Fruits of exotic appearance. Lychee is a healthy fruit for those who want to look their best

Litchi is a small fruit known for its amazing palatability and aroma, can grow in tropical climates. A reddish exotic fruit with a dense skin has a large supply of nutrients that can bring many benefits to the body.

What is lychee

The lychee plant is common in Southeast Asia and other areas with a tropical climate. The fruits are berries covered with a dense reddish shell, having a sweet and sour taste. The product that bears the second name " Chinese plum”, is widely used by culinary specialists to create jams, compotes, sweet sauces at home, is used in traditional medicine.

How Lychee Grows

The lychee tree can grow in China, Japan, other countries of Asia, America, Africa in a tropical climate. An adult plant reaches a height of 15-20 m. The yield is 80-140 kg of fruit per year. The Chinese strawberry tree begins to bear fruit in about 20 years. It takes a four-year period to form a stable trunk. The fruits are united in clusters, on which from 3 to 15 berries grow.

At home, you can plant the fruit with a stone, providing good drainage and soil moisture. However, experts believe that it is better to use cuttings. For successful cultivation, not only the earth, but also the air must be moistened. If you want to tropical fruit grown at home, spray and water it abundantly. You will need to additionally highlight the plant in winter.

What does a lychee look like

In the photo and pictures, the lychee berry resembles strawberries collected in clusters. The fruits are egg-shaped, the skin is bright pink, covered with small pimply formations. The shell is very dense, but it is easy to clean. The fruit in Asian countries is often called the "dragon's eye" because of the translucent pulp and large dark bone. The fruits are harvested along with the branches, as those plucked individually deteriorate very quickly.

Lychee to taste

When you taste lychee, you will realize that it resembles a mixture of grapes, honey and kiwi with a sweet and sour taste of strawberries. According to this quality, Chinese strawberries are very sweet, but juicy and fresh. Some fruits have a pronounced sourness. The real taste can be felt by eating only fresh fruits, but dried and canned ones are not without appeal. Exotic product will appeal to children and adults. You can eat a lot at a time, while the pulp of the fruit will not cause a feeling of heaviness inside the abdomen or stomach.

Useful properties of litchi

What is a lychee fruit - the benefits and harms are determined by the substances that are contained in the fruit:

  • vitamins (C, H, K, E, group B);
  • pure water;
  • proteins;
  • pectin;
  • complex carbohydrates;
  • sugar (the amount depends on the region where the tree grows);
  • fats.

The benefit of lychee lies in a rich mineral cocktail, which is represented by a combination of:

  • potassium;
  • gland;
  • zinc;
  • sulfur;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iodine;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • fluorine.

All the components contained in the fetus have a beneficial effect on the state of the body. beneficial effect expressed in support of the nervous, cardiovascular, digestive and other systems of the human body. The pulp is characterized by a small amount calories: about 70 kcal per 100 g of product. Vitamins keep you in good condition immune system and general body tone. Daily consumption of the fruit, fresh, dried or canned, is of exceptional benefit in certain diseases.

lychee fruit

In oriental medicine, lychee is widely used due to the benefits that the fruit can bring to people:

  • The exotic fruit contains potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, removing excess cholesterol.
  • The fruit is considered an effective aphrodisiac, has a tonic effect.
  • The high water content determines the ability of the fruit to quench thirst.
  • It is recommended to use the fruit if you want to lose extra pounds, since it normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, intestinal microflora, and helps fight chronic constipation. In addition, the berry dulls the feeling of hunger, gives a feeling of satiety, which is useful for weight loss.
  • The complex of vitamins in the composition of the berry successfully fights beriberi.
  • Tropical fruit is good for people who suffer from anemia because it contains a lot of iron.
  • The fruit has found wide application in the prevention of cancer. Oncology is treated with it using a combination with lemongrass.
  • The healing properties of lychee are useful for diabetes and hypoglycemia.
  • It should be used for stomach ulcers, gastritis, diseases of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.
  • The high content of vitamin C is good for the immune system.

lychee tea

In Chinese folk medicine, the lychee drink is used, which is a tea brewed on the basis of the dried peel of the fruit of the plant. Drinking is used to treat and prevent neurosis, relieve fatigue, and get rid of depression. Decoctions of flowers and seeds are also known. The first remedy will help to cope with a sore throat. The infusion has a diuretic effect. The drug from the seeds is able to relieve pain in neuralgia.

