Boiled beets kcal proteins. How many calories in boiled beets

Beets are a vegetable that everyone has met at least once in their life. Sugar is made from it, which is widely used in all types of cooking. Everyone eats beets in the form of salads, prepare soups from it. However, no one knows about its beneficial properties, about how many vitamins and trace elements are included in the composition.

Nutritional value and calories

Calorie content per 100 grams of raw vegetable: 43 kcal.

Boiled beets contain slightly more calories than raw beets. There are 49 kcal per 100 grams of product. This is due to the fact that beet fibers shrink at elevated temperatures, and some of the water is lost.

The mass of the vegetable decreases, but the composition remains the same. This vegetable has a low protein content, there are no fats in it at all, but almost 10% carbohydrates. During heat treatment, the amount of natural sugars increases. In other words, the glycemic index rises.

Boiled beets are used more often than raw ones. They make the famous borscht soup from it, cut vinaigrettes, make “herring under a fur coat”, preserve preparations for the winter. It is good to use it as a dietary product. The vegetable has a sufficient amount of carbohydrates and may well replace fatty foods. It will relieve unwanted hunger and normalize bowel function.

Benefits of boiled and raw beets

Beets have a huge number of useful properties. Its composition will help maintain the daily norm of minerals and vitamins. Also, its use will help strengthen the immune system, which is very good in the cold season.

Beetroot improves hematopoietic function and the state of the body with iron deficiency anemia. It helps pregnant women not only in the development of the unborn baby, but also to cope with prolonged constipation, characteristic of this period.

Raw vegetables are processed into beetroot juices and vegetable salads are prepared. Juices help preserve all the most useful elements of the vegetable. You need to drink such juice mixed with some other. This will smooth out the sugary-sweet taste. When drinking juice, useful components penetrate the body faster.

Ingredients of beets:

  • carbohydrates make up 10% of the total mass. They can be divided into glucose, sucrose and fructose. They are involved in the metabolic processes of the body. Split for energy, which is needed for vital activity;
  • vitamins of groups B and C. Vitamin C is responsible for immunity, so beets will help strengthen it. Folic acid improves fertility in men and women. Helps with the development of the nervous system in the fetus during pregnancy. Vitamin B6 helps to cope with stress;
  • mineral elements: potassium, manium, calcium, iron, manganese, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine and others. They are all involved in biochemical processes and play an important role in human life support;
  • organic acids: oxalic, malic, citric. All three acids participate in the Krebs cycle, after which glucose is formed, which is necessary for brain nutrition;
  • amino acids: valine, arginine, histidine, betaine and others. They are components of proteins and are part of DNA;
  • cellulose (pectins) is contained in large quantities. It normalizes bowel function. There are no enzymes in the human body that can completely digest fiber. It swells in the stomach, which suppresses the feeling of hunger. Only its upper layers are digested, the remains are excreted from the body. Pectin also kills putrefactive bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Great for helping you lose weight.

Boiled vegetables have the same properties as raw ones. After heat treatment, beets do not change their composition at all. Only the content of carbohydrates increases.

This is due to the compression of the vegetable fibers when exposed to high temperature, due to a slight loss of moisture.

List of unique vegetable properties

  1. Laxative action. Helps to cope with long-term constipation, improve digestion and cleanse toxins.
  2. regulation of fat metabolism. Betaine in beets regulates fat metabolism.
  3. Decreased blood pressure in hypertension. It contains a large amount of magnesium, which strengthens the heart.
  4. Anti-inflammatory action.
  5. Painkiller. It will not relieve severe pain, but it will help with bruises.
  6. hematopoietic function. Iron is involved in the formation of red blood, beets contain a lot of it.
  7. Regulation of the endocrine system. Iodine in the composition of the vegetable helps with endocrine diseases.
  8. Energy function. The high content of carbohydrates helps to get the body maximum energy for life.

A nutritionist will tell about the benefits of beets for a person:

Contraindications and harmful effects of the root crop

  • You can not abuse this product in diabetes. Carbohydrates in the composition of the vegetable contribute to an increase in blood glucose;
  • people suffering from intestinal diseases such as enterocolitis, colitis, increased acidity of the stomach, gastroduodenitis are at risk for diarrhea when consumed;
  • beets contribute to salt formation, therefore, with urolithiasis, it is better to exclude it from the diet;
  • if you are allergic to beets, you can not contact with it and eat it. This can lead to serious consequences. Up to death.

