse and is not able to resist its influence. 100 grams of wine or vodka is enough to make a teenager drunk. Teenage alcoholism develops 5-10 times faster than in adults. Particular attention should be paid to the harm alcoholic energy drinks that seem harmless. However, this is not the case, they contain ethanol and can pose a threat to the life of the child.

The harm of alcohol on the body of a child and adolescent is expressed in the following:

  • disruption of chemical processes in the brain and nervous system child, causing developmental delay, memory impairment;
  • the ability of a teenager to study and other areas of science and creativity is reduced;
  • the ability to logical and abstract thinking decreases;
  • manifestation of psychoses and depressions;
  • children and adolescents emotionally degrade, the real perception of the world around them decreases.

It is very important in the family and educational institutions to talk about the dangers of alcohol for teenagers and schoolchildren. Regular preventive conversation about the dangers of alcohol will help protect children from addiction and further alcoholism.

Harm of alcohol to others

Experts say that alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs, because it depresses the body, causes attacks of aggression in a person, makes him unable to control his actions, prone to violence and even murder. The harm of alcohol is manifested not only for the person himself, but also for others. In a state of extreme intoxication, a person can attack another person, start a fight for no reason.

About 80% of cases of domestic violence occur under the influence of alcohol, about 60% of all crimes are committed in a state of extreme intoxication. A person is not able to control his actions and deeds. About 50% of all traffic accidents occur due to alcohol effects on the driver's body. A drunk person driving can harm other drivers and pedestrians.

The harm and benefits of alcohol

Many researchers and modern scientists argue about the dangers and benefits of alcohol. Recent studies have shown that drinking wine several times a week can significantly reduce the risk of heart and vascular disease, and protect against diabetes. Red wine contains a large amount of antioxidants that slow down the aging process and kill cancer cells. The number of blood clots is reduced, which means that the risk of blood clots is prevented. But is it really so?

Alcohol, even in small doses, causes emotional dependence. Academician Pavlov found that after drinking a small dose of alcoholic beverages, reflexes disappear and return to normal after 7 to 11 days. Gradually, the amount of alcohol consumed may increase. According to data in people who drink moderately alcoholic beverages, after 4 years, the probability of shrinkage of brain cells is 85%. Alcoholic drinks in low doses are harmful to the liver, blood vessels and human skin. The risk of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, pancreatitis and cancer increases. Whether you get harm or benefit from alcohol is up to you, but it is better to protect yourself from addiction.

Every person should know about the dangers of alcohol, starting from childhood, since the consequences can be irreversible. It is necessary to conduct regular conversations about the influence of alcoholic beverages among young people and adults, to involve society in a healthy lifestyle.