Black tea with lychee is common in stores. The drink can be consumed cold and hot with sugar and milk or cream. The liquid will help restore the tone of the body, give vigor. Drinking tea with the addition of Asian strawberry peel, you replenish your reserves of vitamin C, which improves immunity and successfully fights free radicals.

Lychee canned

On the shelves of shops you can often find canned lychee. They will be a great substitute for the usual desserts. Fruits are low in calories, so they are suitable for people on diets. Lychee has a pleasant aroma and sweet taste, while having only 14 g of carbohydrates in the composition. Canned fruit is good because it is available to the consumer at any time of the year.

Lychee extract

Lychee extract is widely used in modern cosmetology. Substance renders beneficial effect on dry and sensitive, making it soft, saturating with moisture. This component is used for the manufacture of anti-aging cosmetics. Means contribute to the fight against the aging process and withering of the skin, reduce the level of harm caused by the environment. The extract contains salts and antioxidants that soothe and bring health to the skin.

Lychee contraindications

Along with the beneficial properties of the fruit, experts distinguish lychee contraindications:

  • renal failure, severe liver disease;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • the occurrence of an allergy to the substances that make up the composition.
  • pregnancy - acceleration of lipid metabolism can provoke a miscarriage.

Video: beneficial properties of lychee fruit

Of all the known fruits, it is durian that deserves such polar characteristics. And it is even impossible to imagine how true they are. The smell of durian is so disgusting that they are not allowed into hotels, shops, elevators, taxis and other public places with it. Even with there is a special sign- durian crossed out with a red line. This means that entry with it is prohibited. Indeed, even after the fruit is eaten, such a “flavor” remains in the room that it cannot be weathered for a long time by any means. cosmetics. For the same reason, durian is not subject to long-term storage and transportation.

What only epithets do not reward his aroma! The smell of decaying flesh, rotten onion, dirty socks, toilet, rotten eggs... An Englishman who visited Siam in the 19th century describes his impression of the aroma of durian as follows: "it is akin to eating a herring with blue cheese over an open sewer manhole."

And after all this, he is called the “king of fruits”?! Is this possible? Perhaps, - Thais, Malaysians answer, - if, holding your nose and overcoming disgust, you still try the pulp of durian. And only then you will understand how “divine” taste she has. Thais claim that durian is actually sweet in taste and similar to custard from eggs and milk. According to renowned naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace, “Trying durian is a whole new experience, and a trip to the East is worth it. The more you eat durian, the less you want to be distracted by something else.” And in general, for true gourmets, this fruit proudly occupies one of the places of honor among such well-known "fragrant" delicacies as Chinese "rotten" eggs, Swedish surströmming and the famous Roquefort cheese, covered with green mold...

The name of the fruit comes from the Malay word "duri" (thorn) and the Malay suffix "an", which means " prickly fruit". Durian is native to Indonesia, Thailand, India, Ceylon, Indochina, Philippines. By the way, it is believed that the most delicious durians grow on plantations near Bangkok in Thailand. It is also cultivated on plantations in central Africa and Brazil. Usually a mature fruit weighs 2-3 kg, has a diameter of 15-25 cm and a length of 20-30 cm. It grows in large trees. It reaches a height of 15-20 meters, gives the first fruits already for 8-10 years. And then it bears fruit all year round. It blooms for less than eight hours: bright white flowers open at dusk and fall by dawn. They say that they are pollinated by bats. The fruit is by no means plucked. Ripe, it must fall by itself. If the durian falls on his head (God forbid!), then it will not seem small. Individual fruits the size of a good soccer ball weigh about 10 kg. Plus they have sharp spikes.

Unripe fruits local population cooks like boiled vegetables as part of different dishes and ripe fruits are indeed exquisite dessert of exceptional taste with a wide range of nutrients. This fruit rich in carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins. Durian pulp contains a lot complex vitamins B, and the amount of vitamin C is much more than that contained in a sweet orange. And its specific smell is attributed to the presence of organic sulfur, the healing properties of which are just being studied.