How to cook beetroot

Root crops must be well washed from the ground. You can cut a little small roots, but you need to cook them in an unpeeled form. Vegetables are poured with cold water, which should completely cover them. Put on the stove on a big fire. Bring to a boil. Next, cook for 120-180 minutes over medium heat. After pour cold water and cool. Before use, peel the skin of the beets.

There is another way. Beets are boiled in water for 20 minutes. Then wrapped in foil and baked in the oven for 80-100 minutes. Wash beforehand.

Chefs in restaurants prefer the fast track. Wash vegetables. Boil 40 minutes. Pour cold water and leave in it for 20 minutes. It is believed that during this time the beets will be fully cooked.

There are many recipes for beetroot vegetable salads. They will help you lose weight and keep your figure in good shape. Below are the main ones.

Salad with carrots

Beets should be boiled, then peeled. Wash and peel carrots. Grate the vegetables on a coarse grater. Transfer to a salad bowl. Add salt and spices to taste. You can fill with mayonnaise or olive oil.

Salad with boiled beets and sour cream

Boil the beets for 120-180 minutes. To peel. Cut into cubes or strips, as you like. Sprinkle chopped vegetables with lemon juice, add a little horseradish. Season with spices and add salt to taste. Top with sour cream and mix. At the end, you can sprinkle with grated walnuts. Perfect dish for fasting days.

Salad with mayonnaise and garlic

Boil the beets, clean. Grate on a coarse grater. Peel a few cloves of garlic and pass through a garlic maker. You can just finely chop. Fill with mayonnaise.

Boiled beetroot salad with vegetable oil

Grate the boiled and peeled beets on a coarse grater or cut into strips. Chop greens. Add a teaspoon of balsamic vinegar or lemon juice. Season with spices, add salt. Fill with oil.

Fitness snack

Boil beets. Clean up. Cut into cubes or strips. Grate a large apple, add to the salad. Scald onion with boiling water, cut into small cubes. Shred the cabbage. Add parsley, leek, apple cider vinegar and olive oil. Spices and salt - optional.

Beetroot is a root vegetable widely used in cooking. In the people it is often called a beetroot. Beets are part of borscht, side dishes, salads and snacks. Its coloring property is used by chefs to give dishes a beautiful pinkish hue. Buryak is very useful in any form, this root crop contains a record amount of amino acids important for the human body. Let's find out how many calories are in beets cooked in different ways and what valuable properties it has.

Beetroot calories per 100 grams

Since the beet contains a small amount of carbohydrates and fats, the calorie content of this root crop is low. However, it still differs depending on the form in which you consume the vegetable. We invite you to consider the calorie content of beetroot juice, as well as beetroot fresh, boiled, baked, stewed and pickled.

In fresh

Raw beets have a beneficial effect on the digestive and circulatory systems of the body. The product must be present in the menu of vegetarians and people who are struggling with being overweight. Buryak is a dietary vegetable, from the consumption of which you will never get better. The average root crop weighs 300-400 grams. Accordingly, its energy value reaches approximately 130-170 kcal.

The calorie content of raw beets is 43 kilocalories per 100 grams.

In boiled

The calorie content of boiled beets is low, so nutritionists recommend including it in the diet. A boiled vegetable has a wide range of useful properties. Vitamins and other valuable elements present in the product improve brain activity, strengthen immunity, and improve intestinal motility.

The energy value:

  • Steamed beets: 44 kcal;
  • Beets with mayonnaise and garlic: 112 kcal;
  • With butter and garlic: 95 kcal;
  • With sour cream (15%) and garlic: 65 kcal.

Beetroot is important to cook properly. First, the vegetable is already placed in boiling water. Secondly, it does not salt. The salt hardens the beets. It is better to add it to an already prepared dish. In the process of boiling, make sure that the liquid completely covers the beets. To make it easier to peel boiled beets, place them immediately after boiling in cold water. The broth itself should not be poured: by straining it, you will get a useful diuretic and laxative. Beetroot decoction is good for the liver - it effectively cleanses this organ. Beetroot is boiled for 40-60 minutes, depending on the size of the root crop.

Boiled beet - 48 kilocalories per 100 grams.

in baked

Boiled beets are part of dozens of salads, but few housewives know that it is better for them not to boil beetroot, but to bake it. It takes the same amount of time, but it is much more convenient and tastier. Heat treatment does not reduce the benefits of beetroot.

How to cook baked beets:

  1. Wash vegetables well.
  2. We cut off only long tails.
  3. We spread the foil on the table, put the beetroot on top.
  4. We wrap the vegetable so that all the "seams" are directed upwards. You can be sure that the juice released during the baking process will not run away anywhere. Small beets can be wrapped in one piece of foil at once, 2-3 pieces.
  5. We put the beet in the oven, heated to 160-170 degrees, it cooks for about 1 hour.
  6. Let the vegetables cool, carefully unfold them, clean them.

Calorie baked beets - 44 kilocalories per 100 gr.

In stew

To prepare stewed beets, the vegetable is washed under running water, peeled, cut into strips and laid out in a pan or cauldron. Add 3-4 tablespoons of oil and a small amount of water. Mix everything and simmer until half cooked. Do not forget to stir the beetroot regularly. Add sugar and salt to taste. Simmer until ready. Low-calorie beet when stewing turns into a nutritious product. If you extinguish the beet on the water, it will contain 75 kcal.

The energy value of baked beets is 106 kilocalories.

in pickled

Pickled beets are used as a component of various salads and first courses. By adding the beets 5 minutes before the soup is ready, you will improve its appearance and taste. Pickled beetroot can be bought in the market or in any supermarket. However, a store-bought product cannot be compared in taste or benefit with a home-cooked product.

To pickle beetroot at home, rinse the vegetable and cook until fully cooked. The marinade is made from water, vinegar, sugar, table salt, black pepper, chili pepper, horseradish, bay leaf and cloves. All this is brought to a boil, and then cooled to room temperature. Boiled beets are peeled, cut in any way convenient for you, placed in sterilized jars and poured with cooled marinade. Place the bottles in a cool, dry place, and after 1-2 days the pickled beetroot will be ready for consumption.

The calorie content of the pickled product is 65 kilocalories.

In beetroot juice

To get natural beetroot juice, you can use a juicer or chop the vegetable on a fine grater and squeeze out the liquid by hand. Keep in mind that your hands will turn pink after such a procedure. The fact is that beetroot juice is a strong natural dye used in cooking to color dishes.

Some people prefer pure beetroot juice in cocktails in which it is mixed with other vegetable or fruit juices. Beet juice contains antioxidants that have a rejuvenating and tonic effect and prevent the development of cancer. The drink improves the condition of the skin. It is useful to drink beet juice for neuroses of various origins, for insomnia, diabetes, high blood pressure, scurvy, and kidney stones. The norm of drinking a drink is 300 ml per day. It is advisable to break this dose into 4-5 doses.

The calorie content of beetroot juice is 42 kilocalories per 100 ml.

Composition and nutritional value

Beetroot is the champion among vegetables in terms of the capacity of essential acids, which include gamma-aminobutyric acid, which improves metabolism in the brain. Beetroot contains the compound betaine, which is converted inside the body into active choline, which has an anti-sclerotic effect and prevents fatty degeneration of the liver. Among other acids contained in beets, we highlight lactic, malic, oxalic, citric, tartaric and folic. Beetroot contains a lot of fiber, which improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Table beet varieties are rich sources of vitamin C and B vitamins, the content of carotene and nicotinic acid is less significant. 100 g of vegetable contains 14% of the body's daily requirement for dietary fiber. Among the micro and macro elements are manganese (16%), potassium (13%), copper (7.5%), sodium (6%), magnesium (5.8%), phosphorus (5%), iron (4, 4%), zinc (3%), calcium (1.6%) and sulfur (1.3).

Now let's talk about the components of the BJU. 100 grams of fresh beet contains 1.6 grams of vegetable proteins, 0.2 grams of fat and 6.8 grams of carbohydrates. In boiled beets, their capacity is 1.7 g, 0.2 g and 8 g, respectively.

Useful properties of beets

Beets are well absorbed by the body and make up for the deficiency of nutrients and vitamins, so it must be included in the diet in winter and spring. But its benefits don't end there.