A good durian has a sweet taste, smooth texture, full-bodied like custard, flavors reminiscent of banana, mango, pineapple, overripe papaya and vanilla. The disgusting smell comes from a thick prickly peel, studded with thorns of a menacing appearance and size. Inside, the fruit is divided into slices with white walls, in each section there are three to four large shiny seeds from beige to bright yellow (depending on the variety and ripeness of the durian). They will reward with their taste everyone who can cope with the smell. Beginning gourmets and tourists most often come to the aid of a seller who can advise the right fruit - not overripe or rotten on the side, not with clots, because they usually smell strongly of hydrogen sulfide, and not underripe.

It is most convenient to eat durian with a spoon, otherwise the stubborn smell cannot be washed off with any soap. Out of habit, for the first time, durian is eaten in the same way as they drink vodka. First, they exhale air from themselves, and then sharply bring the fruit to their mouth. By the way, durian should not be washed down with strong liquor. It is not compatible with them, but for some reason many tourists neglect this advice and then suffer from severe stomach irritation. An example can be taken from the locals, they wash down the delicacy with ordinary salted water, which is poured into an empty bowl-shaped half of a giant shell.

Durian is so satisfying that having eaten a "slice" in the morning, it is easily enough until dinner. At the same time, there is not even a slight feeling of hunger.

The peoples of South Asia appreciate durian for its great taste and medicinal properties, but they buy it very rarely and most often for children, since this delicacy is sold at a fairly high price. For example, in the UK, durian can be bought for about 15-25 pounds, in the USA - for 5-20 dollars, and in Thailand itself, even in season, a small piece of pulp is sold for no less than 70 baht (about 3 US dollars) .

But the price doesn't stop tourists curious to new tastes. An illustration of getting to know durian can be the story of a certain Russian tourist, who emotionally and colorfully shared his feelings on this strange fruit on the Internet: “Do you know what onions smell like? And the rotten onion? And the vegetable store, where all the onions are rotten? This is the smell spread from this delicacy. I already had tears in my eyes. If such a meal had been offered to me at a party, I would not have touched it. But now, out of sheer stubbornness, I had to try at least a small piece and try it. Holding my nose and closing my eyes, I pinched off a piece of the oily paste that made up the inside of the durian. And then I experienced a culture shock. It tasted like the most delicate, sweet cream, reminiscent of the sweetest varieties of dried apricots, mixed with cream and chocolate. And only somewhere in the background - a slight aftertaste of baked onions. In surprise, I opened my nose - and immediately spat out this muck ... But, it was too tasty ... In general, so I ate it, pinching my nose, to the end.

Lychee is known by the names "dragon eye" or "Chinese plum". The fruit is valued for useful micro and macro elements in the composition.

Choosing the right ripe lychee in the store is easy. You need to know what features a ripe fruit has.

How to choose a ripe lychee

There are more than 100 varieties of fruit, but only 15 are popular. Therefore, when buying lychee, pay attention to its variety.


Lychee can be of different sizes and colors. However, damage to the skin is unacceptable on all - avoid fruits with dents and scratches. This indicates improper transportation and storage of fruit. Bruises will quickly begin to rot.

Pay attention to the place of the spine - it should be dry. Lychee is often sold with twigs - this increases the shelf life.


Ripe lychee smells good. Smell it near the spine. The berry exudes a delicate aroma of roses. If you hear an admixture of other smells, such as chemistry or mold, such a fruit is not worth buying.

Color outside and inside

To determine the color of a ripe lychee, you need to know its variety.

Variety Tai So

It is characterized by ovoid fruits with flat plaques. At the stage of full ripening, the color of the berry is bright red and dull. The pulp is soft translucent.


The berries are heart shaped and have a thick, soft, bright red skin. The pulp is white sweet.

Hak Yip

It has a purple-red color of the skin. The pulp is crispy, juicy, easily separated from the stone.

wai chii

The berries are round and red in color. The flesh is watery and very sweet. It has a large bone inside, which is why it becomes less popular in the market.

Kwai Mai Pink

It is characterized by spherical berries of orange-pink color. Valued for having one small bone. May be boneless. The pulp is dense, white, fragrant.

Seedles Leith

The berries have a bright brick-red berry color and a small core inside. The fruits are conical, large and oval. The pulp is white with a cream shade, sweet.


This is an early variety of lychee. Berries can be bright pink or orange.


The peculiarity is the second fetus attached to the stalk in an underdeveloped state. The color of the berry is carmine red, the stone and the fruit are large. The flesh is grayish-white, moderately sweet.


Press on the berry - the finger should not leave a deep dent or fall inward. But you should not feel excessive hardness.

The fruit should be of medium hardness - there should be no traces of pressing.

Lychee taste

If you use lychee with your eyes closed, you are unlikely to guess what is in your mouth. The consistency of the fruit is similar to grapes or plums. The taste of lychee is sweet and sour, reminiscent of strawberries and currants together. This fruit also resembles berry-fruit tea.

How to clean lychee

  1. Wash the berries under running water.
  2. Take the berry with both hands and make an incision with a fingernail or knife near the petiole.
  3. Separate the skin from the pulp with your fingers.
  4. Cut the berry in half.
  5. Remove the bone.

Lychee (otherwise "fox", "liji", "Chinese plum", "laise", "dragon eye") is a delicious and useful fruit, which can be found not only in the countries of Southeast Asia, but also in domestic supermarkets.

Recently exported to us to a greater extent from Vietnam and Thailand. Nevertheless, many still do not know what it tastes like and how to use it. The benefits and harms of the "Chinese plum" are of interest to many consumers. Let's try to figure this out.

What does a lychee look like?

This fruit is small (from 2.5 to 3.5 cm in diameter) and weighs about 15, maximum 20 g. It has an oval or ovoid shape. The reddish or pinkish lychee peel is dense, but brittle, consists of numerous tubercles. The jelly-like juicy pulp of the fruit has a white or creamy hue. It has an excellent, refreshing, sweet and sour taste and pleasant aroma. Inside the fruit is an inedible seed, oblong, dark brown in color. This is what a lychee fruit looks like, the photo clearly demonstrates this.

This interesting fruit grows in clusters on evergreen trees of the Sapindaceae family, reaching a height of 30 m. They have a dense, spreading crown. Their leaves are dense and leathery, usually a rich dark green hue. Lychee trees bloom with numerous yellowish flowers, collected in hanging inflorescences, similar to "umbrellas".

Where did this come from

China is considered to be the homeland of the lychee, where this fruit has been grown for over 1000 years. Since ancient times, the Chinese called this fruit because of the bright combination of red peel, white pulp and brown seed. In Europe, this tasty fruit was known only in the 17th century. Where does lychee grow now? Today, trees of the Sapindaceae family are actively bearing fruit in vast areas of Southeast Asia, Australia, in the countries of South America and Africa (South Africa), as well as in the southern United States. This fruit is exported to Russia mainly from the northern regions of Vietnam and Thailand. Harvested in the subtropics in May-June, cutting the bunches together with the stem part of the branch. Individually harvested fruits spoil extremely quickly and begin to ferment.

Lychee - a storehouse of vitamins and minerals

This tropical fruit has a variety as it contains a lot of vitamins. The dragon's eye is rich in valuable micro and macro elements. Lychee contains B vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Also, the "dragon eye" contains vitamins K, E, H and folic acid. Especially a lot of vitamin C in its composition. In addition, lychee is rich in healthy dietary fiber and large quantity pure water. In addition, the Chinese plum is also rich in minerals, including copper, fluorine, zinc, manganese, and iodine. It contains phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron, sulfur and potassium. The sugar content in lychee varies between 5-15% depending on where the fruit grows.

Lychee fruit. Benefit and harm

Such a high content of valuable vitamins, micro and macro elements, as well as fiber and pure water makes the "Chinese plum" extremely useful product. It saturates a person with the necessary substances, gives strength and vigor. Lychee has a wonderful tonic effect on the body as a whole, mobilizes the immune system. It has been known in China since ancient times that "dragon's eye" is the strongest natural aphrodisiac. It is able to rejuvenate the body, activate attraction and maintain "love" functions at the proper level. Lychee fruit has been successfully used for the prevention and treatment of many serious diseases. Its benefits and harms are, in fact, disproportionate. Counts,

It cannot cause serious harm to human health. But its benefits are enormous. However, it is advisable to be careful when consuming the fruit. Don't eat too much right away. a large number of litchi. Otherwise, an allergic reaction may occur. It manifests itself as acne on the skin and damage to the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. To begin with, you should try one or two fruits and track the reaction of the body. If everything is in order, you can fearlessly eat up to 250 g of "Chinese plum" per day (for adults). Children over 2 years old should consume about 100 g of fruit. In the diet one year old babies Lychee is undesirable to include. "Chinese plum" is contraindicated for those who have been found to have its individual intolerance.