How beets affect the body:

  • Buryak improves digestion, relieves chronic constipation.
  • Fiber and valuable organic acids regulate the metabolic process, increase intestinal motility.
  • Pectin, contained in beets, removes toxins from the body, destroys putrefactive bacteria present in the digestive tract.
  • Consumption of low-calorie beets helps to accelerate weight loss and consolidate the result.
  • Betaine (lipotropic substance) prevents the accumulation of fats in the liver tissues, reduces the likelihood of tumors.
  • Beetroot juice normalizes blood pressure, protects against atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol levels. The drink is useful to mix with honey.
  • Buryak cleanses the blood, increases hemoglobin and improves heart function (due to the content of vitamin B9).
  • Beetroot stimulates the brain by activating blood circulation in the head.
  • Fresh beetroot juice is useful to drink in the early stages of colds. With a runny nose, this liquid is instilled 2-3 drops into the nostrils. And with angina, the throat is rinsed with a mixture of beetroot juice (1 cup) with vinegar (1 tablespoon).
  • The antioxidants present in beetroot tone and slow down cellular aging.
  • Folic acid has a rejuvenating effect, promoting the formation of new cells.
  • Buryak increases the body's resistance to radioactive substances.
  • Even beet leaves can be called medicinal. For headaches, they are applied to the temples, as well as to the forehead. The migraine soon goes away.

In cooking, both fresh vegetables and boiled beets are used. Due to its low caloric content, boiled beets are classified as dietary foods. It is precisely because of the low calorie content that boiled beets are part of many diets. However, not only the low calorie content of boiled beets deserves attention.

Beets are really a dietary product. No wonder its healing properties were discovered by the ancients. The scanty calorie content of boiled beets only confirms its predisposition to a dietary, therapeutic diet. It is only 40-45 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie dishes with beets

One eaten salad will enrich you with vitamins and certainly will not harm your figure. Of course, constantly eating a root crop in raw or boiled form is boring. You will definitely want to add something to the dish.

In this case, the calorie content per 100 grams will differ:

  • Puree from this vegetable will contain 70 kcal.
  • If boiled beets are mixed with potatoes, the energy value will increase to 90.
  • A root crop with the addition of cheese will contain 162 kcal.
  • Stewed beets have an indicator of 76.
  • Vegetable caviar from a vegetable with the addition of onions, carrots and sunflower oil will contain 87 kcal.

The energy value of the dish was compiled taking into account the fact that boiled beets are used. If you cook a salad with potatoes or season a raw root vegetable with butter and cheese, the calorie content will not exceed 40-50. True, it will be much tastier to eat 100 grams of a boiled vegetable than, albeit low-calorie, but raw.

Composition of beets

In addition to the remarkable calorie content, boiled beets boast the ability not to lose vitamins and nutrients during heat treatment. So, safe and sound remain:

  • betaines - derivatives of amino acids that lower blood pressure, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, improve the absorption of proteins;
  • vitamins B1 and B6;
  • vitamins E, A;
  • folic acid, phosphorus, iron, zinc, magnesium;
  • cellulose.

Why boiled beets are good for the body

Boiled beets are useful in that they do not lose their nutritional components at all during cooking. And the rich unique composition of the vegetable makes it an indispensable product on our table.

  • With a low calorie content, there is very little protein in the root crop. For sensitive kidney filters, this dish is safe.
  • A minimum of unsaturated fats, in which there is no cholesterol.
  • Boiled root vegetable is a source of manganese. It is a natural antioxidant that regulates energy metabolism and promotes the development of the skeletal system.
  • There is a lot of iron in boiled beets. And this is a full breath for blood cells, strong immunity.
  • Just one serving provides a quarter of a person's daily requirement for folic acid. Vitamin is necessary for the formation of red blood cells, protein metabolism.

How to cook beetroot

It is better to boil beets in their skins, without cutting off the roots, so that it tastes better and vitamins are better preserved. Boil the beets without adding salt in a sealed container for about an hour.

Benefits of beets for weight loss

It is also important that the vegetable, both raw and boiled, as well as beetroot juice, have almost no contraindications. Therefore, the product can be used by everyone - sick and healthy. And the low calorie content of beets makes it possible to prepare dietary dishes from it for those who want to lose weight.

For those who seek to lose extra pounds, it is recommended to use the product fresh or boiled. Few people, except for raw foodists, prefer the first option: usually the root crop is boiled. The calorie content of boiled beets is almost the same as that of a fresh vegetable; useful substances remain in large quantities during heat treatment.

When boiled beets can harm

The use of boiled beets is contraindicated in the following diseases:

  • tendency to diarrhea;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • osteoporosis - beets contain oxalic acid, which prevents the absorption of calcium;
  • urolithiasis - the same oxalic acid contributes to the formation of stones (oxalates);
  • diabetes mellitus - due to high sugar content.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Beetroot is a herbaceous plant of the family amaranth having one-, two- and perennial representatives. The vegetable has a large maroon root crop of round, flattened or cylindrical shape and large leaves of rich green color with burgundy veins on long fleshy petioles. Known since the days of ancient Babylon, the beetroot is still one of the favorite vegetables, second only to (calorizator) in terms of prevalence. Rome and Byzantium, from where beets came to the territory of modern Russia, almost the entire Mediterranean is considered the birthplace of beets. An interesting fact - initially it was only used for food, it was soaked in and seasoned with hot pepper.

Calorie content of beets

The calorie content of beetroot depends on its variety. The calorie content of "ordinary" table beets averages 43 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Due to its composition, which contains: vitamins, as well as minerals necessary for the human body:, and, boron, and, and, beets are one of the most useful vegetables in the range of commonly available products. Beets are useful as a prophylactic for the occurrence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, participate in the process of hematopoiesis, and prevent the occurrence of leukemia and anemia. In times of lack of multivitamin preparations, beetroot and its juice were treated for scurvy and beriberi, used as a cleansing and laxative. Fiber and dietary fiber, in sufficient quantities, both in raw and in, work as a general tonic and improve metabolism, beets “cleanse” the liver, kidneys and blood vessels. , diluted with water, treat a runny nose by instilling it into each nostril several times a day.

Finely grated raw beets can relieve inflammation on the skin and small tumors, because it is not for nothing that beets are considered an essential food for cancer patients during the rehabilitation period after chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Beetroot has the ability to lower blood pressure, which is extremely important for people with hypertension.

Beet Harm

It is not recommended to consume beets or significantly reduce the amount of the product for those who are diagnosed with urolithiasis and kidney failure, kidney and bladder stones. Diabetics should not get carried away with the use of beets due to the high content of natural sugars in the vegetable. It is also necessary to remember that beets are an allergen, therefore, it must be introduced into the diet of children gradually.

The obligatory rule for drinking beetroot juice is that it is absolutely impossible to drink it freshly squeezed, this can lead to vasospasm, the juice must be put in the refrigerator for several hours, then drunk in its pure form, or mixed with, or.

Types of beets

Beetroot has several varieties:

  • Feed - has the largest root crops, is used for livestock feed;
  • Sugar - a white elongated root crop, cultivated to produce sugar;
  • Dining room - well-known cultivated beets, which are eaten;
  • Leafy - has juicy and crispy leaves that are eaten both raw and cooked.

Table beet varieties

All varieties of beets are divided into early, mid-season and late, which are especially suitable for long-term storage. The best early varieties for the middle lane are: Bordeaux, Barguzin, Egyptian flat, Cold-resistant, Red ball. Of the mid-season, we single out: Bona, Detroit, Bohemia, Mulatto and Incomparable. Late common varieties: Cylinder and Renova.

When buying root crops, you need to pay attention to the smoothness and integrity of the surface of the root crop - potholes, growths, bumps or traces of decay should be the reason for refusing to purchase. Beets collected in your own garden on a dry day should be dried by laying them out in one layer in a dry room or under a canopy, cut off the tops, leaving 1-2 cm of petioles and stored in a cellar or on a balcony, placing them in boxes with slightly damp sand to avoid drying out (calorizer). A useful tip is to use large root crops as quickly as possible, they do not have the same keeping quality as small ones.

Beets in weight loss

Beets, having a mild laxative effect, are an indispensable product for anyone who is watching their weight or is going to lose weight. Unloading beet days, or boiled beets with several times a week as an afternoon snack, not only normalize the activity of the digestive tract and contribute to weight loss, but also cheer you up.