How is lychee fruit used in folk medicine? how is it useful?

This tropical fruit is widely used in folk oriental medicine. It can and should be used to prevent beriberi and anemia. Lychee is often used to prevent cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis, because it contains a significant amount of potassium.

The fetus also contains nicotinic acid, which has a positive effect on lipid metabolism in the body. Helps cleanse blood from cholesterol and dilates blood vessels lychee fruit. What else is useful? It is used to normalize blood sugar levels, so it is indicated for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia. In addition, based on the "Chinese plum" are made useful decoctions and infusions that normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, have a mild laxative effect, favorably affect the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Lychee preparations are prescribed for people with lung diseases, including those suffering from bronchitis, asthma, or those with tuberculosis. These drugs make breathing easier and normalize the function of the respiratory system. Regular use Lychee is useful for those who have peptic ulcer, gastritis and pancreatic diseases. In oriental medicine, "Chinese plum" in combination with lemongrass is even used to treat cancer, including breast cancer. Is lychee peel good for you? It is no less valuable than the pulp of the fruit. Lychee peel is used to prepare decoctions and infusions that have a pronounced diuretic effect. They contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the tissues of the body, as well as increase the overall tone and improve well-being.

"Chinese plum" in diet food

Nutritionists recommend eating lychee in order to saturate the body with water, as well as reduce hunger. The "Chinese plum" contains pectin. It allows you to quickly saturate the body, giving nutrition to the beneficial intestinal microflora. Therefore, it is recommended to consume several lychee fruits before each meal, which will reduce standard portion food and do not overeat. The calorie content of lychee is only 76 kcal / 100 g, so people who carefully monitor their weight can safely eat it.

How to choose a good, fresh fruit in the store?

If you want to purchase high-quality, tasty fruits, you must be guided by the following simple rules. First, when choosing a lychee, you need to pay attention to the color of its peel. It should be pink or red. The brown color indicates that the fruit was plucked from the tree a long time ago and has already deteriorated. The taste of dark-colored lychee will be unpleasant, and the smell will be sharper and stronger. The light yellow color of the fruit, on the contrary, indicates its immaturity. This fruit is also not worth buying. Secondly, when choosing a "Chinese plum" you need to pay attention to the presence of damage. good fruit will not have any suspicious spots, dents, cracks. Thirdly, the lychee should be resilient, as if it would "burst" soon. Too soft or, conversely, hard fruit should not be taken. Fourthly, in the place where the petiole was located, there should be no white spots and mold. And finally, the smell of lychee should be pleasant, fresh, slightly reminiscent of the scent of a rose. Too heavy and sweet indicates overripe and stale fruit.

"Dragon's eye" in cooking

How to eat lychee? The fruit only needs to be washed under running water, peeled, and then removed. inedible bone. The juicy pulp of the fruit can be eaten in fresh. Reminds me of a mixture of strawberries white grapes, currants and dried apricots lychee fruit. Its taste is pleasant, sweet and sour, fresh. In addition to fresh consumption, lychee canned, dried, frozen and heat-treated. Drinks, desserts are made from it, including delicious ice cream, a variety of sauces, mousses, and jellies. On the basis of lychee, an excellent golden wine is also made, with a pleasant fruity aromatic and soft sweet and sour aftertaste.

"Dragon's eye" is also used in the preparation of dishes from game, meat and sea ​​fish. In Chinese restaurants, you can enjoy deep-fried shrimp under sweet and sour sauce with lychee (Lizhi Xia Qiu). If you manage to get a fresh "Chinese plum", be sure to try the homemade sweet and sour chicken with almonds and lychee sauce. In addition, the fruit is used in the preparation of a variety of pastries, it is added to the filling of pies and pies, cookies and cakes are made from it.

How to store lychee?

The issue of storing the "dragon's eye" deserves special attention. In general, it is advisable to eat this fruit as soon as possible - on the first day after purchase. At room temperature Lychee can be fearlessly kept for 2-3 days. In the refrigerator, at 7°C, lychee can be kept for one or two weeks, provided that the shell is intact and not damaged. In general, this fruit deteriorates quite quickly, its peel darkens and the amount of vitamins in its composition decreases. If you want to keep lychees for a long time, we advise you to peel the fruits and freeze them. You can also dry the fruit or preserve it. In China, pickled lychees are stored inside bamboo stalks. In India and Vietnam, whole fruits are dried, after which the peel becomes hard, while such fruits are called "nuts". In this article, we looked at an interesting Chinese fruit - lychee, the benefits and harms of which are of concern to many consumers. As you can see, the "Chinese plum" has practically no contraindications and therefore can be fearlessly eaten. Moreover, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and has a lot of undeniable advantages! Be sure to try this delicious exotic product.


Nicknamed the star fruit due to its original shape. The birthplace of the fruit is India, Sri Lanka, the Philippines. The fruit looks like stars only when cut across, in which it is usually used to decorate desserts and cocktails. Ripe carambola, depending on the variety, can have a sweet and sour or sweet taste, which has been compared to a mixture of apple, pear and citrus fruits. The pulp of the fruit, under the waxy crust, resembles plum in structure - it is just as juicy and a little crispy. Star fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C and antioxidants. Like grapefruit, carambola contains a large amount of oxalic acid, so people with diseased kidneys should not abuse the fruit.


Dragon fruit grows on vine-like cacti that are common in Mexico and South America. The cultivation of this fruit is also practiced in Australia and in the countries of Southeast Asia. There are several varieties of dragon fruit, depending on which skin color can be from red-pink to yellow, and the flesh color is from white to red. The weight of pitaya can vary from 150 grams to a kilogram. The fruit has a sweetish taste, which, according to some reviews, seems fresh. But due to its low calorie content, as well as high content vitamin C, phosphorus and potassium, pitaya is useful for people leading an active lifestyle. And, but you need to be scared if, after eating a red-fleshed dragon fruit, your urine turns red. This is a completely harmless phenomenon called pseudohematuria, which quickly passes.


A spherical fruit with thorns, whose diameter can reach 30 cm and weigh more than 5 kg, is called. In the countries of Southeast Asia, you can find more than three dozen varieties of durian, but only 9 of them are edible, and they smell a little like what you can eat. It is because of the smell, similar to a mixture of turpentine and rotten onions with cheese, that in some countries it is forbidden to appear with durian fruits in public places. But, despite the smell, the yellow-red pulp of the fruit is very pleasant to the taste and resembles a mixture of cream, banana and egg yolk. Durian contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, is an aphrodisiac. Contraindicated in hypertensive patients, as it increases blood pressure.


The fruits of noni or marinda citrus, bear little resemblance to fruits, they are more like potatoes. The birthplace of the fruit is South Asia. Ripe fruits are white or light yellow in color and reach 7 cm in length. The smell of the fruit is reminiscent of moldy cheese. Apparently therefore, noni is sometimes called cheese fruit. Most likely, this is due to the fact that the fruit contains many vitamins and minerals. In traditional medicine, the fruit is used to treat bowel movements, convulsions, and urinary tract infections. Despite the bitter taste and bad smell, noni is quite popular in Asia.

Jackfruit (breadfruit)

The champion of fruits in terms of the size of fruits growing on trees. Ripe fruits are yellow-green in color, up to 90 cm in diameter and up to 35 kg in weight. The flesh of the jackfruit is highly nutritious and tastes like gum, which is not surprising since it contains white, sticky latex. Jackfruit is most common in South India.

Lychee (Dragon Eye)

One of the most popular fruits in Southeast Asia. Under the hard pinkish or red crust of a small fruit, white flesh is hidden, resembling grapes in texture and a dark, elongated bone, similar to the pupil of an animal. The taste of litchi is sweet, with a slight sourness. The pulp is jelly-like, white or creamy in color, with a sweet and sour refreshing taste and pleasant aroma. Very useful. A small oval or egg-shaped fruit with a pimply red skin. Dense bumpy peel is easily separated from the pulp, inside of which there is a large brown seed. Vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6, Folic acid, C, E, biotin, macronutrients (potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus), trace elements (iron, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine) . It has a tonic effect, quenches thirst well, normalizes work digestive system, promotes weight loss, is recommended for patients with anemia, helps with constipation, is useful for diabetes, ulcers and gastritis, as well as diseases of the liver and pancreas. Lychee is the strongest aphrodisiac, due to this quality in India it is called the "fruit of love."