Beets in cooking

Beetroot is a versatile product, it is boiled, baked, stewed, salted, marinated and used raw, it is the basis of real borscht, beetroot and many other soups. During heat treatment, the product practically does not lose its beneficial properties, so boiled beets are used in salads and snacks, as a decoration for dishes or as an independent meal.

You can learn more about beets, its types, benefits and harms from the video clip of the TV show “About the Most Important Thing”.

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It is hard to imagine Russian cuisine without ruddy, juicy, sugar beets, which are the most important component of many dishes. Without juicy, boiled, red beets, we would not be able to cook our favorite dishes: neither the symbol of Russian cuisine - borscht, nor healthy vinaigrette, nor mouth-watering beetroot snacks. And what is a holiday without a herring under a fur coat? To understand whether dishes from a sweet red vegetable can be consumed without harm to the figure, we find out the calorie content of boiled beets per 100 grams.

How many calories in boiled beets

The energy value of boiled beets is not much different from raw vegetables. If it is about 42 kcal, then the calorie content of boiled beets is 47 kcal per 100 grams. Despite the low calorie content of boiled red beets, it contains many useful substances and perfectly saturates the body. We will get good saturation with a minimum of calories. Even with heat treatment, beets will retain many useful substances and vitamins. And the calorie content of steamed red beets is even lower - about 40 kcal.

It is easy to calculate the calorie content of 1 pc. boiled beets, this is important for those who count calories. A medium-sized vegetable weighs 333 grams, so a whole boiled beet contains about 139 kcal. Of course, these parameters are averaged, it all depends on the size of the vegetable.

Calorie beetroot boiled with butter

Even on a diet, rarely does anyone eat boiled beets in their pure form, as a rule, a variety of dishes are prepared from it. The simplest is grated boiled beets with butter, its calorie content will be 76 kcal per 100 grams. You should not completely exclude oil from your diet during weight loss, the body must receive the necessary (small) dose of healthy fats. In a number of diets, the use of vegetable oil is allowed.

BJU and nutritional value

BJU of boiled beets per 100 grams is distributed as follows. Most carbohydrates - 13g, about 3 grams of protein and no fat at all.

At the same time, boiled beets contain a lot of useful substances. Potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins C, B, PP, E, A, folic, malic, citric, tartaric, lactic acids, fiber and pectins - this is not the whole list of useful substances that beets boiled in water are rich in .

Boiled beets, the calorie content of which is negligible, has a remarkable property: it retains most of the vitamins and minerals contained in the raw vegetable. Even under the influence of high temperatures, the fruit is able to retain useful properties for humans.

How to cook beets

Do not forget that beets, like many other products, are not recommended to be digested, the normal time for boiling beets is one hour. There are ways to cook boiled beets more quickly. For example, put beets in boiling unsalted water and cook for about 15 minutes. Then you need to pull out the vegetable and hold it under running cold water for a few more minutes. The beets will be soft and ready to cook.

Beets can also be boiled in the microwave. To do this, wash the vegetable well and pierce holes in it with a fork. Put the beets in a bag so that they do not stain household appliances, and place in the oven for 15 minutes.

Recipe for boiled beetroot cutlets

The low calorie content of boiled beets allows you to cook many tasty and healthy dishes that even dieters can eat. Even cutlets can be prepared from the root crop, which a vegetarian will also be happy to eat.

To prepare this dish you will need

  • 0.5 kg beets
  • 50 gr butter
  • 4 tbsp decoys
  • 5 tbsp breadcrumbs
  • Salt to taste

Beet cutlets can be cooked much faster than meat cutlets. Beets must be boiled for 40 minutes, then peeled and grated. Then you need to add oil, warm over a fire, stirring occasionally. Gradually add semolina, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. After that, you need to let the mixture cool slightly, add the chicken egg, salt and mix.

Now you can start forming cutlets. So that the patties are easy to make and the mixture does not stick to your hands, moisten your hands a little with water. Now you can roll the cutlets in the breading mixture and put them in a frying pan in which the melted butter is already sizzling. Fry cutlets until golden brown for three minutes on each side.

Since the calorie content of boiled beets is low, the energy value of such cutlets will also be much less compared to pork or even chicken. The calorie content of cutlets will be at the level of 100 units per 100 gr. Since the recipe contains butter and egg, the dish is not suitable for vegans.