Mangosteen (Mangosteen)

Exotic fruit, grows in Southeast Asia. Under the burgundy-purple crust, white slices of pulp are hidden. The taste of the fruit is creamy-sweet and somewhat tart. Mangosteen is rich in vitamins B and C, phosphorus and calcium. It is a very effective antioxidant.

Kiwano or horned melon

The kiwano is originally from Africa, which is why it is sometimes called the "African cucumber". The ripe fruit is yellow or orange-red in color and is about 15 cm long. Kiwano pulp, green and jelly-like, tastes like several fruits at the same time: cucumber, lime, banana, melon. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, contains potassium and iron and is low in calories, improves immunity and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
On the surface of the peel there are processes in the form of small spikes. Inside the fruit is a jelly-like pulp of bright green color. It also contains many flat white seeds that are eaten along with the fruit. The skin of this exotic fruit is not eaten. It tastes sour-sweet or sour. It all depends on the degree of maturity of the fetus. As part of this exotic dish contains vitamins C, PP, B and others useful trace elements. The fruit perfectly tones, quenches thirst, improves immunity in case of colds.
Kiwano juice is widely used in folk medicine for wound healing. Also, its fruits are full of vitamins of the PP group and vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, remove various toxins from the body, as well as strengthen the immune system. Suitable for people with cardiovascular and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as those who want to lose weight excess weight without any harm to health.


The snake fruit comes from Indonesia. It grows in clusters, and got its nickname because of the red-brown scaly peel, which is easily removed. Inside are 3 white sweet "segments", each containing small black inedible seeds. Similar in size to a fig. Light pulp is used. Due to the high tannin content, unripe fruit has an astringent taste. It remotely resembles pineapple, but not so juicy, which is very convenient when consumed. The flesh itself can be dry, crumbly or moist and crispy with sourness. Fruits have a sweet and sour taste, similar in texture to apples. A large brown and hard bone should not be eaten.


A strange-looking fruit that looks like a fluffy strawberry. His homeland is Southeast Asia, he is called the "Chinese sucker". Fruits, 3-6 cm in diameter, have an oval shape. The flesh is slightly tough, but easily peels off the skin. The flesh of the fruit is white, almost transparent and gelatinous, with a very pleasant aroma and sweet taste. Because of the rind, rambutan is called by some the "hairy" or hairy fruit. In the fruits of rambutan we find carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins C, B 1 and B 2, as well as protein. Of the minerals, there is calcium, phosphorus, iron, as well as nicotinic acid. In smaller quantities, the fruits contain nitrogen, ash, magnesium, sodium, manganese, zinc, potassium and phosphorus. An equally valuable inclusion are the fibers that make the fruit useful for digestion. The rambutan seed contains almost 40% fats and oils, which include oleic and arachidonic acids. When the oil is heated, it begins to give off a very pleasant smell. It is used in the manufacture of cosmetic soap, other cosmetic products, as well as holiday candles.

Longan (Dragon Eye)

The juicy flesh of the longan has a sweet, juicy, very aromatic taste, with a distinct musk flavor. Longan tastes like lychee and in general, these two fruits are very similar. Like the Chinese lychee, the longan fruit contains a hard, dark red or black seed.
Longan contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, including iron, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium, as well as high amounts of vitamins A and C. Recent euphoria studies have shown that the fruit also contains phenols such as gallic acid, ellagic and corylagic acids, which indicates that the fruit may have antioxidant properties, reduce Negative influence chemotherapy drugs and protect the liver. The fruit is used to normalize sleep, reduce unreasonable excitement, and calm.

Cherimoya, or cream apple, is a deciduous plant native to the high mountainous regions of South America. The fruit of the tree has a rounded shape with 3 types of surface (lumpy, smooth or mixed). The pulp of the fruit is creamy, very fragrant, white and juicy. The taste of the fruit is said to be similar to a combination of banana, passion fruit, papaya and pineapple. Be careful - cherimoya seeds are inedible, they are spit out. The fruit is rich in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, which is extremely beneficial for the heart and blood vessels. It contains vitamin A, copper, which can improve vision and digestion. Thanks to fiber dietary fiber pulp, maintains water balance in the body. The amino acids contained in it contribute to the production of red blood cells and the maintenance of hemoglobin levels, which is very important for people suffering from anemia. Mark Twain said in 1866, "Cherimoya is the most delicious fruit known."